2024 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 34 - Court Structure and Administration
Article 13 - Judicial Education Fund
Section 34-13-2 - Court education services division; purpose.
The court education services division of the administrative office of the courts shall provide judicial education, training and instruction for the justices, judges, magistrates and court personnel of the state, municipalities and counties and may provide such education for tribal judges.
History: Laws 1993, ch. 273, § 2; 2019, ch. 183, § 1; 2023, ch. 139, § 2.
ANNOTATIONSThe 2023 amendment, effective April 5, 2023, created the court education services division in the administrative office of the courts, and removed provisions which created the judicial education center; in the section heading, deleted "Judicial" and added "Court", and deleted "center created" and added "services division"; deleted former Subsection A, which provided "The 'judicial education center' is created at the institute of public law at the university of New Mexico law school."; and in the remaining language, after "The", deleted "judicial" and added "court", after "education", deleted "center" and added "services division of the administrative office of the courts", and after "shall provide", added "judicial".
The 2019 amendment, effective June 14, 2019, provided that the judicial education center may provide education, training and instruction for tribal judges, and removed a requirement that training for judges include an appropriate amount of time to be devoted to training and instruction on the disposition of driving while under the influence cases; and in Subsection B after "municipalities and counties", deleted "with an appropriate amount of time to be devoted each year to training and instruction on the disposition of driving while under the influence cases" and added "and may provide such education for tribal judges".