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2021 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 17 - Corporations and Institutions for Finance and Insurance
- Section 17:1-1 - Department of Banking and Insurance reconstituted
- Section 17:1-1.1 - Short title
- Section 17:1-1.2 - Effective date
- Section 17:1-2 - Commissioner of Banking and Insurance, appointment, salary; interests prohibited to commissioner, officers, employees
- Section 17:1-3.1 - New Jersey Real Estate Commission
- Section 17:1-5 - Seal of office; certificates under seal as evidence
- Section 17:1-8 - Fees; disposition
- Section 17:1-8.1 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:1-13 - Short title
- Section 17:1-14 - Appointments of deputy, assistant commissioners, organization; divisions
- Section 17:1-15 - Duties, authority of commissioner.
- Section 17:1-16 - Examination of persons, subpoena of witnesses, documents
- Section 17:1-17 - Transfer of appropriations, moneys
- Section 17:1-18 - Assignment, transfer of employees
- Section 17:1-19 - Tenure, rights preserved
- Section 17:1-20 - Transfer of property
- Section 17:1-21 - References to department, commissioner
- Section 17:1-22 - Existing orders, rules, regulations not affected
- Section 17:1-23 - Actions, proceedings not affected
- Section 17:1-25 - Findings, declarations relative to enforcement powers of Department of Banking and Insurance.
- Section 17:1-26 - Definitions relative to enforcement powers of Department of Banking and Insurance.
- Section 17:1-27 - Prohibited actions.
- Section 17:1-28 - Enforcement of, penalties for violations under C.17:1-27.
- Section 17:1C-6.1 - Training program for volunteers
- Section 17:1C-19 - Findings, declarations relative to the Department's expenses
- Section 17:1C-20 - Certification of expenses incurred, apportionment.
- Section 17:1C-20.1 - Distribution of special purpose apportionment
- Section 17:1C-21 - Filing of objections to apportionment
- Section 17:1C-22 - Commissioner's findings, notice
- Section 17:1C-23 - Notice of delinquency
- Section 17:1C-24 - Action for recovery
- Section 17:1C-25 - No action, proceeding maintained in court for delaying collection, payment
- Section 17:1C-26 - Procedure exclusive
- Section 17:1C-27 - Failure, refusal to pay, notice to Treasurer
- Section 17:1C-28 - Collection of amount due
- Section 17:1C-29 - Additional remedy
- Section 17:1C-30 - Exemption from fees, charges
- Section 17:1C-31 - Permitted increase in amount assessable.
- Section 17:1C-32 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:1C-33 - Findings, declarations relative to funding mechanism for Division of Banking.
- Section 17:1C-34 - Definitions relative to funding mechanism for Division of Banking.
- Section 17:1C-35 - Certification of expenses incurred for administration of special administration of functions of Division of Banking; assessments.
- Section 17:1C-36 - Objections to assessment, hearing.
- Section 17:1C-37 - Transmission of findings to objector.
- Section 17:1C-38 - Notice of delinquency, collection.
- Section 17:1C-39 - Action for recovery.
- Section 17:1C-40 - Action, proceeding.
- Section 17:1C-41 - Exclusive procedure under act.
- Section 17:1C-42 - Failure, refusal to pay, notice to Treasurer.
- Section 17:1C-43 - Procedure for collection.
- Section 17:1C-44 - Additional remedies.
- Section 17:1C-45 - Exemption from certain fees and charges; remittance.
- Section 17:1C-46 - Rules, regulations; contents.
- Section 17:1C-47 - Total amount assessable.
- Section 17:1C-48 - Liability for errors, penalties; third degree crime.
- Section 17:1D-1 - Office for e-HIT.
- Section 17:1D-2 - Funding of commission budget.
- Section 17:1D-3 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:2-1 - Bonds secured by mortgage on leaseholds of camp meeting associations--limitations
- Section 17:2-2 - Bonds issued by commission appointed by supreme court
- Section 17:2-4 - Bonds of home owners' loan corporation
- Section 17:2-5 - Loans and advances eligible for insurance by federal housing administrator
- Section 17:2-6 - General powers
- Section 17:2-6.1 - Insured mortgages and bonds and obligations of national mortgage associations
- Section 17:2-7 - Laws governing interest rates inapplicable
- Section 17:2-8 - Other laws governing loans inapplicable; exceptions
- Section 17:2-9 - Bonds, debentures or other obligations of Federal Home Loan Bank
- Section 17:2-9.2 - Veterans, loans to
- Section 17:2-9.3 - Legal investments in international banks
- Section 17:2-9.4 - Trust fund, application to
- Section 17:2-10 - Development and other bonds of foreign governments or obligations of international development banks
- Section 17:2A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:2A-2 - Emergency rules and regulations; adopted by commissioner
- Section 17:2A-3 - Basis for rules; rates and interest charges; property not affected by disaster
- Section 17:2A-4 - Exercise of emergency powers; declaration by commissioner; operative period of rules and regulations
- Section 17:2A-5 - Extension of termination date
- Section 17:3-1 - Extension of time of payment
- Section 17:3-2 - Home owners' loan corporation bonds; acceptance by receiver in payment of mortgages
- Section 17:3-3 - Definitions and construction
- Section 17:3A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:3A-2 - Application during liquidation for order to destroy records, etc.; notice of application; publication; order for destruction
- Section 17:3A-3a - Application after liquidation for order to destroy records, etc.; notice of application; publication; order for destruction
- Section 17:3A-3b - Destruction of records after five years from liquidation date without leave of court; notice
- Section 17:3A-4 - Liquidator not accountable for authorized destruction
- Section 17:3A-5 - Corporations affected by act
- Section 17:3A-6 - Presumption as to prior law
- Section 17:3A-7 - Effective date
- Section 17:3B-1 - Truth in lending; inconsistent state provisions
- Section 17:3B-2 - Violation of truth in lending act and state law; civil actions
- Section 17:3B-3 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:3B-4 - Short title
- Section 17:3B-5 - Definitions
- Section 17:3B-6 - Extension of credit under revolving credit plan
- Section 17:3B-7 - Interest
- Section 17:3B-8 - Periodic percentage rates
- Section 17:3B-9 - Purchases and loans--differing terms
- Section 17:3B-10 - Overdraft accounts
- Section 17:3B-11 - Omitted installments
- Section 17:3B-12 - Loans under a revolving credit plan
- Section 17:3B-13 - Revolving credit plan prohibitions
- Section 17:3B-14 - Collection costs
- Section 17:3B-15 - Changes in terms
- Section 17:3B-16 - Extension of closed end credit
- Section 17:3B-17 - Interest
- Section 17:3B-18 - Periodic percentage rates
- Section 17:3B-19 - Additional charges.
- Section 17:3B-20 - Deferred installments
- Section 17:3B-21 - Insurance
- Section 17:3B-22 - Prepayment in a closed end credit arrangement
- Section 17:3B-23 - Closed end loan prohibitions
- Section 17:3B-24 - Collection costs in a closed end credit arrangement
- Section 17:3B-25 - Applicable federal law
- Section 17:3B-26 - Administrative regulations
- Section 17:3B-27 - Nonexclusivity
- Section 17:3B-29 - Findings, declarations relative to bank revolving credit plans
- Section 17:3B-30 - Definitions relative to bank revolving credit plans
- Section 17:3B-31 - Bank permitted to offer credit under revolving credit plan
- Section 17:3B-32 - Bank permitted to charge, collect periodic interest under revolving credit plan
- Section 17:3B-33 - Periodic percentage rate, rates of interest may vary
- Section 17:3B-34 - Additional interest, charges permitted
- Section 17:3B-35 - Imposition of different terms
- Section 17:3B-36 - Customary checking charges may be imposed
- Section 17:3B-37 - Omission of monthly installments
- Section 17:3B-38 - Insurance for borrower requested, required
- Section 17:3B-39 - Imposition of late, delinquency charge
- Section 17:3B-40 - Default by borrower, attorney's, collection agency's fee
- Section 17:3B-41 - Terms of agreement, amendment
- Section 17:3B-42 - Other laws not applicable; exceptions
- Section 17:3B-43 - Nonexclusivity of act
- Section 17:3B-44 - Charges considered interest
- Section 17:3B-45 - Laws of State govern revolving credit plan, conditions
- Section 17:3B-46 - Provisions of act may apply to any revolving credit plans
- Section 17:3C-1 - Prohibition; exceptions
- Section 17:4-9.1 - "Successor company" includes "successor bank, savings bank"; "predecessor company" includes "liquidating company" or "predecessor savings bank."
- Section 17:6-53.1 - Veterans' loans as legal investments
- Section 17:6-53.2 - Mortgages securing veterans' loans not subject to s.s. 17:6-55, 17:6-59
- Section 17:6-59.1 - Legality of investments; sale of exchanged securities
- Section 17:9-9 - Depositories for public moneys; designation; effect upon officers liability
- Section 17:9-41 - Definitions.
- Section 17:9-42 - Security requirement for public depositories.
- Section 17:9-43 - Powers of commissioner.
- Section 17:9-43.1 - Eligible collateral requirement for certain public funds.
- Section 17:9-43.2 - Designation of nonprofit organization as recipient of funds.
- Section 17:9-44 - Amount of collateral required as security; exceptions.
- Section 17:9-45 - Proceedings after determination of default; pro rata distribution of collateral; assessment of other public depositories for deficiency.
- Section 17:9-46 - Distribution of proceeds of liquidation of defaulting depository
- Section 17:9-47 - Operative date.
- Section 17:9-48 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-2 - Application of act.
- Section 17:9A-2.1 - Authority of commissioner relative to out-of-State supervisor
- Section 17:9A-3 - Incorporation; certificate of incorporation; officers, directors and employees as incorporators
- Section 17:9A-4 - Capital stock and surplus
- Section 17:9A-5 - Reserve for organization expense
- Section 17:9A-6 - Capital stock; par value and classes
- Section 17:9A-6.1 - Authorized but unissued stock provided for
- Section 17:9A-6.2 - Certificate of amendment, procedure, filing
- Section 17:9A-6.3 - Consideration for issue; preemptive rights
- Section 17:9A-7 - Incorporation of savings bank
- Section 17:9A-8 - Capital deposits; payment
- Section 17:9A-8.1 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-8.2 - Capital stock savings bank incorporation
- Section 17:9A-8.3 - Capital stock; reserve fund; surplus
- Section 17:9A-8.4 - Application for charter; provisions governing
- Section 17:9A-8.5 - Provision for authorized but unissued stock
- Section 17:9A-8.6 - Certificate of incorporation; amendments; provisions governing
- Section 17:9A-8.7 - Bylaws; powers of stockholders; provisions governing
- Section 17:9A-8.8 - Annual meetings; voting rights and liability of stockholders; books and records; provisions governing
- Section 17:9A-8.9 - Dividends; law applicable
- Section 17:9A-8.10 - Stock options; law applicable
- Section 17:9A-8.11 - Mergers with savings banks; provisions governing
- Section 17:9A-8.12 - Savings bank laws control
- Section 17:9A-8.13 - Savings bank; conversion into capital stock savings bank
- Section 17:9A-8.14 - Plan of conversion
- Section 17:9A-8.15 - Capital structure; converted bank
- Section 17:9A-8.16 - Federal savings bank; conversion
- Section 17:9A-8.17 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:9A-9 - Application for charter
- Section 17:9A-10 - Hearing on application for charter; notice and publication
- Section 17:9A-11 - Hearing on application for charter; approval
- Section 17:9A-12 - Filing of certificate of incorporation; amendment prior to payment of capital stock or capital deposits
- Section 17:9A-13 - Beginning of corporate existence; certificate of incorporation as evidence
- Section 17:9A-14 - Certificate of authority
- Section 17:9A-15 - Review of refusal to issue certificate of authority
- Section 17:9A-16 - Organization of a bank or savings bank at location occupied by a bank or savings bank in process of or in contemplation of liquidation
- Section 17:9A-17 - Dissolution of bank or savings bank on failure to obtain certificate of authority, or to commence business
- Section 17:9A-17.1 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-17.2 - Conversion of capital stock savings bank, bank; proceedings
- Section 17:9A-17.3 - Contents of application
- Section 17:9A-17.4 - Requirements for conversion approval
- Section 17:9A-17.5 - Other conditions for conversions under mergers
- Section 17:9A-17.6 - Notification to applicant
- Section 17:9A-17.7 - Filing of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-18 - Names of banks, savings banks; use, certain, waiver.
- Section 17:9A-18.1 - Persons ineligible to serve as officer, director, employee.
- Section 17:9A-18.2 - Penalty
- Section 17:9A-19 - Communication terminal facility; capital requirements
- Section 17:9A-19.1 - Certain branch offices not affected by act
- Section 17:9A-19.2 - Authority for insured depository institution to act as agent for affiliate; construction of "control"; authority of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-20 - Application for establishment of full branch office, minibranch office, communication terminal facility
- Section 17:9A-20.1 - Establishment, maintenance of out-of-State branch offices
- Section 17:9A-20.2 - . Powers of out-of-State banks operating branch office in State
- Section 17:9A-20.3 - Out-of-State, national bank; establishment, maintenance of additional branch office
- Section 17:9A-20.4 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-20.5 - Establishment of trust office
- Section 17:9A-21 - Termination of right to open, operate branch office; discontinuance
- Section 17:9A-22 - Changing location of office
- Section 17:9A-23 - Change of location from principal to branch office
- Section 17:9A-23.1 - Auxiliary offices
- Section 17:9A-23.2 - Auxiliary office, establishment, location
- Section 17:9A-23.3 - Business which may be transacted at auxiliary office
- Section 17:9A-23.4 - Business to be transacted with persons outside the structure
- Section 17:9A-23.5 - Property which may be used for auxiliary office; limitation on cost; parking facilities
- Section 17:9A-23.6 - Auxiliary office not deemed branch office
- Section 17:9A-23.7 - Certain powers of banks not affected
- Section 17:9A-23.8 - Distances, measurement for purposes of act
- Section 17:9A-23.9 - Establishment of branch offices on army, navy or air force installations
- Section 17:9A-23.10 - Investigation and hearing; requirements and conditions to approval of application
- Section 17:9A-23.11 - Branch offices, location, removal, interchange
- Section 17:9A-23.12 - Law applicable to branch offices on army, navy or air force installations
- Section 17:9A-23.13 - Bank defined
- Section 17:9A-23.50 - Definitions relative to emergency banking
- Section 17:9A-23.51 - Proclamation of emergency
- Section 17:9A-23.52 - Powers of officers
- Section 17:9A-23.53 - Notice to commissioner
- Section 17:9A-23.54 - Immunity from liability
- Section 17:9A-23.55 - Construction of act
- Section 17:9A-23.56 - Regulations of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-23.57 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-24 - Powers of banks and savings banks
- Section 17:9A-24b1 - Exercise of powers, rights, benefits, privileges
- Section 17:9A-24.1 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-24.2 - Investment in bank service corporations
- Section 17:9A-24.3 - Performance of services rendered by bank service corporations
- Section 17:9A-24.4 - Regulations by commissioner; powers
- Section 17:9A-24.5 - Conduct of other business by bank service corporation prohibited
- Section 17:9A-24.6 - Receiving of bank services from other banking institution or other person
- Section 17:9A-24.7 - Investments in stock of clearing corporations by qualified banks
- Section 17:9A-24.8 - Powers conferred by act as in addition to other powers
- Section 17:9A-24.9 - Additional powers of banks and savings banks
- Section 17:9A-24.10 - "Loan"
- Section 17:9A-24.11 - Interest rate or other compensation
- Section 17:9A-24.12 - Additional investment authority of banks
- Section 17:9A-24.13 - Regulations
- Section 17:9A-24.14 - Bank loans authorized for business enterprises
- Section 17:9A-25 - Additional powers of banks.
- Section 17:9A-25.1 - Banks; retirement benefits for officers and employees
- Section 17:9A-25.2 - Regulations authorizing loans not authorized by L.1948, c. 67; power of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-25.3 - Preservation of dual banking system
- Section 17:9A-25.4 - Banks defined
- Section 17:9A-25.5 - Additional powers of banks
- Section 17:9A-26 - Additional powers of savings banks
- Section 17:9A-27 - Effect of exercise of certain powers; disclosure of information by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-27.2 - Title insurance; safe deposit boxes; banks engaged in business before September 16, 1948
- Section 17:9A-27.3 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-27.4 - Adoption of plan; scope of plan
- Section 17:9A-27.5 - Provisions of plans
- Section 17:9A-27.6 - Contributions
- Section 17:9A-27.7 - Alteration and rescission of plan
- Section 17:9A-27.8 - Methods of effecting plans
- Section 17:9A-27.9 - Eligibility for retirement benefits
- Section 17:9A-27.10 - Disposition of contributions of employee
- Section 17:9A-27.11 - Disposition of contributions of employer
- Section 17:9A-27.12 - Rights of creditors of bank
- Section 17:9A-27.15 - Determination of eligibility for retirement
- Section 17:9A-27.16 - Eligibility for retirement; permissive provisions
- Section 17:9A-27.17 - Disposition of plans of predecessor bank
- Section 17:9A-27.18 - Attachment and garnishment
- Section 17:9A-27.19 - Delegation of administration of plan
- Section 17:9A-27.20 - Continuance of payments
- Section 17:9A-27.21 - Continuance of prior plans
- Section 17:9A-27.22 - Approval of commissioner of adoption or alteration of plan
- Section 17:9A-27.23 - Additional powers
- Section 17:9A-27.24 - Retirement benefits not paid pursuant to plan
- Section 17:9A-27.25 - Powers of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-27.26 - Approval by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-27.27 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-27.50 - Stock option plan
- Section 17:9A-27.51 - Filing copy of plan and certificate of adoption and approval
- Section 17:9A-27.52 - Provision in certificate of incorporation for authorized but unissued shares of capital stock
- Section 17:9A-27.53 - Certificate of bank; findings of commissioner; approval
- Section 17:9A-27.54 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-28 - Agency and fiduciary powers
- Section 17:9A-28.1 - Broker-dealer as custodian
- Section 17:9A-28.2 - Purchase for trust accounts of bonds, notes, or other obligations
- Section 17:9A-29 - Appointment by court or officer of qualified bank as fiduciary
- Section 17:9A-30 - Security prerequisite to action as fiduciary
- Section 17:9A-31 - Security fund
- Section 17:9A-32 - Recourse to security fund
- Section 17:9A-33 - Transfer of investments heretofore deposited
- Section 17:9A-34 - Proof of qualification and security
- Section 17:9A-35 - Trust funds
- Section 17:9A-36 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-37 - Participation in common trust fund
- Section 17:9A-37.1 - Single common trust fund
- Section 17:9A-38 - Effect of trust instruments
- Section 17:9A-39 - Cash balances
- Section 17:9A-40 - Participations; valuation; general provisions
- Section 17:9A-41 - Powers and obligations of banks
- Section 17:9A-42 - Compensation
- Section 17:9A-43 - Powers of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-44 - Taxability
- Section 17:9A-45 - Creditors' claims
- Section 17:9A-46 - Accounting
- Section 17:9A-47 - Members of Federal Reserve System
- Section 17:9A-48 - Nonmembers of Federal Reserve System
- Section 17:9A-49 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-50 - Ascertainment of net profits
- Section 17:9A-51 - Transfers to surplus
- Section 17:9A-52 - Dividends on capital stock
- Section 17:9A-53 - Scope of article; definitions; interest
- Section 17:9A-53.2 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-53.3 - Educational loans, authorization
- Section 17:9A-53.4 - Interest
- Section 17:9A-53.5 - Limitations on amount of educational loan
- Section 17:9A-53.6 - Limitation on duration of loan
- Section 17:9A-53.7 - Security; prohibition; endorsers or guarantors
- Section 17:9A-53.8 - Disbursement in more than one advance; principal amount of loan
- Section 17:9A-53.9 - Repayment; terms and conditions
- Section 17:9A-53.10 - Credit life and health insurance; authorization to provide
- Section 17:9A-53.11 - Loans or extension of credit not subject to act
- Section 17:9A-54 - Limitations and conditions
- Section 17:9A-55 - Permissible provisions and actions
- Section 17:9A-56 - Rebates on prepayment
- Section 17:9A-57 - Statement on instrument
- Section 17:9A-58 - Exempt transactions
- Section 17:9A-59 - Penalty for violations
- Section 17:9A-59.1 - Advance loans
- Section 17:9A-59.2 - Written contract; necessity; effective date; contents
- Section 17:9A-59.3 - Authorization as evidence of loan
- Section 17:9A-59.4 - Statement to borrower; contents
- Section 17:9A-59.5 - Periodic payments; amount; application
- Section 17:9A-59.6 - Interest rate; insurance premiums; credit cards; annual fee
- Section 17:9A-59.7 - Late charges
- Section 17:9A-59.8 - Service charges
- Section 17:9A-59.10 - Security
- Section 17:9A-59.11 - Limitation upon liability to bank on advance loans
- Section 17:9A-59.12 - Violation of limitations upon liability; penalty
- Section 17:9A-59.13 - Collection of excess interest rates or unlawful taking of security; penalty
- Section 17:9A-59.14 - Bank defined
- Section 17:9A-59.15 - Effective date
- Section 17:9A-59.16 - Guarantee of payment
- Section 17:9A-59.17 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-59.25 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-59.26 - Authority to make small business loans; terms and conditions; reliance upon representations
- Section 17:9A-59.27 - Interest rate
- Section 17:9A-59.28 - Note; amount; installment payments; repayment in advance; refund
- Section 17:9A-59.29 - Limitation on loans
- Section 17:9A-59.30 - Security for payment; costs and insurance
- Section 17:9A-59.31 - Collection fee schedule
- Section 17:9A-59.32 - Acceleration of maturity
- Section 17:9A-59.33 - Unauthorized charges prohibited
- Section 17:9A-59.34 - Use of proceeds for repayment of other loan
- Section 17:9A-59.35 - Credit on precomputed interest charges; prepayment or acceleration; formula; prepayment on non-precomputed small business loan without penalty
- Section 17:9A-59.36 - Statement that loan was made pursuant to small business loan act required
- Section 17:9A-59.37 - Violation; penalty; civil action
- Section 17:9A-59.38 - Application of act
- Section 17:9A-59.39 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-59.40 - Loan to depositor in amount of and guaranteed by deposit
- Section 17:9A-60 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-61 - Unlimited liability
- Section 17:9A-62 - Limitations on liability
- Section 17:9A-63 - Exempt transactions
- Section 17:9A-63.1 - Excess charge
- Section 17:9A-64.1 - Origination, acquisition of mortgage loans by bank, savings bank
- Section 17:9A-70.1 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-70.2 - Credit insurance on borrower
- Section 17:9A-71 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-71.1 - Compliance of bank, savings bank with liability of directors, officers
- Section 17:9A-72 - Prerequisites to incurring liability; amounts
- Section 17:9A-73 - Overdrafts
- Section 17:9A-74 - Exempt transactions
- Section 17:9A-75 - Violations; penalties; liability
- Section 17:9A-76 - By-laws; adoption
- Section 17:9A-77 - By-laws; limitations on powers of directors
- Section 17:9A-78 - By-laws; amendments; repeal; notice
- Section 17:9A-79 - Annual meetings; notice
- Section 17:9A-79.1 - Written consents
- Section 17:9A-80 - Special meetings; call
- Section 17:9A-81 - Stockholders' meetings; notice.
- Section 17:9A-82 - Special meetings; failure to issue call; action by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-83 - Place and hour of meeting; adjournments.
- Section 17:9A-84 - List of stockholders
- Section 17:9A-85 - Voting of treasury stock
- Section 17:9A-86 - Voting of stock subject to pledge
- Section 17:9A-87 - Voting of stock held by a corporation
- Section 17:9A-88 - Voting of stock held by joint tenants or tenants in common
- Section 17:9A-89 - Voting stock held by fiduciaries
- Section 17:9A-90 - Voting in person or by proxy
- Section 17:9A-90.1 - Voting trusts
- Section 17:9A-91 - Quorum
- Section 17:9A-92 - Judges of election
- Section 17:9A-93 - Presiding officer and secretary of meeting
- Section 17:9A-94 - Capital stock; voting rights
- Section 17:9A-95 - Summary review of elections by Superior Court
- Section 17:9A-96 - Record date
- Section 17:9A-97 - Inspection of books and records
- Section 17:9A-98 - Stock certificates; transfers of stock; facsimile signatures
- Section 17:9A-99 - Preemptive rights of stockholders to purchase new stock
- Section 17:9A-100 - Liability of stockholders
- Section 17:9A-101 - Directors; number; method of determination
- Section 17:9A-102 - Directors; classification; election; vacancies; tenure.
- Section 17:9A-103 - Directors; stock ownership, oath
- Section 17:9A-104 - Directors; disqualification
- Section 17:9A-105 - Directors; quorum; actions
- Section 17:9A-106 - Directors; compensation
- Section 17:9A-107 - Chairman of board of directors
- Section 17:9A-108 - Directors; executive committee
- Section 17:9A-109 - Directors; qualified bank; trust committee
- Section 17:9A-110 - Directors; other committees
- Section 17:9A-111 - Officers; election; appointment; limitation
- Section 17:9A-112 - Officers; tenure; removal
- Section 17:9A-113 - Officers; vacancies
- Section 17:9A-115 - Bonding of directors, officers, employees; temporary waiver
- Section 17:9A-116 - Nature of amendments
- Section 17:9A-117 - Procedure for amending certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-117.1 - Restated certificates
- Section 17:9A-118 - Consolidation of amendments
- Section 17:9A-119 - Increase in capital stock
- Section 17:9A-120 - Assumption of fiduciary powers
- Section 17:9A-121 - Decrease of capital stock
- Section 17:9A-122 - Limitations
- Section 17:9A-123 - Certificate as evidence
- Section 17:9A-124 - Issuance
- Section 17:9A-125 - Certificates of incorporation and of amendment and merger agreements; provisions
- Section 17:9A-126 - Priorities; preferences; rights; limitations
- Section 17:9A-127 - Dividends
- Section 17:9A-128 - Priority on dissolution
- Section 17:9A-129 - Consideration for preferred stock
- Section 17:9A-130 - Retirement or conversion
- Section 17:9A-131 - Application of article; limitation
- Section 17:9A-131.1 - Borrowing money to retire preferred stock
- Section 17:9A-131.2 - Debentures or capital notes
- Section 17:9A-131.3 - Borrowing to be pursuant to act only
- Section 17:9A-131.20 - Definitions.
- Section 17:9A-131.21 - Issuance of convertible or nonconvertible capital notes by banks
- Section 17:9A-131.22 - Capital notes issued for cash; limitation on conversion of convertible capital notes
- Section 17:9A-131.23 - Unsecured indebtedness; claims subordinate to depositors and creditors; liquidation
- Section 17:9A-131.24 - Nonconvertible capital notes; issuance pursuant to resolution
- Section 17:9A-131.25 - Convertible capital notes; issuance pursuant to amendment of certificate of incorporation of issuing bank
- Section 17:9A-131.26 - Sale of convertible capital notes
- Section 17:9A-131.27 - Certificate stating amount of capital notes converted; filing
- Section 17:9A-131.28 - Approval of issuance of capital notes by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-131.29 - Inclusion of amount owing on capital notes in bank's capital funds
- Section 17:9A-131.30 - Issuance of capital notes, debentures.
- Section 17:9A-131.31 - Application of act
- Section 17:9A-131.32 - Review
- Section 17:9A-131.33 - Repeal in part
- Section 17:9A-132 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-133 - What banks may merge; means of effectuation of merger
- Section 17:9A-133.1 - Interstate merger transactions
- Section 17:9A-134 - Merger agreement; authorization; contents
- Section 17:9A-135 - Capital requirements
- Section 17:9A-136 - Approval of agreement by commissioner; review
- Section 17:9A-137 - Submission of agreement to stockholders; filing
- Section 17:9A-138 - Merger agreement as evidence
- Section 17:9A-139 - Corporate existence; offices; rights and obligations
- Section 17:9A-140 - Rights of dissenting stockholders; settlement by agreement
- Section 17:9A-141 - Appointment of appraisers
- Section 17:9A-142 - Duties of appraisers; report; objections; compensation; vacancies
- Section 17:9A-143 - Assignment of stock to bank
- Section 17:9A-144 - Effect of stockholder's failure to act
- Section 17:9A-145 - Obligation of bank to pay stockholder
- Section 17:9A-146 - Action to enjoin merger
- Section 17:9A-147 - Issuance of new stock certificates
- Section 17:9A-148 - "Applicable federal law" defined; merger, consolidation of banks, national banking associations
- Section 17:9A-149 - Prerequisites to conversion; definition of "applicable Federal law"
- Section 17:9A-150 - Procedure
- Section 17:9A-151 - Capital stock and surplus
- Section 17:9A-152 - Effect of conversion
- Section 17:9A-153 - Rights of dissenting stockholders
- Section 17:9A-154 - Issuance of stock
- Section 17:9A-154.1 - Conversion without approval of state officials; certificate required
- Section 17:9A-155 - Procedure
- Section 17:9A-156 - Effect
- Section 17:9A-157 - Application of article
- Section 17:9A-158 - Who may propose plan; approval or disapproval by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-159 - Action for approval of plan
- Section 17:9A-160 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court
- Section 17:9A-161 - Provisions of plan of reorganization
- Section 17:9A-162 - Approval of plan by the court
- Section 17:9A-163 - Transmittal of plan and court approval to creditors and stockholders
- Section 17:9A-164 - Acceptance or rejection of plan
- Section 17:9A-165 - Provision for classes of creditors or stockholders not bound by plan
- Section 17:9A-166 - Confirmation of plan
- Section 17:9A-167 - Allowances for services, costs and expenses
- Section 17:9A-168 - Consummation of plan
- Section 17:9A-169 - Amendment of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-170 - Modification of plan
- Section 17:9A-171 - Effect of reorganization upon claims and property
- Section 17:9A-173 - Limitation on actions
- Section 17:9A-174 - Application of article
- Section 17:9A-175 - Federal, State, county and municipal securities
- Section 17:9A-175.1 - Obligations of Canadian government, provinces or cities
- Section 17:9A-175.2 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-175.3 - Revenue bonds of governmental unit payable from revenues of utility operated by unit
- Section 17:9A-175.4 - Restriction on investment by savings banks
- Section 17:9A-175.5 - Construction of act
- Section 17:9A-177 - Railroad bonds
- Section 17:9A-178 - Public utility bonds and debentures
- Section 17:9A-179 - Equipment obligations
- Section 17:9A-179.1 - Limitations on investments in railroad obligations
- Section 17:9A-180 - Industrial obligations
- Section 17:9A-180.1 - Corporate interest bearing securities not otherwise eligible
- Section 17:9A-180.2 - Limitations on investments in such corporate interest bearing securities
- Section 17:9A-180.3 - Additional limitation on investments in such corporate interest bearing securities
- Section 17:9A-180.3a - Transfer of securities to other classes becoming eligible for investment; determination of limitations
- Section 17:9A-180.4 - Classes of investments for fiduciaries or others not enlarged
- Section 17:9A-180.5 - Investment in corporate stock
- Section 17:9A-180.6 - Limitation on investment in corporate stock; exemptions
- Section 17:9A-180.7 - Investment in stocks limited to certain percentage of surplus
- Section 17:9A-180.8 - Regulations regarding investments in stocks
- Section 17:9A-180.9 - "Surplus" defined
- Section 17:9A-180.10 - Legal investments for fiduciaries and others not enlarged
- Section 17:9A-180.11 - Investments in debentures of New York trust companies
- Section 17:9A-182 - Loans on collateral security
- Section 17:9A-182.1 - Regulations authorizing certain loans and investments; powers of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-182.2 - Objective of regulations
- Section 17:9A-182.3 - Investment in specified investment securities not otherwise authorized; regulations
- Section 17:9A-183 - Legality of investments; retention of investments
- Section 17:9A-184 - Deposits; maximum and minimum amounts
- Section 17:9A-185 - Payment to depositors; regulations
- Section 17:9A-186 - Interest and dividends
- Section 17:9A-187 - Reserve balances
- Section 17:9A-188 - Board of managers; number; qualifications; oath
- Section 17:9A-189 - Board of managers; change in number
- Section 17:9A-190 - By-laws; chairman of the board; committees
- Section 17:9A-191 - Officers; tenure
- Section 17:9A-192 - Officers and managers; removal
- Section 17:9A-193 - Officers and managers; compensation
- Section 17:9A-194 - Officers and managers; bonding
- Section 17:9A-195 - Officers and managers; permitted loans
- Section 17:9A-196 - Retirement benefits for officers and employees
- Section 17:9A-197 - Amendments to certificate of incorporation; objects
- Section 17:9A-197.1 - Savings bank official immunity
- Section 17:9A-198 - Amendment procedure
- Section 17:9A-199 - What savings banks may merge
- Section 17:9A-200 - Merger agreement; authorization
- Section 17:9A-201 - Adjustment of interests of depositors
- Section 17:9A-202 - Surplus requirements
- Section 17:9A-203 - Approval of agreement by commissioner; review
- Section 17:9A-204 - Publication of notice of merger agreement; filing
- Section 17:9A-205 - Corporate existence; offices; rights and obligations
- Section 17:9A-206 - Certified copy of agreement; use as evidence; recording
- Section 17:9A-207 - Dissolution; procedure
- Section 17:9A-208 - Surplus; determination by savings bank
- Section 17:9A-209 - Use of capital stock or surplus
- Section 17:9A-210 - Write-up of assets; changes in reserves
- Section 17:9A-211 - Liability secured by own stock
- Section 17:9A-212 - Acquisition of own stock
- Section 17:9A-213 - Limitations on exercise of powers.
- Section 17:9A-213.1 - Limitation on powers of banks, savings banks.
- Section 17:9A-213.2 - Violations of law, regulation by qualified corporation; penalty
- Section 17:9A-214 - Violations; penalty
- Section 17:9A-215 - Minors' deposit accounts
- Section 17:9A-219 - Cofiduciaries' deposit accounts
- Section 17:9A-221 - Authority of depositor's agent to indorse and deposit instruments after death or incompetency of the depositor
- Section 17:9A-222 - Deposits of interstate bodies
- Section 17:9A-223 - Adverse claim to deposits
- Section 17:9A-224 - Postponement of deposit payments by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-224.1 - Savings account promotions conducted by bank.
- Section 17:9A-229.6 - Notice of death of resident depositor; fee or service charge
- Section 17:9A-247 - Banking records
- Section 17:9A-248 - Fiduciary and agency records
- Section 17:9A-250 - Action against directors, managers, officers or employees; indemnification
- Section 17:9A-251 - Perpetual existence for banks and savings banks heretofore or hereafter organized
- Section 17:9A-252 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-253 - Examinations of a bank by a public accountant or other qualified person
- Section 17:9A-254 - Report on examination; statement by directors; filing
- Section 17:9A-255 - Extensions of time by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-256 - Reports to commissioner; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:9A-258 - Report of assets, liability; availability
- Section 17:9A-260 - Examination of banks by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-261 - Enforcement of subpoena
- Section 17:9A-262 - False testimony; perjury
- Section 17:9A-263 - Immunity of person testifying
- Section 17:9A-264 - Examinations confidential; subpoenas
- Section 17:9A-265 - Valuations of assets by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-266 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-267 - Commissioner's powers on ultra vires, unlawful and unsafe practices; review
- Section 17:9A-268 - Penalty for failure to comply with commissioner's order
- Section 17:9A-269 - Possession by the commissioner; causes; purposes; return
- Section 17:9A-271 - Effect of possession by commissioner on liens; possession as a stay
- Section 17:9A-272 - Powers of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-273 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court
- Section 17:9A-274 - Proceeds of liquidation; deposits; preference
- Section 17:9A-275 - Employees and assistants of commissioner; counsel
- Section 17:9A-276 - Compensation of employees, assistants, and counsel
- Section 17:9A-277 - Accounting by commissioner; notice to creditors
- Section 17:9A-279 - Judgment on accounting
- Section 17:9A-280 - Notice to creditors to present claims; publication; claims barred
- Section 17:9A-281 - Verification of deposit balances
- Section 17:9A-282 - Rejection of claims by commissioner; actions
- Section 17:9A-283 - Objections to allowance of claims by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-284 - Distribution
- Section 17:9A-285 - Corporate dissolution
- Section 17:9A-286 - Unclaimed funds; publication; disposition
- Section 17:9A-287 - Unclaimed funds held under prior law
- Section 17:9A-288 - Unclaimed funds; costs
- Section 17:9A-289 - Unclaimed funds; escheat
- Section 17:9A-290 - Demand by commissioner for removal of property and contents of safe deposit boxes
- Section 17:9A-291 - Inventory and storage of property not removed
- Section 17:9A-292 - Delivery of property to claimants
- Section 17:9A-293 - Sale of unclaimed property
- Section 17:9A-294 - Notice of auction
- Section 17:9A-295 - Disposition of unsold property
- Section 17:9A-296 - Liability of third person
- Section 17:9A-297 - Other remedies
- Section 17:9A-298 - Application of article to property held under prior law
- Section 17:9A-299 - Determination whether commissioner or agent shall wind up affairs
- Section 17:9A-300 - Election of agents; powers; vacancies
- Section 17:9A-301 - Continuance of liquidation by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-302 - Liability of commissioner
- Section 17:9A-303 - Refusal or failure of commissioner to take possession; jurisdiction of the Superior Court; appointment of receiver
- Section 17:9A-304 - Acceptance of loans from federal government
- Section 17:9A-305 - Continuance of banking advisory board
- Section 17:9A-306 - Members; qualifications
- Section 17:9A-307 - Term of office; removal; vacancies
- Section 17:9A-308 - Expenses of members
- Section 17:9A-309 - Meetings; quorum
- Section 17:9A-310 - Secretary; appointment, qualifications and duties
- Section 17:9A-311 - Powers of the banking advisory board
- Section 17:9A-312 - Access to departmental records; information confidential
- Section 17:9A-313 - Liability of members
- Section 17:9A-314 - Report to Governor
- Section 17:9A-316 - Limitations on transaction of business by foreign banks in this State
- Section 17:9A-316.1 - Merger or consolidation, foreign bank acting as fiduciary as successor to party to
- Section 17:9A-316.2 - Validation of fiduciary acts by foreign banks resulting from merger or consolidation
- Section 17:9A-316.3 - Investment in common trust funds by foreign bank under certain circumstances
- Section 17:9A-317 - Qualification of foreign bank as fiduciary
- Section 17:9A-318 - Application for certificate of authority
- Section 17:9A-319 - Issuance, denial of certificate of authority
- Section 17:9A-322 - Certificate of authority to continue in force
- Section 17:9A-325 - Additional statements by and examinations of foreign banks
- Section 17:9A-326 - Certificate of authority; revocation
- Section 17:9A-327 - Procedure on revocation
- Section 17:9A-328 - Review of commissioner's refusal to issue a certificate or his revocation of a certificate
- Section 17:9A-329 - Surrender of certificate of authority
- Section 17:9A-330 - Violations; disabilities; penalties
- Section 17:9A-331 - Exempt transactions
- Section 17:9A-332 - Sale of real property by foreign banks in the possession of an administrative or court officer
- Section 17:9A-333 - Department of Banking fees
- Section 17:9A-334 - Fees payable by foreign banks.
- Section 17:9A-335 - Costs of examination of a bank, savings bank or foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-336 - Repeal of prior law
- Section 17:9A-337 - Reference to Revised Statutes and New Jersey Statutes
- Section 17:9A-338 - Applicability of Title 14A of the New Jersey Statutes
- Section 17:9A-339 - Prior lawful acts not affected
- Section 17:9A-340 - Separability of provisions
- Section 17:9A-341 - Headnotes not part of act
- Section 17:9A-342 - Short title
- Section 17:9A-343 - Effective date of act
- Section 17:9A-355 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-356 - Bank shares; acquisition by corporations
- Section 17:9A-357 - Plan of acquisition
- Section 17:9A-358 - Approval of plan of acquisition by commissioner; review
- Section 17:9A-359 - Submission of plan to stockholders; filing
- Section 17:9A-360 - Notice of dissent; "dissenting stockholder" defined
- Section 17:9A-361 - Valuation date of fair value
- Section 17:9A-362 - Termination of right of stockholder to be paid the fair value of his shares
- Section 17:9A-363 - Rights of dissenting stockholder
- Section 17:9A-364 - Determination of fair value by agreement
- Section 17:9A-365 - Procedure on failure to agree upon fair value; commencement of action to determine fair value
- Section 17:9A-366 - Action to determine fair value; jurisdiction of court; appointment of appraiser
- Section 17:9A-367 - Judgment in action to determine fair value
- Section 17:9A-368 - Costs and expenses of action
- Section 17:9A-369 - Disposition of shares
- Section 17:9A-382 - Definitions
- Section 17:9A-383 - Prior approval
- Section 17:9A-384 - Application; hearing
- Section 17:9A-385 - Factors for consideration
- Section 17:9A-386 - Voter ineligibility; registration
- Section 17:9A-387 - Violations, penalties
- Section 17:9A-388 - Formation of mutual savings bank holding company
- Section 17:9A-389 - Certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-390 - Approval of charter
- Section 17:9A-391 - General powers
- Section 17:9A-392 - Board of directors
- Section 17:9A-393 - Bylaws; executive committee
- Section 17:9A-394 - Election of officers
- Section 17:9A-395 - Distribution of surplus
- Section 17:9A-396 - Retention of interests in assets
- Section 17:9A-397 - Incorporation of subsidiary bank
- Section 17:9A-398 - Submission of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-399 - Approval of charter
- Section 17:9A-400 - Bylaws of subsidiary
- Section 17:9A-401 - Meetings for actions on bylaws
- Section 17:9A-402 - Amendment of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-403 - Governance of operations
- Section 17:9A-404 - Declaration of dividends
- Section 17:9A-405 - Other powers, rights, privileges
- Section 17:9A-406 - Merger; consolidation
- Section 17:9A-407 - Conversion to capital stock savings bank
- Section 17:9A-408 - Amended certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:9A-409 - Definitions relative to acquisitions
- Section 17:9A-410 - Acquisition of New Jersey bank, bank holding company
- Section 17:9A-411 - Approval of commissioner required for acquisition of New Jersey bank holding company, bank
- Section 17:9A-412 - Procedure for acquisition
- Section 17:9A-413 - Approval of application for proposed acquisition
- Section 17:9A-414 - Approval of acquisition
- Section 17:9A-415 - Submission of report to commissioner; violations; penalty.
- Section 17:9A-416 - Enforcement of C.17:9A-409 through C.17:9A-417
- Section 17:9A-417 - Powers of commissioner relative to C.17:9A-409 through C.17:9A-417
- Section 17:9A-418 - Law, definitions, standards applicable to foreign banks
- Section 17:9A-419 - Definitions relative to foreign banks
- Section 17:9A-420 - Foreign bank offices; division into classes, ranking
- Section 17:9A-421 - Fees relative to foreign banks
- Section 17:9A-422 - Application procedure
- Section 17:9A-423 - "Act" defined, commissioner's findings relative to application
- Section 17:9A-424 - Reports filed by foreign bank, commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-425 - Books, accounts, records of foreign bank, commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-426 - Prohibition on concurrent establishment of federal and State branch office
- Section 17:9A-427 - Opening, maintenance of offices
- Section 17:9A-428 - Requirement that commissioner be appointed as attorney to receive service of process; service
- Section 17:9A-429 - License not transferable, assignable
- Section 17:9A-430 - Posting of license
- Section 17:9A-431 - Popular name assigned to foreign bank, commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-432 - Designation of primary office
- Section 17:9A-433 - Conduct of business in single building, adjoining buildings; exceptions
- Section 17:9A-434 - Examination of licensed office.
- Section 17:9A-435 - Compliance with applicable interest rate limitations
- Section 17:9A-436 - License required for establishment of representative office
- Section 17:9A-437 - Approval for foreign bank to establish representative office
- Section 17:9A-438 - Approval for relocation of representative office of foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-439 - Restrictions upon representative office
- Section 17:9A-440 - Approval for closing representative office of foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-441 - Existing office granted license
- Section 17:9A-442 - Transaction of business limited to licensed agency, branch office
- Section 17:9A-443 - Approval, license required for establishment of agency, branch office of foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-444 - Approval for relocation of agency, branch office of foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-445 - Transaction of business by foreign bank at agency or branch office
- Section 17:9A-446 - Report of condition, income
- Section 17:9A-447 - Notice of noninsurance of deposits
- Section 17:9A-448 - Compliance with regulations by foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-449 - Assets kept separate, apart; priority of creditors
- Section 17:9A-450 - Definitions of adjusted liabilities and eligible assets relative to foreign banks
- Section 17:9A-451 - Definitions of adjusted liabilities, eligible assets relative to agency or branch offices
- Section 17:9A-452 - Approval required for closing of office of foreign bank
- Section 17:9A-453 - Transaction of business by commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-454 - Approval for establishment of office of foreign bank, commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-455 - Relocation of commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-456 - Commercial lending company, functions permitted
- Section 17:9A-457 - Approval for commercial lending company to close office
- Section 17:9A-458 - Powers of commercial lending company limited
- Section 17:9A-459 - Granting of right to operate as commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-460 - Voluntary surrender of license
- Section 17:9A-461 - Violations, penalties
- Section 17:9A-462 - Suspension, revocation of license of bank, commercial lending company
- Section 17:9A-463 - Issuance of order suspending, revoking license of bank, commercial lending company, hearing
- Section 17:9A-464 - Surrender of suspended, revoked license
- Section 17:9A-465 - Application to modify, rescind order
- Section 17:9A-466 - Possession of property, business of bank by commissioner
- Section 17:9A-467 - Rules, regulations, orders
- Section 17:10B-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:10B-2 - Prohibitions relative to loan brokers
- Section 17:10B-3 - Investigations, examinations by commissioner
- Section 17:10B-4 - Order to cease and desist, fine
- Section 17:10B-5 - Violations, penalties, injunctions, summary actions
- Section 17:10B-6 - Action for recovery of damages
- Section 17:10B-7 - Nonapplicability of act
- Section 17:10B-8 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:10C-1 - Residential Mortgage and Consumer Finance Advisory Board.
- Section 17:10C-2 - Board duties.
- Section 17:11C-1 - Short title amended.
- Section 17:11C-2 - Definitions regarding licensed lenders.
- Section 17:11C-3 - License required for consumer lender, sales finance company.
- Section 17:11C-6 - Exempt consumer loan business, certain
- Section 17:11C-7 - Conditions for issuance of license.
- Section 17:11C-8 - Application, fee.
- Section 17:11C-9 - Maintenance of branch offices by licensee.
- Section 17:11C-10 - Information on license; posting, disposition of license.
- Section 17:11C-11 - Issuance, surrender, expiration of license.
- Section 17:11C-12 - Approval of transfer, sale.
- Section 17:11C-16 - Net worth requirements for consumer lenders
- Section 17:11C-17 - Change of address notice.
- Section 17:11C-18 - Commissioner's authority relative to issuance, revocation, oversight of licenses, enforcement.
- Section 17:11C-19 - Maintenance of books, accounts, records, documents.
- Section 17:11C-21 - Purchase of insurance by borrowers.
- Section 17:11C-32 - Consumer loans permitted by consumer lender, terms.
- Section 17:11C-33 - Additional charges prohibited on consumer loan; violations.
- Section 17:11C-34 - Requirements for consumer lender relative to closed-end loan.
- Section 17:11C-35 - Limits on closed-end consumer loans
- Section 17:11C-36 - Open-end consumer loans; conditions, terms.
- Section 17:11C-37 - Prohibited charges for large consumer loans.
- Section 17:11C-38 - Certain payments deemed loan secured by assignment.
- Section 17:11C-39 - Validity of chattel mortgage, security interest, conditions
- Section 17:11C-40 - Loans secured by property.
- Section 17:11C-41 - Consumer lenders, prohibited practices.
- Section 17:11C-42 - Investigations, examinations of licensees.
- Section 17:11C-43 - Annual report by licensees; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:11C-44 - Agreements unenforceable, void
- Section 17:11C-49 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:11C-51 - Short title.
- Section 17:11C-52 - Findings, declarations relative to certain licensed lending activities.
- Section 17:11C-53 - Definitions relative to certain licensed lending activities.
- Section 17:11C-54 - Licensing requirements.
- Section 17:11C-55 - Inapplicability of act.
- Section 17:11C-56 - Conditions for issuance of licenses for residential mortgage lenders, brokers.
- Section 17:11C-57 - Issuance of licenses for mortgage loan originators, individual licensees, lenders, brokers.
- Section 17:11C-58 - Fees for license applications.
- Section 17:11C-59 - Required educational courses.
- Section 17:11C-60 - Written test required for licensure.
- Section 17:11C-61 - Educational requirements for license renewal.
- Section 17:11C-62 - Registration, assignment of unique identifier.
- Section 17:11C-63 - Business licensee required to obtain blanket bond.
- Section 17:11C-64 - Minimum net worth required for applicant for business license.
- Section 17:11C-65 - Maintenance of branch offices; manager.
- Section 17:11C-66 - Construction of act relative to maintenance of office in-State.
- Section 17:11C-67 - Regulations relative to license.
- Section 17:11C-68 - Expiration, continuance, reinstatement, surrender of license.
- Section 17:11C-69 - Approval for sale, transfer of controlling interest.
- Section 17:11C-70 - Authority of commissioner relative to issuing licenses.
- Section 17:11C-71 - Identification of place of business, storing of books, accounts, records; accessibility.
- Section 17:11C-72 - Provision of unique identifier required.
- Section 17:11C-73 - Insurance requirements for borrowers.
- Section 17:11C-74 - Permitted fees; definitions.
- Section 17:11C-75 - Prohibited practices, violations.
- Section 17:11C-76 - Closed-end loan permitted, certain circumstances, interest rates.
- Section 17:11C-77 - Open-end loan permitted, certain circumstances, interest rates.
- Section 17:11C-78 - Requirements for instrument evidencing a secondary mortgage loan.
- Section 17:11C-79 - Prohibited wording for secondary mortgage loan.
- Section 17:11C-80 - Prohibited actions relative to secondary mortgage loan; exceptions.
- Section 17:11C-81 - Regulations relative to collection of interest.
- Section 17:11C-82 - Required actions relative to secondary mortgage loans.
- Section 17:11C-83 - Additional prohibited practices, violations.
- Section 17:11C-84 - Investigation by commissioner.
- Section 17:11C-85 - Reporting requirements.
- Section 17:11C-86 - Agreements unenforceable, void.
- Section 17:11C-87 - Applicability to mortgage loans.
- Section 17:11C-88 - Noncompliance, effect on validity, enforcement of mortgage loans.
- Section 17:11C-89 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:11D-1 - Definitions relative to tax preparation services.
- Section 17:11D-2 - Actions prohibited to tax preparer.
- Section 17:11D-3 - Refund anticipation loans, compliance, disclosures required.
- Section 17:11D-4 - Itemized statement of service charges.
- Section 17:11D-5 - Additional penalties.
- Section 17:11D-6 - Inapplicability of act.
- Section 17:11D-7 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:12B-1 - Construction as revision of prior laws
- Section 17:12B-2 - Citation
- Section 17:12B-3 - Application of act
- Section 17:12B-3.1 - Contracts with association supervisors of other states
- Section 17:12B-4 - Determination of members' rights and liabilities
- Section 17:12B-5 - Definitions
- Section 17:12B-6 - Gross income
- Section 17:12B-7 - Net income
- Section 17:12B-8 - Principal office; branch office; auxiliary office; remote service unit
- Section 17:12B-9 - Agency
- Section 17:12B-10 - Per capita assets
- Section 17:12B-11 - Mortgage deemed first lien.
- Section 17:12B-12 - Purposes
- Section 17:12B-13 - Persons who may form corporation
- Section 17:12B-14 - Contents of certificate of incorporation of a mutual association
- Section 17:12B-15 - Original by-laws
- Section 17:12B-16 - Application to commissioner for approval
- Section 17:12B-17 - Notice of application and hearing thereon
- Section 17:12B-18 - Guaranty account
- Section 17:12B-19 - Hearing
- Section 17:12B-20 - Commissioner's findings as to mutual association application
- Section 17:12B-21 - Commissioner's decision
- Section 17:12B-22 - Certificate to be filed
- Section 17:12B-23 - Time limit for commencing business
- Section 17:12B-24 - Establishment, operation of branch offices by State association
- Section 17:12B-24.1 - Change of location of office of State association
- Section 17:12B-24.2 - Powers of out-of-State, State association
- Section 17:12B-27.2 - Time limit for opening branch office; discontinuance of branch office
- Section 17:12B-28 - Interchange of principal and branch offices
- Section 17:12B-29 - Auxiliary offices
- Section 17:12B-30 - Auxiliary office, establishment, location
- Section 17:12B-31 - Auxiliary office, permitted business transactions
- Section 17:12B-32 - Business to be transacted only with persons outside structure
- Section 17:12B-33 - Property to be used for auxiliary office; parking facilities
- Section 17:12B-34 - Auxiliary office not deemed branch or limited facility branch office
- Section 17:12B-35 - Other powers not affected
- Section 17:12B-36 - Measurement of distances
- Section 17:12B-37 - Agencies
- Section 17:12B-37.1 - Remote service units; establishment or use; sharing; regulations
- Section 17:12B-38 - By-laws
- Section 17:12B-38.1 - Association official immunity
- Section 17:12B-39 - Commissioner's approval required
- Section 17:12B-40 - Change of office location
- Section 17:12B-40.1 - Failure to open and operate relocated principal office; effect
- Section 17:12B-45 - Failure to open and operate relocated principal office; effect
- Section 17:12B-46 - Change of name
- Section 17:12B-46.1 - Definitions relative to emergency closings
- Section 17:12B-46.2 - Proclamation of emergency
- Section 17:12B-46.3 - Action by officers after proclamation of emergency
- Section 17:12B-46.4 - Duration of emergency
- Section 17:12B-46.5 - Action by officers when no emergency proclaimed
- Section 17:12B-46.6 - Responsibility of officers
- Section 17:12B-46.7 - Notice to commissioner
- Section 17:12B-46.8 - Effect of emergency closing
- Section 17:12B-46.9 - Associations to be saved harmless
- Section 17:12B-46.10 - Regulations of the commissioner
- Section 17:12B-46.11 - Construction of act
- Section 17:12B-46.12 - Short title
- Section 17:12B-47 - General powers
- Section 17:12B-48 - Powers of association
- Section 17:12B-49 - Rental and maintenance of safe deposit boxes
- Section 17:12B-50 - Pension plans
- Section 17:12B-51 - Provisions of pension plan
- Section 17:12B-52 - Eligibility for pension payments
- Section 17:12B-53 - Determination of amount; specification in pension plan
- Section 17:12B-54 - Excess payments; employee contributions
- Section 17:12B-55 - Death benefits
- Section 17:12B-56 - Appropriation for payments; merger of associations
- Section 17:12B-57 - Submission of pension plan for approval of commissioner
- Section 17:12B-58 - Plans sponsored by federal home loan banks
- Section 17:12B-59 - Contracts for pension payments to retired officers and employees
- Section 17:12B-60 - Discontinuance of participation in pension plan
- Section 17:12B-61 - Transmission of money; money orders; travel checks
- Section 17:12B-62 - Directors, number, powers.
- Section 17:12B-62.1 - Association deemed in compliance with prohibition on interlocking relationships
- Section 17:12B-63 - Director's election; vacancies
- Section 17:12B-64 - Attorneys; employees
- Section 17:12B-65 - Officers
- Section 17:12B-66 - Officers' powers
- Section 17:12B-67 - Oath of office of directors and officers
- Section 17:12B-67.1 - Disqualification of officers, directors or employees; conviction of crime; pendency of appeal
- Section 17:12B-67.2 - Penalty
- Section 17:12B-68 - Minimum account requirements for directors
- Section 17:12B-69 - Loans to officers, directors, attorneys or employees
- Section 17:12B-70 - Default by directors and officers
- Section 17:12B-71 - Restriction upon purchase of accounts
- Section 17:12B-72 - Limitation of expenses
- Section 17:12B-73 - Bonds required; indemnification of officers, directors and employees
- Section 17:12B-74 - Membership generally
- Section 17:12B-75 - Plans
- Section 17:12B-76 - Nonshare plan
- Section 17:12B-77 - Share plan
- Section 17:12B-78 - Limitation upon accounts
- Section 17:12B-79 - Forms of certificate
- Section 17:12B-80 - Governmental agencies may be members
- Section 17:12B-81 - Minors
- Section 17:12B-82 - Membership trust accounts
- Section 17:12B-83 - Applicability to moneys paid to account by trustee under will, other fiduciary instrument, court order or decree
- Section 17:12B-84 - Release from claims of fiduciaries, beneficiaries or legal representatives
- Section 17:12B-85 - Rights of beneficiary on death of fiduciary; effect of laws requiring valid testamentary disposition
- Section 17:12B-86 - Applicability to federal associations having principal offices in state
- Section 17:12B-87 - Authority of attorney to manage or make withdrawals from account
- Section 17:12B-89 - Payment to credit of account of beneficiaries or their order
- Section 17:12B-90 - Payment to credit of account when beneficiaries under 16 years of age
- Section 17:12B-91 - Payment when account terminated and one or more beneficiaries under, and one or more beneficiaries over, 16 years of age
- Section 17:12B-103 - Pledge of account to association
- Section 17:12B-106 - Acceptance of accounts in name of one or more administrators, custodians, executors, guardians, trustees or other fiduciaries in trust for named beneficiary
- Section 17:12B-109 - Necessity for actual notice of death or incompetency of savings member
- Section 17:12B-110 - Transfer of membership
- Section 17:12B-111 - Lost certificates and account books
- Section 17:12B-112 - Termination of membership
- Section 17:12B-112.1 - Savings promotion conducted by savings and loan association.
- Section 17:12B-113 - Notice to members
- Section 17:12B-114 - Meeting place.
- Section 17:12B-115 - Meetings
- Section 17:12B-116 - Quorum
- Section 17:12B-117 - Confidential relationship of an association to its members
- Section 17:12B-118 - Procedure to obtain information or communicate with members
- Section 17:12B-119 - Costs and expenses incidental to application for information; payment by applicant
- Section 17:12B-120 - Application for communication with other members; preparation and mailing of copies of communication; payment of costs and expenses by applicant
- Section 17:12B-121 - Application for order requiring state association to grant application for information or to communicate with members
- Section 17:12B-122 - Hearing before commissioner; designation of time and place; notice; adjournments
- Section 17:12B-123 - Merits of application; determinations by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-124 - Decision of commissioner; filing memorandum; notice
- Section 17:12B-125 - Exclusive procedure; review of commissioner's action; effect of failure to act
- Section 17:12B-125.1 - Application of sections 118 through 124 to federal associations
- Section 17:12B-126 - Voting rights of members
- Section 17:12B-127 - Determination of net income
- Section 17:12B-128 - General reserve, bad debt reserves and Federal insurance reserve accounts
- Section 17:12B-129 - Special reserve accounts
- Section 17:12B-130 - Dividend participation; exceptions
- Section 17:12B-131 - Undivided profits account
- Section 17:12B-132 - Restrictions upon reserves and undivided profits account
- Section 17:12B-133 - Reward profit or bonus plan
- Section 17:12B-134 - Application for withdrawal
- Section 17:12B-135 - Cancellation of withdrawal application
- Section 17:12B-136 - Association operating under Plan 1; payment on presentation of withdrawal application or other notice
- Section 17:12B-137 - Association operating under other than Plan I; payment on presentation of withdrawal application; other procedure
- Section 17:12B-138 - Funds required for withdrawals
- Section 17:12B-139 - Rotation plan
- Section 17:12B-140 - Payment of withdrawals on other plans and purchase of accounts prohibited; authority of commissioner
- Section 17:12B-141 - Application of withdrawal value to indebtedness
- Section 17:12B-142 - Dividend retention
- Section 17:12B-143 - Restrictions on actions
- Section 17:12B-144 - Retirement
- Section 17:12B-145 - Investments authorized
- Section 17:12B-145.1 - Origination, acquisition of mortgage loans by association
- Section 17:12B-155 - Procedure for making other loans
- Section 17:12B-156 - Investments in additional loans
- Section 17:12B-157 - Property improvement loans without mortgage liens
- Section 17:12B-158 - Definitions as used in sections 159 through 164 (C. 17:12B-159 through C. 17:12B-164) of this act
- Section 17:12B-159 - Limitations on such loans
- Section 17:12B-160 - Charges on such loans
- Section 17:12B-162 - Schedules of charges
- Section 17:12B-163 - Rebates on prepayment
- Section 17:12B-164 - Other charges in connection with loans
- Section 17:12B-165 - Other investments, securities
- Section 17:12B-166 - Real estate
- Section 17:12B-168 - Limitations on amounts of real estate loans and investments
- Section 17:12B-169 - Restrictions on investments
- Section 17:12B-170 - Report of financial condition available to members
- Section 17:12B-171 - Reports to commissioner; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:12B-172 - Examination, inspection, supervision of associations.
- Section 17:12B-173 - Exhibition of books, papers, securities, oaths; subpoena
- Section 17:12B-174 - False testimony; perjury
- Section 17:12B-175 - Immunity to violator testifying
- Section 17:12B-176 - Audits
- Section 17:12B-177 - Commissioner's additional powers
- Section 17:12B-178 - Order to continue illegal, unsafe practices; violations, penalty
- Section 17:12B-179 - Grounds for action by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-180 - Conservation orders
- Section 17:12B-181 - Action for relief
- Section 17:12B-182 - Commissioner's authority
- Section 17:12B-183 - Purpose of possession and operation by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-184 - Return of management and possession
- Section 17:12B-185 - Powers of commissioner in possession
- Section 17:12B-186 - Appointment and compensation of counsel and assistants
- Section 17:12B-187 - Segregation and application of money paid after commissioner takes possession
- Section 17:12B-188 - Effect of commissioner's possession on rights of third persons
- Section 17:12B-189 - Financial statements by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-190 - Dissolution; Liquidation; Action by members
- Section 17:12B-191 - Relief in court from commissioner's action
- Section 17:12B-192 - Disposition of unclaimed funds due to members and creditors
- Section 17:12B-193 - Liquidation and accounting by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-194 - Action upon commissioner's refusal to act
- Section 17:12B-195 - Proceedings before commissioner
- Section 17:12B-196 - Applications for commissioner's approval
- Section 17:12B-197 - Bookkeeping methods and accounting practices; destruction of books, records, et cetera
- Section 17:12B-198 - Authority
- Section 17:12B-198.1 - Merger between State, out-of-State associations
- Section 17:12B-199 - Procedure; notice; approval on expedited basis
- Section 17:12B-200 - Terms
- Section 17:12B-201 - Recording of agreement
- Section 17:12B-202 - Application for establishment of section 27 branch office or offices
- Section 17:12B-203 - Effect of merger
- Section 17:12B-204 - Bulk transfers
- Section 17:12B-205 - Certificate of transfer of assets; resultant liquidating corporation
- Section 17:12B-206 - Purchase of assets; inapplicability of Article X
- Section 17:12B-207 - Liquidating corporations
- Section 17:12B-208 - Creditors; claims barred
- Section 17:12B-209 - Notice of dispute; limitation of action
- Section 17:12B-210 - Applicability of sections 17:12B-208, 17:12B-209 to indebtedness on loan to enable association to effect sale of assets
- Section 17:12B-211 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court
- Section 17:12B-212 - Termination of corporate existence
- Section 17:12B-213 - "Foreign association" defined
- Section 17:12B-214 - Business prohibited within State, exceptions
- Section 17:12B-215 - Violation; penalty
- Section 17:12B-216 - Filing copy of application and statement of acceptance or rejection
- Section 17:12B-217 - Terminating insurance
- Section 17:12B-218 - Powers of commissioner not impaired
- Section 17:12B-219 - Joint powers with insurance corporation
- Section 17:12B-220 - Powers of insurance corporation
- Section 17:12B-221 - Voting rights
- Section 17:12B-222 - Procedure
- Section 17:12B-223 - Corporate existence continued upon conversion
- Section 17:12B-224 - Conversion from Federal to State charter; procedure
- Section 17:12B-225 - Approval by commissioner; filing of certificate; corporate existence continued
- Section 17:12B-226 - Fees, charges
- Section 17:12B-227 - Payment of commissioner's expenses
- Section 17:12B-228 - Dissolution
- Section 17:12B-229 - Definition of liquidation
- Section 17:12B-230 - Continuation of corporate existence
- Section 17:12B-231 - Trustees; bonds; removal; successors; action by majority
- Section 17:12B-232 - Liquidation period; extension
- Section 17:12B-233 - Powers
- Section 17:12B-234 - Creditors; claims barred
- Section 17:12B-235 - Application of participation value to indebtedness
- Section 17:12B-236 - Sinking fund mortgages; extension of time for payment
- Section 17:12B-237 - Notice to sinking fund mortgagors
- Section 17:12B-238 - Commissioner's jurisdiction
- Section 17:12B-239 - Accounting by trustees; examination by commissioner; report to members; notice to creditors
- Section 17:12B-240 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court; trustees; compensation
- Section 17:12B-241 - Insured accounts eligible investment for trust and public funds, and savings banks and as security
- Section 17:12B-242 - Separability; partial invalidity
- Section 17:12B-243 - Effective date
- Section 17:12B-244 - Definitions applicable to capital stock associations
- Section 17:12B-245 - Persons who may incorporate a capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-246 - Contents of certificate of incorporation of a capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-247 - Filing of certificate of incorporation of capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-248 - Capital stock and surplus
- Section 17:12B-249 - Commissioner's findings as to a capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-250 - Powers available to capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-250.1 - Capital stock association official immunity
- Section 17:12B-251 - Directors' election, vacancies
- Section 17:12B-252 - Liability of stockholders
- Section 17:12B-253 - Notice to stockholders
- Section 17:12B-254 - Meeting place.
- Section 17:12B-255 - Meetings of stockholders
- Section 17:12B-256 - Quorum for stockholders' meetings
- Section 17:12B-257 - Voting rights of stockholders
- Section 17:12B-258 - Reports to stockholders
- Section 17:12B-259 - Dividends on capital stock
- Section 17:12B-260 - Books and records of capital stock associations; right of inspection
- Section 17:12B-261 - Conversion of mutual association to capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-262 - Plan of conversion
- Section 17:12B-263 - Adequate reserve and capital requirements
- Section 17:12B-264 - Power to create, issue capital stock; provision for authorized but unissued stock; certificate of amendment
- Section 17:12B-265 - Supervision of capital stock associations
- Section 17:12B-266 - Merger of capital stock associations
- Section 17:12B-267 - Conversion of a capital stock association into a Federal association
- Section 17:12B-268 - Conversion of a Federal association into a capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-269 - Commencement of business of capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-270 - Dissolution and liquidation of capital stock association
- Section 17:12B-271 - Construction of inconsistent provisions
- Section 17:12B-272 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:12B-277 - Separability; partial invalidity
- Section 17:12B-278 - Definitions
- Section 17:12B-279 - Conditions for acquisition; control
- Section 17:12B-280 - Acquisitions in other states permitted
- Section 17:12B-281 - Definitions
- Section 17:12B-282 - Information to commissioner
- Section 17:12B-283 - Examination; report
- Section 17:12B-284 - Notice of proposed acquisition to commissioner
- Section 17:12B-285 - Fees
- Section 17:12B-286 - FSLIC insurance required
- Section 17:12B-287 - Management by commissioner
- Section 17:12B-288 - Insurance required for charter
- Section 17:12B-289 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:12B-290 - Violations; penalties
- Section 17:12B-291 - Approval required for use of word "savings bank S.L.A."
- Section 17:12B-292 - Definitions
- Section 17:12B-293 - Approval of commissioner needed to acquire more than 25% of voting shares
- Section 17:12B-294 - Application for approval; hearing; exemption limitations
- Section 17:12B-295 - Factors used in determining approval
- Section 17:12B-296 - Shares acquired in violation not counted; shares to be registered
- Section 17:12B-297 - Cease and desist orders; injunction; penalties
- Section 17:12B-298 - Formation of mutual state association holding company
- Section 17:12B-299 - Contents of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:12B-300 - Approval of charter
- Section 17:12B-301 - Powers of mutual state association holding company
- Section 17:12B-302 - Board of directors
- Section 17:12B-303 - Powers of board
- Section 17:12B-304 - Board officers; compensation
- Section 17:12B-305 - Distribution of surplus
- Section 17:12B-306 - Retention of interest in assets
- Section 17:12B-307 - Certificate of incorporation for subsidiary
- Section 17:12B-308 - Certificate of incorporation, affidavit to commissioner; contents of affidavit
- Section 17:12B-309 - Charter approval
- Section 17:12B-310 - Powers of stockholders, board of directors
- Section 17:12B-311 - Bylaws
- Section 17:12B-312 - Amendment of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:12B-313 - Governance of subsidiary
- Section 17:12B-314 - Dividends
- Section 17:12B-315 - Merger
- Section 17:12B-316 - Merger or purchase or retention of assets and assumption of liabilities
- Section 17:12B-317 - Alternative to formation of subsidiary
- Section 17:12B-318 - Contents of amended certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:12B-319 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:13-72 - Repeal
- Section 17:13-73 - Corporate central credit union; membership; voting representatives
- Section 17:13-73.1 - Purposes of corporate central credit union; application of Credit Union Act of 1984
- Section 17:13-73.2 - Powers
- Section 17:13-73.3 - Agreements; purposes
- Section 17:13-73.4 - Setoff against accounts of members; lien on accounts; security for loans
- Section 17:13-73.5 - Meetings
- Section 17:13-73.6 - Reserve requirements
- Section 17:13-73.7 - Exemption from insurance requirements of Credit Union Act of 1984
- Section 17:13-74 - Conversion to or from a federal credit union
- Section 17:13-75 - Insurance; exception
- Section 17:13-76 - Failure to apply or denial of commitment for insurance; extension of time
- Section 17:13-77 - Charter; necessity of insurance
- Section 17:13-78 - Reports of financial condition and examination reports
- Section 17:13-79 - Short title
- Section 17:13-80 - Definitions
- Section 17:13-81 - Incorporation of credit union; application; fee; certificate of incorporation.
- Section 17:13-82 - Disapproval of application; annexation; filing of certificate of approval.
- Section 17:13-83 - Organizational meeting; notice
- Section 17:13-84 - Affidavit of incorporators
- Section 17:13-85 - Issuance of certificate of authority; transaction of business
- Section 17:13-86 - Amendment of certificate of incorporation; approval of commissioner
- Section 17:13-87 - Insurance of accounts; financial condition and examination reports
- Section 17:13-88 - Name of credit union; unauthorized use of words "credit union" in name; penalty
- Section 17:13-89 - Powers.
- Section 17:13-90 - Powers of commissioner.
- Section 17:13-91 - Change of location of office; facilities for meetings or services
- Section 17:13-92 - Membership of credit union; regulations.
- Section 17:13-92.1 - Credit unions approved for inclusion of more than one group; continuation permitted.
- Section 17:13-93 - Meetings; vote of members; quorum
- Section 17:13-94 - Bylaws; approval of commissioner
- Section 17:13-95 - Board of directors; membership; vacancy; meetings
- Section 17:13-96 - Chairman of board; officers; compensation; bond of officers; duties
- Section 17:13-97 - Executive committee of board; powers; limitations; minutes
- Section 17:13-98 - Examining committee; members; audit or examination of credit union
- Section 17:13-99 - Special meeting called by examining committee; suspension of officer or member
- Section 17:13-100 - Credit committee
- Section 17:13-101 - Issuance of shares and certificates; deposits; accounts offered; trustee or custodian of accounts and funds; payment of dividends
- Section 17:13-101.1 - Savings promotion conducted by credit union.
- Section 17:13-102 - Minors; transactions; membership privileges
- Section 17:13-103 - Withdrawal of funds for payment; nonmembers; retirement of shares
- Section 17:13-104 - Loans to members; security; interest; fees; lien on accounts
- Section 17:13-105 - Manner of payment of loans to members
- Section 17:13-106 - Credit to director, officer, employee, or committee member; participation in determination of question of interest
- Section 17:13-107 - Investment of funds
- Section 17:13-108 - Inactive accounts; special reserve accounts; escheat of funds
- Section 17:13-109 - Gross earnings; reserve funds; contributions; regulation of reserve requirements
- Section 17:13-110 - Merger of credit unions
- Section 17:13-111 - Annual report by credit union; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:13-112 - Supervision and examination by commissioner; exhibition of papers and documents; subpenas; perjury
- Section 17:13-113 - Expenses of examination
- Section 17:13-114 - Discontinuation of illegal activity; order
- Section 17:13-115 - Violation of law, unauthorized actions, or refusal to be examined; institution of court action for possession
- Section 17:13-116 - Injunctions; receivers; other relief or correction
- Section 17:13-117 - Possession by commissioner of property and business; dissolution of credit union; trustees in dissolution
- Section 17:13-118 - Continuation of business by commissioner; authority and powers
- Section 17:13-119 - Assistant deputy commissioners; employment of counsel and other expert assistance; powers on receivership of commissioner and members
- Section 17:13-120 - Notice of possession of business and property by commissioner; stay of levies and executions
- Section 17:13-121 - Grievance with action of commissioner; court proceedings for injunction
- Section 17:13-122 - Voluntary dissolution; liquidation; notice to authorities; suspension of activities; approval of members; wind-up of affairs; distribution of assets; certificate of dissolution
- Section 17:13-123 - Conversion to or from a federal credit union
- Section 17:13-124 - Credit union advisory council.
- Section 17:13-125 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:13A-1 - Application of act
- Section 17:13A-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:13A-3 - Requirements
- Section 17:13A-4 - Violation
- Section 17:13A-5 - Citation
- Section 17:13B-1 - Short title
- Section 17:13B-2 - Depository institutions, rate of interest, other charges, fees on loans, authorized.
- Section 17:14A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:14A-2 - Applicability of chapter
- Section 17:14A-3 - Carrying on safe deposit business
- Section 17:14A-4 - Use of words "safe deposit"
- Section 17:14A-5 - Reservation of power
- Section 17:14A-6 - Incorporators
- Section 17:14A-7 - Certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:14A-8 - Original bylaws
- Section 17:14A-9 - Application to commissioner for approval; notice of hearing
- Section 17:14A-10 - Publishing notice of application and hearing by incorporators
- Section 17:14A-11 - Mailing copy of notice to other companies; request to commissioner to furnish names
- Section 17:14A-12 - Hearing; examination or investigation by commissioner
- Section 17:14A-13 - Commissioner's findings
- Section 17:14A-14 - Commissioner's decision
- Section 17:14A-15 - Filing certificate of incorporation as evidence
- Section 17:14A-16 - Beginning of corporate existence; transaction of business
- Section 17:14A-17 - Payment of capital; filing proof with commissioner
- Section 17:14A-18 - Certificate of authority to transact business
- Section 17:14A-19 - Time within which to issue certificate or notify company of refusal
- Section 17:14A-20 - Review of refusal to issue certificate of authority
- Section 17:14A-21 - Dissolution for failure to obtain certificate of authority or commence business
- Section 17:14A-22 - Tolling of time to obtain certificate of authority or commence business
- Section 17:14A-23 - Powers
- Section 17:14A-24 - Directors; number; election; term
- Section 17:14A-25 - Directors; voting rights of stockholders
- Section 17:14A-26 - Directors; oath
- Section 17:14A-27 - Bonding of directors, officers and employees
- Section 17:14A-28 - Bonding of directors, officers and employees; waiver
- Section 17:14A-29 - Branch offices; capital requirements; location
- Section 17:14A-30 - Branch offices; application, approval
- Section 17:14A-31 - Branch offices; failure to open and operate
- Section 17:14A-32 - Branch offices; discontinuance
- Section 17:14A-33 - Change of principal or branch office; application
- Section 17:14A-34 - Change of principal or branch office; approval
- Section 17:14A-35 - Merger
- Section 17:14A-36 - Merger agreement; authorization
- Section 17:14A-37 - Consolidation
- Section 17:14A-38 - Consolidation plan; authorization
- Section 17:14A-39 - Approval or disapproval of merger agreement or consolidation plan by commissioner
- Section 17:14A-40 - Review of commissioner's disapproval of merger agreement or consolidation plan
- Section 17:14A-41 - Submission of merger agreement or consolidation plan to stockholders
- Section 17:14A-42 - Approval by stockholders; filing agreement or plan
- Section 17:14A-43 - Merger agreement or consolidation plan as evidence
- Section 17:14A-44 - Recording copy of merger agreement or consolidation plan with county recording officer
- Section 17:14A-45 - Effect of merger or consolidation
- Section 17:14A-46 - Merger or consolidation; issuance of new stock certificates
- Section 17:14A-47 - Liability of stockholders
- Section 17:14A-48 - Language in rental agreement
- Section 17:14A-49 - Notice to lessee as to insurance and contents of vaults, etc.
- Section 17:14A-50 - Books and records
- Section 17:14A-51 - Proceedings for unpaid rental
- Section 17:14A-52 - Accessibility to vault, safe deposit box or receptacle
- Section 17:14A-53 - Control of safe deposit company
- Section 17:14A-54 - Control of safe deposit company; "control" defined
- Section 17:14A-55 - Control of safe deposit company; "company" defined
- Section 17:14A-56 - Control of safe deposit company; application to commissioner
- Section 17:14A-57 - Control of safe deposit company; investigation by commissioner
- Section 17:14A-58 - Control of safe deposit company; approval or disapproval of application
- Section 17:14A-59 - Control of safe deposit company; review of commissioner's disapproval
- Section 17:14A-60 - Communications received from the commissioner
- Section 17:14A-61 - Examination of safe deposit company affairs; by whom made
- Section 17:14A-62 - Examination of safe deposit company affairs; scope
- Section 17:14A-63 - Examination of safe deposit company affairs; when made
- Section 17:14A-64 - Examination of safe deposit company affairs; report; statement by directors; filing
- Section 17:14A-65 - Examination of safe deposit company affairs; curtailment or extension of time by commissioner
- Section 17:14A-66 - Reports to commissioner as to assets and liabilities
- Section 17:14A-67 - Special reports as to condition of company
- Section 17:14A-68 - Penalty for failure to make and file report
- Section 17:14A-69 - Publication of report
- Section 17:14A-70 - Examination of safe deposit companies by commissioner
- Section 17:14A-71 - Examination of safe deposit companies by commissioner; examination of witnesses
- Section 17:14A-71.1 - Examinations confidential
- Section 17:14A-71.2 - Examinations confidential; evidence; subpenas
- Section 17:14A-72 - Commissioner's powers on ultra vires, unlawful and unsafe practices
- Section 17:14A-73 - Review of commissioner's order to cease ultra vires, unlawful or unsafe practices
- Section 17:14A-74 - Penalty for failure to comply with commissioner's order as to ultra vires, unlawful and unsafe practices
- Section 17:14A-75 - Removal of director or officer
- Section 17:14A-76 - Participation in management of company after removal from office
- Section 17:14A-77 - Record of proceedings to remove director or officer not to be made public; exception
- Section 17:14A-77.1 - Review of commissioner's order to remove director or officer
- Section 17:14A-78 - Costs of examination of safe deposit company
- Section 17:14A-79 - Filing documents and reports
- Section 17:14A-80 - Custodial possession by commissioner; causes
- Section 17:14A-81 - Custodial possession by commissioner; purpose
- Section 17:14A-82 - Custodial possession by commissioner; return of property to management of safe deposit company
- Section 17:14A-83 - Custodial possession by commissioner; corporate title and existence
- Section 17:14A-84 - Custodial possession by commissioner; notice to commissioner
- Section 17:14A-85 - Custodial possession by commissioner; surety bond
- Section 17:14A-86 - Standards for vaults
- Section 17:14A-87 - Standards for vault doors
- Section 17:14A-88 - Standards for safes
- Section 17:14A-89 - Safe deposit box standards
- Section 17:14A-90 - Surveillance systems
- Section 17:14A-91 - Robbery alarm systems
- Section 17:14A-92 - Burglary alarm systems
- Section 17:14A-93 - Notice of crime
- Section 17:14A-94 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:14A-95 - Dissolution
- Section 17:14A-96 - Filing fees
- Section 17:14A-97 - Statutes repealed
- Section 17:15A-30 - Short title
- Section 17:15A-31 - Definitions.
- Section 17:15A-32 - License required
- Section 17:15A-32.1 - Sale of check cashing business.
- Section 17:15A-33 - Application for licensure; requirements
- Section 17:15A-34 - Approval of application
- Section 17:15A-35 - Contents of application.
- Section 17:15A-36 - Fingerprinting, background checks for licensees
- Section 17:15A-37 - Required capital, net worth, liquid assets.
- Section 17:15A-38 - Licensee to engage services of public accountant
- Section 17:15A-39 - License required for operation, conditions
- Section 17:15A-40 - Valid license, civil actions.
- Section 17:15A-41 - Maintenance of offices by licensee; requirements
- Section 17:15A-42 - Approval required for sale, transfer of business
- Section 17:15A-43 - Fees permitted.
- Section 17:15A-44 - Responsibilities of licensee.
- Section 17:15A-45 - Annual report by check cashing business; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:15A-46 - Right to examine books, records
- Section 17:15A-47 - Prohibitions for licensees.
- Section 17:15A-48 - Revocation, suspension of license.
- Section 17:15A-49 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 17:15A-50 - Compliance of existing licensees; nonapplicability of act.
- Section 17:15A-51 - Waivers unenforceable, void
- Section 17:15A-52 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:15C-1 - Short title.
- Section 17:15C-2 - Definitions relative to money transmitters.
- Section 17:15C-3 - Inapplicability of act; exemptions.
- Section 17:15C-4 - License required.
- Section 17:15C-5 - Net worth requirements for licensees.
- Section 17:15C-6 - Possession of security device, permissible investments.
- Section 17:15C-7 - Application for license; requirements.
- Section 17:15C-8 - Accompaniment of application with security device; amounts required; conditions.
- Section 17:15C-9 - Investigation of applicants for licensing, renewal; licensing period.
- Section 17:15C-10 - Keeping of records required.
- Section 17:15C-11 - Investigation, examination of license.
- Section 17:15C-12 - Annual reports; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:15C-13 - Written report required upon occurrence of certain events.
- Section 17:15C-14 - Approval for acquisition of control of licensee; application, fee.
- Section 17:15C-15 - Confidentiality of information, reports.
- Section 17:15C-16 - Suspension, revocation of license.
- Section 17:15C-17 - Authorization of delegates.
- Section 17:15C-18 - Regulations pertinent to delegates.
- Section 17:15C-19 - Violations by delegates; issuance of order suspending, barring; application for modification, rescission.
- Section 17:15C-20 - Limitation of licensee's responsibility.
- Section 17:15C-21 - Applicability of APA.
- Section 17:15C-22 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 17:15C-23 - Powers of commissioner.
- Section 17:15C-24 - Violations designated fourth, third degree crimes.
- Section 17:15C-25 - Regulations.
- Section 17:15C-26 - Presumptions regarding licensees, delegates; service of process.
- Section 17:15C-27 - Application required for those currently doing business; status of current licensees.
- Section 17:16A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16A-2 - Compliance with law before doing business; liability of directors and corporators for transacting business without certificate of authority
- Section 17:16A-3 - Authorization of domestic companies, individuals and partnerships
- Section 17:16A-4 - Foreign investment companies; requirements for admission
- Section 17:16A-5 - Officers or agents of foreign investment companies; certificate of authority
- Section 17:16A-6 - Service of process on Commissioner as attorney for foreign investment company
- Section 17:16A-7 - Certificate of authority as prima facie evidence of incorporation of foreign company
- Section 17:16A-8 - Securities deposited with Commissioner
- Section 17:16A-9 - Investment of capital, surplus or other funds
- Section 17:16A-10 - Investment contracts; form; approval by Commissioner; review
- Section 17:16A-11 - Reserves on investment contracts
- Section 17:16A-12 - Surrender values under investment contracts
- Section 17:16A-13 - Annual reports of financial condition
- Section 17:16A-14 - Examination of affairs; expenses; duty to exhibit books, records and accounts
- Section 17:16A-15 - Fees
- Section 17:16A-16 - Revocation of certificate of authority of foreign investment company
- Section 17:16A-17 - Procedure for revocation of certificate of authority of foreign company
- Section 17:16A-18 - Revocation, cancellation or refusal to issue certificate of authority; review
- Section 17:16A-19 - Domestic investment companies; insolvency; suspension of business and other acts; receiver; injunction
- Section 17:16A-20 - Offenses and penalties
- Section 17:16BB-1 - Purpose of act.
- Section 17:16BB-2 - Definitions relative to guaranteed asset protection waivers.
- Section 17:16BB-3 - Conditions for offer of GAP waiver.
- Section 17:16BB-4 - Obligations of insurer.
- Section 17:16BB-5 - Contents of GAP waiver agreement.
- Section 17:16BB-6 - Cancellation of GAP waiver agreements, free look period.
- Section 17:16BB-7 - Certain exceptions.
- Section 17:16BB-8 - Actions by commissioner.
- Section 17:16BB-9 - GAP not construed as insurance.
- Section 17:16C-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16C-2 - Necessity of license
- Section 17:16C-3 - License application
- Section 17:16C-4 - Issuance or refusal of license
- Section 17:16C-5 - Notice and hearing on refusal of license
- Section 17:16C-6 - License; specification of office or branch; transferability; transaction of business under other names or at other locations
- Section 17:16C-7 - Application fee for sales finance companies, license period.
- Section 17:16C-8 - Motor vehicle installment seller; license, application fee.
- Section 17:16C-9 - Abatement in amount of fee; expiration of license
- Section 17:16C-10 - Grounds for refusal to issue, revocation, suspension, refusal to renew license
- Section 17:16C-11 - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew particular license or all licenses issued to licensee
- Section 17:16C-12 - Surrender of license; effect upon civil or criminal liability
- Section 17:16C-13 - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license not to impair obligation of lawful retail installment contract or retail charge account
- Section 17:16C-14 - Reinstatement of suspended licenses or issuance of new licenses after revocation
- Section 17:16C-15 - Investigations by commissioner
- Section 17:16C-16 - Subpoenas; oaths and affirmations; power to administer
- Section 17:16C-17 - Failure to comply with subpoena; order of superior court; contempt
- Section 17:16C-18 - Maintenance of books, accounts and records.
- Section 17:16C-19 - Preservation of books, accounts, records, annual report; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16C-20 - Information to be shown in books, accounts and records
- Section 17:16C-21 - Retail installment contract; writing required; agreements between retail buyer and seller; signatures
- Section 17:16C-22 - Contents of retail installment contract; blank spaces
- Section 17:16C-23 - Copy of contract to be furnished to buyer
- Section 17:16C-24 - Notice to buyer in retail installment contract
- Section 17:16C-25 - Acknowledgment by buyer of receipt of copy of contract
- Section 17:16C-26 - Payment of time balances, terms; exceptions
- Section 17:16C-27 - Separate items to be set forth in retail installment contract
- Section 17:16C-28 - Inclusion in retail installment contract of additional goods purchased after original agreement; additional statements
- Section 17:16C-29 - Allocation of payment on continuing agreement after addition of additional purchases; prepayment; redemption of separate purchases
- Section 17:16C-30 - Insurance at retail buyer's expense; dual protection
- Section 17:16C-31 - Selection of insurer acceptable to retail seller; inclusion of premium in contract; cancellation of insurance by holder after repossession and sale
- Section 17:16C-32 - Notice that policy required in sale of motor vehicle includes no liability or property damage coverage
- Section 17:16C-33 - Additional insurance; cancellation rights
- Section 17:16C-34 - Cancellation of insurance policies; crediting next maturing installment of contract with refund
- Section 17:16C-34.1 - Retail charge account; terms; regulations; effective date of accounts
- Section 17:16C-35 - Prohibited contract provisions; acceleration clause
- Section 17:16C-36 - Waiver of right of action by retail buyer against seller, holder, etc.
- Section 17:16C-37 - Power of attorney to confess judgment; other powers of attorney
- Section 17:16C-38 - Relief of retail seller from liability under contract
- Section 17:16C-38.1 - Remedy of buyer against seller; provision relieving holder or other assignee from liability; prohibition
- Section 17:16C-38.2 - Form, terms of consumer notes
- Section 17:16C-38.3 - Violations; penalty
- Section 17:16C-38.4 - Execution of note in violation of act; disallowance of finance, collection, etc., charges
- Section 17:16C-39 - Assignment of salary, wages, commissions or other compensation for services
- Section 17:16C-39.1 - Real property mortgage as additional security; prohibition
- Section 17:16C-40 - Loan of money or advance of credit to retail buyer; rate of interest
- Section 17:16C-40.1 - Loan secured by purchase money security interest to finance purchase of motor vehicle
- Section 17:16C-40.2 - Violation of provisions; revocation or suspension of license
- Section 17:16C-41 - Time price differential; rates; computation
- Section 17:16C-42 - Delinquency or collection charge for default; attorney's fees; return check fee
- Section 17:16C-43 - Prepayment; credit on account
- Section 17:16C-44 - Extending due date of contract or installment payment; options
- Section 17:16C-44.1 - Retail charge account; time price differential; rate; computation
- Section 17:16C-45 - Limitation on sale, transfer or assignment of obligation or evidence of indebtedness by retail seller
- Section 17:16C-46 - Sale, transfer or assignment without notice to retail buyer; payment or tender to last known holder
- Section 17:16C-47 - Assignment of aggregation of retail installment contracts as collateral security for bona fide commercial loan
- Section 17:16C-47.1 - Purchases of retail installment contract or retail charge account by sales finance company; terms, conditions and price
- Section 17:16C-48 - Furnishing statement of retail buyer's account
- Section 17:16C-49 - Receipt for payment; contents
- Section 17:16C-50 - Additional charges prohibited; exceptions
- Section 17:16C-51 - Collection of charges if sale not made prohibited; status of deposit on contemplated purchase of goods
- Section 17:16C-52 - Payment in full of retail installment contract
- Section 17:16C-53 - Certificate of ownership delivered to retail buyer upon final payment
- Section 17:16C-54 - Unauthorized costs and charges
- Section 17:16C-55 - Doing business without license; penalty
- Section 17:16C-56 - Violations of act; penalty; enforcement by summary proceedings
- Section 17:16C-57 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:16C-58 - Repeals
- Section 17:16C-58.1 - Date of application of act; validity of transactions prior to effective date of act
- Section 17:16C-59 - Continuation of license under former act
- Section 17:16C-60 - Short title
- Section 17:16C-61 - Effective date
- Section 17:16C-61.1 - Short title
- Section 17:16C-61.2 - Remedial legislation; liberal construction
- Section 17:16C-61.3 - Legislative findings
- Section 17:16C-61.4 - Definitions
- Section 17:16C-61.5 - Rescission; duties of buyer and seller; exception of certain sales; record of buyer's notice
- Section 17:16C-61.6 - Receipt; form and content
- Section 17:16C-61.7 - Action to recover amount paid
- Section 17:16C-61.8 - Violations by seller
- Section 17:16C-61.9 - Rights and remedies of act are in addition to and cumulative of other rights
- Section 17:16C-62 - Definitions
- Section 17:16C-63 - Home repair contracts; form and contents
- Section 17:16C-64 - Prohibited contract provisions
- Section 17:16C-64.1 - Relief from liability; prohibited contract provisions
- Section 17:16C-64.2 - Form, terms of consumer notes; contractor's bond
- Section 17:16C-64.3 - Unlawful procurement of consumer note; penalty
- Section 17:16C-64.4 - Execution of note in violation of act; recovery of finance charges prohibited
- Section 17:16C-65 - Place of business within state; operation as individual, partnership or corporation; workmen's compensation and liability insurance; copy of contract
- Section 17:16C-66 - Certificate of completion; request or acceptance prior to completion of work prohibited; notice in certificate
- Section 17:16C-67 - Separate disclosure statements in contract
- Section 17:16C-68 - Payment of time balance; extension of scheduled due date; options for computing additional charge
- Section 17:16C-69 - Credit service charge
- Section 17:16C-70 - Additional charges prohibited; exceptions
- Section 17:16C-71 - Delinquency or collection charge for default in payment; attorney's fees
- Section 17:16C-72 - Receipt for payment; payment or tender to last known holder in absence of notice of assignment
- Section 17:16C-73 - Prepayment; credit on account; payment without penalty
- Section 17:16C-74 - Furnishing statement of owner's account
- Section 17:16C-75 - Duties of holder upon payment in full of home repair contract
- Section 17:16C-76 - Unauthorized costs and charges
- Section 17:16C-77 - Doing business without license prohibited; home repair salesman's license; home financing agency; nontransferability of license
- Section 17:16C-78 - Application for license
- Section 17:16C-79 - Issuance or refusal of license
- Section 17:16C-80 - Notice and hearing upon refusal of license
- Section 17:16C-81 - Transaction of business under other names or at other locations; change of location or employer
- Section 17:16C-82 - License fees payable by home financing agency.
- Section 17:16C-83 - Abatement in amount of license fee; expiration of license
- Section 17:16C-84 - Suspension, revocation or refusal to renew license; notice; grounds
- Section 17:16C-85 - Investigations by commissioner; oaths and affirmations; power to administer
- Section 17:16C-86 - Issuance of subpoenas; failure to comply; order of superior court; contempt
- Section 17:16C-87 - Maintenance, preservation of books, accounts, records, annual report; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16C-88 - Sale, transfer or assignment of obligation or evidence
- Section 17:16C-89 - Violations; penalties; enforcement
- Section 17:16C-90 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:16C-93 - Short title
- Section 17:16C-94 - Effective date
- Section 17:16C-95 - Short title
- Section 17:16C-96 - Remedial legislation; liberal construction
- Section 17:16C-97 - Legislative findings
- Section 17:16C-98 - Definitions
- Section 17:16C-99 - Rescission; duties of buyer and seller; exclusion of certain sales
- Section 17:16C-100 - Receipt; form and content
- Section 17:16C-101 - Action to recover amount paid
- Section 17:16C-102 - Violations by home repair contractor
- Section 17:16C-103 - Rights and remedies of act are in addition to or cumulative of other rights
- Section 17:16D-1 - Short title
- Section 17:16D-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16D-3 - Application
- Section 17:16D-4 - Licenses.
- Section 17:16D-5 - Action by commissioner on application
- Section 17:16D-6 - Revocation and suspension of licenses
- Section 17:16D-7 - Books and records; annual report; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16D-8 - Power to make rules
- Section 17:16D-9 - Form of premium finance agreement
- Section 17:16D-10 - Maximum finance charge
- Section 17:16D-11 - Statement of accounts; receipts
- Section 17:16D-12 - Delinquency charges
- Section 17:16D-13 - Cancellation of insurance contract upon default
- Section 17:16D-14 - Application of unearned premiums
- Section 17:16D-15 - Exemption from any filing requirements
- Section 17:16D-16 - Severability
- Section 17:16E-1 - Purpose
- Section 17:16E-1.1 - Compliance of bank, savings bank with prohibition on interlocking relationships
- Section 17:16E-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16E-3 - Mutual directors, officers or managers of financial institutions in same, adjacent, or contiguous municipalities; prohibition
- Section 17:16E-4 - Rules and regulations; waiver of prohibition; determination of adjacent municipalities
- Section 17:16E-5 - Interlocking relationships existing prior to this act; termination
- Section 17:16E-6 - Bank holding companies and financial institutions with common ownership; inapplicability of act
- Section 17:16F-1 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 17:16F-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16F-3 - Discrimination in acceptance of applications, grants, modification, etc., or discouragement or refusal to allow application or inquiry; prohibition
- Section 17:16F-7 - Action for violations; damages; amount
- Section 17:16F-8 - Investigations; power of commissioner; subpenas and orders to testify; enforcement
- Section 17:16F-9 - Order to cease and desist
- Section 17:16F-10 - Violations after cease and desist order; penalty
- Section 17:16F-11 - Regulations
- Section 17:16F-11.1 - Certain offenses shall not cause discrimination when applying for mortgage; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16F-12 - Findings, declarations
- Section 17:16F-13 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:16F-14 - Annual report to the Legislature
- Section 17:16F-15 - Definitions
- Section 17:16F-17 - Transfer of mortgage loan to purchasing servicing organization
- Section 17:16F-18 - Disbursement of escrow funds by mortgagee or servicing organization
- Section 17:16F-19 - Payment of mortgagor's property tax
- Section 17:16F-23 - Written notice of property tax delinquency payment
- Section 17:16F-24 - Notification to mortgagee of tax delinquency
- Section 17:16F-25 - Failure to resolve tax payment delinquency
- Section 17:16F-26 - Unpaid property taxes, mortgagor may sue mortgagee
- Section 17:16F-27 - Short title.
- Section 17:16F-28 - Definitions relative to mortgage servicers.
- Section 17:16F-29 - Licensure for mortgage servicer required; exceptions.
- Section 17:16F-30 - Issuance of mortgage servicer license; requirements.
- Section 17:16F-31 - Filing of information relative to mortgages serviced.
- Section 17:16F-32 - License not transferable or assignable; surrender; name change.
- Section 17:16F-33 - Expiration of initial license; renewals; fees.
- Section 17:16F-34 - Exemptions from licensure; required filings.
- Section 17:16F-35 - Exemptions to maintain adequate records.
- Section 17:16F-36 - Disclosures to mortgagor.
- Section 17:16F-37 - Compliance with federal laws, regulations.
- Section 17:16F-38 - Schedule of fees.
- Section 17:16F-39 - Prohibited actions.
- Section 17:16F-40 - Authority of commissioner.
- Section 17:16F-41 - Suspension, revocation, failure to renew license.
- Section 17:16F-42 - Violators barred from acting as residential mortgage servicer.
- Section 17:16F-43 - Civil penalty.
- Section 17:16F-44 - Construction of act.
- Section 17:16F-45 - Inapplicability.
- Section 17:16F-46 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:16G-1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:16G-2 - Debt adjuster
- Section 17:16G-3 - Application for licensure
- Section 17:16G-4 - Duties of commissioner; fees
- Section 17:16G-5 - Bond; financial records; annual audit; filing; examination of agency; annual reports; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16G-6 - Debt adjustment fee
- Section 17:16G-7 - Board of directors of agency
- Section 17:16G-8 - Penalties; summary action; civil action.
- Section 17:16G-9 - Responsibilities of licensee acting as debt adjuster.
- Section 17:16H-1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:16H-2 - Prohibited advertisements, announcements or statements
- Section 17:16H-3 - Enforcement; regulations
- Section 17:16H-4 - Cease and desist order; notice and hearing; penalty for failure to comply
- Section 17:16I-1 - Short title
- Section 17:16I-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16I-3 - Ownership as between parties and others; protection of financial institutions
- Section 17:16I-4 - Ownership during lifetime
- Section 17:16I-5 - Right of survivorship
- Section 17:16I-6 - Determination of rights at death of party; alteration of form of account; notice or order to financial institution
- Section 17:16I-7 - Rights of creditors
- Section 17:16I-8 - Multiple-party accounts; payments; notice
- Section 17:16I-9 - Financial institution protection; payment after death or disability; joint account
- Section 17:16I-10 - Payment of P.O.D. account
- Section 17:16I-11 - Payment of trust account
- Section 17:16I-12 - Beneficial ownership of funds in multiple-party accounts
- Section 17:16I-13 - Setoff
- Section 17:16I-14 - Effect of transfer by right of survivorship
- Section 17:16I-15 - Trusts created in fraud of creditors or laws governing transfer inheritance or estate taxes
- Section 17:16I-16 - Deposit contracts; form and content
- Section 17:16I-17 - Application of act
- Section 17:16J-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16J-2 - Authorization; supervisory acquisition or merger
- Section 17:16J-3 - Directing of acquisition or merger; authority of commissioner
- Section 17:16J-4 - Priority; supervisory acquisition or merger
- Section 17:16J-5 - Plan; supervisory acquisition; authorization of execution; contents
- Section 17:16J-6 - Agreement; supervisory merger; authorization of execution; contents
- Section 17:16J-7 - Mutual depository as party; supervisory merger agreement or plan of acquisition; contents
- Section 17:16J-8 - Liquidated account; merger of mutual depositories
- Section 17:16J-9 - Methods; supervisory merger
- Section 17:16J-10 - Executed merger agreement or plan of acquisition
- Section 17:16J-11 - Shareholders; approval of agreement or plan; rights
- Section 17:16J-12 - Effective date; merger
- Section 17:16J-13 - Effect; merger
- Section 17:16J-14 - Foreign depositories; acquisition
- Section 17:16J-15 - Federally chartered depository; supervisory merger
- Section 17:16J-16 - Protection of depositors; stockholder voting
- Section 17:16J-17 - Foreign depository; limitations on acquisition or merger
- Section 17:16J-18 - Commissioner; depository; powers
- Section 17:16J-19 - Commissioner; civil liability or penalty
- Section 17:16J-20 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:16J-21 - Annual report
- Section 17:16K-1 - Short title
- Section 17:16K-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16K-3 - Disclosure of information by financial institution to third party
- Section 17:16K-4 - Government agencies; obtaining information; necessity of search warrant or subpena
- Section 17:16K-5 - Interception by government agency; court order
- Section 17:16K-6 - Negligent, willful or reckless violation of act by financial institution or government agency; penalties
- Section 17:16K-7 - Definitions
- Section 17:16K-8 - Evaluation of automated teller machines for safety
- Section 17:16K-9 - Video camera required
- Section 17:16K-10 - Minimum lighting requirements
- Section 17:16K-11 - Basic safety precaution information to customers
- Section 17:16K-12 - Provisions; enforcement, penalty for violation
- Section 17:16K-13 - Other laws applicable
- Section 17:16K-14 - Nonapplicability to certain ATM's
- Section 17:16K-15 - Supersedure, preemption of local rules, regulations, etc.
- Section 17:16K-16 - Definitions relative to automated teller machines.
- Section 17:16K-17 - Required display on automated teller machine.
- Section 17:16K-18 - Enforcement; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16L-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16L-2 - Bank policy disclosure
- Section 17:16L-3 - Penalty for violation
- Section 17:16M-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16M-2 - Conversion of mutual association to mutual savings bank; capital stock association to capital stock savings bank
- Section 17:16M-3 - Application for conversion to savings bank
- Section 17:16M-4 - Approval of conversion by commissioner
- Section 17:16M-5 - Approval of application of State association not satisfying certain requirements
- Section 17:16M-6 - Notification of applicant
- Section 17:16M-7 - Filing of certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:16M-8 - Conversion of savings bank to State association
- Section 17:16M-9 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:16N-1 - Findings, declarations
- Section 17:16N-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:16N-3 - New Jersey Consumer Checking Accounts
- Section 17:16N-4 - Products, services offered to holders of New Jersey Consumer Checking Account
- Section 17:16N-5 - Consumers to be informed of availability of New Jersey Consumer Checking Account
- Section 17:16N-6 - Noncompliance
- Section 17:16N-7 - Violation, penalty
- Section 17:16P-1 - Borrower may choose own attorney; payment of fees regulated; secured loan
- Section 17:16P-2 - Payment of fees to lender's attorney; unsecured loan
- Section 17:16Q-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:16Q-2 - CRA rating; receipt; public availability
- Section 17:16Q-3 - Community Financial Services Advisory Board.
- Section 17:16Q-4 - Board duties
- Section 17:16Q-5 - Regulations
- Section 17:16R-1 - Substitution of fiduciaries
- Section 17:16R-2 - Application to become successor fiduciary
- Section 17:16R-3 - Appointment of successor fiduciary
- Section 17:16R-4 - Definitions relative to qualified fiduciaries.
- Section 17:16S-1 - Definitions relative to complying with discovery or production of documents; costs; reimbursement
- Section 17:16S-2 - Bank service fee on orders of execution; definitions
- Section 17:16T-1 - Findings, declarations relative to release of certain account information of senior or vulnerable customers.
- Section 17:16T-2 - Definitions relative to release of certain account information.
- Section 17:16T-3 - Release of financial records to law enforcement agency, county adult protective services provider.
- Section 17:16T-4 - Immunity from liability for financial institution.
- Section 17:16U-1 - Findings, declarations relative to voluntary compliance reviews by depository institutions
- Section 17:16U-2 - Definitions relative to voluntary compliance reviews by depository institutions
- Section 17:16U-3 - Report deemed privileged
- Section 17:16U-4 - Privilege of persons involved in preparation of report
- Section 17:16U-5 - Privileges not applicable, conditions
- Section 17:16U-6 - Certain materials not considered privileged
- Section 17:16U-7 - Use of privileged information prohibited; limited disclosure
- Section 17:16U-8 - Other privileges unaffected
- Section 17:16U-9 - Circumvention of privilege prohibited
- Section 17:16U-10 - Information remains privileged; exceptions
- Section 17:16U-11 - Access of third party restricted
- Section 17:16V-1 - Short title.
- Section 17:16V-2 - Definitions relative to collateral protection insurance.
- Section 17:16V-3 - Collateral protection insurance, purchase by creditor.
- Section 17:16V-4 - Collateral protection insurance; effective date, face amount, term.
- Section 17:16V-5 - Termination, cancellation conditions.
- Section 17:16V-6 - Obtaining insurance.
- Section 17:16V-7 - Cause of action not created to debtor or third party; remedy; notification; exempt transactions.
- Section 17:16V-8 - Fiduciary relationship not imposed.
- Section 17:16V-9 - Remedies, rights, options unimpaired.
- Section 17:16V-10 - Notices to primary debtor.
- Section 17:16V-11 - Applicability when debtor resides in State.
- Section 17:16V-12 - Transactions to which act applies.
- Section 17:16W-1 - Declaration regarding records retention
- Section 17:16W-2 - Definitions regarding records retention
- Section 17:16W-3 - Statement accounts, certificates of deposit, passbook accounts; records
- Section 17:16W-4 - Passbook payment with no financial institution records
- Section 17:16W-5 - Loan, collateralized loans; records
- Section 17:16W-6 - Records of checks, drafts, etc., six year retention
- Section 17:16W-7 - Other records, records retention
- Section 17:16W-8 - Retention time period
- Section 17:16W-9 - Retention period for records not covered by this act
- Section 17:16W-10 - Claims where records not required to be retained, statutes of limitations not affected; requirements
- Section 17:16W-11 - Applicability
- Section 17:16X-1 - Definitions regarding subsidiary mergers
- Section 17:16X-2 - Conditions of merger
- Section 17:16X-3 - Merger's legal compliance
- Section 17:16X-4 - Merger plan contents
- Section 17:16X-5 - Adoption of merger plan
- Section 17:16X-6 - Application for commissioner's approval
- Section 17:16X-7 - Merger deemed effective from filing of certification
- Section 17:16X-8 - Dissention from the merger
- Section 17:16Y-1 - Use of trade name, trademark of depository institution.
- Section 17:16Y-2 - Use of consumer's loan information.
- Section 17:16Y-3 - Use of depository institution trade name, trademark to deceive consumer.
- Section 17:16Y-4 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16Y-5 - Regulations.
- Section 17:16Z-1 - Short title.
- Section 17:16Z-2 - Definitions relative to banking development districts.
- Section 17:16Z-3 - Banking Development District Program.
- Section 17:16Z-4 - Rules, regulations setting forth criteria for establishment of banking development districts.
- Section 17:16Z-5 - Application for designation of banking development district.
- Section 17:16Z-6 - Selection of bank as depository for public moneys, funds.
- Section 17:16Z-7 - Selection of bank as depository of funds of municipality.
- Section 17:16Z-8 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:16ZZ-1 - Definitions relative to regulation of student loan servicers.
- Section 17:16ZZ-2 - Student Loan Ombudsman.
- Section 17:16ZZ-3 - Duties of the ombudsman; education course; reports.
- Section 17:16ZZ-4 - Licensure for student loan servicers.
- Section 17:16ZZ-5 - Issuance of license.
- Section 17:16ZZ-6 - Student loan servicer to use name, location on license; surety bond.
- Section 17:16ZZ-7 - Maintenance, availability of records.
- Section 17:16ZZ-8 - Response to borrower; payments; transfer of loan.
- Section 17:16ZZ-9 - Prohibited actions.
- Section 17:16ZZ-10 - Additional authority of the commissioner.
- Section 17:16ZZ-11 - Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew license; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:16ZZ-12 - Actions, counterclaims by borrower.
- Section 17:16ZZ-13 - Remedies not exclusive.
- Section 17:16ZZ-14 - Compliance with federal laws and regulations.
- Section 17:16ZZ-15 - Reports.
- Section 17:16ZZ-16 - Annual assessment.
- Section 17:16ZZ-17 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:16ZZ-18 - Severability.
- Section 17:17-1 - Kinds of insurance
- Section 17:17-2 - Stock or mutual plan
- Section 17:17-3 - Purposes permitted
- Section 17:17-4 - Certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:17-5 - Approval by attorney general; recording and filing certificate
- Section 17:17-6 - Capital and surplus required for stock company; temporary waiver
- Section 17:17-7 - Assets required for mutual company; temporary waiver
- Section 17:17-8 - Examination before commencing business
- Section 17:17-9 - Deposit prerequisite to authorization
- Section 17:17-10 - Certificates authorizing company to commence business; issuance, surrender; replacement carrier.
- Section 17:17-11 - Transacting business before authority given; liability of directors and corporators
- Section 17:17-12 - Misdemeanor to do business unless authorized
- Section 17:17-13 - Application of subtitle limited
- Section 17:17-14 - Assessments required when liabilities of mutual company, other than fire or life, exceed assets
- Section 17:17-15 - Rules, regulations on solvency standards
- Section 17:17-16 - Increase in amount of required capital, surplus
- Section 17:17-17 - Factors for determining increase, revision, redetermination of capital, surplus
- Section 17:17-18 - Maintenance of reserves
- Section 17:17-19 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business
- Section 17:17-20 - Change of domicile for insurers
- Section 17:17A-1 - Insurer may acquire stock of or have common management with other insurers; restrictions
- Section 17:17A-2 - Interlocking directorate
- Section 17:17A-3 - Violations; notice of hearing; cease and desist order
- Section 17:17A-4 - Abridgement of rights or remedies
- Section 17:17B-1 - Statement of beneficial owner, director or officer; amount of securities; change in ownership
- Section 17:17B-2 - Profits from purchase and sale, etc., of security within period less than 6 months to inure to company; recovery; exemptions
- Section 17:17B-3 - Unlawful sales of equity securities; defense
- Section 17:17B-4 - Securities held in investment account; transactions made in ordinary course of business; exemption
- Section 17:17B-5 - Foreign or domestic arbitrage transactions; exemption
- Section 17:17B-6 - "Equity security" defined
- Section 17:17B-7 - Exemption of certain equity securities
- Section 17:17B-8 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:17C-1 - Definitions regarding domestic mutual life insurers.
- Section 17:17C-2 - Reorganization into a domestic stock life insurer.
- Section 17:17C-3 - Reorganization process.
- Section 17:17C-4 - Application for reorganization approval.
- Section 17:17C-5 - Approval of reorganization.
- Section 17:17C-6 - Limits on acquisition of beneficial ownership; exceptions.
- Section 17:17C-7 - Financial compensation restricted
- Section 17:17C-8 - Compliance; nonimpairment.
- Section 17:17C-9 - Effective date of reorganization.
- Section 17:17C-10 - Status of stock insurer after reorganization.
- Section 17:17C-11 - Reorganization plan amendments.
- Section 17:17C-12 - Commissioner's rules, regulations.
- Section 17:17C-13 - Directors, officers retained.
- Section 17:17C-14 - Notice of intent to demutualize.
- Section 17:18-1 - Powers and duties generally
- Section 17:18-2 - Membership in federal home loan bank
- Section 17:18-3 - Dealing in real estate; disposition of unnecessary real estate
- Section 17:18-4 - Purchase of stock of other companies
- Section 17:18-5 - Reinsurance
- Section 17:18-6 - Loan for defraying expenses
- Section 17:18-8 - Engaging in other business
- Section 17:18-9 - Maximum amounts of individual risks
- Section 17:18-10 - Advertisement of assets to include liabilities
- Section 17:18-12 - Disability benefits not liable to execution, attachment, garnishment, etc.; rights of creditors
- Section 17:18-13 - Title insurance companies; reserve of gross fees and premiums; charges against reserve
- Section 17:18-14 - Title insurance companies; loss reserve
- Section 17:18-15 - Allocation of reserve of fees and premiums
- Section 17:18-16 - Payment of taxes, charges and fees authorized unless laws imposing them have been held invalid
- Section 17:18-17 - Furnishing accounting record of compensation to or on behalf of holder of policy to holder
- Section 17:18-18 - Violations; penalty
- Section 17:18-19 - Definitions relative to vehicle protection product warranties.
- Section 17:18-20 - Requirements for issuance of vehicle protection product warranty.
- Section 17:18-21 - Registration for warrantor required.
- Section 17:18-22 - Conditions for express warranty.
- Section 17:18-23 - Registration not required for nonwarrantor.
- Section 17:18-24 - Vehicle protection product not required for sale, financing.
- Section 17:18-25 - Noncompliance prior to effective date.
- Section 17:18-26 - Violation, unlawful practice.
- Section 17:19-1 - Insanitary housing conditions; necessity for remedy
- Section 17:19-2 - Application for approval of project to remedy conditions
- Section 17:19-3 - Application; examination into; approval
- Section 17:19-4 - Acquiring property; condemnation
- Section 17:19-5 - Conveyance of property to applicant
- Section 17:19-6 - Completion of project
- Section 17:19-7 - Disposal of property
- Section 17:19-8 - Investment in project authorized
- Section 17:19-9 - Application for approval of project; proceedings thereon
- Section 17:19-10 - Procedure after approval of application
- Section 17:19-11 - Maximum rental fixed
- Section 17:19-12 - Construction period
- Section 17:20-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:20-1.1 - Procedure for holding of deposits
- Section 17:20-2 - Deposits; interest on; substitution of
- Section 17:20-3 - Delivery of securities on dissolution, liquidation, reorganization or merger; action to obtain delivery; claims of policyholders
- Section 17:20-3.1 - Fees for services of custodian required pursuant to R.S.17:20-1 et seq.
- Section 17:20-4 - Deposits to do business elsewhere
- Section 17:21-1 - Proxy voting permitted at elections
- Section 17:21-2 - Compensation of directors
- Section 17:21-3 - Election of directors of benefit companies
- Section 17:22-5.2 - Effective date
- Section 17:22-6.2a - Authorization entitling broker to receive insurance premium on behalf of insurer
- Section 17:22-6.14a - Rates of commission to be set forth in contracts; exceptions; termination of contracts.
- Section 17:22-6.14a1 - Property and casualty insurers; filing of current underwriting guidelines
- Section 17:22-6.14a2 - Notice of nonrenewal; identification of underwriting standards not met; liability for information to insurer as to reasons for nonrenewal
- Section 17:22-6.14a3 - Rules and regulations by commissioner of insurance
- Section 17:22-6.14b - Severability
- Section 17:22-6.26 - Repeals
- Section 17:22-6.35 - Repeal
- Section 17:22-6.37 - Acting for unauthorized companies; prohibition; exceptions
- Section 17:22-6.38 - Violation; misdemeanor; penalties
- Section 17:22-6.39 - Actions or proceedings by unauthorized insurers prohibited; exceptions
- Section 17:22-6.40 - Short title; application of act
- Section 17:22-6.41 - Definitions relative to surplus lines insurers.
- Section 17:22-6.42 - Procurement of surplus line coverages; conditions
- Section 17:22-6.43 - Eligibility for export of insurance coverage; conditions
- Section 17:22-6.44 - Writing of coverages declared eligible for export without regard to rate filings
- Section 17:22-6.45 - Eligibility as surplus lines insurer.
- Section 17:22-6.46 - Withdrawal of eligibility; grounds; notice
- Section 17:22-6.47 - Submission of affidavit, certification to surplus lines agent
- Section 17:22-6.48 - Surplus lines examining office
- Section 17:22-6.49 - Appropriation
- Section 17:22-6.50 - Issuance and delivery of evidence of insurance
- Section 17:22-6.50a - Certificate of insurance; contents
- Section 17:22-6.52 - Statement of surplus lines agent
- Section 17:22-6.53 - Validity of contracts procured from unauthorized insurers
- Section 17:22-6.54 - Liability of insurer
- Section 17:22-6.55a - Advisory organizations
- Section 17:22-6.57 - Record of surplus lines contracts procured
- Section 17:22-6.58 - Verified report of surplus lines insurance transacted
- Section 17:22-6.59 - Premium receipts tax for surplus lines coverage.
- Section 17:22-6.60 - Suit for tax
- Section 17:22-6.61 - Suspension, revocation, refusal to renew license of surplus lines agents
- Section 17:22-6.62 - Revocation for failure to file report or pay taxes; procedure; review
- Section 17:22-6.63 - Lawsuits against unauthorized insurer
- Section 17:22-6.64 - Report of insurance through unauthorized foreign, alien insurer.
- Section 17:22-6.65 - Production of records and information upon order of commissioner
- Section 17:22-6.66 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:22-6.67 - Effective date
- Section 17:22-6.68 - Repeal
- Section 17:22-6.69 - Repeal
- Section 17:22-6.69a - Short title.
- Section 17:22-6.69b - Designation as domestic surplus lines insurer.
- Section 17:22-6.69c - Notice to policyholder.
- Section 17:22-6.69d - Authority of commissioner to enter into compacts, agreements.
- Section 17:22-6.69e - Authority of commissioner to modify, terminate compacts, agreements.
- Section 17:22-6.69f - Authority to nullify commissioner's decision.
- Section 17:22-6.69g - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:22-6.70 - Short title
- Section 17:22-6.70a - Findings, declarations relative to surplus lines insurance.
- Section 17:22-6.71 - Purpose, application of act.
- Section 17:22-6.72 - Definitions relative to the Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Fund.
- Section 17:22-6.73 - Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Fund.
- Section 17:22-6.74 - Powers, duties and obligations of the Surplus Lines Insurance Guaranty Fund.
- Section 17:22-6.75 - Financial support; surcharges; loans
- Section 17:22-6.76 - Suspension of eligibility of member insurer or license of surplus lines agent; interest on unpaid assessment or surcharge; reinstatement
- Section 17:22-6.77 - Declaration of insolvency, actions of commissioner.
- Section 17:22-6.78 - Assignment of rights by person recovering.
- Section 17:22-6.79 - Recovery of covered claims, exhaustion of other sources.
- Section 17:22-6.80 - Examination of insurers in financial condition hazardous to policyholders or public; request to domiciliary jurisdiction for examination and report
- Section 17:22-6.81 - Examination and regulation of fund; financial report
- Section 17:22-6.82 - Immunity from liability of persons acting under this law
- Section 17:22-6.83 - Coverage under this act; notice on application and policy or certificate; advertisement
- Section 17:22-6.84 - Proceedings involving insolvent insurer stayed; conditions.
- Section 17:22A-26 - Short title
- Section 17:22A-27 - Purpose of act
- Section 17:22A-28 - Definitions relative to licensure of insurance producers
- Section 17:22A-29 - Licensure required
- Section 17:22A-30 - Construction of act; license not required
- Section 17:22A-31 - Written examination, fee.
- Section 17:22A-32 - Application, approval.
- Section 17:22A-33 - Issuance of resident insurance producer license
- Section 17:22A-34 - Nonresident insurance producer license
- Section 17:22A-35 - Exemptions from prelicensing education, examination
- Section 17:22A-36 - Notification of assumed name
- Section 17:22A-37 - Temporary license
- Section 17:22A-38 - Requirements for license granting surplus lines authority.
- Section 17:22A-39 - Insurance marketed through limited lines insurance producers
- Section 17:22A-40 - Causes for probation, suspension, revocation, refusal to issue or renew.
- Section 17:22A-41 - Licensure required for receipt of commission
- Section 17:22A-41.1 - Notification by insurance producer to purchaser of compensation received by producer.
- Section 17:22A-42 - Appointment of agents
- Section 17:22A-43 - Immunity from civil liability
- Section 17:22A-44 - Fees.
- Section 17:22A-45 - Powers of commissioner
- Section 17:22A-46 - Fees, requirements for nonresident insurance producers, reciprocity
- Section 17:22A-47 - Reports to commissioner.
- Section 17:22A-47.1 - Temporary suspension for failure to report to commissioner; additional penalties.
- Section 17:22A-48 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:22A-49 - Definitions relative to portable electronics insurance.
- Section 17:22A-50 - License required to sell coverage.
- Section 17:22A-51 - Vendor may offer insurance to consumers.
- Section 17:22A-52 - Application for limited lines insurance producer; renewal, fee.
- Section 17:22A-53 - Insurance offered on periodic basis; eligibility, underwriting standards.
- Section 17:22A-54 - Availability of information to consumers.
- Section 17:22A-55 - Billing, collection of charges.
- Section 17:22A-56 - Rights, responsibilities of insurers.
- Section 17:22A-57 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 17:22B-1 - Short title
- Section 17:22B-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:22B-3 - License required for adjuster
- Section 17:22B-4 - Nonapplicability of act
- Section 17:22B-5 - Issuance of license
- Section 17:22B-6 - Application requirements
- Section 17:22B-7 - Written examination
- Section 17:22B-8 - License granted without examination, prior experience
- Section 17:22B-9 - License fees.
- Section 17:22B-10 - License renewal.
- Section 17:22B-11 - Issuance of supplemental, temporary licenses
- Section 17:22B-12 - Bond required for licensure
- Section 17:22B-13 - Prohibited practices.
- Section 17:22B-14 - Refusal to issue or renew license, revocation; conditions
- Section 17:22B-15 - One-year waiting period after revocation
- Section 17:22B-16 - Notice to applicant of rejection, suspension or revocation
- Section 17:22B-17 - Violations; civil penalties
- Section 17:22B-18 - Additional fees
- Section 17:22B-19 - Licenses remain property of State
- Section 17:22B-20 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:22C-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:22C-2 - Licensing for domestic risks as insurance producer required
- Section 17:22C-3 - Licensing for foreign risks
- Section 17:22C-4 - Bond required
- Section 17:22C-5 - Errors, omissions policy
- Section 17:22C-6 - Contract requirements for managing general agents
- Section 17:22C-7 - Audit; loss reserve opinion, on-site procedural audit
- Section 17:22C-8 - Acts of managing general agent considered acts of insurer
- Section 17:22C-9 - Violations; penalties; summary proceedings
- Section 17:22C-10 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:22D-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:22D-2 - Application of act
- Section 17:22D-3 - Application of provisions of section; controlled business, regulated
- Section 17:22D-4 - Written notice of relationship between controlling producer, controlled insurer; exception
- Section 17:22D-5 - Noncompliance; penalties
- Section 17:22D-6 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:22E-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:22E-2 - Licensing of intermediary-broker, intermediary-manager
- Section 17:22E-3 - Requirements for intermediary-manager
- Section 17:22E-4 - Authorization to act as reinsurance intermediary
- Section 17:22E-5 - Refusal of authorization
- Section 17:22E-6 - Written contract required for transactions between reinsurance intermediary-broker, insurer
- Section 17:22E-7 - Records of transactions
- Section 17:22E-8 - Access to intermediary-broker records by insurer
- Section 17:22E-9 - Authorization as reinsurance intermediary-broker required
- Section 17:22E-10 - Employment restrictions
- Section 17:22E-11 - Annual statement of financial condition to insurer
- Section 17:22E-12 - Written contract required for transactions between reinsurance intermediary-manager and reinsurer
- Section 17:22E-13 - Prohibitions for reinsurance intermediary-manager
- Section 17:22E-14 - Authorization as reinsurance intermediary-manager required
- Section 17:22E-15 - Annual statement of financial condition to reinsurer
- Section 17:22E-16 - Adequacy of loss reserves
- Section 17:22E-17 - Binding authority for retrocessional contracts, reinsurance syndicates
- Section 17:22E-18 - Written notice of contract termination
- Section 17:22E-19 - Restrictions on appointment of board of directors
- Section 17:22E-20 - Examination of reinsurance intermediary
- Section 17:22E-21 - Violations; penalties
- Section 17:22E-22 - Rights not restricted, limited
- Section 17:22E-23 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:23-1 - Statements; format; preparation
- Section 17:23-2 - Penalty for not filing annual statement
- Section 17:23-8 - Short title
- Section 17:23-9 - Definitions
- Section 17:23-10 - Release of information by insurer to governmental agency
- Section 17:23-11 - Knowledge of theft or insurance fraud; notification to governmental agency
- Section 17:23-12 - Release of information between governmental agencies
- Section 17:23-13 - Request by insurer for information from governmental agency; civil actions
- Section 17:23-14 - Privileged nature of furnished information
- Section 17:23-15 - Civil liability
- Section 17:23-16 - Alcohol related claims; statistics
- Section 17:23-17 - Report
- Section 17:23-18 - Examination of reports; report; recommendations
- Section 17:23-19 - National Automobile Theft Bureau
- Section 17:23-20 - Purpose of act
- Section 17:23-21 - Definitions
- Section 17:23-22 - Examination by commissioner
- Section 17:23-23 - Examination procedures, regulations
- Section 17:23-24 - Examination reports
- Section 17:23-25 - Conflicts of interest for examiner
- Section 17:23-26 - Immunity from liability; awards
- Section 17:23-27 - Purpose of sections C.17:23-27 through C.17:23-37.
- Section 17:23-28 - Definitions.
- Section 17:23-29 - Maintenance of risk management framework.
- Section 17:23-30 - ORSA conducted, process.
- Section 17:23-31 - Submission of ORSA Summary Report.
- Section 17:23-32 - Exemptions.
- Section 17:23-33 - Preparation, review of ORSA Summary Report.
- Section 17:23-34 - Documents, materials deemed proprietary and containing trade secrets.
- Section 17:23-35 - Failure to file ORSA Summary Report; penalty.
- Section 17:23-36 - Severability.
- Section 17:23-37 - First filing of ORSA Summary Report in 2015.
- Section 17:23-38 - Purpose of act.
- Section 17:23-39 - Construction of act.
- Section 17:23-40 - Applicability of act.
- Section 17:23-41 - Definitions relative to the corporate governance of insurers.
- Section 17:23-42 - Corporate governance annual disclosure.
- Section 17:23-43 - Discretion over responses.
- Section 17:23-44 - Documents, materials, other information deemed proprietary and containing trade secrets.
- Section 17:23-45 - Third-party consultants.
- Section 17:23-46 - Penalty for delay in filing disclosure.
- Section 17:23-47 - Regulations.
- Section 17:23-48 - Severability.
- Section 17:23-49 - Effective date.
- Section 17:23A-1 - Insurers, persons covered by act
- Section 17:23A-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:23A-3 - Pretext interviews
- Section 17:23A-4 - Notice of insurance information practices
- Section 17:23A-5 - Marketing and research surveys
- Section 17:23A-6 - Content of disclosure authorization forms
- Section 17:23A-7 - Investigative consumer reports
- Section 17:23A-8 - Access to recorded personal information
- Section 17:23A-9 - Correction, amendment or deletion of recorded personal information
- Section 17:23A-10 - Reasons for adverse underwriting decisions
- Section 17:23A-11 - Information concerning previous adverse underwriting decisions
- Section 17:23A-12 - Previous adverse underwriting decisions
- Section 17:23A-13 - Disclosure limitations and conditions
- Section 17:23A-13.1 - Notification of test results by insurer to applicants; "reportable communicable disease" defined.
- Section 17:23A-13.2 - Regulations.
- Section 17:23A-13.3 - Disclosure of information relative to victim of domestic violence prohibited; exceptions.
- Section 17:23A-14 - Power of commissioner
- Section 17:23A-15 - Hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process
- Section 17:23A-16 - Service of process--insurance-support organizations
- Section 17:23A-17 - Cease and desist orders and reports
- Section 17:23A-18 - Penalties
- Section 17:23A-19 - Judicial review of orders and reports
- Section 17:23A-20 - Individual remedies
- Section 17:23A-21 - Immunity
- Section 17:23A-22 - Obtaining information under false pretenses
- Section 17:23B-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:23B-2 - Filing of information with NAIC
- Section 17:23B-3 - Immunity from civil liability
- Section 17:23B-4 - Confidentiality
- Section 17:23B-5 - Violations; penalties
- Section 17:23C-1 - Findings, declarations relative to compliance review of insurance carriers
- Section 17:23C-2 - Definitions relative to compliance reviews of insurance carriers
- Section 17:23C-3 - Voluntary compliance review report privileged
- Section 17:23C-4 - Privilege regarding preparation of report
- Section 17:23C-5 - Limited disclosure, circumstances
- Section 17:23C-6 - Reports placed under seal at conclusion of enforcement action
- Section 17:23C-7 - Materials not considered privileged
- Section 17:23C-8 - Inadmissibility of privileged information
- Section 17:23C-9 - Privileges unaffected
- Section 17:23C-10 - Circumvention prohibited
- Section 17:23C-11 - Continuing privilege of disclosed information
- Section 17:23C-12 - Construction of act relative to third party access
- Section 17:23C-13 - Production of documents not a waiver of privilege; penalty
- Section 17:24-1 - Investments by insurance companies generally.
- Section 17:24-1.1 - Written plan for acquiring, holding investments, investment practices.
- Section 17:24-1.2 - Actions prohibited by insurer without prior approval; exceptions.
- Section 17:24-3 - Accepting or acquiring corporate stock or other securities or property
- Section 17:24-5 - Valuation of bonds
- Section 17:24-5.1 - Valuation of securities held by insurance company; violations; penalties
- Section 17:24-6 - Marine insurance companies; additional investments
- Section 17:24-7 - Title insurance companies; dealing in real estate mortgages; issuing obligations
- Section 17:24-8 - Additional investment permitted title insurance companies
- Section 17:24-9 - Investment of surplus in stock of certain companies
- Section 17:24-10 - Investments in foreign securities
- Section 17:24-11 - Bond and mortgage; sale or assignment of part with guaranty of payment; subordinate interests
- Section 17:24-12 - Holding of securities within State; exceptions
- Section 17:24-13 - Purpose of act; expenses of committee in investigation, analyses, and valuation of securities
- Section 17:24-14 - Budget estimate
- Section 17:24-16 - Audit of receipts and disbursements; statement of assets and liabilities
- Section 17:24-25 - Partial repeal
- Section 17:24-26 - Repeal
- Section 17:24-28 - Definitions relative to investment pools.
- Section 17:24-29 - Permitted investments, qualifications.
- Section 17:24-30 - Qualified investment pools.
- Section 17:24-31 - Limits on permitted investments.
- Section 17:24-32 - Requirements of manager of investment pool.
- Section 17:24-33 - Written pooling agreement, terms.
- Section 17:24-34 - Investment pool, organized as business entity.
- Section 17:24-35 - Authority of commissioner.
- Section 17:24-36 - Inapplicability of C.17:27A-4 as to transaction standards.
- Section 17:25-1 - Classes of stock
- Section 17:25-2 - Stipulations in stock subscriptions
- Section 17:25-3 - Declaration of dividends by companies specially incorporated
- Section 17:25-4 - Retirement of unclaimed scrip
- Section 17:25-5 - Affidavit filed; certificate of diligent inquiry
- Section 17:25-6 - Amount paid into state treasury; scrip deemed retired
- Section 17:25-7 - Escheat of deposit after twenty years
- Section 17:26-1 - Change of name, extension of corporate existence or amendment of charter or certificate of incorporation; procedure
- Section 17:26-1.1 - Mutual companies; amendment of charter or certificate of incorporation
- Section 17:26-2 - Increase or decrease of capital stock
- Section 17:26-3 - Adoption of amended charter
- Section 17:26-4 - Issuing stock certificates
- Section 17:26-5 - Stock nonassessable
- Section 17:26-6 - Mutual company becoming stock company
- Section 17:27-1 - Merger of two or more stock corporations; agreement of merger; approval by Commissioner
- Section 17:27-2 - Approval by directors and stockholders; notice of meetings
- Section 17:27-3 - Merger of domestic and foreign corporations
- Section 17:27-4 - Filing agreement of merger or consolidation; exchange of stock
- Section 17:27-5 - Rights, franchises and interests transferred on merger; obligations and liabilities; rights of creditors and pending actions unaffected; taxation
- Section 17:27-5A - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:27-5.1 - Merger of 2 or more mutual insurance corporations
- Section 17:27-5.2 - Approval of agreement
- Section 17:27-5.3 - Filing of agreement; approval by commissioner; review
- Section 17:27-5.4 - Transfer of all rights, franchises and interests to resulting corporation; obligations and liabilities; actions not to abate
- Section 17:27A-1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:27A-2 - Acquisition of control of or merger with domestic insurer.
- Section 17:27A-3 - Registration of insurers.
- Section 17:27A-4 - Standards.
- Section 17:27A-4.1 - Definitions, regulations concerning acquisitions.
- Section 17:27A-5 - Examination.
- Section 17:27A-5.1 - Power of commissioner; expenses; supervisory college.
- Section 17:27A-5.2 - Group-wide supervision for international insurance groups.
- Section 17:27A-6 - Confidential treatment.
- Section 17:27A-7 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:27A-7.1 - Filing fees
- Section 17:27A-8 - Injunctions; prohibitions against voting securities, sequestration of voting securities
- Section 17:27A-9.1 - Violations; penalties.
- Section 17:27A-10 - Receivership
- Section 17:27A-10.1 - Right to recovery for receiver
- Section 17:27A-11 - Revocation, suspension, or nonrenewal of insurer's license
- Section 17:27A-12 - Judicial review; order in lieu of prerogative writ
- Section 17:27A-13 - Conflict with other laws
- Section 17:27A-14 - Separability of provisions
- Section 17:27B-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:27B-2 - Acquisition of minority interests
- Section 17:27B-3 - Plan of acquisition
- Section 17:27B-4 - Submission of plan of acquisition to commissioner
- Section 17:27B-5 - Delivery of plan to minority shareholders; acquisition of shares
- Section 17:27B-6 - Rights of dissenting shareholders
- Section 17:28-1 - Separate risks and premiums; exceptions
- Section 17:28-1.1 - Required coverage; exceptions.
- Section 17:28-1.3 - Coverage for pedestrians; definitions.
- Section 17:28-1.4 - Mandatory coverage.
- Section 17:28-1.5 - Definitions
- Section 17:28-1.6 - Owner, operator of motor bus to maintain medical expense benefits coverage
- Section 17:28-1.7 - Exemption from tort liability for owner, registrant, operator of motor bus.
- Section 17:28-1.8 - Evidence of amounts collectible, paid to injured passenger inadmissible in civil action
- Section 17:28-1.9 - Immunity from liability for certain auto insurance providers
- Section 17:28-2 - Effect of insolvency or bankruptcy on paying damages; policy provisions
- Section 17:28-3 - Maximum premium stated in policy of mutual company
- Section 17:28-4 - Definitions
- Section 17:28-5 - Policy provisions
- Section 17:28-6 - Special provisions
- Section 17:28-7 - Penalty
- Section 17:28-8 - Filing of endorsement to automobile liability insurance policy; "named excluded driver"; rules, regulations.
- Section 17:28A-3 - Repeal
- Section 17:29-11 - Substitution of policies; charges prohibited; exception
- Section 17:29-12 - Maximum charge; regulation
- Section 17:29A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:29A-2 - License required; application; fee
- Section 17:29A-3 - Insurers may be members of rating organizations
- Section 17:29A-4 - Rates; establishment; considerations
- Section 17:29A-5 - Statistical plans; rules and regulations; reports of experience; statistical agent
- Section 17:29A-5.1 - Motor vehicle insurance; rating systems; rules and regulations
- Section 17:29A-5.6 - Definitions.
- Section 17:29A-5.7 - Annual profits report.
- Section 17:29A-5.8 - Excess profits.
- Section 17:29A-5.9 - First profits report
- Section 17:29A-5.10 - Excess profit carry forward
- Section 17:29A-5.11 - Certification
- Section 17:29A-5.12 - Plan for refund, credit.
- Section 17:29A-5.13 - Filing of report
- Section 17:29A-5.14 - Alteration of aberrant, unusual, irregular data
- Section 17:29A-5.15 - Submission of additional data
- Section 17:29A-5.16 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:29A-5.17 - Review of filing; "qualified independent actuary" defined.
- Section 17:29A-6 - Rating system to be filed
- Section 17:29A-7 - Rating system, approval of; revision or modification
- Section 17:29A-7.1 - Excess rate on specific risk; application; approval
- Section 17:29A-8 - Information as to rates
- Section 17:29A-9 - Reduction of rates; hearings; notes; order
- Section 17:29A-10 - Uniform change in rates; application; order of approval or denial
- Section 17:29A-11 - Commissioner, determination as to rates; factors to be considered
- Section 17:29A-12 - Examination of rating organizations; costs
- Section 17:29A-13 - Notice of withdrawal or expulsion of member of rating organization; readmission
- Section 17:29A-14 - Filing of rate changes; hearing.
- Section 17:29A-15 - Rates to be observed; rebates
- Section 17:29A-15.1 - Premium credits
- Section 17:29A-15.2 - Commission of producer unaffected by tort option.
- Section 17:29A-16 - False information forbidden
- Section 17:29A-17 - Violations
- Section 17:29A-18 - Suspension of license; procedure
- Section 17:29A-19 - Contributions to suspended organizations prohibited
- Section 17:29A-20 - Suspended organizations not to do business
- Section 17:29A-21 - Doing business without license a misdemeanor
- Section 17:29A-22 - Penalties
- Section 17:29A-23 - Commissioner, power to assess penalties; procedure
- Section 17:29A-24 - Review; stay
- Section 17:29A-25 - Exceptions to application of act; investigations as to classes of risks exempted
- Section 17:29A-26 - Deputies
- Section 17:29A-27 - Repeals
- Section 17:29A-28 - Partial invalidity of act
- Section 17:29A-29 - Advisory organizations; requirements; unfair practices
- Section 17:29A-30 - Joint reinsurance; joint underwriting; laws governing; organization deemed insurer; unfair practices
- Section 17:29A-31 - Examination of group engaged in joint reinsurance or joint underwriting
- Section 17:29A-32 - Application of act
- Section 17:29A-33 - Short title
- Section 17:29A-34 - Intent and purpose of act.
- Section 17:29A-35 - Motor Vehicle Violations Surcharge System.
- Section 17:29A-35.1 - Surcharge debts of driver extinguished upon death.
- Section 17:29A-35.2 - Outstanding obligations continued; new debts not issued.
- Section 17:29A-36 - Contents of filing for automotive insurance rate making.
- Section 17:29A-36.1 - Seat belt usage study
- Section 17:29A-36.2 - Regulations
- Section 17:29A-36.3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:29A-37 - Taxes, licenses, fees and expenses; application on a flat and uniform fee basis per insured automobile statewide; regulation regarding calculation and collection of taxes
- Section 17:29A-37.1 - Flat charges
- Section 17:29A-38 - Reduction of rates; operators 65 years of age or older
- Section 17:29A-39 - Deductibles.
- Section 17:29A-40 - Inexperienced operator classification; producer commission
- Section 17:29A-41 - Joint legislative committee; monitoring and evaluation
- Section 17:29A-46.1 - Rating plans for auto insurance
- Section 17:29A-46.2 - Underwriting rules; factors.
- Section 17:29A-46.3 - Limitation of surcharges for motor vehicle points
- Section 17:29A-46.4 - Initial rate filing
- Section 17:29A-46.5 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:29A-46.6 - Proposed alteration to rating system, expedited.
- Section 17:29A-46.7 - Regulations, administrative processes
- Section 17:29A-46.8 - Definitions; standards for interventions in rate filings; offenses.
- Section 17:29A-48 - Establishment of new territorial rating plans.
- Section 17:29A-49 - Filing of territorial rating plan.
- Section 17:29A-50 - Automobile Insurance Territorial Rating Plan Advisory Commission.
- Section 17:29A-51 - Filing of rates by insurer writing private passenger automobile insurance; rate reductions.
- Section 17:29A-52 - Automobile Insurance Consumer Bill of Rights.
- Section 17:29A-54 - Short title.
- Section 17:29A-55 - Definitions relative to certificates of insurance.
- Section 17:29A-56 - Prohibition.
- Section 17:29A-57 - Significance of certificate of insurance.
- Section 17:29A-58 - Prohibited practices.
- Section 17:29A-59 - Notice.
- Section 17:29A-60 - Applicability.
- Section 17:29A-61 - Violations, null and void.
- Section 17:29A-62 - Powers of commissioner.
- Section 17:29AA-1 - Short title
- Section 17:29AA-2 - Purposes
- Section 17:29AA-3 - Definitions.
- Section 17:29AA-4 - Scope of application
- Section 17:29AA-5 - Filing of rates, supplementary rate information changes, amendments.
- Section 17:29AA-5.1 - Annual rate change for medical malpractice liability insurance.
- Section 17:29AA-6 - Policy forms; filing; approval; special risks
- Section 17:29AA-7 - Public inspection; filings and supporting information; copies
- Section 17:29AA-8 - Rates; establishment
- Section 17:29AA-9 - Rates; factors in establishment
- Section 17:29AA-10 - Rates; prohibitions
- Section 17:29AA-11 - Policy forms; prohibitions
- Section 17:29AA-12 - Special risks; competition regarding rates and policy forms; order of commissioner
- Section 17:29AA-13 - Order from commissioner relative to compliance with standards.
- Section 17:29AA-14 - Premium for commercial line insurance; inducements; prohibition
- Section 17:29AA-15 - Rate in excess of rate filing; application; approval
- Section 17:29AA-16 - Rating system; statistical plan; rules and regulations; reports of experience
- Section 17:29AA-17 - Special risks; records; examination
- Section 17:29AA-18 - Rating organization; commercial lines insurance; applicable provisions of act
- Section 17:29AA-19 - False or misleading information to rating organization or commissioner
- Section 17:29AA-20 - Suspension of rating organization's license; notice; hearing; order of commissioner
- Section 17:29AA-21 - Advisory organization; filing; hearing
- Section 17:29AA-22 - Joint underwriting or joint reinsurance organization; filing; hearing
- Section 17:29AA-23 - Examination; advisory, joint underwriting or joint reinsurance organizations; costs
- Section 17:29AA-24 - Rates or rules; promise to use or adhere to; penalty
- Section 17:29AA-25 - Apportionment and rate modifications; agreements among insurers; approval
- Section 17:29AA-26 - Penalties; notice; hearing; suspension of licenses; certificate
- Section 17:29AA-27 - Commissioner's order; review
- Section 17:29AA-28 - Deputy commissioner; powers and duties
- Section 17:29AA-29 - Regulations; implementation and enforcement of act
- Section 17:29AA-30 - Commercial lines insurance; exemption from chapter 29A
- Section 17:29AA-31 - Monitoring implementation and effect of act; recommendations
- Section 17:29AA-32 - Approved rates and forms
- Section 17:29AA-33 - Publication of summary concerning business interruption insurance.
- Section 17:29AA-34 - Provision of summary by authorized insurer.
- Section 17:29B-1 - Declaration of purpose
- Section 17:29B-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:29B-3 - Unfair methods of competition or unfair acts or practices prohibited
- Section 17:29B-4 - Unfair methods of competition, unfair, deceptive acts, practices, defined
- Section 17:29B-4.1 - Certain homeowners' insurance inquiries not deemed as claim; violations, penalties.
- Section 17:29B-5 - Power of commissioner
- Section 17:29B-6 - Hearings, witnesses, appearances, production of books and service of process
- Section 17:29B-7 - Cease and desist orders; penalties; modifications
- Section 17:29B-8 - Judicial review of cease and desist orders
- Section 17:29B-9 - Procedure as to unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices which are not defined
- Section 17:29B-10 - Intervenor; action to enjoin violations
- Section 17:29B-11 - Penalty
- Section 17:29B-12 - Provisions of act additional to existing laws
- Section 17:29B-13 - Immunity from prosecution
- Section 17:29B-14 - Separability provision
- Section 17:29B-15 - Enforceability of insurance release, waiver of rights under certain circumstances.
- Section 17:29B-16 - Definitions relative to victims of domestic violence.
- Section 17:29B-17 - Prohibited insurance practices relative to victims of domestic violence.
- Section 17:29B-18 - Complaints, penalties for violations.
- Section 17:29B-19 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:29C-1 - Policy provision; written notice
- Section 17:29C-1.1 - Definitions relative to senior citizen insureds.
- Section 17:29C-1.2 - Senior citizen insured to designate third party to receive copies of certain notices.
- Section 17:29C-2 - Direction that specific provisions be included; exception
- Section 17:29C-2.1 - Dangerous drivers
- Section 17:29C-3 - Revocation of direction; duration of direction
- Section 17:29C-4 - Reports from insurers; rules and regulations
- Section 17:29C-4.1 - Return of unearned premiums; penalty
- Section 17:29C-5 - County or municipal liability insurance; moratorium on cancellation
- Section 17:29C-6 - Definitions
- Section 17:29C-7 - Notice of cancellation; reasons.
- Section 17:29C-7.1 - Refusal to renew, conditions
- Section 17:29C-8 - Time for notice
- Section 17:29C-9 - Intention not to renew, notice required.
- Section 17:29C-10 - Written notice of cancellation or intention not to renew; effectiveness
- Section 17:29C-11 - Cancellation or nonrenewal of automobile liability insurance; contents of notice
- Section 17:29C-12 - Reason for cancellation; request
- Section 17:29C-13 - Immunity from liability
- Section 17:29D-1 - Rules, regulations for insurance plans; administration; requirements for automobile plan.
- Section 17:29E-1 - Definitions relative to the Insurance Claims Ombudsman.
- Section 17:29E-2 - Office of the Insurance Claims Ombudsman.
- Section 17:29E-3 - Duties of ombudsman.
- Section 17:29E-4 - Application for review of claims settlement; exemptions.
- Section 17:29E-5 - Powers of ombudsman involving disputed claim.
- Section 17:29E-6 - Refusal of ombudsman to investigate complaint; grounds.
- Section 17:29E-7 - Maintenance of central registry of claims investigations; reports.
- Section 17:29E-8 - Powers relative to trade, marketing practices.
- Section 17:29E-9 - Insurer to establish internal appeals procedure.
- Section 17:29E-10 - Form for filing complaints; recommendation of ombudsman.
- Section 17:29E-11 - Publicizing of information pertaining to ombudsman.
- Section 17:29E-12 - Confidentiality of information; privilege.
- Section 17:29E-13 - Notification of disposition of claim; admissibility.
- Section 17:29E-14 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 17:29E-15 - Annual report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 17:30A-1 - Short title
- Section 17:30A-2 - Payment of covered claims.
- Section 17:30A-2.1 - Findings, declarations relative to automobile insurance and consolidation of operations.
- Section 17:30A-2.2 - Findings, declarations relative to transfer, consolidation of "the workers' compensation security fund."
- Section 17:30A-3 - Severability
- Section 17:30A-4 - Construction of act; inconsistent laws
- Section 17:30A-5 - Definitions relative to the Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association.
- Section 17:30A-6 - New Jersey Property-Liability Insurance Guaranty Association.
- Section 17:30A-6.1 - Transfer of functions, powers, duties to PLIGA.
- Section 17:30A-7 - Board of directors
- Section 17:30A-8 - Association's obligations, powers and duties.
- Section 17:30A-9 - Plan of operation.
- Section 17:30A-10 - Insolvent insurers; notices; revocation or suspension of certificate or authority.
- Section 17:30A-11 - Subrogation; cooperation of claimant; settlement of claims; filing statements of claims paid; access to records.
- Section 17:30A-12 - Recovery of covered claims, exhaustion of other sources.
- Section 17:30A-13 - Examination of insurers possibly in financial condition hazardous to public; reports and recommendations on insolvency of insurers
- Section 17:30A-14 - Examination and regulation by commissioner; financial report
- Section 17:30A-15 - Exemption from fees and taxes
- Section 17:30A-16 - Surcharges.
- Section 17:30A-17 - Immunity from liability of persons acting under this law
- Section 17:30A-18 - Stay of actions or set aside of judgments against insolvent insurers, certain.
- Section 17:30A-19 - Termination of association as to kind of insurance with statutory or voluntary plan
- Section 17:30A-20 - Prohibition of advertisement using association for purpose of sales or solicitation
- Section 17:30B-1 - Short title
- Section 17:30B-2 - Purpose; types of insurance, annuities and surety bonds to which act applicable
- Section 17:30B-3 - Definitions
- Section 17:30B-4 - Establishment; membership; immunity from liability for execution of powers and duties
- Section 17:30B-5 - Powers
- Section 17:30B-6 - Board of directors; treasurer; bonds
- Section 17:30B-7 - Plan of operation; submission by directors; certification of approval; enactment by commissioner; amendments
- Section 17:30B-8 - Joint underwriting association fund; assessment of members; exemption from fees and taxes
- Section 17:30B-9 - Custodian; disbursements
- Section 17:30B-10 - Surcharge on policies; credit to joint underwriting association fund of recovered moneys
- Section 17:30B-11 - Statement; filing
- Section 17:30B-12 - Examination by commissioner; hearings
- Section 17:30B-13 - Annual reports of commissioner
- Section 17:30B-14 - Powers of commissioner
- Section 17:30B-15 - Severability
- Section 17:30B-16 - Construction; supersedure of inconsistent laws
- Section 17:30C-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:30C-2 - Jurisdiction of delinquency proceedings
- Section 17:30C-3 - Exclusive remedy--appeal
- Section 17:30C-4 - Commencement of delinquency proceeding
- Section 17:30C-5 - Injunctions
- Section 17:30C-6 - Grounds for rehabilitation--domestic insurers
- Section 17:30C-7 - Nature of rehabilitation order--termination of rehabilitation--domestic insurers
- Section 17:30C-8 - Grounds for liquidation
- Section 17:30C-9 - Order of liquidation--domestic insurers
- Section 17:30C-10 - Order of liquidation--alien insurers
- Section 17:30C-11 - Grounds for conservation--foreign insurers
- Section 17:30C-12 - Grounds for conservation--alien insurers
- Section 17:30C-13 - Conservation or ancillary receivership--foreign insurers
- Section 17:30C-14 - Conservation or ancillary receivership--alien insurers
- Section 17:30C-15 - Conduct of delinquency proceedings--domestic insurers
- Section 17:30C-16 - Conduct of delinquency proceedings--foreign and alien insurers
- Section 17:30C-17 - Deputies and assistants
- Section 17:30C-18 - Claims of nonresidents against domestic insurers
- Section 17:30C-19 - Claims against foreign insurers
- Section 17:30C-20 - Form of claim--notice--hearing
- Section 17:30C-21 - Priority of certain claims
- Section 17:30C-22 - Attachment and garnishment of assets
- Section 17:30C-23 - Uniform insurers liquidation act
- Section 17:30C-24 - Borrowing on pledge of assets
- Section 17:30C-25 - Voidable transfers
- Section 17:30C-26 - Priority of claims for compensation
- Section 17:30C-27 - Offsets
- Section 17:30C-28 - Allowance of certain claims
- Section 17:30C-29 - Allowance of secured claims
- Section 17:30C-30 - Time to file the claims
- Section 17:30C-31 - Proposal for disbursement of assets of insolvent companies; application for approval; notice of application
- Section 17:30D-1 - Short title
- Section 17:30D-2 - Purpose; application to medical malpractice liability insurance
- Section 17:30D-3 - Definitions.
- Section 17:30D-4 - Medical malpractice reinsurance association; creation; members; funds and reserves; accounts
- Section 17:30D-5 - Powers and duties of association
- Section 17:30D-6 - Temporary board of directors; powers and responsibilities
- Section 17:30D-7 - Plan of operation; review and approval; certification; amendment.
- Section 17:30D-8 - Insureds without availability of insurance; activation of association; designation of provider or direct basis insurance; acceptance of risks; noninterference with agents
- Section 17:30D-9 - Medical malpractice reinsurance recovery fund; creation; purpose; contents; administration
- Section 17:30D-10 - Additional premium charges on policies of medical malpractice liability insurance
- Section 17:30D-11 - Recovery fund; custodian; disbursements; investment
- Section 17:30D-12 - Rules and regulations; suspension or revocation of certificate of authority of insurer for noncompliance
- Section 17:30D-13 - Emergency powers of commissioner upon activation of association; duration
- Section 17:30D-14 - Severability
- Section 17:30D-15 - Liberal construction
- Section 17:30D-17 - Insurer to notify Medical Practitioner Review Panel of malpractice settlement, judgment, award.
- Section 17:30D-18 - Conflicts of interest; violations; penalties.
- Section 17:30D-19 - "Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance Purchasing Alliance;" definitions.
- Section 17:30D-20 - Provisions concerning settlements of medical malpractice liability insurance policy.
- Section 17:30D-21 - Offering of deductibles in medical malpractice liability insurance policy.
- Section 17:30D-22 - Increase of premium prohibited, certain circumstances.
- Section 17:30D-23 - Certification as to adequacy of rates.
- Section 17:30D-24 - Mailing of notice of renewal, nonrenewal.
- Section 17:30D-25 - Annual review of capitalization, reserve requirements.
- Section 17:30D-26 - Option of installments for premium payments.
- Section 17:30D-27 - Definitions relative to medical malpractice judgments; payment.
- Section 17:30D-28 - Definitions relative to Medical Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Fund.
- Section 17:30D-29 - Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance Premium Assistance Fund.
- Section 17:30D-30 - Responsibilities of commissioner.
- Section 17:30D-31 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:30E-1 - Short title
- Section 17:30E-2 - Purpose
- Section 17:30E-3 - Definitions
- Section 17:30E-4 - New Jersey automobile full insurance underwriting association; cessation of business in state by insurer
- Section 17:30E-5 - Reconstituted board of directors; advisory boards
- Section 17:30E-6 - Proposed plan of operation
- Section 17:30E-6.1 - Association data bank
- Section 17:30E-6.2 - Task force
- Section 17:30E-7 - Powers and duties
- Section 17:30E-8 - Sources of income
- Section 17:30E-8.1 - Insufficient resources
- Section 17:30E-9 - Qualified applicants
- Section 17:30E-10 - Assignment of association business
- Section 17:30E-11 - Schedule of commissions
- Section 17:30E-12 - Servicing carrier
- Section 17:30E-13 - Territorial base rates
- Section 17:30E-13.1 - Collision, comprehensive coverage rates
- Section 17:30E-14 - Procedures for voluntary coverage
- Section 17:30E-15 - Mandatory coverage limits
- Section 17:30E-16 - Hearing
- Section 17:30E-17 - Suspension, revocation; penalties
- Section 17:30E-17.1 - Violation by servicing carrier
- Section 17:30E-18 - Annual report
- Section 17:30E-18.1 - Examination
- Section 17:30E-19 - Copy of plan of operation sent to Senate and General Assembly
- Section 17:30E-20 - Regulations
- Section 17:30E-21 - Recommendations regarding insurance coverage to commercial vehicles
- Section 17:30E-22 - Payment of taxes
- Section 17:30E-24 - Severability
- Section 17:31-1 - Surety company as bondsman; premiums on official bonds
- Section 17:31-2 - Agreement for deposit of property by fiduciaries
- Section 17:31-3 - Qualifications for action as surety or guarantor
- Section 17:31-4 - Bond as lien on real estate
- Section 17:31-5 - Insurance commissioner's certificate of authority as evidence
- Section 17:31-6 - Sureties for auto club bail bonds
- Section 17:31-7 - Filing with Insurance Commissioner
- Section 17:31-8 - $500 maximum
- Section 17:31-9 - Surety discrimination ban
- Section 17:31-10 - Definitions relative to issuance of bail bonds by surety companies.
- Section 17:31-11 - Temporary suspension, fines, restoration.
- Section 17:31-12 - Deposit of amount of order or judgment on appeal.
- Section 17:31-13 - Registration by surety company of bail agent, agency.
- Section 17:31-14 - Construction of act relative to authority of the courts.
- Section 17:31-15 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:32-2.1 - Waiving requirements for certain foreign insurers
- Section 17:32-1 - Transaction of business by foreign companies
- Section 17:32-2 - Prerequisites to admission
- Section 17:32-3 - Deposit company of foreign country
- Section 17:32-4 - Evidence of authority of foreign company
- Section 17:32-5 - Deposits by foreign surety companies; return
- Section 17:32-8 - Trustees of company of foreign country
- Section 17:32-9 - Power to hold real estate
- Section 17:32-10 - Compliance with subtitle necessary to recovery in court
- Section 17:32-13 - Surrender of certificate of authority; return of securities
- Section 17:32-14 - Revocation of authority to do business
- Section 17:32-15 - Retaliatory taxation of foreign insurers
- Section 17:32-16 - Remedial legislation; liberal construction
- Section 17:32-17 - Definitions
- Section 17:32-18 - Conditions for authority to transact business
- Section 17:32-19 - Transacting business of insurance; acts constituting
- Section 17:32-20 - Violations; institution of relief; process
- Section 17:32-21 - Nonapplicability of act.
- Section 17:32-22 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:33-1 - Fees
- Section 17:33-2 - Penalty for violation
- Section 17:33A-1 - Short title
- Section 17:33A-2 - Purpose of act
- Section 17:33A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 17:33A-4 - Violations.
- Section 17:33A-5 - Remedies; penalties; fund established.
- Section 17:33A-5.1 - Surcharge for insurance fraud.
- Section 17:33A-6 - Statement on insurance claim forms
- Section 17:33A-7 - Actions by insurance companies against violators
- Section 17:33A-8 - Bureau of Fraud Deterrence.
- Section 17:33A-9 - Alleged violations; civil liability; referrals; records.
- Section 17:33A-10 - Subpena powers; violations by persons licensed by State.
- Section 17:33A-11 - Handling of documents, records of investigations
- Section 17:33A-12 - Regulations
- Section 17:33A-13 - Annual report on activities and cost effectiveness
- Section 17:33A-14 - Criminal prosecution
- Section 17:33A-15 - Filing of plan for prevention, detection of fraudulent health, auto insurance claims
- Section 17:33A-16 - Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor.
- Section 17:33A-17 - Appointment; transfer of personnel.
- Section 17:33A-18 - Establishment of liaison between office, other departments; responsibilities.
- Section 17:33A-19 - Duties of Insurance Fraud Prosecutor.
- Section 17:33A-19.1 - Additional investigatory and prosecutorial authority, referral for criminal prosecution.
- Section 17:33A-20 - Establishment of Statewide fraud enforcement policy.
- Section 17:33A-21 - Standards of performance for Fraud Investigatory Section.
- Section 17:33A-22 - Maintenance of data base; reporting of claims information.
- Section 17:33A-23 - Access to information provided to Insurance Fraud Prosecutor.
- Section 17:33A-24 - Additional duties of office; annual report.
- Section 17:33A-25 - Recommendation for suspension, revocation of professional license.
- Section 17:33A-26 - Restitution; seizure of assets.
- Section 17:33A-27 - Specific goals, strategies.
- Section 17:33A-28 - Application for reimbursement.
- Section 17:33A-29 - Provision of information from accident report.
- Section 17:33A-30 - Certification of amount allocable to office expenses.
- Section 17:33A-31 - to 17:33A-34 relocated to 2C:21-4.4 to 2C:21-4.7
- Section 17:33B-1 - Short title
- Section 17:33B-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 17:33B-3 - Appointment of trustee; plan of operation; powers of trustee; annual report
- Section 17:33B-4 - Liability under deferred payment plan
- Section 17:33B-6 - Residual market equalization charges, or flat charges, no longer imposed after April 1, 1991
- Section 17:33B-7 - Payment of premiums on installment basis
- Section 17:33B-8 - Written notice needed for cancellation due to nonpayment of premium
- Section 17:33B-9 - List of licensed insurance brokers; producer assignment program
- Section 17:33B-10 - Payment of costs to State
- Section 17:33B-11 - Market Transition Facility
- Section 17:33B-11.1 - Payment of claim attributable to damages subject to deferred payment plan
- Section 17:33B-12 - Charges under depopulation plan
- Section 17:33B-13 - Definitions.
- Section 17:33B-14 - Schedule of automobile insurance eligibility points.
- Section 17:33B-14.1 - Speeding violations, certain; surcharge unaffected
- Section 17:33B-15 - Provision of automobile insurance coverage by insurers.
- Section 17:33B-16 - Declination; reasons for
- Section 17:33B-17 - Procedures for resolving complaints
- Section 17:33B-18 - Conditions of licensure.
- Section 17:33B-19 - Suspension of obligation to issue policies due to unsafe, unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-20 - Suspension of obligation because of danger of future unsafe, unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-21 - Penalties for violation
- Section 17:33B-22 - Automobile coverage if not qualified as "eligible person"
- Section 17:33B-23 - Suspension of obligation to issue policies for insurer in unsafe or unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-24 - Suspension of obligation to provide coverage if insurer's financial condition will become unsafe or unsound
- Section 17:33B-25 - Refusal to issue or renew prohibited
- Section 17:33B-26 - Refusal by insurer of coverage
- Section 17:33B-27 - Suspension of obligation to issue policies for insurer in unsafe or unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-28 - Suspension of obligation to issue policies if insurer's financial condition will become unsafe or unsound
- Section 17:33B-29 - Temporary certificate of authority
- Section 17:33B-30 - Out-of-State insurance company, surrender of certificate.
- Section 17:33B-31 - Use of rating or advisory organization for collection, compilation and dissemination of historical data; factors for coverage; etc.
- Section 17:33B-33 - Applicability; "renewal" defined
- Section 17:33B-34 - Inspection of automobile
- Section 17:33B-35 - Inspection before issuance of physical damage coverage.
- Section 17:33B-36 - Damage; subsequent inspection; documentation of repairs
- Section 17:33B-36.1 - Selection of auto body repair shop; notification form.
- Section 17:33B-37 - Form, photographs for inspection
- Section 17:33B-38 - Report of wrongdoing
- Section 17:33B-39 - Penalty for violation
- Section 17:33B-40 - Dissemination of information; exemption or deferral under certain circumstances
- Section 17:33B-41 - Cancellation for nonpayment of premium; suspension of registration.
- Section 17:33B-42 - Implementation of procedures or practices to control costs
- Section 17:33B-43 - Structured settlement
- Section 17:33B-44 - Reduction in base rates for use of anti-theft or safety devices
- Section 17:33B-45 - Approved motor vehicle defensive driving course
- Section 17:33B-45.1 - Rate reduction for automobile insurance after approved defensive driving course
- Section 17:33B-48 - Storage expense not included
- Section 17:33B-49 - Annual surtax on premiums, terms defined, revenues credited to New Jersey Automobile Insurance Guaranty Fund
- Section 17:33B-50 - Adjustment of rate of surtax
- Section 17:33B-51 - Private passenger automobile insurance policyholders not to pay surtax
- Section 17:33B-52 - Exemption, abatement, deferral of surtax imposed on insurer pursuant to C.17:33B-49 if insurer is in unsafe or unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-53 - Exemption, abatement, deferral of surtax imposed on insurer pursuant to C.17:33B-49 if result will be financial condition of insurer becoming unsafe or unsound
- Section 17:33B-54 - Payment of exempted, abated, deferred surtax on insurer
- Section 17:33B-55 - Exemption, abatement, deferral of payment of assessment if insurer is in unsafe or unsound financial condition
- Section 17:33B-56 - Exemption, abatement, deferral if payment of assessment will result in insurer's financial condition becoming unsafe or unsound
- Section 17:33B-57 - Exempted, abated, deferred assessment to be assessed against other member insurers
- Section 17:33B-58 - $100 annual fee to be assessed by Board of Medical Examiners.
- Section 17:33B-59 - $100 annual fee to be assessed by Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- Section 17:33B-60 - $100 annual fee to be assessed by Board of Physical Therapy
- Section 17:33B-61 - $100 annual assessment of auto body repair facilities
- Section 17:33B-62 - $100 annual assessment of lawyers
- Section 17:33B-63 - Additional registration fees; exemptions
- Section 17:33B-64 - Findings, declarations relative to automobile insurance
- Section 17:33C-1 - Definitions relative to automobile insurance urban enterprise zone program
- Section 17:33C-2 - Automobile insurance urban enterprise zone program
- Section 17:33C-3 - Standards for qualified insurer
- Section 17:33C-4 - UEZ agents
- Section 17:33C-5 - Study on effect of territorial rating caps; report
- Section 17:35-1 - Application of article
- Section 17:35-2 - Incorporation
- Section 17:35-3 - Commencing business
- Section 17:35-4 - No new corporations after May 1, 1935; law applicable to corporations doing other business
- Section 17:35-5 - Return of securities to companies reincorporating under article
- Section 17:35-6 - Reserve or emergency fund
- Section 17:35-7 - Directors or trustees
- Section 17:35-8 - Annual report
- Section 17:35-9 - Examinations; inquiries
- Section 17:35-10 - Fixing fee, rates, etc.; evidence of notices
- Section 17:35-11 - Eligibility for insurance; insurable interest; assignment
- Section 17:35-12 - Reinsurance
- Section 17:35-13 - Provisions of policies or certificates; payment of loss
- Section 17:35-14 - Action to enjoin corporation from transacting further business
- Section 17:35-14.1 - Mutual life insurance company, conversion of assessment company into; requirements
- Section 17:35-14.2 - Reserves; policies in force at date of conversion; assessment rights cancelled
- Section 17:35-15 - Application of article
- Section 17:35-16 - Authorization to do business; requirements
- Section 17:35-17 - Certificates to agents
- Section 17:35-18 - Doing business without authority prohibited
- Section 17:35-19 - Annual report
- Section 17:35-20 - Examinations
- Section 17:35-21 - Inquiries concerning affairs
- Section 17:35-22 - Principal office and agent
- Section 17:35-23 - "Agent" defined; penalty for acting as agent without authority
- Section 17:35-24 - Revocation of authority
- Section 17:35-25 - Fees
- Section 17:35-26 - Policy or certificate forms, classification of risks and premiums or rates of contribution; filing with Commissioner; disapproval of forms, review
- Section 17:35-27 - Policy or certificate granting natural death benefit
- Section 17:35-28 - Policy or certificate granting sickness, bodily injury or accidental death benefits
- Section 17:35-29 - Policy or certificate requirements generally
- Section 17:35-30 - Reserve on policies or certificates granting natural death benefits
- Section 17:35-31 - Penalty for violations; revocation of certificate of authority
- Section 17:35A-14 - Regulation; exemption from Uniform Securities Law
- Section 17:35B-14 - Repeal
- Section 17:35C-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:35C-2 - Contract provisions; regulations
- Section 17:35C-3 - Prohibited provisions
- Section 17:35C-4 - Preexisting condition; denial of claim
- Section 17:35C-5 - Regulations
- Section 17:35C-6 - Requirements for medicare supplement contract forms, rates
- Section 17:35C-7 - Outline of coverage
- Section 17:35C-8 - 30-day examination period; refunds
- Section 17:35C-9 - Application to hospital service corporations
- Section 17:35C-10 - Applicability of C.17:35C-1 et seq.
- Section 17:35C-11 - Filing of copy of advertising materials promoting medicare supplement contracts
- Section 17:35C-12 - Penalties
- Section 17:36-2 - Creation; application of; maintenance
- Section 17:36-5.15 - Required statements in policy; copy to be filed with commissioner
- Section 17:36-5.16 - Binders
- Section 17:36-5.17 - Combination form of fire policy; required provisions
- Section 17:36-5.18 - Space for listing certain items; other data; signatures
- Section 17:36-5.19 - Insured; perils insured against; amount of insurance; assignment, provision as to
- Section 17:36-5.20 - Standard provisions
- Section 17:36-5.20a - Cancellation, non-renewal of homeowners insurance prohibited under certain circumstances
- Section 17:36-5.20b - Certain commercial lines insurance risks, exclusion from requirements of standard fire policy.
- Section 17:36-5.21 - Other insurances; combination policies; premium, allocation of portion to fire insurance
- Section 17:36-5.22 - Endorsements; supplemental contracts; contracts; disapproval by commissioner
- Section 17:36-5.23 - Disapproval and other orders to be in writing
- Section 17:36-5.24 - Violation of regulation or order
- Section 17:36-5.25 - Provisions of act inapplicable to reinsurance and certain kinds of insurance
- Section 17:36-5.26 - Repeal
- Section 17:36-5.27 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:36-5.28 - Authority to exclude loss or damage caused by nuclear reaction or radiation or radioactive contamination
- Section 17:36-5.29 - Domestic servants or household employees; coverage
- Section 17:36-5.30 - Insurers deemed admitted to transact workers' compensation insurance
- Section 17:36-5.31 - Information provided to policyholders by every fire, casualty insurer
- Section 17:36-5.32 - Penalties
- Section 17:36-5.33 - Definitions relative to homeowners insurance deductibles and premium rates.
- Section 17:36-5.34 - Uniform policy language concerning hurricane deductible.
- Section 17:36-5.35 - Expedited rate filing procedure, certain.
- Section 17:36-5.36 - Customer information brochure for homeowners insurance consumers.
- Section 17:36-5.37 - Regulations.
- Section 17:36-5.38 - Earthquake damage endorsement, availability through homeowners' insurance policy.
- Section 17:36-5.39 - Earthquake damage endorsement, availability through commercial fire, extended coverage insurance policy.
- Section 17:36-5.40 - Immunity from liability for informing insureds of endorsement.
- Section 17:36-5.41 - Provision of notice to applicants, insureds.
- Section 17:36-6 - Furnishing proofs of loss
- Section 17:36-8 - Official certificate of search required
- Section 17:36-9 - Municipal ordinances authorized
- Section 17:36-10 - Payment of demolition costs, liens
- Section 17:36-11 - Resolution of agreement with owner to pay liens or costs in installments; authorization for payment of claim in full
- Section 17:36-12 - Priority of municipal claim; subordination to mortgage; limitation on liability of insurer; enforcement of lien under other law
- Section 17:36-13 - Fire insurance policies subject to act
- Section 17:36-14 - Definitions
- Section 17:36-15 - Release to and cooperation with authorized agency by insurer
- Section 17:36-16 - Belief by insurer fire loss due to other than accidental cause; notice and provision of material to county prosecutor; disposition
- Section 17:36-17 - Immunity from liability of insurer
- Section 17:36-18 - Disclosure of acquired information by authorized agency
- Section 17:36-19 - Right of insurer to receive information from authorized agency with respect to civil action
- Section 17:36-20 - Testimony in litigation by authorized agency or its personnel
- Section 17:36-21 - Violations; penalty; collection
- Section 17:37-1 - Property mutual company may insure
- Section 17:37-2 - Retirement or surrender of advance premium notes
- Section 17:37-3 - Borrowing money
- Section 17:37-4 - Rewards
- Section 17:37-5 - Issuance of policies to others than the insured
- Section 17:37-6 - Limited liability of insured in certain companies
- Section 17:37-7 - Assessments
- Section 17:37-8 - Assessments required when liabilities of mutual fire insurer exceed assets
- Section 17:37-9 - Vice president; election; acting as president
- Section 17:37-10 - Tenure of directors of certain companies; cash payments
- Section 17:37A-1 - Policy declaration for mandatory program of essential insurance
- Section 17:37A-2 - Definitions
- Section 17:37A-3 - Creation of association; membership
- Section 17:37A-4 - Powers
- Section 17:37A-5 - Board of directors; election or appointment
- Section 17:37A-6 - Writings, expenses, profits and losses; participation by members
- Section 17:37A-7 - Proposed plan of operation; provisions; review and approval; amendments; annual review
- Section 17:37A-8 - Essential property insurance; application; contents; denial; appeal
- Section 17:37A-9 - Ceding insurance to association
- Section 17:37A-10 - Rates, rating plans and rating rules
- Section 17:37A-11 - Appeal
- Section 17:37A-12 - Orders of commissioner; review
- Section 17:37A-13 - Reports of inspection
- Section 17:37A-14 - Liability for statements in reports or communications
- Section 17:37A-15 - Association's annual statement; contents, form
- Section 17:37A-16 - Examination into affairs; hearings; expenses
- Section 17:37A-18 - New Jersey insurance development fund; purpose; administration
- Section 17:37A-19 - Privilege of doing business; surcharge upon premiums
- Section 17:37A-20 - Establishment of fund; surcharge upon basic property insurance premiums; maximum
- Section 17:37A-21 - Net value of fund; determination; amount
- Section 17:37A-22 - Custodian of fund; disbursements; investments
- Section 17:37A-23 - Insufficiency of fund to pay claims; appropriation
- Section 17:37A-24 - Entry upon lands for examination
- Section 17:37A-25 - Federal programs of reinsurance; participation
- Section 17:37A-26 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:37A-27 - Reports from insurers concerning risks
- Section 17:37B-1 - Findings, declarations
- Section 17:37B-2 - Division of Property-Casualty Examination
- Section 17:37B-3 - Additional duties of division
- Section 17:37B-4 - Definitions
- Section 17:37B-5 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:38-1.1 - Fraternal benefit society contracts; conformity with health insurance provisions
- Section 17:38-1.2 - Law applicable
- Section 17:38-13.12 - Effective date of act
- Section 17:44B-1 - Definitions relative to fraternal benefit societies
- Section 17:44B-2 - Fraternal benefit society
- Section 17:44B-3 - Lodge system
- Section 17:44B-4 - Representative form of government for society
- Section 17:44B-5 - Purposes of society
- Section 17:44B-6 - Specification of eligibility, admission, rights, etc.
- Section 17:44B-7 - Location of principal office; reports
- Section 17:44B-8 - Immunity of officers, members from personal liability
- Section 17:44B-9 - Waiver of society's laws by subordinates prohibited
- Section 17:44B-10 - Formation of domestic society
- Section 17:44B-11 - Amendment of laws of domestic society
- Section 17:44B-12 - Establishment of not-for-profit institutions
- Section 17:44B-13 - Reinsurance agreement to cede risks
- Section 17:44B-14 - Consolidation, merger
- Section 17:44B-15 - Conversion to domestic mutual insurer
- Section 17:44B-16 - Provision of contractual benefits
- Section 17:44B-17 - Right to change beneficiary
- Section 17:44B-18 - Issuance of certificate specifying amount of benefits
- Section 17:44B-19 - Certificates issued in 1998, compliance with prior law; after 1998 requirements
- Section 17:44B-20 - Investment of funds of society
- Section 17:44B-21 - Holding, investment, disbursement of assets
- Section 17:44B-22 - Societies governed by act
- Section 17:44B-23 - Society declared charitable, benevolent institution
- Section 17:44B-24 - Standards of valuation for certificates
- Section 17:44B-25 - Filing of annual statement
- Section 17:44B-26 - Authority to transact business, compliance with requirements of this act
- Section 17:44B-27 - Societies subject to examination
- Section 17:44B-28 - Licensing of foreign, alien society
- Section 17:44B-29 - Domestic societies subject to C.17B:32-31 et seq.
- Section 17:44B-30 - Deficiencies, notice of; corrections; remedies
- Section 17:44B-31 - Application, petition for injunction by State
- Section 17:44B-32 - Licensure of individual insurance producers; exemption for certain agents, member of fraternal benefits societies, conditions.
- Section 17:44B-33 - Societies, agents subject to N.J.S.17B:30-1 et seq.
- Section 17:44B-34 - Appointment of commissioner as attorney for foreign society
- Section 17:44B-35 - Nonapplicability of act
- Section 17:44B-36 - Violations, penalties
- Section 17:44B-37 - Decisions, findings subject to review
- Section 17:45-1 - Mutual benefit association defined
- Section 17:45-2 - Certificate of authority prerequisite to transacting business
- Section 17:45-3 - Prerequisites to issuance of certificate; time for qualifying
- Section 17:45-4 - Certificates; limitations; age limits; exceptions
- Section 17:45-5 - Provisions required in death benefit certificates
- Section 17:45-6 - Provisions required in accident and sick benefit certificates
- Section 17:45-7 - Certain provisions prohibited; fees
- Section 17:45-8 - Minimum guarantee fund; investment or deposit; replenishment
- Section 17:45-9 - Benefit fund; use; additions; transfer of excess
- Section 17:45-10 - Reserve fund; increases; amount annually certified to commissioner
- Section 17:45-11 - Expense fund; contracts for payment of fees; certain contracts prohibited; investments
- Section 17:45-12 - Annual statement; time for filing; extension; inquiries by commissioner
- Section 17:45-13 - Failure to file annual statement or answer inquiries; penalty; authority to cease on notice
- Section 17:45-14 - Examination of companies; expenses; expenses when association insolvent; gifts to authorities prohibited
- Section 17:45-16 - Fees to be paid by association
- Section 17:45-17 - Penalty for violation; recovery; misrepresentation by employee or agent a misdemeanor
- Section 17:45-18 - Chapter inapplicable to certain associations and companies
- Section 17:45-19 - Certificates issued under prior law continued; conditions
- Section 17:45-20 - Partial unconstitutionality; chapter void if section 17:45-18 invalid
- Section 17:45-21 - Chapter inapplicable to certain associations
- Section 17:45-22 - Death benefits payable notwithstanding section 17:45-21 or other laws
- Section 17:45-23 - Minimum assets
- Section 17:45A-1 - Mutual benefit association defined
- Section 17:45A-2 - Authorization to convert
- Section 17:45A-3 - Method of conversion; contents of resolution
- Section 17:45A-4 - Vote percentage required for approval; certificate to Commissioner of Banking and Insurance
- Section 17:45A-5 - Issuance of certificate of authority upon certain findings by commissioner
- Section 17:45A-6 - Date of existence as mutual life insurance company; effect
- Section 17:45A-7 - Rights against association not affected by conversion; exception
- Section 17:46A-1 - Short title
- Section 17:46A-2 - Definitions.
- Section 17:46A-3 - Capital, surplus and contingency reserve requirements.
- Section 17:46A-4 - Limitations and restrictions for transacting business.
- Section 17:46A-5 - Rebates and commissions
- Section 17:46A-7 - Financial statements
- Section 17:46A-8 - Applicability of other laws
- Section 17:46A-9 - Additional powers of commissioner
- Section 17:46A-10 - Advertising
- Section 17:46A-11 - Repeal
- Section 17:46B-1 - Certain words defined
- Section 17:46B-2 - Short title.
- Section 17:46B-3 - Application of act
- Section 17:46B-4 - Severability
- Section 17:46B-5 - Compliance with act required
- Section 17:46B-6 - Corporate form required
- Section 17:46B-7 - Financial requirement
- Section 17:46B-8 - Procedure when capital impaired
- Section 17:46B-9 - Determination of insurability required
- Section 17:46B-10 - Power to insure titles to real estate
- Section 17:46B-10.1 - Maintenance of separate record of receipts, disbursements representing proceeds of real estate transactions.
- Section 17:46B-11 - Prohibition upon guaranteeing mortgages and completion
- Section 17:46B-12 - Prohibition against transacting other kinds of insurance; prohibition against other kinds of insurance companies transacting title insurance
- Section 17:46B-13 - Prohibition against the practice of law
- Section 17:46B-14 - Statutory premium reserve
- Section 17:46B-15 - Amount of statutory premium reserve; release thereof
- Section 17:46B-16 - Maintenance of the statutory premium reserve
- Section 17:46B-17 - Use of the statutory premium reserve on liquidation, dissolution or insolvency
- Section 17:46B-18 - Reserve for unpaid losses and loss expense
- Section 17:46B-19 - Net retained liability
- Section 17:46B-20 - Power to reinsure
- Section 17:46B-21 - Minimum capital
- Section 17:46B-22 - Funds in excess of minimum capital, other than statutory premium reserve
- Section 17:46B-22.1 - Valuation of securities held by title insurance company; violations; penalties
- Section 17:46B-23 - Statutory premium reserve
- Section 17:46B-24 - Investments acquired before effective date
- Section 17:46B-25 - Requisites for foreign and alien title insurance companies to do business
- Section 17:46B-26 - Foreign and alien title insurance companies
- Section 17:46B-27 - Mergers and consolidations of title insurance companies
- Section 17:46B-30.1 - Licensure as insurance producers for a title insurance agency.
- Section 17:46B-34 - Commissions; no right to pay
- Section 17:46B-35 - Rebates or reduced fees
- Section 17:46B-36 - Examination of records
- Section 17:46B-37 - Additional penalty
- Section 17:46B-38 - Permitted division of fees
- Section 17:46B-39 - Personal or controlled insurance
- Section 17:46B-40 - Enforcement
- Section 17:46B-41 - General provisions
- Section 17:46B-42 - Rate filing
- Section 17:46B-43 - Justification for rates
- Section 17:46B-44 - Proposing of rates
- Section 17:46B-45 - Approval or disapproval of filings
- Section 17:46B-46 - Title insurance rating organizations
- Section 17:46B-47 - Deviations
- Section 17:46B-48 - Appeal by minority
- Section 17:46B-49 - Rate administration; authority and duties of commissioner; rules and regulations
- Section 17:46B-50 - False or misleading information
- Section 17:46B-51 - Penalties
- Section 17:46B-52 - Hearing procedure
- Section 17:46B-53 - Existing filings and hearings continued
- Section 17:46B-54 - Forms of policies and other contracts of title insurance
- Section 17:46B-55 - Annual statements of title insurance companies; form and content
- Section 17:46B-56 - Records
- Section 17:46B-58 - Examination of title insurance companies; when authorized or required
- Section 17:46B-59 - Judicial review of commissioner's action
- Section 17:46B-60 - Other sections applicable
- Section 17:46B-61 - Repealer
- Section 17:46B-62 - Effect of this act
- Section 17:46C-1 - Short title
- Section 17:46C-2 - Legislative declarations
- Section 17:46C-3 - Definitions
- Section 17:46C-4 - Certificate of authority; persons entitled to transact business without; necessity for other persons; application; fee; exemptions
- Section 17:46C-5 - Conditions for issuance; order stating person provides legal insurance
- Section 17:46C-6 - Policy or master policy; certificate of coverage; forms; rating system; approval; hearings
- Section 17:46C-7 - Transaction of business of legal insurance along with any other business; segregated accounts
- Section 17:46C-8 - Management contract; approval
- Section 17:46C-9 - Annual report by insurers; exceptions
- Section 17:46C-10 - Reserves
- Section 17:46C-11 - Investments
- Section 17:46C-12 - Regulation of trade practices
- Section 17:46C-13 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:46C-14 - Commissions to nonlicensees and rebates; prohibition
- Section 17:46C-15 - Examination of insurers; expenses; payment
- Section 17:46C-16 - Report of violations of Code of Professional Responsibility
- Section 17:46C-17 - Suspension or revocation
- Section 17:46C-18 - Liquidation or dissolution
- Section 17:46C-19 - Fees; payment
- Section 17:46C-20 - Retaliatory tax provisions; application
- Section 17:46C-21 - Applications, filings and reports as public documents; application of attorney-client privilege; validity of independent judgment of attorney
- Section 17:46C-22 - Unauthorized insurers; submission to jurisdiction of state
- Section 17:46C-23 - Application of Titles 17 and 17B to insurers authorized to transact business under Subtitle 3
- Section 17:46C-24 - Titles 17 and 17B; application to orders or rules and regulations; inapplicability to insurer authorized under this act
- Section 17:46C-25 - Violations; penalty; enforcement; expenses for enforcement of act; payment
- Section 17:46C-26 - Person transacting business prior to effective date; application; continuance of operation
- Section 17:46C-29 - Nonapplicability of authority of commissioner to discipline or regulation of attorneys
- Section 17:46C-30 - Severability
- Section 17:46C-31 - Liberal construction of act
- Section 17:46D-1 - Hospital, medical benefits for pets
- Section 17:47-1 - Insurance on Lloyds plan authorized
- Section 17:47-2 - Classes of risks
- Section 17:47-3 - Declaration filed with commissioner
- Section 17:47-4 - Certificate of authority; examination of underwriters; renewal
- Section 17:47-5 - Additional or substituted underwriters
- Section 17:47-6 - Deposit by alien underwriters; exceptions
- Section 17:47-7 - Return of deposits
- Section 17:47-8 - Exposure to loss limited
- Section 17:47-9 - Certain other laws applicable
- Section 17:47-10 - Certain information furnished commissioner
- Section 17:47-11 - Revocation or suspension of certificate of authority
- Section 17:47-12 - Penalty for violations
- Section 17:47-13 - Exception to application of chapter
- Section 17:47A-1 - Short title
- Section 17:47A-2 - Definitions.
- Section 17:47A-3 - Requirements for establishment of risk retention group
- Section 17:47A-4 - Required submissions by foreign risk retention group
- Section 17:47A-5 - Prohibitions for risk retention groups; taxation of premiums
- Section 17:47A-6 - Additional information required
- Section 17:47A-7 - Formation of purchasing group
- Section 17:47A-8 - Prohibitions for purchasing group; taxation of premiums
- Section 17:47A-9 - Noneligibility for membership
- Section 17:47A-10 - License as insurance producer required
- Section 17:47A-11 - Fines, penalties
- Section 17:47A-12 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:47B-1 - Definitions relative to captive insurers.
- Section 17:47B-2 - Application by captive insurance company for license.
- Section 17:47B-3 - Conditions for issuance of license.
- Section 17:47B-4 - Approval required for payment of dividend.
- Section 17:47B-5 - Incorporation, organization of captive insurance company.
- Section 17:47B-6 - Report of financial condition of captive insurance company.
- Section 17:47B-7 - Visit, inspection, examination.
- Section 17:47B-8 - Suspension, revocation of license.
- Section 17:47B-9 - Compliance with investment requirements.
- Section 17:47B-10 - Provision of reinsurance on risks ceded by other insurers.
- Section 17:47B-11 - Regulations relative to captive insurance company.
- Section 17:47B-12 - Taxes paid by captive insurance company.
- Section 17:47B-13 - "Captive Insurance Regulation and Supervision Fund."
- Section 17:47B-14 - Applicability of C.17:30C-1 et seq.
- Section 17:47B-15 - Rules.
- Section 17:47B-16 - Conversion, merger into reciprocal insurer.
- Section 17:47B-17 - Sponsored captive insurance company.
- Section 17:47B-18 - Regulations relative to risk retention group.
- Section 17:47B-19 - No cause of action, imposition of liability against the commissioner.
- Section 17:48-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:48-1.1 - Hospital services for dental services
- Section 17:48-1.2 - Application
- Section 17:48-1.3 - Convalescent in registered nursing homes
- Section 17:48-1.4 - Application
- Section 17:48-1.5 - Health care services by voluntary visiting nurse organizations
- Section 17:48-1.6 - Application
- Section 17:48-1.7 - Additional powers; contract benefits; disapproval by commissioner; review
- Section 17:48-2 - Operation as non-profit corporation; who may operate hospital service plan; certificate of authority
- Section 17:48-2.1 - Hospital service corporation merger procedure
- Section 17:48-3 - Issuance of certificate of authority; conditions and requirements; alteration or amendment of certificate
- Section 17:48-4 - Applications for hospital service contracts as condition precedent to issuance of certificate of authority
- Section 17:48-5 - Filing copy of certificate of incorporation; qualification of directors
- Section 17:48-6 - Contracts; certificates; contents.
- Section 17:48-6b - Benefits for reconstructive breast surgery
- Section 17:48-6c - Hospital service contracts
- Section 17:48-6d - Benefits for blood products, blood infusion equipment
- Section 17:48-6e - Hospital service corporation insurance benefits for preexisting condition.
- Section 17:48-6f - Hospital service corporation to pay benefits for treatment of Wilm's tumor
- Section 17:48-6g - Hospital service corporation contract, mammogram examination benefits.
- Section 17:48-6h - Hospital service corporation, benefits for "off-label" drugs required
- Section 17:48-6i - Hospital service corporation, benefits of health promotion
- Section 17:48-6j - Requirements for hospital service corporation providing benefits for pharmacy services.
- Section 17:48-6k - Benefits for certain cancer treatments
- Section 17:48-6l - Coverage for birth and natal care; hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6m - Hospital service corporation contracts, child screening, blood lead, hearing loss; immunizations.
- Section 17:48-6n - Coverage for diabetes treatment by individual, group hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6o - Hospital service corporation contract, Pap smear benefits
- Section 17:48-6p - Hospital service corporation contract, prostate cancer testing
- Section 17:48-6q - Coverage for minimum inpatient care following mastectomy by individual, group hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6r - Applicability of Health Care Quality Act
- Section 17:48-6s - Coverage for treatment of inherited metabolic diseases by hospital service corporation.
- Section 17:48-6t - Coverage for treatment of domestic violence injuries by hospital service corporation.
- Section 17:48-6u - Coverage for certain dental procedures for the severely disabled or child age five or under by hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6v - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
- Section 17:48-6w - Coverage for hemophilia services by hospital service corporations
- Section 17:48-6x - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for treatment of infertility.
- Section 17:48-6y - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screening.
- Section 17:48-6z - Hospital service corporation prescription drug plans to cover certain infant formulas.
- Section 17:48-6aa - Contracts issued under C.17:48-1 et seq. required to cover certain out-of-network services.
- Section 17:48-6bb - Hospital service corporation to offer coverage for domestic partner.
- Section 17:48-6cc - Hospital service corporation, high deductible, coverage for preventive care.
- Section 17:48-6dd - Hospital service corporation, high deductible, deductible inapplicable, certain circumstances.
- Section 17:48-6ee - Hospital service corporation, coverage for contraceptives.
- Section 17:48-6ff - Hospital service corporation to provide benefits for orthotic and prosthetic appliances.
- Section 17:48-6gg - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for hearing aids for certain persons aged 15 or younger.
- Section 17:48-6hh - Hospital service corporation to provide installment payments to obstetrical provider for maternity services.
- Section 17:48-6ii - Hospital service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of autism or other developmental disability.
- Section 17:48-6jj - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for oral anticancer medications.
- Section 17:48-6kk - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for sickle cell anemia.
- Section 17:48-6ll - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for prescription eye drops.
- Section 17:48-6mm - Hospital service corporation contract, coverage for synchronization of prescribed medications.
- Section 17:48-6nn - Hospital service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of substance use disorder.
- Section 17:48-6oo - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage regardless of gender identity, expression.
- Section 17:48-6pp - Hospital service corporation to cover digital tomosynthesis of the breast.
- Section 17:48-6qq - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for donated human breast milk.
- Section 17:48-6rr - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for standard fertility preservation services.
- Section 17:48-6ss - Hospital service corporation to provide coverage for breastfeeding support.
- Section 17:48-6tt - Hospital service corporation to cover preventive services.
- Section 17:48-6uu - Hospital service corporation to provide certain coverage for prescription drugs.
- Section 17:48-6vv - Hospital service corporation contract to cover adolescent depression screenings.
- Section 17:48-6ww - Hospital service corporation contract to cover newborn home nurse visitation program.
- Section 17:48-6.1 - Group contracts issued by hospital service corporation.
- Section 17:48-6.2 - Provisions applicable to group contracts; subscriber defined
- Section 17:48-6.3 - Group contract form
- Section 17:48-6.4 - Participation agreements
- Section 17:48-6.5 - Schedule of rates
- Section 17:48-6.6 - Combined hospital-medical contracts
- Section 17:48-6.7 - Review of determinations of commissioner of banking and insurance
- Section 17:48-6.8 - Review of practices, rules and procedures of hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6.9 - Adjustment of rates; experience rating formulas; approval
- Section 17:48-6.10 - Definitions
- Section 17:48-6.11 - Group contract or individual group certificate; total disability of employee or member; continuation of coverage; conditions
- Section 17:48-6.12 - Inapplicability of act if insurer not have right to terminate contract or certificate without consent of insured
- Section 17:48-6.15 - Coverage provided by hospital service corporation for subscriber's child.
- Section 17:48-6.16 - Requirements applicable to State Medicaid
- Section 17:48-6.17 - Eligibility for enrollment in hospital service corporation
- Section 17:48-6.18 - Hospital service corporation contract, exclusion, rates, terms based on genetic information prohibited
- Section 17:48-6.19 - Coverage for certain dependents until age 31 by hospital service corporation.
- Section 17:48-7 - Health care facilities eligible for contracts; approval of rates of payment
- Section 17:48-8 - Filing of copy of contract or certificate and applications, etc., with commissioner; disapproval
- Section 17:48-8.1 - Hospital service corporation contract; compliance
- Section 17:48-8.2 - Filing of contract or related form
- Section 17:48-8.3 - Contract forms; certification memorandum
- Section 17:48-8.4 - Hospital service corporation to receive, transmit transactions electronically; standards.
- Section 17:48-9 - Schedule of rates; filing; disapproval by Commissioner
- Section 17:48-10 - Solicitation and administrative expenses; investment of funds; surplus
- Section 17:48-10.1 - Hospital service corporation, aggregate benefits.
- Section 17:48-11 - Statement of financial condition; inquiries by Commissioner; penalties
- Section 17:48-12 - Examination of assets and liabilities and affairs; expenses; duty to exhibit books, records and accounts
- Section 17:48-12.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48-12.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of hospital service corporation.
- Section 17:48-12.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48-12.4 - Suspension, revocation to do business.
- Section 17:48-12.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48-14 - Fees
- Section 17:48-15 - Violations of Act; penalties; enforcement
- Section 17:48-16 - Disputes between corporation and hospitals; review
- Section 17:48-17 - Application of chapter
- Section 17:48-18 - Corporation as charitable and benevolent institution; exemption from taxation
- Section 17:48A-1 - Definitions; liability for medical services
- Section 17:48A-2 - Nonprofit corporation; trustees and physicians; who may operate medical service plan; certificate of authority
- Section 17:48A-2.1 - Medical service corporation merger procedure
- Section 17:48A-3 - Issuance of certificate of authority; amendment; counties affected
- Section 17:48A-4 - Corporate funds required
- Section 17:48A-5 - Subscription contracts.
- Section 17:48A-6 - Written contracts required; subscription certificates
- Section 17:48A-6.1 - Elective surgery; definitions
- Section 17:48A-6.2 - Second surgical opinion program
- Section 17:48A-6.3 - Payment for second surgical opinion
- Section 17:48A-6.4 - Third surgical opinion
- Section 17:48A-6.5 - Second opinion exclusions
- Section 17:48A-6.6 - Physicians furnishing opinion and performing surgical procedure; payment
- Section 17:48A-6.7 - Application
- Section 17:48A-6.10 - Eligibility for enrollment in medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-6.11 - Medical service corporation contract, exclusion, rates, terms based on genetic information prohibited.
- Section 17:48A-7 - Formal requirements for subscription certificates
- Section 17:48A-7b - Reconstructive breast surgery; benefits
- Section 17:48A-7c - Medical service contracts
- Section 17:48A-7d - Medical service corporation insurance benefits for preexisting condition.
- Section 17:48A-7e - Medical service corporation to pay benefits for treatment of Wilm's tumor
- Section 17:48A-7f - Medical service corporation contract, mammogram examination benefits.
- Section 17:48A-7g - Medical service corporation, benefits for "off-label" drugs required
- Section 17:48A-7h - Medical service corporation, benefits for health promotion
- Section 17:48A-7i - Requirements for medical service corporation providing benefits for pharmacy services.
- Section 17:48A-7j - Benefits for certain cancer treatments
- Section 17:48A-7k - Coverage for birth and natal care; medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7l - Coverage for diabetes treatment by individual, group medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7m - Medical service corporation contract, Pap smear benefits
- Section 17:48A-7n - Medical service corporation contract, prostate cancer testing
- Section 17:48A-7o - Coverage for minimum inpatient care following mastectomy by individual, group medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7p - Applicability of Health Care Quality Act
- Section 17:48A-7q - Coverage for treatment of inherited metabolic diseases by medical service corporation.
- Section 17:48A-7r - Medical service corporation to cover certain audiology, speech-language pathology services.
- Section 17:48A-7s - Coverage for treatment of domestic violence injuries by medical service corporation.
- Section 17:48A-7t - Coverage for certain dental procedures for the severely disabled or child age five or under by medical service corporation
- Section 17:48A-7u - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
- Section 17:48A-7v - Coverage for hemophilia services by medical services corporation
- Section 17:48A-7w - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for treatment of infertility.
- Section 17:48A-7x - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screening.
- Section 17:48A-7y - Medical service corporation prescription drug plans to cover certain infant formulas.
- Section 17:48A-7z - Contract issued under C.17:48A-1 et seq. required to cover certain out-of-network services.
- Section 17:48A-7aa - Medical service corporation to offer coverage for domestic partner.
- Section 17:48A-7bb - Medical service corporation, coverage for contraceptives.
- Section 17:48A-7cc - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for orthotic and prosthetic appliances.
- Section 17:48A-7dd - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for hearing aids for certain persons aged 15 or younger.
- Section 17:48A-7ee - Individual, group medical service corporation to provide installment payments to obstetrical provider for maternity services.
- Section 17:48A-7ff - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of autism or other developmental disability.
- Section 17:48A-7gg - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for oral anticancer medications.
- Section 17:48A-7hh - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for sickle cell anemia.
- Section 17:48A-7ii - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for prescription eye drops.
- Section 17:48A-7jj - Medical service corporation contract, coverage for synchronization of prescribed medications.
- Section 17:48A-7kk - Medical service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of substance use disorder.
- Section 17:48A-7ll - Medical service corporation to provide coverage regardless of gender identity, expression.
- Section 17:48A-7mm - Medical service corporation contract to cover digital tomosynthesis of the breast.
- Section 17:48A-7nn - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for donated human breast milk.
- Section 17:48A-7oo - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for standard fertility preservation services.
- Section 17:48A-7pp - Medical service corporation to provide coverage for breastfeeding support.
- Section 17:48A-7qq - Medical service corporation to cover preventive services.
- Section 17:48A-7rr - Medical service corporation to provide certain coverage for prescription drugs.
- Section 17:48A-7ss - Medical service corporation to cover adolescent depression screenings.
- Section 17:48A-7tt - Medical service corporation to cover newborn home nurse visitation.
- Section 17:48A-7.1 - Group contracts; issuance; description; benefits; employees defined.
- Section 17:48A-7.2 - Provisions applicable to group contracts
- Section 17:48A-7.3 - Group contract form
- Section 17:48A-7.4 - Participation agreements
- Section 17:48A-7.5 - Schedule of rates
- Section 17:48A-7.6 - Combined hospital-medical contract
- Section 17:48A-7.7 - Review of determinations of commissioner of banking and insurance
- Section 17:48A-7.8 - Review of practices, rules and procedures of medical service corporations
- Section 17:48A-7.9 - Adjustment of rates; experience rating formula; approval
- Section 17:48A-7.10 - Coverage provided by medical service corporation for subscriber's child.
- Section 17:48A-7.11 - Requirements applicable to State Medicaid
- Section 17:48A-7.12 - Medical service corporation to receive, transmit transactions electronically; standards.
- Section 17:48A-7.13 - Coverage for certain dependents until age 31 by medical service corporation.
- Section 17:48A-8 - Participating physicians; payments for medical services
- Section 17:48A-9 - Filing form of subscription certificate, etc.; disapproval by commissioner
- Section 17:48A-9.1 - Medical service corporation contract; compliance
- Section 17:48A-9.2 - Filing of contract or related forms
- Section 17:48A-9.3 - Contract forms; certification memorandum
- Section 17:48A-10 - Schedule of rates; filing, disapproval
- Section 17:48A-11 - Agreements with physicians; approval of payments; corporate records
- Section 17:48A-12 - Expenditures in soliciting subscribers
- Section 17:48A-13 - Administrative expenses
- Section 17:48A-13.1 - Medical service corporation, aggregate benefits.
- Section 17:48A-14 - Investments; surplus
- Section 17:48A-15 - Statement of financial condition; inquiries by commissioner
- Section 17:48A-16 - Failure to file statement or answer inquiries; penalty
- Section 17:48A-17 - Examination of assets and affairs; assistants
- Section 17:48A-18 - Expense of examination; gifts, etc., to departmental employees
- Section 17:48A-19 - Exhibition of records and accounts; examinations under oath
- Section 17:48A-19.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48A-19.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of medical service corporation.
- Section 17:48A-19.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48A-19.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48A-19.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48A-21 - Fees
- Section 17:48A-22 - Violations of chapter; penalty and recovery thereof; misdemeanors
- Section 17:48A-23 - Grants for needy persons
- Section 17:48A-24 - Corporation as charitable and benevolent institution; tax exemption
- Section 17:48A-25 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:48A-26 - Podiatrist, services performed by.
- Section 17:48A-27 - Bio-analytical laboratory, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-28 - Dentists, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-28.1 - Policies providing for reimbursement of services of dentist; additional applicable provisions
- Section 17:48A-28.2 - Application of act to contracts with reservation of right to change premium
- Section 17:48A-29 - Optometrist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-30 - Psychologist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-31 - Physical therapist, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-32 - Chiropractors; authorization for payment for diagnostic X-rays; inclusion in act as physician licensed to practice medicine or surgery; liberal construction
- Section 17:48A-33 - Chiropractors, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-34 - Nurse-midwives, services performed by
- Section 17:48A-35 - Services provided by registered professional nurse; benefits
- Section 17:48B-1 - Additional powers
- Section 17:48B-2 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:48C-1 - Objects and purposes
- Section 17:48C-2 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48C-3 - Nonprofit corporation; restrictions as to methods of diagnosis and treatment; dissolution
- Section 17:48C-4 - Certificate of authority; application; issuance; amendment
- Section 17:48C-4.1 - Supplying administrative services by dental service corporation
- Section 17:48C-5 - Standards in reviewing application.
- Section 17:48C-6 - Board of trustees; membership; chairman.
- Section 17:48C-7 - Contracts; provisions.
- Section 17:48C-8 - Written contracts required; subscription certificate; provisions required
- Section 17:48C-8.1 - Dental service corporation to receive, transmit transactions electronically.
- Section 17:48C-8.2 - Dental service corporation to offer coverage for domestic partner.
- Section 17:48C-8.3 - Payment of out-of-network benefits by dental service corporation.
- Section 17:48C-9 - Additional payments by subscribers
- Section 17:48C-10 - Liability of corporation for injuries
- Section 17:48C-11 - Formal requirements for subscription certificates
- Section 17:48C-12 - Participating dentists; payments for dental services
- Section 17:48C-13 - Filing form of subscription certificate; disapproval
- Section 17:48C-14 - Schedule of rates; filing; disapproval
- Section 17:48C-15 - Agreements with dentists; approval of payments; corporate records.
- Section 17:48C-16 - Group contract; benefits; "employees" defined.
- Section 17:48C-17 - Application of act to group contracts; "subscriber" defined
- Section 17:48C-18 - Written group contracts; statements.
- Section 17:48C-18.1 - Alternative dental coverage; original coverage restricted to limited number of providers
- Section 17:48C-18.2 - Employer contribution
- Section 17:48C-18.3 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:48C-19.1 - Adjustment of rate of premium for dental service corporations, certain circumstances.
- Section 17:48C-20 - Agreements for participation with other corporations for issuance of group contracts.
- Section 17:48C-21 - Experience rates, commissioner's determination.
- Section 17:48C-22 - Practices, rules and procedures subject to review; orders; disapproval; judicial review
- Section 17:48C-23 - Fees
- Section 17:48C-24 - Disbursements by corporation
- Section 17:48C-25 - Investments; surplus
- Section 17:48C-26 - Statement of financial condition; inquiries by commissioner
- Section 17:48C-27 - Failure to file statement or answer inquiries; penalty
- Section 17:48C-28 - Examination of assets and affairs
- Section 17:48C-28.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48C-28.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of dental service corporation.
- Section 17:48C-28.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48C-28.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48C-28.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48C-30 - Violations of chapter; penalty and recovery thereof; misdemeanors
- Section 17:48C-31 - Grants or allocation of funds
- Section 17:48C-32 - Corporation as charitable and benevolent institution; tax exemption
- Section 17:48C-33 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:48C-34 - Application of act
- Section 17:48C-35 - Liberal construction
- Section 17:48C-36 - Short title
- Section 17:48D-1 - Title of act
- Section 17:48D-2 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48D-3 - Application for certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48D-3.1 - Consultants
- Section 17:48D-3.2 - Fiduciary capacity of consultants; compensation
- Section 17:48D-3.3 - Report regarding finders
- Section 17:48D-4 - Notice of modification of information.
- Section 17:48D-5 - Conditions for issuance; notice of disapproval.
- Section 17:48D-6 - General surplus of plan
- Section 17:48D-7 - Special contingent surplus for organizations using more than 20 full-time dentists
- Section 17:48D-8 - Fidelity bonding of officers, etc., malpractice insurance of dentists.
- Section 17:48D-9 - Evidence of coverage.
- Section 17:48D-9.1 - Alternative dental coverage; original coverage restricted to limited number of providers
- Section 17:48D-9.2 - Employer contribution
- Section 17:48D-9.3 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:48D-9.4 - Dental plan organization to receive, transmit transactions electronically.
- Section 17:48D-9.5 - Dental plan organization to offer coverage for domestic partner.
- Section 17:48D-9.6 - Payment of out-of-network benefits by dental plan organization.
- Section 17:48D-10 - Schedule of premiums, approval by commissioner; establishment of premiums.
- Section 17:48D-11 - Books, records; examination, inspection by commissioner.
- Section 17:48D-11.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48D-11.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of dental plan organization.
- Section 17:48D-11.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48D-11.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48D-11.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48D-12 - Complaint system, records.
- Section 17:48D-13 - Annual report; filing; forms.
- Section 17:48D-14 - Percentage of premiums used for payments.
- Section 17:48D-15 - False or misleading advertising; enforcement.
- Section 17:48D-16 - Suspension, revocation of certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48D-17 - Cease and desist orders
- Section 17:48D-18 - Violations; civil penalty.
- Section 17:48D-20 - Applications, filings and reports treated as public documents
- Section 17:48D-21 - Confidentiality of diagnostic, treatment information.
- Section 17:48D-23 - Rules and regulations
- Section 17:48D-24 - Severability
- Section 17:48E-1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48E-2 - Establishment of health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-3 - Health service corporations.
- Section 17:48E-4 - Certificate of authority
- Section 17:48E-5 - Merger procedure
- Section 17:48E-6 - Board of health service corporation formed through merger.
- Section 17:48E-7 - Board of directors of health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-8 - Vacancy procedure
- Section 17:48E-9 - Executive committee
- Section 17:48E-10 - Agreements with service providers
- Section 17:48E-10.1 - Health service corporation to receive, transmit transactions electronically; standards.
- Section 17:48E-10.2 - Payment of out-of-network dental benefits by health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-11 - Professional Advisory Committee
- Section 17:48E-12 - Eligible providers' services.
- Section 17:48E-13 - Approval of forms
- Section 17:48E-13.1 - Health service corporation contract; compliance
- Section 17:48E-13.2 - Filing of contract or related form
- Section 17:48E-13.3 - Contract forms; certification memorandum
- Section 17:48E-14 - Individual contract requirements
- Section 17:48E-15 - Classification permitted
- Section 17:48E-15.1 - Eligibility for enrollment in health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-15.2 - Health service corporation contract, exclusion, rates, terms based on genetic information prohibited
- Section 17:48E-16 - Joint ventures
- Section 17:48E-17 - Expense limits; investments; administrative services
- Section 17:48E-17.1 - Two special contingent surplus accounts
- Section 17:48E-17.2 - Special contingent surplus required for health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-17.3 - Examination of annual regulatory filings; annual audit.
- Section 17:48E-17.4 - Health service corporation, aggregate benefits.
- Section 17:48E-18 - Annual contract, renewal; family coverage
- Section 17:48E-19 - Provisions of subscription certificates
- Section 17:48E-20 - Coverage for newborn child.
- Section 17:48E-21 - Coverage for former spouse
- Section 17:48E-22 - Coverage for child with intellectual disability, physical handicap.
- Section 17:48E-23 - Group contracts
- Section 17:48E-24 - Provisions of group contract forms
- Section 17:48E-25 - "Employee" coverage
- Section 17:48E-26 - Experience rating
- Section 17:48E-27 - Rate schedule filing
- Section 17:48E-27.1 - Individual contract rate changes
- Section 17:48E-28 - Group coverage for newborn child.
- Section 17:48E-29 - Nongroup coverage for former spouse
- Section 17:48E-30 - Group coverage for child with intellectual disability, physical handicap.
- Section 17:48E-30.1 - Coverage for certain dependents until age 31 by health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-31 - Family coverage after member's death
- Section 17:48E-32 - Continuation of coverage for totally disabled
- Section 17:48E-32.1 - Coverage provided by health service corporation for subscriber's child.
- Section 17:48E-32.2 - Requirements applicable to State Medicaid
- Section 17:48E-33 - Second, third surgical opinions
- Section 17:48E-35 - Reconstructive breast surgery benefits
- Section 17:48E-35.1 - Benefits for home treatment of hemophilia
- Section 17:48E-35.2 - Health service corporation insurance benefits for preexisting condition.
- Section 17:48E-35.3 - Health service corporation to pay benefits for treatment of Wilm's tumor
- Section 17:48E-35.4 - Health service corporation contract, mammogram examination benefits.
- Section 17:48E-35.5 - Health service corporation, benefits for "off-label" drugs required
- Section 17:48E-35.6 - Health service corporation, benefits for health promotion
- Section 17:48E-35.7 - Requirements for health service corporation providing benefits for pharmacy services.
- Section 17:48E-35.8 - Benefits for certain cancer treatments
- Section 17:48E-35.9 - Coverage for birth and natal care; health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-35.10 - Health service corporation contracts, child screening, blood lead, hearing loss; immunizations.
- Section 17:48E-35.11 - Coverage for diabetes treatment by individual group health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-35.12 - Health service corporation contract, Pap smear benefits
- Section 17:48E-35.13 - Health service corporation contract, prostate cancer testing
- Section 17:48E-35.14 - Coverage for minimum inpatient care following mastectomy by individual, group health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-35.15 - Applicability of Health Care Quality Act
- Section 17:48E-35.16 - Coverage for treatment of inherited metabolic diseases by health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-35.17 - Health service corporation to cover certain audiology, speech-language pathology services.
- Section 17:48E-35.18 - Coverage for treatment of domestic violence injuries by health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-35.19 - Coverage for certain dental procedures for the severely disabled or child age five or under by health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-35.20 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
- Section 17:48E-35.21 - Coverage for hemophilia services by health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-35.22 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for treatment of infertility.
- Section 17:48E-35.23 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for colorectal cancer screening.
- Section 17:48E-35.24 - Health service corporation prescription drug plans to cover certain infant formulas.
- Section 17:48E-35.25 - Contract issued under C.17:48E-1 et seq. required to cover certain out-of-network services.
- Section 17:48E-35.26 - Health service corporation to offer coverage for domestic partner.
- Section 17:48E-35.27 - Health service corporation, high deductible, coverage for preventive care.
- Section 17:48E-35.28 - Health service corporation, high deductible, deductible inapplicable, certain circumstances.
- Section 17:48E-35.29 - Health service corporation, coverage for contraceptives.
- Section 17:48E-35.30 - Health service corporation to provide benefits for orthotic and prosthetic appliances.
- Section 17:48E-35.31 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for hearing aids for certain persons aged 15 or younger.
- Section 17:48E-35.32 - Individual, group health service corporation to provide installment payments to obstetrical provider for maternity services.
- Section 17:48E-35.33 - Health service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of autism or other developmental disability.
- Section 17:48E-35.34 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for oral anticancer medications.
- Section 17:48E-35.35 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for sickle cell anemia.
- Section 17:48E-35.36 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for prescription eye drops.
- Section 17:48E-35.37 - Health service corporation contract, coverage for synchronization of prescribed medications.
- Section 17:48E-35.38 - Health service corporation to provide benefits for treatment of substance use disorder.
- Section 17:48E-35.39 - Health service corporation to provide coverage regardless of gender identity, expression.
- Section 17:48E-35.40 - Health service corporation contract to cover digital tomosynthesis of the breast.
- Section 17:48E-35.41 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for donated human breast milk.
- Section 17:48E-35.42 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for standard fertility preservation services.
- Section 17:48E-35.43 - Health service corporation to provide coverage for breastfeeding support.
- Section 17:48E-35.44 - Health service corporation to cover preventive services.
- Section 17:48E-35.45 - Health service corporation to provide certain coverage for prescription drugs.
- Section 17:48E-35.46 - Health service corporation to cover adolescent depression screenings.
- Section 17:48E-35.47 - Health service corporation to cover newborn home nurse visitations.
- Section 17:48E-36 - Annual financial statement
- Section 17:48E-37 - Examination authority
- Section 17:48E-37.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48E-37.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-37.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48E-37.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48E-37.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48E-38 - Fee schedule
- Section 17:48E-39 - Penalties for violations
- Section 17:48E-41 - Health service corporation, exemption from taxes
- Section 17:48E-42 - For-profit corporations excluded
- Section 17:48E-43 - Subject to review
- Section 17:48E-44 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:48E-45 - Definitions relative to conversion
- Section 17:48E-46 - Conversion of health service corporation to domestic mutual insurer
- Section 17:48E-46.1 - Findings, declarations relative to the reorganization of a health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-46.2 - Definitions relative to the reorganization of a health service corporation
- Section 17:48E-46.3 - Mutual holding company, not for pecuniary profit, mission
- Section 17:48E-46.4 - Health service corporation to reorganize into mutual holding company system
- Section 17:48E-46.5 - Health service corporation applicationto form mutual holding company system
- Section 17:48E-46.6 - Monitoring mutual holding company's operations
- Section 17:48E-46.7 - Investments; supplier program; mutualization; reorganization plans
- Section 17:48E-46.8 - Non-obligation of distribution payment to members, policyholders
- Section 17:48E-46.9 - Membership in mutual holding company
- Section 17:48E-46.10 - Plan of dissolution
- Section 17:48E-46.11 - Annual statements; report to the Governor
- Section 17:48E-46.12 - Public records
- Section 17:48E-46.13 - Initial and annual assessments
- Section 17:48E-46.14 - Mutual holding company
- Section 17:48E-46.15 - Board of the mutual holding company; membership, transitional period, diversity
- Section 17:48E-46.16 - Full-time employees maintained for 36 months following transition
- Section 17:48E-46.17 - Severability
- Section 17:48E-47 - Filing, approval of conversion plan
- Section 17:48E-48 - Directors and officers, terms
- Section 17:48E-49 - Definitions relative to conversion of health service corporation to domestic stock insurer.
- Section 17:48E-50 - Procedure for conversion.
- Section 17:48E-51 - Filing of application.
- Section 17:48E-52 - Approval of plan, certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48E-53 - Issuance of subsequent order.
- Section 17:48E-54 - Transfer of fair market value.
- Section 17:48E-55 - Continuation of health service corporation.
- Section 17:48E-56 - Conversion of policies.
- Section 17:48E-57 - Receipt of compensation contingent upon approval of plan prohibited.
- Section 17:48E-58 - Documents considered public records; exceptions.
- Section 17:48E-59 - Conversion effective; conditions.
- Section 17:48E-60 - Abandonment, amendment of plan of conversion.
- Section 17:48E-61 - Directors, officers continue to serve.
- Section 17:48E-62 - Participation of Attorney General.
- Section 17:48E-63 - Orders, rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48E-64 - Construction of act.
- Section 17:48E-65 - Requirements prior to action constituting material change in form.
- Section 17:48E-66 - Notification of action constituting material change in form, procedure.
- Section 17:48E-67 - Petition for review of foundation plan.
- Section 17:48E-68 - Foundations; board, membership.
- Section 17:48F-1 - Definitions relative to prepaid prescription service organizations.
- Section 17:48F-2 - Prepaid prescription service organization, certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48F-3 - Application for certificate of authority, requirements.
- Section 17:48F-4 - Review of application.
- Section 17:48F-5 - Modification of matter, document, filing required; fixing of charges; filing of benefits offered.
- Section 17:48F-6 - Filing for approval by other insurers, etc.
- Section 17:48F-7 - Rights of prepaid prescription service organization.
- Section 17:48F-8 - Contract for provision of services.
- Section 17:48F-9 - Issuance of evidence of coverage.
- Section 17:48F-10 - Prepaid prescription service organization deemed domestic insurer.
- Section 17:48F-11 - Complaint system established.
- Section 17:48F-12 - Examination by commissioner.
- Section 17:48F-13 - Terms, conditions required in contracts.
- Section 17:48F-13.1 - Prepaid prescription service organization to receive, transmit transactions electronically; standards.
- Section 17:48F-13.2 - Prepaid prescription service organization; coverage for contraceptives.
- Section 17:48F-14 - Maintenance of tangible net equity.
- Section 17:48F-15 - Deposit of case, securities; net worth requirement.
- Section 17:48F-16 - Maintenance of fidelity bond.
- Section 17:48F-17 - Annual report.
- Section 17:48F-17.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48F-17.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of prepaid prescription service organization.
- Section 17:48F-17.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48F-17.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48F-17.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48F-18 - Suspension, revocation of certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48F-19 - Notification of suspension, revocation of certificate of authority.
- Section 17:48F-20 - Maintenance of insurance to cover insolvency.
- Section 17:48F-21 - Rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation of prepaid prescription service organization.
- Section 17:48F-22 - Order of rehabilitation.
- Section 17:48F-23 - Providers enjoined from billing enrollees, beneficiaries under order of rehabilitation.
- Section 17:48F-24 - Inapplicability of C.17B:32A-1 et seq.
- Section 17:48F-25 - Application, examination fees.
- Section 17:48F-26 - Violations; penalties.
- Section 17:48F-27 - Cease and desist order; injunctive relief.
- Section 17:48F-28 - Confidentiality of data, information.
- Section 17:48F-29 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48G-1 - Definitions relative to dental decision regulation.
- Section 17:48G-2 - Dental decisions made by insurer.
- Section 17:48G-3 - Dental decisions made by third party administrator.
- Section 17:48G-4 - Inapplicability of act relative to certain decisions of insurers, third party administrators.
- Section 17:48G-5 - Applicability of act to dental decisions.
- Section 17:48G-6 - Construction of act relative to board.
- Section 17:48H-1 - Definitions relative to organized delivery systems for health care services benefits.
- Section 17:48H-2 - Certification, licensure, required
- Section 17:48H-3 - Application for certification.
- Section 17:48H-4 - Form, contents of application.
- Section 17:48H-5 - Review of application.
- Section 17:48H-6 - Notice of change, modification.
- Section 17:48H-7 - Suspension, revocation of certification, grounds.
- Section 17:48H-8 - Notification of grounds for suspension, revocation of certification.
- Section 17:48H-9 - Fees.
- Section 17:48H-10 - Civil administrative penalty.
- Section 17:48H-11 - Application for licensure.
- Section 17:48H-12 - Form, contents of application.
- Section 17:48H-13 - Review of application.
- Section 17:48H-14 - Notice of change, modification
- Section 17:48H-15 - Services provided by licensed organized delivery system.
- Section 17:48H-16 - Treatment of organized delivery system as domestic insurer
- Section 17:48H-17 - Examination of licensed organized delivery system
- Section 17:48H-18 - Contracts with providers, mandatory terms
- Section 17:48H-19 - Minimum net worth
- Section 17:48H-20 - Deposit of cash, securities
- Section 17:48H-21 - Maintenance of fidelity bond
- Section 17:48H-22 - Annual report
- Section 17:48H-22.1 - Definitions.
- Section 17:48H-22.2 - Increase in amount of capital or surplus required of licensed organized delivery system.
- Section 17:48H-22.3 - Determination of increase, revision or redetermination; factors.
- Section 17:48H-22.4 - Suspension, revocation of authority to do business.
- Section 17:48H-22.5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48H-23 - Suspension, revocation of license, grounds
- Section 17:48H-24 - Notification of grounds for suspension, revocation of license
- Section 17:48H-25 - Plan for insolvency, insurance
- Section 17:48H-26 - Rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation of licensed organized delivery system
- Section 17:48H-27 - Licensed organized delivery system exempt from guaranty association act, C.17B:32A-1 et seq.
- Section 17:48H-28 - Fees
- Section 17:48H-29 - Civil administrative penalty
- Section 17:48H-30 - Confidentiality of data, information; exceptions
- Section 17:48H-31 - Notification of change of means for receipt of compensation.
- Section 17:48H-32 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 17:48H-33 - Applicability of health care quality act.
- Section 17:48H-33.1 - Adoption, implementation of standards by organized delivery system for electronic transactions.
- Section 17:48H-33.2 - Organized delivery system subject to regulations under C.17B:30-26 et seq.
- Section 17:48H-34 - Provision of data, reports
- Section 17:48H-35 - Documents deemed proprietary, confidential.
- Section 17:49-1 - Individual insurance authorized; prerequisites to doing business.
- Section 17:49-2 - Applicability of laws governing insurance corporations
- Section 17:49-3 - Designation
- Section 17:49-4 - Application of Act
- Section 17:49-5 - Construction of terms
- Section 17:49-6 - Penalties; restraining violations; receiver
- Section 17:49A-1 - Short title
- Section 17:49A-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 17:49A-3 - Definitions
- Section 17:49A-4 - Joint insurance funds
- Section 17:49A-5 - Insurance fund commission
- Section 17:49A-6 - Bylaws
- Section 17:49A-7 - Plan of risk management
- Section 17:49A-8 - Approval by commissioner
- Section 17:49A-9 - Insurance coverage
- Section 17:49A-10 - Amendments
- Section 17:49A-11 - Suspension, termination of authority
- Section 17:49A-12 - Filing of agreements
- Section 17:49A-13 - Annual audit
- Section 17:49A-14 - Examination
- Section 17:49A-15 - Not insurance company
- Section 17:49A-16 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:50-1 - Exchange of contracts authorized; law exclusive
- Section 17:50-2 - Attorney in fact; exchange
- Section 17:50-3 - Declaration to be filed by attorney in fact
- Section 17:50-4 - Instrument authorizing service of process on Commissioner of Banking and Insurance to be filed; service fee
- Section 17:50-5 - Reinsurance reserve; surplus; claim or loss reserve
- Section 17:50-6 - General deposit with Commissioner; filing certificate by foreign exchange
- Section 17:50-7 - Power of attorney; requisites; policies without contingent liability
- Section 17:50-8 - Report of financial condition to Commissioner; examination of records, affairs and financial condition
- Section 17:50-9 - Power to exchange contracts; insurance of trust property
- Section 17:50-10 - Misdemeanor; solicitation of powers of attorney and applications for insurance contract; injunction; appointment of receiver
- Section 17:50-11 - Certificate of authority
- Section 17:50-12 - Authority of attorney to insert in policy provisions or conditions
- Section 17:50-13 - Fees and taxes
- Section 17:50-14 - Application of law as to appointment, licensing, etc., of insurance agents and solicitors
- Section 17:50-15 - Application of laws governing insurance rates and licensing of rate making organizations
- Section 17:50-16 - Workmen's compensation insurance, authority to exchange contracts
- Section 17:50-17 - Retaliatory laws
- Section 17:50-18 - Conflicting laws repealed
- Section 17:50-19 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:51-1 - Acts which constitute commissioner as attorney for service of process, service
- Section 17:51-2 - Actions against unauthorized insurers; deposit or bond required before insurer may file pleading
- Section 17:51-3 - Inapplicability of act
- Section 17:51-4 - Partial invalidity
- Section 17:51-5 - Short title
- Section 17:51B-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:51B-2 - Credit for reinsurance ceded by certain insurers.
- Section 17:51B-3 - Reduction in liability for reinsurance ceded
- Section 17:51B-4 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:51A-1 - Definitions
- Section 17:51A-2 - Application of act
- Section 17:51A-3 - Administrative supervision of insurer
- Section 17:51A-4 - Confidentiality of information; exceptions
- Section 17:51A-5 - Powers of supervision
- Section 17:51A-6 - Contesting of action
- Section 17:51A-7 - Initiation of judicial proceedings
- Section 17:51A-8 - Rules, regulations
- Section 17:51A-9 - Commissioner may meet with supervisor, attorney, representative
- Section 17:51A-10 - Governmental immunity
- Section 17:52-1 - Business development corporations; purposes
- Section 17:52-2 - Certificate of incorporation; contents
- Section 17:52-3 - Submission of certificate of incorporation to Commissioner of Banking and Insurance; statement
- Section 17:52-4 - Certification of statement
- Section 17:52-5 - Application for charter
- Section 17:52-6 - Designation of time and place of hearing; notice
- Section 17:52-7 - Hearing on application for commissioner
- Section 17:52-8 - Determination by commissioner
- Section 17:52-9 - Approval of application by charter; record
- Section 17:52-10 - Concurrence by banking advisory board
- Section 17:52-11 - Beginning of corporate existence
- Section 17:52-12 - Powers
- Section 17:52-13 - Directors
- Section 17:52-14 - Members; qualifications
- Section 17:52-15 - Members; obligations
- Section 17:52-16 - Members; termination of membership
- Section 17:52-17 - Members; stockholders; voting rights; preemptive rights
- Section 17:52-18 - Banks and trust companies; powers
- Section 17:52-19 - Other corporations; powers
- Section 17:52-20 - Limitations on indebtedness
- Section 17:52-21 - Loans prohibited
- Section 17:52-22 - Reports
- Section 17:52-23 - Supervision by Commissioner of Banking and Insurance
- Section 17:52-24 - Filing fees and costs of examination
- Section 17:52-25 - Business development corporation not deemed banking institution
- Section 17:52-26 - Applicability of act
- Section 17:52-27 - Short title
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