2020 North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 43 - Land Registration
Article 9 - Removal of Land from Operation of Torrens Law.
§ 43-56 - Proceedings.
43-56. Proceedings.
Any land brought under the provisions and operation of this Chapter before April 16, 1931, may be removed and excluded therefrom by a motion in writing filed in the original cause wherein said land was brought under the provisions and operation of said Chapter, and upon the filing of a petition therein showing the names of all persons owning an interest in said land and of all lien holders, mortgagees and trustees of record, and the description of said land. Upon the filing of said petition the clerk of the superior court shall issue a citation to all parties interested and named in the petition, and upon the return date of said citation and upon the hearing of said motion, the said clerk of the superior court may enter a decree in said cause removing and excluding said land from the provisions and operation of this Chapter, and transfer and conveyance of said land may be made thereafter as other common-law conveyances.
(1931, c. 286, s. 1.)