2018 Tennessee Code
Title 4 - State Government
Chapter 3 - Creation, Organization and Powers of Administrative Departments and Divisions
Part 7 - Department of Economic and Community Development
§ 4-3-719. Grants from the P.R.E.P. fund.
(a) Grants from the P.R.E.P. fund created in § 4-3-718 may be made in all counties where the commissioner of economic and community development determines that the grants will have a direct impact on employment and investment opportunities in the future.
(b) Grants from the P.R.E.P. fund may be made only to local governments or their economic development organizations, other political subdivisions of the state, any subdivision of state government, or to not-for-profit organizations.
(c) Grants from the P.R.E.P. fund may be used to facilitate economic development activities in rural areas or in a manner that directly impacts rural areas. These activities include: site development activities; infrastructure activities; tourism-related activities; planning activities; training and mentoring activities; entrepreneurship activities; significant technological improvements; or other economic development activities determined by the commissioner of economic and community development to have a beneficial impact on the economy of this state.
(d) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the department shall post the following information on its web site at least quarterly:
(1) The name of each P.R.E.P. fund grant recipient;
(2) The amount of each P.R.E.P. fund grant; and
(3) A description of the project to be funded by each P.R.E.P. fund grant.