2022 North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 43 - Land Registration
Article 6 - Method of Transfer.
§ 43-34 - Subdivision of registered estate.
43-34. Subdivision of registered estate.
Any owner of a registered estate who may desire to subdivide the same may make application in writing to the register of deeds for the issuance of a new certificate of title for each subdivision, to which application shall be attached a map or plat having clearly indicated thereon the boundaries of the whole of the registered estate in question and of each lot or parcel for which he desires a new certificate of title. Thereupon it shall be the duty of the register of deeds, upon payment by such applicant of necessary surveyor's fees, if any are required, and of the amount herein provided for issuing the certificates of title and recording the map, to cancel the certificate of title attached to said application and to issue to such owner new certificates of title, each bearing a new number, for each lot or parcel shown upon the said map, describing such lot or parcel in such certificates either by metes and bounds or by reference to a map or plat attached thereto. (1919, c. 82, s. 4; C.S., s. 2408.)