2024 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 41 - Torts
Article 5 - Medical Malpractice Act
Section 41-5-18 - Time and place of hearing.
A date, time and place for hearing shall be fixed by the director of the New Mexico medical review commission and prompt notice of the hearing shall be given to the parties involved, their attorneys and the members of the panel. In no instance shall the date set be more than sixty days after the transmittal by the director of the application for review, unless good cause exists for extending the period. Hearings may be held anywhere in the state, and the director shall give due regard to the convenience of the parties in determining the place of hearing. Upon the request of one party, within ten days of the answer filed by the respondent, the hearing shall be conducted via video conference, including attorneys, witnesses and panel members appearing remotely.
History: 1953 Comp., § 58-33-18, enacted by Laws 1976, ch. 2, § 18; 2021, ch. 16, § 11.
ANNOTATIONSThe 2021 amendment, effective January 1, 2022, provided that hearings may be conducted via video conference upon the request of a party; and after "determining the place of hearing", added "Upon the request of one party, within ten days of the answer filed by the respondent, the hearing shall be conducted via video conference, including attorneys, witnesses and panel members appearing remotely.".
Law reviews. — For article, "Medical Malpractice Legislation in New Mexico," see 7 N.M.L. Rev. 5 (1976-77).