2021 New York Laws
COM - Economic Development Law
Article 1 - Short Title; Definitions
2 - Definitions.
§ 2. Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter:
1. "Department" shall mean the state department of economic development.
2. "Commissioner" shall mean the commissioner of economic development.
3. The term "atomic energy" means all forms of energy released in the course of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion or other nuclear transformation.
4. The term "science oriented industry and applied research" means industrial or commercial activities and applied research in the fields of atomic energy, space development, marine sciences, ocean engineering and other science oriented or advanced technology industry.
5. "Telecommuting" shall mean the conservation of energy through the reduction of travel by employees of the department to and from their designated workplace through the use of telecommunication and computer technology in tasks including, but not limited to, information transfer and processing.