2019 New York Laws
AGM - Agriculture and Markets
Article 21 - Milk Control
254-A - Milk Marketing Advisory Council.
§ 254-a. Milk marketing advisory council. 1. There shall be established a milk marketing advisory council to advise the commissioner in planning, programs and policy pertaining to milk marketing. The council will be convened at the request of the commissioner not less than two times per year. 2. This advisory council shall consist of not less than seven members who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the commissioner. The commissioner shall designate one member to serve as chairman of the council. The membership of the council shall include, but not be limited to milk producers, milk dealers, representatives of general farm organizations and dairy farmer cooperative associations, and representatives of milk consumers and representatives of milk retailers. The members shall serve without salary, but shall be entitled to reimbursement of their ordinary and necessary travel expenses. 3. The duties and responsibilities of the milk marketing advisory council shall be prescribed by the commissioner and he may specifically delegate to the council any or all of the following duties and responsibilities:(a) The recommendation to the commissioner of proposed rules and regulations to effectuate the purposes of this article.
(b) The recommendation to the commissioner of changes or amendments to rules and regulations.
(c) The recommendation to the commissioner of policy positions with respect to proposed federal legislation and regulations affecting milk marketing within the state.
(d) Assisting the commissioner in the collection and assembly of information and data necessary for the proper administration of this article.
(e) Study of milk marketing matters pertaining to the administration of this article and inform the commissioner of their findings.
(f) The performance of such other duties relating to the administration of this article as the commissioner shall designate.