2021 South Carolina Code of Laws
Title 26 - Notaries Public and Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 - Notaries Public
Section 26-1-90. Powers of notary public.
(A) A notary public may perform the following acts:
(1) acknowledgments;
(2) oaths and affirmations;
(3) attestations and jurats;
(4) signature witnessing;
(5) verifications of fact; and
(6) any other acts authorized by law.
(B) A notarial act must be attested by the:
(1) signature of the notary, exactly as shown on the notary's commission;
(2) legible appearance of the notary's name exactly as shown on the notary's commission. The legible appearance of the notary's name may be ascertained from the notary's typed or printed name near the notary's signature or from elsewhere in the notarial certificate or from the notary's seal if the name is legible; and
(3) statement of the date the notary's commission expires. The statement of the date that the notary's commission expires may appear in the notary's stamp or seal or elsewhere in the notarial certificate.
(C) A notary may not perform a notarial act if the:
(1) principal or subscribing witness is not in the notary's presence at the time the notarial act is performed;
(2) principal or subscribing witness is not personally known to the notary or identified by the notary through satisfactory evidence;
(3) notary is a signer of, party to, or beneficiary of the record that is to be notarized. A disqualification pursuant to this item does not apply to an employee of a court within the unified judicial system, a notary who is named in a record solely as the trustee in a deed of trust, the drafter of the record, the person to whom a registered document must be mailed or sent after recording, or the attorney for a party to the record, so long as the notary is not also a party to the record individually or in some other representative or fiduciary capacity; or
(4) notary will receive directly from a transaction connected with the notarial act any commission, fee, advantage, right, title, interest, cash, property, or other consideration exceeding in value the fees specified in Section 26-1-100, other than fees or other consideration paid for services rendered by a licensed attorney, a licensed real estate broker or salesperson, a motor vehicle dealer, or a banker.
(D) A notary shall not notarize a signature:
(1) on a blank or incomplete document; or
(2) on a document without notarial certificate wording.
(E) A notary shall not certify or authenticate a photograph or photocopy.
(F) A notary may certify the affixation of a signature by mark on a record presented for notarization if:
(1) the mark is affixed in the presence of the notary;
(2) the notary writes below the mark: "Mark affixed by (name of signer by mark) in presence of undersigned notary"; and
(3) the notary notarizes the signature by performing an acknowledgment, oath or affirmation, jurat, or verification or proof.
(G) If a principal is physically unable to sign or make a mark on a record presented for notarization, that principal may designate another person, who must be a disinterested party, as his designee, to sign on the principal's behalf pursuant to the following procedure:
(1) the principal directs the designee to sign the record in the presence of the notary and two witnesses, who are either personally known to the notary or identified by the notary through satisfactory evidence, and who are unaffected by the record;
(2) the designee signs the principal's name in the presence of the principal, the notary, and the two witnesses;
(3) both witnesses sign their own names to the record near the principal's signature;
(4) the notary writes below the principal's signature: "Signature affixed by designee in the presence of (names and addresses of principal and witnesses)"; and
(5) the notary notarizes the signature through an acknowledgment, oath or affirmation, jurat, or verification or proof.
(H) A notary may sign the name of a principal physically unable to sign or make a mark on a document presented for notarization if:
(1) the principal directs the notary to sign the record in the presence of two witnesses unaffected by the record;
(2) the notary signs the principal's name in the presence of the principal and the witnesses;
(3) both witnesses sign their own names to the record near the principal's signature;
(4) the notary writes below the principal's signature: "Signature affixed by the notary at the direction of (name of principal unable to sign or make a mark) and also in the presence of (names and addresses of witnesses)"; and
(5) the notary notarizes the signature through an acknowledgment, oath or affirmation, jurat, or verification or proof.
(I) A notary public who is not an attorney licensed to practice law in this State and who advertises his services as a notary public in a language other than English, by radio, television, signs, pamphlets, newspapers, other written communication, or in another manner, shall post or otherwise include with the advertisement the notice set forth in this subsection in English and in the language used for the advertisement. The notice must be of conspicuous size, if in writing, and must state: "I AM NOT AN ATTORNEY LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND I MAY NOT GIVE LEGAL ADVICE OR ACCEPT FEES FOR LEGAL ADVICE." The notice must provide the fees for notarial acts specified in Section 26-1-100. If the advertisement is by radio or television, the statement may be modified but must include substantially the same message.
(J) A notary public who is not an attorney licensed to practice law in this State may not render a service that constitutes the unauthorized practice of law. A nonattorney notary may not assist another person in drafting, completing, selecting, or understanding a record or transaction requiring a notarial act. This subsection does not prohibit an employee of any court within the unified judiciary system, acting within the scope of his employment, from assisting an individual with filing a document with the court, provided that the assistance does not constitute the unauthorized practice of law.
(K) A notary may not claim to have powers, qualifications, rights, or privileges that the office of notary does not provide, including the power to counsel on immigration matters.
(L) A notary may not use the term "notario publico" or any equivalent non-English term in any business card, advertisement, notice, or sign.
(M) A notary may not execute a certificate that is not written in the English language. A notary may execute a certificate written in the English language that accompanies a record written in another language, which record may include a translation of the notarial certificate into the other language. In that instance, the notary shall execute only the English language certificate.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 49-8; 1952 Code Section 49-8; 1942 Code Section 3463; 1932 Code Section 3463; Civ. C. '22 Section 821; Civ. C. '12 Section 736; Civ. C. '02 Section 665; G. S. 523; R. S. 581; 1871 (15) 538; 1911 (27) 139; 1927 (35) 43; 1938 (40) 1559; 2014 Act No. 185 (S.356), Section 1, eff June 2, 2014.
Effect of Amendment
2014 Act No. 185, Section 1, rewrote the section.