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2006 New York Code - Enforcement Of Money Judgments

                                 ARTICLE 52
          5201. Debt or property subject to enforcement; proper garnishee.
                  (a) Debt against which a money judgment may be enforced.
                  (b) Property  against  which  a  money  judgment  may be
                  (c) Proper garnishee for particular property or debt.
          5202. Judgment creditor's rights in personal property.
                  (a) Execution creditor's rights.
                  (b) Other judgment creditor's rights.
          5203. Priorities and liens upon real property.
                  (a) Priority and lien on docketing judgment.
                  (b) Extension of lien.
          5204. Release of lien or levy upon appeal.
          5205. Personal  property  exempt   from   application   to   the
                  satisfaction of money judgments.
                  (a) Exemption for personal property.
                  (b) Exemption  of cause of action and damages for taking
                        or injuring exempt personal property.
                  (c) Trust exemption.
                  (d) Income exemptions.
                  (e) Exemptions to members of armed forces.
                  (f) Exemption for unpaid milk proceeds.
                  (g) Security deposit exemption.
                  (h) Enacted without subdivision heading.
                  (i) Exemption for life insurance policies.
                  (j) Exemption for New York state college choice  tuition
                        savings program trust fund payment monies.
                  (k) Enacted without subdivision heading.
          5206. Real  property exempt from application to the satisfaction
                  of money judgments.
                  (a) Exemption of homestead.
                  (b) Homestead exemption after owner's death.
                  (c) Suspension of occupation as affecting homestead.
                  (d) Exemption  of  homestead  exceeding   ten   thousand
                        dollars in value.
                  (e) Sale  of homestead exceeding ten thousand dollars in
                  (f) Exemption of burying ground.
          5207. Enforcement involving the state.
          5208. Enforcement after  death  of  judgment  debtor;  leave  of
                  court; extension of lien.
          5209. Discharge of garnishee's obligation.
          5210. Power of court to punish for contempt.
          5211. Privilege on examination; immunity.
          5221. Where enforcement proceeding commenced.
                  (a) Court and county in which proceeding commenced.
                  (b) Notices, subpoenas and motions.
          5222. Restraining notice.
                  (a) Issuance; on whom served; form; service.
                  (b) Effect   of   restraint;  prohibition  of  transfer;
                  (c) Subsequent notice.
                  (d) Notice to judgement debtor or obligor.
                  (e) Content of notice.
                  (f) Enacted without subdivision heading.
                  (g) Restraining notice in the form of magnetic tape.
          5223. Disclosure.
          5224. Subpoena; procedure.
                  (a) Kinds and service of subpoena.
                  (b) Fees.
                  (c) Time and place of examination.
                  (d) Conduct of examination.
                  (e) Signing deposition; physical preparation.
                  (f) Subsequent examination.
          5225. Payment or delivery of property of judgment debtor.
                  (a) Property in the possession of judgment debtor.
                  (b) Property not in the possession of judgment debtor.
                  (c) Documents to effect payment or delivery.
          5226. Installment payment order.
          5227. Payment of debts owed to judgment debtor.
          5228. Receivers.
                  (a) Appointment of receiver.
                  (b) Extension of receivership.
          5229. Enforcement before judgment entered.
          5230. Executions.
                  (a) Form.
                  (b) Issuance.
                  (c) Return.
                  (d) Records of sheriff.
                  (e) Enacted without subdivision heading.
          5231. Income execution.
                  (a) Form.
                  (b) Issuance.
                  (c) Definition of earnings and disposable earnings.
                  (d) Service upon debtor.
                  (e) Levy upon default or failure to serve debtor.
                  (f) Withholding of installments.
                  (g) Statement on income execution.
                  (h) Levy  upon money payable by municipal corporation or
                        the state.
                  (i) Modification.
                  (j) Priority; delivery to another sheriff.
                  (k) Accounting by sheriff.
          5232. Levy upon personal property.
                  (a) Levy by service of execution.
                  (b) Levy by seizure.
                  (c) Notice to judgment debtor or obligor.
                  (d) Enacted without subdivision heading.
          5233. Sale of personal property.
                  (a) Public auction.
                  (b) Public notice.
                  (c) Order for immediate sale or disposition.
                  (d) Unsaleable material.
          5234. Distribution of proceeds of personal property; priorities.
                  (a) Distribution of proceeds of personal property.
                  (b) Priority among execution creditors.
                  (c) Priority of other judgment creditors.
          5235. Levy upon real property.
          5236. Sale of real property.
                  (a) Time of sale; public auction.
                  (b) Sale of mortgaged property.
                  (c) Notice of sale.
                  (d) Notice of postponement of sale.
                  (e) Effect of notice as against judgment creditors.
                  (f) Conveyance; proof of notice.
                  (g) Disposition of proceeds of sale.
          5237. Failure of title to property sold.
          5238. Directions to the sheriff.
          5239. Proceeding to determine adverse claims.
          5240. Modification   or   protective   order;   supervision   of
          5241. Income execution for support enforcement.
                  (a) Definitions.
                  (b) Issuance.
                  (c) Execution for support enforcement; form.
                  (d) Notice to debtor.
                  (e) Determination of mistake of fact.
                  (f) Levy.
                  (g) Deduction from income.
                  (h) Priority.
                  (i) Levy upon money payable by the state.
          5242. Income deduction order for support enforcement.
          5250. Arrest of judgment debtor.
          5251. Disobedience of subpoena,  restraining  notice  or  order;
                  false swearing; destroying notice of sale.
          5252. Discrimination against employees and prospective employees
                  based upon wage assignment or income execution.

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