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2020 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 10 - Civil Rights
- Section 10:1-1 - Right of citizens to hold office or employment; no discrimination because of sex or marital status
- Section 10:1-2 - Equal rights and privileges of all persons in public places
- Section 10:1-3 - Exclusions based on race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sex unlawful
- Section 10:1-4 - Written announcement of discrimination; presumption
- Section 10:1-5 - Place of public accommodation, resort or amusement defined
- Section 10:1-6 - Penalty and punishment
- Section 10:1-7 - Jurisdiction; costs and attorney's fees
- Section 10:1-8 - Jurors not disqualified for race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sex; penalty
- Section 10:1-9 - Discrimination due to color or sex in burial of dead, misdemeanor
- Section 10:1-10 - Defense industries; discrimination in employment based on race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status or sex
- Section 10:1-11 - Exclusion from, denial of, or aid or incitement of another to deny public employment or employment in defense industry
- Section 10:1-12 - "Employer" and "industry" defined
- Section 10:2-1 - Antidiscrimination provisions.
- Section 10:2-2 - Complaint of violation; decision of attorney general final
- Section 10:2-3 - Rules and regulations; notice of complaint and hearing
- Section 10:2-4 - Notice of decision; fixing penalty
- Section 10:3-1 - Age discrimination prohibited; exceptions.
- Section 10:4-6 - "Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act."
- Section 10:4-7 - Legislative findings and declaration
- Section 10:4-8 - Definitions
- Section 10:4-9 - Meeting of public body; adequate notice to public; necessity; exceptions
- Section 10:4-9.1 - Electronic notice of meeting of public body; terms defined
- Section 10:4-9.2 - Construction of act
- Section 10:4-9.3 - Conduct of public meetings during periods of emergency.
- Section 10:4-10 - Statement in minutes of meeting on adequate notice
- Section 10:4-11 - Failure to invite portion of members to circumvent provisions of act; prohibition
- Section 10:4-12 - Meetings open to public; exceptions.
- Section 10:4-13 - Exclusion of public; resolution; adoption; contents
- Section 10:4-14 - Minutes of meetings; availability to public
- Section 10:4-15 - Proceeding in lieu of prerogative writ to void action at nonconforming meeting; parties; limitation; corrective or remedial action
- Section 10:4-16 - Injunctive orders or other remedies to insure compliance
- Section 10:4-17 - Penalty; enforcement
- Section 10:4-18 - Schedule of regular meetings of public body; publicity; revision; procedure
- Section 10:4-19 - Requests for notices of meetings; annual renewal
- Section 10:4-20 - Severability
- Section 10:4-21 - Liberal construction
- Section 10:5-1 - Short title
- Section 10:5-2 - Police power, enactment deemed exercise of
- Section 10:5-2.1 - Other laws unaffected
- Section 10:5-2.2 - Higher education exception
- Section 10:5-3 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 10:5-3.1 - Findings, declarations relative to discrimination based on pregnancy, childbirth, related medical conditions.
- Section 10:5-4 - Obtaining employment and privileges without discrimination; civil right.
- Section 10:5-4.1 - Construction of act.
- Section 10:5-5 - Definitions relative to discrimination.
- Section 10:5-5.1 - Division to be known as "Division on Civil Rights"
- Section 10:5-6 - Division on Civil Rights created; powers.
- Section 10:5-7 - Composition of division; commission; membership; appointment; term; vacancies; compensation
- Section 10:5-8 - Attorney General's powers and duties.
- Section 10:5-8.1 - Preparation of statement by Attorney General.
- Section 10:5-8.2 - Investigation, enforcement actions, communications privileged.
- Section 10:5-9.1 - Enforcement of laws against discrimination in public housing and real property.
- Section 10:5-9.2 - Division on Civil Rights qualified as "certified agency."
- Section 10:5-10 - Commission's powers and duties; local commissions.
- Section 10:5-11 - Evidence in obedience to summons; immunity of witnesses
- Section 10:5-12 - Unlawful employment practices, discrimination.
- Section 10:5-12.1 - Reinstatement, back pay.
- Section 10:5-12.2 - Unlawful discrimination against Medicaid applicants, recipients of public assistance
- Section 10:5-12.3 - Report of admission denial
- Section 10:5-12.4 - Failure to use barrier free housing standards, unlawful discrimination.
- Section 10:5-12.5 - Regulation of land use, housing, unlawful discrimination.
- Section 10:5-12.6 - Liability imposed on employers who discharge, discriminate against employee who displays the American flag.
- Section 10:5-12.7 - Certain waivers in employment contract deemed against public policy and unenforceable.
- Section 10:5-12.8 - Certain provisions in employment contract, settlement agreement deemed against public policy and unenforceable.
- Section 10:5-12.9 - Liability for enforcing, attempting to enforce provision deemed against public policy, unenforceable.
- Section 10:5-12.10 - Retaliatory actions prohibited.
- Section 10:5-12.11 - Grievances, actions.
- Section 10:5-12.12 - Unlawful employment practice; member of protected class.
- Section 10:5-13 - Filing complaints, prosecution; jury trial; remedies; damages.
- Section 10:5-14 - Investigation of complaint; Attorney General's duties.
- Section 10:5-14.1 - Enforcement of act; summary proceedings; injunction.
- Section 10:5-14.1a - Penalties; disposition.
- Section 10:5-14.2 - Counties and municipalities over 200,000; office of civil rights; creation and establishment; officers; organization; powers
- Section 10:5-14.3 - Delegation of powers by Attorney General; review of findings and conclusions
- Section 10:5-15 - Notice requiring respondent to answer charges; place of hearing
- Section 10:5-16 - Practice, procedure, remedies.
- Section 10:5-17 - Findings and conclusions of director; actions; remedies or dismissal.
- Section 10:5-18 - Rules of practice; limitations
- Section 10:5-19 - Enforcement of orders
- Section 10:5-21 - Appeals
- Section 10:5-24 - Transcript of hearing
- Section 10:5-25 - Attorney for division; compensation
- Section 10:5-26 - Resisting or impeding performance of duties; violation of orders; punishment
- Section 10:5-27 - Construction of act; other laws not affected; exception; other remedies.
- Section 10:5-27.1 - Attorney fees.
- Section 10:5-28 - Partial invalidity
- Section 10:5-29 - Person with a disability; accompaniment by service or guide dog; use of public facilities; liabilities.
- Section 10:5-29.1 - Person with a disability; unlawful employment practice.
- Section 10:5-29.2 - Housing accommodations.
- Section 10:5-29.3 - Service, guide dog trainer; access to public facilities; responsibilities.
- Section 10:5-29.4 - Right-of-way for person accompanied by or instructing a guide dog.
- Section 10:5-29.5 - Violations, misrepresentation, interference with disabled persons, guide or service dogs; fine.
- Section 10:5-29.6 - Rights and privileges relative to service dogs.
- Section 10:5-29.7 - Definitions relative to access for certain working dogs.
- Section 10:5-29.8 - Law enforcement, emergency service workers with working dog entitled to full access.
- Section 10:5-29.9 - Possessors of working dog, certain, entitlement to housing, business accommodations.
- Section 10:5-29.10 - Violations; fine.
- Section 10:5-29.11 - Civil penalty concerning person with a disability accompanied by guide or service dogs; complaint, action with Division on Civil Rights.
- Section 10:5-30 - Administration and enforcement
- Section 10:5-31 - Definitions.
- Section 10:5-32 - Public works contract not awarded without agreement and guarantee of equal opportunity.
- Section 10:5-33 - Contents of bid specs, contract provisions.
- Section 10:5-34 - Affirmative action program, submission to State Treasurer; fee; approval.
- Section 10:5-35 - Failure to include affirmative action program; nullity of contract; violations; fine
- Section 10:5-36 - State treasurer; enforcement; powers
- Section 10:5-37 - Costs of project; inclusion of expenses furthering equal employment opportunities
- Section 10:5-38 - Persons entitled to bring enforcement actions
- Section 10:5-39 - Definitions.
- Section 10:5-40 - Equal employment opportunities for veterans.
- Section 10:5-41 - Affirmative action program for veterans; investigations.
- Section 10:5-42 - Penalties
- Section 10:5-43 - Short title
- Section 10:5-44 - Findings, declarations relative to genetic information
- Section 10:5-45 - Informed consent required to obtain genetic information
- Section 10:5-46 - Authorization to retain genetic information
- Section 10:5-47 - Conditions for disclosure of genetic information
- Section 10:5-48 - Notice to persons receiving genetic testing
- Section 10:5-49 - Violations, penalties for unlawful disclosure of genetic information
- Section 10:6-1 - Short title.
- Section 10:6-2 - Actions permitted under the "New Jersey Civil Rights Act."
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