2022 Oklahoma Statutes
Title 47. Motor Vehicles
§47-12-302. Performance ability of brakes.
A. Every motor vehicle or combination of vehicles, at all times and under all conditions of loading, upon application of the service brake, shall be capable of:
1. Developing a braking force that is not less than the percentage of its gross weight, as specified in subsection D of this section;
2. Decelerating to a stop from a speed of twenty (20) miles per hour at not less than the rate specified in subsection D of this section; and
3. Stopping from a speed of twenty (20) miles per hour in not more than the distance specified in subsection D of this section, such distance to be measured from the point at which movement of the service brake pedal or control begins.
B. Upon application of the parking brake system and with no other brake system applied, a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles shall, at all times and under all conditions of loading, be capable of stopping from a speed of twenty (20) miles per hour in not more than the distance specified in subsection D of this section, such distance to be measured from the point at which movement of the emergency brake control begins.
C. Conformity to the stopping-distance requirements of subsections A and B of this section shall be determined under the following conditions:
1. Any test must be made with the vehicle on a hard surface that is substantially level, dry, smooth, and free of loose material; and
2. The vehicle must be in the center of a twelve-foot-wide lane when the test begins and must not deviate from that lane during the test.
D. Vehicle brake performance table:
Service Brake SystemsEmergency
Brake Systems
force asDecelerationApplicationApplication
percentagein feetand brakingand braking
Type ofof GVWRper seconddistancedistance
Motor Vehicleor GCWRper secondin feetin feet
1. Passenger-carrying vehicle:
a. Vehicles with a seating capacity of ten persons or less, including the driver, and built on a passenger chassis:65.2212054
b. Vehicles with a seating capacity of more than ten persons, including the driver, and built on a passenger car chassis; vehicles built on a truck or bus chassis and having a manufacturer's GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less:52.8172566
c. All other passenger-carrying vehicles:43.5142585
2. Property-carrying vehicles:
a. Single-unit vehicles with a manufacturer's GVWR of 10,000 pounds or less:52.8172566
b. Single-unit vehicles with a manufacturer's GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds. Combinations of a 2-axle towing vehicle and trailer having a GVWR of 3,000 pounds or less. All combinations of two or less vehicles in drive-away or tow-away combinations:43.4143585
c. All other property-carrying vehicles and combinations of property-carrying vehicles:43.5144090
E. Tests for deceleration and stopping distance shall be made on a substantially level (not to exceed plus or minus one percent (1%) grade), dry, smooth, hard surface that is free from loose material.
Added by Laws 1961, p. 405, § 12-302. Amended by Laws 2003, c. 411, § 48, eff. Nov. 1, 2003.