2018 Tennessee Code
Title 67 - Taxes and Licenses
Chapter 4 - Privilege and Excise Taxes
Part 29 - County Powers Relief Act
§ 67-4-2906. Application.
- This part shall not apply to development of:
(1) Public buildings;
(2) Places of worship;
(3) Barns or other outbuildings used for agricultural purposes;
(4) Replacement buildings or structures for previously existing buildings and structures destroyed by fire or other disaster;
(5) A building or structure owned by a nonprofit corporation that is a qualified 501(c)(3) corporation under the federal Internal Revenue Code, codified in 26 U.S.C. § 501(c)(3); or
(6) A building or structure located in any census tract of the county that has been designated by the federal government as being eligible for federal incentives because of blight, economic distress or urban renewal, upon a proper finding by the county legislative body that the exemption is necessary to stimulate growth in these economically challenged areas.