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2024 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 46 - Property
- Section 46:1-1 - Words and phrases defined
- Section 46:2-1 - Titles, rights and interests preserved
- Section 46:2-2 - Frauds or forgeries not validated
- Section 46:2-3 - Registry of mortgages not affected
- Section 46:2A-1 - Power of appointment; release or contract not to exercise authorized
- Section 46:2A-2 - Release as to whole or part of property; manner of release
- Section 46:2A-3 - Contract not to exercise power
- Section 46:2A-4 - Application of act to what powers and instruments
- Section 46:2A-5 - Deed, covenant or contract where power is created; acknowledgment; filing
- Section 46:2B-8.1 - Short title.
- Section 46:2B-8.2 - Powers of attorney; durable powers of attorney; disability defined.
- Section 46:2B-8.3 - Durable power of attorney not affected by lapse of time; disability or incapacity.
- Section 46:2B-8.4 - Relation of attorney-in-fact to court-appointed fiduciary.
- Section 46:2B-8.5 - Power of attorney not revoked until notice.
- Section 46:2B-8.6 - Good faith reliance.
- Section 46:2B-8.7 - Multiple attorneys-in-fact.
- Section 46:2B-8.8 - Delegation by attorney-in-fact.
- Section 46:2B-8.9 - Formality.
- Section 46:2B-8.10 - Revocation.
- Section 46:2B-8.11 - Certified copies and photocopies.
- Section 46:2B-8.12 - Compensation of the attorney-in-fact.
- Section 46:2B-8.13 - Fiduciary status and duty to account.
- Section 46:2B-8.13a - Power of attorney; gift of principal's property; prohibited
- Section 46:2B-8.14 - Application of act.
- Section 46:2B-10 - Definitions
- Section 46:2B-11 - Authority of agent
- Section 46:2B-12 - Powers of agent
- Section 46:2B-13 - Banking institutions to accept power of attorney
- Section 46:2B-14 - Banking institutions not liable for action in reliance on power of attorney
- Section 46:2B-15 - Limitations on power of agent
- Section 46:2B-16 - Banking transaction by agent binds principal
- Section 46:2B-17 - Power of attorney not made pursuant to this act valid
- Section 46:2B-18 - Banking institution may retain copy of power of attorney
- Section 46:2B-19 - Agent acting pursuant to power of attorney shall be a fiduciary
- Section 46:2C-6 - Trust created for exclusive benefit of employees as part of pension, disability, death or profit-sharing plan
- Section 46:2C-7 - Definitions
- Section 46:2E-14 - Disclaimer of interests previously governed by P.L.1979, c.492 (C.46:2E-1 to 46:2E-13).
- Section 46:2F-9 - Rule against perpetuities abrogated
- Section 46:2F-10 - Permissible period of power of alienation under trust, future interest
- Section 46:2F-11 - Applicability of C.46:2F-9 through C.46:2F-11 to property interests, powers of appointment
- Section 46:3-1 - Feudal tenures abolished
- Section 46:3-2 - Certain tenures and holdings turned into free and common socage
- Section 46:3-3 - Certain conveyances to operate in free and common socage
- Section 46:3-4 - Rents certain or rights and incidents to common socage not discharged
- Section 46:3-5 - Alienation of freeholds (statute quia emptores terrarum)
- Section 46:3-6 - Gifts, grants and conveyances by state allodial
- Section 46:3-7 - Transferability of estates of expectancy
- Section 46:3-8 - Grants of real estate, rents, reversions or remainders without attornment of tenant
- Section 46:3-9 - Conveyance of uses (statute of uses)
- Section 46:3-10 - Fines and common recoveries abolished
- Section 46:3-11 - Collateral warranties by ancestor abolished
- Section 46:3-12 - Warranties by life tenant void as to reversioners or remaindermen
- Section 46:3-13 - Fee simple; creation by deed; construction favorable to creation
- Section 46:3-14 - Rule in Shelley's Case abolished
- Section 46:3-15 - Estates tail abolished
- Section 46:3-16 - Buildings and other things included in deeds to land
- Section 46:3-17 - Tenancies in common; joint tenancies
- Section 46:3-17.1 - Joint tenancies; creation
- Section 46:3-17.2 - Tenancy by entirety
- Section 46:3-17.3 - Property interest
- Section 46:3-17.4 - Written consent of both spouses
- Section 46:3-17.5 - Surviving spouse sole owner
- Section 46:3-18 - Aliens; "alien friend" defined; right to acquire, hold and transfer real estate
- Section 46:3-19 - Estates, rights and interests in areas above surface of ground
- Section 46:3-20 - Enjoyment, alienation, demise, etc., of areas above surface of ground
- Section 46:3-21 - Rights, burdens, restrictions, etc., pertaining to lands applicable
- Section 46:3-22 - Application of existing laws to estates, etc., in areas above surface of ground
- Section 46:3-23 - Discrimination prohibited in promise, covenant, restriction
- Section 46:3-24 - Short title
- Section 46:3-25 - Solar easements; creation in writing; recording
- Section 46:3-26 - Contents
- Section 46:3-27 - Conveyance or reservation of mineral rights; exclusion of water rights
- Section 46:3-28 - Declarations, findings relative to private transfer fees.
- Section 46:3-29 - Definitions relative to private transfer fees.
- Section 46:3-30 - Private transfer fee obligation shall not run with title to real property; exceptions.
- Section 46:3-31 - Liability for damages.
- Section 46:3-32 - Disclosure of existence of private transfer fee obligation.
- Section 46:3-33 - Recording of notice of private transfer fee; requirements.
- Section 46:3A-1 - Survey, after approval and record, bars proprietors and successors from demands
- Section 46:3A-2 - Newly-made partial surveys made without notice to possessor to be of no avail
- Section 46:3A-3 - Perfection of title to overplus land under ancient survey
- Section 46:3A-4 - Construction of sections 46:3A-2, 46:3A-3
- Section 46:3A-5 - Certificate acknowledging line, corners and boundaries; recording; evidence; notice
- Section 46:3A-6 - Construction as continuation of prior statutes
- Section 46:3A-7 - Effective date
- Section 46:3B-1 - Short title
- Section 46:3B-2 - Definitions relative to new home warranties
- Section 46:3B-3 - New home warranty; prescribing by rule or regulation; procedures for processing claims; time periods
- Section 46:3B-4 - Liability of builder
- Section 46:3B-5 - Certificate of registration; application; fee; issuance; duration; conditions
- Section 46:3B-6 - Investigation of allegations; hearings; powers; denial, suspension or revocation of certificate; hearing; grounds
- Section 46:3B-7 - New home warranty security fund
- Section 46:3B-7.1 - Findings, declarations relative to new home warranties
- Section 46:3B-7.2 - "New Home Warranty Security Fund Board of Trustees"
- Section 46:3B-7.3 - Functions, duties of board
- Section 46:3B-8 - Review and approval of alternate new home warranty security programs; fees; hearings; revocation of approval
- Section 46:3B-8.1 - Filing of statement by warranty guarantor
- Section 46:3B-8.2 - Filing, indexing of information
- Section 46:3B-8.3 - Files open to public inspection
- Section 46:3B-9 - Availability of any legal remedy to owner; election of remedy
- Section 46:3B-10 - Rules and regulations
- Section 46:3B-11 - Supersedure of municipal ordinance or regulation
- Section 46:3B-12 - Failure to register; penalty; enforcement and collection
- Section 46:3B-13 - Findings, determinations, declarations
- Section 46:3B-14 - Moneys and claims for advance funding for remediation of structural damages
- Section 46:3B-15 - Procedure followed by commissioner when claim filed
- Section 46:3B-16 - Commissioner to estimate funding required for approved claims
- Section 46:3B-17 - Legal action to pursue claims
- Section 46:3B-18 - Submission of claims
- Section 46:3B-19 - No payment for defect in new home warranted under alternative program
- Section 46:3B-20 - Claimant deemed to have elected remedy
- Section 46:3C-1 - Short title
- Section 46:3C-2 - Findings, declarations relative to purchase of residential real estate
- Section 46:3C-3 - Definitions
- Section 46:3C-4 - Off-site conditions, municipal lists
- Section 46:3C-5 - Providing municipal clerk with lists of off-site conditions
- Section 46:3C-6 - Lists from the Commissioner of Environmental Protection
- Section 46:3C-7 - Fees for copies of lists.
- Section 46:3C-8 - Seller's notice regarding off-site conditions
- Section 46:3C-9 - Cancellation of contract
- Section 46:3C-10 - Seller's disclosure duties
- Section 46:3C-11 - Seller not required to contribute to list
- Section 46:3C-12 - Nonliability for civil damages
- Section 46:3C-13 - Single-family home with solar panels, seller's property condition disclosure statement, rider, addendum, information on installation, disclosure.
- Section 46:3C-14 - Liability, penalties, misrepresenting, false claims regarding solar panel installation.
- Section 46:3C-15 - Online publication of information, New Jersey Real Estate Commission, Clean Energy Program.
- Section 46:4-1 - Short form deed
- Section 46:4-2 - "The said covenants" construed
- Section 46:4-3 - Covenant of seizin
- Section 46:4-4 - Covenant as to right to convey
- Section 46:4-5 - Covenants as to quiet possession and freedom from encumbrances
- Section 46:4-6 - Covenant as to grantor's acts
- Section 46:4-7 - Covenant of general warranty
- Section 46:4-8 - Covenant of special warranty
- Section 46:4-9 - "With general warranty" , "with special warranty" construed
- Section 46:4-10 - Covenant as to further assurances
- Section 46:4-11 - Deeds or covenants not conforming to statutory short forms
- Section 46:5-1 - Certain words in quitclaim deeds construed
- Section 46:5-2 - "Grantor" , "grantee" , "release" construed
- Section 46:5-3 - Conveyance by quitclaim without reservation in favor of grantor; effect as conveyance by deed of bargain and sale; grantee bona fide purchaser
- Section 46:5-4 - Conveyance by quitclaim with reservation in favor of grantor; effect as conveyance by deed of bargain and sale; grantee bona fide purchaser
- Section 46:5-5 - Conveyance by quitclaim prior to July 4, 1931; effect after record as conveyance by deed of bargain and sale; exceptions
- Section 46:5-6 - Conveyance by quitclaim and record thereof as evidence; validity as to subsequent judgment creditors, purchasers and mortgagees
- Section 46:5-7 - Liberal construction as to grantee and strict construction against grantor
- Section 46:5-8 - Intention in enactment of sections 46:5-3 to 46:5-6
- Section 46:5-9 - Registered mortgages not affected
- Section 46:6-1 - Transfers, leases, assurances and conveyances pursuant to letters of agency, powers of attorney or other powers or authorities
- Section 46:6-2 - Informalities or irregularities in conveyances executed by agent under power
- Section 46:6-3 - Conveyances under powers of attorney not recorded
- Section 46:6-6 - Letters of attorney considered unrevoked until revoked by recorded instrument or death of principal
- Section 46:7-1 - Deed of confirmation
- Section 46:7-2 - Deed of conveyance
- Section 46:7-3 - Statements curing defects in designation of corporate grantees
- Section 46:7-4 - Perfecting title to real estate conveyed to church prior to completion of organization thereof
- Section 46:7-5 - Conveyances to religious societies prior to incorporation valid after incorporation
- Section 46:7-6 - Conveyances to clubs prior to incorporation valid after incorporation
- Section 46:7-7 - Conveyances to lodges prior to incorporation valid after incorporation
- Section 46:7-8 - Grants, conveyances or devises to or in trust for associations not for profit prior to incorporation thereof
- Section 46:7-9 - Incorporation, powers, etc., of land improvement companies
- Section 46:8-1 - Attornments by tenant to strangers to title; effect
- Section 46:8-2 - Grantees or assignees of leased real estate or reversions thereof; rights same as those of original lessors
- Section 46:8-3 - Lessees of real estate; rights against grantees of reversion
- Section 46:8-4 - Original lease surrendered and new lease made; rights and duties under new lease
- Section 46:8-5 - Judicial sale of leased interests
- Section 46:8-6 - Injuries by fire to buildings on leased premises; repair by landlord
- Section 46:8-7 - Buildings on leased premises totally destroyed by fire or otherwise; lease terminated
- Section 46:8-8 - Forfeiture of lease of premises used for prostitution or assignation
- Section 46:8-9 - Three months' notice to tenant to quit sufficient
- Section 46:8-9.1 - Termination on death
- Section 46:8-9.2 - Termination of certain residential leases due to disability.
- Section 46:8-9.3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 46:8-9.4 - Short title.
- Section 46:8-9.5 - Findings, declarations relative to termination of lease agreements by domestic violence victims.
- Section 46:8-9.6 - Requirements for termination of lease.
- Section 46:8-9.7 - Effective date of lease termination, conditions affecting co-tenants.
- Section 46:8-9.8 - Notice relative to public housing leases.
- Section 46:8-9.9 - Waiving of rights, remedies prohibited.
- Section 46:8-9.10 - Existing lease agreements unaffected.
- Section 46:8-9.11 - Disclosure of certain information by landlord prohibited; exceptions.
- Section 46:8-9.12 - Inapplicability of act to seasonal use, rental.
- Section 46:8-9.13 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 46:8-9.14 - Lock changes, dwelling unit, domestic violence victim, landlord, temporary, permanent restraining order, notification.
- Section 46:8-10 - Tenant holding over; tenancy from month to month
- Section 46:8-19 - Security deposits; investment, deposit, disposition
- Section 46:8-19.1 - Rules, regulations
- Section 46:8-20 - Procedure on conveyance of property
- Section 46:8-21 - Liability on transfer
- Section 46:8-21.1 - Return of deposit; displaced tenant; termination of lease; civil penalties, certain.
- Section 46:8-21.2 - Limitation on amount of deposit
- Section 46:8-21.3 - Security deposits prior to effective date of act; date of compliance
- Section 46:8-21.4 - Small claims jurisdiction of actions on security deposits less than $5,000
- Section 46:8-21.5 - Deposit recovery, certain; court action not required for tenant receiving financial assistance.
- Section 46:8-22 - Enforcement of trust by civil action
- Section 46:8-23 - Statutory trust upon insolvency or bankruptcy of person receiving security deposit
- Section 46:8-24 - Waiver by depositor prohibited
- Section 46:8-25 - Unlawful diversion of trust funds; penalty
- Section 46:8-26 - Application of act
- Section 46:8-27 - Landlord, project defined.
- Section 46:8-28 - Certificate of registration; filing, contents.
- Section 46:8-28.1 - Certificate; indexing, filing; inspection; fee; validation.
- Section 46:8-28.2 - Certificate of registration; amendment; filing
- Section 46:8-28.3 - Registration under act if in compliance with L.1974, c. 50, or Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law
- Section 46:8-28.4 - Inapplicability of act to current proceedings, liabilities or penalties
- Section 46:8-28.5 - Certificate of registration, fee; exceptions.
- Section 46:8-29 - Provision of copy of certificate of registration to tenant.
- Section 46:8-29.1 - Tenants advised of list.
- Section 46:8-30 - Date of preparation; stipulation
- Section 46:8-31 - Service by mail upon record owner
- Section 46:8-32 - Service of process on Superior Court clerk
- Section 46:8-33 - Action for possession by landlord; compliance with act
- Section 46:8-34 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court; amounts under $3,000
- Section 46:8-35 - Penalty for violation; recovery to municipalities
- Section 46:8-36 - Waiver of rights by agreement; unenforceability
- Section 46:8-37 - Severability
- Section 46:8-38 - Definitions
- Section 46:8-39 - Information on crime insurance; advice to tenants
- Section 46:8-40 - Owners of multiple dwellings; duties to make tenant insurable
- Section 46:8-41 - Penalties
- Section 46:8-42 - Severability
- Section 46:8-43 - Short title
- Section 46:8-44 - Definitions.
- Section 46:8-45 - Statement of legal rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords of rental dwelling units.
- Section 46:8-46 - Statement; distribution and posting by landlords
- Section 46:8-47 - Violations of act; penalty
- Section 46:8-48 - Offer of or entry into lease in violation of rights of tenants; termination of lease; exception
- Section 46:8-49 - Waiver of right to receive or refusal to accept statement; effect
- Section 46:8-49.1 - Landlord prohibited from requiring electronic payments from tenants.
- Section 46:8-49.2 - Receipt required.
- Section 46:8-49.3 - Acceptance by landlord of rent payment during three-day period.
- Section 46:8-50 - Notification, tenants, flood zone
- Section 46:8-51 - Military, veteran housing allowance counted as income; definitions.
- Section 46:8-52 - Short title.
- Section 46:8-53 - Findings, declarations regarding housing to those with criminal records.
- Section 46:8-54 - Definitions relative to housing to those with criminal records.
- Section 46:8-55 - Application process.
- Section 46:8-56 - Housing provider's consideration of applicant's record.
- Section 46:8-57 - Director preparation of model documents.
- Section 46:8-58 - Discriminatory advertisement by house provider, prohibited.
- Section 46:8-59 - Immunity.
- Section 46:8-60 - Drug, alcohol test, drug abuse treatment information; requirement by housing provider, prohibited.
- Section 46:8-61 - Unlawful acts by housing provider.
- Section 46:8-62 - Complaint data maintenance.
- Section 46:8-63 - Complaints, actions sought against housing provider.
- Section 46:8-64 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 46:8A-1 - Short title
- Section 46:8A-2 - Definitions
- Section 46:8A-3 - Horizontal property regimes; mergers
- Section 46:8A-3.1 - Organization of two or more regimes as nonprofit corporation; application of act
- Section 46:8A-4 - Status of apartments within horizontal property regime
- Section 46:8A-5 - Joint tenancies; tenancies in common; tenancies by the entirety
- Section 46:8A-6 - Ownership of apartments; of common elements; value
- Section 46:8A-7 - Indivisibility of common elements
- Section 46:8A-8 - Use of elements held in common
- Section 46:8A-9 - Recordation of master deed; matters to be set forth in deed
- Section 46:8A-10 - Plans to be attached to master deed
- Section 46:8A-11 - Description of individual apartments
- Section 46:8A-12 - Waiver of regime
- Section 46:8A-13 - Merger no bar to reconstitution
- Section 46:8A-14 - By-laws; inserting or appending to master deed
- Section 46:8A-15 - Necessary contents of by-laws; modification of system; recordation
- Section 46:8A-16 - Books of receipts and expenditures; availability for examination
- Section 46:8A-17 - Council of co-owners; access to apartments
- Section 46:8A-18 - Contributions for payment of expenses of administration and maintenance
- Section 46:8A-19 - Compliance with by-laws; damages or injunctive relief for noncompliance
- Section 46:8A-20 - Liens for labor or materials
- Section 46:8A-21 - Priority of liens
- Section 46:8A-22 - Joint and several liability of purchaser and seller for payment of assessments; purchaser's recovery; statement of amount due by seller
- Section 46:8A-23 - Insuring building and common elements against risks
- Section 46:8A-24 - Application of insurance proceeds to reconstruction; pro rata distribution in certain cases; rules governing reconstruction
- Section 46:8A-25 - Building costs in excess of insurance proceeds
- Section 46:8A-26 - Taxes, assessments and charges; valuation of apartments; exemptions or deductions
- Section 46:8A-27 - Incorporation
- Section 46:8A-28 - Partial invalidity
- Section 46:8B-1 - Short title
- Section 46:8B-2 - Saving clause
- Section 46:8B-3 - Definitions
- Section 46:8B-4 - Status of units
- Section 46:8B-5 - Types of ownership
- Section 46:8B-6 - Common elements
- Section 46:8B-7 - Invalidity of contrary agreements
- Section 46:8B-8 - Creation, establishment of condominium.
- Section 46:8B-8.1 - Establishment of condominium upon land held under lease
- Section 46:8B-9 - Master deed, contents.
- Section 46:8B-10 - Unit deeds and other instruments
- Section 46:8B-11 - Amendments to master deed
- Section 46:8B-12 - The association
- Section 46:8B-12.1 - Members of governing board; elections; written approval of actions by developer; control by board; delivery of items
- Section 46:8B-12.2 - Management, employment, service or maintenance contract or contract for equipment or materials; 2 year limitation; termination
- Section 46:8B-13 - Bylaws
- Section 46:8B-13.1 - Explanatory materials, guidelines for condominium associations, administrators
- Section 46:8B-14 - Responsibilities of association
- Section 46:8B-15 - Powers of association.
- Section 46:8B-16 - Authority, rights of unit owner
- Section 46:8B-17 - Common expenses
- Section 46:8B-18 - Prohibited work
- Section 46:8B-19 - Taxes, assessments and charges; valuation of units; exemptions or deductions
- Section 46:8B-20 - Liens for labor or materials
- Section 46:8B-21 - Liens in favor of association; priority.
- Section 46:8B-22 - Effect of sheriff's sale
- Section 46:8B-23 - Blanket mortgage
- Section 46:8B-24 - Fire or other casualty
- Section 46:8B-25 - Eminent domain
- Section 46:8B-26 - Condominium termination
- Section 46:8B-27 - Effect of deed of revocation
- Section 46:8B-28 - Resubmission
- Section 46:8B-29 - Zoning
- Section 46:8B-30 - Partial invalidity
- Section 46:8B-31 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 46:8B-32 - Unconscionability of leases; rebuttable presumption; elements of lease
- Section 46:8B-33 - Severability
- Section 46:8B-34 - Selling price; inclusion of statement of membership fees
- Section 46:8B-35 - Lease of parking, recreational or other common facility or area for over 20 years; option to renew or purchase
- Section 46:8B-36 - Master deeds or bylaws of association; rebuttable presumption of unconscionability
- Section 46:8B-37 - Application of act
- Section 46:8B-38 - Right of first refusal clause in contract for sale of condominium, master deed or association bylaws; applicability to state or any political subdivision
- Section 46:8C-2 - Mobile home park fees
- Section 46:8C-3 - Sale of mobile home within park; notice to and approval by owner or operator
- Section 46:8C-4 - Leases; delivery and posting of rules and regulations
- Section 46:8C-5 - Waiver of provisions of act by agreement; invalidity
- Section 46:8C-6 - Severability
- Section 46:8C-7 - Construction of act
- Section 46:8C-8 - Regulation and licensing by municipality; ordinance
- Section 46:8C-9 - Sale of first mobile home located on each site to be leased within park
- Section 46:8C-10 - Definitions.
- Section 46:8C-11 - Rights of homeowners on offer for sale
- Section 46:8C-12 - Right of homeowners on offer to buy
- Section 46:8C-13 - Rights not applicable to certain sales, etc.
- Section 46:8C-14 - Compliance as prerequisite to recording
- Section 46:8C-15 - Formation of association
- Section 46:8C-16 - Association notice to landowner, recording
- Section 46:8C-17 - Purpose of association
- Section 46:8C-18 - Governing bylaws; requisites
- Section 46:8C-19 - Powers, duties of the association
- Section 46:8C-20 - Duties of private residential leasehold community owner
- Section 46:8C-21 - Relocations, variances, certain, prohibited
- Section 46:8D-1 - Short title
- Section 46:8D-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 46:8D-3 - Definitions
- Section 46:8D-4 - Recording of documents
- Section 46:8D-5 - Plan of cooperative ownership
- Section 46:8D-6 - Master declaration
- Section 46:8D-7 - Master register
- Section 46:8D-8 - Fees
- Section 46:8D-9 - Lands in more than 1 county, state
- Section 46:8D-10 - Amendments
- Section 46:8D-11 - Contents of transfer document, short form memorandum
- Section 46:8D-12 - Recording of documents
- Section 46:8D-13 - Recording, indexing fees
- Section 46:8D-13.1 - Findings, declarations relative to rental housing and cooperatives; agreements, certain, unenforceable
- Section 46:8D-14 - Recording of financing statement security agreement, lien
- Section 46:8D-15 - Liens
- Section 46:8D-16 - Deed of revocation
- Section 46:8D-17 - Resubmission permissible
- Section 46:8D-18 - Adherence to definition of "cooperative"
- Section 46:9-1 - Short form mortgage
- Section 46:9-2 - Covenant of seizin and warranty
- Section 46:9-3 - Covenant as to taxes paid
- Section 46:9-4 - Covenant to pay indebtedness
- Section 46:9-5 - Covenant as to insurance
- Section 46:9-6 - Covenant as to acceleration
- Section 46:9-7 - Covenant as to declaration of no offset
- Section 46:9-7.1 - Express agreement required for assumption of mortgage debt
- Section 46:9-8 - Purchase money mortgage over judgments
- Section 46:9-8.1 - Definitions
- Section 46:9-8.2 - Priority preserved
- Section 46:9-8.3 - No outstanding indebtedness
- Section 46:9-8.4 - Prior recorded liens
- Section 46:9-8.5 - Title insurance to continue in effect despite modification to mortgage loan; exception.
- Section 46:9-9 - Assignment of mortgages
- Section 46:10-1 - Support of party or other walls adjacent to excavations eight feet in depth
- Section 46:10A-1 - Demanding or exacting money or other valuable thing for making or obtaining mortgage loan
- Section 46:10A-2 - Violators as disorderly persons
- Section 46:10A-3 - Issuance of mortgagee title insurance policy required; notice to mortgagor
- Section 46:10A-4 - Statement of receipt of notice by mortgagor
- Section 46:10A-5 - Violation; penalty
- Section 46:10A-6 - Borrower to choose own attorney; fees; disclosure; definitions
- Section 46:10B-1 - Definitions
- Section 46:10B-2 - Prepayment of mortgage loan without penalty
- Section 46:10B-3 - Additional payments
- Section 46:10B-4 - Invalidity of mortgage provisions
- Section 46:10B-5 - Violation; return of fees plus interest
- Section 46:10B-6 - Failure to deliver cancellation or discharge; forfeiture of fee
- Section 46:10B-7 - Failure to accept additional payments; forfeiture of interest
- Section 46:10B-8 - Increase in interest rate; limitation
- Section 46:10B-9 - Application of act
- Section 46:10B-10 - Interest rate; points
- Section 46:10B-11 - Points; liability for receiving
- Section 46:10B-11.1 - Discount points deemed interest on loan
- Section 46:10B-12 - Graduated payment mortgage defined
- Section 46:10B-13 - Authorization to make
- Section 46:10B-14 - Use for dwelling units; limits on interest
- Section 46:10B-15 - Option to convert to conventional level payment mortgage
- Section 46:10B-16 - Short title
- Section 46:10B-17 - Definitions
- Section 46:10B-18 - Reverse annuity and reverse direct payment mortgages; authorization to make; conditions
- Section 46:10B-19 - Option of mortgagor to enter into subsequent mortgage with same mortgagee
- Section 46:10B-20 - Exemption of income from New Jersey Gross Income Tax Act
- Section 46:10B-21 - Regulations
- Section 46:10B-22 - Short title.
- Section 46:10B-23 - Findings, declarations relative to abusive lending practices.
- Section 46:10B-24 - Definitions relative to abusive lending practices.
- Section 46:10B-25 - Creditors, prohibited practices relative to home loans.
- Section 46:10B-26 - High-cost home loans, limitations, prohibited practices.
- Section 46:10B-27 - Affirmative claims, defenses by borrower.
- Section 46:10B-28 - Enforcement by department.
- Section 46:10B-29 - Violations, remedies, liability.
- Section 46:10B-30 - Rights, remedies, prohibitions declared additional, cumulative.
- Section 46:10B-31 - Law of state of location of property applicable.
- Section 46:10B-32 - Program of consumer counseling, awareness.
- Section 46:10B-33 - Liability of mortgage broker.
- Section 46:10B-34 - Preemption of local rules, regulations.
- Section 46:10B-35 - Regulations.
- Section 46:10B-36 - Short title.
- Section 46:10B-37 - Findings, declarations relative to certain residential mortgages.
- Section 46:10B-38 - Definitions relative to certain residential mortgages.
- Section 46:10B-39 - Written notices from creditor to eligible borrower.
- Section 46:10B-40 - Period of extension; certification.
- Section 46:10B-41 - Notice sent to eligible foreclosed borrower.
- Section 46:10B-42 - Period of extension for eligible foreclosed borrower.
- Section 46:10B-43 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 46:10B-44 - Creditor's failure to fulfill obligation.
- Section 46:10B-45 - Liberal construction.
- Section 46:10B-46 - Severability.
- Section 46:10B-47 - Regulations.
- Section 46:10B-48 - Effective date; term.
- Section 46:10B-49 - Report of mortgage foreclosure actions.
- Section 46:10B-49.1 - Database reflecting extent of residential properties under foreclosure.
- Section 46:10B-49.2 - Notice of intention to foreclose, centralized portal for submission.
- Section 46:10B-49.3 - Required notifications by lender.
- Section 46:10B-50 - Six-month forbearance period before foreclosure; definitions.
- Section 46:10B-51 - Procedure for serving summons and complaint in action to foreclose on a mortgage.
- Section 46:10B-51.1 - Certain owners of foreclosed property required to file contact information.
- Section 46:10B-53 - Short title.
- Section 46:10B-54 - Definitions relative to certain mortgage foreclosure consultant practices.
- Section 46:10B-55 - Requirements for licensure of foreclosure consultant.
- Section 46:10B-56 - Foreclosure consultant contract.
- Section 46:10B-57 - Additional legal rights of owner.
- Section 46:10B-58 - Violations relative to foreclosure consultants.
- Section 46:10B-59 - Waiver void, unenforceable.
- Section 46:10B-60 - Written contract required for conveyance of distressed property.
- Section 46:10B-61 - Additional right of rescission, cancellation of contract.
- Section 46:10B-62 - Option of cancellation statement in contract.
- Section 46:10B-63 - Prohibited actions of distressed property purchaser.
- Section 46:10B-64 - Requirements for distressed property purchaser.
- Section 46:10B-65 - Waiver void, unenforceable.
- Section 46:10B-66 - Powers of commissioner relative to compliance.
- Section 46:10B-67 - Violations, penalties; degree of crime.
- Section 46:10B-68 - Enforcement, regulations.
- Section 46:11-1 - Right of entry to make surveys in certain proceedings
- Section 46:14-2.1 - Acknowledgement and proof.
- Section 46:14-4.1 - Proof of instruments not acknowledged or proved
- Section 46:14-4.2 - Signatures
- Section 46:14-6.1 - Officers authorized to take acknowledgments.
- Section 46:15-5 - Definitions.
- Section 46:15-6 - Requirements for recording of deed evidencing transfer of title.
- Section 46:15-6.1 - Sale of real property by sheriff; procedure; rules and regulations.
- Section 46:15-6.2 - Certification required for recording deed.
- Section 46:15-7 - Realty transfer fees.
- Section 46:15-7.1 - Supplemental fee for conveyance, transfer of property.
- Section 46:15-7.2 - Additional fee on certain transfers of real property over $1,000,000.
- Section 46:15-7.3 - Refund for certain fees paid on transactions occurring before February 1, 2005.
- Section 46:15-7.4 - Refunding of fee on certain property transfers.
- Section 46:15-8 - County, State sharing of fee proceeds.
- Section 46:15-9 - Falsifying consideration, failure to disclose new construction on deed and affidavits; penalty.
- Section 46:15-10 - Exemptions from realty transfer fee.
- Section 46:15-10.1 - Partial fee exemptions.
- Section 46:15-10.2 - Required provisions of annual appropriations act.
- Section 46:15-11 - Rules and regulations
- Section 46:15-15 - Findings, declarations regarding discriminatory restrictive covenants in deeds.
- Section 46:15-16 - Actions regarding certain deeds with restrictive covenant references.
- Section 46:15-17 - "Certificate of Release of Certain Prohibited Covenants".
- Section 46:15-18 - Definitions; amendment of governing documents.
- Section 46:16-15 - Applicability of act to certain federal liens.
- Section 46:16-16 - Filing of certificates, notices affecting liens.
- Section 46:16-17 - Certification of notices of liens, certificates, etc.
- Section 46:16-18 - Endorsement, fee.
- Section 46:16-19 - Fee for filing, indexing notice of lien, certificate, etc.
- Section 46:18-11.2 - Cancellation of mortgage after satisfaction
- Section 46:18-11.3 - Penalty.
- Section 46:18-11.4 - Failure to comply; liability.
- Section 46:18-11.5 - Definitions relative to mortgage cancellations.
- Section 46:18-11.6 - Conditions under which discharge of mortgage may be executed.
- Section 46:18-11.7 - Conditions for a discharge, satisfaction on the record.
- Section 46:18-11.8 - Regulations
- Section 46:18-13 - Action to foreclose a mortgage.
- Section 46:23-9.17 - Nonapplicability of P.L. 1997, c.211 to certain maps relating to construction bids advertised prior to July 1, 2001
- Section 46:24-1 - Board of commissioners of land records; appointment; vacancies; compensation
- Section 46:24-2 - Powers of commissioners as to procuring maps and indexes and as to expenditures
- Section 46:24-3 - Access to public records and papers
- Section 46:24-4 - Map or plan of county; preparation and contents
- Section 46:24-5 - Maps marked as official land maps certified and filed; copies made and sold
- Section 46:24-6 - Subdivisions of numbered blocks shown of official land maps
- Section 46:24-7 - Local or block indexes; preparation, form and contents
- Section 46:24-8 - Form and size of local block indexes; indorsements thereon
- Section 46:24-9 - Subindexes
- Section 46:24-10 - Time for completion of maps and indexes
- Section 46:24-11 - Numbering and indexing maps in counties having block indexes; changes therein
- Section 46:24-12 - Nominal combination and analytical indexes; use; fees
- Section 46:24-13 - Entries in local or block indexes; maps, books and records public records; time for completion, certification and deposit
- Section 46:24-14 - Entries on record or registry of instruments indexed in local indexes
- Section 46:24-15 - Order and time of entry of instruments in local or block indexes
- Section 46:24-16 - Liability of county recording officer for errors or omissions
- Section 46:24-17 - Indorsement of block number on instruments presented for record or registry
- Section 46:24-18 - Indorsement of land block number on instruments entered in local index
- Section 46:24-19 - Indexes as part of record of instruments and as notice of record, execution and contents thereof
- Section 46:24-20 - Blocks, parcels of land and lots to run to center of streets, avenues and roads
- Section 46:24-21 - Correction of erroneous entries
- Section 46:24-22 - Purpose and construction of chapter
- Section 46:25-1 - Neglect of duties; forfeiture; recovery; liability for damages
- Section 46:26-1 - Fees allowed
- Section 46:26A-1 - Definitions: document and recorded.
- Section 46:26A-2 - Documents that may be recorded.
- Section 46:26A-3 - Prerequisites for recording.
- Section 46:26A-4 - Exceptions to prerequisites to recording.
- Section 46:26A-5 - Form of documents and maps; cover sheet or electronic synopsis.
- Section 46:26A-6 - Duty to record; recording officer's books, methods.
- Section 46:26A-7 - Receipts for documents presented for recording.
- Section 46:26A-8 - Indexes; entries.
- Section 46:26A-9 - Sequence of recording.
- Section 46:26A-10 - Documents filed as provided by other statutes.
- Section 46:26A-11 - Notices of settlement.
- Section 46:26A-12 - Effect of recording.
- Section 46:26B-1 - Definitions.
- Section 46:26B-2 - Requirements for approval or filing of a map.
- Section 46:26B-3 - Monumentation.
- Section 46:26B-4 - Approval of maps.
- Section 46:26B-5 - Additional prerequisites to filing.
- Section 46:26B-6 - Filing and indexing of maps, fee.
- Section 46:26B-7 - Duplicates of maps in cities having atlases or block maps.
- Section 46:26B-8 - Approval and filing of duplicates of filed maps.
- Section 46:26C-1 - Regulations.
- Section 46:26C-2 - "Uniform Electronic Transactions Act" superseded.
- Section 46:26C-3 - Review of Document Filing and Recording Fees.
- Section 46:27-1 - Offices of surveyors general
- Section 46:27-2 - Seals of surveyors general
- Section 46:28-1 - Right of mortgagee to possession and recovery of possession
- Section 46:28-2 - Disposition of chattels when recovered or removal prevented
- Section 46:28-3 - Exceptions to sections 46:28-1 and 46:28-2
- Section 46:28-10 - Validity of chattel mortgages of railroads and public utilities included in real estate mortgages of such corporations pursuant to s. 46:28-14
- Section 46:28-14 - Mortgages of personalty included in mortgage of real estate by railroads or public utilities
- Section 46:30A-1 - Unsolicited sending of goods, wares or merchandise
- Section 46:30A-2 - Definitions
- Section 46:30A-3 - Sale of household appliance without tag or label as to prior use; exemptions; violations; penalties
- Section 46:30A-4 - Misrepresentation on tag or label; penalty
- Section 46:30A-5 - Injunction for violations
- Section 46:30A-6 - Item cost indicators on cash registers; visibility to customers; exceptions
- Section 46:30A-7 - Violations; what constitutes
- Section 46:30A-8 - Violation of act; penalty enforcement
- Section 46:30B-1 - Short title.
- Section 46:30B-2 - Construction
- Section 46:30B-3 - Foreign transactions.
- Section 46:30B-4 - Effect of chapter on duty of holder to report, pay and deliver property under prior law.
- Section 46:30B-5 - Contents of initial report
- Section 46:30B-6 - Definitions.
- Section 46:30B-7 - When property presumed abandoned generally.
- Section 46:30B-7.1 - Communication between holder and apparent owner.
- Section 46:30B-7.2 - Limitation on holder's power to impose charges.
- Section 46:30B-8 - When property payable or distributable
- Section 46:30B-9 - When property subject to custody.
- Section 46:30B-10 - Further conditions to be satisfied to subject property to custody.
- Section 46:30B-10.1 - Presumption of location
- Section 46:30B-10.2 - Presumption of abandonment after issuance.
- Section 46:30B-11 - Presumption of abandonment of travelers check.
- Section 46:30B-12 - Presumption of abandonment of money order.
- Section 46:30B-13 - Limitation on holder's power to impose service charges.
- Section 46:30B-14 - Conditions subjecting property to custody of State.
- Section 46:30B-15 - Application of R.S.46:30B-14 in certain cases
- Section 46:30B-16 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-17 - Limitation on holder's power to impose charges.
- Section 46:30B-18 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-19 - Includable in "property"
- Section 46:30B-20 - Limitation on holder's power to impose charges.
- Section 46:30B-21 - When automatically renewable property is matured.
- Section 46:30B-22 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-23 - Presumed address of person entitled to funds other than insured or annuitant if address unknown
- Section 46:30B-24 - Determining maturity of insurance policy or annuity contract.
- Section 46:30B-25 - Effect of automatic premium loan provision or nonforfeiture provision upon maturity or termination of insurance policy.
- Section 46:30B-26 - Notice to insured or owner of policy of exercise of automatic premium loan or other nonforfeiture provision
- Section 46:30B-27 - Duty imposed upon company to pay proceeds of insurance or annuity to beneficiary
- Section 46:30B-28 - Information to be requested in change of beneficiary form
- Section 46:30B-28.1 - Property distributable by insurance company.
- Section 46:30B-29 - Presumption of abandonment
- Section 46:30B-30 - Presumption of abandonment
- Section 46:30B-31 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-32 - Presumption of abandonment for failure to claim dividend or distribution.
- Section 46:30B-33 - When period of abandonment ceases.
- Section 46:30B-34 - Items presumed abandoned when interest presumed abandoned.
- Section 46:30B-36 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-37 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-37.1 - Presumption of abandonment: unclaimed estate assets.
- Section 46:30B-37.2 - Debt of business association.
- Section 46:30B-38 - Funds in retirement account or plan.
- Section 46:30B-38.1 - Funds in non-traditional retirement account or plan.
- Section 46:30B-39 - When agent deemed to hold property in fiduciary capacity
- Section 46:30B-40 - Fiduciary for business association deemed holder of property
- Section 46:30B-41 - Presumption of abandonment: Superior Court and surrogate.
- Section 46:30B-41.1 - Presumption of abandonment: minor's funds.
- Section 46:30B-41.2 - Presumption of abandonment: governmental entity.
- Section 46:30B-41.3 - Presumption of abandonment; class actions.
- Section 46:30B-42 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-42.1 - Presumption of abandonment of stored value card; exceptions; cash redemption.
- Section 46:30B-43 - Amounts presumed abandoned.
- Section 46:30B-43.1 - Limitation on holder's power to impose charges.
- Section 46:30B-44 - Presumption of abandonment
- Section 46:30B-45 - Presumption of abandonment.
- Section 46:30B-46 - Duty of holder to report property presumed abandoned.
- Section 46:30B-47 - Form and contents of report.
- Section 46:30B-47.1 - Contents of report: Superior Court Clerk and surrogate
- Section 46:30B-48 - Report by successor holder of property
- Section 46:30B-49 - Time to file report; postponement.
- Section 46:30B-50 - Notice to apparent owner.
- Section 46:30B-50.1 - Posting of notice by Superior Court Clerk and surrogate
- Section 46:30B-51 - Publication of notice by administrator.
- Section 46:30B-52 - Form and contents of notice to be published.
- Section 46:30B-53 - Items which need not be included in published notice.
- Section 46:30B-54 - Blank
- Section 46:30B-55 - Blank
- Section 46:30B-56 - Article not applicable to travelers checks or money orders or court deposits
- Section 46:30B-57 - Payment or delivery with report.
- Section 46:30B-58 - Establishment by owner of right to property before payment or delivery; erroneous presumption of abandonment
- Section 46:30B-59 - Payment or delivery of property not included in report
- Section 46:30B-60 - Delivery of duplicate certificates or other evidence of ownership by holder; holder, etc., relieved of liability
- Section 46:30B-60.1 - Transfer of ownership after delivery with report.
- Section 46:30B-61 - Custody by state; holder relieved from liability
- Section 46:30B-62 - Reimbursement of holder paying claim.
- Section 46:30B-63 - Holder reclaiming property for owner
- Section 46:30B-64 - Proof by holder to recover money or property
- Section 46:30B-65 - Defending and indemnifying holder against claims for property paid or delivered.
- Section 46:30B-66 - "Good faith" defined
- Section 46:30B-67 - Payment of safe deposit box or repository charges.
- Section 46:30B-68 - Crediting dividends, interest or other increments to owner's account
- Section 46:30B-69 - Sale of abandoned property
- Section 46:30B-70 - Sale price of securities
- Section 46:30B-71 - Securities to be held one year before sale; exception
- Section 46:30B-72 - Securities to be held one year before sale; rights of claimant if securities sold before or after end of one-year period.
- Section 46:30B-72.1 - Sale of tangible property
- Section 46:30B-73 - Rights of purchaser of property
- Section 46:30B-74 - Deposits of funds by administrator; terms defined.
- Section 46:30B-75 - Investment, reinvestment of moneys deposited.
- Section 46:30B-76 - Record to be maintained by administrator.
- Section 46:30B-76.1 - Confidentiality of certain records.
- Section 46:30B-76.2 - Disclosure of confidential information.
- Section 46:30B-76.3 - Access to confidential information
- Section 46:30B-77 - Filing claim; another state excluded.
- Section 46:30B-78 - Time to consider claim; notice of denial.
- Section 46:30B-79 - Payment of claim.
- Section 46:30B-79.1 - Certain claims treated as refund of tax for satisfying debt.
- Section 46:30B-80 - Holder paying claim; interest
- Section 46:30B-81 - Grounds for recovery of property by another state.
- Section 46:30B-82 - Form of claim; allowance.
- Section 46:30B-83 - Indemnification
- Section 46:30B-84 - Action to establish claim
- Section 46:30B-85 - Administrator may decline to receive property
- Section 46:30B-86 - Authorization of administrator to assume custody of property prior to presumption of abandonment
- Section 46:30B-87 - Authority of administrator to destroy or otherwise dispose of property
- Section 46:30B-88 - Periods of limitation no bar to presuming property abandoned or duty to report and deliver property
- Section 46:30B-89 - Time within which administrator may bring action against holder.
- Section 46:30B-90 - Administrator may require filing of reports.
- Section 46:30B-91 - Examination of records by administrator; generally.
- Section 46:30B-92 - Examination of records by administrator; agents and fiduciaries for business association.
- Section 46:30B-93 - Assessment of costs for examination.
- Section 46:30B-94 - Assessing estimated costs for examination when records are insufficient.
- Section 46:30B-95 - Maintaining records; generally.
- Section 46:30B-96 - Maintaining records; travelers checks, money orders, etc.
- Section 46:30B-96.1 - Continuity of records
- Section 46:30B-97 - Enforcement. Actions in Superior Court
- Section 46:30B-97.1 - Enforcement. Actions in federal court or courts of other states by administrator
- Section 46:30B-97.2 - Enforcement. Right of administrator to intervene in judicial or administrative proceedings
- Section 46:30B-97.3 - Enforcement. Administrator deemed an indispensable party in judicial or administrative proceedings
- Section 46:30B-98 - Interstate agreements.
- Section 46:30B-99 - Consultation by administrator with other states to avoid conflicts as to procedures
- Section 46:30B-100 - Joint enforcement
- Section 46:30B-101 - Attorney General may bring action in behalf of another state
- Section 46:30B-102 - Action by administrator in another state
- Section 46:30B-103 - Interest payable for failure to pay or deliver property in time
- Section 46:30B-104 - Penalty for failure to render report or perform other duties.
- Section 46:30B-105 - Penalty for willful failure to report, pay or deliver property.
- Section 46:30B-105.1 - Penalty for fraudulent report.
- Section 46:30B-105.2 - Calculation of penalty and interest after examination.
- Section 46:30B-105.3 - Waiver of penalty and interest.
- Section 46:30B-106 - Unenforceable agreements
- Section 46:30B-107 - Adoption of rules by administrator
- Section 46:30B-108 - Transfer of funds and assets
- Section 46:30B-109 - Statutes repealed
- Section 46:30C-1 - Definitions relative to lost, abandoned property.
- Section 46:30C-2 - Assumption of ownership.
- Section 46:30C-3 - Reasonable efforts to return property to owner.
- Section 46:30C-4 - Claiming of lost property.
- Section 46:30C-5 - Inapplicability of act.
- Section 46:30D-1 - Short title.
- Section 46:30D-2 - Findings, declarations relative to unclaimed property on loan to a museum.
- Section 46:30D-3 - Definitions relative to unclaimed property on loan to a museum.
- Section 46:30D-4 - Notice of intent to terminate a loan of property.
- Section 46:30D-5 - Notice to lender of intention to terminate a loan of property.
- Section 46:30D-6 - Notice by publication of intent.
- Section 46:30D-7 - Acquisition of good title to property.
- Section 46:30D-8 - Acquisition of good title by purchaser.
- Section 46:30D-9 - Actions by museum relative to loan of property.
- Section 46:30D-10 - Notification of change in address, title; proof established by purchaser.
- Section 46:30D-11 - Agreements between lender and museum; application of act.
- Section 46:31-1 - Sale or exchange of goods from other states prohibited; persons violating disorderly persons; punishment
- Section 46:31-2 - Brand, label or mark required
- Section 46:31-3 - Method and place of marking articles
- Section 46:31-4 - Possession for sale
- Section 46:31-5 - Violations of chapter; misdemeanor
- Section 46:31-6 - Goods made by convicts of other states subject to laws of this state; violators disorderly persons; punishment; procedure
- Section 46:33-1 - Requisites of contracts, agreements or chattel mortgages; acknowledgment or proof; record; marking of equipment or vehicles; recording fees; mortgages and personal property excepted; laws not applicable
- Section 46:34-1 - Contracts must be bona fide
- Section 46:34-2 - Contract; when effective
- Section 46:34-3 - Actions for recovery of money, property or chose in action
- Section 46:38-13 - Short title
- Section 46:38-14 - Definitions
- Section 46:38-15 - Gifts to minors
- Section 46:38-16 - Custodial gift
- Section 46:38-17 - Effect of custodial gift
- Section 46:38-18 - Acceptance of custodianship; notice
- Section 46:38-19 - Successor custodians; designation
- Section 46:38-19.1 - Resignation, death or removal of custodian; designation of successor custodian
- Section 46:38-20 - Acceptance of custodianship by designated successor
- Section 46:38-20.1 - Taking effect of designation of successor custodian
- Section 46:38-21 - Persons eligible to be custodians
- Section 46:38-22 - Authorization of trustee or executor to make gift to minor
- Section 46:38-23 - Gift to one minor; one person as custodian
- Section 46:38-24 - Placing subject of gift in possession and control of custodian
- Section 46:38-24.1 - Placement of possession and control of custodial property in successor custodian; priority of instruments of designation
- Section 46:38-25 - Rights, duties or authority of guardian with respect to custodial property
- Section 46:38-26 - Combining and treating gifts as single custodial gift; separate administration of gifts
- Section 46:38-27 - Custodian; powers, duties
- Section 46:38-28 - Reimbursement for expenses; compensation; bond; liability for losses
- Section 46:38-29 - Exemption of third persons from liability
- Section 46:38-30 - Resignation of custodian; procedure
- Section 46:38-32 - Death, renunciation of custodian
- Section 46:38-33 - Requiring custodian to give bond; removal of custodian; transfer of custodial property
- Section 46:38-34 - Accounting by custodian
- Section 46:38-35 - Delivery of notice
- Section 46:38-36 - Construction of act
- Section 46:38-37 - Model act; application and repeal
- Section 46:38-38 - Gifts made under model act
- Section 46:38-39 - Gifts authorized or directed to be made under model act
- Section 46:38-40 - Reservation of power
- Section 46:38-41 - Provisions severable
- Section 46:38A-1 - Short title
- Section 46:38A-2 - Definitions
- Section 46:38A-3 - Scope of chapter
- Section 46:38A-4 - Jurisdiction over custodian
- Section 46:38A-5 - Choice of law
- Section 46:38A-6 - Revocable nomination of custodian based upon happening of future event
- Section 46:38A-7 - When custodianship becomes effective under revocable nomination of custodian
- Section 46:38A-8 - Transfer by gift or exercise of power of appointment
- Section 46:38A-9 - Transfer authorized by will or trust
- Section 46:38A-10 - Transfer under will or trust; transfer to be made to nominated custodian
- Section 46:38A-11 - Transfer under will or trust; custodian not nominated or dead, etc.
- Section 46:38A-12 - Other transfers by personal representative or trustee
- Section 46:38A-13 - Transfers by a guardian
- Section 46:38A-14 - Conditions under which certain transfers may be made by a personal representative, trustee or guardian
- Section 46:38A-15 - Transfer by obligor
- Section 46:38A-16 - Transfer by obligor; custodian nominated
- Section 46:38A-17 - Transfer by obligor; custodian not nominated or dead, etc.
- Section 46:38A-18 - Receipt for custodial property
- Section 46:38A-19 - Manner of creating custodial property and effecting transfer; designation of initial custodian
- Section 46:38A-20 - Form of instrument to make certain transfers
- Section 46:38A-21 - Control of custodial property
- Section 46:38A-22 - Single custodianship
- Section 46:38A-23 - Validity of transfer
- Section 46:38A-24 - Transfer deemed irrevocable and vested in minor subject to rights, powers, duties and authority of custodian
- Section 46:38A-25 - Transfer incorporates all provisions of chapter
- Section 46:38A-26 - Care of custodial property
- Section 46:38A-27 - Duty of care owed by custodian
- Section 46:38A-28 - Investment or payment of premiums on life insurance or endowment policies by custodian
- Section 46:38A-29 - Custodial property to be kept separate and distinct
- Section 46:38A-30 - Records to be kept by custodian
- Section 46:38A-31 - Powers of custodian
- Section 46:38A-32 - Use of custodial property by custodian for benefit of minor
- Section 46:38A-33 - Application to court for use of custodial property for benefit of minor
- Section 46:38A-34 - Use of custodial property for benefit of minor not to affect obligation to support minor
- Section 46:38A-35 - Custodian's expenses
- Section 46:38A-36 - Custodian's compensation
- Section 46:38A-37 - Custodian's bond
- Section 46:38A-38 - Exemption of third person from liability
- Section 46:38A-39 - Liability to third persons generally
- Section 46:38A-40 - Liability of custodian to third persons
- Section 46:38A-41 - Liability of minor to third persons
- Section 46:38A-42 - Custodian declining to serve, designation of successor custodian
- Section 46:38A-43 - Designation of successor custodian by custodian
- Section 46:38A-44 - Resignation of custodian; notice; delivery of custodial property
- Section 46:38A-45 - Designation successor custodian when custodian is ineligible, dies or becomes incapacitated
- Section 46:38A-46 - Delivery of custodial property to successor custodian
- Section 46:38A-47 - Removal of custodian; bond
- Section 46:38A-48 - Accounting by and determination of liability of custodian
- Section 46:38A-49 - Accounting by predecessor custodian
- Section 46:38A-50 - Accounting required or permitted by the court
- Section 46:38A-51 - Accounting and order for delivery of custodial property upon removal of custodian
- Section 46:38A-52 - Termination of custodianship
- Section 46:38A-53 - Applicability of chapter
- Section 46:38A-54 - Validation of certain transfers
- Section 46:38A-55 - Construction
- Section 46:38A-56 - Reservation of power
- Section 46:38A-57 - Laws repealed
- Section 46:39-1 - Rental by two or more acting as co-executors, co-administrators, co-guardians, co-trustees, co-receivers; accessibility
- Section 46:39-2 - Rental by one acting as sole executor, etc.; accessibility by authorized agent
- Section 46:39-3 - Rental by minors; appointment of minor as agent for access to box
- Section 46:39-4 - Death or incapacity of lessee who has appointed agent; effect; "person" defined
- Section 46:39-5 - Applicability
- Section 46:39-6 - Provisions of any will, codicil, trust instrument, order, decree or judgment not superseded
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