2024 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 52 - State Government, Departments and Officers
Section 52:14F-7 - Construction of act
52:14F-7. Construction of act
9. a. Nothing in this amendatory and supplementary act shall be construed to deprive the head of any agency of the authority pursuant to section 10 of P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-10) to determine whether a case is contested or to adopt, reject or modify the findings of fact and conclusions of law of any administrative law judge consistent with the standards for the scope of review to be applied by the head of the agency as set forth in that section and applicable case law.
b. Nothing in this amendatory and supplementary act shall be construed to affect the conduct of any contested case initiated prior to the effective date of this act, or the making of any administrative adjudication in such contested case.
L.1978,c.67,s.9; amended 2001, c.5, s.5.