2018 Tennessee Code
Title 4 - State Government
Chapter 3 - Creation, Organization and Powers of Administrative Departments and Divisions
Part 28 - Nonprofit Organization for Support and Enhancement of Volunteer Tennessee
§ 4-3-2808. Gifts and donations.
(a) Any monetary gifts, donations, or other good or service received by the department or the commissioner from a citizen support organization and designated by the citizen support organization for the benefit of a Volunteer Tennessee program, shall be deposited directly to the account for the specific program of Volunteer Tennessee or to the general account for direct support to Volunteer Tennessee, shall not revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year and shall be retained in the account until expended, notwithstanding any law to the contrary.
(b) Any gifts of equipment, materials, or other personal property to Volunteer Tennessee shall be used solely at Volunteer Tennessee unless the commissioner determines such property should be used for another program.