2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 34 - Labor and Workmen's Compensation
Section 34:15-58 - Judgment and settlement filed, receipts, bar of judgment
34:15-58. Judgment and settlement filed, receipts, bar of judgment
34:15-58. A statement containing the date and place of hearing, together with the decision, award, determination and rule for judgment or the order approving settlement, shall be legibly written in ink or typewritten and filed in the office of the secretary at Trenton, by the officer hearing such cause, which statement, together with the petition and answer, shall constitute the record of the cause. A copy of the decision, award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement, if same results in an award to the petitioner, shall, as soon as practicable after the same is rendered, be filed in the office of the clerk of the county in which the hearing was held, and when so filed, shall have the same effect and may be collected and docketed in the same manner as judgments rendered in causes tried in the Superior Court. The employer may once every month file receipt of payment, verified by affidavit that the receipts are accurate and true, with the clerk of the court, which shall be entered in satisfaction of the award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement, to the extent of such payments. The official conducting the hearing shall, within fifteen days after the rendering of the award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement, mail to each of the parties a statement of the substance of the award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement, or a copy of such award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement. The decision, award, determination and rule for judgment or order approving settlement shall be final and conclusive between the parties and shall bar any subsequent action or proceeding, unless reopened by the Division of Workers' Compensation or appealed as hereinafter provided.
Amended 1952,c.269,s.4; 1991,c.91,s.362.