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2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 4 - Agriculture and Domestic Animals
- Section 4:1-1 - Department constituted a principal department in executive branch
- Section 4:1-2 - Personnel of department
- Section 4:1-3 - Offices and equipment
- Section 4:1-4 - Membership; terms; expenses
- Section 4:1-4.1 - Removal; members; secretary
- Section 4:1-5 - Annual convention to elect members
- Section 4:1-6 - Agricultural convention delegates.
- Section 4:1-7 - Vacancies
- Section 4:1-8 - Certification to governor of names of members elect
- Section 4:1-9 - President and vice-president of board
- Section 4:1-10 - Secretary and assistant secretary of board
- Section 4:1-11 - Rules for control of department
- Section 4:1-11.1 - Rules, regulations
- Section 4:1-11.2 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 4:1-12 - Assignment of functions and duties; supervision
- Section 4:1-13 - Appointment and compensation of officers and employees
- Section 4:1-14 - Annual report by board to legislature
- Section 4:1-15 - Appointment; functions in general
- Section 4:1-16 - Powers and duties respecting employees and as secretary of board
- Section 4:1-17 - Creation and functions
- Section 4:1-18 - Authority and duties of directors of divisions
- Section 4:1-19 - Annual reports by chiefs to secretary
- Section 4:1-20 - Ascertainment and dissemination of information
- Section 4:1-20.1 - Reciprocal agreements with other states covering shipments of nursery stock
- Section 4:1-20.2 - Information published on Department of Agriculture website.
- Section 4:1-20.3 - Internet page for "New Jersey Gleaning Week" and "Farmers Against Hunger Day."
- Section 4:1-21 - Arrangement of farmers' meetings, children's contests, and premiums for products
- Section 4:1-21.1 - Food production program; award to schools whose students participate
- Section 4:1-21.2 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:1-21.3 - Appropriation
- Section 4:1-21.4 - Effective date
- Section 4:1-21.5 - Powers of department; quarantines
- Section 4:1-21.6 - Cooperation with other agencies
- Section 4:1-21.7 - Rules and regulations regarding seeds, tubers, grass sod, grass sod plugs, and grass stolons
- Section 4:1-21.8 - Inspection, grading and certification of seeds and tubers
- Section 4:1-21.9 - Fees for inspection, grading and certification
- Section 4:1-21.10 - Approval of firms desiring to cooperate with State Board
- Section 4:1-21.11 - Offering and exposing seeds, tubers, grass sod, grass sod plugs, and grass stolons for sale
- Section 4:1-21.12 - Debts incurred by, damage inflicted or contracts broken by cooperating firms
- Section 4:1-21.13 - Violations
- Section 4:1-21.14 - Withholding certification
- Section 4:1-21.15 - Reduction of population of certain species of blackbirds
- Section 4:1-21.16 - Co-operation with state and federal agencies
- Section 4:1-21.17 - Establishment, guidance of food hubs.
- Section 4:1-22 - Acceptance and control of donations or bequests
- Section 4:1-22.1 - Federal grants
- Section 4:1-22.2 - Grants, awards for agricultural promotion
- Section 4:1-23 - Courts authorized to grant writs and orders
- Section 4:1-23.1 - "New Jersey Minority, Women, and Underserved Farmer Registry" established.
- Section 4:1-24 - Division of dairy industry established; director
- Section 4:1-25 - Powers and duties of director of milk control transferred
- Section 4:1-26 - Personnel; compensation; duties
- Section 4:1-27 - Transfer of employees from Milk Control Board
- Section 4:1-28 - Civil service, pension and retirement rights not affected
- Section 4:1-29 - Milk Control Board and existing office of director of milk control abolished
- Section 4:1-30 - Appropriations, records and property transferred
- Section 4:1-31 - Orders, rules and regulations
- Section 4:1-32 - "Director of Milk Control" or "Director of the Office of Milk Industry" in laws, contracts or documents
- Section 4:1-33 - Pending actions or proceedings; orders or recommendations
- Section 4:1-34 - Appeal
- Section 4:1-35 - Stay of rule or order
- Section 4:1-36 - Record on appeal
- Section 4:1-37 - Additional evidence on appeal; modification of decision by director
- Section 4:1-38 - Conduct of appeal; disposition on appeal
- Section 4:1-39 - Repeal
- Section 4:1-40 - Short title
- Section 4:1-41 - Effective date
- Section 4:1-42 - Establishment; appointment of State Chemist; employees
- Section 4:1-43 - Powers and duties
- Section 4:1-43.1 - Transfer and civil service status of employees of chemist and seed analyst of New Jersey agricultural experiment station
- Section 4:1-44 - Establishment; appointment of State Seed Analyst; employees
- Section 4:1-45 - Powers and duties
- Section 4:1-46 - Legislative findings
- Section 4:1-47 - Coordinator of agricultural development; appointment; powers and duties; term of office; compensation
- Section 4:1-48 - "Farm Liaison."
- Section 4:1-49 - Findings, declaration relative to "One Health".
- Section 4:1-50 - "New Jersey One Health Task Force", established; goals, responsibilities.
- Section 4:1-51 - Membership.
- Section 4:1-52 - Report to Governor.
- Section 4:1A-2 - Reimbursement for expenses
- Section 4:1A-3 - Organization of council; chairman
- Section 4:1A-4 - Study and recommendations
- Section 4:1A-5 - Access to information, data, and findings applicable to rural conditions
- Section 4:1A-6 - Equipment and staff
- Section 4:1A-7 - Annual report
- Section 4:1B-1 - Short title
- Section 4:1B-2 - Legislative findings
- Section 4:1B-3 - Additional legislative findings
- Section 4:1B-4 - Definitions
- Section 4:1B-5 - Agricultural preserve demonstration program; establishment; purpose
- Section 4:1B-6 - Administration; operational responsibility
- Section 4:1B-7 - Conduct on voluntary basis; prohibition of eminent domain
- Section 4:1B-8 - Implementation of program
- Section 4:1B-9 - Steering committee
- Section 4:1B-10 - Joint legislative oversight committee
- Section 4:1B-11 - Statement of development easement; attachment to and recordation with deed
- Section 4:1B-12 - Actions to enforce development easements
- Section 4:1B-13 - Conveyance of development easement; conditions
- Section 4:1B-14 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:1B-15 - Severability
- Section 4:1C-1 - Short title
- Section 4:1C-2 - Legislative findings
- Section 4:1C-3 - Definitions.
- Section 4:1C-3.1 - Certain beekeeping operations protected by "Right to Farm Act."
- Section 4:1C-4 - State agriculture development committee; establishment; membership; terms; vacancies; meetings; minutes; staff.
- Section 4:1C-5 - Powers of committee
- Section 4:1C-6 - Duties of committee
- Section 4:1C-7 - Additional duties of committee
- Section 4:1C-8 - Use of appropriations
- Section 4:1C-9 - Commercial farm owners, operators; permissible activities.
- Section 4:1C-9.1 - Rules, regulations adopted by State Agriculture Development Committee
- Section 4:1C-9.2 - Committee to develop rules, regulations; BPU to provide technical assistance.
- Section 4:1C-9.3 - Rules, regulations relative to housing of equine-related farm employees.
- Section 4:1C-10 - Commercial agricultural operation not a nuisance, compliance with practices.
- Section 4:1C-10.1 - Filing of complaint; process.
- Section 4:1C-10.2 - Appeal of decision.
- Section 4:1C-10.3 - New rule adoption process.
- Section 4:1C-10.4 - Rules, regulations, standards.
- Section 4:1C-11 - Short title
- Section 4:1C-12 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 4:1C-13 - Definitions
- Section 4:1C-14 - County boards
- Section 4:1C-15 - Duties
- Section 4:1C-16 - Powers
- Section 4:1C-17 - Subregional agricultural retention board; membership; dissolution
- Section 4:1C-18 - Agricultural development area; recommendation and approval
- Section 4:1C-19 - Land acquisition or construction in agriculture development area; notice of intent; review; hearing
- Section 4:1C-20 - Petition for farmland preservation program; approval; agreement between board and landowner
- Section 4:1C-21 - Municipally approved program
- Section 4:1C-22 - Documentation of municipally approved program
- Section 4:1C-23 - Zoning of land in program
- Section 4:1C-24 - Development easement, soil, water conservation project; application by landowners in farmland preservation program
- Section 4:1C-25 - Public body may not exercise right of eminent domain; begin construction
- Section 4:1C-26 - Filing of complaint against agricultural operation
- Section 4:1C-27 - Agricultural activities exempt from emergency restrictions
- Section 4:1C-28 - Acceptable construction standard for farm structure
- Section 4:1C-29 - Length of program; termination; inclusion of additional landowners
- Section 4:1C-30 - Withdrawal of land; taxation
- Section 4:1C-31 - Development easement purchases.
- Section 4:1C-31.1 - Fee simple absolute purchases.
- Section 4:1C-31.2 - Rules, regulations
- Section 4:1C-32 - Conveyance of easement following purchase; conditions, restrictions; payment
- Section 4:1C-32.1 - Special permit to allow rural microenterprise activity on land; terms defined.
- Section 4:1C-32.2 - Special permit to allow a personal wireless service facility on certain land; conditions; definitions.
- Section 4:1C-32.3 - Application fee for special permit; suspension, revocation; report.
- Section 4:1C-32.4 - Certain generation facilities, structures, equipment permitted on preserved farmland.
- Section 4:1C-32.5 - Approval required.
- Section 4:1C-32.6 - Report to Governor, Legislature, committees.
- Section 4:1C-32.7 - Definitions relative to special occasion events conducted at certain wineries.
- Section 4:1C-32.8 - Pilot program permitting special occasion events.
- Section 4:1C-32.9 - Audit to determine compliance; certification of annual gross income.
- Section 4:1C-32.10 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 4:1C-32.11 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 4:1C-32.12 - Certain provisions remain effective.
- Section 4:1C-32.13 - Reports relative to pilot program.
- Section 4:1C-32.14 - Inapplicability of pilot program.
- Section 4:1C-33 - Enforcement of conditions or restrictions
- Section 4:1C-34 - Persons acquiring developmental easement; sale to board
- Section 4:1C-35 - Appraisal of value of donation
- Section 4:1C-36 - Pinelands area, Highlands Region, farmland preservation.
- Section 4:1C-37 - Joint legislative oversight committee; duties
- Section 4:1C-37.1 - Acquisition of property for farmland preservation purposes.
- Section 4:1C-38 - Acquisition of land in name of State
- Section 4:1C-39 - Sale of fee simple absolute interest in land; notice
- Section 4:1C-40 - Certificate acknowledging landowner compliance
- Section 4:1C-41 - Priority
- Section 4:1C-42 - Acquired land held in name of State; sale, conditions
- Section 4:1C-43 - Appropriation
- Section 4:1C-43.1 - Farmland preservation planning incentive grant program.
- Section 4:1C-44 - Findings, declaration
- Section 4:1C-45 - Inventory of land suitable for agricultural production
- Section 4:1C-46 - Priority
- Section 4:1C-47 - Rules, regulations
- Section 4:1C-48 - Competitive bid; covenant
- Section 4:1C-49 - Short title
- Section 4:1C-50 - Definitions.
- Section 4:1C-51 - State Transfer of Development Rights Bank established
- Section 4:1C-52 - Powers of board.
- Section 4:1C-53 - Establishment, maintenance of Development Potential Transfer Registry
- Section 4:1C-54 - Sale, exchange, conveyance of development potential
- Section 4:1C-55 - Report to Governor, Legislature
- Section 4:2-15 - Fur farming; supervision and control
- Section 4:2-16 - Llama designated as agricultural livestock
- Section 4:2-17 - Ostrich, emu, rhea designated agricultured livestock.
- Section 4:2A-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:2A-2 - Release of, or allowing nutria to escape from captivity prohibited
- Section 4:2A-3 - Registration and certificate required to raise and breed nutria; fee; form and contents of application
- Section 4:2A-4 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:2A-5 - Inspection of premises; revocation of certificate
- Section 4:2A-6 - Penalties; enforcement of act
- Section 4:2A-7 - Registration of present breeders; time
- Section 4:3-1 - Annual educational program and exhibits
- Section 4:3-2 - Rules; problems near populous areas
- Section 4:3-11.10 - Applicability
- Section 4:3-11.11 - Definitions
- Section 4:3-11.12 - Establishment of standards, grades and size-weight classes; rules and regulations
- Section 4:3-11.13 - Marking containers; signs and devices; term "fresh eggs" ; fraudulent or misleading representations; letters and numerals
- Section 4:3-11.14 - Delivery of invoice to retailer or institutional consumer; contents; filing
- Section 4:3-11.15 - Temperature and humidity for keeping eggs; clean packaging; sanitary regulations; applicability of other laws
- Section 4:3-11.16 - Stop sale orders
- Section 4:3-11.17 - Confiscation of eggs
- Section 4:3-11.18 - Complaint; warrant
- Section 4:3-11.19 - Confiscation and disposal in event of violation; disposition of proceeds of sale
- Section 4:3-11.20 - Delivery of eggs to owner for sale or distribution in compliance with law
- Section 4:3-11.21 - Inspection and examination of eggs, equipment, facilities or records
- Section 4:3-11.22 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:3-11.23 - Violations, penalties; enforcement
- Section 4:3-11.23a - Violations; hearing; penalty
- Section 4:3-11.24 - Injunctive relief
- Section 4:3-11.25 - Other remedies
- Section 4:3-11.26 - Repeal
- Section 4:3-11.27 - Cooperation by secretary with other agencies or associations
- Section 4:3-11.28 - Severability
- Section 4:3-12 - Permit for sale of baby chicks
- Section 4:3-13 - Application for permit; contents; fee; discretion in granting or denying permit
- Section 4:3-14 - Labeling of crates, coops, etc.
- Section 4:3-15 - Statement to Secretary of Agriculture by person who conducted sale
- Section 4:3-16 - Definitions
- Section 4:3-17 - Violation of act or regulations as misdemeanor
- Section 4:3-18 - Penalties; recovery; jurisdiction
- Section 4:3-19 - Regulations
- Section 4:4-20.1 - Short title
- Section 4:4-20.2 - Enforcing official
- Section 4:4-20.3 - Definitions of words and terms
- Section 4:4-20.4 - Registration; fee
- Section 4:4-20.5 - Labeling
- Section 4:4-20.6 - Misbranding
- Section 4:4-20.7 - Adulteration
- Section 4:4-20.8 - Prohibited acts
- Section 4:4-20.9 - Inspection fees and reports
- Section 4:4-20.10 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:4-20.11 - Inspection, sampling, and analysis
- Section 4:4-20.12 - Detained commercial feeds
- Section 4:4-20.13 - Penalties
- Section 4:4-20.14 - Cooperation with other entities
- Section 4:4-20.15 - Publication
- Section 4:4-20.16 - Constitutionality
- Section 4:4-21 - Attaching tags on feed bags by metal fasteners
- Section 4:4-22 - Pasteurization before delivery for feeding purposes
- Section 4:4-23 - Penalty for violation
- Section 4:5-1 - Declaring epidemic; quarantine; serums; other preventive measures
- Section 4:5-2 - Diseases not specifically designated
- Section 4:5-2.1 - Rules, regulations relative to certain fees for animal health programs
- Section 4:5-2.2 - "Agriculture Fee Program Revolving Fund"
- Section 4:5-3 - Penalty for violating orders of board
- Section 4:5-4 - Notice to department by veterinarians and others of existence or appearance of disease
- Section 4:5-5 - Failure to give notice; punishment
- Section 4:5-6 - Quarantine of infected or exposed animals; regulations
- Section 4:5-7 - Inoculation of herd exposed to disease
- Section 4:5-8 - Buying or selling affected or exposed animals a misdemeanor
- Section 4:5-9 - Slaughter and burial of infected animals in certain cases
- Section 4:5-10 - Appraisement of and compensation for animals slaughtered
- Section 4:5-11 - Disposal of dead or slaughtered animals; disposal for food a misdemeanor
- Section 4:5-12 - Post-mortem examination of dead or slaughtered animals
- Section 4:5-13 - Authority of department
- Section 4:5-14 - Posting and publication of notice
- Section 4:5-15 - Co-operation with federal bureau
- Section 4:5-16 - Transportation of animals within, into or from quarantined area
- Section 4:5-17 - Penalty
- Section 4:5-18 - Terms defined
- Section 4:5-19 - Tests at instance of department of agriculture, health department or owner
- Section 4:5-20 - Expense of inspection and tests
- Section 4:5-21 - Quarantine and slaughter of condemned animals
- Section 4:5-22 - Time and supervision of slaughter
- Section 4:5-23 - Agreements respecting valuation of condemned animals
- Section 4:5-24 - Appraisement prior to testing
- Section 4:5-25 - Appraisement where no agreement reached
- Section 4:5-26 - Report of salvage or proceeds of slaughtered animal
- Section 4:5-27 - Indemnity receivable by owner of slaughtered animal
- Section 4:5-28 - Indemnity, conditions
- Section 4:5-29 - Payment of indemnity
- Section 4:5-30 - Priority of payment to certain owners
- Section 4:5-31 - Marking affected animals
- Section 4:5-32 - Issuance of certificate for healthy cattle
- Section 4:5-33 - Co-operation with federal bureau
- Section 4:5-34 - Obtaining information as to owners and cattle in given area
- Section 4:5-35 - Co-operation by department with local organizations
- Section 4:5-36 - Appropriations by municipalities and counties
- Section 4:5-37 - Testing at instance of majority of owners in area, representing three-fourths of cattle
- Section 4:5-38 - Testing and quarantine at instance of three-fourths of owners within area
- Section 4:5-39 - Testing all cattle within area at instance of ninety per cent of owners
- Section 4:5-40 - Assistance by owners in testing
- Section 4:5-41 - Notice to owner of special quarantine
- Section 4:5-42 - Bringing in or removing cattle from area adopting plan
- Section 4:5-43 - Interference with test or mark of identification
- Section 4:5-44 - Quarantine and slaughter of reactors
- Section 4:5-45 - Disposal of reactors or removal of cattle from quarantine
- Section 4:5-46 - Transportation of cattle classed as reactors or suspicious
- Section 4:5-47 - Standard of tests; report of tests
- Section 4:5-48 - Rejection of tests or alleged tests; official test
- Section 4:5-49 - Marking cattle passing test or declared suspicious
- Section 4:5-50 - Marking condemned cattle
- Section 4:5-51 - Loss of rights by owner on failure to comply with article
- Section 4:5-52 - Certification of area as modified accredited area
- Section 4:5-53 - Failure to have retest; penalty
- Section 4:5-53.2 - Quarantine
- Section 4:5-53.3 - Disinfecting quarters of infected animals
- Section 4:5-53.4 - Cattle consigned to auction markets
- Section 4:5-54 - Tuberculin test as prerequisite to importation; exceptions; health certificate; quarantine
- Section 4:5-57 - Standard for all tests
- Section 4:5-58 - Certificate accompanying cattle imported and display thereof
- Section 4:5-59 - Contents of certificate
- Section 4:5-61 - Tagging or marking cattle imported
- Section 4:5-62 - Notice to division of intention to import cattle
- Section 4:5-63 - Notice to division of arrival and location of cattle imported
- Section 4:5-64 - Where certificate is unsatisfactory
- Section 4:5-65 - Inspection of imported cattle prior to removal from destination; retest
- Section 4:5-67 - Importation contrary to article
- Section 4:5-69 - Importation for immediate slaughter
- Section 4:5-71 - Removal of cattle from stockyard or auction market
- Section 4:5-72 - Carriers to require certificates
- Section 4:5-73 - Recognition and employment of veterinarians
- Section 4:5-74 - Rules, regulations and orders; quarantine orders preventing entrance of diseased cattle
- Section 4:5-75 - Penalty for violating article or regulations
- Section 4:5-75.1 - Notice to Department of disease
- Section 4:5-75.2 - Concealing or transporting diseased animals
- Section 4:5-75.3 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:5-75.4 - Materials exposed to disease; disinfection or disposal
- Section 4:5-75.5 - Appraisal of animals to be slaughtered; indemnification of owner
- Section 4:5-75.6 - Appraisal of value of materials destroyed
- Section 4:5-75.7 - Appraisement where agreement cannot be reached
- Section 4:5-75.8 - Reports of appraisals
- Section 4:5-75.9 - Supervision of slaughtering and disinfection
- Section 4:5-75.10 - Disposal of animals killed
- Section 4:5-75.11 - Stockyards, cars and vessels, disinfection of; farms and privately owned premises
- Section 4:5-75.12 - Indemnification of owner for slaughtered animals or destroyed materials
- Section 4:5-75.13 - Funds from which payments are to be made
- Section 4:5-75.14 - Compliance by owner with laws and regulations as prerequisite to payment of claims by State
- Section 4:5-75.15 - Penalty for violations
- Section 4:5-93.21 - Definitions
- Section 4:5-93.22 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:5-93.23 - Program and agreements for control and eradication of disease
- Section 4:5-93.24 - Expense of inspection and test
- Section 4:5-93.25 - Certificate showing freedom from disease
- Section 4:5-93.26 - Failure of owner to comply with regulations or agreement
- Section 4:5-93.27 - Tests; standards
- Section 4:5-93.28 - Report of tests
- Section 4:5-93.29 - Marking tested or treated stock
- Section 4:5-93.30 - Interference with test or treatment or mark
- Section 4:5-93.32 - Agreement as to value of condemned animal; appraisement; compensation
- Section 4:5-93.33 - Report of sale; false statement; salvage; charges deductible
- Section 4:5-93.34 - Appraisement before test
- Section 4:5-93.35 - Appraisers; appointment; duties
- Section 4:5-93.36 - Slaughter of reactors
- Section 4:5-93.37 - Imported animals; conditions; indemnity
- Section 4:5-93.38 - Appraisement certificate; payment of indemnity
- Section 4:5-93.39 - Insufficiency of funds; order of payment
- Section 4:5-93.41 - Co-operation with local and federal authorities
- Section 4:5-93.42 - Penalty for violation
- Section 4:5-93.43 - Recovery of penalty; enforcement of imprisonment
- Section 4:5-93.44 - Appropriation
- Section 4:5-93.45 - Repeal
- Section 4:5-93.46 - Repeal
- Section 4:5-93.47 - Effective date of act
- Section 4:5-93.48 - Brucellosis tests
- Section 4:5-93.49 - Quarantine and slaughter of infected animals; orders; reports
- Section 4:5-93.50 - Purchase or sale without order prohibited
- Section 4:5-93.51 - Repealer
- Section 4:5-94 - Definitions
- Section 4:5-95 - Quarantine of receiving points or stations
- Section 4:5-96 - Proper facilities at receiving points, stations or other premises
- Section 4:5-97 - Sanitary condition at receiving points
- Section 4:5-98 - Receiving points, stations or other premises subject to regulations
- Section 4:5-99 - Importation of infected or exposed poultry or containers
- Section 4:5-100 - Transportation of infected or exposed poultry or containers
- Section 4:5-101 - Removal of exposed poultry for slaughter
- Section 4:5-102 - Disinfecting poultry houses and premises
- Section 4:5-103 - Disposition of dead or diseased poultry
- Section 4:5-104 - Co-operation with federal agencies
- Section 4:5-105 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:5-106 - Penalty for violating article
- Section 4:5-106.1 - Definitions
- Section 4:5-106.2 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:5-106.3 - Duties of Department of Agriculture
- Section 4:5-106.4 - Licenses; exceptions
- Section 4:5-106.5 - Treatment of garbage
- Section 4:5-106.6 - Transfer of licenses
- Section 4:5-106.7 - Application for license; fee; expiration date
- Section 4:5-106.8 - Issuance of license; investigation
- Section 4:5-106.9 - Notification of reasons for refusal to grant license
- Section 4:5-106.10 - Impeding or preventing inspections
- Section 4:5-106.11 - Frequency of inspections
- Section 4:5-106.12 - Examination of records
- Section 4:5-106.13 - Violations; issuance, restoration, revocation or suspension of licenses; hearings
- Section 4:5-106.14 - Penalties
- Section 4:5-106.15 - Jurisdiction
- Section 4:5-106.16 - Imprisonment upon failure to pay judgment
- Section 4:5-106.17 - Committee representing swine industry
- Section 4:5-106.18 - Effective date of license
- Section 4:5-106.19 - Municipal regulations
- Section 4:5-106.20 - Effective date
- Section 4:5-107 - Definitions
- Section 4:5-108 - License for sale or distribution
- Section 4:5-109 - Rules and regulations; revocation of license
- Section 4:5-110 - Permission to administer disease-producing substance
- Section 4:5-111 - Report of each sale and injection of tuberculin or mallein
- Section 4:5-112 - Penalty
- Section 4:5A-20 - Definitions
- Section 4:5A-21 - Disposal plant; license to operate or conduct; fees; rules and regulations
- Section 4:5A-22 - Inspections
- Section 4:5A-23 - Records
- Section 4:5A-24 - Hauling and transporting carcasses of animals dead from disease
- Section 4:5A-25 - Penalties; enforcement
- Section 4:5A-26 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:6-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:6-2 - Study of outbreaks
- Section 4:6-3 - Infested colonies or apparatus as nuisance
- Section 4:6-4 - Investigation of apiaries
- Section 4:6-5 - Inspection of apiaries raising queen bees for sale
- Section 4:6-6 - Certification of apiaries raising queen bees for sale
- Section 4:6-7 - Notice to owner of diseased apiary
- Section 4:6-8 - Contents of notice and order for treatment
- Section 4:6-9 - Quarantine provision included in notice and order
- Section 4:6-10 - Type of hives required; seizure of other types as nuisances
- Section 4:6-11 - Compliance with orders; powers in case of noncompliance
- Section 4:6-12 - Keeping of infested bees; penalty
- Section 4:6-13 - Sale or removal of infested bees or materials; penalty
- Section 4:6-14 - Shipments of queen bees without certificate attached; penalty
- Section 4:6-15 - Requirements respecting importation of bees or used supplies; penalty
- Section 4:6-16 - Information as to number and location of colonies; penalty
- Section 4:6-17 - Penalty enforcement; hearing
- Section 4:6-18 - Right of entry to inspect; interference with officers
- Section 4:6-19 - Abandoned apiaries; written notice; steps to protect neighboring apiaries
- Section 4:6-20 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:6-21 - Rules, regulations relative to preservation of honey bee colonies.
- Section 4:6-22 - Violations; penalties, use.
- Section 4:6-23 - Penalty for destruction of man-made native bee hive; definitions.
- Section 4:6-24 - Regulation of breeding, keeping of honey bees.
- Section 4:7-1 - Determining existence; declaring epidemics; quarantine
- Section 4:7-2 - Diseases and insects not designated in statutes
- Section 4:7-3 - Penalty for violating orders of board
- Section 4:7-4 - "Department" defined
- Section 4:7-5 - Importation or distribution of infested plants
- Section 4:7-6 - Keeping or distribution of plant material after notice of infestation
- Section 4:7-7 - Examination of nurseries and other establishments
- Section 4:7-8 - Treatment or destruction of diseased or suspected plants; prohibiting shipment
- Section 4:7-9 - Notices and orders by department and service thereof
- Section 4:7-10 - Notice to department of importation of plant material
- Section 4:7-11 - Inspection of imported plant material
- Section 4:7-12 - Issuance to prospective shippers of certificates of freedom from disease
- Section 4:7-13 - Right of entry to inspect; interference with inspectors
- Section 4:7-14 - Penalty for violation, recovery
- Section 4:7-14.1 - Disease public nuisance
- Section 4:7-14.2 - Control by state board of agriculture
- Section 4:7-14.3 - Right of entry
- Section 4:7-14.4 - No damages awarded for destroyed property
- Section 4:7-14.5 - Co-operative agreements with other bureaus
- Section 4:7-14.6 - Penalty for violations; jail for nonpayment
- Section 4:7-15 - Definitions
- Section 4:7-16 - Plants infested with insects likely to spread, as nuisance
- Section 4:7-17 - Ordering nuisances abated
- Section 4:7-18 - Penalty for failure to obey order
- Section 4:7-19 - Ordering destruction of plants
- Section 4:7-21 - Inspection of nurseries; fee
- Section 4:7-22 - Certificate of inspection
- Section 4:7-23 - Treatment and reinspection where inspection shows infestation
- Section 4:7-24 - Inspection as a prerequisite to sales, penalty
- Section 4:7-25 - Attaching certificate to goods delivered or shipped
- Section 4:7-26 - Misuse of certificate, penalty
- Section 4:7-29 - Shipment by nurseryman under certificate of stock grown elsewhere
- Section 4:7-30 - Certificate of inspection to accompany nursery stock shipped in
- Section 4:7-31 - Inspection of nursery stock entering state; disposition of infested stock
- Section 4:7-32 - Nursery stock shipped in unaccompanied by certificate
- Section 4:7-33 - Carriers to refuse transportation, penalty
- Section 4:7-34 - Inspection of fruit bearing trees or plants at request of grower
- Section 4:7-35 - Right to enter premises for inspection; interference or obstruction
- Section 4:7-36 - Declared a nuisance
- Section 4:7-37 - Inspection of lands and premises
- Section 4:7-38 - Measures to abate nuisance
- Section 4:7-39 - Notice of proposed action
- Section 4:7-40 - Right of entry to abate nuisance
- Section 4:7-41 - Tenant to notify landlord; penalty
- Section 4:7-42 - Interference with officers; penalty
- Section 4:7-43 - Disposal of cornstalks, corn stubble and weeds in infested areas
- Section 4:7-44 - Penalty for violations; jail for nonpayment
- Section 4:7-54 - Permitting Canada thistle to ripen; penalty
- Section 4:7-55 - Bringing into state hay or seeds containing Canada thistle; misdemeanor
- Section 4:7-56 - Selling manure containing Canada thistle; misdemeanor
- Section 4:8-17.13 - Definitions
- Section 4:8-17.14 - Seed treated with harmful substance; label or tag
- Section 4:8-17.15 - Seed container labels
- Section 4:8-17.16 - Unlawful sale or transportation
- Section 4:8-17.17 - Other unlawful acts
- Section 4:8-17.17a - Wholesale seedsmen or seed conditioner; registration
- Section 4:8-17.18 - Records and samples
- Section 4:8-17.19 - Applicability of sections 4:8-17.15 to 4:8-17.17
- Section 4:8-17.19a - Inapplicability of act to seeds sold directly by grower
- Section 4:8-17.20 - Precautions to insure correct identity
- Section 4:8-17.21 - State seed analyst; agents
- Section 4:8-17.22 - Enforcement of act; sample, inspection and analysis of seeds
- Section 4:8-17.23 - Rules and regulations; formulation
- Section 4:8-17.24 - Subject matter of rules and regulations
- Section 4:8-17.25 - Examination and analysis of samples for public
- Section 4:8-17.26 - Right of entry by state seed analyst; "stop sale" orders; testing facilities; purity and germination tests
- Section 4:8-17.27 - Seizure of seeds; condemnation; disposition
- Section 4:8-17.28 - Injunction against violations
- Section 4:8-17.29 - Violations; penalties; prosecutions; hearings; injunctions
- Section 4:8-17.30 - Funds
- Section 4:8-17.31 - Repeal
- Section 4:8-17.32 - Short title
- Section 4:8-28 - Definitions
- Section 4:8-29 - Seller liability
- Section 4:8-30 - Civil action for violation
- Section 4:8B-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:8B-2 - Prohibition against sale or distribution of treated grain other than for seeding unless dyed or colored
- Section 4:8B-3 - Statement of treatment
- Section 4:8B-4 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:8B-5 - Stop sale order; issuance and enforcement upon violation
- Section 4:8B-6 - Confiscation of grain sold in violation of act; jurisdiction
- Section 4:8B-7 - Warrant
- Section 4:8B-8 - Disposition of seized grain
- Section 4:8B-9 - Sale of seized grain; bond
- Section 4:8B-10 - Violation; penalty
- Section 4:8B-11 - Act not to limit powers of State Department of Health or State Commissioner of Health
- Section 4:9-15.1 - Short title
- Section 4:9-15.2 - Administration of act
- Section 4:9-15.3 - Definitions.
- Section 4:9-15.4 - Adoption of definitions by regulations
- Section 4:9-15.5 - Necessity of license
- Section 4:9-15.6 - License fee
- Section 4:9-15.7 - Application; issuance; expiration
- Section 4:9-15.8 - Specialty fertilizers; furnishing of label on application for license
- Section 4:9-15.8a - Requirements for specialty fertilizer; definitions.
- Section 4:9-15.9 - Soil conditioners; furnishing of label on application for license
- Section 4:9-15.10 - Commercial fertilizer label to set forth certain information
- Section 4:9-15.11 - Bulk distribution of fertilizer; statement of information
- Section 4:9-15.12 - Customer formulated mix; label requirements
- Section 4:9-15.13 - Labeling of specialty fertilizer.
- Section 4:9-15.13a - Prohibited sales of fertilizer; definitions.
- Section 4:9-15.14 - Labeling of soil conditioner
- Section 4:9-15.15 - Bulk soil conditioners; statement of information
- Section 4:9-15.16 - Inspection fee
- Section 4:9-15.17 - Tonnage reports
- Section 4:9-15.18 - Comprehensive system of reporting; regulations
- Section 4:9-15.19 - Failure to file tonnage report or pay inspection fee; assessment
- Section 4:9-15.20 - Sales to intermediate distributors; filing of report and payment of fee
- Section 4:9-15.21 - Sampling and analysis by Department of Agriculture
- Section 4:9-15.22 - Method of analysis and sampling
- Section 4:9-15.23 - Determination of violations
- Section 4:9-15.24 - Deficiency; forwarding analysis report to licensee
- Section 4:9-15.25 - Deficiency in primary plant nutrients; penalties
- Section 4:9-15.26 - Determination and publication of value of primary plant nutrients
- Section 4:9-15.27 - Payment of penalties
- Section 4:9-15.28 - Judicial relief
- Section 4:9-15.29 - Deficiency; penalty prescribed by regulation
- Section 4:9-15.30 - Misbranding
- Section 4:9-15.31 - Adulterated products; prohibition against distribution
- Section 4:9-15.32 - Publication of information concerning distribution of fertilizers and soil conditioners and results of analyses
- Section 4:9-15.33 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:9-15.33a - Fertilizer regulation
- Section 4:9-15.33b - Cooperation encouraged
- Section 4:9-15.34 - Revocation, suspension or refusal of license
- Section 4:9-15.35 - Stop sale, use, or removal order
- Section 4:9-15.36 - Seizure and disposal of deficient products
- Section 4:9-15.37 - Injunction
- Section 4:9-15.38 - Violations; penalties
- Section 4:9-15.39 - Hearings
- Section 4:9-15.40 - Minor violations; warnings
- Section 4:9-15.41 - Exempt transactions
- Section 4:9-15.42 - Severability
- Section 4:9-15.43 - Record of sales of restricted commercial fertilizer.
- Section 4:9-15.44 - Report of suspect purchase, theft, loss by distributors.
- Section 4:9-15.45 - Immunity for refusal to sell, report of suspect purchases, certain circumstances.
- Section 4:9-21.1 - Short title
- Section 4:9-21.2 - Definitions
- Section 4:9-21.3 - Information affixed to each package of agricultural liming materials
- Section 4:9-21.4 - Requirements for sale of agricultural liming material
- Section 4:9-21.6 - License required; expiration
- Section 4:9-21.7 - Annual license fee
- Section 4:9-21.8 - Statement submitted by licensee
- Section 4:9-21.9 - Empowerment of State board, authorized agent
- Section 4:9-21.10 - Violations; penalties
- Section 4:9-21.11 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:9-21.12 - Issuance of stop sale, use, removal order
- Section 4:9-22 - Definitions
- Section 4:9-23 - Information on label of inoculants sold
- Section 4:9-24 - Annual statement filed with director
- Section 4:9-25 - Taking and analysis of samples; publication of results
- Section 4:9-26 - Rules regarding analyses and sales
- Section 4:9-27 - Free examination of samples
- Section 4:9-28 - Penalty for violations or interference
- Section 4:9-29 - Unmanufactured manure; sale or delivery unadulterated
- Section 4:9-30 - When unmanufactured manure deemed adulterated
- Section 4:9-31 - Sale or delivery of adulterated manure prohibited
- Section 4:9-32 - Representation on sale or delivery
- Section 4:9-33 - Sale by weight; adulteration of manure unlawful
- Section 4:9-34 - Importation of adulterated manure prohibited
- Section 4:9-35 - Misdemeanor; penalties
- Section 4:9-36 - Enforcement of law by Department of Weights and Measures; disposition of fines and penalties
- Section 4:9-37 - Severability of provisions; partial invalidity
- Section 4:9-38 - Composting, handling, etc. of animal wastes.
- Section 4:10-1 - Definitions.
- Section 4:10-2 - Powers and duties of department
- Section 4:10-3 - Establishment of standards for grading and for receptacles
- Section 4:10-4 - Marking products to falsely indicate conformity to standard
- Section 4:10-5 - Use of outline of State on products; license; penalty.
- Section 4:10-6 - Inspection and classification of products according to standards; fees
- Section 4:10-7 - Appeals from classification of products; fees
- Section 4:10-8 - Certificate of classification as evidence
- Section 4:10-9 - Disposition and use of fees collected.
- Section 4:10-10 - Reports to department on products
- Section 4:10-11 - Right of entry
- Section 4:10-12 - Attendance and testimony of witnesses and production of documents
- Section 4:10-13 - Regulations
- Section 4:10-13.1 - Marketing of farm products; advertising.
- Section 4:10-14 - Penalty for violations or interference.
- Section 4:10-16 - "New Jersey Farm Products Publicity Fund."
- Section 4:10-17 - Disbursement of moneys; promoting sale of farm products; labels
- Section 4:10-18 - Official brands for agricultural products; registration as trade-mark
- Section 4:10-18.1 - Counties authorized to issue promotional labeling for agricultural products.
- Section 4:10-19 - Use of brands or marks
- Section 4:10-19.1 - "Made With Jersey Fresh" designated products.
- Section 4:10-19.2 - Fraudulent advertising of NJ product; violations, penalties.
- Section 4:10-19.3 - Prohibiting certain labels on produce; penalties.
- Section 4:10-20 - Regulations
- Section 4:10-21 - Printing of labels; license to use brand.
- Section 4:10-22 - Affixing labels
- Section 4:10-23 - Receipts from sale or use of labels; expenditure
- Section 4:10-24 - Advisory committee
- Section 4:10-25 - Restraint of unauthorized use of State brand, outline.
- Section 4:10-25.1 - "Jersey Fresh Farm to School Week."
- Section 4:10-25.2 - Rules, regulations; development of program.
- Section 4:10-25.2a - Contributions to "New Jersey Farm to School Program" permitted.
- Section 4:10-25.2b - "Best in New Jersey 'Farm to School' Awards Program."
- Section 4:10-25.2c - Clearinghouse website for farmer to offer produce, dairy products; rules, regulations.
- Section 4:10-25.2d - Guidance document.
- Section 4:10-25.3 - Short title.
- Section 4:10-25.4 - Findings, declarations, determinations relative to provision of fresh produce to urban communities.
- Section 4:10-25.5 - Definitions relative to provision of fresh produce to urban communities.
- Section 4:10-25.6 - Mobile farmers' market pilot program.
- Section 4:10-25.7 - Identification, recruitment of vendors.
- Section 4:10-25.8 - Eligibility for participation as consumer in Fresh Mobiles Initiative.
- Section 4:10-25.9 - "New Jersey Fresh Mobiles Operation Fund."
- Section 4:10-25.10 - "Jersey Native Plants Program", established.
- Section 4:10-26 - Short title
- Section 4:10-27 - Definitions
- Section 4:10-28 - Operator's license; fee; inspection of facilities; compliance with act
- Section 4:10-29 - Packing or repacking permit
- Section 4:10-30 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:10-31 - Prohibited acts
- Section 4:10-32 - Storage in other states
- Section 4:10-33 - Penalty; injunctive relief
- Section 4:10-34 - Definitions
- Section 4:10-35 - Potatoes; prohibited acts; packaging requirements
- Section 4:10-36 - Re-use of packages
- Section 4:10-37 - Evidence of offer or transport for sale
- Section 4:10-38 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:10-39 - Enforcement of act by secretary; powers
- Section 4:10-39.1 - Violations; hearings; assessment of penalty; effect of payment
- Section 4:10-39.2 - Cooperation and agreements with other agencies and private associations
- Section 4:10-40 - Violations; penalties; jurisdiction and venue; injunctive relief
- Section 4:10-41 - Appropriation
- Section 4:10-42 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:10-43 - Short title
- Section 4:10-44 - Purpose
- Section 4:10-45 - Definitions
- Section 4:10-46 - Secretary; powers and duties; marketing program; hearing; notice; administration
- Section 4:10-47 - Reports by producers
- Section 4:10-48 - Reports and information as basis for program
- Section 4:10-49 - Lists of producers
- Section 4:10-50 - Confidentiality of reports by producers
- Section 4:10-51 - Findings of secretary; basis
- Section 4:10-52 - Advisory council; members
- Section 4:10-53 - Compensation; powers and duties
- Section 4:10-54 - Subject matter of marketing program
- Section 4:10-54.1 - Persons assessed by other federal, state or multistate programs; exemption, adjustment or credit
- Section 4:10-55 - Referendum for approval; bloc vote of nonprofit associations of producers
- Section 4:10-56 - Referendum date
- Section 4:10-57 - Suspension or termination
- Section 4:10-58 - Minor amendments
- Section 4:10-59 - Major amendments
- Section 4:10-60 - Effective date; filing; publication
- Section 4:10-61 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:10-62 - Deposit for expenses upon application for marketing program; refund; assessment of producers and processors; budget
- Section 4:10-63 - Deposit by producers prior to marketing season
- Section 4:10-64 - Contributions in lieu of advance deposits; repayment
- Section 4:10-65 - Collection of assessments
- Section 4:10-66 - Deposit of funds with state treasurer; separate accounts; disbursement
- Section 4:10-67 - Emblems, labels, designations of grade, quality or condition; filing; use
- Section 4:10-68 - Cooperation with federal government and other states
- Section 4:10-69 - Assessments as personal debts; action for collection; penalty
- Section 4:10-70 - Liability of members and employees of advisory councils
- Section 4:10-71 - Survival of causes of action; possession as prima facie evidence of offer to sell; exercise of power or duty by agent
- Section 4:10-72 - Penalties; remedies
- Section 4:10-73 - Application to laws governing agricultural commodities; control or limitation of production
- Section 4:10-74 - Application to taxes on poultry feed, white potatoes, asparagus, and apples; alteration of rates, form and manner
- Section 4:10-75 - Petition for participation by buyers or processors; referendum
- Section 4:10-76 - "New Jersey Wine Promotion Account"; establishment, funding.
- Section 4:10-77 - New Jersey Wine Industry Advisory Council; establishment, members, duties
- Section 4:10-78 - Certification by taxation director
- Section 4:10-79 - Establishment of organic certification program
- Section 4:10-80 - "Organic Farming Board" established; definitions.
- Section 4:11-1 - Definitions.
- Section 4:11-2 - Inapplicability of article.
- Section 4:11-3 - Necessity of license; mode of designating agents
- Section 4:11-4 - Application for license; fee.
- Section 4:11-5 - Issuance of license.
- Section 4:11-6 - Investigation of record of applicant or licensee
- Section 4:11-7 - Hearing by secretary when verified complaint filed
- Section 4:11-8 - Hearing before revocation of license
- Section 4:11-9 - Refusal, revocation of license.
- Section 4:11-10 - Review of refusal or revocation of license
- Section 4:11-11 - Keeping of records by dealer or broker
- Section 4:11-12 - Posting by dealer or broker of copy of license
- Section 4:11-13 - Agent's card.
- Section 4:11-13.1 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 4:11-14 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 4:11-14.1 - Disclosure of identifying information prior to sale of horse at auction; violations, penalties.
- Section 4:11-15 - Definitions
- Section 4:11-16 - Article inapplicable to certain transactions
- Section 4:11-17 - Cooperative agricultural associations; inapplicability of article; registration; exempt agent identification cards; issuance
- Section 4:11-18 - Necessity of license
- Section 4:11-19 - Application for license; fee
- Section 4:11-20 - Bond accompanying application; securities or letter of credit in lieu of bonds; Perishable Agricultural Commodity Surety Fund.
- Section 4:11-21 - Agricultural commodity agent licensure
- Section 4:11-22 - Designation and licensing of agent
- Section 4:11-23 - Investigation of record of applicant or licensee
- Section 4:11-24 - Hearing by secretary when verified complaint filed
- Section 4:11-25 - Hearing before revocation of license
- Section 4:11-26 - Grounds for refusing or revoking license
- Section 4:11-27 - Review of refusal or revocation of license
- Section 4:11-28 - Filing with secretary of claims against licensee
- Section 4:11-28.1 - Claim by grower; time of filing; contents
- Section 4:11-29 - Audit of claims; demand upon surety; publication of nonpayment; necessity of filing claims; action
- Section 4:11-29.1 - Request to producer to sign statement relieving dealer or surety unlawful
- Section 4:11-30 - Keeping of records
- Section 4:11-31 - Posting of copy of license
- Section 4:11-32 - Carrying and exhibiting agent's license
- Section 4:11-33 - Certification by secretary as to license
- Section 4:11-33.1 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:11-34 - Penalty for violations; jail for nonpayment
- Section 4:11-34.1 - Termination of unlicensed operations
- Section 4:11-35 - Definitions
- Section 4:11-36 - Purchase by weight required
- Section 4:11-37 - Weight tickets
- Section 4:11-43 - Subpenas; issuance; failure to obey
- Section 4:11-44 - Enforcement; rules and regulations
- Section 4:11-45 - Weight tickets for crates being transported; tags on crates; removal of poultry in transit
- Section 4:11-46 - Article inapplicable to certain associations, storekeepers, restaurants, etc.
- Section 4:11-47 - Fines; jurisdiction; process; arrest
- Section 4:11-49 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:12-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:12-1.1 - Applicability of act
- Section 4:12-2 - Licensing of dealers who buy for shipment, sale, resale or manufacture
- Section 4:12-3 - Application for license
- Section 4:12-4 - Bond or deposit for protection of creditors.
- Section 4:12-5 - Issuance of license
- Section 4:12-6 - Posting copy of license
- Section 4:12-7 - Filing of claims by creditors upon default by licensee
- Section 4:12-8 - Proceedings by secretary to determine amount due each creditor
- Section 4:12-9 - Claims to which bonds, moneys or securities applicable
- Section 4:12-11 - Investigation of adequacy of, and requirement of additional, bond or deposit; payments in lieu thereof
- Section 4:12-12 - Record of purchases and periodical statement thereof to vendor
- Section 4:12-13 - Posting schedule of prices
- Section 4:12-14 - Investigation of record of applicant or licensee
- Section 4:12-15 - Hearing by secretary on complaint after notice
- Section 4:12-16 - Application for investigation by either party to transaction
- Section 4:12-17 - Grounds for refusal or revocation of license
- Section 4:12-18 - Review by court of refusal or revocation of license
- Section 4:12-19 - Penalty for conducting business without license
- Section 4:12-19.1 - Request for statement relieving dealer, indemnitor or surety of responsibility forbidden
- Section 4:12-41.1 - Definitions
- Section 4:12-41.2 - Testing equipment; methods; approval
- Section 4:12-41.3 - Permit to buy on butter fat basis
- Section 4:12-41.4 - License to make butter fat test
- Section 4:12-41.5 - Persons taking sample, approval of; record; duplicate statements and records
- Section 4:12-41.6 - Inspection sample, taking and retaining; inspection of sample
- Section 4:12-41.7 - Permission to use fresh samples as basis of payment; taking and testing fresh samples; preservation
- Section 4:12-41.8 - Place of butter fat tests
- Section 4:12-41.9 - Type of weigh tank or container; manner of agitating
- Section 4:12-41.10 - Treatment of sample forbidden
- Section 4:12-41.11 - Underreading, overreading or manipulating test; falsifying records
- Section 4:12-41.12 - Underreading, overreading or manipulating weighing or measuring device; falsifying records
- Section 4:12-41.13 - Correct weights, measures and tests required; revocation of licenses for tampering
- Section 4:12-41.14 - Entering premises for inspection; examination of books and records
- Section 4:12-41.15 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:12-41.16 - Duplicate statement requirements and provisions of section 4:12-41.9 suspended during world war
- Section 4:12-41.17 - Hindering or molesting director or representatives prohibited
- Section 4:12-41.18 - Revocation or suspension of licenses
- Section 4:12-41.19 - Violations of act
- Section 4:12-41.20 - Procedure to recover penalty; actions; jurisdiction
- Section 4:12-41.21 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:12-41.22 - Fiscal period for permits and licenses
- Section 4:12-41.23 - Repeal
- Section 4:12-41.24 - Effective date
- Section 4:12-41.25 - Powers and duties of director of New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station transferred to Department of Agriculture
- Section 4:12-41.26 - Effective date
- Section 4:12-42 - Deductions by milk dealers and milk companies authorized; statement; retention of bookkeeping costs
- Section 4:12-43 - Failure to make deductions or forward sum deducted
- Section 4:12-44 - Penalty for violation of article
- Section 4:12A-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:12A-2 - Milk Control Board; established; first members; term of office
- Section 4:12A-3 - Per diem and expenses
- Section 4:12A-4 - Director; deputy; counsel; clerical and other assistants
- Section 4:12A-5 - Chairman and recording secretary of board; quorum; meetings; seal
- Section 4:12A-6 - Principal office
- Section 4:12A-7 - General powers of board and director; orders; rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-8 - Enforcement of act and rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-9 - Appeals; hearing and determination by board; stay
- Section 4:12A-10 - Oaths; administering by board members; subpoenas; misconduct; false testimony
- Section 4:12A-11 - Place of hearings; technical rules of evidence
- Section 4:12A-12 - Review by Superior Court; bond
- Section 4:12A-13 - Rules of evidence and procedure; proceedings of director
- Section 4:12A-14 - Subpoenas; issuance by director
- Section 4:12A-15 - Oaths; power of director to administer
- Section 4:12A-16 - Refusal to obey subpoena or testify; contempt
- Section 4:12A-17 - Incriminating testimony; immunity
- Section 4:12A-18 - Service of subpoenas; fees and mileage
- Section 4:12A-19 - Investigations; powers of director
- Section 4:12A-20 - Rules, regulations and orders of director; promulgation; enforcement; service
- Section 4:12A-21 - Powers of director enumerated
- Section 4:12A-22 - Minimum prices; power of director to fix
- Section 4:12A-22.1 - Minimum prices; limits on power of director to fix
- Section 4:12A-22.2 - Prices dependent on size or type of container
- Section 4:12A-23 - Notice of hearing; order fixing prices; when effective
- Section 4:12A-24 - Mediation of controversies
- Section 4:12A-25 - Agreements with other agencies
- Section 4:12A-26 - Sales; rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-27 - Inspection of premises; books and records; right of entry
- Section 4:12A-28 - Licenses; dealers; processors; subdealers; stores
- Section 4:12A-29 - Milk purchased for less than minimum price; prohibition against sale and distribution
- Section 4:12A-30 - Secret agreement for price reduction prohibited; exception
- Section 4:12A-31 - Blending proceeds of sales
- Section 4:12A-32 - Application for license; form; prerequisites
- Section 4:12A-33 - Application for license, time for making; contents; display of license
- Section 4:12A-34 - Refusal or suspension or revocation of license; notice of hearing
- Section 4:12A-35 - Refusal or suspension or revocation of license; grounds
- Section 4:12A-36 - Fees
- Section 4:12A-37 - Records
- Section 4:12A-38 - Reports of licensee
- Section 4:12A-39 - Violations of act; penalty; seizure and sale
- Section 4:12A-40 - Release of milk or proceeds of sale
- Section 4:12A-41 - Jurisdiction; enforcement
- Section 4:12A-43 - Informal hearings on violations; adjustments
- Section 4:12A-44 - Actions to restrain violations
- Section 4:12A-45 - Disposition of license fees, penalties, fines and costs
- Section 4:12A-46 - Continuation of former laws; pending suits continued
- Section 4:12A-47 - Licenses issued under prior laws continued
- Section 4:12A-48 - Grant of specific powers not to impair general powers
- Section 4:12A-49 - Declaration of legislative intent; action to restrain unlawful acts
- Section 4:12A-50 - Foreign or interstate commerce
- Section 4:12A-51 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:12A-52 - Expiration date
- Section 4:12A-53 - "Distributor" defined
- Section 4:12A-54 - Examination of records to determine cost of distributing milk
- Section 4:12A-55 - Milk distributors to make records available; evidence, production of
- Section 4:12A-56 - Accountants, employment of
- Section 4:12A-57 - Penalty for distributor's failure to comply or interference
- Section 4:12A-58 - Effective date
- Section 4:12A-63 - Short title
- Section 4:12A-64 - Definitions
- Section 4:12A-65 - Milk container marks and identification; filing with secretary of agriculture
- Section 4:12A-66 - Wholesale purchasers; exemption
- Section 4:12A-67 - Offenses
- Section 4:12A-68 - Evidence of offenses
- Section 4:12A-69 - Penalties
- Section 4:12A-70 - Habitual offenders; injunction
- Section 4:12A-71 - Rules and regulations
- Section 4:12A-72 - Reimbursement, federal Dairy Margin Coverage Program.
- Section 4:13-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:13-2 - Incorporation
- Section 4:13-2.1 - Annual fee; exemption from corporation business tax act and uniform security act
- Section 4:13-3 - Purposes of incorporation
- Section 4:13-4 - Certificate of incorporation
- Section 4:13-5 - Use by similar organizations of term "co-operative"
- Section 4:13-6 - Filing of certificate; fee
- Section 4:13-7 - Association as body corporate
- Section 4:13-8 - Amending certificate
- Section 4:13-9 - Certificate as evidence
- Section 4:13-10 - Merger or consolidation of associations
- Section 4:13-10.1 - Federated co-operative associations; membership
- Section 4:13-11 - Dissolution of associations
- Section 4:13-12 - General corporation laws to govern
- Section 4:13-13 - Right of existing associations to come within chapter
- Section 4:13-14 - Associations incorporated under 1920 law subject to chapter
- Section 4:13-15 - Authorizing foreign corporations to transact business
- Section 4:13-16 - General powers of association
- Section 4:13-17 - First meeting
- Section 4:13-18 - Election of directors; by-laws; adoption; contents
- Section 4:13-19 - Board of directors
- Section 4:13-20 - Officers
- Section 4:13-21 - Eligibility to membership
- Section 4:13-22 - Expulsion of members; removal of director or officer
- Section 4:13-23 - Issuance of certificates
- Section 4:13-24 - Voting
- Section 4:13-24.1 - Proportionate voting rights; exception
- Section 4:13-24.2 - Election of delegates; method of voting
- Section 4:13-25 - Liability of member for debts of association
- Section 4:13-26 - Marketing contracts and agencies
- Section 4:13-26.1 - Deductions from contracts by members with buyers, handlers or processors payable to association; liability for failure to deduct
- Section 4:13-27 - Requiring members to deal through association; withdrawal
- Section 4:13-28 - Liquidated damages for failure of member to perform
- Section 4:13-29 - Validity of contracts with members; breach of contract; injunction
- Section 4:13-30 - Dealings with nonmembers
- Section 4:13-31 - Reserve funds; fees and charges; patron's revolving funds; certificates
- Section 4:13-32 - Dividing yearly balance of associations without capital stock
- Section 4:13-33 - Dividends and division of balance of associations with capital stock
- Section 4:13-34 - Annual audit and report; disclosure forbidden
- Section 4:13-34.1 - Filing of annual report; contents
- Section 4:13-35 - List of associations not filing report of audit
- Section 4:13-36 - Notice to associations
- Section 4:13-37 - Proclamation of dissolution; publication
- Section 4:13-38 - Dissolution upon issuance of proclamation
- Section 4:13-39 - Copies of proclamation; mailing; filing
- Section 4:13-40 - Reservation of names of dissolved associations
- Section 4:13-41 - Certificate of compliance; effect; fees
- Section 4:13-42 - Publication of notice of compliance
- Section 4:13-43 - Definitions
- Section 4:13-44 - Public policy
- Section 4:13-45 - Unfair practices
- Section 4:13-46 - Violations; complaints; hearings
- Section 4:13-47 - Injunctions
- Section 4:13-48 - Penalties
- Section 4:13-49 - Penalty enforcement proceedings; process; summary proceedings; jail sentence
- Section 4:13-50 - Compliance not deemed conspiracy or combination in restraint of trade, etc.; dissemination of information; marketing adjustments
- Section 4:14-1 - Department to encourage formation
- Section 4:14-2 - Membership and organization
- Section 4:14-3 - Annual reports to department; report of delegates to annual convention
- Section 4:14-4 - Annual apportionments to county boards
- Section 4:14-5 - Rules for government
- Section 4:14-6 - Annual appropriation for expenses
- Section 4:14-7 - Manner of paying expenses
- Section 4:15-1 - "Association" defined
- Section 4:15-2 - Authority to hold fairs and exhibitions
- Section 4:15-3 - Police jurisdiction of directors
- Section 4:15-4 - Appointment and qualification of special officers
- Section 4:15-5 - Powers and duties of special officers
- Section 4:15-6 - Right of owner to hold fairs
- Section 4:15-7 - Police jurisdiction of owner; liquor; gambling
- Section 4:15-8 - Appointment and qualification of special officers
- Section 4:15-9 - Powers and duties of special officers
- Section 4:15-10 - Maintenance and use
- Section 4:15-11 - One-day livestock shows; rules and regulations
- Section 4:15-12 - Advisory committee
- Section 4:15-13 - Moneys for premiums, awards and maintenance
- Section 4:15-14 - Dog sled racing
- Section 4:16-1 - Station continued
- Section 4:16-6 - Duties of board
- Section 4:16-7 - Acceptance of conveyances
- Section 4:16-8 - Annual appropriations for station and its activities
- Section 4:16-9 - Analysis of milk, butter or other farm products
- Section 4:16-10 - Investigation of oyster propagation
- Section 4:16-11 - Investigation of biology of sewage disposal
- Section 4:16-12 - "Poultry" defined
- Section 4:16-13 - Maintenance of department; employment of assistants
- Section 4:16-14 - Acquisition of buildings, equipment and supplies
- Section 4:16-15 - Investigations in poultry breeding and care
- Section 4:16-16 - Publication of results of investigations
- Section 4:16-17 - Egg-laying and breed-testing stations; employment of assistants
- Section 4:16-18 - Investigations and instruction in poultry diseases
- Section 4:16-19 - Supervision of work; poultry pathologist and laboratory assistant
- Section 4:16-20 - Meetings of poultry raisers
- Section 4:16-21 - Instruction in poultry raising; poultry exhibitions
- Section 4:16-21.1 - Turkey breeding and feeding research farm
- Section 4:16-21.2 - Co-operation of board of chosen freeholders
- Section 4:16-21.3 - Studies of communicable diseases of domestic fowls authorized
- Section 4:16-21.4 - Poultry pathology laboratory; Monmouth and Ocean counties; establishment
- Section 4:16-21.5 - Vineland laboratory; expansion and improvement
- Section 4:16-21.6 - Appropriation
- Section 4:16-22 - Definition; construction of article
- Section 4:16-23 - County agricultural agents
- Section 4:16-24 - Continuous course of demonstrations in counties
- Section 4:16-25 - Selection of farms for demonstration
- Section 4:16-26 - Performance of demonstration work
- Section 4:16-27 - County appropriations
- Section 4:16-28 - State appropriation
- Section 4:16-29 - Use of state or county appropriations
- Section 4:16-30 - Co-operation with federal department
- Section 4:16-31 - Demonstration farms on state institutional lands
- Section 4:16-31.1 - Victory garden program; organizing and guiding
- Section 4:16-31.2 - Canning, drying, freezing, brining of foods; encouraging and promoting
- Section 4:16-31.3 - Enlisting participation and cooperation of state and federal agencies and departments
- Section 4:17-2 - Trespass; enforcement; penalties; liability.
- Section 4:17-3 - Arrest of offenders without warrant.
- Section 4:17-4 - Failure to produce permit as evidence.
- Section 4:17-5 - Jail for non-payment of fine.
- Section 4:17-9 - Injury to or taking of wild flowers, plants or trees; penalty
- Section 4:17-10 - Injuring, destroying or removing trees, saplings or poles; penalty
- Section 4:18A-1 - Funds held by United States as trustee in behalf of New Jersey Rural Rehabilitation Corporation; receipt from Federal officials
- Section 4:18A-2 - Funds to be forwarded to State Treasurer; disbursement
- Section 4:18A-3 - Uses of funds
- Section 4:18A-4 - Vouchers
- Section 4:18A-5 - Agreements with United States Secretary of Agriculture regarding loans under Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act
- Section 4:18A-6 - Powers of secretary of agriculture; delegation of authority
- Section 4:18A-7 - Accounts; audit
- Section 4:18A-8 - Rules and regulations; delegations of authority
- Section 4:18A-9 - Freedom from liability
- Section 4:18A-10 - Partial invalidity
- Section 4:19-1 - Annual dog taxes
- Section 4:19-2 - Assessors to set down number of dogs owned
- Section 4:19-3 - Refusal to report number and age of dogs; penalty
- Section 4:19-4 - Use of tax collections to pay claims; handling of fund
- Section 4:19-5 - Claims for and establishment of damages
- Section 4:19-6 - Suit by municipality against owner
- Section 4:19-7 - Effect of article on owner's liability
- Section 4:19-8 - Failure to kill dog found worrying livestock, penalty
- Section 4:19-9 - Right to destroy offending dogs
- Section 4:19-15.1 - Definitions.
- Section 4:19-15.2 - Dog licensing, tag; exemptions.
- Section 4:19-15.2a - Evidence of inoculation with rabies vaccine or certification of exemption; requirement for license
- Section 4:19-15.3 - Application, renewal of dog license; fee; exemptions.
- Section 4:19-15.3a - Staggered expiration of licenses, prorated fees
- Section 4:19-15.3b - Additional fee; dog of reproductive age without permanent alteration of reproductive capacity; disposition
- Section 4:19-15.3c - Additional fee for dogs; disposition
- Section 4:19-15.4 - Time for applying for license
- Section 4:19-15.5 - Application for dog license, information requested, preservation
- Section 4:19-15.6 - Dogs brought into state
- Section 4:19-15.7 - Removing tag from dog without owner's consent; attaching tag to another dog
- Section 4:19-15.8 - Licensing of kennel, pet shop, shelter, pound.
- Section 4:19-15.9 - License fees for kennels and pet shops; no fee for shelter or pound
- Section 4:19-15.10 - Kennels, pet shops, shelters or pounds; permitting dogs to go off premises
- Section 4:19-15.11 - Disposition of fees collected.
- Section 4:19-15.12 - Fee for dog license.
- Section 4:19-15.13 - List of licensed kennels, pet shops, shelters and pounds
- Section 4:19-15.14 - Rules and regulations for kennels, pet shops, shelters and pounds
- Section 4:19-15.14a - Animal facilities, use of artificial turf in outdoor enclosures.
- Section 4:19-15.16 - Unclaimed dogs or other animals to be euthanized, offered for adoption.
- Section 4:19-15.16a - Rules, regulations concerning training, educational qualifications for animal control officers.
- Section 4:19-15.16b - Appointment of certified animal control officer.
- Section 4:19-15.17 - Seizure of dogs, going on premises for
- Section 4:19-15.18 - Interfering with persons performing duties under act
- Section 4:19-15.19 - Violations of act or rules; penalty.
- Section 4:19-15.20 - Penalty to be paid to plaintiff; disposition.
- Section 4:19-15.21 - Courts of jurisdiction, summary hearing, process
- Section 4:19-15.23 - Refusal to pay judgment; confinement in jail
- Section 4:19-15.27 - Act inapplicable to veterinarians' establishments
- Section 4:19-15.28 - Statutes repealed
- Section 4:19-15.29 - Effective date
- Section 4:19-15.30 - "Pet Sterilization Pilot Program."
- Section 4:19-15.31 - Exceptions to sterilization requirement for adopted animals.
- Section 4:19-15.32 - Impounded cat, dog, search for owner prior to release to adopter, euthanization.
- Section 4:19-15.33 - Registry of animal rescue organizations, facilities.
- Section 4:19-16 - Liability of owner regardless of viciousness of dog
- Section 4:19-17 - Findings, declarations
- Section 4:19-18 - Definitions
- Section 4:19-19 - Impoundment of dog
- Section 4:19-20 - Notification of owner of dog; hearing
- Section 4:19-21.1 - Settlement agreements, immunity of municipality
- Section 4:19-22 - Dog declared vicious by municipal court; conditions.
- Section 4:19-23 - Dog declared potentially dangerous; conditions.
- Section 4:19-24 - Registration of potentially dangerous dog; conditions
- Section 4:19-25 - Appeal of decision
- Section 4:19-26 - Liability of owner for cost of impounding, destroying dog; rabies testing
- Section 4:19-27 - Hearing on subsequent actions of dog
- Section 4:19-28 - Obligations of owner of potentially dangerous dog
- Section 4:19-29 - Violation by owner; fine, seizure, impoundment of dog
- Section 4:19-30 - Municipality to register, identify potentially dangerous dogs; publicize phone numbers to report violations
- Section 4:19-31 - Municipality to establish fee for potentially dangerous dog license
- Section 4:19-32 - Monthly inspection to verify compliance
- Section 4:19-33 - Statewide system for registration of potentially dangerous dogs
- Section 4:19-34 - Actions subject to "New Jersey Tort Claims Act"
- Section 4:19-35 - Fines, fees, used for enforcement by municipalities
- Section 4:19-36 - Act to supersede inconsistent local laws
- Section 4:19-37 - Exemptions for dogs used for law enforcement purposes
- Section 4:19-38 - Debarking silencing of dog, certain circumstances; third degree crime
- Section 4:19-39 - Duly licensed veterinarian permitted to debark, silence dog; penalty
- Section 4:19-40 - Seizure, forfeiture of dog at time of arrest of violator
- Section 4:19-41 - Statement filed by veterinarian.
- Section 4:19-42 - Issuance of license, determination as to whether dog surgically debarked, silenced
- Section 4:19-43 - Information provided to prospective owner
- Section 4:19A-1 - Program; purpose
- Section 4:19A-2 - Eligibility
- Section 4:19A-3 - Submission of animal for spaying or neutering; proof of eligibility; consent form; fee; disposition
- Section 4:19A-4 - Veterinarians; participation in program; application; reimbursement for animal sterilization procedure and presurgical immunization
- Section 4:19A-5 - Animal Population Control Fund
- Section 4:19A-6 - Unretrieved animal; final disposition
- Section 4:19A-7 - Violations; penalties; enforcement
- Section 4:19A-8 - Rules or regulations
- Section 4:19A-9 - Annual report
- Section 4:19A-10 - Definitions
- Section 4:19A-11 - Pilot clinic for spaying, neutering; fees
- Section 4:19A-12 - Consent form; retrieval of animal; abandonment
- Section 4:19A-13 - Fee adjustment; recommendation
- Section 4:19A-14 - Acceptance of funds; pilot clinic fund
- Section 4:19A-15 - Report; recommendations
- Section 4:19A-16 - Domestic Companion Animal Council.
- Section 4:19A-17 - Duties of council
- Section 4:20-1 - Sufficiency of fences in general
- Section 4:20-2 - Sufficiency of partition fences
- Section 4:20-3 - Partition fences of barbed wire
- Section 4:20-4 - Gates as part of partition fence
- Section 4:20-5 - Sufficiency of ditches as fences in meadows
- Section 4:20-6 - Sufficiency as fences of things equivalent thereto
- Section 4:20-6.1 - Matching grant program established; deer fencing.
- Section 4:20-7 - Duty to make and maintain portion of partition fence
- Section 4:20-8 - Failure to make and maintain portion of partition fence
- Section 4:20-9 - Apportioning of partition fence for erection and maintenance
- Section 4:20-10 - Specification of time for making partition fence
- Section 4:20-11 - Placing partition fence where parties disagree
- Section 4:20-12 - Placing and apportioning partition fence when line is private road or watercourse
- Section 4:20-13 - Placing and apportioning partition fence when line is township boundary
- Section 4:20-14 - Failure of members of township committee to agree
- Section 4:20-15 - Failure of member of township committee to act; penalty
- Section 4:20-16 - Fees of township committee members
- Section 4:20-17 - Notice as prerequisite to removal of partition fence
- Section 4:20-18 - Agreements respecting partition fences
- Section 4:20-19 - Registration of agreements and certificates; fee
- Section 4:20-21 - Failure of clerk to register; penalty
- Section 4:20-22 - Damages by animals breaking through lawful fences
- Section 4:20-23 - Impounding and sale of such animals
- Section 4:20-24 - Impounding and sale where no public pound
- Section 4:20-25 - Molestation of gate in partition fence; penalty; damages and impounding of animals
- Section 4:20-26 - Effect of failure to maintain fences on damages and impounding
- Section 4:20-27 - Effect of failure to maintain portion of partition fence
- Section 4:20-28 - Injuring animals trespassing for want of sufficient fence
- Section 4:20-29 - Damages to animals by barbed wire partition fences
- Section 4:20-30 - Fences in highway for preservation of hedges
- Section 4:20-31 - Ploughing or digging close to hedge prohibited
- Section 4:20-32 - Violations of sections 4:20-30 and 4:20-31; penalty; damages
- Section 4:21-1 - Right to impound animals running at large
- Section 4:21-2 - Right to impound trespassing animals
- Section 4:21-3 - Interference with impounding of animals; penalty
- Section 4:21-4 - Right to drive animals over streets and highways
- Section 4:21-5 - Fee for taking stray or trespassing animals to pound
- Section 4:21-6 - Poundkeeper's fees
- Section 4:21-7 - Sale of impounded animals and disposition of proceeds
- Section 4:21B-1 - Establishment and operation to provide services for alteration of reproductive capacity; ordinance; fees
- Section 4:21B-2 - Notarized authorization by owner for consent and agreement to hold harmless
- Section 4:21B-3 - Terms and conditions for maintenance of animal while in custody of clinic
- Section 4:22-11.11 - Training course for animal protection law enforcement.
- Section 4:22-11.12 - Assistance from governmental entities.
- Section 4:22-14.1 - Responsibilities of municipal governing body.
- Section 4:22-14.2 - Application for designation as municipal humane law enforcement officer.
- Section 4:22-14.3 - Eligibility.
- Section 4:22-14.4 - Actions of county prosecutor.
- Section 4:22-14.5 - Submission of application.
- Section 4:22-14.6 - Power, authority of designated officer.
- Section 4:22-14.7 - Duties of animal cruelty prosecutor.
- Section 4:22-14.8 - Designation as county society for the prevention of cruelty to animals.
- Section 4:22-14.9 - Construction of act.
- Section 4:22-14.10 - Actions by Attorney General.
- Section 4:22-15 - Definitions.
- Section 4:22-16 - Permitted activities
- Section 4:22-16.1 - Adoption of standards, rules, regulations for treatment of domestic livestock
- Section 4:22-17 - Cruelty; certain acts, crime; degrees.
- Section 4:22-17.1 - Definitions relative to care, tethering of certain animals.
- Section 4:22-17.2 - Unlawful treatment of certain animals.
- Section 4:22-17.3 - Unlawful to cruelly restrain a dog.
- Section 4:22-17.4 - Unlawful confinement of certain animals.
- Section 4:22-17.5 - Proper shelter for certain animals.
- Section 4:22-17.6 - Responsibilities of DOH, municipality.
- Section 4:22-17.7 - Violations, remedies, required actions.
- Section 4:22-17.8 - Violations, penalties for failure to provide necessary care.
- Section 4:22-17.9 - Construction, application of act.
- Section 4:22-18 - Carrying animal in cruel, inhumane manner; disorderly persons offense
- Section 4:22-19 - Failure to care for, destruction of impounded animals; penalties; collection
- Section 4:22-19.1 - Chamber or device to induce hypoxia; dismantlement and removal
- Section 4:22-19.2 - Dismantlement and removal of decompression chamber or device; offense
- Section 4:22-19.3 - Neuromuscular blocking agents prohibited
- Section 4:22-19.4 - Penalty
- Section 4:22-20 - Abandoning disabled animal to die in public place; disorderly persons offense
- Section 4:22-21 - Offering for sale horse unfit for work; disorderly persons.
- Section 4:22-22 - Offering diseased animal for sale; crime of fourth degree
- Section 4:22-23 - Use of bird as target; disorderly persons offense, $25 fine.
- Section 4:22-24 - Animal fighting crimes; definitions.
- Section 4:22-24.1 - "Trunk fighting," defined, third degree crime.
- Section 4:22-25.1 - Motorist hitting domestic animal to stop; report.
- Section 4:22-25.2 - Violations; petty disorderly persons offense
- Section 4:22-25.3 - Sale, barter of products made from dog or cat fur; prohibited
- Section 4:22-25.4 - Sale, barter of dog or cat flesh or products for human consumption; disorderly persons offense
- Section 4:22-25.5 - Slaughter, transport of horses for human consumption; disorderly persons offense.
- Section 4:22-26 - Penalties for various acts constituting cruelty.
- Section 4:22-26.1 - Confiscation, forfeiture of animal.
- Section 4:22-28 - Civil, criminal actions separate.
- Section 4:22-29 - Jurisdiction for action for penalty.
- Section 4:22-32 - Enforcement and collection of penalties; warrant.
- Section 4:22-33 - Security for appearance where defendant nonresident or desires continuance
- Section 4:22-44 - Arrests with, without warrant.
- Section 4:22-45 - Notice to county prosecutor, designee.
- Section 4:22-46 - Search warrants; issuance
- Section 4:22-47 - Warrantless arrest for fighting or baiting offenses.
- Section 4:22-48 - Forfeiture, sale of seized animals
- Section 4:22-48.1 - Owner to bear expenses
- Section 4:22-48.2 - Owner of confiscated animal responsible for certain costs.
- Section 4:22-50 - Care of animal when person in charge arrested
- Section 4:22-50.1 - Petition for animal pound receivership.
- Section 4:22-50.2 - Appointment; notice, hearing
- Section 4:22-50.3 - Powers of receiver; compensation
- Section 4:22-50.4 - Presentation, settlement of accounts
- Section 4:22-50.5 - Termination of receivership
- Section 4:22-50.6 - Pounds subject to act
- Section 4:22-51 - Supplying necessary food to animals impounded by another
- Section 4:22-52 - Seizure and sale of vehicle transporting animals in cruel manner
- Section 4:22-53 - Sale of animals abandoned in disabled condition.
- Section 4:22-54 - Destruction of animals found in disabled condition.
- Section 4:22-55 - Payment, disposition of fines, penalties, moneys, imposed and collected.
- Section 4:22-56 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 4:22-57 - Notice of persons ineligible to be certified animal control officers.
- Section 4:22-58 - Definitions relative to use of animals in product testing.
- Section 4:22-59 - Animal testing prohibited under certain circumstances.
- Section 4:22-60 - Exclusive remedy for enforcement.
- Section 4:22-61 - Definitions relative to cosmetic development.
- Section 4:22A-1 - Definitions
- Section 4:22A-2 - 5-acre minimum
- Section 4:22A-3 - Notarized dedication
- Section 4:22A-4 - Disclosure of status
- Section 4:22A-5 - Removal of dedication
- Section 4:22A-6 - Subsequent liens subordinate
- Section 4:22A-7 - Maintenance fees
- Section 4:22A-8 - $12,000 minimum in trust fund
- Section 4:22A-9 - Pet disposal form
- Section 4:22A-10 - Compliance with instructions
- Section 4:22A-11 - Registration
- Section 4:22A-12 - Violation; penalty
- Section 4:22A-13 - Forms; rules, regulations
- Section 4:23-1 - Penalties to which article applies
- Section 4:23-2 - Jurisdiction
- Section 4:23-6 - Enforcement and collection of penalties
- Section 4:23-10 - Penalties paid into state treasury
- Section 4:23-11 - Penalties to which article applies
- Section 4:23-12 - Jurisdiction
- Section 4:23-14 - Failure to pay penalty; commitment
- Section 4:23-15 - Arrest without warrant for violation in view of officer
- Section 4:23-18 - Penalties paid into state treasury
- Section 4:24-1 - Legislative policy declared
- Section 4:24-1.1 - Prevention of damage by floodwater or sediment; conservation of water for agricultural purposes
- Section 4:24-2 - Words and phrases defined
- Section 4:24-2.1 - Transfer of functions, powers and duties to Department of Agriculture
- Section 4:24-3 - Committee established; membership; records; seal; hearings; rules and regulations
- Section 4:24-3.1 - Election of members
- Section 4:24-4 - Administrative officer and employees; legal services; co-operative agreements
- Section 4:24-5 - Organization; term of members; quorum; expenses; surety bonds for employees; records; audit
- Section 4:24-6 - Powers and duties of committee
- Section 4:24-6.1 - Review and approval, modification or rejection of decisions
- Section 4:24-17.1 - Public hearings
- Section 4:24-17.2 - Resolution requesting approval; procedure upon approval
- Section 4:24-17.3 - New supervisors; appointment; time of taking office
- Section 4:24-17.4 - Continuance of contracts, liabilities, regulations and other matters; assumption by new district
- Section 4:24-17.5 - County and multi-county soil conservation districts; creation
- Section 4:24-17.6 - Appropriation of funds by counties
- Section 4:24-17.7 - Legal services to district by Attorney General
- Section 4:24-18 - Governing body of district; supervisors; appointment
- Section 4:24-19 - Supervisors; chairman; term of office; quorum; per diem
- Section 4:24-20 - Officers and employees; information to state committee
- Section 4:24-20.1 - Soil conservation district to maintain Internet website or webpage; contents.
- Section 4:24-21 - Surety bonds for officers and employees; records; annual audit
- Section 4:24-22 - District a governmental subdivision and body corporate; enumeration of powers of districts and supervisors
- Section 4:24-22.1 - Site plan for leaf composting facility; annual inspection
- Section 4:24-22.2 - Conditions for operation of leaf composting facility
- Section 4:24-23 - Supervisors to formulate regulations; public hearings; submission to state committee; objections by landowners
- Section 4:24-24 - Amendment, etc., of regulations
- Section 4:24-25 - Provisions which may be included in regulations
- Section 4:24-26 - Regulations to be uniform; printing of copies
- Section 4:24-27 - Authority of supervisors; suit for damages by landowner for violations
- Section 4:24-28 - Nonobservance of land-use regulations; action
- Section 4:24-30 - Members; appointment, term, removal, etc., expenses
- Section 4:24-31 - Rules by board; organization; meetings; oaths and witnesses; records
- Section 4:24-32 - Petition by landowner to board for variance in land-use regulations; procedure
- Section 4:24-33 - Review of order of board
- Section 4:24-34 - Duty of state agencies, counties, etc., to co-operate
- Section 4:24-39 - Short title
- Section 4:24-40 - Legislative findings
- Section 4:24-41 - Definitions.
- Section 4:24-42 - Standards for control of soil erosion and sedimentation; promulgation, amendment and repeal
- Section 4:24-42.1 - Adoption of standards.
- Section 4:24-43 - Certification of plan by district; development of projects
- Section 4:24-44 - Certification of plan; criteria; notice
- Section 4:24-45 - Limitation on time for grant or denial of certification
- Section 4:24-46 - Fees
- Section 4:24-47 - Stop-construction order; failure to comply with certified plan
- Section 4:24-48 - Exempt municipalities
- Section 4:24-49 - Certificate of occupancy for project; conditions for issuance
- Section 4:24-50 - County planning board as agent for district
- Section 4:24-51 - Cooperation with and authorization to receive financial aid from governmental units or private sources
- Section 4:24-52 - State aid
- Section 4:24-53 - Violations; injunction; penalty; enforcement
- Section 4:24-54 - Liberal construction
- Section 4:24-55 - Severability
- Section 4:27-1 - Short title.
- Section 4:27-2 - Findings, declarations relative to aquaculture.
- Section 4:27-3 - Definitions relative to aquaculture.
- Section 4:27-4 - Office of Aquaculture Coordination.
- Section 4:27-5 - Aquaculture Advisory Council.
- Section 4:27-6 - Aquaculture considered component of agriculture.
- Section 4:27-7 - Interagency memoranda of agreement concerning implementation of Aquaculture Development Plan.
- Section 4:27-8 - Policies for use of aquaculture leases.
- Section 4:27-9 - Interagency memorandum of agreement to expand current leasing programs.
- Section 4:27-10 - Review of laws, rules, regulations pertinent to aquaculture.
- Section 4:27-10.1 - Joint application process for certain aquaculture projects.
- Section 4:27-10.2 - Aquaculture permitting review program.
- Section 4:27-10.3 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 4:27-11 - Review of laws, rules, regulations pertinent to predation problems.
- Section 4:27-12 - Aquaculture sites not designated freshwater wetland, conditions.
- Section 4:27-13 - Aquaculture sites not designated coastal wetland, conditions.
- Section 4:27-14 - Agriculture programs applicable to aquaculture.
- Section 4:27-15 - Aquaculture statistics, reporting assistance programs.
- Section 4:27-16 - Management practices for control of soil erosion, sedimentation.
- Section 4:27-17 - Licensure of possession, ownership of aquacultural organisms.
- Section 4:27-18 - Aquatic health management plan.
- Section 4:27-19 - Comprehensive animal waste management program.
- Section 4:27-20 - Aquaculture component for model planning and zoning ordinances.
- Section 4:27-21 - Review of worker's compensation package coverages.
- Section 4:27-22 - Development, implementation of information campaign.
- Section 4:27-23 - Development of mechanisms for providing tax credits, reduced loan payments.
- Section 4:27-24 - Review of product liability insurance.
- Section 4:27-25 - Construction of act.
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