2020 Pennsylvania Consolidated & Unconsolidated Statutes
Chapter 1 - Short Title, Form of Citation and Effective Date
Section 102 - Citation of Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes
The Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes may be cited by title and section number. Without prejudice to any other form of citation, a citation to any section of this act in the following form shall, except as provided in section 303 of this title (relating to cross references between provisions of the Consolidated Statutes), be adequate for all purposes: "1 Pa.C.S. § 102."
(Dec. 10, 1974, P.L.816, No.271, eff. imd.)
1974 Amendment. Act 271 changed the short form of citation from "Pa.S."
Conforming Editorial Changes in Citations. For authority of the Director of the Legislative Reference Bureau to editorially change the form of citations in statutes to conform to the 1974 amendment to section 102, see section 6 of Act 271 of 1974 in the appendix to this title.
Cross References. Section 102 is referred to in sections 303, 502 of this title.