2021 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 9 - Children--Juvenile and Domestic Relations Courts
Section 9:2-9 - Unfit parents and custodians, court action to grant relief
9:2-9. Unfit parents and custodians, court action to grant relief
9:2-9. When the parents of any minor child or the parent or other person having the actual care and custody of any minor child are grossly immoral or unfit to be intrusted with the care and education of such child, or shall neglect to provide the child with proper protection, maintenance and education, or are of such vicious, careless or dissolute habits as to endanger the welfare of the child or make the child a public charge, or likely to become a public charge; or when the parents of any minor child are dead or cannot be found, and there is no other person, legal guardian or agency exercising custody over such child; it shall be lawful for any person interested in the welfare of such child to institute an action in the Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part, in the county where such minor child is residing, for the purpose of having the child brought before the court, and for the further relief provided by this chapter. The court may proceed in the action in a summary manner or otherwise.
Amended 1948,c.321,s.7; 1949,c.245,s.1; 1953,c.9,s.6; 1991,c.91,s.190.