2021 New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 12 - Miscellaneous Public Affairs Matters
Article 10 - All Hazard Emergency Management
Section 12-10-6 - Mutual aid agreements.
Each political subdivision may, in cooperation with other public and private agencies within the state, enter into mutual aid agreements for reciprocal emergency management aid and assistance. The agreements shall be consistent with the state emergency operations plan, and in time of emergency it shall be the duty of each local emergency management organization to render assistance within its capabilities and in accordance with the provisions of the program and plan promulgated by the homeland security and emergency management department.
History: 1953 Comp., § 9-13-21, enacted Laws 1959, ch. 190, § 7; 1973, ch. 247, § 6; 1977, ch. 258, § 9; 2007, ch. 291, § 14.
ANNOTATIONSThe 2007 amendment, effective July 1, 2007, provided for mutual aid agreements for emergency management aid to be consistent with the emergency operations plan of the homeland security and emergency management department.
Division authority not dependent upon local school authorities. — Though close cooperation with school authorities is advisable and not to be discouraged whenever the protection of pupils may be served, the duties and responsibilities of the office of civil defense (now all hazard emergency management department) are in no way dependent on or limited by those of the schools. 1970 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 70-09.