2022 Oklahoma Statutes
Title 69. Roads Bridges and Ferries
§69-309. Employment of persons closely related to members or Director - Contracts with such persons.
It shall be unlawful for the Commission or the Director to appoint or employ, or approve the appointment or employment of, any persons related within the third degree by blood or marriage to the Director or any member of the Commission. The Director knowingly appointing or employing any persons in violation of this provision, or any member of the Commission knowingly approving or recommending the appointment or employment of persons in violation of such provision, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. It also shall be unlawful for the Commission or the Director to approve or enter into any contract with any persons related within the third degree by blood or marriage to the Director or any member of the Commission. The Director knowingly approving or entering into any such contract in violation of such provision, or any member of the Commission knowingly voting to enter into or to approve any such contract, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Laws 1968, c. 415, § 309, operative July 1, 1968.