2018 Tennessee Code
Title 4 - State Government
Chapter 3 - Creation, Organization and Powers of Administrative Departments and Divisions
Part 7 - Department of Economic and Community Development
§ 4-3-728. Community development block grants to disadvantaged businesses.
(a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, in the allocation and use of community development block grants it is the policy of this state that a substantial portion of such grants shall be utilized whenever reasonably possible for the development of contracts with disadvantaged businesses as defined in § 4-26-102.
(b) The office of business enterprise in the department of economic and community development shall advise the commissioner, or any other official with authority to allocate or disperse community block grants, of disadvantaged businesses that should be considered as recipients of such block grants.
(c) The office of business enterprise shall annually report not later than December 1, to the general assembly, of all such advisements regarding disadvantaged businesses and the number of or amount of community block grants received by disadvantaged businesses.