There Is a Newer Version of the South Dakota Codified Laws
2012 South Dakota Codified Laws
Chapter 10. Uniform State Code Of Military Justice
- §33-10-1 to 33-10-19. Repealed.
- §33-10-20 Definitions.
- §33-10-21 Persons subject to this code.
- §33-10-22 Subject matter jurisdiction--Primary jurisdiction.
- §33-10-23 Jurisdiction over persons charged with fraudulent discharge.
- §33-10-24 Jurisdiction over deserters.
- §33-10-25 Applicability to persons in duty status or where nexus exists between offense and state military functions--Civilian jurisdiction.
- §33-10-26 Extraterritorial jurisdiction.
- §33-10-27 Judge advocate supervision.
- §33-10-28 Communication with judge advocates.
- §33-10-29 Judge advocate to reviewing authority.
- §33-10-30 Apprehension defined.
- §33-10-31 Persons authorized to apprehend upon probable cause.
- §33-10-32 Quelling of or apprehension for quarrels, frays, and disorders.
- §33-10-33 Extradition.
- §33-10-34 Fees for apprehension.
- §33-10-35 Arrest and confinement defined.
- §33-10-36 Arrest or confinement of enlisted member.
- §33-10-37 Arrest or confinement of commissioned officer, warrant officer, or civilian.
- §33-10-38 Probable cause to arrest or confine.
- §33-10-39 Custody before notification of proper authority.
- §33-10-40 Notice of offense--Diligent steps for trial or dismissal.
- §33-10-41 Place of confinement.
- §33-10-42 Receiving of prisoners.
- §33-10-43 Reports of prisoners.
- §33-10-44 Confinement with enemy prisoners prohibited.
- §33-10-45 Punishment prohibited before trial.
- §33-10-46 Delivery of offenders to civil authorities.
- §33-10-47 Completion of sentence of court martial upon return from civil authority.
- §33-10-48 Failure of enlisted member to report for duty--Arrest--Fees.
- §33-10-49 Arrest or confinement for disobedience or disruption--Trespassers.
- §33-10-50 Commanding officer's non-judicial punishment.
- §33-10-51 Forms of punishment by any commanding officer.
- §33-10-52 Forms of punishment by major, lieutenant commander, or above.
- §33-10-53 Forms of punishment by Governor, adjutant general, or certain other officers.
- §33-10-54 Duration of consecutive punishments.
- §33-10-55 Arrest in quarters or restriction--Notice regarding right to trial by court-martial.
- §33-10-56 Suspension or mitigation of punishment.
- §33-10-57 Appeal.
- §33-10-58 Punishment not a bar to trial by court-martial or civilian court--Consideration of disciplinary punishment.
- §33-10-59 Forfeiture of pay.
- §33-10-60 Promulgation of rules regarding records. PART IV. COURT-MARTIAL JURISDICTION.
- §33-10-61 Courts-martial classified.
- §33-10-62 Jurisdiction of courts-martial in general.
- §33-10-63 Jurisdiction of general courts-martial.
- §33-10-64 Jurisdiction of special courts-martial.
- §33-10-65 Jurisdiction of summary courts-martial.
- §33-10-66 Objection to trial by summary courts-martial.
- §33-10-67 Who may convene general courts-martial.
- §33-10-68 Who may convene special courts-martial.
- §33-10-69 Who may convene summary courts-martial.
- §33-10-70 Commissioned officer service on courts-martial.
- §33-10-71 Warrant officer service on courts-martial.
- §33-10-72 Enlisted member service on courts-martial.
- §33-10-73 Court-martial member to be senior to accused.
- §33-10-74 Qualifications of court-martial member.
- §33-10-75 Excuse of court-martial member from participating.
- §33-10-76 Military judge detailed to general and special court-martial.
- §33-10-77 Qualifications of military judge.
- §33-10-78 Admission of military judge pro hac vice.
- §33-10-79 Designation of military judge--Performance report prohibited.
- §33-10-80 Military judge may not be accuser, witness, investigator, or counsel.
- §33-10-81 Consultation with members of court.
- §33-10-82 Detail of trial counsel and defense counsel.
- §33-10-83 Counsel may not have been investigator, military judge, witness, court member, or opposing counsel.
- §33-10-84 Qualifications of counsel.
- §33-10-85 Admission of defense counsel pro hac vice--Qualifications.
- §33-10-86 Detail or employment of court reporters and interpreters.
- §33-10-87 Absent members of court-martial.
- §33-10-88 Additional members of general court-martial.
- §33-10-89 Additional members of special court-martial.
- §33-10-90 Court-martial composed of military judge only--Procedure when military judge unable to proceed.
- §33-10-91 Marshal--Duties.
- §33-10-92 Compensation of marshal.
- §33-10-93 Malfeasance of sheriff or marshal.
- §33-10-94 Immunity of court members.
- §33-10-95 Charges and specifications.
- §33-10-96 Compulsory self-incrimination prohibited.
- §33-10-97 Advice of right to remain silent.
- §33-10-98 Compulsory self-degradation prohibited.
- §33-10-99 Exclusion of evidence.
- §33-10-100 Investigation of charges.
- §33-10-101 Notice to accused of charges--Right to counsel--Examination of witnesses--Statement of testimony.
- §33-10-102 Demand for further investigation.
- §33-10-103 Investigation of uncharged offenses.
- §33-10-104 Nonjurisdictional error.
- §33-10-105 Forwarding of charges.
- §33-10-106 Advice of judge advocate regarding charge.
- §33-10-107 Contents of judge advocate's statement--Reference for trial.
- §33-10-108 Correction of charges or specifications.
- §33-10-109 Service of charges.
- §33-10-110 Promulgation of procedural rules by Governor or adjutant general.
- §33-10-111 Unlawfully influencing action of court.
- §33-10-112 Report of performance as court-martial member, witness, or counsel prohibited.
- §33-10-113 Qualifications of trial counsel--Preparation of record.
- §33-10-114 Qualifications of defense counsel--Rights of accused.
- §33-10-115 Duties of defense counsel in court-martial proceeding resulting in conviction.
- §33-10-116 Sessions without presence of court-martial members--Record.
- §33-10-117 Presence of accused, counsel, and military judge at proceedings--Exception.
- §33-10-118 Continuances.
- §33-10-119 Challenges for cause.
- §33-10-120 Procedure when court members reduced below minimum by challenge for cause.
- §33-10-121 Peremptory challenges.
- §33-10-122 Procedure when court members reduced below minimum by peremptory challenge.
- §33-10-123 Challenges after additional members are detailed.
- §33-10-124 Oath of military judge, court-martial member, trial counsel, defense counsel, reporter, and interpreter.
- §33-10-125 Oath of witness.
- §33-10-126 Statute of limitations.
- §33-10-127 Unauthorized absence excluded in computing limitation period.
- §33-10-128 Absence from territory excluded in computing limitation period.
- §33-10-129 Limitation period during wartime.
- §33-10-130 Statute of limitations for new charges and specifications following dismissal for defect or insufficiency.
- §33-10-131 Conditions for new charges and specifications.
- §33-10-132 Former jeopardy.
- §33-10-133 Jeopardy where accused found guilty.
- §33-10-134 Jeopardy where accused not found guilty.
- §33-10-135 Not guilty plea.
- §33-10-136 Finding upon guilty plea--Withdrawal of guilty plea.
- §33-10-137 Opportunity to obtain witnesses and other evidence.
- §33-10-138 Refusal to appear or testify.
- §33-10-139 Witness fees.
- §33-10-140 Contempt.
- §33-10-141 Oral and written depositions.
- §33-10-142 Notice of deposition.
- §33-10-143 Officers before whom deposition taken.
- §33-10-144 Admissibility of deposition.
- §33-10-145 Admissibility of records of courts of inquiry.
- §33-10-146 Defense of lack of mental responsibility.
- §33-10-147 Burden of proof of lack of mental responsibility.
- §33-10-148 Findings by court-martial members when lack of mental responsibility at issue.
- §33-10-149 Findings by military judge or summary court-martial officer when lack of mental responsibility at issue.
- §33-10-150 Conditions for finding of not guilty by reason of lack of mental responsibility.
- §33-10-151 Voting by secret written ballot.
- §33-10-152 Rulings upon questions of law and interlocutory questions.
- §33-10-153 Instructions.
- §33-10-154 Findings and rulings by court-martial composed of military judge only.
- §33-10-155 Number of votes required.
- §33-10-156 Court to announce action.
- §33-10-157 Record of proceedings--Authentication.
- §33-10-158 Contents of record.
- §33-10-159 Records of summary court-martial.
- §33-10-160 Copy of record to be given to the accused.
- §33-10-161 Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited.
- §33-10-162 Maximum sentence--Felony and misdemeanor--Noncriminal conviction.
- §33-10-163 Limits of punishment.
- §33-10-164 Forfeitures.
- §33-10-165 Computation of period of confinement--Effective date of other sentences.
- §33-10-166 Deferment of sentence to confinement--Rescission.
- §33-10-167 Deferment until after accused has been permanently released to state military forces.
- §33-10-168 Persons subject to deferment until permanently released to state military forces.
- §33-10-169 Deferment of sentence to confinement while review pending.
- §33-10-170 Place of confinement.
- §33-10-171 Hard labor.
- §33-10-172 Fees for confinement.
- §33-10-173 Reduction of enlisted member pay grade.
- §33-10-174 Restoration of pay.
- §33-10-175 Forfeiture of pay and allowances.
- §33-10-176 Sentences subject to forfeiture of pay and allowances.
- §33-10-177 Waiver of forfeiture of pay and allowances for dependents of accused.
- §33-10-178 Restoration of pay and allowances.
- §33-10-179 Error of law.
- §33-10-180 Lesser included offense.
- §33-10-181 Prompt report of findings and sentence to convening authority.
- §33-10-182 Submission to convening authority of matters for consideration--Time for submission.
- §33-10-183 Extension of time for submission.
- §33-10-184 Provision of record to accused.
- §33-10-185 Waiver of right to make submission.
- §33-10-186 Authority to modify findings and sentence.
- §33-10-187 Action on sentence of court-martial.
- §33-10-188 Action on findings of court-martial.
- §33-10-189 Recommendation of judge advocate--Response and objection.
- §33-10-190 Proceeding in revision or rehearing.
- §33-10-191 Matters considered at proceeding in revision.
- §33-10-192 Matters considered at rehearing--Dismissal without rehearing.
- §33-10-193 Withdrawal of appeal.
- §33-10-194 Time for withdrawal of appeal.
- §33-10-195 Appeal by the state.
- §33-10-196 Time for appeal by the state--Contents of notice of appeal.
- §33-10-197 Diligent prosecution of appeal.
- §33-10-198 State's appeal to Supreme Court limited to matters of law.
- §33-10-199 Consideration of delay concerning issue of speedy trial.
- §33-10-200 Rehearings.
- §33-10-201 Review by senior force judge advocate.
- §33-10-202 Circumstances under which record to be sent to adjutant general for action.
- §33-10-203 Action by adjutant general.
- §33-10-204 Dismissal when rehearing impracticable.
- §33-10-205 Action by the Governor.
- §33-10-206 Senior force judge advocate review of subject matter jurisdiction in case of finding of not guilty.
- §33-10-207 Action by adjutant general regarding subject matter jurisdiction.
- §33-10-208 Disposition of records.
- §33-10-209 Review by Supreme Court.
- §33-10-210 Appellate government counsel.
- §33-10-211 Right to counsel on appeal by state.
- §33-10-212 Right to counsel on appeal by accused.
- §33-10-213 Appointment of judge advocate to represent accused.
- §33-10-214 Representation by civilian appellate counsel.
- §33-10-215 Execution of sentence of dismissal or dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge when appeal not waived or withdrawn.
- §33-10-216 Execution of sentence when appeal waived or withdrawn.
- §33-10-217 Probation violation--Hearing--Representation by counsel.
- §33-10-218 Vacation of suspension--Execution of sentence.
- §33-10-219 Authority to vacate suspension.
- §33-10-220 Petition for new trial.
- §33-10-221 Remission and suspension.
- §33-10-222 Restoration.
- §33-10-223 Substitution for dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge.
- §33-10-224 Reappointment of commissioned officer.
- §33-10-225 Finality of proceedings, findings, and sentences.
- §33-10-226 Leave required pending review of certain court-martial convictions.
- §33-10-227 Commitment of person incompetent to stand trial.
- §33-10-228 Action in accordance with statute applicable to persons incompetent to stand trial.
- §33-10-229 Notice of determination that accused is competent to stand trial.
- §33-10-230 Action by general court-martial convening authority or attorney general.
- §33-10-231 Custody of facility director.
- §33-10-232 References to court that ordered commitment.
- §33-10-233 Commitment of person found not guilty by reason of lack of mental responsibility.
- §33-10-234 Hearing on mental condition.
- §33-10-235 Report of hearing results.
- §33-10-236 Action when release would create substantial risk of injury or serious property damage.
- §33-10-237 Statute applicable to hospitalized person.
- §33-10-238 Application of statute comparable to 18 U.S.C. 4247(d).
- §33-10-239 Application of statute comparable to 18 U.S.C. § 4241 et seq.--Change of status.
- §33-10-240 Principal defined.
- §33-10-241 Accessory after the fact.
- §33-10-242 Included offense--Attempted offense.
- §33-10-243 Attempt defined.
- §33-10-244 Attempt to commit offense subject to punishment.
- §33-10-245 Conviction of attempt for consummated offense.
- §33-10-246 Conspiracy.
- §33-10-247 Solicitation to desert or mutiny.
- §33-10-248 Solicitation to commit misbehavior before the enemy or sedition.
- §33-10-249 Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation.
- §33-10-250 Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation.
- §33-10-251 Desertion.
- §33-10-252 Desertion by commissioned officer.
- §33-10-253 Punishment for desertion.
- §33-10-254 Absence without leave.
- §33-10-255 Missing movement.
- §33-10-256 Contempt toward officials.
- §33-10-257 Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer.
- §33-10-258 Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer.
- §33-10-259 Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer.
- §33-10-260 Failure to obey order or regulation.
- §33-10-261 Cruelty and maltreatment.
- §33-10-262 Mutiny--Sedition--Failure to suppress or report.
- §33-10-263 Punishment for mutiny or sedition.
- §33-10-264 Resistance--Flight--Breach of arrest--Escape.
- §33-10-265 Releasing prisoner without proper authority.
- §33-10-266 Unlawful detention.
- §33-10-267 Noncompliance with procedural rules.
- §33-10-268 Misbehavior before the enemy.
- §33-10-269 Subordinate compelling surrender.
- §33-10-270 Improper use of countersign.
- §33-10-271 Captured or abandoned property--Securing and turning over.
- §33-10-272 Captured or abandoned property--Offenses.
- §33-10-273 Aiding the enemy.
- §33-10-274 Misconduct as prisoner.
- §33-10-275 False official statements.
- §33-10-276 Military property--Loss, damage, destruction, or wrongful disposition.
- §33-10-277 Property other than military property--Waste, spoilage, or destruction.
- §33-10-278 Willful hazarding of vessel.
- §33-10-279 Negligent hazarding of vessel.
- §33-10-280 Drunk on duty.
- §33-10-281 Wrongful use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances.
- §33-10-282 Controlled substances defined.
- §33-10-283 Misbehavior of sentinel.
- §33-10-284 Malingering.
- §33-10-285 Riot or breach of peace.
- §33-10-286 Provoking speeches or gestures.
- §33-10-287 Frauds against the government.
- §33-10-288 Conduct unbecoming an officer.
- §33-10-289 Disorder and neglect--Conduct discrediting state military forces.
- §33-10-290 Court of inquiry convened for investigation.
- §33-10-291 Members of court--Counsel.
- §33-10-292 Parties.
- §33-10-293 Challenge to court members.
- §33-10-294 Oaths.
- §33-10-295 Witnesses.
- §33-10-296 Findings--Opinions.
- §33-10-297 Record of proceedings.
- §33-10-298 Administration of oaths for purposes of military administration.
- §33-10-299 Administration of oaths necessary in performance of duties.
- §33-10-300 Prima facie evidence of authority to administer oath.
- §33-10-301 Complaint of wrong.
- §33-10-302 Delegation by Governor.
- §33-10-303 Payment of fees, costs, and expenses.
- §33-10-304 Military justice fund.
- §33-10-305 Payment of fines--Disposition.
- §33-10-306 Uniformity of interpretation.
- §33-10-307 Immunity for action of military courts.
- §33-10-308 Short title.
Disclaimer: These codes may not be the most recent version. South Dakota may have more current or accurate information. We make no warranties or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the information contained on this site or the information linked to on the state site. Please check official sources.
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