2022 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Law Enforcement Background Investigations and Employment Information
Section 7308 - Maintenance of records
(a) General rule.--In addition to any other employment information required to be maintained under current law and regulation, a law enforcement agency shall maintain the following separation records:
(1) Records of the reason or reasons for, and circumstances surrounding, a separation of service for a law enforcement officer on a form developed by the commission and made available on its publicly accessible Internet website.
(2) Records of all criminal charges filed against a law enforcement officer.
(3) Records of all civil or ethical complaints made against a law enforcement officer.
(4) Records of the disposition of all charges and complaints, including final and binding disciplinary actions, taken by the law enforcement agency against a law enforcement officer, including imposition of probationary or other conditions related to employment.
(b) Review of separation records.--A law enforcement officer may review a separation record upon the request of the law enforcement officer on a form developed by the commission and made available on the law enforcement agency's publicly accessible Internet website.
(c) Disagreement with record accuracy.--
(1) If a law enforcement officer disagrees with the accuracy of the contents of a separation record, the law enforcement officer may request the correction or removal of the portion of the record believed to be incorrect. The request must be made in writing using a form developed by the commission and available on the commission's publicly accessible Internet website. The law enforcement agency shall provide written reasons for correction or removal of a portion of the record, or of the refusal to do so.
(2) If the law enforcement agency and the law enforcement officer cannot reach an agreement on the contents of the record, the law enforcement officer may submit a written statement explaining the law enforcement officer's position and the basis for the disagreement. The statement shall be kept with and part of the separation records required under this section and provided with the rest of the contents of the separation records as required under section 7310 (relating to disclosure of separation).
Cross References. Section 7308 is referred to in section 7302 of this title.