2018 Tennessee Code
Title 68 - Health, Safety and Environmental Protection
Chapter 12 - Treatment of Disabled Children
§ 68-12-101. Clinics for children with physical disabilities authorized -- State after-care program.
(a) In order to provide proper care, advice and approved medical and surgical treatment for children with physical disabilities, the department of health is empowered to organize and conduct local public diagnostic and operative clinics for such children, in cooperation with local lawful authorities, medical societies, social welfare, public health, or private agencies, designed to give such children expert diagnosis and advice near their homes.
(b) Such diagnosis and advice shall be rendered by orthopedic surgeons and other experts in the different parts of the state who have been approved and designated by the department.
(c) The department is further empowered to include and carry on a state program of convalescent care and follow-up work, providing after-care for the health of such children as part of its general program of health work.