2021 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 33 - Administration and Personal Representatives
Section 3301 - Duty of personal representative
(a) General assets.--Every personal representative shall file with the register a verified inventory of all real and personal estate of the decedent, except real estate outside of this Commonwealth. An ancillary personal representative shall include in the inventory only assets for which he is responsible.
(b) Real estate outside of Commonwealth.--The inventory shall include at the end a memorandum of real estate outside of this Commonwealth. The memorandum, at the election of the personal representative, may indicate the value of each item of real estate included therein, but the values so fixed shall not be extended into the total of the inventory or included as real estate in subsequent accountings.
(c) Time for filing.--The personal representative shall file his inventory no later than the date he files his account or the due date, including any extension, for the filing of the inheritance tax return for the estate, whichever is earlier. Any party in interest in the estate may request the filing of an inventory at an earlier date by writing delivered to the personal representative or his attorney in which event an inventory shall be filed within three months after the appointment of the personal representative or within 30 days after the request, whichever is later. The court may direct the personal representative to file an inventory of estate assets at any time.
(Oct. 12, 1984, P.L.929, No.182, eff. imd.; Oct. 27, 2010, P.L.837, No.85, eff. 60 days)
2010 Amendment. Act 85 amended subsec. (c).