2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 40A - Municipalities and Counties
Section 40A:9-49 - Payment for burial of unidentified, unclaimed bodies.
40A:9-49 Payment for burial of unidentified, unclaimed bodies.
40A:9-49. Pursuant to section 22 of P.L.2003, c.261 (C.45:27-22), the county or intercounty medical examiner or assistant county or intercounty medical examiner, upon taking charge of unidentified or unclaimed dead bodies, shall make burial arrangements. If the decedent left an ascertainable estate able to pay for the burial, the cost thereof certified by the official in charge shall be payable out of such estate. If the decedent left no ascertainable estate able to pay for the burial, the cost of burial shall be borne:
a. if the decedent was an adult or emancipated child with surviving spouse, by the surviving spouse,
b. if the decedent was an unemancipated child with a surviving parent, by the surviving parent, or
c. if there is no surviving spouse or parent, as applicable, by the county.
amended 1985, c.438; 2018, c.62, s.40.