2021 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 31 - Water Resources Planning
Section 3111 - State water plan
(a) Preparation and adoption.--In accordance with this chapter and with ongoing consultation with the Statewide committee and the department, each regional committee shall guide the development of and recommend to the Statewide committee a regional plan component for review, approval and incorporation into the State water plan. The Statewide committee shall guide the development of, approve and recommend to the secretary approval and adoption of the State water plan. The department shall draft and develop the State water plan, including regional plan components. The State water plan shall be completed and adopted within five years of the effective date of this chapter.
(b) Matters considered.--The State water plan shall reflect the matters set forth in section 3112 (relating to plan contents). The level of detail within the State water plan and each regional plan may vary among watersheds and other hydrologic units. In consultation with the regional committee and the Statewide committee, the department shall establish with the approval of the Statewide committee priorities and guidelines for the level of detail appropriate for different areas, considering among other factors the current or projected future water demands in comparison to the safe yield of available water resources in the area.
(c) Limitation of authority.--Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to authorize, expand or diminish the existing authority of the department, including the Environmental Quality Board, to regulate, control or require permits for the withdrawal or use of water.