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2021 South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 32 - Motor Vehicles
Chapter 12 - Driver Licenses And Permits
- Section 32-12-1 - Definitions.
- Section 32-12-1.1 - Lawful status defined.
- Section 32-12-2 - Payment of fee--Limitation on attempts to pass examination--Form.
- Section 32-12-3 - Contents of application--Certification.
- Section 32-12-3.1 - Identification to be submitted with application--Copy of documentation to be retained by department--Violation as misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-3.2 - Promulgation of rules.
- Section 32-12-3.3 - Evidence of lawful status in U.S. to be presented with application.
- Section 32-12-3.4 - Evidence of social security number or nonwork authorized status to be presented with application.
- Section 32-12-3.5 - Documents with applicant's name and residence address to be presented with application.
- Section 32-12-4 - Examination of applicant--Place of examination--Time of examination.
- Section 32-12-4.1 - Classes of vehicles--Qualifications and examination.
- Section 32-12-4.2 - 32-12-4.2 to 32-12-4.4.Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §§2 to 4.
- Section 32-12-4.5 - Rules authorized for medical and vision standards of drivers.
- Section 32-12-4.6 - 32-12-4.6, 32-12-4.7.Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §§5, 6.
- Section 32-12-4.8 - Low-speed vehicle operation.
- Section 32-12-5 - 32-12-5.Repealed by SL 1970, ch 172.
- Section 32-12-5.1 - Denial of license or permit to person subject to convulsions or blackouts--Temporary permit on applicant's statement.
- Section 32-12-6 - Minors under age of eighteen--Authorization by parental authority.
- Section 32-12-7 - Cancellation on request of parental authority.
- Section 32-12-8 - Cancellation upon death of parental authority--New application.
- Section 32-12-9 - 32-12-9.Superseded.
- Section 32-12-10 - 32-12-10.Transferred to §32-12-3.1.
- Section 32-12-11 - Application for license or permit--Persons at least fourteen and less than eighteen--Instruction permit--Restrictions.
- Section 32-12-11.1 - Motorcycle instruction permit--Application requirements--Examination and fee--Restrictions.
- Section 32-12-12 - Restricted minor's permit--Restrictions on operation.
- Section 32-12-12.1 - Motorcycle restricted minor's permit--Application requirements--Examination and fee--Restrictions.
- Section 32-12-12.2 - 32-12-12.2.Repealed by SL 2010, ch 160, §2.
- Section 32-12-12.3 - Upgrading restricted minor's permit by mail or electronically.
- Section 32-12-12.4 - Enforcement of prohibition of use of wireless communication device.
- Section 32-12-12.5 - Restricted Minor's Permit--Passenger Limit.
- Section 32-12-13 - Weight of vehicle operated under restricted minor's permit--Agricultural machinery.
- Section 32-12-14 - Vehicles operable under restricted minor's permit.
- Section 32-12-14.1 - Restrictions voided at age eighteen--Suspension or revocation for conviction committed before age eighteen.
- Section 32-12-15 - Permits issued on probationary basis--Suspension--Exception.
- Section 32-12-15.1 - Suspension of permit upon conviction for violation of permit conditions.
- Section 32-12-16 - Fee for original or renewal license--Fee for duplicate or changed license--Disposition of fee.
- Section 32-12-17 - Issuance of license--Qualifications.
- Section 32-12-17.1 - Issuance of motorcycle operator's license--Requirements.
- Section 32-12-17.2 - Nondriver identification cards--Fee--Renewal and expiration.
- Section 32-12-17.3 - Display or possession of canceled, fictitious or fraudulently altered nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-17.4 - Unlawful use of nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-17.5 - Displaying another's nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-17.6 - Loaning nondriver identification card prohibited--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-17.7 - Bar code on license--Criminal information.
- Section 32-12-17.8 - Bar code on license--Medical information.
- Section 32-12-17.9 - Bar code on license--Information allowed.
- Section 32-12-17.10 - Contents of license or permit--Barcode.
- Section 32-12-17.11 - Maintenance of photographic files.
- Section 32-12-17.12 - Registration with Selective Service as condition for obtaining certain licenses--Department to forward personal information to Selective Service--Application deemed consent to register with Selective Service.
- Section 32-12-17.13 - Social security number on driver license or nondriver identification card prohibited.
- Section 32-12-17.14 - Either driver license or nondriver identification card held by same person to be marked as not acceptable for federal purposes.
- Section 32-12-17.15 - Veteran designation on license or card.
- Section 32-12-18 - Surrender of previously issued license--Prohibition against more than one license--Temporary license issued when examination failed.
- Section 32-12-19 - Temporary permit pending issuance of license.
- Section 32-12-20 - Cancellation of license to which not entitled--Surrender of canceled license.
- Section 32-12-21 - Privilege conferred by issuance of license--Authority of local governments.
- Section 32-12-22 - Prohibition against driving without license--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-22.1 - License not required for operation of tractor or implement in farm operations--Operation within municipality prohibited after revocation or suspension of license.
- Section 32-12-23 - Government employees exempt from licensing requirement.
- Section 32-12-24 - Nonresident out-of-state licensee exempt from licensing requirement.
- Section 32-12-25 - 32-12-25.Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §22.
- Section 32-12-26 - Reciprocity respecting nonresident provisions.
- Section 32-12-26.1 - Period of residency for purpose of licensing requirement.
- Section 32-12-27 - Military personnel, domestic volunteers, and dependents with out-of-state license exempt.
- Section 32-12-28 - Students in driver education class exempt from licensing requirement--Conditions attached to operation.
- Section 32-12-29 - Unlicensable persons--Minors under sixteen--Exceptions.
- Section 32-12-30 - Unlicensable persons--Suspended or revoked license or privilege to drive--Exceptions--Out-of-state suspension.
- Section 32-12-31 - Unlicensable persons--Habitual alcohol or drug user.
- Section 32-12-32 - Unlicensable persons--Physical or mental capability--Promulgation of rules.
- Section 32-12-33 - Unlicensable persons--Failure to pass examination.
- Section 32-12-34 - Unlicensable persons--Failure to deposit proof of financial responsibility.
- Section 32-12-35 - Unlicensable persons--Driving inimical to public safety or welfare.
- Section 32-12-36 - Issuance of restricted license.
- Section 32-12-36.1 - 32-12-36.1.Transferred to §32-12-12.2.
- Section 32-12-37 - Special restricted license--Restrictions stated upon ordinary license.
- Section 32-12-38 - Violation of restriction--Suspension or revocation.
- Section 32-12-38.1 - 32-12-38.1.Transferred to §32-12-15.1.
- Section 32-12-39 - Requirement that license be in possession of driver--Display of license--Violation as petty offense.
- Section 32-12-40 - Production of license in court--License expired for not more than thirty days--Postponement of sentencing pending renewal.
- Section 32-12-41 - Lost or destroyed license--Issuance of duplicate--Fee--Affidavit.
- Section 32-12-42 - Expiration of license or permit--Period for renewal--Application and fee--Waiver of tests.
- Section 32-12-42.1 - Expiration of license, permit or identification card issued to individual under twenty-one years of age.
- Section 32-12-42.2 - Expiration of license issued to person not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
- Section 32-12-43 - Eyesight examination required for renewal--Exception.
- Section 32-12-43.1 - Application by mail or electronically for replacement or renewal.
- Section 32-12-43.2 - Promulgation of rules on renewal by mail or electronic renewal.
- Section 32-12-44 - 32-12-44, 32-12-44.1.Repealed by SL 1985, ch 253, §§3, 4.
- Section 32-12-45 - Extended term of license or permit held by active duty member of armed forces, spouse, or dependent--Renewal.
- Section 32-12-45.1 - 32-12-45.1.Repealed by SL 2018, ch 191, §2.
- Section 32-12-46 - Cause for suspension or revocation of license--Notice and examination--Failure to submit to examination--Issuance of restricted license.
- Section 32-12-47 - Duration for which license may be suspended--Exceptions.
- Section 32-12-47.1 - Renewal or restoration after suspension, revocation or disqualification--Time--Application--Fee--Examination.
- Section 32-12-47.2 - Revocation and suspension defined--Conditions for reinstatement after revocation or suspension.
- Section 32-12-47.3 - Application for license when time for suspension or revocation has expired--Violation.
- Section 32-12-48 - Commencement of period of revocation for driving under the influence--Reinstatement application and fee--Investigation--Restrictions imposed by court.
- Section 32-12-49 - Suspension, revocation or cancellation after opportunity for hearing--Grounds--Old offenses not considered--Rules.
- Section 32-12-49.1 - Point system for offenses--Number of points charged.
- Section 32-12-49.2 - Point accumulation subjecting license or permit to suspension.
- Section 32-12-49.3 - Suspension based on licensee's record.
- Section 32-12-49.4 - Restricted license for employment or school purposes when driving privilege has been withdrawn--Rules.
- Section 32-12-50 - 32-12-50.Repealed by SL 1975, ch 204, §2.
- Section 32-12-51 - Suspension or revocation of nonresident driving privileges.
- Section 32-12-52 - 32-12-52.Repealed by SL 1992, ch 220, §9.
- Section 32-12-52.1 - Mandatory revocation of license--Conviction of driving under the influence.
- Section 32-12-52.2 - 32-12-52.2.Reserved.
- Section 32-12-52.3 - Revocation for drug-related offenses.
- Section 32-12-52.4 - Suspension for certain alcohol-related offenses by a minor.
- Section 32-12-52.5 - Suspension or revocation of or restrictions on driving privileges of juveniles.
- Section 32-12-53 - Conviction defined.
- Section 32-12-54 - Record of conviction or noncompliance with citation forwarded by court to department.
- Section 32-12-55 - Surrender of license to court upon conviction--Forwarding license to department.
- Section 32-12-56 - Suspension or revocation for out-of-state conviction--Grounds.
- Section 32-12-56.1 - Entry and implementation of nonresident violators and driver license compact.
- Section 32-12-56.2 - Suspension, revocation, or disqualification for out-of-state conviction or final administrative decision.
- Section 32-12-57 - Surrender of suspended or revoked license to department.
- Section 32-12-58 - Operation of vehicle under license issued in other jurisdiction prohibited during suspension or revocation.
- Section 32-12-59 - 32-12-59.Repealed by SL 1997, ch 189, §1.
- Section 32-12-59.1 - 32-12-59.1.Repealed by SL 1989, ch 265, §25.
- Section 32-12-60 - Records kept by department.
- Section 32-12-61 - Individual records of accidents, convictions, disqualifications, and other licensing actions--Certain convictions and accidents recorded separately.
- Section 32-12-61.1 - Problem driver point system abstract.
- Section 32-12-62 - Record of out-of-state convictions upon application by new resident.
- Section 32-12-63 - Forwarding record of nonresident's convictions to jurisdiction of residence.
- Section 32-12-64 - Forwarding record without charge.
- Section 32-12-65 - Driving while license is revoked, suspended, or canceled--Misdemeanors.
- Section 32-12-66 - Extension of period of suspension for driving while license or privilege suspended--Delayed issuance of new license for driving while license revoked.
- Section 32-12-67 - Possession of revoked or altered license--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-68 - Failure to surrender suspended, revoked or canceled operator's license--Fee and mileage due officer for securing possession--Violation as misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-69 - Permitting unlawful use of driver license--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-70 - Displaying another's license--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-71 - Permitting unauthorized use of license by another--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-72 - Allowing unauthorized person to use vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-73 - Permitting unauthorized minor to use vehicle--Violation as misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-74 - Unauthorized use of vehicle under restricted license--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-75 - 32-12-75.Repealed by SL 1983, ch 239, §3.
- Section 32-12-75.1 - False representation or nondisclosure to obtain license or nondriver identification card as misdemeanor--Suspension or disqualification of license.
- Section 32-12-75.2 - Counterfeiting, forging, or altering any driver license or nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-75.3 - Sale, offer for sale, or distribution of any counterfeited, forged, or altered driver license or nondriver identification card--Misdemeanor.
- Section 32-12-76 - 32-12-76.Repealed by SL 2001, ch 171, §70.
- Section 32-12-77 - 32-12-77 to 32-12-90.Transferred to §§32-12A-1 to 32-12A-14.
- Section 32-12-91 - 32-12-91 to 32-12-99.1.Transferred to §§32-12A-16 to 32-12A-25.
- Section 32-12-100 - 32-12-100.Transferred to §32-12A-28.
- Section 32-12-101 - 32-12-101 to 32-12-103.Transferred to §§32-12A-29 to 32-12A-31.
- Section 32-12-104 - 32-12-104 to 32-12-115.Transferred to §§32-12A-36 to 32-12A-50.
- Section 32-12-116 - Restrictions on issuing license to person in arrears for child support--Notice of intent to revoke license--Request for hearing--Promulgation of rules.
- Section 32-12-117 - 32-12-117.Transferred to §32-12A-51.
- Section 32-12-118 - 32-12-118.Transferred to §32-12-61.1.
- Section 32-12-119 - 32-12-119 to 32-12-121.Transferred to §§32-12A-52 to 32-12A-54.
- Section 32-12-122 - 32-12-122 to 32-12-124.Transferred to §§32-12A-56 to 32-12A-58.
- Section 32-12-125 - Fees only used for operating driver licensing program.
- Section 32-12-126 - License applications and examination materials--Language.
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