2021 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 4 - Agriculture and Domestic Animals
Section 4:5-58 - Certificate accompanying cattle imported and display thereof
4:5-58. Certificate accompanying cattle imported and display thereof
Cattle imported into this State, excepting those for immediate slaughter as specified in section 4:5-69 of this Title, shall be accompanied by the certificate of tuberculin test prescribed in section 4:5-59 of this Title, or by the health certificate prescribed in section 4:5-54, the certificate to be in the possession of the attendant or drover bringing the cattle into this State or, if the importation is by common carrier, in the possession of the agent of the common carrier having charge of the importation.
All such attendants, drovers or agents shall be required to show the certificate of tuberculin test or the health certificate upon request of any officer or agent of the department and to satisfy such officer or agent that the provisions of this article are being complied with.
Amended by L.1946, c. 247, p. 877, s. 20; L.1947, c. 207, p. 868, s. 3.