2024 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 2C - The New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice
Section 2C:58-3.4 - Exemption on restriction of purchase of handguns.
2C:58-3.4 Exemption on restriction of purchase of handguns.
4. a. The superintendent may grant an exemption from the restriction on the purchase of handguns set forth in subsection i. of N.J.S.2C:58-3 if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the superintendent that the applicant's request meets one of the following conditions:
(1) The application is to purchase multiple handguns from a person who obtained the handguns through inheritance or intestacy;
(2) The applicant is a collector of handguns and has a need to purchase or otherwise receive multiple handguns in the same transaction or within a 30-day period in furtherance of the applicant's collecting activities. As used in this paragraph, "need" shall include, but not be limited to, situations where there is a reasonable likelihood that the additional handguns sought to be purchased would not be readily available after the 30-day period, that it would not be feasible or practical to purchase the handguns separately, or that prohibiting the purchase of more than one handgun within a 30-day period would have a materially adverse impact on the applicant's ability to enhance his collection. As used in this paragraph, "collector" shall include any person who devotes time and attention to acquiring firearms for the enhancement of the person's collection: as curios; for inheritance; for historical, investment, training and competitive, recreational, educational, scientific, or defensive purposes; or any or other lawful related purpose. If an applicant is a member of an organized gun club; firearms competitors organization; firearms collectors organization; or any other organization dedicated to the acquisition, preservation, or use of firearms for historical, investment, training and competitive, recreational, educational, scientific, or defensive purposes, or any other lawful related purpose, such membership shall be considered in determining whether the applicant qualifies as a collector; or
(3) The applicant participates in sanctioned handgun shooting competitions and needs to purchase or otherwise receive multiple handguns in a single transaction or within a 30-day period, and the need is related to the applicant's competitive shooting activities, including use in or training for sanctioned competitions.
b. The applicant shall certify, on a form prescribed by the superintendent, the specific exemption sought and the particular handguns to be purchased. This form shall be submitted to the superintendent at the same time as the permit to purchase a handgun, along with any pertinent documentation supporting the need for an exemption. If the information concerning the particular handguns to be purchased is not available when the form is submitted, that information shall be provided to the superintendent as soon as practicable thereafter. The superintendent shall consider the veracity, accuracy, and completeness of the information provided in determining whether the applicant meets the requirements for an exemption pursuant to this section. In considering whether an applicant qualifies as a collector under paragraph (2) of subsection a. of this section, the superintendent shall not consider the number of guns in the applicant's collection. In considering an exemption sought under paragraph (2) of subsection a. of this section, the superintendent shall not consider the merit or validity of the applicant's collecting activities.
The superintendent shall not grant an exemption if he finds a reasonable likelihood that the public safety would be endangered by granting the exemption, including but not limited to instances where the applicant may be purchasing a handgun to give, sell or distribute to a person who would not qualify to purchase or otherwise acquire a handgun under the provisions of this chapter.
The exemptions set forth in this section shall not be construed and are not intended to authorize multiple handgun purchases where the sole justification set forth by the applicant is that the seller offers a discount for the purchase of more than one handgun.
c. Any person aggrieved by the denial of a request for an exemption pursuant to this paragraph may request a hearing in the Superior Court. The request for a hearing shall be made within 30 days of the denial of the application for an exemption. The applicant shall serve a copy of his request for a hearing upon the superintendent. The hearing shall be held and a record made thereof within 30 days of the receipt for the application for such a hearing by the judge of the Superior Court. The judge shall grant the request for the exemption if the judge finds that the denial of the applicant's request was an abuse of discretion, arbitrary or capricious, or a misapplication of the requirements for an exemption as a matter of law.
d. Notwithstanding the provisions of the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), the superintendent may adopt, immediately upon filing with the Office of Administrative Law, such temporary regulations as the superintendent deems necessary to implement the provisions of P.L.2009, c.186 (C.2C:58-3.4 et al.). The regulations so adopted shall be effective for a period not to exceed 270 days from the date of the filing, but in no case shall those regulations be in effect one year after the effective date of P.L.2009, c.186 (C.2C:58-3.4 et al.). The regulations may thereafter be amended, adopted or readopted by the superintendent as the superintendent deems necessary in accordance with the requirements of the "Administrative Procedure Act."
L.2009, c.186, s.4.