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2021 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 19 - Elections
- Section 19:1-1 - As used in this Title.
- Section 19:1-2 - Title applicable to commission governed municipalities
- Section 19:1-3 - Title applicable to charter elections
- Section 19:1-4 - Title applicable to referendum procedure
- Section 19:2-1 - Primary elections for delegates, alternates, general, special elections.
- Section 19:2-3 - General and special elections
- Section 19:3-1 - Public offices, party offices and public questions classified
- Section 19:3-2 - Filling of public offices, vacancies; public questions; exceptions
- Section 19:3-2.1 - Election to office of Lieutenant Governor, certification.
- Section 19:3-3 - Election of delegates, alternates at primary election.
- Section 19:3-4 - Basis of election to office
- Section 19:3-4.1 - Database containing contact, other information about elected public officials.
- Section 19:3-5 - Incompatible offices, prohibition; qualifications for certain elected offices.
- Section 19:3-5.1 - Accepting nomination for more than one office.
- Section 19:3-5.2 - Holding simultaneously more than one elective public office prohibited;
- Section 19:3-6 - Form of public question; when question deemed approved; "legal voters" defined
- Section 19:3-7 - Office forfeited by nonfiling of statement or filing of false statement
- Section 19:3-9 - Circumstances under which office not void
- Section 19:3-10 - Name not printed on ballot; next highest name printed
- Section 19:3-11 - No certificate of election to candidate elected
- Section 19:3-12 - Delivered certificate of election void
- Section 19:3-13 - Candidate inducted into office; proceedings for vacation of office
- Section 19:3-14 - No certificate of election delivered
- Section 19:3-15 - Delivered certificate of election void
- Section 19:3-16 - Candidate inducted into office; proceedings for vacation of office
- Section 19:3-17 - No certificate of election delivered
- Section 19:3-18 - Delivered certificate of election void
- Section 19:3-19 - Surrender by delegates to national convention of certificate voided
- Section 19:3-20 - Candidate whose nomination or election annulled ineligible to fill vacancies
- Section 19:3-21 - Candidate removed from office ineligible to fill vacancies; exception
- Section 19:3-22 - Appointments null and void
- Section 19:3-23 - Vacation of office when nomination or election void
- Section 19:3-24 - Right to seek recovery of office unabridged
- Section 19:3-25 - What constitutes vacancy
- Section 19:3-26 - Vacancies in United States senate; election to fill; temporary appointment by governor.
- Section 19:3-27 - Vacancies in United States house of representatives; election to fill
- Section 19:3-29 - Other vacancies; election to fill.
- Section 19:4-1 - Qualifications; persons not having right of suffrage; right to register.
- Section 19:4-1.1 - Findings, declarations relative to the right to vote by persons on parole or probation.
- Section 19:4-4 - Arrest under civil process on election day
- Section 19:4-4.1 - Voters having more than one place of residence; authority to file statement
- Section 19:4-4.2 - Form and contents of statement
- Section 19:4-4.3 - Statement to be furnished by and filed with election official having jurisdiction of indicated domicile
- Section 19:4-4.4 - Filing like statement on subsequent change of domicile
- Section 19:4-4.5 - Statement as prima facie evidence of domicile; right to register in voting district
- Section 19:4-4.6 - Act as remedial; construction
- Section 19:4-4.7 - False oath, affirmation, fourth degree crime.
- Section 19:4-10 - Geographical composition
- Section 19:4-11 - District with one voting machine or four electronic system voting devices; accommodation for person with disabilities; number of voters.
- Section 19:4-12 - Districts with more voters; allotment of voting machines devices; appointment of additional members of district board.
- Section 19:4-13 - Readjustment of boundaries for correct number of voters
- Section 19:4-14 - Revision or readjustment of boundaries at option of county board
- Section 19:4-15 - Division of election district, timing.
- Section 19:4-16 - Maps of county, municipality; filing; formats.
- Section 19:4-17 - Secretary of state as liaison with Bureau of Census
- Section 19:4-18 - "Voting Precinct Transparency Act."
- Section 19:5-1 - Powers of and restrictions upon political parties; party columns on official ballot
- Section 19:5-2 - Membership and organization of municipal committees.
- Section 19:5-2.1 - Access to financial records of municipal committees; request by persons elected to membership in committee
- Section 19:5-3 - Membership and organization of county committees; vacancies; certification of unit of representation and number of election districts.
- Section 19:5-3.1 - Access to financial records of county committees; request by persons elected to membership in committee
- Section 19:5-3.2 - Adoption of constitution, bylaws by county committee, posting on Internet website.
- Section 19:5-4 - Membership and organization of State committees; vacancies; national committee members.
- Section 19:5-4a - Access to financial records of state committee; request by persons elected to committee
- Section 19:5-4.1 - Apportionment of members different from apportionment under which current members elected; adoption of bylaws; election of new members
- Section 19:5-4.2 - Inadequacy of time to give notice; filling of additional memberships on state committee
- Section 19:5-5 - Maintenance of party organization
- Section 19:5-6 - Annual convention; members; time and place, platform; resolutions and public hearings
- Section 19:6-1 - Membership
- Section 19:6-2 - Application for membership on district board; qualifications.
- Section 19:6-3 - Appointment of district board members by county board, Assignment Judge of Superior Court.
- Section 19:6-4 - Removal of members
- Section 19:6-5 - Removal of district board member; filing of vacancies
- Section 19:6-6 - Board may function notwithstanding vacancies
- Section 19:6-7 - Assignment of members to election districts
- Section 19:6-8 - Term of office; notification of appointment
- Section 19:6-9 - Attendance of members
- Section 19:6-9.1 - Conduct of election may be divided into two shifts
- Section 19:6-10 - Meeting, organization of district board.
- Section 19:6-11 - Oath of office of members; power to administer oaths
- Section 19:6-12 - Member becoming candidate
- Section 19:6-13 - Vacancies; filling
- Section 19:6-14 - Boards for changed or new election districts; appointment
- Section 19:6-15 - Constabulary powers of members; police assistance
- Section 19:6-15.1 - Uniforms and exposed weapons forbidden; penalty
- Section 19:6-16 - Police assigned to district boards in municipalities
- Section 19:6-17 - County board of elections, membership, appointments, compensation.
- Section 19:6-17.1 - Nominations, appointments; timeframe.
- Section 19:6-18 - Nomination for member of county board; certification, appointment, term.
- Section 19:6-19 - Filling vacancies
- Section 19:6-20 - Appointments by Governor in absence of nomination
- Section 19:6-21 - Board office; equipment; supplies
- Section 19:6-21.1 - Preparation of annual budget request by county board of elections.
- Section 19:6-22 - Organization of county board of elections.
- Section 19:6-23 - Oath of office of members; power to administer oaths
- Section 19:6-24 - Powers and duties of board delegated to clerk.
- Section 19:6-25 - Sitting on general election days required.
- Section 19:6-26 - County boards of elections as; clerk
- Section 19:6-27 - Board of State Canvassers
- Section 19:6-28 - Proceedings open and public
- Section 19:6-29 - Majority necessary for decisions; dissents
- Section 19:6-30 - Maintenance of order, powers
- Section 19:7-1 - Appointment of challengers
- Section 19:7-2 - Appointment of challengers.
- Section 19:7-3 - Filing of appointment, application for challengers
- Section 19:7-4 - Permits issued to challengers, revocation
- Section 19:7-5 - Powers.
- Section 19:7-6 - Badge
- Section 19:7-6.1 - Limitation on number of challengers present in polling place
- Section 19:8-1 - Location
- Section 19:8-2 - Suggested list of available places, selection.
- Section 19:8-3 - Schoolhouses and public buildings; other locations; certification of expenses.
- Section 19:8-3.1 - Accessibility of polling places.
- Section 19:8-3.2 - Inaccessible polling place; alternate place, mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:8-3.3 - Polling places, compliance with federal ADA.
- Section 19:8-3.4 - Report of inaccessible polling places, ADA guidelines.
- Section 19:8-3.5 - Review and compliance.
- Section 19:8-3.6 - Report to federal authorities
- Section 19:8-3.7 - Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee in each county.
- Section 19:8-3.8 - "Polling Place Accessibility Fund"; use.
- Section 19:8-4 - Certification of list of polling places.
- Section 19:8-5 - Display of American flag
- Section 19:8-5.1 - Sign identifying polling place, hours.
- Section 19:8-6 - Proper equipment and voting instructions.
- Section 19:8-7 - Booths; size; doors or curtains; shelf
- Section 19:8-8 - Number of booths
- Section 19:8-9 - Location of booths
- Section 19:8-10 - Location of ballot boxes in polling places
- Section 19:8-11 - By whom provided and repaired
- Section 19:8-12 - Size and construction of boxes
- Section 19:9-1 - "Election supplies" defined
- Section 19:9-2 - Preparation of information and election supplies.
- Section 19:9-3 - Distribution of supplies by secretary of state
- Section 19:9-4 - Distribution of supplies by county clerks
- Section 19:9-5 - Distribution of supplies by municipal clerks
- Section 19:10-1 - Custodial officer to preserve two years
- Section 19:11-1 - Day for filing documents or performing official duties falling on Sunday or legal holiday
- Section 19:12-1 - Certification as to creation of political party.
- Section 19:12-3 - County clerk, forwarding of notice of creation of political party to municipal clerks.
- Section 19:12-5 - Notice that officers will be chosen at general election.
- Section 19:12-6 - Statement designating public offices to be filled at election.
- Section 19:12-7 - Publication of notice of election.
- Section 19:12-7.1 - Posting of voter information notice by county board of elections; content and form.
- Section 19:12-8 - Contents of notice.
- Section 19:12-9 - Publication of certain election procedures required
- Section 19:12-10 - Public notice of dates relevant to elections and voters; internet sites.
- Section 19:13-1 - Direct petition and primary election
- Section 19:13-2 - State convention; presidential and vice presidential electors
- Section 19:13-3 - To whom petition addressed
- Section 19:13-4 - Contents of petition.
- Section 19:13-5 - Signatures to petition; number.
- Section 19:13-6 - Signing of petition; addresses
- Section 19:13-7 - Certification of petition.
- Section 19:13-8 - Candidate nominated by petition, conditions for acceptance of nomination.
- Section 19:13-8.1 - Petitions filed after deadline; ineligible candidates.
- Section 19:13-9 - Filing of petitions, time.
- Section 19:13-10 - Objection to petition
- Section 19:13-11 - Determination of validity of objections.
- Section 19:13-12 - Judicial hearing.
- Section 19:13-13 - Amendment of petitions; time.
- Section 19:13-14 - Procedure; highest aggregate of votes to determine party candidates
- Section 19:13-14.1 - Primary candidate for municipal office may not serve as other political party candidate in general election.
- Section 19:13-15 - Presidential and vice presidential electors; certificate of nomination, acceptance.
- Section 19:13-16 - Declined nomination.
- Section 19:13-17 - Notice of declination to signers of petition or committees to fill vacancies
- Section 19:13-18 - In general
- Section 19:13-19 - Nomination of successor.
- Section 19:13-20 - Vacancy procedure.
- Section 19:13-20.1 - Candidate vacancy not filled
- Section 19:13-21 - Candidate for Presidential elector.
- Section 19:13-22 - Secretary of State; statement to county clerks of nominations, vacancies.
- Section 19:13-23 - Secretary of state to county clerks of vacancy nominations; contents
- Section 19:14-1 - Copy for printer.
- Section 19:14-2 - Contents; names of candidates; public questions
- Section 19:14-2.1 - Inclusion on general election ballot of candidate with votes in primary by irregular ballot or write-in vote; requirements
- Section 19:14-3 - Detachable coupon; printing thereon
- Section 19:14-4 - Official elections; ballots; specifications.
- Section 19:14-5 - Printing body of ballot
- Section 19:14-6 - Column designations; accompanying instructions.
- Section 19:14-7 - Printed rulings on ballot
- Section 19:14-8 - Arrangement of ballots.
- Section 19:14-8.1 - Ballots for presidential electors
- Section 19:14-9 - Duplicate nominations for same office; selection of column and designation
- Section 19:14-10 - Nominations by petition.
- Section 19:14-12 - Procedure for determining position on ballot.
- Section 19:14-13 - Arrangement of public questions
- Section 19:14-14 - Public questions at foot of ballot; instructions to voters
- Section 19:14-16 - Style of type, rulings and spacing.
- Section 19:14-18 - Number of ballots on hand
- Section 19:14-19 - Custody of printed ballots
- Section 19:14-20 - Correction of errors
- Section 19:14-21 - Preparation; delivery of sample ballots and envelopes to municipal clerk or commissioner of registration.
- Section 19:14-21.1 - Information sent to newly-registered voters for general election.
- Section 19:14-22 - Form and contents; color of paper.
- Section 19:14-23 - Envelopes for mailing official general election sample ballots
- Section 19:14-24 - Delivery by municipal clerks to district boards.
- Section 19:14-25 - Mailing by district board or commissioner of registration; county board of elections; duties of.
- Section 19:14-25.1 - Sample ballot not required to be sent under certain circumstances.
- Section 19:14-26 - Preservation of envelopes and ballots returned by postmaster
- Section 19:14-27 - Inclusion with sample ballot; other arrangements in certain counties
- Section 19:14-28 - Descriptive marks in case of amendments
- Section 19:14-29 - Relation to statute or constitution made clear
- Section 19:14-30 - Attorney general to designate information to be sent
- Section 19:14-31 - Summary statement sufficient
- Section 19:14-32 - Printing and delivery by secretary of state
- Section 19:14-33 - When referendum notices unnecessary
- Section 19:14-34 - County clerks to municipal clerks; packages sealed; record of delivery; receipts
- Section 19:14-35 - Municipal clerk to member of district board; delivery by member of board to board; receipts
- Section 19:15-1 - Supervision of district boards by county board; district boards to hold and conduct elections
- Section 19:15-2 - Operation hours of polls; members present.
- Section 19:15-3 - Lighting and equipment of booths
- Section 19:15-4 - Official ballots only used; place of keeping and distribution; no envelopes
- Section 19:15-5 - Emergency ballots; preparation; use
- Section 19:15-6 - Unofficial ballots; use permitted
- Section 19:15-8 - Persons allowed in polling place; simulated voting.
- Section 19:15-9 - Persons in polling place allowed to vote at closing of polls
- Section 19:15-10 - Proclamation of opening of polls
- Section 19:15-11 - Distribution and use of ballot box keys; locking ballot boxes
- Section 19:15-12 - Ballot box shown to be empty; locking
- Section 19:15-17 - Comparison of signatures or statements; identifying documentation.
- Section 19:15-18 - Voter challenges
- Section 19:15-18.1 - Challenged voter may establish right to vote
- Section 19:15-18.2 - Grounds for challenging right to vote specified
- Section 19:15-18.3 - Challenged voter may appeal to Superior Court judge.
- Section 19:15-19 - Challenge on ground of conviction of crime; questions and answers
- Section 19:15-20 - Challenge on ground of alienage; evidence of citizenship
- Section 19:15-21 - Challenge on grounds of disqualification; oath
- Section 19:15-22 - Examination of challenged voter
- Section 19:15-23 - Questions asked persons challenged in municipalities having permanent registration
- Section 19:15-24 - Challenging voter, procedure, violations by members of board, removal
- Section 19:15-25 - Ballot given to voter; instructions
- Section 19:15-26 - Ballots marked secretly in booth; violation disorderly persons offense.
- Section 19:15-27 - Voting
- Section 19:15-28 - Voting for personal choice
- Section 19:15-29 - Ballot spoiled by voter; procedure to obtain another
- Section 19:15-30 - Folding ballot; retention by voter until received by board
- Section 19:15-31 - Delivery of ballot by voter to board; procedure thereon
- Section 19:15-32 - Ballot deposited in ballot box by member of board
- Section 19:15-33 - Ballot box filled
- Section 19:15-34 - Time limit for challenging
- Section 19:15A-1 - Early voting.
- Section 19:15A-2 - Appointment of challengers for early voting.
- Section 19:15A-3 - Information available to the public.
- Section 19:15A-4 - Early votes canvassed after closing of polls on day of election.
- Section 19:15A-5 - Published information concerning early voting procedure.
- Section 19:15A-6 - Reimbursement for local governing body.
- Section 19:15A-7 - Adjustments to regulations, new regulations.
- Section 19:15A-8 - Application of provisions of act.
- Section 19:16-2 - Votes counted publicly without adjournment
- Section 19:16-3 - Counting votes; distinguishing marks; ballots improperly prepared
- Section 19:16-4 - Void ballots; distinguishing marks
- Section 19:16-5 - Invalid ballots marked "void," numbering, stringing
- Section 19:16-6 - Majority decision of board final; dissents entered
- Section 19:16-7 - Reading, stringing of ballots
- Section 19:16-8 - Tally sheets; entries; disposition
- Section 19:16-9 - Casting of totals; notation on tally sheets
- Section 19:16-10 - Public announcement of results
- Section 19:17-1 - Statement of results
- Section 19:17-2 - Certification of statement of result of count of votes; form
- Section 19:17-3 - Filing of statements.
- Section 19:17-5 - Failure to deliver proper statements, etc., penalty
- Section 19:18-1 - Election records placed in ballot box.
- Section 19:18-2 - Ballot boxes delivered to municipal clerks
- Section 19:18-3 - Municipal clerk's office open until all ballot boxes delivered; record of times of delivery
- Section 19:18-4 - Preservation of ballot boxes and contents
- Section 19:18-5 - Register of voters in municipalities not having permanent registration filed with county clerk
- Section 19:18-6 - Ballot box keys deposited with county clerk
- Section 19:18-7 - Preservation of records; sale as waste paper
- Section 19:18-8 - Inspection of ballot boxes, books and documents by Superior Court
- Section 19:19-1 - Meeting of board of county canvassers.
- Section 19:19-2 - Absence of county clerk; substitute
- Section 19:19-3 - Oath of substitute clerk
- Section 19:19-4 - Adjournment of meeting
- Section 19:19-5 - Statements obtained
- Section 19:19-6 - Second adjournment of meeting
- Section 19:19-7 - Custody of statements during adjournment
- Section 19:19-8 - Canvass and statement of result of election
- Section 19:19-9 - Contents of statement of canvass; certification
- Section 19:19-10 - Form of statement of canvass
- Section 19:19-11 - Form of certificate to statement of canvass
- Section 19:19-12 - Statements to county clerk and chairmen of Republican and Democratic State Committees
- Section 19:19-13 - Other statement delivered to secretary of state
- Section 19:19-14 - Statements of results by district boards preserved
- Section 19:19-15 - Secretary of state to procure missing statements
- Section 19:19-16 - Defective statements completed by secretary of state
- Section 19:19-17 - Statements delivered to messenger of secretary of state
- Section 19:20-1 - Scope of authority
- Section 19:20-2 - Statement of determination
- Section 19:20-3 - Certification of statement; form
- Section 19:20-4 - Statements and certifications filed with county clerk
- Section 19:20-5 - Certificates to successful candidates; signing and attestation
- Section 19:20-6 - Statement of result of canvass for secretary of state
- Section 19:20-7 - Certificate prima facie evidence of legislator's right to seat
- Section 19:20-8 - Statements and certificates filed with municipal clerks
- Section 19:20-9 - Certificates issued to successful municipal candidates; signing and attestation
- Section 19:21-1 - Meeting times.
- Section 19:21-2 - Substitute members
- Section 19:21-3 - Oath of members
- Section 19:21-4 - Substitute clerk of the board
- Section 19:21-5 - Production of relevant statements, copies
- Section 19:21-6 - Statement and certification of canvass
- Section 19:21-7 - Form of statement and certificate
- Section 19:22-1 - Statement of determination
- Section 19:22-2 - Basis of statement
- Section 19:22-3 - Certification and signing of statement
- Section 19:22-4 - Form of statement and certificate
- Section 19:22-5 - Statements filed with secretary of state
- Section 19:22-6 - Certificates to successful candidates by secretary of state
- Section 19:22-7 - Certificates of election of United States senators and congressmen
- Section 19:22-8 - Certificates of election of presidential, vice presidential electors, certifications as elector slate.
- Section 19:23-1 - Notice, State committee to county committee; county committee to municipal clerks.
- Section 19:23-5 - Party candidates for primary nominated by members of same party by petition
- Section 19:23-6 - Address of petitions
- Section 19:23-7 - Signers; certificates of candidates.
- Section 19:23-8 - Numbers of signers to petitions
- Section 19:23-10 - Single or several petitions; signing rules and regulations.
- Section 19:23-11 - Verification of petition.
- Section 19:23-12 - Committee on vacancies.
- Section 19:23-13 - Vacancies caused by death or declining the office; new petition; oath of allegiance
- Section 19:23-14 - Certification by municipal clerk.
- Section 19:23-15 - Acceptance, statement by candidates to accompany petitions.
- Section 19:23-16 - Person nominated by petition; filing of certificate.
- Section 19:23-17 - Designation on primary ticket of policy or faction
- Section 19:23-18 - Grouping of candidates
- Section 19:23-19 - Defective petition; notice to candidates
- Section 19:23-20 - Amendment of defective petition; time for
- Section 19:23-21 - Certification by Secretary of State.
- Section 19:23-22 - Certification by county clerk.
- Section 19:23-22.1 - Certification by municipal clerks of nominees to county clerks in certain counties
- Section 19:23-22.4 - Printing ballots in counties
- Section 19:23-22.5 - Cost of printing ballots in certain counties
- Section 19:23-23 - Separate ballot for each party
- Section 19:23-24 - Primary election ballots; position.
- Section 19:23-25 - Make up and printing ballot
- Section 19:23-25.1 - Designation or slogan on primary ballots
- Section 19:23-26.1 - Primary election for U.S. Senate and Governorship; placement of names of candidates on ballot
- Section 19:23-26.2 - Application of laws on primary election for general election
- Section 19:23-27 - Printing of ballots; number; cost paid by municipalities
- Section 19:23-28 - Style of ballot; paper and type
- Section 19:23-29 - Error in ballots; correction
- Section 19:23-30 - Number of ballots and envelopes; printing; delivery; cost paid by municipalities.
- Section 19:23-30.1 - Information sent to newly-registered voters for primary election.
- Section 19:23-31 - Sample ballot facsimile of official ballot.
- Section 19:23-32 - Words on envelopes
- Section 19:23-33 - Sample ballots and envelopes furnished to district boards or commissioner of registration.
- Section 19:23-34 - Mailing sample ballots.
- Section 19:23-35 - Posting sample ballots.
- Section 19:23-36 - Return of unused sample ballots and envelopes
- Section 19:23-37 - Public display of returned envelopes
- Section 19:23-38 - Municipal clerk to members of district boards; receipt
- Section 19:23-39 - Members of district boards to board; receipts
- Section 19:23-40 - Primary elections, dates, time.
- Section 19:23-41 - Officers in charge
- Section 19:23-42 - Method of conducting primary elections.
- Section 19:23-45 - Requirements for voting in primary elections; affiliation.
- Section 19:23-45.1 - Notice of requirements for voting in primary elections, publication.
- Section 19:23-45.2 - Cost of publication; payment by counties
- Section 19:23-45.3 - Rules and regulations
- Section 19:23-46 - Determination of right to vote.
- Section 19:23-47 - Preparation and casting of ballots
- Section 19:23-48 - Challenges; procedure
- Section 19:23-49 - Counting of votes.
- Section 19:23-50 - Statements of result; contents
- Section 19:23-51 - Form of statement
- Section 19:23-52 - Certification of statement
- Section 19:23-53 - Statements transmitted to clerks and superintendent of elections; access to office of municipal clerk.
- Section 19:23-54 - Canvass of votes by municipal clerks; certificates of election to county board.
- Section 19:23-55 - Canvass of votes by county clerks; statement
- Section 19:23-56 - Certificates of election of members of state committee
- Section 19:23-57 - Canvass of votes by secretary of state; certificates of election issued
- Section 19:23-58 - Provisions of title applicable.
- Section 19:24-1 - Notification relative to number of delegates, alternates to be elected.
- Section 19:24-2 - Certification as to number of delegates, alternates to be elected.
- Section 19:24-3 - Nomination by petition
- Section 19:24-4 - National convention delegates.
- Section 19:24-5 - Delegates grouped; choice for president included in petition
- Section 19:24-6 - Delegates and alternates at large; election; ballots
- Section 19:25-3 - Presidential candidates.
- Section 19:25-4 - Certification of names indorsed.
- Section 19:26-1 - Return of election documents, equipment.
- Section 19:26-2 - Primary books; public inspection; removal of names
- Section 19:27-1 - Nominations, elections and ascertainment and certification of results as provided for primary and general elections
- Section 19:27-2 - New register not required in unchanged election districts
- Section 19:27-3 - Nomination of candidates by petition
- Section 19:27-4 - Writ of election
- Section 19:27-5 - Proclamation
- Section 19:27-6 - Congressional vacancies.
- Section 19:27-7 - Writs delivered to secretary of state
- Section 19:27-8 - Copies of writ
- Section 19:27-9 - Publication of writ
- Section 19:27-10.1 - Vacancy in house of representatives between dates preceding primary and general elections.
- Section 19:27-11 - Filling vacancies in county, municipal offices.
- Section 19:27-11.1 - Filling of vacancies in Legislature.
- Section 19:27-11.2 - Interim successor
- Section 19:27-11.3 - Nomination from floor
- Section 19:27-11.4 - Office remaining vacant
- Section 19:27-12 - Notice of other special elections
- Section 19:27-13 - Make-up of registers of voters
- Section 19:27-14 - Delivery of registers; disposition after election
- Section 19:27A-1 - Short title
- Section 19:27A-2 - Power to recall elected officials
- Section 19:27A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 19:27A-4 - Recall; vote required, service of term, statements, procedures
- Section 19:27A-5 - Recall petition; signatures required
- Section 19:27A-6 - Notice of intention; filing.
- Section 19:27A-7 - Review of notice of intention; approval; publication; answer
- Section 19:27A-8 - Format of recall petition; requirements.
- Section 19:27A-9 - Circulator of recall petition.
- Section 19:27A-10 - Filing of petition by recall committee; time
- Section 19:27A-11 - Review of petition by recall election official
- Section 19:27A-12 - Contesting decisions of recall officials
- Section 19:27A-13 - Issuance of certificate as to sufficiency of petition; scheduling of recall election; notice.
- Section 19:27A-14 - Recall election, conduct
- Section 19:27A-15 - Ballot used at recall election; filling of vacancy
- Section 19:27A-16 - Results of recall election
- Section 19:27A-17 - Recall committee, recall defense committee; regulation of contributions; reports
- Section 19:27A-18 - Statutes inoperative
- Section 19:28-1 - Application for recount.
- Section 19:28-2 - Expenses of recount; liability for; deposit by applicants
- Section 19:28-3 - Recount; order and proceedings
- Section 19:28-4 - Revocation of election certificate; new certificate
- Section 19:28-5 - Order filed
- Section 19:28-6 - Copies of certificates delivered to successful candidates
- Section 19:28-7 - Copy of certificate delivered to secretary of state in certain cases
- Section 19:28-8 - Correction of errors in referendum recount
- Section 19:29-1 - Grounds stated
- Section 19:29-2 - Petition filed with Clerk of Superior Court; contents; verification; bond to incumbent
- Section 19:29-3 - Filing of certain petitions.
- Section 19:29-4 - Time for trial; notice
- Section 19:29-5 - Procedure at trial
- Section 19:29-6 - Witnesses and evidence
- Section 19:29-7 - Witnesses required to testify
- Section 19:29-8 - Judgment; misconduct by members of district boards
- Section 19:29-9 - Form and effect of judgment
- Section 19:29-10 - Order of court putting successful party in office
- Section 19:29-11 - Review
- Section 19:29-13 - Enforcement of judgment on appeal
- Section 19:29-14 - Costs; liability for
- Section 19:31-1 - Registration required to vote
- Section 19:31-2 - Commissioner of registration.
- Section 19:31-3 - Registration forms, original and duplicate; contents
- Section 19:31-3.1 - Statewide voter information on party affiliation.
- Section 19:31-3.2 - Voter registration; nondisclosure of street address for domestic violence, stalking victims.
- Section 19:31-3.3 - Digitized images of signatures, use; other information.
- Section 19:31-5 - Persons entitled to register; failure to vote no grounds for removal.
- Section 19:31-6 - Registration places, time, requirements.
- Section 19:31-6a - Chief State election official designated, Secretary of State.
- Section 19:31-6.1 - Acceptance of applications for registration during 20 days prior to election, ineligibility to vote.
- Section 19:31-6.2 - Application of other provisions to persons registered under act
- Section 19:31-6.3 - Public agency defined; completion, submission of registration forms.
- Section 19:31-6.4 - Registration forms, contents, availability; duties of officials.
- Section 19:31-6.4a - Rules, regulations
- Section 19:31-6.4b - Penalty
- Section 19:31-6.4c - Electronic submission of voter registration form.
- Section 19:31-6.4d - Voter registration Internet website.
- Section 19:31-6.5 - Acceptance of registration, commissioner's duties.
- Section 19:31-6.6 - Prevention of fraudulent registration and voting; procedures
- Section 19:31-6.7 - Presidential election; door-to-door canvassing
- Section 19:31-6.8 - Amount of reimbursement of counties for new registrants
- Section 19:31-6.9 - Rules and regulations
- Section 19:31-6.10 - Severability
- Section 19:31-6.11 - Voter registration agency defined; declination forms, contents.
- Section 19:31-6.12 - Registration of persons in armed forces
- Section 19:31-6.13 - Commissioners of registration, registration assistance
- Section 19:31-6.14 - Procedures for automatic voter registration through State agencies which collect documents.
- Section 19:31-7 - Registration by municipal clerks.
- Section 19:31-7.1 - Municipal clerks, registration assistance
- Section 19:31-10 - Filing of registration forms
- Section 19:31-10.1 - Maintenance of original, updated voter registration forms.
- Section 19:31-11 - Change of residence notice.
- Section 19:31-12 - Errors in registration corrected
- Section 19:31-13 - Change in registration due to name change.
- Section 19:31-13.1 - Previous registration in another county; notice; transfer to inactive file
- Section 19:31-13.2 - Eligibility to vote in primary after change of declaration if 50 days before primary.
- Section 19:31-14 - New or altered districts; notice to registrants and to commissioner; registrations not invalidated
- Section 19:31-15 - Removal of name from Statewide voter registration system; change of residence; confirmation.
- Section 19:31-16 - Data on eligible voters' deaths filed by health officer.
- Section 19:31-16.1 - Failure to furnish information on deaths, third degree crime
- Section 19:31-16.2 - Provision of list of eligible voters' deaths to chairman of county committee
- Section 19:31-17 - Incarceration data; use.
- Section 19:31-18 - Registry lists; distribution; contents.
- Section 19:31-18.1 - Registry lists; distribution; availability, use.
- Section 19:31-18.3 - Filing of original registry lists
- Section 19:31-18.4 - Repeal
- Section 19:31-19 - Correction of records by commissioner.
- Section 19:31-20 - Delivery of signature copy registers.
- Section 19:31-21 - Use of signature copy registers on election day.
- Section 19:31-22 - Return of signature copy registers, inspection by commissioner.
- Section 19:31-23 - Record of voting; maintenance of forms.
- Section 19:31-24 - General registration following complete loss, failure of Statewide voter registration system.
- Section 19:31-26 - Card index file; notations, information.
- Section 19:31-29 - Violations, relief; actions
- Section 19:31-30 - Rules, regulations
- Section 19:31-31 - Establishment of single Statewide voter registration system.
- Section 19:31-32 - Replacement of existing voter registration files.
- Section 19:31-33 - Annual report; submission, contents.
- Section 19:31-34 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 19:31-34.1 - Secretary of State as member of non-profit organization to improve voter registration accuracy.
- Section 19:31-35 - Use of electronic poll books.
- Section 19:31-36 - Capabilities, standard of electronic poll book technology.
- Section 19:31-37 - Request for approval for use of electronic poll books.
- Section 19:31-38 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 19:31A-7 - Signature comparison record and duplicate permanent registration and voting form; voter's signature; form of record
- Section 19:31A-8 - Signature comparison records; identification statements; disability certificates.
- Section 19:31A-9 - Erroneous record
- Section 19:31A-10 - Repeals
- Section 19:32-1 - Establishment of office; appointment by Governor with advice and consent of Senate; salary; vacancy.
- Section 19:32-1.1 - Counties of first class; deputy superintendent of elections; appointment by Governor; term; vacancies
- Section 19:32-1.2 - Powers and duties
- Section 19:32-2 - Appointment of staff; civil service; salaries; expenses.
- Section 19:32-3 - Municipal expenses payable by municipalities
- Section 19:32-4 - Offices, equipment and supplies
- Section 19:32-4.1 - Complaint forms provided to voters at elections.
- Section 19:32-5 - Investigations by superintendents and assistants; neglect to furnish information or exhibit records, fourth degree crime.
- Section 19:32-6 - Subpoenas; power to issue; service; failure to testify; false statements, crime.
- Section 19:32-7 - Attendance at elections; admission to polling places
- Section 19:32-8 - Register of lodgers.
- Section 19:32-9 - Card records of persons registered in municipalities not having permanent registration
- Section 19:32-10 - Preparation of challenge lists
- Section 19:32-11 - Sealing, preserving and opening ballot boxes
- Section 19:32-12 - Interference with sealing of ballot boxes, bags; third degree crime.
- Section 19:32-13 - Destroying, removing, defacing seal; third degree crime.
- Section 19:32-14 - When powers of superintendents and deputies exercisable
- Section 19:32-21 - Police powers of superintendents, deputies and assistants
- Section 19:32-22 - Arrests without warrant; peace officers punishable for failure to assist
- Section 19:32-23 - Detention of persons arrested
- Section 19:32-24 - Complaint against person arrested; hearing by magistrate
- Section 19:32-25 - Removal of persons from polling places
- Section 19:32-26 - Office of superintendent of elections.
- Section 19:32-26.1 - Office of deputy superintendent of elections.
- Section 19:32-26.2 - Duties, powers of deputy superintendent of elections
- Section 19:32-26.3 - Pilot program, participation.
- Section 19:32-26.4 - Suspension of offices in participating counties.
- Section 19:32-26.5 - Actions prior to expiration of suspension.
- Section 19:32-26.6 - Termination of suspension, certain circumstances.
- Section 19:32-26.7 - Re-establishment of offices; requirements.
- Section 19:32-26.8 - Appointment to fill office.
- Section 19:32-26.9 - Preparation of annual budget request by county superintendent of elections.
- Section 19:32-27 - Appointment of deputy and assistants, salaries.
- Section 19:32-28 - Expenses of election held in municipality
- Section 19:32-29 - Offices, equipment and supplies
- Section 19:32-30 - Investigations by superintendents, assistants; neglect to furnish information or exhibit records, disorderly person.
- Section 19:32-31 - Subpoenas; refusal to obey; false statements; crime.
- Section 19:32-32 - Attendance at elections; admission to polling places
- Section 19:32-33 - Register of guests and lodgers in lodging houses, inns and hotels.
- Section 19:32-34 - Sealing, preserving and opening ballot boxes
- Section 19:32-35 - Interference with sealing ballot boxes, bags; third degree crime.
- Section 19:32-36 - Destroying, removing, defacing seals, third degree crime.
- Section 19:32-37 - Exercise of powers by superintendent or assistants, when
- Section 19:32-44 - Superintendent and assistants to have powers of peace officers
- Section 19:32-45 - Arrest without warrant; aid of peace officers in taking arrested person to police station
- Section 19:32-46 - Detention of persons arrested
- Section 19:32-47 - Complaint against person arrested; hearing by magistrate
- Section 19:32-48 - Removal of persons from polling places
- Section 19:32-49 - Superintendent of elections, commissioner of registration.
- Section 19:32-50 - Salaries and expenses during fiscal year in which act takes effect
- Section 19:32-51 - Transfer of employees of county board of elections
- Section 19:32-52 - Appropriations for salaries and expenses
- Section 19:32-53 - Voting machines, forms, records, etc. to be turned over
- Section 19:32-54 - Abolishment of offices of superintendent, deputy superintendent of elections.
- Section 19:32-55 - Requirements for re-establishing offices.
- Section 19:32-56 - Appointment of officers if office re-established.
- Section 19:33-1 - Procedure for removing names from register.
- Section 19:34-1 - False registration or transfer; penalties.
- Section 19:34-1.1 - Crimes; election official defined.
- Section 19:34-2 - Offenses concerning nomination certificates or petitions.
- Section 19:34-3 - Ballots; offenses concerning printing, distribution, possession and forgery thereof.
- Section 19:34-4 - Voting by incarcerated person, fourth degree crime.
- Section 19:34-5 - Interference with conduct of election.
- Section 19:34-6 - Prohibited actions in polling place on election day; exception for simulated voting.
- Section 19:34-7 - Violation of ballot regulations.
- Section 19:34-8 - Sample ballot not to be accepted
- Section 19:34-9 - Prompting voter.
- Section 19:34-10 - Identifying or distinguishing marks on ballots.
- Section 19:34-11 - Fraudulent voting; interference with election or canvass; third degree crime.
- Section 19:34-12 - Attempt to cast illegal vote; third degree crime.
- Section 19:34-13 - Attempts to examine marked ballot, disclose content of mail-in ballot, third degree crime.
- Section 19:34-14 - Member of district board revealing knowledge of how voter voted.
- Section 19:34-15 - Electioneering within or about polling place; disorderly persons offense.
- Section 19:34-16 - Removal, destruction, mutilation of registry, voters' lists.
- Section 19:34-17 - Unlawfully taking ballot box or removing contents; destroying ballots; willfully suppressing records.
- Section 19:34-18 - Interfering with return of ballot boxes.
- Section 19:34-19 - Insignia at polls.
- Section 19:34-20 - Soliciting or procuring or assisting unlawful registration and other violations of election law.
- Section 19:34-21 - Voting in wrong party ballot box.
- Section 19:34-22 - False voting at primary.
- Section 19:34-23 - Primary election officials acting before taking oath; willfully disregarding or violating rules.
- Section 19:34-24 - Betting on election
- Section 19:34-25 - Bribery.
- Section 19:34-26 - Perjury; subornation of perjury.
- Section 19:34-27 - Improperly influencing or intimidating employees.
- Section 19:34-28 - Threatening or intimidating voters
- Section 19:34-29 - Obstructing or interfering with voter
- Section 19:34-30 - Influencing of vote by employer; placards for such purpose
- Section 19:34-31 - Violation by person or corporation; misdemeanor; forfeiture of charter
- Section 19:34-32 - Contributions by insurance corporations
- Section 19:34-33 - Contributions by state, county or municipal committees
- Section 19:34-34 - Expenditures by party committee or organization or petitioners
- Section 19:34-35 - Other contributions and expenditures.
- Section 19:34-38 - Certain expenditures prohibited
- Section 19:34-39 - Other expenditures prohibited
- Section 19:34-40 - Receipts for certain purposes prohibited
- Section 19:34-41 - Payments and bank deposits in name of another
- Section 19:34-42 - Demand of contributions by office holders from other office holders
- Section 19:34-42.1 - Annual notice
- Section 19:34-42.2 - Violations; penalty
- Section 19:34-43 - Soliciting for religious and charitable organizations
- Section 19:34-44 - Solicitation of candidates for contributions
- Section 19:34-45 - Contributions by certain corporations.
- Section 19:34-46 - Disenfranchisement as additional penalty.
- Section 19:34-47 - Second offense; punishment.
- Section 19:34-48 - Neglect of duties.
- Section 19:34-49 - Abetting violations of title.
- Section 19:34-50 - Committeemen acting after their election voided
- Section 19:34-51 - Failure of delegate to national convention to surrender void certificate
- Section 19:34-52 - Indorsement of candidate by party committee before primary
- Section 19:34-53 - Failure to supply information.
- Section 19:34-54 - Failure to obey subpoena or refusal to testify.
- Section 19:34-55 - False statements under oath.
- Section 19:34-56 - Disobedience of subpoena, penalty
- Section 19:34-57 - Subpoena to issue, expenses
- Section 19:34-62 - Prosecutor of pleas to present violations to grand jury
- Section 19:34-63 - Assistant for prosecutor; employment by citizens
- Section 19:34-64 - Short title
- Section 19:34-65 - Person performing function in campaign of candidate for purpose of impeding campaign
- Section 19:34-66 - Knowing production, transmittal or dissemination of mass communication which appears to originate from or be on behalf of campaign of candidate for purpose of impeding campaign
- Section 19:34-67 - Payment of or lending money or other valuable consideration to person to induce violation of act
- Section 19:34-68 - Violators; disorderly persons
- Section 19:36-1 - Time and place of meeting.
- Section 19:36-2 - Vacancies; filling.
- Section 19:36-3 - Organization, performance of duties.
- Section 19:36-4 - "Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote."
- Section 19:37-1 - Referendum.
- Section 19:37-1.1 - Petition of voters.
- Section 19:37-2 - Question placed on ballot by county clerk.
- Section 19:37-3 - Count and canvass of votes
- Section 19:37-4 - Result not binding
- Section 19:37-5 - Ordinance or resolution necessary
- Section 19:44A-1 - Short title
- Section 19:44A-2 - Declaration of policy
- Section 19:44A-2.1 - Findings, declarations relative to individuals considering candidacy for public office.
- Section 19:44A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 19:44A-3.1 - Determination as to coordinated communication expenditure; criteria.
- Section 19:44A-4 - Application of act
- Section 19:44A-5 - Election law enforcement commission; creation; members; appointment; qualifications; term of office; compensation; allocation to department of law and public safety; independence
- Section 19:44A-6 - Appointment of officers, other employees; duties of ELEC.
- Section 19:44A-6.1 - ELEC, authority to issue certain advisory opinions.
- Section 19:44A-7 - Spending limits.
- Section 19:44A-7.1 - Adjustment of limits.
- Section 19:44A-7.2 - Adjustment of amounts for offices other than Governor, Lieutenant Governor.
- Section 19:44A-7.3 - Report recommending adjustments in limits on amount of contributions for office other than Governor, Lieutenant Governor.
- Section 19:44A-8 - Contributions, expenditures, reports, requirements.
- Section 19:44A-8.1 - Submission of statement of registration by committee.
- Section 19:44A-9 - Candidate, joint candidates committees; reports; requirements.
- Section 19:44A-10 - Organizational treasurer, depository of committee.
- Section 19:44A-10.1 - Establishment of legislative leadership committee
- Section 19:44A-11 - Procedures for contributions, expenditures; requirements.
- Section 19:44A-11.2 - Permitted use of contributions.
- Section 19:44A-11.3 - Contributions to candidates, limitations.
- Section 19:44A-11.3a - Limitations on receipt of contributions, certain, between county committees; violations, penalties.
- Section 19:44A-11.4 - Contributions to political party leadership committees; limitations.
- Section 19:44A-11.5 - Contributions to political and continuing political committees; limitations.
- Section 19:44A-11.6 - Loans for contributions; limitations
- Section 19:44A-11.7 - Certain payments, check required
- Section 19:44A-11.8 - Additional reporting requirements on currency contributions.
- Section 19:44A-11.9 - Political contributions by public agencies prohibited; definition.
- Section 19:44A-12 - Records of contributions.
- Section 19:44A-16 - Candidates' reports of contributions and expenditures.
- Section 19:44A-18 - Post-election contributions, expenditures, testimonial affairs or public solicitations; reports.
- Section 19:44A-18.1 - Inaugural fund-raising event limits.
- Section 19:44A-19 - Public solicitations.
- Section 19:44A-19.1 - Candidates for elective public office, solicitations on government property; prohibited, certain circumstances.
- Section 19:44A-19.2 - Definitions relative to professional fund raisers for political contributions; registration requirements.
- Section 19:44A-20 - Prohibited contributions, expenditures.
- Section 19:44A-20.1 - Corporation, labor organization contributions through employees, prohibited; penalties; fourth degree crime.
- Section 19:44A-20.3 - Contributors to State committee of presiding officer's political party; eligibility for contracts in Legislative branch.
- Section 19:44A-20.4 - Contributors to county committee of political party of elective officers; eligibility for
- Section 19:44A-20.5 - Contributors to municipal committee of political party of elective officers; eligibility for municipal contracts.
- Section 19:44A-20.6 - Certain contributions deemed as contributions by business entity.
- Section 19:44A-20.7 - Definitions relative to certain campaign contributions.
- Section 19:44A-20.8 - Business entity to provide written certification, ELEC reports.
- Section 19:44A-20.9 - Repayment of contribution.
- Section 19:44A-20.10 - Violations by business entities, penalties.
- Section 19:44A-20.11 - Penalty for acceptance of unlawful contribution.
- Section 19:44A-20.12 - Construction of act relative to public exigency.
- Section 19:44A-20.13 - Findings, declarations relative to certain campaign contributions by business entities.
- Section 19:44A-20.14 - Contributors, certain, ineligibility to enter into agreement with the State or its authorities.
- Section 19:44A-20.15 - Certain contributions prohibited by certain contractors of the State or its authorities.
- Section 19:44A-20.16 - "Contribution" defined.
- Section 19:44A-20.17 - "Business entity" defined.
- Section 19:44A-20.18 - Report of contributions by business entities as part of State procurement process.
- Section 19:44A-20.19 - Written certification by business entities relative to contributions.
- Section 19:44A-20.20 - Request for reimbursement of contribution.
- Section 19:44A-20.21 - Breach of terms of government contract concerning contributions.
- Section 19:44A-20.22 - Exception for public exigency.
- Section 19:44A-20.23 - Applicability of act to State agencies and authorities.
- Section 19:44A-20.24 - Contract, bid applications and specs to describe requirements of act.
- Section 19:44A-20.25 - Inapplicability of act under federal law or eminent domain.
- Section 19:44A-20.26 - Submission of list of political contributions by contractor to State, local agencies; definitions.
- Section 19:44A-20.27 - Annual disclosure statement by business entities of contributions filed with ELEC; definitions; enforcement.
- Section 19:44A-21 - Criminal penalties; forfeiture of office
- Section 19:44A-22 - Violations; civil penalties; forfeiture.
- Section 19:44A-22.1 - Summary action by candidate, injunctive relief
- Section 19:44A-22.2 - Findings, declarations relative to campaign advertisements
- Section 19:44A-22.3 - Identification of source of financing of communications; requirements; enforcement.
- Section 19:44A-23 - Construction of act
- Section 19:44A-24 - Supersedure of inconsistent acts
- Section 19:44A-25 - Severability
- Section 19:44A-26 - Repeals
- Section 19:44A-27 - Public policy.
- Section 19:44A-27.1 - Ineligibility of certain candidates for public financing.
- Section 19:44A-27.2 - Rules, regulations concerning disclosures and organization
- Section 19:44A-28 - Application of act.
- Section 19:44A-29 - Contribution limits, gubernatorial elections.
- Section 19:44A-29.1 - Limits on contributions, expenditures.
- Section 19:44A-30 - Appropriations for fund for election campaign expenses.
- Section 19:44A-32 - Primary and general election bank accounts of candidates; deposits; expenditures; nonliability of banks.
- Section 19:44A-33 - Public funding.
- Section 19:44A-33.1 - Substituted candidates for nomination for Governor, eligibility as qualified candidate
- Section 19:44A-34 - Separate bank accounts for other funds; disposition of contributions of political committees
- Section 19:44A-35 - Expenditures from fund for election campaign expenses; rules and regulations; purposes; return of unexpended funds
- Section 19:44A-36 - Funds considered "spend in aid of the candidacy of any candidate or candidates."
- Section 19:44A-37 - Statements from gubernatorial candidates; posting on websites.
- Section 19:44A-38 - Rules and regulations
- Section 19:44A-40 - Violations; misdemeanor; forfeiture of office
- Section 19:44A-41 - Violations; fines; hearings; assessment of penalty
- Section 19:44A-42 - Liberal construction of act
- Section 19:44A-43 - Severability
- Section 19:44A-44 - Borrowing by candidates.
- Section 19:44A-45 - Interactive debates.
- Section 19:44A-46 - Number of debates; timing, sponsorship.
- Section 19:44A-47 - Repayment by debate non-participant.
- Section 19:44B-1 - Definitions.
- Section 19:44B-2 - Financial disclosure statement; filing and certification.
- Section 19:44B-3 - Forms; preparation; transmittal to candidates.
- Section 19:44B-4 - Contents
- Section 19:44B-5 - Notice to commission of candidates by Secretary of State.
- Section 19:44B-6 - Willful and knowledgeable failure to file or filing false statement; penalty
- Section 19:44B-7 - Powers and duties of commission
- Section 19:44B-8 - Candidate with responsibility for filing reports or documents; failure to file or omission in or incorrect statement; penalty; hearings; enforcement
- Section 19:44B-9 - Financial disclosure statements as public records
- Section 19:44B-10 - Use in investigations and production in evidence
- Section 19:45-1 - Payable by state and political subdivisions
- Section 19:45-1.1 - State to pay all expenses
- Section 19:45-2 - Expenses borne by State
- Section 19:45-3 - Expenditures by attorney general to prosecute violations of title
- Section 19:45-4 - County's expenses
- Section 19:45-5 - Municipality's expenses
- Section 19:45-6 - Members of district boards; compensation.
- Section 19:45-6.1 - Voucher for compensation
- Section 19:45-6.2 - Reimbursement to county from State for certain costs.
- Section 19:45-7 - Members of county boards; commissioner of registration; compensation.
- Section 19:45-8 - Compensation of judges holding court
- Section 19:45-9 - Compensation of county and municipal clerks
- Section 19:46-6 - New Jersey Redistricting Commission
- Section 19:46-7 - Membership of commission
- Section 19:46-8 - Organizational meeting; quorum; vacancies
- Section 19:46-9 - Certification of Congressional districts
- Section 19:46-10 - Districting standards
- Section 19:46-11 - Meetings of the commission
- Section 19:46-12 - Use of districts
- Section 19:46-13 - Original and exclusive jurisdiction of Supreme Court
- Section 19:46-14 - Assistance to commission
- Section 19:47-1 - Words and terms defined.
- Section 19:47-2 - Construction
- Section 19:48-1 - Voting machines, requirements.
- Section 19:48-2 - Examination of voting machines by secretary of state
- Section 19:48-3 - Adoption of voting machines in counties other than counties of first class; purchase or rental; furnishing voting machines for election following enactment; competitive bidding; method of payment
- Section 19:48-3.1 - State House Commission, convening of and action by
- Section 19:48-3.2 - Authorized ballots; emergency, provisional ballots
- Section 19:48-3.3 - State House Commission to provide voting machines in first and second class counties
- Section 19:48-3.4 - Appropriation for purchase of voting machines
- Section 19:48-3.5 - Purchase of voting machines; competitive bids; notice; procedure
- Section 19:48-3.6 - Purchase of voting machines as available
- Section 19:48-3.7 - Delivery of voting machines purchased
- Section 19:48-3.8 - Certification to counties of voting machines purchased; appropriations in annual budget
- Section 19:48-3.9 - Payments by counties out of first tax moneys
- Section 19:48-3.10 - Certification to Commissioner of Local Government of moneys to be appropriated; withholding approval of county budget
- Section 19:48-3.11 - Use of voting machines when insufficient number delivered to counties
- Section 19:48-3.12 - Convening of State House Commission; majority vote
- Section 19:48-3.13 - Ballots, type permitted
- Section 19:48-3.14 - Enforcement of act by Attorney General
- Section 19:48-3.15 - Definitions
- Section 19:48-3.16 - Purpose of act
- Section 19:48-3.17 - Renting of voting machines
- Section 19:48-3.18 - Agreements for rental of voting machines; terms and conditions
- Section 19:48-3.19 - Certification to municipal clerk of voting machines rented
- Section 19:48-3.20 - County clerk's duties on receipt of certification.
- Section 19:48-3.21 - Expenditures for voting machines rented; reimbursement of county by municipality
- Section 19:48-4 - Custody and care of machines
- Section 19:48-5 - Payment for machines
- Section 19:48-6 - Duties of officials concerning machines
- Section 19:48-7 - Inoperative voting machines; use of emergency ballots; statements.
- Section 19:48-8 - Rental of voting machines to associations, clubs, etc.; terms
- Section 19:49-1 - Official ballots furnished
- Section 19:49-2 - Official ballots.
- Section 19:49-2.1 - Repeal
- Section 19:49-3 - Number of official ballots to be furnished.
- Section 19:49-4 - Instruction ballots; sample ballots; preparation; mailing; posting
- Section 19:49-5 - Irregular ballots
- Section 19:50-1 - Instructional sessions for district board members.
- Section 19:50-2 - Instruction in use of voting machines; availability.
- Section 19:50-3 - Voting machine model; voter assistance
- Section 19:52-1 - Preparation of polling places
- Section 19:52-2 - Location of voting machines
- Section 19:52-2.1 - Voting authorities; use, stringing.
- Section 19:52-2.2 - Effective date
- Section 19:52-3 - Time allowed a voter
- Section 19:52-3.1 - Display of notice of official count of voters.
- Section 19:52-4 - Blind or physically disabled voters
- Section 19:52-5 - Locking, sealing of voting machine; reading, announcement of votes
- Section 19:52-6 - Locking machine; rechecking; cost; deposit; irregular ballots, disposition of
- Section 19:52-6.1 - Manner of rechecking machines
- Section 19:52-7 - Disposition of keys
- Section 19:53-1 - Unauthorized possession of equipment, tampering, etc., crime.
- Section 19:53A-1 - Definitions
- Section 19:53A-2 - Use of electronic voting systems; devices, certain, prohibited.
- Section 19:53A-3 - Requirements of electronic voting systems.
- Section 19:53A-3.1 - Reimbursement for purchase, retrofit of voting machine to produce paper record, provision suspended until certain conditions met.
- Section 19:53A-4 - Approval
- Section 19:53A-5 - Ballots; labels, form; samples; write-ins.
- Section 19:53A-6 - Preparation for elections; ballot cards; secrecy while marking ballot
- Section 19:53A-7 - Elections; conduct, report
- Section 19:53A-8 - Counting of ballots; testing of equipment
- Section 19:53A-9 - Absentee votes, permitted methods.
- Section 19:53A-10 - Effect of overvote or misvote
- Section 19:53A-11 - Instruction of voters; model of device
- Section 19:53A-12 - Challengers
- Section 19:53A-13 - Application of Title 19
- Section 19:53A-14 - Recount
- Section 19:53A-15 - Tampering with or willfully injuring record or equipment or interference with conduct of election; penalty; application of laws.
- Section 19:53B-1 - Emergency ballot box packet, packages; preparation
- Section 19:53B-2 - Distribution, use of emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-3 - Voting with emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-4 - Use of emergency ballot box
- Section 19:53B-5 - Procedure for voter use of emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-6 - Emergency ballots marked secretly; violation.
- Section 19:53B-7 - Method of marking ballot
- Section 19:53B-8 - Personal choice column provided on emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-9 - Spoiled emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-10 - Voted emergency ballot placed in sealed envelope
- Section 19:53B-11 - Deposit of sealed envelope in emergency ballot box
- Section 19:53B-12 - Challenge of voter using emergency ballot, electronic voting machine.
- Section 19:53B-13 - Canvassing emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-14 - Void emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-15 - Void emergency ballots not counted
- Section 19:53B-16 - Decision of district board final, dissension
- Section 19:53B-17 - Reading of emergency ballots
- Section 19:53B-18 - Tallying of votes
- Section 19:53B-19 - Emergency ballot tally added to machine tally
- Section 19:53B-20 - Ballots remain sealed in box for 15 days; when removable
- Section 19:53B-21 - List by district, number of emergency ballots used.
- Section 19:53C-1 - Preparation of provisional ballot packet; notices.
- Section 19:53C-2 - procedures, use of provisional ballots
- Section 19:53C-3 - Procedure as to voters changing residence within the county, certain use of provisional, mail-in ballots.
- Section 19:53C-4 - Designated area for marking provisional ballot, affirmation statement
- Section 19:53C-5 - Voters given provisional ballot, retire into designated voting area.
- Section 19:53C-6 - Completion of affirmation statement
- Section 19:53C-7 - Voting with provisional ballot.
- Section 19:53C-8 - Write-in votes on provisional ballot permitted
- Section 19:53C-9 - Spoiled provisional ballot, affirmation statement; procedure
- Section 19:53C-10 - Voted provisional ballot placed in envelope, written instructions.
- Section 19:53C-11 - Inventory of provisional ballots
- Section 19:53C-12 - Transportation of provisional ballot bag
- Section 19:53C-13 - Opening of provisional ballot bag.
- Section 19:53C-14 - Canvassing provisional ballots
- Section 19:53C-15 - Counting provisional ballots; standards for validity
- Section 19:53C-16 - Invalid provisional ballots
- Section 19:53C-17 - Votes counted, void votes
- Section 19:53C-18 - Decision of county board final
- Section 19:53C-19 - Use of tally sheets
- Section 19:53C-20 - Votes tallied
- Section 19:53C-21 - List by district, number of provisional ballots used.
- Section 19:57-27 - Ballots not to be invalidated because of omissions, withdrawal of candidates.
- Section 19:58-1 - Short title
- Section 19:58-2 - Definitions
- Section 19:58-3 - Persons entitled to qualify and vote for presidential electors
- Section 19:58-4 - Certificate of disqualification of removed resident; authority for determination
- Section 19:58-5 - Obtaining application form for presidential ballot
- Section 19:58-6 - Preparation of application forms for presidential ballots and forms of affidavits of residence; color of paper
- Section 19:58-8 - Application for presidential ballot by removed resident; form and contents
- Section 19:58-9 - Time and manner of application; certificate of registration officer in election district in which removed resident resides
- Section 19:58-10 - Form of presidential ballot
- Section 19:58-11 - Duty of county clerk to furnish presidential ballots, inner and outer envelopes, and directions; payment of expenses
- Section 19:58-12 - List of applicants; inspection
- Section 19:58-13 - Examination and approval of qualifications of applicant; investigations
- Section 19:58-14 - Transfer of permanent registration forms of removed residents
- Section 19:58-15 - Delivery of ballots; deadline for applications
- Section 19:58-16 - Forwarding applications and accompanying certificates to county board of elections; list of applications
- Section 19:58-17 - Directions to be sent with ballots; envelopes
- Section 19:58-19 - Certificate; form
- Section 19:58-20 - Certification of names and addresses of recipients of ballots
- Section 19:58-21 - Marking and handling of presidential ballots by voters
- Section 19:58-22 - Mailing of ballots to county board of elections
- Section 19:58-23 - Completed ballots; handling by county boards
- Section 19:58-25 - Ballots received prior to closing of polls counted; validity of ballots notwithstanding absence of voter's name on certificate
- Section 19:58-26 - Person receiving presidential ballot not to vote in person
- Section 19:58-27 - Death of voter
- Section 19:58-28 - Canvass of presidential ballots
- Section 19:58-29 - Marking of Statewide voter registration system, duplicate voting records.
- Section 19:58-30 - Ballots and other papers
- Section 19:58-31 - Powers of county board, clerk, superintendent and commissioner over voting by presidential ballot
- Section 19:58-32 - Validity of election not affected by irregularities
- Section 19:58-33 - Violations; disenfranchisement.
- Section 19:59-1 - Short title amended.
- Section 19:59-2 - Definitions.
- Section 19:59-3 - Registration of overseas voter, oversea federal election voter.
- Section 19:59-4 - Request for application; qualification to vote.
- Section 19:59-5 - Application form.
- Section 19:59-6 - Approval; lists; inspection; delivery to county board.
- Section 19:59-7 - Form of ballot.
- Section 19:59-8 - Instructions for completion, return of ballots; notice.
- Section 19:59-8.1 - Processing overseas voter, overseas federal election voter requests, transmittal by electronic means.
- Section 19:59-9 - Printing of certificate upon margin of flap of inner envelope.
- Section 19:59-10 - Completion, transmittal of ballot.
- Section 19:59-11 - Receiving and handling of ballots.
- Section 19:59-12 - Request for ballots, transmittal.
- Section 19:59-13 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 19:59-14 - Validity of voted overseas ballot transmitted by electronic means.
- Section 19:59-15 - Procedure relative to ballot transmission by electronic means.
- Section 19:59-16 - Information provided to overseas voters, overseas federal elections voters.
- Section 19:60-1 - School elections, adjustments, ballots.
- Section 19:60-1.1 - Procedure for moving the date of school elections.
- Section 19:60-1.2 - Moving date of certain school district annual school election.
- Section 19:60-2 - Special elections; days, certain, changes; notice.
- Section 19:60-3 - District board members to perform election duties; designation of polling place, voting equipment.
- Section 19:60-4 - Submission of public questions.
- Section 19:60-5 - Petition of nomination; contents.
- Section 19:60-6 - Certificate accompanying nominating petition.
- Section 19:60-7 - Nomination procedure; withdrawal, vacancy; objections.
- Section 19:60-8 - Positions on ballot determined by drawing.
- Section 19:60-9 - Ballot, form, contents.
- Section 19:60-10 - Printing of sample ballots
- Section 19:60-10.1 - Information sent to newly-registered voters for school election.
- Section 19:60-11 - Use of poll list in lieu of signature copy register.
- Section 19:60-12 - Expenses; mandated expenditures.
- Section 19:61-1 - Findings, declarations relative to elections.
- Section 19:61-2 - Short title.
- Section 19:61-3 - Federal Elections Assistance Fund.
- Section 19:61-4 - Free-access system for voters.
- Section 19:61-5 - Free-access system for information to voters using mail-in, overseas ballots.
- Section 19:61-6 - Filing of complaint, procedure in Division of Elections, alternative procedure.
- Section 19:61-7 - Report on certain absentee ballots in federal elections.
- Section 19:61-8 - Reports on implementation of "Help America Vote Act of 2002."
- Section 19:61-9 - Audits of election results.
- Section 19:62-1 - Municipality with 500 or fewer persons may conduct elections by mail.
- Section 19:62-2 - Election by mail, duties of county clerk.
- Section 19:62-3 - Election by mail, duties of county board of elections.
- Section 19:62-4 - Election by mail, availability of voting machine accessible to disabled persons.
- Section 19:62-5 - Replacement ballot.
- Section 19:62-6 - Statement on ballot.
- Section 19:62-7 - Ballots for primary election for general election.
- Section 19:62-8 - Voter's actions prior to transmittal of ballot.
- Section 19:62-9 - Open hours of office of municipal clerk on election days.
- Section 19:62-10 - Receipt time of ballot for it to be counted, counting.
- Section 19:62-11 - Criteria for a ballot to be counted.
- Section 19:62-12 - Challenging of voter, ballot.
- Section 19:62-13 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 19:63-1 - Short title.
- Section 19:63-2 - Definitions relative to voting by mail.
- Section 19:63-3 - Procedure for use of mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:63-3.1 - Additions to list of mail-in voters.
- Section 19:63-4 - Application for mail-in ballot; authorized messenger, bearer.
- Section 19:63-5 - Application for mail-in ballot to county clerk.
- Section 19:63-6 - Publication of notice.
- Section 19:63-7 - Printing of mail-in ballots.
- Section 19:63-7.1 - Production, transmission of mail-in ballots in certain circumstances.
- Section 19:63-8 - Verification of voter's signature for issuance of mail-in ballot; actions upon disapproval.
- Section 19:63-9 - Delivery of mail-in ballots.
- Section 19:63-10 - Forwarding of requests to county board of elections, lists of requests kept.
- Section 19:63-11 - Ballots marked "Official Mail-In Ballot."
- Section 19:63-12 - Directions for preparation, transmission of mail-in ballot; free-access system.
- Section 19:63-13 - Certificate of mail-in voter.
- Section 19:63-14 - Certification by county clerk.
- Section 19:63-15 - Marking of applicant's record.
- Section 19:63-16 - Marking, delivery of mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:63-16.1 - Options for delivery of mail-in ballot by voter.
- Section 19:63-17 - Actions of county board of elections relative to mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:63-17.1 - Determination of validity of mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:63-17.2 - Educational materials for "evaluators."
- Section 19:63-19 - Mail-in ballot deemed valid.
- Section 19:63-20 - Mail-in voters, certain, not permitted to vote in person.
- Section 19:63-21 - Rejection of ballot mailed in by voter subsequently deceased.
- Section 19:63-22 - Opening of mail-in ballot.
- Section 19:63-23 - Marking in voting records of information relative to mail-in ballots.
- Section 19:63-24 - Board of elections to keep voted mail-in ballots and certifications for two years.
- Section 19:63-25 - Powers exercised over mail-in voting.
- Section 19:63-26 - No election held invalid due to mail-in ballots.
- Section 19:63-27 - Ballot required to be sealed before delivery.
- Section 19:63-28 - Violations, third degree crime; penalties.
- Section 19:63-29 - "Mail-in Ballot Local Reimbursement Fund."
- Section 19:63-30 - Retroactivity.
- Section 19:63-31 - Conducting of November 2020 General Election.
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