2018 Tennessee Code
Title 4 - State Government
Chapter 3 - Creation, Organization and Powers of Administrative Departments and Divisions
Part 22 - Department of Tourist Development
§ 4-3-2207. Regional tourist promotion -- State assistance.
(a) It is the intent of the state to assist financially with the development of regional plans for tourist promotion and for coordination of activities thereunder.
(b) From and after the creation of any regularly chartered, nonprofit tourist promotion organization or a tax exempt public agency representing all the area within a planning region of this state as delineated by the [former] state planning office and reiterated by Executive Order No. 17, and when the local people shall indicate their willingness to contribute financially, then the state shall be authorized to match such local contributions up to a maximum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) annually on the basis of two dollars ($2.00) in matching state funds for each one dollar ($1.00) contributed by the local people involved. The aggregate of such funds may also be used for purposes of matching various federal programs of assistance for tourist promotion. Cities and counties are specifically authorized to appropriate and expend funds for carrying out the purposes of this section and §§ 4-3-2204, 4-3-2206, and 4-3-2208.
(c) Each organization operating under this section and §§ 4-3-2204, 4-3-2206, and 4-3-2208 shall operate subject to the supervision and control of the commissioner of tourist development.
(d) State funds shall be contributed to any such organization only upon recommendation of the commissioner of tourist development and the approval by the commissioner of finance and administration.
(e) Each organization operating under this section and §§ 4-3-2204, 4-3-2206, and 4-3-2208 shall prepare an annual audit report of its activities through June 30 of each year, and submit a copy of such report to the governor and the general assembly, and the commissioner of tourist development. Financial records of each participating organization shall be subject to audit by the comptroller of the treasury.
(f) Funds appropriated to implement this section are subject to the approval of the governor and the commissioner of tourist development. Such funds or portions thereof shall be paid only upon certification by the appropriate official of each participating organization that matching local funds are available.
(g) Such funds shall be from the appropriations of the department of tourist development, tourism division and shall be used for the sole purpose of permitting the state to match funds contributed by the local people involved. Any such funds not distributed under this section shall revert to the general fund at the end of the fiscal year.