2022 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 73 - Law Enforcement Background Investigations and Employment Information
Section 7307 - Confidentiality agreements and nondisclosure
(a) When agreement exists.--If employment information is subject to a confidentiality agreement between the applicant and a law enforcement agency, the applicant shall disclose to the prospective employing law enforcement agency the fact that a confidentiality agreement exists.
(b) When agreement is absent and applicant authorizes release.--If the applicant has authorized the release of employment information without regard to a previous agreement to the contrary, the law enforcement agency may disclose the employment information in accordance with this chapter.
(c) Employment information sealed or subject to court order.--If employment information is sealed or otherwise subject to a nondisclosure order by a court of competent jurisdiction, the law enforcement agency shall disclose to the prospective employing law enforcement agency the fact that a nondisclosure order exists, along with information identifying the court and case number.