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2013 South Dakota Codified Laws
Title 58 - INSURANCE
Chapter 15 - Life Insurance And Annuities
- § 58-15-1 Application of chapter.
- § 58-15-2 "Industrial life insurance" defined.
- § 58-15-3 Investment of trust funds in life insurance and annuities.
- § 58-15-4 Standard provisions required in policy of life insurance, exceptions.
- § 58-15-5 Standard provisions inapplicable to annuity contract or health or accidentbenefits.
- § 58-15-6 Standard provisions inapplicable to single premium or term policies.
- § 58-15-7 Description of policy in title.
- § 58-15-8 Entire contract contained in policy and application--Statement of applicantnot deemed a warranty.
- § 58-15-8.1 Notice of right of cancellation after receipt of policy--"Free look"provision.
- § 58-15-8.2 Issuance of policies by insurance company or fraternal benefit society--Delivery receipts--Certificates of mailing--Term of retention.
- § 58-15-9 Effect of misstatement in policy regarding age.
- § 58-15-10 Incontestability provision required--Exceptions.
- § 58-15-11 Exclusions and restrictions unaffected by incontestability clause.
- § 58-15-12 Payment of premiums provision.
- § 58-15-13 Grace period in policy.
- § 58-15-14 Automatic premium loan--Provision optional with insurer.
- § 58-15-15 Insurance policy loan--Security--Maximum amount--Private placementpolicies.
- § 58-15-15.1 , 58-15-15.2. Repealed.
- § 58-15-15.3 Repealed.
- § 58-15-15.4 Insurance policy loan--Definition of terms.
- § 58-15-15.5 "Published monthly average" defined.
- § 58-15-15.6 Insurance policy loan--Permitted interest rates.
- § 58-15-15.7 Insurance policy loan--Allowable rate under adjustable maximum interestrate.
- § 58-15-15.8 Insurance policy loan--Determination of interest under adjustablemaximum interest rate.
- § 58-15-15.9 Insurance policy loan--Notice of interest rate to policyholder.
- § 58-15-15.10 Insurance policy loan--Loan value of policy.
- § 58-15-15.11 Insurance policy loan--Provisions of statutes required in policies.
- § 58-15-15.12 Insurance policy loan--Application of statutes on interest rates to priorcontracts.
- § 58-15-15.13 Private placement policy defined.
- § 58-15-16 Loans on policies issued prior to the adoption of standard policyprovisions--Loan value--Deferment of application--Private placementpolicies.
- § 58-15-17 Loans on policies under standard policy provisions--Loan value--Deferment of application--Private placement policies.
- § 58-15-18 Loan value of policy--Indebtedness deducted.
- § 58-15-19 Delinquent interest on policy loan exceeding amount of loan value--Termination of policy, notice.
- § 58-15-20 Policy loan provisions inapplicable to term insurance or industrial lifeinsurance policies.
- § 58-15-21 Nonforfeiture of benefits--Cash surrender value--Provisions required inpolicies.
- § 58-15-22 Reinstatement provisions required in policy.
- § 58-15-23 Participating policies--Annual dividends, ascertainment, andapportionment.
- § 58-15-24 Participating policies--Rights of policyholder to dividends.
- § 58-15-25 Participating industrial life insurance policies--Annual participation ofpolicy in divisible surplus.
- § 58-15-26 Payment of claims for benefits--Private placement policies.
- § 58-15-26.1 Insurers to pay interest on life insurance proceeds.
- § 58-15-26.2 Computation of interest.
- § 58-15-26.3 Interest not required where beneficiary elects to receive other than lumpsum payment.
- § 58-15-26.4 Notice to beneficiary of interest.
- § 58-15-26.5 Application limited.
- § 58-15-27 Beneficiary to be designated in industrial life policy--Change ofbeneficiary--Endorsement on policy.
- § 58-15-28 Industrial life policy--Payment of benefits.
- § 58-15-29 Installment payments--Table of guaranteed installments required.
- § 58-15-30 Nonforfeiture benefits in policies issued prior to the adoption of standardnonforfeiture law.
- § 58-15-31 Nonforfeiture benefits in policies issued under standard nonforfeiture law.
- § 58-15-32 Nonforfeiture benefit provisions which may be omitted--Deferred paymentof cash surrender value--Private placement policies.
- § 58-15-33 Cash surrender value--Amount available under policy on default ofpremium--Paid-up policy.
- § 58-15-34 Paid-up nonforfeiture benefits--Default in payment of premium.
- § 58-15-35 Adjustment of premiums under nonforfeiture provisions.
- § 58-15-36 Amount of insurance varying with duration of policy--Adjustment ofpremiums.
- § 58-15-37 Adjusted premiums--Term insurance benefits provided by rider orsupplemental policy.
- § 58-15-38 Adjusted premiums and present values--Computation.
- § 58-15-39 Default in payment of premium--Computation of cash surrender value andpaid-up nonforfeiture benefit.
- § 58-15-40 Additional accident benefits--Premiums disregarded in ascertaining cashsurrender value.
- § 58-15-41 Nonforfeiture benefit provision inapplicable to reinsurance, groupinsurance, annuity contracts, or term insurance.
- § 58-15-42 Notice by company of election to comply with nonforfeiture benefitprovisions--Filing with director.
- § 58-15-43 Citation of standard nonforfeiture law for life insurance.
- § 58-15-43.1 Adjusted premiums--Calculation on annual basis.
- § 58-15-43.2 "Nonforfeiture net level premium" defined.
- § 58-15-43.3 Initial calculation of changes in benefits or premiums--Recalculation afterchange.
- § 58-15-43.4 Recalculated future adjusted premiums.
- § 58-15-43.5 Additional expense allowance.
- § 58-15-43.6 Recalculated nonforfeiture net level premium.
- § 58-15-43.7 Substandard policy--Calculation of adjusted premiums and present value.
- § 58-15-43.8 Adjusted premiums and present values--Calculation--Applicableprocedures and tables.
- § 58-15-43.9 Nonforfeiture interest rate per annum.
- § 58-15-43.10 Refiling of nonforfeiture values or methods of computation.
- § 58-15-43.11 Notice of election to comply with revised nonforfeiture.
- § 58-15-43.12 Insurance plans to conform to minimum standards of nonforfeiture laws.
- § 58-15-43.13 Default in payment of premium--Amount of cash surrender value--Amount of nonforfeiture factor--Policies issued after January 1, 1986.
- § 58-15-44 Dating back of application for insurance to reduce premium prohibited--Contract not invalidated.
- § 58-15-45 Excluding or restricting coverage in case of death--Permissible exclusions.
- § 58-15-46 Excluding or restricting coverage in case of death--Return of premiums,adjustment for indebtedness and dividend credits.
- § 58-15-47 Prohibited policy provisions--Person soliciting insurance or annuityinsurance producer of insured.
- § 58-15-48 Prohibited policy provisions--Construction of contract according to lawsof other state or country.
- § 58-15-49 Prohibited policy provisions--Rights and obligations of insured undercontract governed by law of other state.
- § 58-15-50 Prohibited policy provisions--Depriving courts of jurisdiction of actionagainst insurer.
- § 58-15-51 Limitation of action on policy--Minimum time.
- § 58-15-52 Prohibited policy provisions inapplicable to group life insurance, healthinsurance, reinsurance, annuities, and accident benefits under lifeinsurance policy.
- § 58-15-53 Use of prohibited policy provision which is more favorable to insured.
- § 58-15-54 Prohibited policy provisions in industrial life insurance--Denial of liabilitybecause of other insurance.
- § 58-15-55 Prohibited policy provisions in industrial life insurance--Right to declarepolicy void because of disease or ailment of insured.
- § 58-15-56 Prohibited policy provisions in industrial life insurance--Right to declarepolicy void because insured rejected for insurance.
- § 58-15-57 Annuity and endowment contracts--Standard provisions required,exceptions.
- § 58-15-58 Standard provisions of annuity and endowment contracts inapplicable todeferred annuities under life insurance policies.
- § 58-15-59 Annuities and endowments--Entire agreement contained in contract andapplication.
- § 58-15-59.1 Right of annuitant or purchaser to cancel after receipt of contract--Effectof cancellation.
- § 58-15-59.2 Issuance of policies by insurance company or fraternal benefit society--Delivery receipts--Certificates of mailing--Term of retention.
- § 58-15-60 Effect of misstatement of age or sex in annuity or endowment contract.
- § 58-15-61 Incontestability provision in annuity or endowment contract.
- § 58-15-62 Grace period in annuity or endowment contract.
- § 58-15-63 Participating annuity or endowment contract--Ascertainment andapportionment of divisible surplus.
- § 58-15-64 Reinstatement provision required in annuity or endowment contract.
- § 58-15-65 Reversionary annuity contract--Standard provisions.
- § 58-15-66 Reinstatement provision required in reversionary annuity contract.
- § 58-15-67 Reversionary annuity contract provisions inapplicable to group annuitiesor to annuities included in life insurance policies.
- § 58-15-68 Incontestability provisions after reinstatement of life insurance policy orannuity contract.
- § 58-15-69 Reinstated life insurance policy or annuity contract--Limitation of liability.
- § 58-15-70 Policy settlements by life insurer.
- § 58-15-71 Life insurance policy--Restrictions on issuing and delivering.
- § 58-15-72 to 58-15-81. Repealed.
- § 58-15-82 Uniform life insurance and annuity request forms--Director to adopt byrule--Insurers to accept.
- § 58-15-83 Plans excluded from application of §§ 58-15-83 to 58-15-93, inclusive.
- § 58-15-84 Provisions required in annuity contracts.
- § 58-15-85 Minimum values based on minimum nonforfeiture amounts--Minimumnonforfeiture amounts defined.
- § 58-15-86 Present value of paid-up annuity benefit--Computation.
- § 58-15-87 Cash surrender benefits--Calculation of minimum--Death benefit.
- § 58-15-88 Contracts without cash surrender benefits--Contracts not providing deathbenefits prior to commencement of payments--Present value calculations.
- § 58-15-89 Election to have payments commence at optional maturity date--Maturitydate used for calculation of benefits.
- § 58-15-90 Contracts without cash surrender benefits or death benefits at least equalto minimum nonforfeiture amount--Statement in contract.
- § 58-15-91 Lapse of time and payments beyond cessation year allowed forcalculations.
- § 58-15-92 Annuity and life insurance benefits in excess of greater of cash surrenderbenefits or return of gross considerations with interest--Minimumnonforfeiture benefits--Additional benefits.
- § 58-15-93 Election to apply provisions of §§ 58-15-83 to 58-15-93 to annuitycontracts--Application of provisions after second anniversary.
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