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this Chapter
2021 South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 56 - Motor Vehicles
Chapter 5 - Uniform Act Regulating Traffic On Highways
ARTICLE 1 General Provisions
- Section 56-5-10. Short title.
- Section 56-5-20. Applicability of chapter to vehicles operated upon highways; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-30. Chapter applicable and uniform throughout State; local regulations.
- Section 56-5-40. Applicability of chapter to roads on Atomic Energy Commission lands in Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell counties.
- Section 56-5-50. Applicability of chapter to operation of mopeds.
- Section 56-5-60. Requirements for envelope containing certain notices.
- Section 56-5-70. Certain vehicle requirements suspended during state of emergency; declarations of emergency triggering federal relief under 49 C.F.R. 390.23.
- Section 56-5-90. Driving limitations for intrastate motor carrier driver.
- Section 56-5-110. Generally.
- Section 56-5-120 to 56-5-140. Reserved.
- Section 56-5-145. Repealed.
- Section 56-5-150. Reserved.
- Section 56-5-155. Repealed.
- Section 56-5-160. Bicycle defined.
- Section 56-5-165. Reserved.
- Section 56-5-170. Authorized emergency vehicles defined.
- Section 56-5-180. Bus defined.
- Section 56-5-190. School bus defined.
- Section 56-5-195. School bus safety standards.
- Section 56-5-196. Designation of daycare center as origin or destination for school transportation.
- Section 56-5-200. Truck defined.
- Section 56-5-210. Truck tractor defined.
- Section 56-5-220. Farm tractor defined.
- Section 56-5-225. Farm truck defined.
- Section 56-5-230. Road tractor defined.
- Section 56-5-240. Trailer defined.
- Section 56-5-250. Semitrailer defined.
- Section 56-5-260. Pole trailer defined.
- Section 56-5-270. Railroad defined.
- Section 56-5-280. Railroad train defined.
- Section 56-5-290. Streetcar defined.
- Section 56-5-300. Pneumatic tire defined.
- Section 56-5-310. Solid tire defined.
- Section 56-5-320. Metal tire defined.
- Section 56-5-330. Safety glass defined.
- Section 56-5-340. Explosive defined.
- Section 56-5-350. Flammable liquid defined.
- Section 56-5-360. Gross weight defined.
- Section 56-5-361. Passenger car defined.
- Section 56-5-362. Truck-camper defined.
- Section 56-5-380. Local authority defined.
- Section 56-5-390. Pedestrian defined.
- Section 56-5-400. Driver defined.
- Section 56-5-410. Reserved.
- Section 56-5-420. Police officer defined.
- Section 56-5-430. Street defined; highway defined.
- Section 56-5-440. Through highway defined.
- Section 56-5-450. Private road defined; driveway defined.
- Section 56-5-460. Roadway defined.
- Section 56-5-470. Laned roadway defined.
- Section 56-5-480. Sidewalk defined.
- Section 56-5-490. Intersection defined.
- Section 56-5-500. Crosswalk defined.
- Section 56-5-510. Safety zone defined.
- Section 56-5-520. Business district defined.
- Section 56-5-530. Residence district defined.
- Section 56-5-540. Official traffic-control devices defined.
- Section 56-5-550. Traffic-control signal defined.
- Section 56-5-560. Railroad sign or signal defined.
- Section 56-5-570. Traffic defined.
- Section 56-5-580. Right-of-way defined.
- Section 56-5-590. Stop defined.
- Section 56-5-600. Stop, stopping, or standing defined.
- Section 56-5-610. Park defined.
- Section 56-5-611. Alley defined.
- Section 56-5-612. Arterial street defined.
- Section 56-5-613. Controlled-access highway defined.
- Section 56-5-614. Divided highway defined.
- Section 56-5-615. Freeway defined.
- Section 56-5-616. Interstate system defined.
- Section 56-5-710. Powers of local authorities.
- Section 56-5-715. Liability for municipal parking or traffic violations.
- Section 56-5-720. Notice of local regulations required.
- Section 56-5-730. Required obedience to traffic laws.
- Section 56-5-740. Obedience to authorized persons directing traffic.
- Section 56-5-750. Failure to stop motor vehicle when signaled by law-enforcement vehicle.
- Section 56-5-760. Operation of authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 56-5-765. Investigations of traffic collisions involving a motor vehicle or motorcycle of a law enforcement agency.
- Section 56-5-790. Application to persons riding animals, driving animal-drawn vehicles or pushing pushcarts.
- Section 56-5-800. Persons working on highways; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-810. Rights of owner who permits traffic on his property.
- Section 56-5-820. Violations of low speed vehicle laws; penalty.
- Section 56-5-910. Approval by Department of Transportation of stop signs or traffic-control signals placed by local authorities.
- Section 56-5-920. Adoption of uniform system of traffic-control devices.
- Section 56-5-930. Placing and maintaining traffic-control devices on state highways.
- Section 56-5-935. Traffic control devices in Aiken, Allendale, and Barnwell counties on federal land; control by U.S. Department of Energy.
- Section 56-5-940. Local traffic-control devices.
- Section 56-5-950. Obedience to and required traffic-control devices.
- Section 56-5-970. Traffic-control signal legend.
- Section 56-5-990. Pedestrian "walk" and "wait" signals.
- Section 56-5-1000. Flashing signals.
- Section 56-5-1010. Railroad signs at grade crossings.
- Section 56-5-1015. Lane use control signals.
- Section 56-5-1020. Unauthorized signs, signals, or devices prohibited; exception; removal.
- Section 56-5-1030. Interference with traffic-control devices or railroad signs or signals prohibited.
- Section 56-5-1210. Duties of drivers involved in accident resulting in death or personal injury; moving or removing vehicles.
- Section 56-5-1220. Duties of driver involved in accident resulting in damage to attended vehicles.
- Section 56-5-1230. Duty to give information and render aid.
- Section 56-5-1240. Duties of driver involved in accident involving unattended vehicle.
- Section 56-5-1250. Duties of driver striking fixtures upon or adjacent to highway.
- Section 56-5-1260. Immediate report of accidents resulting in personal injury or death.
- Section 56-5-1270. Operators, owners, and law enforcement officers shall make written reports of certain accidents and investigations.
- Section 56-5-1275. Requests for accident investigation reports; dissemination of reports.
- Section 56-5-1280. When driver unable to report, other occupant or owner shall report.
- Section 56-5-1290. Evidentiary use of reports.
- Section 56-5-1300. Accident report forms.
- Section 56-5-1320. Coroners shall report traffic deaths.
- Section 56-5-1330. Garages or repair shops shall report accidents or bullet damages.
- Section 56-5-1340. Accident reports without prejudice and confidential; use; permissible disclosures.
- Section 56-5-1350. Tabulation and analysis of reports; publication of statistical information.
- Section 56-5-1360. Municipality may require accident reports; use.
- Section 56-5-1520. General rules as to maximum speed limits; lower speeds may be required.
- Section 56-5-1530. Alteration of speed limits on state highway system by Department of Transportation; signs.
- Section 56-5-1535. Endangerment of a highway worker; penalties; definitions.
- Section 56-5-1536. Repealed.
- Section 56-5-1538. Emergency scene management; definitions
- Section 56-5-1540. Alteration of speed limits by local authorities; signs; approval by Department of Transportation.
- Section 56-5-1550 to 56-5-1555. Reserved.
- Section 56-5-1560. Minimum speed limits.
- Section 56-5-1570. Special speed limitations for certain vehicles and places.
- Section 56-5-1580. Contents of complaint and summons or notice to appear charging speeding.
- Section 56-5-1590. Unlawful to race or assist in racing on public roads.
- Section 56-5-1600. Unlawful to acquiesce in or permit use of car in race.
- Section 56-5-1610. "Acquiescence" defined.
- Section 56-5-1620. Penalties for racing; revocation or suspension of drivers' licenses and registrations.
- Section 56-5-1810. Drive on the right side of roadways; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-1830. Passing vehicles proceeding in opposite directions.
- Section 56-5-1840. Overtaking and passing vehicles proceeding in same direction.
- Section 56-5-1850. When passing on the right is permitted.
- Section 56-5-1860. Limitations on overtaking on the left.
- Section 56-5-1880. Further limitations on driving to left of center of roadway.
- Section 56-5-1885. Overtaking and passing another vehicle in the farthest left-hand lane.
- Section 56-5-1890. No-passing zones.
- Section 56-5-1895. Passing prohibited in highway work zones; penalties.
- Section 56-5-1900. Driving on roadways laned for traffic.
- Section 56-5-1910. One-way roadways and rotary traffic islands.
- Section 56-5-1920. Driving on divided highways.
- Section 56-5-1930. Following too closely.
- Section 56-5-1960. Following fire apparatus prohibited.
- Section 56-5-1970. Restricted access.
- Section 56-5-1980. Restrictions on use of controlled-access roadway.
- Section 56-5-2110. Starting of a vehicle.
- Section 56-5-2120. Required position and method of turning.
- Section 56-5-2140. Limitations on turning around.
- Section 56-5-2150. Turning movements and required signals.
- Section 56-5-2170. Method of giving hand and arm signals.
- Section 56-5-2180. Signals given by hand and arm or signal lamps.
- Section 56-5-2310. Vehicles approaching or entering intersection.
- Section 56-5-2320. Vehicle turning left.
- Section 56-5-2330. Stop signs and yield signs.
- Section 56-5-2350. Vehicle entering roadway.
- Section 56-5-2360. Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 56-5-2370. Highway construction and maintenance.
- Section 56-5-2510. Stopping, standing, or parking outside of business or residential district.
- Section 56-5-2520. Officers authorized to remove vehicles.
- Section 56-5-2525. Notice to authorities of towing and storing of motor vehicle without person's knowledge; exceptions; return of vehicle.
- Section 56-5-2530. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-2540. Stopping, standing, or parking may be prohibited on state highways.
- Section 56-5-2550. Left curb and angle parking may be permitted.
- Section 56-5-2560. Parking at right-hand curb not more than 18 inches from curb.
- Section 56-5-2570. Parking of unattended motor vehicle.
- Section 56-5-2580. Certain jurors exempt from municipal parking meters and time regulations; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-2585. Disabled veterans and Purple Heart recipients exempt from parking meter fees.
- Section 56-5-2590. Unlawful for certain cities to place meters or time limit on streets abutting county property.
- Section 56-5-2600. Parking violations; grace period.
- Section 56-5-2710. Obedience to signal indicating approach of train.
- Section 56-5-2715. Stop required at designated railroad grade crossings.
- Section 56-5-2720. Certain vehicles shall stop at all railroad grade crossings; gears shall not be changed while crossing grade.
- Section 56-5-2725. Moving heavy equipment at railroad grade crossings.
- Section 56-5-2730. Through highways; stop signs at entrances and at intersections.
- Section 56-5-2735. Obstructing intersection or grade crossing; passing near grade crossing; traffic lines when stopped at railroad crossing; vehicles in tow.
- Section 56-5-2740. Place where drivers shall stop for stop signs.
- Section 56-5-2745. Emerging from alley, driveway, or building.
- Section 56-5-2760. Stops at drawbridges.
- Section 56-5-2770. Signals and markings on school buses; meeting, overtaking and passing school bus; loading passengers along multi-lane highways.
- Section 56-5-2773. Violation of Section 56-5-2770; digital images admissible in evidence.
- Section 56-5-2775. Violation of Section 56-5-2735 as misdemeanor; penalty.
- Section 56-5-2780. Penalties for unlawfully passing a stopped school bus.
- Section 56-5-2910. Reckless vehicular homicide; penalties; revocation of driver's license; reinstatement of license; conditions; consequences for subsequent violations.
- Section 56-5-2920. Reckless driving; penalties; suspension of driver's license for second or subsequent offense.
- Section 56-5-2930. Operating motor vehicle while under influence of alcohol or drugs; penalties; enrollment in Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program; prosecution.
- Section 56-5-2933. Driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration; penalties; enrollment in Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program; prosecution.
- Section 56-5-2934. Compulsory process to obtain witnesses and documents; breath testing software.
- Section 56-5-2935. Right to jury trial.
- Section 56-5-2936. Implementation of compulsory testimony requirement postponed; training of employees.
- Section 56-5-2941. Ignition interlock device.
- Section 56-5-2942. Vehicle immobilization after conviction for subsequent violation of Sections 56-5-2930, 56-5-2933, or 56-5-2945; immobilized defined; identity of immobilized vehicle; surrendering of license plates and registration; release of vehicle; hearing; penalties; fees.
- Section 56-5-2945. Offense of felony driving under the influence; penalties; "great bodily injury" defined.
- Section 56-5-2946. Submission to testing for alcohol or drugs.
- Section 56-5-2947. Child endangerment; definition; penalties; jurisdiction; evidence for taking child into protective custody.
- Section 56-5-2948. Field sobriety tests.
- Section 56-5-2949. Policies, procedures and regulations on the SLED internet website.
- Section 56-5-2950. Implied consent to testing for alcohol or drugs; procedures; inference of DUI.
- Section 56-5-2951. Suspension of license for refusal to submit to testing or for certain level of alcohol concentration; temporary alcohol license; administrative hearing; restricted driver's license; penalties.
- Section 56-5-2952. Filing fee to request contested case hearing.
- Section 56-5-2953. Incident site and breath test site video recording.
- Section 56-5-2954. Breath testing sites; records of problems with devices.
- Section 56-5-2955. Admissibility of evidence obtained under Section 56-5-2950.
- Section 56-5-2970. Reports to Department of Motor Vehicle of convictions, certain pleas and bail forfeitures.
- Section 56-5-2980. Copies of reports as prima facie evidence of certain matters; effect of stipulating subsequent offense.
- Section 56-5-2990. Suspension of convicted person's driver's license; period of suspension.
- Section 56-5-2995. Additional assessment on persons convicted of driving under influence of intoxicating liquors or drugs.
- Section 56-5-3110. Pedestrian obedience to traffic-control devices and traffic regulations.
- Section 56-5-3120. Local regulations.
- Section 56-5-3130. Pedestrians' right-of-way in crosswalks.
- Section 56-5-3140. Pedestrian shall use right half of crosswalk.
- Section 56-5-3150. Crossing at other than crosswalks.
- Section 56-5-3160. Pedestrians on highways.
- Section 56-5-3170. Pedestrians prohibited on freeways.
- Section 56-5-3180. Pedestrians soliciting rides or business.
- Section 56-5-3190. Only blind or incapacitated person may raise certain canes.
- Section 56-5-3200. Vehicle shall stop for pedestrian guided by dog or raising cane.
- Section 56-5-3210. Penalties for violating Sections 56-5-2720, 56-5-3190, or 56-5-3200.
- Section 56-5-3220. Effect of failure of incapacitated person to carry walking stick or cane, or to be guided by dog.
- Section 56-5-3230. Drivers to exercise due care.
- Section 56-5-3240. Driving through safety zone prohibited.
- Section 56-5-3250. Pedestrians' right-of-way on sidewalks.
- Section 56-5-3260. Pedestrians yield to authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 56-5-3270. Pedestrians under influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Section 56-5-3280. Bridge and railroad signals.
- Section 56-5-3410. Applicability of article to bicycles.
- Section 56-5-3420. Rights and duties of bicyclists generally.
- Section 56-5-3425. Bicycle lanes.
- Section 56-5-3430. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.
- Section 56-5-3435. Driver to maintain safe operating distance between motor vehicle and bicycle.
- Section 56-5-3440. Manner of riding bicycles; number of persons which may be carried.
- Section 56-5-3445. Harassing or throwing object at person riding bicycle; penalty.
- Section 56-5-3450. Clinging to vehicles prohibited.
- Section 56-5-3460. Carrying articles.
- Section 56-5-3470. Lamps and reflectors on bicycle.
- Section 56-5-3480. Signaling turns; penalty.
- Section 56-5-3490. Brake on bicycle; penalty.
- Section 56-5-3500. Violations of article; penalties.
- Section 56-5-3515. Authorized police patrol bicycles; operating as emergency vehicles.
- Section 56-5-3520. Applicability of provisions to bicycles with helper motors.
- Section 56-5-3610. Rights and duties of operator of motorcycle generally.
- Section 56-5-3630. Manner in which motorcycles must be operated.
- Section 56-5-3640. Motorcycle entitled to full use of lane; riding two or more abreast; overtaking and passing; operation in other instances.
- Section 56-5-3650. Footrests; rear view mirror.
- Section 56-5-3660. Helmets must be worn by operators and passengers under age twenty-one; helmet design; list of approved helmets.
- Section 56-5-3670. Goggles or face shields shall be worn by operators under age twenty-one; list of approved goggles and face shields.
- Section 56-5-3680. Wind screens.
- Section 56-5-3690. Unlawful to sell or distribute helmets, goggles, or face shields not approved by Department of Public Safety.
- Section 56-5-3700. Penalty for violation of Sections 56-5-3660 to 56-5-3690.
- Section 56-5-3810. Limitations on backing.
- Section 56-5-3820. Operation of vehicle when driver's view or control over driving mechanism interfered with.
- Section 56-5-3822. Opening vehicle doors.
- Section 56-5-3826. Riding in moving house trailers prohibited.
- Section 56-5-3830. Driving through defiles or canyons or on mountain highways.
- Section 56-5-3835. Driving upon sidewalk.
- Section 56-5-3840. Coasting prohibited.
- Section 56-5-3850. Crossing fire hose prohibited.
- Section 56-5-3860. Animals and certain vehicles prohibited on controlled-access highways; exceptions; penalty.
- Section 56-5-3870. Motor vehicle speed detection jamming devices.
- Section 56-5-3880. Closure of state highways for running events.
- Section 56-5-3885. Unlawful to display obscene bumper sticker.
- Section 56-5-3890. Unlawful use of a wireless electronic communication device while operating a motor vehicle; penalties; limitation on law enforcement officers; department to maintain statistical information; preemption of local ordinances.
- Section 56-5-3900. Transportation of minors in open vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4010. Size and weight limits not to be exceeded; powers of local authorities.
- Section 56-5-4020. Exemptions; annual permits for certain vehicles; maximum width for exempt vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4030. Width of vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4035. Permit for transporting culvert pipe; penalties.
- Section 56-5-4040. Width of motor buses and trolley coaches; local ordinances.
- Section 56-5-4050. Side projecting loads on passenger vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4055. Oversized vehicle on interstate highway.
- Section 56-5-4060. Height of vehicles; exception; routing permits; underpasses.
- Section 56-5-4070. Length of vehicles; limitations on vehicle combinations.
- Section 56-5-4075. Promulgation of regulations; cooperation with United States Government; petition for removal of federally designated highway.
- Section 56-5-4080. Length of loads; hydraulic boom and bucket.
- Section 56-5-4090. Length of load on certain pole trailers or pole carriers; structural material.
- Section 56-5-4095. Transportation of modular or sectional housing units.
- Section 56-5-4100. Preventing escape of materials loaded on vehicles; cleaning the highways of escaped substances or cargo.
- Section 56-5-4110. Loads and covers must be firmly attached.
- Section 56-5-4120. Connections to trailers and towed vehicles; display of white flag.
- Section 56-5-4130. Wheel and axle loads; high and low pressure tires.
- Section 56-5-4140. Gross weight of vehicles, combinations of vehicles, and loads; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-4145. Limitations as to weight, width, and vehicle combinations on Grace Memorial Bridge.
- Section 56-5-4150. Investigation of vehicles; registration according to load capacity; marking empty weight on farm trucks; marking name of registered owner or lessor on certain vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4160. Weighing vehicles and loads; unloading excess weight; penalties.
- Section 56-5-4170. Intermodal trailer, chassis, or container; tender; safety inspections; penalties and repairs; exceptions.
- Section 56-5-4192. Authorization; movement of mobile homes on Saturday.
- Section 56-5-4210. Reduced load, weight, and speed limits; special regulation or prohibition of specified classes or sizes of vehicles; posting of notices.
- Section 56-5-4220. Local restrictions under Section 56-5-4210; approval by Department of Transportation.
- Section 56-5-4230. Liability for damages to highway or highway structure.
- Section 56-5-4240. Commercial motor vehicle and its driver.
- Section 56-5-4410. Unlawful to operate unsafe or improperly equipped vehicle or to violate provisions of article.
- Section 56-5-4420. Special rules for implements of husbandry, farm tractors, and road machinery.
- Section 56-5-4430. Additional parts and accessories not prohibited.
- Section 56-5-4435. Safety equipment required for motor vehicles used in vending food.
- Section 56-5-4440. Image display devices.
- Section 56-5-4445. Unlawful to elevate or lower motor vehicle; exception for "pickup trucks".
- Section 56-5-4450. Times when vehicles must be equipped with lights.
- Section 56-5-4460. Time when motorcycle lights must be turned on.
- Section 56-5-4470. Lighted lamps not required for vehicles not operated at night.
- Section 56-5-4480. Visibility distance and mounted height of lamps.
- Section 56-5-4490. Head lamps required on motor vehicles and motorcycles.
- Section 56-5-4500. Height of head lamps from ground.
- Section 56-5-4510. Tail lamps required.
- Section 56-5-4520. Height of tail lamps.
- Section 56-5-4530. Illumination of rear registration plate.
- Section 56-5-4540. Motor vehicles must be equipped with rear reflectors.
- Section 56-5-4550. Characteristics and mounting of rear reflectors.
- Section 56-5-4560. Stop lamps required on motor vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4570. Application of succeeding sections; lighting of lamp equipment.
- Section 56-5-4580. Additional lighting equipment required on buses, trucks, trailers, semitrailers, and pole trailers.
- Section 56-5-4590. Color of clearance lamps, side-marker lamps, reflectors, stop lights, and back-up lamps.
- Section 56-5-4600. Mounting of reflectors, clearance lamps, and side-marker lamps.
- Section 56-5-4610. Visibility of reflectors, clearance lamps, and marker lamps.
- Section 56-5-4620. Lighting lamps on vehicles operated in combination.
- Section 56-5-4630. Lamp or flag on projecting load.
- Section 56-5-4640. Lights on parked vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4650. Lamps on other vehicles and equipment.
- Section 56-5-4660. Spot lamps.
- Section 56-5-4670. Fog lamps.
- Section 56-5-4680. Auxiliary passing lamps.
- Section 56-5-4690. Auxiliary driving lamps.
- Section 56-5-4700. Audible signal devices and signal lamps for authorized emergency vehicles, school buses and police vehicles; restrictions on use; effect of use.
- Section 56-5-4710. Use of mounted oscillating, rotating, or flashing red light by wreckers.
- Section 56-5-4715. Forestry Commission vehicles authorized to use flashing red lights in fire emergencies.
- Section 56-5-4720. Use of oscillating, rotating or flashing red lights on Department of Transportation vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4730. Signal lamps and signal devices.
- Section 56-5-4740. Warning lamps.
- Section 56-5-4750. Side cowl, running board, and back-up lamps.
- Section 56-5-4760. Identification lamps for large commercial vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4770. Multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
- Section 56-5-4780. Use of multiple-beam road-lighting equipment.
- Section 56-5-4790. Single-beam road-lighting equipment.
- Section 56-5-4800. Road-lighting equipment on motor-driven cycles.
- Section 56-5-4810. Alternate road-lighting equipment at low speeds.
- Section 56-5-4820. Number of driving lamps required or permitted.
- Section 56-5-4830. Special restrictions on lamps; degree of intensity; red, blue and flashing lights.
- Section 56-5-4840. Selling or using devices or equipment to change design or performance of lamps or reflectors.
- Section 56-5-4850. Brake equipment.
- Section 56-5-4860. Performance ability of brakes; tests for deceleration and stopping distances.
- Section 56-5-4870. Maintenance and adjustment of brakes.
- Section 56-5-4880. Inspection of brakes; effect of disapproval.
- Section 56-5-4890. Hydraulic brake fluid; distribution and servicing; minimum standards; labelling.
- Section 56-5-4900. Regulations concerning brakes inapplicable to certain farm trailers; speed limit; small tandem tobacco trailers; chains, hooks, other safety equipment required.
- Section 56-5-4910. Bumpers; "private passenger automobile" defined.
- Section 56-5-4920. Bumpers; warranty as to energy absorption system and ability to sustain shock; automobiles manufactured on and after August 1, 1972.
- Section 56-5-4930. Bumpers; warranty as to energy absorption system and ability to sustain shock; automobiles manufactured on and after August 1, 1974.
- Section 56-5-4940. Bumpers; exceptions to warranty requirements; common-law and statutory remedies not removed.
- Section 56-5-4950. Horns and warning devices.
- Section 56-5-4960. Use of horn.
- Section 56-5-4970. Sirens, whistle, or bell on authorized emergency vehicles.
- Section 56-5-4975. Operation of vehicle upfitted but no longer licensed as an ambulance; removal of exterior equipment and markings; penalties.
- Section 56-5-4980. Theft alarm signal.
- Section 56-5-4990. Mirrors.
- Section 56-5-5000. Windows unobstructed; windshield wipers.
- Section 56-5-5010. Safety glass in motor vehicles.
- Section 56-5-5015. Sunscreen devices.
- Section 56-5-5020. Mufflers.
- Section 56-5-5030. Devices to emit smoke screen, noisome gases, or odors prohibited.
- Section 56-5-5040. Tires.
- Section 56-5-5050. Toilets or other devices hazardous to health.
- Section 56-5-5060. Certain vehicles must carry flares and other warning devices.
- Section 56-5-5070. Red electric lanterns shall be carried in vehicles transporting inflammable liquids or gases.
- Section 56-5-5080. Alternative warning device; portable reflector units.
- Section 56-5-5090. Display of warning devices when vehicle disabled.
- Section 56-5-5100. Display of warning devices when disabled vehicle is carrying inflammable liquids or gases.
- Section 56-5-5110. Display of flags when vehicle disabled in daytime.
- Section 56-5-5120. Alternative warning devices.
- Section 56-5-5130. Requirements as to flares, fusees, and other warning devices.
- Section 56-5-5140. Vehicles transporting explosives.
- Section 56-5-5150. Use of safety devices when towing vehicles.
- Section 56-5-5620. Duty of sheriffs and police officers to remove vehicles; storage; personnel, equipment, and facilities for removing and storing.
- Section 56-5-5630. Notice to owners and lienholders; payment for release of vehicle; liability of lienholders; stolen vehicles.
- Section 56-5-5635. Law enforcement towing and storage procedures; notification of registered owner; disposition of vehicle and personal property.
- Section 56-5-5640. Sale of unclaimed vehicles; disposition of proceeds.
- Section 56-5-5650. Claims of and awards to persons damaged by sale of vehicle.
- Section 56-5-5670. Duties of demolishers; disposal of vehicle to demolisher or secondary metals recycler; records; penalties.
Section 56-5-5710. Disposition of a motor vehicle by a salvage pool operator.
[Section effective October 25, 2021.]
- Section 56-5-5810. Definitions.
- Section 56-5-5820. Abandoned and derelict vehicles as hazard to health and welfare.
- Section 56-5-5840. Abandoned and derelict vehicles subject to removal and disposal.
- Section 56-5-5850. Tagging and removal of unattended vehicles; disposition.
- Section 56-5-5870. Contract for collection of vehicles and related services; collecting areas.
- Section 56-5-5880. Right of entry on property to enforce article; criminal or civil liability arising out of enforcement.
- Section 56-5-5890. Property may not be willfully damaged.
- Section 56-5-5900. Lienholders and owners of stolen vehicles not subject to penalties and charges.
- Section 56-5-5910. Unlawful to tamper with, remove or destroy colored tags.
- Section 56-5-5920. Article not applicable to certain vehicles.
- Section 56-5-5940. Seizure, sale or disposal of vehicle in violation of article constitutes conversion.
- Section 56-5-5945. Duties of demolishers; disposal of vehicle; title requirements; records; penalties.
- Section 56-5-5950. Penalties for abandoning vehicle.
- Section 56-5-6110. Parties to a crime.
- Section 56-5-6120. Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles.
- Section 56-5-6130. Parents and guardians shall not permit children and wards to violate chapter.
- Section 56-5-6150. Trial jurisdiction of municipal courts.
- Section 56-5-6160. Evidence of conviction inadmissible in civil action.
- Section 56-5-6170. Enforcement.
- Section 56-5-6190. General penalty for violations of chapter.
- Section 56-5-6200. Disposition of fines and forfeitures.
- Section 56-5-6210. Officers shall receive no part of fines or forfeitures.
- Section 56-5-6220. Entry of guilty plea, forfeiture of bail posted, or entry of plea of nolo contendere to have same effect as conviction after trial.
- Section 56-5-6230. Notification of Department of Motor Vehicles upon payment of fine or forfeiture of bond.
- Section 56-5-6240. Forfeiture, confiscation, and disposition of vehicles seized for conviction of DUS or DUI; notice to registered owner; request for hearing; return of vehicle.
- Section 56-5-6250. Determination of prior convictions; sentence.
- Section 56-5-6310. Application of chapter to private roads upon owner's consent.
- Section 56-5-6320. Termination of consent.
- Section 56-5-6330. Termination shall not affect roads otherwise covered by Act.
- Section 56-5-6340. Establishment of speed limits and traffic control signs.
- Section 56-5-6350. Application of article to certain private roads.
- Section 56-5-6410. Child passenger restraint systems; age and weight as basis for required restraining system; standards.
- Section 56-5-6420. Transportation of children in the front seat of a motor vehicle.
- Section 56-5-6440. Persons and vehicles excepted from article.
- Section 56-5-6445. Applicability of chapter.
- Section 56-5-6450. Penalty for violation of article; waiver of fine.
- Section 56-5-6460. Violation of article does not constitute negligence.
- Section 56-5-6470. Enforcement after June 30, 1984.
- Section 56-5-6510. Definitions.
- Section 56-5-6520. Mandatory use of seat belt.
- Section 56-5-6525. Limits on use of checkpoints or roadblocks to enforce this article.
- Section 56-5-6530. Exceptions.
- Section 56-5-6540. Penalty; nature of offense; issuance of citations at checkpoints; admissibility as evidence of negligence in civil action; searches; probable cause that violation has occurred; trial; appeals.
- Section 56-5-6550. No points against license for violation.
- Section 56-5-6560. Collection of motor vehicle stop data regarding age, gender, and race of driver; development of database; reports.
- Section 56-5-6565. Safety belt education programs.
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