2022 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 52 - Creation, Alteration and Termination of Planned Communities
Section 5205 - Contents of declaration; all planned communities
The declaration for a planned community must contain:
(1) The name of the planned community, which must include the words "planned community" or be followed by the words "a planned community."
(2) The name of every county in which any part of the planned community is situated.
(3) A legally sufficient description of the real estate included in the planned community.
(4) A description or delineation of the boundaries of each unit, including the unit's identifying number.
(5) A statement of the maximum number of units that may be created by the subdivision or conversion of units owned by the declarant pursuant to section 5215 (relating to subdivision or conversion of units).
(6) A description of any controlled facilities and the obligations of the association for the maintenance, improvement, repair, replacement, regulation, management, insurance or control of the controlled facilities.
(7) A description of any limited common facilities and any limited controlled facilities as provided in section 5209 (relating to limited common elements) and limited common expenses, if any, and how they are assessed.
(8) A description of any common facilities and controlled facilities not within the boundaries of any convertible real estate which may be allocated subsequently as limited common facilities or limited controlled facilities, with a statement that they may be so allocated and a description of the method by which the allocations are to be made.
(9) An allocation to each unit of a portion of the votes in the association and a percentage or fraction of the common expenses of the association in section 5208 (relating to allocation of votes and common expense liabilities).
(10) Any restrictions created by the declarant on use, occupancy and alienation of the units and any easement or license rights that unit owners are to have with respect to the use or enjoyment of any of the common elements and that are not contained in other documents which are recorded.
(11) The recording data for recorded easements and licenses appurtenant to or included in the planned community or to which any portion of the planned community is or may become subject.
(12) If all or any of the units are or may be owned in time-share estates, which units may be owned in time-share estates and the maximum number of time-share estates that may be created in the planned community, it being intended that time-share estates shall not be permitted except if and to the extent expressly authorized by the declaration.
(13) If the declarant wishes to retain the special declarant right to cause section 5222 (relating to master associations) to become applicable to a planned community, then:
(i) an explicit reservation of such right;
(ii) a statement of the time limit upon which the option reserved under subparagraph (i) will lapse, together with and a statement of any circumstances that will terminate the option before the expiration of the time limit. The time limit shall not exceed the later of:
(A) ten years after the recording of the declaration; or
(B) in the case of a preliminary plat calling for the installation of improvements in sections, 120 days after municipal approval or denial of each particular section's final plat which was filed prior to the deadline approved or modified by the municipal governing body pursuant to section 508(4)(v) of the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.805, No.247), known as the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, or, in the event of an appeal from the municipal approval or denial of such final plat, 120 days after a final judgment on appeal; and
(iii) the information required to be included in the declaration by the provisions of section 5222.
(14) If the declarant wishes to retain the special declarant right to merge or consolidate the planned community pursuant to section 5223 (relating to merger or consolidation of planned community), then all of the following:
(i) An explicit reservation of such right.
(ii) A statement of the time limit upon which any option reserved under subparagraph (i) will lapse, together with a statement of any circumstances that will terminate the option before the expiration of the time limit. The time limit shall not exceed the later of:
(A) ten years after the recording of the declaration; or
(B) in the case of a preliminary plat calling for the installation of improvements in sections, 120 days after municipal approval or denial of each particular section's final plat which was filed prior to the deadline approved or modified by the municipal governing body pursuant to section 508(4)(v) of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code or, in the event of an appeal from the municipal approval or denial of such final plat, 120 days after a final judgment on appeal.
(iii) A statement of the name and location of each other planned community that may be subject to such a merger or consolidation. If such other planned communities do not exist, then the declaration shall include the following:
(A) A statement of the extent to which the interest in the association, relative voting strength in the association and share of common expense liability of each unit in the planned community at the time the merger or consolidation is effectuated may be increased or decreased by actions pursuant to any option reserved under subparagraph (i), including the formulas to be used for those reallocations.
(B) Legally sufficient descriptions of each portion of real estate that is part of any other planned communities with which the planned community may merge or consolidate.
(C) If mergers or consolidations may be effectuated at different times, a statement to that effect, together with:
(I) either a statement fixing the boundaries of those planned communities and regulating the order in which they may be merged or consolidated or a statement that no assurances are made in those regards; and
(II) a statement as to whether, if any other planned communities are merged or consolidated with the planned community, all or any of such planned communities must be merged or consolidated.
(D) A statement of:
(I) the maximum number of units that may be created within the other planned communities, the boundaries of which are fixed under clause (C);
(II) how many of those units will be restricted exclusively to residential use; and
(III) the maximum number of units per acre that may be created within any such other planned communities, the boundaries of which are not fixed under clause (C).
(E) If any of the units that may be built within any of the other planned communities are not to be restricted exclusively to residential use, a statement with respect to each other planned community of the maximum percentage of the real estate areas and the maximum percentage of the floor areas of all units that may be created in the planned community that are not restricted exclusively to residential use.
(F) A statement of the extent to which any buildings and units that may be part of the other planned communities will be compatible with the other buildings and units in the planned community in terms of architectural style, quality of construction, principal materials employed in construction and size or a statement that no assurances are made in those regards.
(G) A statement that all restrictions in the declaration affecting use, occupancy and alienation of units will apply to units created within any of the other planned communities or a statement of any differentiations that may be made as to those units.
(H) General descriptions of all other improvements and limited common elements that may be made or created within the other planned communities or a statement that no assurances are made in that regard.
(I) A statement of any limitations as to the locations of any buildings or other improvements that may be made within the other planned communities or a statement that no assurances are made in that regard.
(J) A statement that any limited common elements created within any other planned communities will be of the same general types and sizes as those within the planned community, a statement of any other assurances in that regard or a statement that no assurances are made in that regard.
(K) A statement that the proportion of limited common elements to units created within the other planned communities will be approximately equal to the proportion existing within the planned community, a statement of any assurances in that regard or a statement that no assurances are made in that regard.
(L) A statement of whether and to what extent assurances made in the declaration regarding the other planned communities under clauses (C) through (K) apply if the other planned communities are not merged or consolidated with the planned community.
(iv) A summary description of the other provisions which materially change any rights, obligations or liabilities that will be included in the agreement of merger or consolidation if the right to merge or to consolidate is exercised.
(15) If a declarant wishes to retain the right to subject any portion of the planned community to an easement or license in favor of any real estate not included in the planned community or in favor of any person who is not an owner or occupant of a unit in the planned community, then an explicit reservation and description of such right and a description of the effects on the association and the unit owners of the easement or license, including, without limitation, any impact on the budget of the association.
(16) If a declarant designates or wishes to retain the right to designate in the declaration as a common facility any portion of a planned community or any improvement or facility then existing or contemplated for a planned community, then all of the following:
(i) An explicit reservation of such right and an identification and description of the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility.
(ii) A statement of when any portion of a planned community, improvement or facility will become a common facility and that the portion will be conveyed or leased to the association by the declarant or a successor to the interest of the declarant in the portion by the later of the date of conveyance or lease by the declarant of the last unit the declarant reserves the right to include in the planned community or the date of expiration of the rights under section 5211 (relating to conversion and expansion of flexible planned communities).
(iii) A statement that the obligation of the declarant to convey or lease to the association a portion of the planned community, improvement or facility shall be binding on the declarant and any successor in interest of the declarant in the portion whether or not the successor succeeds to any special declarant right.
(iv) A statement of who will own the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility before a conveyance or lease to the association.
(v) A description of the procedure to be followed by the declarant and the association for the conveyance or lease to the association.
(vi) A statement that the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility will be conveyed or leased to the association for no consideration or, if additional consideration is to be given by the association for the conveyance, a description of the consideration and a description of the effects on the association and each unit owner of the association providing the consideration, including the impact on the budget of the association and common expense or other liabilities of the unit owners.
(vii) A description of the effect of the conveyance or lease to the association of the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility on the expenses and budget of the association and the common expense liability of the unit owners.
(viii) A statement that no conveyance or lease to the association of any portion of the planned community, improvement or facility shall occur until the portion has been completed unless a third-party guarantee, bond, escrow, letter of credit or other mechanism assuring completion has been provided by the declarant, in addition to the declarant's own guarantee of completion, for the benefit of the association and a statement that the third-party mechanism and the declarant's own guarantee shall not expire until completion of the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility.
(ix) As to any uncompleted improvement or facility that may become a common facility:
(A) a statement of the time for completion of such improvement or facility;
(B) a statement that a declarant is required to complete such improvement or facility by the later of the date of the conveyance or lease by the declarant of the last unit the declarant reserves the right to include in the planned community or the date of the expiration of the rights under section 5211;
(C) a statement that, until the facility or improvement is completed, the declarant shall be solely responsible for real estate taxes assessed against or allocable to the improvement or facility and for all other expenses in connection with the improvement or facility; and
(D) a description of any third-party guarantee, bond, escrow, letter of credit or other mechanism that the declarant shall provide, in addition to the declarant's own guarantee of completion, to assure, for the benefit of the association, completion of the improvement or facility and a statement of the time limit, if any, of the term of such third-party guarantee, bond, escrow, letter of credit or other mechanism or, if no such mechanism is to be provided by the declarant, an explicit statement that no third-party guarantee, bond, escrow, letter of credit or other mechanism shall be provided by the declarant, and only the declarant's own guarantee shall be provided to assure completion of the improvement or facility.
(x) A statement that any portion of the planned community, an improvement or facility will be deemed to be completed upon the recording of a certificate executed by an independent registered surveyor, architect or professional engineer stating that the portion of the planned community, improvement or facility is substantially completed in accordance with the descriptions set forth in the declaration, the plats and plans and the public offering statement and so as to permit the use of such portion of the planned community, improvement or facility for its intended use.
(16.1) If the declaration provides that the association or a unit owner is or shall be responsible for operation and maintenance of storm water management facilities, a statement that upon approval of the permittee's notice of termination by the Department of Environmental Protection or by an authorized county conservation district, it shall be deemed that the association or unit owner, as applicable, agree to and shall become responsible for compliance with the storm water management facilities' permit terms and conditions, including long-term operation and maintenance of postconstruction storm water best management practices in accordance with applicable requirements. The declarant shall remain responsible for compliance with other obligations with respect to storm water management facilities as may be required by the approved subdivision and land development plans, the declaration or this subpart until such time as the obligations of the declarant may cease.
(16.2) Any fees or charges to be paid by unit owners, currently or in the future, for the use of the common elements, limited common elements and any other facilities related to the planned community.
(17) Any other matters the declarant deems appropriate.
(Mar. 24, 1998, P.L.206, No.37, eff. 60 days; July 2, 2013, P.L.204, No.37, eff. imd.; Oct. 19, 2018, P.L.551, No.84, eff. 60 days; Mar. 27, 2020, P.L.35, No.11, eff. 60 days)
2020 Amendment. Act 11 added par. (16.2).
2018 Amendment. Act 84 amended par. (16) intro. par. and added par. (16.1).
2013 Amendment. Act 37 amended pars. (13) and (14)(ii) and carried without amendment par. (14)(i). See section 2 of Act 37 in the appendix to this title for special provisions relating to applicability.
1998 Amendment. Act 37 amended par. (16).
Cross References. Section 5205 is referred to in sections 5102, 5103, 5203, 5206, 5209, 5211, 5219, 5222, 5223, 5402, 5407, 5414 of this title.