2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 46 - Property
Section 46:3-17.2 - Tenancy by entirety
46:3-17.2. Tenancy by entirety
A tenancy by entirety shall be created when:
a. A husband and wife together take title to an interest in real property or personal property under a written instrument designating both of their names as husband and wife; or
b. A husband and wife become the lessees of real property or personal property under a written instrument containing an option to purchase designating both of their names as husband and wife; or
c. An owner spouse conveys or transfers an interest in real property or personal property to the non-owner spouse and the owner spouse jointly under written instrument designating both of their names as husband and wife.
Language which states "....... and ......., his wife" or "........ and ........, her husband" shall be deemed to create a tenancy by the entirety.
L. 1987,c.357, s.5.