2021 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 57 - Absentees and Presumed Decedents
Section 5704 - Notice to absentee
The court, if satisfied concerning the interest of the petitioner, shall cause to be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in the county of the absentee's last known residence and in the legal journal, if any, designated by rule of court for publication of legal notices, once a week for four successive weeks or for such shorter period as the court may deem appropriate, and to be otherwise advertised as the court according to the circumstances of the case shall deem advisable, the fact of such application, together with notice that on a specified day, which shall be at least two weeks after the last appearance of any such advertisement, the court, or a master appointed by the court for that purpose, will hear evidence concerning the alleged absence, including the circumstances and duration thereof.
(Dec. 16, 1992, P.L.1163, No.152, eff. imd.)
Cross References. Section 5704 is referred to in sections 5701, 5702, 5706 of this title.