2021 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 34 - Labor and Workmen's Compensation
Section 34:6B-5 - Definitions relative to disclosure of personal information for certain electronic communications devices.
34:6B-5 Definitions relative to disclosure of personal information for certain electronic communications devices.
1. For purposes of this act:
"Electronic communications device" means any device that uses electronic signals to create, transmit, and receive information, including a computer, telephone, personal digital assistant, or other similar device.
"Employer" means an employer or employer's agent, representative, or designee. The term "employer" does not include the Department of Corrections, State Parole Board, county corrections departments, or any State or local law enforcement agency.
"Personal account" means an account, service or profile on a social networking website that is used by a current or prospective employee exclusively for personal communications unrelated to any business purposes of the employer. This definition shall not apply to any account, service or profile created, maintained, used or accessed by a current or prospective employee for business purposes of the employer or to engage in business related communications.
"Social networking website" means an Internet-based service that allows individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system created by the service, create a list of other users with whom they share a connection within the system, and view and navigate their list of connections and those made by others within the system.
L.2013, c.155, s.1.