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2022 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 33 - Intoxicating Liquors
- Section 33:1-1 - Definitions.
- Section 33:1-1.1 - Presumption as to fitness for beverage purposes and alcoholic content
- Section 33:1-2 - License required, terms; personal use; brand registration; fees.
- Section 33:1-3 - Alcoholic beverage control
- Section 33:1-3.1 - Short title; findings, declarations
- Section 33:1-4 - Appointment power of director
- Section 33:1-4.1 - Use of funds collected as fees, penalties
- Section 33:1-5 - Boards of alcoholic beverage control in municipalities of 15,000 inhabitants or more, appointment, term, etc.
- Section 33:1-5.4 - Secretary to board of alcoholic beverage control
- Section 33:1-6 - Only eligible persons to be appointed
- Section 33:1-7 - Officers and employees not to be interested in liquor industry; acceptance of gifts
- Section 33:1-8 - Form of official bonds; force and effect
- Section 33:1-9 - Classes of licenses
- Section 33:1-10 - Class A licenses; subdivisions; fees.
- Section 33:1-10.1 - Taxes collected, paid.
- Section 33:1-11 - Class B alcoholic licenses; subdivisions, classifications; fees.
- Section 33:1-11.1 - Sales by Class A or Class B licensees to organizations of army, navy or air force personnel
- Section 33:1-11.2 - Definitions
- Section 33:1-11.3 - Foreign persons holding Class B licenses; sales to resident retail licensees prohibited; exception
- Section 33:1-11.4 - Inapplicability to foreigners who also hold Class A license
- Section 33:1-11.5 - Revocation or suspension of license
- Section 33:1-11.6 - Active use required for renewal; fee
- Section 33:1-12 - Class C licenses; classifications; fees.
- Section 33:1-12a - Posting of notice required.
- Section 33:1-12b - $50 fine
- Section 33:1-12c - Definitions relative to alcoholic beverage tastings and samplings.
- Section 33:1-12d - Terms, conditions relative to consumer wine, beer and spirits tasting events and samplings.
- Section 33:1-12.13 - Renewal licenses; new licenses
- Section 33:1-12.14 - New retail licenses; limitation.
- Section 33:1-12.15 - Municipalities under 1000, licenses in
- Section 33:1-12.16 - Renewal or transfer of existing licenses
- Section 33:1-12.17 - Seasonal retail consumption licenses to persons who had licenses in previous season; transfer
- Section 33:1-12.18 - Issuance of new license permitted to applicants filing within one year of expiration; fee.
- Section 33:1-12.19 - New license where licensee served in armed forces
- Section 33:1-12.20 - Licensure of certain hotels, motels.
- Section 33:1-12.20a - Licenses contingent on completion of construction; rights of holder
- Section 33:1-12.21 - Municipal regulations limiting number of license, act is in addition to
- Section 33:1-12.22 - Effective date
- Section 33:1-12.22a - License transferred to spouse and surrendered during licensee's service in armed forces; new license
- Section 33:1-12.22b - Sixth class counties; retail licensees who served in armed forces and permitted license to lapse; issuance of license
- Section 33:1-12.23 - Sale and display for off-premises consumption
- Section 33:1-12.24 - Municipalities in which sale for consumption on premises is prohibited, effect of act in
- Section 33:1-12.25 - Hotel guests, sale and delivery to
- Section 33:1-12.26 - Renewal of expired or expiring license, what is; new licenses
- Section 33:1-12.27 - New limited retail distribution license; issuance
- Section 33:1-12.28 - Renewal of existing limited retail distribution licenses
- Section 33:1-12.29 - New limited retail distribution license within 60 days after expiration of renewal period
- Section 33:1-12.30 - Death of licensee and cessation of business; issuance of new license in place of voided license
- Section 33:1-12.31 - Acquisition of beneficial interest in more than two retail licenses prohibited
- Section 33:1-12.32 - Alcoholic beverage licenses.
- Section 33:1-12.33 - Inheritance of beneficial interest in retail license; time within which to comply with act
- Section 33:1-12.34 - Membership in organization holding club license
- Section 33:1-12.35 - Right to continue to hold, use and renew existing licenses
- Section 33:1-12.36 - Corporate licenses
- Section 33:1-12.37 - Violation; penalty
- Section 33:1-12.38 - Rules and regulations
- Section 33:1-12.39 - Active use required for renewal of Class C license; fee
- Section 33:1-12.40 - Findings, declarations
- Section 33:1-12.41 - Definitions
- Section 33:1-12.42 - Plenary retail licensees required to complete educational program
- Section 33:1-12.43 - Establishment of educational programs for plenary retail licensees
- Section 33:1-12.44 - Educational program, scheduling, attendance, curriculum, fees
- Section 33:1-12.45 - Contract with non-profit educational organization to provide educational program
- Section 33:1-12.46 - Completion of educational program required within nine months
- Section 33:1-12.47 - Certificate of completion of educational program required for license renewal
- Section 33:1-12.48 - Rules, regulations
- Section 33:1-12.49 - Issuance of special permits to serve alcoholic beverages in "qualifying development projects."
- Section 33:1-12.50 - Special retail consumption, distribution licensing in qualifying development projects.
- Section 33:1-12.51 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 33:1-12.52 - Definitions relative to issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses in special project areas.
- Section 33:1-12.53 - Letter of consent required.
- Section 33:1-12.54 - Regulations.
- Section 33:1-13 - Class D, transportation licenses; fees.
- Section 33:1-14 - Class E licenses; subdivisions; fees.
- Section 33:1-15 - Separate license for each warehouse, salesroom or office
- Section 33:1-16 - One license for premises located in more than one municipality; division of fee; number of licenses
- Section 33:1-17 - Licensee to give bond; custody of bonds
- Section 33:1-17.1 - Requirement of alcoholic beverage retail licensee clearance certificate
- Section 33:1-18 - Director to administer issuance of certain licenses.
- Section 33:1-19 - Municipal board or body to administer issuance of certain licenses; "other issuing authority" construed
- Section 33:1-19.1 - Issuance of new, additional licenses, publication of notice.
- Section 33:1-19.2 - Issuance of license after publication of notice
- Section 33:1-19.3 - Issuance to highest qualified bidder; public sale; qualifications
- Section 33:1-19.4 - Bids; notice and invitation; publication; contents; announcement of qualified applicants
- Section 33:1-19.5 - Issuance of license or rejection of all bids; postponement or cancellation of sale; disposition of funds
- Section 33:1-19.6 - Inapplicability of act to powers of issuing authority; appeals
- Section 33:1-19.7 - Plenary retail consumption license, nonprofit theater
- Section 33:1-19.7 - Plenary retail consumption license, issuance to certain nonprofit corporations.
- Section 33:1-19.8 - Issuance of retail consumption license to certain nonprofit corporations.
- Section 33:1-20 - License to member of issuing authority issued only by director; additional fee
- Section 33:1-22 - Appeal to director from action of issuing authority; fee; procedure
- Section 33:1-23 - Enumeration of duties of commissioner
- Section 33:1-23.1 - Regulation by Commissioner of sales in violation of fair trade contract
- Section 33:1-24 - Duties of municipal authorities issuing licenses
- Section 33:1-24.1 - Findings, declarations relative to issuance of special licenses to serve alcoholic beverages in smart growth development projects.
- Section 33:1-24.2 - Definitions relative to issuance of special licenses to serve alcoholic beverages in smart growth development projects; issuance, conditions; fees.
- Section 33:1-24.3 - Acquisition, sale of inactive plenary retail consumption licenses.
- Section 33:1-24.4 - Municipal authority, open container area.
- Section 33:1-25 - Issuance of license, application, qualifications; criminal record background check, fee.
- Section 33:1-25.1 - Peace officers; right to leadership or titular position in nonprofit organization with club license
- Section 33:1-25.2 - Nonprofit organization; use of name other than peace officer as licensee
- Section 33:1-26 - License, terms, transfer; fee.
- Section 33:1-26.1 - Peace officers; employment in business licensed to sell alcoholic beverages
- Section 33:1-27 - Fee for issuance of license; exceptions
- Section 33:1-28 - Transportation of alcoholic beverages by licensees
- Section 33:1-28a - Special permit
- Section 33:1-29 - Regulation of use of alcoholic beverages by druggists and hospitals; sales to
- Section 33:1-30 - Sale of alcohols unfit for use as beverages; preparations and products excepted; violations; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-31 - Suspension, revocation of license
- Section 33:1-31.1 - Automatic suspension of license upon conviction of violation; effect of appeal
- Section 33:1-31.2 - Application for removal of statutory disqualification; fee.
- Section 33:1-32 - Conditions to issuance of license
- Section 33:1-33 - Refusal of license to persons failing to pay tax or license fee; bond or cash deposit
- Section 33:1-34 - Notice of change in facts set forth in application; corporations
- Section 33:1-35 - Investigations, inspections, searches and examinations; examination of witnesses; subpoenas; procedure on failure to obey; powers of deputy directors
- Section 33:1-36 - Service of subpoenas
- Section 33:1-37 - Seal; authentication; fee; inspection of records; certification of facts and findings
- Section 33:1-38 - Commissioner to hear appeals; powers on appeal; execution of orders
- Section 33:1-39 - Rules and regulations by commissioner; subjects covered
- Section 33:1-39.1 - Reciprocal rules and regulations with other states
- Section 33:1-39.2 - Regulation of sales to consumers
- Section 33:1-40 - Municipal regulation of number of retail licenses, hours of sale, etc.
- Section 33:1-40.3 - Sale of certain alcoholic beverages.
- Section 33:1-41 - Appeal from limitation of number of retail licenses or hours of sale
- Section 33:1-42 - Sales in public buildings of state or political subdivisions prohibited; exceptions
- Section 33:1-43 - Alcoholic beverage retailing restrictions
- Section 33:1-43a - Limited right of wholesaler to acquire interest in corporation
- Section 33:1-43.1 - Loans or furnishing of fixtures to retail licensee by brewer prohibited; exceptions
- Section 33:1-43.2 - Services, items, equipment, availability to retailers, conditions.
- Section 33:1-44 - Municipal referendum on retail sales of alcoholic beverages except brewed malt and fermented wine
- Section 33:1-45 - Municipal referendum on retail sales of all kinds of alcoholic beverages
- Section 33:1-45.1 - Club license where vote was "No" in referendum; duration of act
- Section 33:1-46 - Municipal referendum on retail sales of alcoholic beverages, except for consumption on trains, airplanes and boats
- Section 33:1-46.1 - Club license; authority to issue after municipal referendum
- Section 33:1-46.2 - Special permits to golf and country clubs; license fee
- Section 33:1-46.3 - Powers granted director cumulative
- Section 33:1-47 - Municipal referendum on Sunday sales
- Section 33:1-47.1 - Municipal referendum on hours of retail sales
- Section 33:1-48 - Municipal boards certified to commissioner
- Section 33:1-49 - Purchase of illicit beverage; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-50 - Manufacture, sale, possession, etc., in violation of chapter; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-51 - Other violations of chapter; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-52 - Aiding in violations; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-53 - Conviction of second offense
- Section 33:1-54 - Violation upon leased premises; termination of lease; notice; summary proceedings
- Section 33:1-55 - Maintenance of place where unlawful property is kept, manufactured or sold
- Section 33:1-56 - Issuing search warrant; private dwellings
- Section 33:1-57 - Prerequisites to issuance of search warrant; contents; service
- Section 33:1-58 - Breaking and entry in execution of warrant
- Section 33:1-59 - Service of warrant in nighttime
- Section 33:1-60 - Execution and return of warrant; time limit
- Section 33:1-61 - Receipt for and inventory of property seized
- Section 33:1-62 - Return of illegally seized property
- Section 33:1-63 - Resisting officer serving or executing search warrant; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-64 - Procuring search warrant without probable cause; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-65 - Search without warrant; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-66 - Seizure of unlawful property; bond or cash for return; replevin; forfeiture, sale, etc., of unclaimed property; hearing; certain property subject to seizure; manufacture, sale, etc., of unlawful property; return of seized property; liens upon seized property
- Section 33:1-67 - Solicitor's permit required; exceptions; issuance; fee; violations; penalty
- Section 33:1-68 - Detention of evidence
- Section 33:1-69 - Place of sale; determination
- Section 33:1-70 - Each violation separate offense; name of purchaser unnecessary in affidavits, indictments, etc.
- Section 33:1-71 - Officers to use diligence; arrests
- Section 33:1-72 - Sale of warehouse receipts; license required; fee.
- Section 33:1-73 - Intention and construction of law
- Section 33:1-74 - Temporary permits; fees.
- Section 33:1-75 - Special permits authorizing manufacture of wines in an instructional winemaking facility.
- Section 33:1-75.1 - Certain persons permitted to manufacture wine, malt alcoholic beverages at home, noncommercial premises.
- Section 33:1-76 - Sales within 200 feet of church or school prohibited; waiver; exceptions
- Section 33:1-76.1 - Renewal or reissuance of club or Class B wholesale license granted on waiver
- Section 33:1-76.2 - Plenary or limited retail distribution licenses; renewal on annual waivers for 15 or more years; effect
- Section 33:1-77 - Defenses of sellers
- Section 33:1-78 - Bottling without license; misdemeanor
- Section 33:1-79 - Licensees to purchase and sell alcoholic beverages of certain manufacturers only
- Section 33:1-80 - Issue of stamps, labels, etc.; fees
- Section 33:1-81 - Misrepresenting age to induce sale or delivery to minor; disorderly person.
- Section 33:1-81.1 - Hearing; attendance by parent or guardian; subpoena
- Section 33:1-81.1a - Violations by parent, guardian; notification; fine.
- Section 33:1-81.2 - Identification card; contents
- Section 33:1-81.7 - Transfer of card; offense; penalty.
- Section 33:1-81.8 - Alcoholic beverage licensee not relieved from liabilities by presentation
- Section 33:1-85 - Retail licensees to sell or possess alcohol only pursuant to special permit
- Section 33:1-86 - Punishment for violating section 33:1-85
- Section 33:1-87 - Exemptions from provisions of act
- Section 33:1-88 - Alcoholic beverage deemed prima facie illicit; no label; false label; no indicia of tax payment
- Section 33:1-89 - Discrimination in price to retailers prohibited
- Section 33:1-90 - Discounts, rebates or other allowances to retailers
- Section 33:1-91 - Participation in unlawful transactions prohibited
- Section 33:1-92 - Penalties
- Section 33:1-93 - Regulation of sales to retailers
- Section 33:1-93.6 - Discrimination in sales to wholesalers
- Section 33:1-93.7 - Refusal to sell; hearing; fee
- Section 33:1-93.8 - Order to complete sale to wholesaler
- Section 33:1-93.9 - Noncompliance with director's order
- Section 33:1-93.10 - Rules and regulations
- Section 33:1-93.11 - Repeal
- Section 33:1-93.12 - Short title.
- Section 33:1-93.13 - Findings, declarations relative to malt alcoholic beverages.
- Section 33:1-93.14 - Definitions relative to malt alcoholic beverages.
- Section 33:1-93.15 - Contract, agreement between brewer and wholesaler.
- Section 33:1-93.16 - Termination of contract, agreement by brewer, conditions.
- Section 33:1-93.17 - Representation of brewer by wholesaler, standards.
- Section 33:1-93.18 - Actions against brewer, remedies.
- Section 33:1-93.19 - Nonseverability of act, application or not of Franchise Practices Act.
- Section 33:1-93.20 - Justification for input by brewer into operations of wholesaler; conditions, terms.
- Section 33:1-94 - Retail regulations by municipalities to be governed by ordinance only
- Section 33:1-96 - Licenses for new license terms deemed renewals
- Section 33:1-97 - Special auction permit to nonprofit organization; fee, duration
- Section 33:1-98 - Definitions relative to sales at seasonal farmers markets.
- Section 33:1-99 - Definitions relative to alcoholic beverage licenses and certain retail stores.
- Section 33:1-100 - Inapplicability of C.33:1-12.31.
- Section 33:1-101 - Physical separation for area containing alcoholic beverages in retail food store.
- Section 33:1-102 - "Brewery trail", identification, definition.
- Section 33:1-103 - Limited brewery license, restricted brewery license; Internet website information.
- Section 33:2-1 - Stills and distilling apparatus registered with commissioner; powers of commissioner; definitions
- Section 33:2-2 - Stills not registered declared unlawful property
- Section 33:2-3 - Seizure of unregistered stills; search warrant; arrest of offenders
- Section 33:2-4 - Hearing by commissioner; notice
- Section 33:2-5 - Forfeiture and sale of seized property; padlocking premises
- Section 33:2-6 - Director's determination in form of order; review
- Section 33:2-7 - Return of seized property; costs
- Section 33:2-8 - Accounting for moneys
- Section 33:2-9 - Violating padlocking order; misdemeanor
- Section 33:2-10 - Failure to register still; misdemeanor
- Section 33:2-11 - Unregistered stills in actual operation declared nuisance; destruction
- Section 33:3-9 - Manufacture, sale, etc., of poisoned liquors; penalty
- Section 33:3-10 - Sale, etc. of poisoned liquors causing serious injury or death; penalty; certain laws unaffected
- Section 33:4-1 - Commission created; purpose and powers
- Section 33:5-1 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 33:5-2 - Definitions.
- Section 33:5-3 - "New Jersey Brewery, Cidery, Meadery, and Distillery Industry Promotion Account" established; credit; research, development.
- Section 33:5-4 - "New Jersey Brewery, Cidery, Meadery, and Distillery Industry Advisory Council" established; membership criteria; duties.
- Section 33:5-5 - Annual certification, taxable volume of beer, cider, mead, liquors sold.
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