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2019 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 18A - Education
- Section 18A:1-1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:2-1 - Power to effectuate action
- Section 18A:2-2 - Payment and disposition of fines imposed under this title.
- Section 18A:2-3 - Preparation, offering for sale of certain documents; penalty
- Section 18A:3-14.1 - Annual report of sources of financial assistance
- Section 18A:3-14.2 - Distribution of report
- Section 18A:3-15.1 - Deceptive diploma practices
- Section 18A:3-15.2 - Use of fraudulent degree
- Section 18A:3-15.3 - Letter designation restricted
- Section 18A:3-15.4 - Out-of-State degrees.
- Section 18A:3-15.5 - Civil penalty
- Section 18A:3-19.1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:3-19.2 - Disclosure of foreign gifts
- Section 18A:3-19.3 - Information to the Department of the Treasury
- Section 18A:3-19.4 - Public record
- Section 18A:3-24 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:3-25 - Pledge's Bill of Rights
- Section 18A:3-26 - Information on hazing included
- Section 18A:3-27 - Distribution
- Section 18A:3-28 - Display, certain, of students' social security numbers prohibited.
- Section 18A:3-29 - Definitions relative to disclosure of personal information for certain electronic communications devices to institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3-30 - Actions prohibited by institution of higher education.
- Section 18A:3-31 - Waiver, limitation of protection by student, requirement prohibited.
- Section 18A:3-32 - Violations, remedies.
- Section 18A:3A-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:3A-2 - Legislative findings, determinations and declarations
- Section 18A:3A-3 - Institute on Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
- Section 18A:3A-4 - Duties
- Section 18A:3A-5 - Findings and recommendations; transmittal
- Section 18A:3A-6 - Advisory board
- Section 18A:3B-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:3B-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:3B-3 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:3B-4 - Department of Higher Education abolished
- Section 18A:3B-5 - Termination of offices, terms
- Section 18A:3B-6 - Powers, duties of governing boards of institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-6a - Policies, procedures, guidelines relative to student fees.
- Section 18A:3B-6b - Financial aid "shopping sheet."
- Section 18A:3B-6.1 - Educational research and service corporation.
- Section 18A:3B-6.2 - Regulation of purchase of certain real property by representative of public institution of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-7 - "New Jersey Presidents' Council" established.
- Section 18A:3B-8 - Responsibilities of council.
- Section 18A:3B-9 - Powers of council
- Section 18A:3B-10 - Funding necessary expenses of council
- Section 18A:3B-11 - Organization of council, selection of officers
- Section 18A:3B-12 - Executive board.
- Section 18A:3B-13 - New Jersey Commission on Higher Education.
- Section 18A:3B-14 - Responsibilities of Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:3B-14.1 - Dissemination of fire safety information by N.J. institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-15 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:3B-16 - Report to Legislature, Governor
- Section 18A:3B-19 - Educational Opportunity Fund transferred
- Section 18A:3B-21 - Educational Facilities Authority transferred.
- Section 18A:3B-22 - State Board of Higher Education project approval transferred
- Section 18A:3B-23 - State Board of Higher Education equipment purchase, allocation of funds transferred
- Section 18A:3B-24 - Equipment purchase, allocation of funds under C.18A:72A-49 et seq. transferred
- Section 18A:3B-25 - Functions, powers, duties under P.L.1984, c.99 transferred
- Section 18A:3B-26 - Construction of act in regard to Rutgers, The State University
- Section 18A:3B-27 - Allocation of institutions to Department of State
- Section 18A:3B-28 - Construction of act
- Section 18A:3B-29 - Disposition of petitions, controversies, disputes
- Section 18A:3B-30 - Responsibility for action to implement act
- Section 18A:3B-31 - Interim, comprehensive reports to Governor, Legislature
- Section 18A:3B-32 - Exercise of powers conferred in act
- Section 18A:3B-33 - Participation in alternate benefits program continued
- Section 18A:3B-34 - Powers of Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:3B-34.1 - Powers and duties of secretary.
- Section 18A:3B-34.2 - "30 Credits Per Year to Finish" communication campaign.
- Section 18A:3B-35 - Annual report by institution of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-36 - Specific enabling legislation required for reorganization transfer
- Section 18A:3B-37 - Alternate opportunity to take test, examination, attend or register for class due to religious observance.
- Section 18A:3B-38 - "Standardized test" defined; alternate administration of tests offered.
- Section 18A:3B-39 - Long-range facilities plan.
- Section 18A:3B-40 - Network to propose, develop economic development policies, programs.
- Section 18A:3B-41 - Short title.
- Section 18A:3B-42 - Establishment of Troops to College Program.
- Section 18A:3B-42a - Credit for student's military experience.
- Section 18A:3B-43 - Short title.
- Section 18A:3B-44 - Information provided by certain colleges, universities.
- Section 18A:3B-45 - Guidelines, criteria for collection, calculation of information.
- Section 18A:3B-46 - Definitions relative to structure and fiscal management of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-47 - Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:3B-48 - Audit committee.
- Section 18A:3B-49 - Internal auditor.
- Section 18A:3B-50 - Independent outside auditor.
- Section 18A:3B-51 - Submission of audit to commission.
- Section 18A:3B-52 - Policies, procedures for reports of wrongdoing, confidentiality.
- Section 18A:3B-53 - Recommendations for penalties for noncompliance.
- Section 18A:3B-54 - Additional authority of commission.
- Section 18A:3B-55 - Notice of representation filed by governmental affairs agent, reports.
- Section 18A:3B-56 - Approval of contract.
- Section 18A:3B-57 - Policies concerning professional services contracts.
- Section 18A:3B-58 - Executive committee.
- Section 18A:3B-59 - Compensation committee.
- Section 18A:3B-60 - Nominations and governance committee.
- Section 18A:3B-61 - Fundraising and development strategies.
- Section 18A:3B-62 - Provision of information, orientation, training.
- Section 18A:3B-63 - Procedure for change in programmatic mission.
- Section 18A:3B-64 - Meeting convened by commission.
- Section 18A:3B-65 - Plan for branch campus.
- Section 18A:3B-66 - Reference to mean, refer to Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:3B-67 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:3B-68 - Adoption of policy by public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-69 - Emergency operations plan for institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-70 - Substance abuse recovery housing programs at certain institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-71 - Report of criminal and fire events at public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-72 - Short title.
- Section 18A:3B-73 - Institution of higher education required to provide access to suicide prevention services; training for faculty and staff provided.
- Section 18A:3B-74 - Institution of higher education prohibited from pregnancy discrimination; written policy.
- Section 18A:3B-75 - Leave of absence for graduate student.
- Section 18A:3B-76 - Return to program in good academic standing.
- Section 18A:3B-77 - Limit on payment to speakers at public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:3B-78 - Three plus one degree programs.
- Section 18A:3B-79 - Eligibility for certain grants.
- Section 18A:3B-80 - Eligibility for certain scholarships.
- Section 18A:3B-81 - Definitions relative to open textbooks.
- Section 18A:3B-82 - Plan for use of open textbooks, digital learning materials.
- Section 18A:3B-83 - Report.
- Section 18A:3B-84 - Public institution of higher education to post budget, other information on website.
- Section 18A:3B-85 - "Homes for Animal Heroes Act."
- Section 18A:3C-1 - Definitions relative to certain credit card solicitations.
- Section 18A:3C-2 - Annual registration of credit card issuer.
- Section 18A:3C-3 - Provision of program of education on responsible use of credit.
- Section 18A:3C-4 - Certificate required for issuance of credit card to student.
- Section 18A:3C-5 - Prohibited actions for credit card issuer.
- Section 18A:3C-6 - Prohibited debt collection actions.
- Section 18A:3C-7 - Violations, penalties.
- Section 18A:4-1 - State department of education continued; composition
- Section 18A:4-2 - Offices
- Section 18A:4-3 - Membership qualifications
- Section 18A:4-4 - Appointment of members; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:4-5 - Continuation of present state board; appointment of successors
- Section 18A:4-6 - Expenses of members; no compensation
- Section 18A:4-7 - Meetings
- Section 18A:4-8 - Organization of board; officers; vacancies
- Section 18A:4-9 - Secretary of state board
- Section 18A:4-10 - General supervision of public education except higher education vested in state board
- Section 18A:4-11 - Acquisition of land and other property by condemnation
- Section 18A:4-12 - Use of lands controlled by state board for recreation purposes
- Section 18A:4-13 - Building operations
- Section 18A:4-14 - Uniform system of bookkeeping for school districts
- Section 18A:4-14.1 - Conformity to uniform system
- Section 18A:4-15 - General rule-making power
- Section 18A:4-16 - Incidental powers conferred
- Section 18A:4-17 - Right to administer oaths and examine witnesses; false swearing
- Section 18A:4-18 - Compelling attendance of school personnel
- Section 18A:4-19 - Subpoenas; penalty
- Section 18A:4-20 - Annual report to legislature
- Section 18A:4-21 - Appointment; term; qualifications; salary
- Section 18A:4-22 - Chief officer of the department
- Section 18A:4-23 - Supervision of schools; enforcement of rules
- Section 18A:4-24 - Determining efficiency of schools; report to state board
- Section 18A:4-25 - Prescribing minimum courses of study for public schools; approval of courses of study
- Section 18A:4-26 - Acceptance of grants and donations
- Section 18A:4-27 - Notice and hearing
- Section 18A:4-28 - Materials for guidance of teachers
- Section 18A:4-29 - Instruction of county superintendents and superintendents of schools; meetings
- Section 18A:4-30 - Annual report of comparative financial statistics of school districts
- Section 18A:4-31 - Right to administer oaths, take affidavits and examine witnesses; false swearing
- Section 18A:4-32 - Assistant commissioners; appointment; compensation
- Section 18A:4-33 - Deputy commissioner
- Section 18A:4-34 - Duties of assistant commissioner.
- Section 18A:4-35 - Directors, inspectors, and assistants.
- Section 18A:4-36 - Helping teachers, salaries and expense allowance
- Section 18A:4-37 - Payment of salaries and expenses
- Section 18A:4-38 - Employment of clerks and other employees; compensation
- Section 18A:4-39 - Record of official acts; seal; copies of papers
- Section 18A:4-40 - Monthly, annual and other reports to state board
- Section 18A:4-41 - Waiving of certain requirements
- Section 18A:4-42 - Findings, declarations relative to Italian heritage and cultural and educational programs.
- Section 18A:4-43 - New Jersey Commission on Italian and Americans of Italian Heritage Cultural and Educational Programs.
- Section 18A:4-44 - Responsibilities, duties of commission.
- Section 18A:4-45 - Assistance to commission.
- Section 18A:4-46 - Duties of commission relative to Institute of Italian and Italian American Heritage Studies.
- Section 18A:4-48 - Commission on Latino and Hispanic Heritage.
- Section 18A:4-49 - Responsibilities, duties of commission.
- Section 18A:4-50 - Authority of commission.
- Section 18A:4A-1 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:4A-2 - New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education.
- Section 18A:4A-3 - Responsibilities, duties of commission
- Section 18A:4A-4 - Commission assistance, cooperation
- Section 18A:6-1 - Corporal punishment of pupils
- Section 18A:6-1.1 - Experimental or stimulation of learning process drugs or medications; administration to pupils; written consent of parent or guardian and physician
- Section 18A:6-2 - Instruction in accident and fire prevention
- Section 18A:6-3 - Courses in Constitution of United States
- Section 18A:6-4 - Annual report of institutions receiving State aid and private schools
- Section 18A:6-4.1 - Security officers of public and nonprofit educational institutions; training courses
- Section 18A:6-4.2 - Policemen; appointment by governing body of institution of learning
- Section 18A:6-4.3 - Application by policeman; approval; issuance of commission
- Section 18A:6-4.3a - Background investigations of university police officer candidates.
- Section 18A:6-4.4 - Police training course
- Section 18A:6-4.5 - Police powers
- Section 18A:6-4.6 - Name plate and shield
- Section 18A:6-4.7 - Traffic and parking violations; authority; procedure on issuance of tickets
- Section 18A:6-4.8 - Application of concealed weapons law
- Section 18A:6-4.9 - Repeal
- Section 18A:6-4.10 - Construction of act
- Section 18A:6-4.11 - Severability
- Section 18A:6-4.12 - Educational institution reimbursement.
- Section 18A:6-4.13 - Nonpublic school employment candidates to demonstrate no criminal history.
- Section 18A:6-4.14 - Criminal history record check for applicant for nonpublic school employment
- Section 18A:6-4.15 - Determination, reporting of qualification; written notice, notice of pending charge
- Section 18A:6-4.16 - Records to be kept no longer than three years; exceptions.
- Section 18A:6-4.17 - Initial criminal history record check for substitute employees
- Section 18A:6-5 - Inquiry as to religion and religious tests prohibited
- Section 18A:6-6 - No sex discrimination
- Section 18A:6-7 - Oaths of persons employed in teaching capacities
- Section 18A:6-7a - Alleged child abuse, neglect by school employee; no use if unfounded.
- Section 18A:6-7.1 - Criminal record check in public school employment, volunteer service.
- Section 18A:6-7.1b - Initial criminal history check for substitutes
- Section 18A:6-7.1c - Employment of applicant on emergent basis, conditions.
- Section 18A:6-7.2 - Fingerprinting; reimbursement of unpaid volunteers.
- Section 18A:6-7.2a - Authority of commissioner
- Section 18A:6-7.3 - Notice to applicant; notice of pending charges
- Section 18A:6-7.4 - Three-year limitation; exceptions.
- Section 18A:6-7.5 - Fine for noncompliance
- Section 18A:6-7.6 - Definitions relative to certain school employees.
- Section 18A:6-7.7 - Requirements for certain school employees.
- Section 18A:6-7.8 - Certain actions by applicant; penalties.
- Section 18A:6-7.9 - Verification, disclosure of information.
- Section 18A:6-7.10 - Review, further inquiries.
- Section 18A:6-7.11 - Information not deemed public record; immunity.
- Section 18A:6-7.12 - Prohibited actions relative to certain agreements, employment contracts.
- Section 18A:6-7.13 - Public awareness campaign.
- Section 18A:6-8 - Interest of school officers, etc., in sale of textbooks or supplies; royalties
- Section 18A:6-8.1 - Leave of certain employees to serve in legislature
- Section 18A:6-8.2 - Leave of certain employees to serve on board of chosen freeholders
- Section 18A:6-8.3 - Suspended employee or officer of board of education; compensation; exceptions
- Section 18A:6-8.4 - Right to hold elective or appointive state, county or municipal office
- Section 18A:6-8.5 - Requirements for receipt of employee tuition assistance, additional compensation.
- Section 18A:6-8.6 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:6-9 - Controversies, disputes arising under school laws; jurisdiction.
- Section 18A:6-9.1 - Commissioner's determinations considered final agency action; appeals; request for relief.
- Section 18A:6-9.2 - Authority of State BOE to consider appeal terminated.
- Section 18A:6-10 - Dismissal and reduction in compensation of persons under tenure in public school system
- Section 18A:6-11 - Written charges, statement of evidence; filing; statement of position by employee; certification of determination; notice.
- Section 18A:6-13 - Dismissal of charge for failure of determination by board.
- Section 18A:6-14 - Suspension upon certification of charge; compensation; reinstatement.
- Section 18A:6-16 - Proceedings before commissioner; written response; determination.
- Section 18A:6-17 - Board of education a party; conduct of hearing
- Section 18A:6-17.1 - Panel of arbitrators; training.
- Section 18A:6-17.2 - Considerations for arbitrator in rendering decision.
- Section 18A:6-17.3 - Evaluation process, determination of charges.
- Section 18A:6-17.4 - Commissioner's authority.
- Section 18A:6-17.5 - Determination of certain tenure charge.
- Section 18A:6-18 - Dismissal, reduction and compensation of persons under tenure in schools and institutions of higher education
- Section 18A:6-18.1 - Charge against suspended person not determined within 180 days; payment of salary
- Section 18A:6-19 - Administering of oaths
- Section 18A:6-20 - Right to testify; counsel; witnesses; compulsory process
- Section 18A:6-21 - Proceedings against recalcitrant witnesses
- Section 18A:6-22 - Order to testify, etc.
- Section 18A:6-23 - Witness fees and privileges
- Section 18A:6-24 - Hearings before commissioner; presentation of facts
- Section 18A:6-25 - Decisions in controversies and disputes
- Section 18A:6-30 - Compensation for persons illegally dismissed or suspended
- Section 18A:6-30.1 - Teacher wrongfully dismissed; payment for services
- Section 18A:6-31 - Tenure and civil service rights saved
- Section 18A:6-31.1 - Tenure to continue
- Section 18A:6-31.2 - Tenure, seniority and pension rights continued
- Section 18A:6-31.3 - "New school district" defined
- Section 18A:6-31.4 - Terms, conditions of employment
- Section 18A:6-31.5 - Tenure, seniority rights
- Section 18A:6-31.6 - Filling vacancies, available positions
- Section 18A:6-31.7 - Employee rights, benefits preserved
- Section 18A:6-32 - Pension and tenure rights in American Red Cross service saved
- Section 18A:6-33 - Tenure, pension and other employment rights in military and naval service saved
- Section 18A:6-33.1 - Grant program; innovative educational ideas and techniques
- Section 18A:6-33.2 - Aim and purpose of act
- Section 18A:6-33.3 - Certification of proposals for grant funds
- Section 18A:6-33.4 - Advisory committee; review of grant applications; recommendations
- Section 18A:6-33.5 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:6-33.6 - Maximum amount of individual grants
- Section 18A:6-33.7 - Short title
- Section 18A:6-33.8 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:6-33.9 - Definitions
- Section 18A:6-33.10 - Eligible proposals
- Section 18A:6-33.11 - Community participation
- Section 18A:6-33.12 - Selection criteria
- Section 18A:6-33.14 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:6-34 - Board of Examiners
- Section 18A:6-35 - Terms of members; vacancies
- Section 18A:6-36 - Chairman; organization
- Section 18A:6-37 - Service without payment; reimbursement for expenses
- Section 18A:6-38 - Powers, duties of board, issuance of certificates, credentials, fees.
- Section 18A:6-38.1 - Revocation of certificate on commissioner's recommendation; rules.
- Section 18A:6-38.2 - Certification review under certain conditions.
- Section 18A:6-38.3 - Noncompliance with GAAP, review of certification of administrator.
- Section 18A:6-38.4 - Appeal of determination of State Board of Examiners.
- Section 18A:6-38.5 - Failure to report child abuse; possible revocation, suspension of teaching certificate.
- Section 18A:6-39 - Issuance of certificates to noncitizens
- Section 18A:6-40 - "Qualifying academic certificate" defined.
- Section 18A:6-41 - Application for certificate; fee; refund
- Section 18A:6-42 - Accounting; deposit of moneys
- Section 18A:6-43 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:6-44 - Right of disabled veterans to certificate
- Section 18A:6-45 - New Jersey School Boards Association established
- Section 18A:6-46 - Delegates to state association
- Section 18A:6-47 - Powers and duties
- Section 18A:6-48 - Officers
- Section 18A:6-49 - Perpetual succession; powers
- Section 18A:6-50 - Expenses of delegates; dues.
- Section 18A:6-51 - Definitions
- Section 18A:6-52 - Establishment of commission; petition
- Section 18A:6-53 - Approval of establishment; commissioners, first meeting
- Section 18A:6-54 - Representative assembly, organization; election of board of directors.
- Section 18A:6-55 - Membership of board
- Section 18A:6-56 - Election; terms
- Section 18A:6-57 - Meetings; transaction of business
- Section 18A:6-58 - Secretary; compensation; term; bond
- Section 18A:6-59 - Powers and duties
- Section 18A:6-60 - Superintendent or chief school administrator
- Section 18A:6-61 - Body corporate
- Section 18A:6-62 - Annual budget; preparation, adoption, funding
- Section 18A:6-63 - Services; contracts
- Section 18A:6-64 - Withdrawal of membership
- Section 18A:6-65 - Employment of personnel
- Section 18A:6-66 - Rights and benefits of personnel
- Section 18A:6-67 - Funds and grants; contracting for, receiving and administration
- Section 18A:6-68 - Bookkeeping and accounting system
- Section 18A:6-69 - Enlargement, alteration of purposes
- Section 18A:6-70 - Application for admission; representative
- Section 18A:6-71 - Establishment and operation of centers
- Section 18A:6-72 - Projects
- Section 18A:6-73 - Rules and regulations; implementation of provisions
- Section 18A:6-74 - Cooperation with other agencies
- Section 18A:6-75 - Establishment and operation
- Section 18A:6-76 - Objectives
- Section 18A:6-76.1 - Provisional certificate program; implementation
- Section 18A:6-77 - Implementation
- Section 18A:6-78 - Cooperation and involvement of other state agencies
- Section 18A:6-79 - Establishment and operation; projects; plan and development; implementation
- Section 18A:6-91.1 - New Jersey Commission on Environmental Education
- Section 18A:6-91.2 - Duties of commission
- Section 18A:6-91.3 - Inter-agency Work Group, duties
- Section 18A:6-91.4 - Inter-agency Work Group created
- Section 18A:6-91.5 - Environmental Education Fund created
- Section 18A:6-95.1 - Educational information and resource center; establishment; services provided
- Section 18A:6-95.2 - Coordination with programs and services provided by department of education
- Section 18A:6-95.3 - Funding
- Section 18A:6-95.4 - Transfer of assets
- Section 18A:6-96 - Control, management, etc. by board of directors
- Section 18A:6-96.1 - Transfer of board; term
- Section 18A:6-97 - Members; selection; reimbursement of expenses; term of office; vacancies; removal
- Section 18A:6-98 - Leave of absence without loss of pay to attend meetings of board
- Section 18A:6-99 - Organization; meetings
- Section 18A:6-100 - Powers and duties.
- Section 18A:6-101 - Executive director
- Section 18A:6-102 - Employees; tenure; pensions
- Section 18A:6-103 - Short title
- Section 18A:6-104 - Findings, declarations relative to Educational Technology Teacher Training
- Section 18A:6-105 - Educational Technology Teacher Training Program
- Section 18A:6-106 - "Educational Technology Teacher Training Fund"
- Section 18A:6-107 - Proposals for training programs; grants; training sites
- Section 18A:6-108 - Evaluation by commissioner
- Section 18A:6-109 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:6-110 - Spread the Word Program.
- Section 18A:6-111 - Findings, declarations relative to instruction in suicide prevention in public schools.
- Section 18A:6-112 - Instruction in suicide prevention for public school teaching staff.
- Section 18A:6-113 - Provision for instruction in suicide prevention in school curriculum.
- Section 18A:6-114 - Comprehensive program of after school activities in certain districts.
- Section 18A:6-115 - Personal financial literacy course pilot program.
- Section 18A:6-116 - "VETeach Pilot Program."
- Section 18A:6-117 - Short title.
- Section 18A:6-118 - Findings, declarations relative to the TEACHNJ Act.
- Section 18A:6-119 - Definitions relative to the TEACHNJ Act.
- Section 18A:6-120 - School improvement panel.
- Section 18A:6-121 - Evaluations of principal, assistant principal, vice-principal.
- Section 18A:6-122 - Annual submission of evaluation rubrics.
- Section 18A:6-123 - Review, approval of evaluation rubrics.
- Section 18A:6-124 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:6-125 - Evaluation rubric not subject to collective negotiations.
- Section 18A:6-126 - Conflicts with collective bargaining agreements.
- Section 18A:6-127 - Researched-based mentoring program.
- Section 18A:6-128 - Ongoing professional development.
- Section 18A:6-129 - Funds provided.
- Section 18A:6-130 - Professional development opportunities related to reading disabilities.
- Section 18A:6-131 - Required instruction.
- Section 18A:6-131.1 - Professional development requirement satisfied.
- Section 18A:6-131.2 - Development, distribution of guidelines concerning child trafficking.
- Section 18A:6-131.3 - Provision of guidance, resources to school districts.
- Section 18A:6-132 - County vocational District Partnership Grant Program.
- Section 18A:6-133 - Awarding of grants.
- Section 18A:6-134 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:6-135 - Development, establishment of Response to Intervention framework.
- Section 18A:6-136 - Definitions relative to a teaching pilot program; recruitment; report.
- Section 18A:6-137 - Definitions relative to grant programs for certain STEM teachers.
- Section 18A:6-138 - Grant program for certain STEM teachers established.
- Section 18A:6-139 - Application for participation.
- Section 18A:6-140 - Report.
- Section 18A:6-141 - Continuation of grant program.
- Section 18A:7-1 - Appointment; qualifications; term of executive county superintendent.
- Section 18A:7-2 - Disability or vacancy; designation of temporary replacement by commissioner.
- Section 18A:7-3 - Salary, cap; expenses.
- Section 18A:7-4 - Withholding salaries and expenses.
- Section 18A:7-5 - Full-time officer; general jurisdiction.
- Section 18A:7-6 - Office; location; school records.
- Section 18A:7-7 - Clerical assistants; selection; salaries.
- Section 18A:7-8 - General powers and duties.
- Section 18A:7-8.1 - Standards for review, approval of certain employment contracts.
- Section 18A:7-9 - Administration of oaths without charge.
- Section 18A:7-10 - Budget requests; appropriations.
- Section 18A:7-11 - Executive county business official, term.
- Section 18A:7-12 - Application for services assumed by the office of the superintendent.
- Section 18A:7-13 - Appointment of executive county superintendent of schools.
- Section 18A:7-14 - Term county superintendent deemed to refer to executive county superintendent of schools.
- Section 18A:7-15 - Limitation on post employment for executive county superintendent.
- Section 18A:7-16 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:7A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:7A-10 - New Jersey Quality Single Accountability Continuum for evaluating school performance.
- Section 18A:7A-11 - Reports by school districts, commissioner; interim review.
- Section 18A:7A-13 - Biennial message of Governor to legislature
- Section 18A:7A-14 - Review, evaluation of reports, performance continuum placement, procedure.
- Section 18A:7A-14a - Findings, declarations relative to school district evaluation and monitoring.
- Section 18A:7A-15 - Hearing on State intervention, corrective action; full State intervention; withdrawal.
- Section 18A:7A-15.1 - Authority of State board.
- Section 18A:7A-16 - Failure or refusal to comply with administrative order; application to court for order directing compliance
- Section 18A:7A-29 - Powers of state board, commissioner or local boards; effect of act
- Section 18A:7A-30 - State board of education; powers and duties
- Section 18A:7A-31.2 - Report on order to establish school district under full State intervention.
- Section 18A:7A-31.3 - Improvement plan; report on progress; monitoring.
- Section 18A:7A-32 - Severability
- Section 18A:7A-33 - Repeals
- Section 18A:7A-34 - Creation of school district under full State intervention.
- Section 18A:7A-35 - State district superintendent.
- Section 18A:7A-36 - Certificate required
- Section 18A:7A-37 - Corporate entity.
- Section 18A:7A-38 - Permissive powers of State district superintendent.
- Section 18A:7A-39 - Authority of State district superintendent.
- Section 18A:7A-40 - Collective bargaining agreements.
- Section 18A:7A-41 - Internal audit team.
- Section 18A:7A-42 - Officers, employees, consultants.
- Section 18A:7A-43 - Tenure rights.
- Section 18A:7A-44 - Abolition of administrative positions; reorganization.
- Section 18A:7A-45 - Evaluation of principals, vice-principals.
- Section 18A:7A-46 - Procedure for creation, conduct.
- Section 18A:7A-46.1 - Capital Project Control Board.
- Section 18A:7A-46.2 - Board to hear recommendations concerning proposed capital projects.
- Section 18A:7A-46.3 - Capital projects financed by issuance of bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:7A-46.4 - Issuance of authorization of notes, bonds.
- Section 18A:7A-46.5 - Cessation of existence of board
- Section 18A:7A-46.6 - Debt service part of municipal budget.
- Section 18A:7A-47 - Board of Education.
- Section 18A:7A-49 - Reports of progress under full State intervention; transition to local control.
- Section 18A:7A-50 - Budget development, presentation.
- Section 18A:7A-51 - Public hearing.
- Section 18A:7A-52 - Determination of amount of appropriation for following school year.
- Section 18A:7A-53 - Evaluation of Level I district, Level II or III districts, methodology; transition to local control.
- Section 18A:7A-53.1 - Rules, regulations; procedure for 36 months following enactment.
- Section 18A:7A-54 - Short title.
- Section 18A:7A-55 - Appointment of State monitor in certain school districts; duties.
- Section 18A:7A-56 - Recommendation of advance State aid payment to school district; repayment.
- Section 18A:7A-57 - Forensic audit of certain school districts; presentation.
- Section 18A:7A-58 - "School District Deficit Relief Account."
- Section 18A:7A-59 - Rules.
- Section 18A:7A-60 - Additional powers of Commissioner of Education relative to performance of compliance audit report.
- Section 18A:7B-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:7B-2 - Deductions, forwarding of sums to appropriate departments; disposition.
- Section 18A:7B-4 - Use of funds; authorization for appropriations.
- Section 18A:7B-5 - Rules, regulations to ensure thorough and efficient education for children in State facilities.
- Section 18A:7B-6 - Teaching staff members and administrators; salary schedules
- Section 18A:7B-7 - Request for administrative review concerning pupil in State facility.
- Section 18A:7B-8 - Office of Education in Department of Corrections; establishment; director; appointment; salary; powers; duties
- Section 18A:7B-9 - Office of Education in Department of Children and Families.
- Section 18A:7B-10 - Garden State school district; allocations and transfers
- Section 18A:7B-11 - Garden State school district; continuation of actions or proceedings; reference to mean department of corrections, human services or education; rights and privileges of teaching staff members in state facilities
- Section 18A:7B-12 - Determination of district of residence.
- Section 18A:7B-12.1 - Homeless child, determination of district of residence; tuition costs, transportation.
- Section 18A:7B-12.2 - Rules.
- Section 18A:7B-12.3 - Certain students permitted to remain in school district.
- Section 18A:7B-13 - Annual report by commissioner to Legislature.
- Section 18A:7C-1 - Commissioner of education to develop a program of standards and guidelines
- Section 18A:7C-1.1 - Courses in computer science required.
- Section 18A:7C-2 - Establishment of standards for graduation from secondary schools
- Section 18A:7C-2.1 - Certain computer science course may satisfy requirement for mathematics credits.
- Section 18A:7C-3 - Remedial instruction
- Section 18A:7C-4 - State-endorsed diploma
- Section 18A:7C-4.1 - "Operation Recognition."
- Section 18A:7C-5 - Board of education to provide policy on graduation to students and parents
- Section 18A:7C-5.1 - Graduation, yearbook costs for pupils with financial hardship
- Section 18A:7C-5.2 - Special education students, certain circumstances, participation in graduation ceremony permitted.
- Section 18A:7C-5.3 - Certain students permitted to wear military uniforms at high school graduation.
- Section 18A:7C-6 - Graduation proficiency test
- Section 18A:7C-6.1 - Development of test
- Section 18A:7C-6.2 - Assessment of progress; remediation
- Section 18A:7C-6.3 - Definitions relative to administration of standardized assessments in certain grades.
- Section 18A:7C-6.4 - Definitions relative to State assessments.
- Section 18A:7C-6.5 - Definitions relative to student testing in public schools.
- Section 18A:7C-6.6 - Provision of information to parents, guardians.
- Section 18A:7C-7 - School administrators report on students awarded or denied diplomas
- Section 18A:7C-8 - Adult high school programs; diplomas
- Section 18A:7C-9 - Evaluation of state and local programs by Commissioner of Education
- Section 18A:7C-10 - Annual report
- Section 18A:7C-11 - Status report
- Section 18A:7C-12 - Education programs, certain, in county juvenile detention centers, validity in public school districts.
- Section 18A:7C-13 - Findings, declarations relative to the State Seal of Biliteracy.
- Section 18A:7C-14 - Purposes of the State Seal of Biliteracy.
- Section 18A:7C-15 - Rules.
- Section 18A:7C-16 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:7D-28.5 - New budget increase for supplemental State aid
- Section 18A:7E-1 - Findings, declarations on school report card programs
- Section 18A:7E-2 - School Report Card Program
- Section 18A:7E-3 - Report card information.
- Section 18A:7E-4 - Statewide, district averages included
- Section 18A:7E-5 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:7F-4.1 - Findings, declarations relative to core curriculum content standards and cross-content workplace readiness standards.
- Section 18A:7F-4.2 - Adoption of core curriculum content standards for technology.
- Section 18A:7F-4.3 - Information relative to organ donation given to students in grades 9 through 12.
- Section 18A:7F-5 - Notification of districts of aid payable; budget submissions.
- Section 18A:7F-5c - Adjustments to school budget calendar, notification of nontenured personnel.
- Section 18A:7F-5d - Required local share.
- Section 18A:7F-5.2 - Sale, lease-back of textbooks; funds classification.
- Section 18A:7F-5.3 - Additional supporting documents for budget submissions relative to certain school employees.
- Section 18A:7F-5.4 - Submission of temporary budget for the school year.
- Section 18A:7F-5.5 - Proposals for additional funds.
- Section 18A:7F-5.6 - Recertification of sums to be raised.
- Section 18A:7F-5.7 - Actions deemed necessary for taxation purposes.
- Section 18A:7F-6 - Approval of budget by commissioner.
- Section 18A:7F-7 - Undesignated general fund balances, use, limits.
- Section 18A:7F-7.1 - Increase in certain fund balance by school district.
- Section 18A:7F-8 - Payments to school district by State Treasurer, dates.
- Section 18A:7F-9 - Receipt of State aid by school district; conditions.
- Section 18A:7F-24 - Submission of budget for educational programs in State facilities.
- Section 18A:7F-32 - Adjustment of State aid calculations in regional districts.
- Section 18A:7F-33 - Annual filing of district report with commissioner.
- Section 18A:7F-34 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:7F-37 - Definitions relative to property tax levy cap concerning school districts.
- Section 18A:7F-38 - School district budget increase limited.
- Section 18A:7F-39 - Proposal submission required to increase adjusted tax levy, certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:7F-41 - Supplementation of accounts, establishment of reserve accounts by board of education or board of school estimate.
- Section 18A:7F-42 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:7F-43 - Short title.
- Section 18A:7F-44 - Findings, declarations relative to school funding reforms.
- Section 18A:7F-45 - Definitions relative to school funding reform.
- Section 18A:7F-46 - Review, update of core curriculum content standards; Educational Adequacy Report, development of T & E standards.
- Section 18A:7F-48 - Calculation of equalization aid.
- Section 18A:7F-49 - Determination of base per pupil amount; grade level weights.
- Section 18A:7F-50 - Calculation of weighted enrollment for each school district.
- Section 18A:7F-51 - Calculation of adequacy budget.
- Section 18A:7F-52 - Determination of equalization aid.
- Section 18A:7F-53 - Calculation of equalization aid.
- Section 18A:7F-54 - Access to full-day preschool; calculation of preschool education aid.
- Section 18A:7F-55 - Calculation of special education categorical aid.
- Section 18A:7F-56 - Calculation of security categorical aid.
- Section 18A:7F-57 - Calculation of State aid for transportation.
- Section 18A:7F-58 - Adjustment aid; educational adequacy aid.
- Section 18A:7F-60 - Conditions for disbursement of funds.
- Section 18A:7F-61 - Percentage of district's district aid for 2008-09.
- Section 18A:7F-62 - Calculation of aid for choice student in choice district, resident enrollment.
- Section 18A:7F-63 - Inclusion of facilities projects in SDA district budget.
- Section 18A:7F-64 - Determination of amount of State school aid.
- Section 18A:7F-65 - Commercial valuation stabilization aid.
- Section 18A:7F-66 - Efficiency of expenditures.
- Section 18A:7F-67 - Definitions relative to financing of school districts.
- Section 18A:7F-68 - Amount of State aid for certain districts.
- Section 18A:7F-69 - Aid to county vocational school district.
- Section 18A:7F-70 - Determination as to whether district is spending above or below adequacy.
- Section 18A:7G-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:7G-2 - Findings, declarations relative to construction, financing of public school facilities.
- Section 18A:7G-3 - Definitions relative to construction, financing of public school facilities.
- Section 18A:7G-4 - Long-range facilities plan; facilities efficiency standards; time lines.
- Section 18A:7G-5 - Undertaking and financing of school facilities in certain districts.
- Section 18A:7G-5a - County vocational school district, construction, issuance of bonds by county improvement authority to finance school facilities project.
- Section 18A:7G-5.1 - No construction of school within 1,000 feet of an existing entry, exit ramp of a highway; exceptions.
- Section 18A:7G-5.2 - Public school facilities, certain, security measures required.
- Section 18A:7G-6 - Applicability of C.18A:7G-5 to demonstration projects; exceptions.
- Section 18A:7G-7 - Approval of preliminary eligible costs.
- Section 18A:7G-8 - Calculation of number of unhoused students.
- Section 18A:7G-9 - Distribution of State debt service aid.
- Section 18A:7G-10 - Issuance of school bonds, certificates of participation, determination of aid.
- Section 18A:7G-11 - Approval of local share of project.
- Section 18A:7G-12 - Submission of project to commissioner for approval of local share.
- Section 18A:7G-13 - Responsibilities of financing authority, development authority.
- Section 18A:7G-13.1 - Audits conducted of certain projects.
- Section 18A:7G-14 - Powers of financing authority; powers of development authority.
- Section 18A:7G-14.1 - Priority for projects of certain county vocational school districts.
- Section 18A:7G-15 - Election by district to receive one-time grant for State share.
- Section 18A:7G-15.1 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:7G-15.2 - Use of certain funds to improve school security.
- Section 18A:7G-16 - Additional powers, duties of financing authority.
- Section 18A:7G-17 - Annual payment to financing authority by State.
- Section 18A:7G-18 - Financing authority to enter into contracts for State payments.
- Section 18A:7G-19 - Loans to local units.
- Section 18A:7G-20 - Acquisition of school facilities by local unit.
- Section 18A:7G-21 - Payment to financing, development authority to cover deficiency.
- Section 18A:7G-22 - Powers of financing and development authorities relative to acceptance and use of funds.
- Section 18A:7G-23 - Prevailing wage rates on construction contracts.
- Section 18A:7G-24 - Biannual report on school facilities construction program.
- Section 18A:7G-24.1 - Information submitted by the New Jersey Schools Development Authority.
- Section 18A:7G-25 - Appropriation of unexpended balance.
- Section 18A:7G-26 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:7G-27 - Development or financing authority property exempt from levy, sale.
- Section 18A:7G-28 - Severability.
- Section 18A:7G-29 - Liberal construction.
- Section 18A:7G-30 - Annual appropriation from tobacco settlement.
- Section 18A:7G-31 - Establishment of capital reserve account.
- Section 18A:7G-32 - "County Vocational School District Facilities Rehabilitation Fund."
- Section 18A:7G-33 - Process for prequalification of contractors.
- Section 18A:7G-34 - Prequalification process, submission requirements.
- Section 18A:7G-35 - Validity of contractor's prequalification classification.
- Section 18A:7G-36 - Mandatory uniform performance evaluation of contractors.
- Section 18A:7G-37 - Submission of sworn contractor certification; requirements.
- Section 18A:7G-38 - Program to provide additional funding for apprenticeship programs.
- Section 18A:7G-39 - False, deceptive, fraudulent statement by contractor in certifications, penalty.
- Section 18A:7G-40 - Prequalified contractors exempt from other prequalifying process.
- Section 18A:7G-41 - Procedure for obtaining prequalified status; short-form application.
- Section 18A:7G-41.1 - Definitions relative to construction of school facilities projects; competition for contracts.
- Section 18A:7G-42 - Registration of apprentices.
- Section 18A:7G-43 - Office of Fiscal Integrity in School Construction.
- Section 18A:7G-45 - Conveyance of certain school buildings and land to New Jersey Schools Development Authority; conditions.
- Section 18A:7G-46 - Acquisition of land in SDA district; submission of land inventory.
- Section 18A:7G-47 - Approval of site plan in SDA district; procedure.
- Section 18A:7G-48 - Projects in certain districts with prior approval; construction, financing under prior law.
- Section 18A:8-1 - Municipalities as separate school districts; exceptions
- Section 18A:8-2 - Certain new municipalities as type II districts
- Section 18A:8-3 - First board of education; first elected board
- Section 18A:8-3.1 - Assumption of indebtedness for money or property upon annexation
- Section 18A:8-3.2 - Repayment of indebtedness paid by original district notwithstanding its assumption
- Section 18A:8-3.3 - Apportionment of school tax on annexation; action by commissioner
- Section 18A:8-4 - Single school district in certain divided municipalities
- Section 18A:8-5 - Application for investigation of advisability of separate school districts in divided municipalities
- Section 18A:8-6 - Report of county superintendent
- Section 18A:8-7 - Amount of indebtedness to be assumed by proposed new district
- Section 18A:8-8 - Calculation of amount of indebtedness to be assumed
- Section 18A:8-9 - Petition by municipality for permission to submit question of separate school district
- Section 18A:8-10 - Answer to petition by other municipalities and board of education
- Section 18A:8-11 - Contents of answer to petition
- Section 18A:8-12 - Petition, hearing relative to effect of proposed separations.
- Section 18A:8-13 - Grant or denial of petition.
- Section 18A:8-14 - Submission of question at special election
- Section 18A:8-15 - Notices, advertisements and conduct of election; certification of results
- Section 18A:8-16 - Effective date of creation of new district after adoption of question
- Section 18A:8-17 - Name of new and remaining districts
- Section 18A:8-17.1 - Board may adopt new title for district
- Section 18A:8-18 - Board of new district
- Section 18A:8-19 - Date of constitution of first boards of education of new and remaining districts
- Section 18A:8-20 - Powers, duties of first boards of education of new, remaining districts.
- Section 18A:8-21 - Boards of education of new and remaining districts with elected members; powers, etc.
- Section 18A:8-22 - Title to vest in district board of education.
- Section 18A:8-23 - Books, documents and records of original district
- Section 18A:8-24 - Division of assets and liabilities of original district
- Section 18A:8-25 - Application of chapter
- Section 18A:8-26 - Name of consolidated district board
- Section 18A:8-27 - Adoption of different name for board
- Section 18A:8-28 - Powers, duties and succession to property and obligations by board
- Section 18A:8-29 - Apportionment of membership of board
- Section 18A:8-30 - Apportionment of members of boards in unapportioned districts
- Section 18A:8-31 - Number and annual election of members of boards; terms
- Section 18A:8-32 - Organization of board
- Section 18A:8-33 - Treasurer of school moneys.
- Section 18A:8-34 - Principals, teachers and employees of constituent districts; tenure, etc.
- Section 18A:8-35 - Supervision of consolidated districts
- Section 18A:8-36 - Appropriations authorized by majority of votes cast.
- Section 18A:8-37 - Apportionment; collection and payment of appropriations
- Section 18A:8-38 - Certification of apportionment to county boards of taxation
- Section 18A:8-39 - Continuation of certain consolidated school districts saved
- Section 18A:8-40 - Continuation as liens of certain bonds issued, saved
- Section 18A:8-41 - Repealers as to consolidated school districts saved
- Section 18A:8-42 - Composition of regional school districts
- Section 18A:8-43 - "Non-operating district" defined.
- Section 18A:8-44 - Elimination of non-operating district through merger.
- Section 18A:8-45 - Apportioning of annual or special appropriations.
- Section 18A:8-46 - Calculation of State aid.
- Section 18A:8-47 - Board of education of newly-formed district; membership.
- Section 18A:8-48 - Eligibility of nonpublic school students for transportation.
- Section 18A:8-49 - Final audit of non-operating district's accounts.
- Section 18A:8-50 - Governing of new district.
- Section 18A:8-51 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:9-1 - Classification of school districts
- Section 18A:9-2 - Districts included in type I districts
- Section 18A:9-3 - Districts included in type II districts
- Section 18A:9-4 - Type I districts; reclassification; resolution or petition for submission; frequency.
- Section 18A:9-5 - Type I districts; submission of reclassification question; frequency.
- Section 18A:9-6 - Type II districts; reclassification; resolution or petition; submission; frequency.
- Section 18A:9-7 - Vote for adoption of question
- Section 18A:9-8 - Type I districts; effective date of change
- Section 18A:9-9 - Type II districts; effective date of change
- Section 18A:9-10 - Electing additional board members.
- Section 18A:9-11 - Type II districts; terms of additional board members
- Section 18A:10-1 - Conduct of districts
- Section 18A:10-2 - Name
- Section 18A:10-3 - Annual organization.
- Section 18A:10-4 - Secretary to give notice of meeting
- Section 18A:10-5 - Organization meeting as business meeting
- Section 18A:10-6 - Board meetings public; frequency; hours of commencement; adjournment, etc., for lack of quorum
- Section 18A:10-7 - Semiannual meetings of boards in county
- Section 18A:11-1 - General mandatory powers and duties
- Section 18A:11-2 - Power to sue and be sued; reports; census of school children
- Section 18A:11-3 - Voluntary associations regulating conduct of student activities; membership; rules and regulations; appeals
- Section 18A:11-3.1 - Definitions relative to public school district participation in certain voluntary associations which oversee sports activities.
- Section 18A:11-3.2 - Findings, declarations relative to adapted athletic programs.
- Section 18A:11-3.3 - Interscholastic adapted athletic programs.
- Section 18A:11-3.4 - Dissemination of certain information to student-athletes.
- Section 18A:11-3.5 - Findings, declarations relative to athletic activities of students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:11-3.6 - Definitions relative to athletic activities of students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:11-3.7 - Obligations of school district, exceptions.
- Section 18A:11-3.8 - Reasonable efforts when exception applies.
- Section 18A:11-3.9 - Interscholastic athletic programs for certain student-athletes with disabilities.
- Section 18A:11-3.10 - "Heat Participation Policy."
- Section 18A:11-4 - Minutes of meetings of associations overseeing interscholastic sports programs; report
- Section 18A:11-5 - Effective date of amendments to charter, constitution, bylaws, rules or regulations of association; disapproval of amendments
- Section 18A:11-6 - Liability of association, conference, employee
- Section 18A:11-7 - Findings, declarations relative to school dress codes
- Section 18A:11-8 - Adoption of dress code policy for schools permitted
- Section 18A:11-9 - Prohibition of gang-related apparel.
- Section 18A:11-10 - Board of Education may receive property for awarding scholarships.
- Section 18A:11-11 - Public notice required for alteration of contract terms of certain employees.
- Section 18A:11-12 - Definitions relative to travel; travel policy; procedures; compliance.
- Section 18A:11-13 - Rules, regulations to effectuate the purposes of C.18A:55-3 et al.
- Section 18A:11-14 - Findings, declarations relative to summer school tuition.
- Section 18A:11-15 - Tuition charge for certain summer courses; terms defined.
- Section 18A:12-1 - Qualifications.
- Section 18A:12-1.1 - Ineligibility for appointment to paid office or position filled by board
- Section 18A:12-1.2 - Criminal history background investigation for board of education members.
- Section 18A:12-2 - Inconsistent interests or office prohibited
- Section 18A:12-2.1 - Oaths.
- Section 18A:12-2.2 - False affirmation, disqualification, fourth degree crime.
- Section 18A:12-3 - Cessation of membership.
- Section 18A:12-4 - Compensation of members
- Section 18A:12-5 - Application of subarticle
- Section 18A:12-6 - Boards; number of members
- Section 18A:12-7 - Boards; appointments; vacancies
- Section 18A:12-8 - When appointed; commencement of terms
- Section 18A:12-9 - Terms of members of boards
- Section 18A:12-10 - Application of subarticle
- Section 18A:12-11 - Election and number of board members; terms
- Section 18A:12-11.1 - New district may elect three, five, seven or nine members
- Section 18A:12-12 - Increase or reduction in membership; resolution; submission of question
- Section 18A:12-13 - Membership increase
- Section 18A:12-14 - Reduction of membership; reduced number of members
- Section 18A:12-15 - Filling vacancies.
- Section 18A:12-15.1 - Terms of board members in certain districts.
- Section 18A:12-16 - Application of subarticle
- Section 18A:12-17 - Appointments; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:12-18 - Resolution or petition for election of members; submission
- Section 18A:12-19 - 5-year terms
- Section 18A:12-19.1 - Decrease of term; voter's decision
- Section 18A:12-19.2 - Approval; succession
- Section 18A:12-20 - Indemnity of members of boards of education against cost of defense.
- Section 18A:12-21 - Short title
- Section 18A:12-22 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:12-23 - Definitions
- Section 18A:12-23.1 - Applicability of "School Ethics Act" to charter school administrators, trustees.
- Section 18A:12-24 - Conflicts of interest
- Section 18A:12-24.1 - Code of Ethics for School Board Members.
- Section 18A:12-25 - Disclosure statements of employment, contracts or business with schools
- Section 18A:12-26 - Financial disclosure statement
- Section 18A:12-27 - School Ethics Commission
- Section 18A:12-28 - Staff appointments; duties; powers
- Section 18A:12-29 - Complaint procedures.
- Section 18A:12-29.1 - Appeal of determination of School Ethics Commission.
- Section 18A:12-30 - Imposition of sanctions
- Section 18A:12-31 - Advisory opinions
- Section 18A:12-32 - Jurisdiction preempted on pending matters
- Section 18A:12-33 - Training program; requirements.
- Section 18A:12-34 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:13-1 - Application of chapter; government of regional districts
- Section 18A:13-2 - Types of regional districts
- Section 18A:13-3 - Constituent municipalities as constituent districts
- Section 18A:13-4 - Supervision by county superintendent
- Section 18A:13-5 - Conduct of regional district elections, votes required
- Section 18A:13-6 - Body corporate and corporate title
- Section 18A:13-7 - Regional board members
- Section 18A:13-8 - Boards of education of regional districts.
- Section 18A:13-9 - Reapportionment of membership
- Section 18A:13-9a - Apportionment of membership of board of education.
- Section 18A:13-9.1 - Special election of members of board after Federal decennial census; resolution
- Section 18A:13-9.2 - Special election
- Section 18A:13-10 - Annual elections.
- Section 18A:13-11 - Vacancies in membership of board; filling
- Section 18A:13-12 - Election of officers.
- Section 18A:13-13 - Appointment of secretary.
- Section 18A:13-14 - Treasurer of school moneys; appointment; term; bond.
- Section 18A:13-15 - Acquisition of lands without districts
- Section 18A:13-16 - Special police services; contracts with municipalities
- Section 18A:13-17 - Submission of budget; other questions to voters; adherence to procedures.
- Section 18A:13-19 - Procedure following school budget rejection.
- Section 18A:13-20 - Determination, certification of amount by commissioner
- Section 18A:13-21 - Inclusion of amounts certified in tax
- Section 18A:13-23 - Apportionment of appropriations.
- Section 18A:13-23.3 - Modification of apportionment of appropriations
- Section 18A:13-24 - Appropriations; certification; apportionment; assessment and collection among constituent districts
- Section 18A:13-26 - Authorization; issuance; maturities, sales and lien of bonds
- Section 18A:13-27 - Newly created regional districts; issuance of temporary bonds or notes for current expenses; submission to voters, etc.
- Section 18A:13-28 - Authorization of bonds upon formation of regional district
- Section 18A:13-29 - Issuance of bonds of constituent district by all purpose regional district
- Section 18A:13-30 - Issuance of bonds for acquisition of lands to include buildings, equipment, etc.
- Section 18A:13-31 - Authority to purchase and sell property of constituent district
- Section 18A:13-32 - Application of proceeds of sale of property
- Section 18A:13-33 - Additional purposes; referendum
- Section 18A:13-34 - Creation of regional school district, apportionment of appropriations.
- Section 18A:13-34a - Board of education for newly created regional district.
- Section 18A:13-34.2 - Impact assessment
- Section 18A:13-35 - Certification and determination of the result of referendum to create regional district
- Section 18A:13-36 - Apportionment of membership of board of newly created regional district.
- Section 18A:13-37 - First board of education; appointment
- Section 18A:13-38 - Allocation of terms for first elective board
- Section 18A:13-39 - Election of first members of board.
- Section 18A:13-40 - General powers and duties of board of newly created regional districts.
- Section 18A:13-40.1 - Coordination of limited purpose regional school districts with constituent districts.
- Section 18A:13-41 - Taking charge and control of educational facilities of schools in newly created regional districts.
- Section 18A:13-42 - Pension and tenure rights; certain teachers transferred to regional districts; preserved
- Section 18A:13-43 - Enlargement of districts; special election.
- Section 18A:13-44 - Certification of results of election for enlargement of regional district
- Section 18A:13-45 - Corporate existence and name; assumption of indebtedness
- Section 18A:13-46 - Enlargement of regional districts; new board members; reapportionment.
- Section 18A:13-46.1 - Apportionment of membership of enlarged district board of education.
- Section 18A:13-47 - Enlarged regional districts; educational facilities; powers of board
- Section 18A:13-48 - Dissolution of local districts; original boards to function until taking over of schools
- Section 18A:13-49 - Principals, teachers and employees transferred
- Section 18A:13-50 - Transfers; funds; personal property, books, etc., obligations of indebtedness.
- Section 18A:13-51 - Investigation as to advisability of withdrawal, dissolution; application; procedures
- Section 18A:13-52 - Report; feasibility study.
- Section 18A:13-53 - Calculation of amount of indebtedness to be assumed
- Section 18A:13-54 - Petition for permission to submit to voters for approval of withdrawal, dissolution; proof of service
- Section 18A:13-55 - Answer; filing; contents
- Section 18A:13-56 - Review of petition; hearing; actions by commissioner.
- Section 18A:13-57 - Fixing date of election
- Section 18A:13-58 - Statement of indebtedness to be assumed in notices and advertisements; conduct of election; certification of results
- Section 18A:13-59 - Effective date of withdrawal, dissolution; votes for adoption
- Section 18A:13-60 - Continuance in office of board members until withdrawal, dissolution; reapportionment of vacancies
- Section 18A:13-61 - Taking title to and control of grounds, buildings and furnishings by districts; assumption of indebtedness.
- Section 18A:13-61.1 - Withdrawal from certain limited purpose regional school district
- Section 18A:13-61.2 - "Equity interest" defined; calculation
- Section 18A:13-62 - Division of assets and liabilities in event of withdrawal, dissolution
- Section 18A:13-63 - Dissolution of limited purpose regional school district; withdrawal of local districts; separate local school district
- Section 18A:13-64 - Positions, rights and benefits of regional, constituent district employees continued
- Section 18A:13-65 - Inapplicability of act to rights of bondholders
- Section 18A:13-66 - Investigation of advisability of withdrawal
- Section 18A:13-67 - Report on assets, operating expenses
- Section 18A:13-68 - Amount indebtedness bears to replacement cost
- Section 18A:13-69 - Petition
- Section 18A:13-70 - Answer to petition
- Section 18A:13-71 - Review of petition; granting, denial.
- Section 18A:13-72 - Special school election
- Section 18A:13-73 - Amount, effect of indebtedness to be stated
- Section 18A:13-74 - Withdrawal of municipality
- Section 18A:13-75 - Board of education
- Section 18A:13-76 - First board of education
- Section 18A:13-77 - Title to school grounds, etc.; assumption of indebtedness.
- Section 18A:13-78 - Division of assets, liabilities
- Section 18A:13-79 - Dissolution of all purpose regional district
- Section 18A:13-80 - Employees continued; benefits preserved
- Section 18A:13-81 - Bondholders unaffected
- Section 18A:15-1 - President and vice president; election or failure to elect
- Section 18A:15-2 - Removal of president or vice president; vacancies
- Section 18A:16-1 - Officers and employees in general
- Section 18A:16-1.1 - May appoint temporary officers and employees
- Section 18A:16-1.1a - Filling of vacant teaching position; time limit.
- Section 18A:16-1.1b - Time limit for substitute teacher working in area authorized by credentials.
- Section 18A:16-1.1c - Limit on time for substitute teacher working in area not authorized by credentials.
- Section 18A:16-1.1d - Limit of time for substitute teacher holding standard instructional certificate.
- Section 18A:16-1.2 - Delegation of powers of business manager in district having no business manager
- Section 18A:16-1.3 - Dismissal of nontenured, certificated employee for cause, notice to State board.
- Section 18A:16-1.4 - Removal from list.
- Section 18A:16-1.5 - Employee rights unaffected.
- Section 18A:16-2 - Physical examinations; drug testing; requirements
- Section 18A:16-3 - Character of examinations
- Section 18A:16-4 - Sick leave; dismissal
- Section 18A:16-5 - Records of examinations
- Section 18A:16-6 - Indemnity of officers and employees against action, proceeding; exceptions.
- Section 18A:16-6.1 - Indemnity of officers and employees in certain criminal, quasi-criminal actions.
- Section 18A:16-7 - Salaries in first-class cities; payment
- Section 18A:16-8 - Salary deductions for government bonds
- Section 18A:16-9 - Responsibility of board
- Section 18A:16-11 - Compensation of de facto officer or employee
- Section 18A:16-12 - Definitions relative to group insurance.
- Section 18A:16-13 - Entering into group life, hospitalization, health and accident insurance contracts
- Section 18A:16-13.1 - Provision of group insurance, certain, by board of education for employees, dependents.
- Section 18A:16-14 - Exclusions from eligibility
- Section 18A:16-15 - Limitations, exclusions to avoid duplication of benefits
- Section 18A:16-16 - Termination of coverage
- Section 18A:16-17 - Premiums; payment by board of education.
- Section 18A:16-17.1 - Contributions by employees of a local board of education toward cost of health care benefits coverage.
- Section 18A:16-17.2 - Negotiations for benefits as if full premium share included in prior contract.
- Section 18A:16-18 - Coverage after retirement
- Section 18A:16-19 - Payment for coverage
- Section 18A:16-19.1 - Establishment of cafeteria plan for health benefits by board of education.
- Section 18A:16-20 - Multiple coverage; summary of cost of each coverage to be furnished to board
- Section 18A:16-21 - Copy of insurance contract to be filed with State Employees Health Benefits Commission
- Section 18A:16-22 - Validation of contracts executed prior to act
- Section 18A:17-1 - Removal, etc., of secretaries, assistant secretaries, school business administrators and business managers during terms of office
- Section 18A:17-2 - Tenure of secretaries, assistant secretaries, school business administrators, business managers and secretarial and clerical employees
- Section 18A:17-3 - Tenure of janitorial employees
- Section 18A:17-4 - Reduction in number of janitorial employees
- Section 18A:17-5 - Appointment of secretary of board of education; terms; compensation; vacancy.
- Section 18A:17-6 - Bond of secretary.
- Section 18A:17-7 - Notices, minutes, special meetings
- Section 18A:17-8 - Duties of secretary as general accountant of board.
- Section 18A:17-9 - Monthly reconciliation of bank account statements; report by secretary.
- Section 18A:17-9.1 - Board secretary to receive, hold moneys in certain districts.
- Section 18A:17-9.2 - Board secretary to keep records in certain districts.
- Section 18A:17-10 - Secretary; annual report
- Section 18A:17-11 - Secretary; taking oaths
- Section 18A:17-12 - Secretary; annual financial report to commissioner
- Section 18A:17-12.1 - Secretary; retirement on pension; amount
- Section 18A:17-12.2 - Secretary; pension funds
- Section 18A:17-13 - Assistant and acting secretaries; appointment, powers and duties
- Section 18A:17-14 - Clerks in secretary's office
- Section 18A:17-14.1 - Appointment of school business administrator; duties; subcontracting; tenure acquisition.
- Section 18A:17-14.2 - Qualifications
- Section 18A:17-14.3 - Secretary or business manager appointed school administrator; tenure
- Section 18A:17-14.4 - Compliance with requirements for income tax on compensation of administrators.
- Section 18A:17-15 - Appointment of superintendents; terms; apportionment of expense
- Section 18A:17-15.1 - Required provision of superintendent's employment contract.
- Section 18A:17-16 - Appointment and removal of assistant superintendents
- Section 18A:17-17 - Certificate required
- Section 18A:17-18 - Full time required of superintendents; when
- Section 18A:17-19 - Salaries
- Section 18A:17-19.1 - Bonus in employment contract of superintendent prohibited under certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:17-19.2 - DOE not to regulate maximum salary of superintendent.
- Section 18A:17-20 - Superintendent; general powers and duties
- Section 18A:17-20.1 - Reappointment of superintendent.
- Section 18A:17-20.2 - Dismissal of superintendent
- Section 18A:17-20.2a - Required actions relative to early termination of superintendent's employment contract.
- Section 18A:17-20.3 - Evaluation of superintendent's performance
- Section 18A:17-20.4 - Tenure rights not affected
- Section 18A:17-20.5 - Appointment of administrative principal
- Section 18A:17-21 - Annual report to commissioner
- Section 18A:17-22 - Assistant superintendent; duties
- Section 18A:17-23 - Suspension of assistant superintendent
- Section 18A:17-24 - Clerks in superintendent's office
- Section 18A:17-24.1 - Sharing of superintendent, school business administrator; procedure
- Section 18A:17-24.2 - Contract for sharing superintendent, school business administrator
- Section 18A:17-24.3 - Appointment of shared superintendent, school business administrator; terms
- Section 18A:17-24.4 - Grounds for dismissal of shared superintendent, school business administrator
- Section 18A:17-24.5 - Position of shared superintendent, business administrator not tenurable
- Section 18A:17-24.6 - Determination of initial terms, conditions of employment contract
- Section 18A:17-24.7 - Individual evaluation of shared superintendent, school business administrator
- Section 18A:17-24.8 - Mediation of contract disputes
- Section 18A:17-24.9 - Law supersedes "Interlocal Services Act".
- Section 18A:17-25 - Appointment; salary; removal
- Section 18A:17-26 - Bond of business manager
- Section 18A:17-27 - Attendance upon meetings of the board
- Section 18A:17-28 - Duties of business manager
- Section 18A:17-29 - Appointment of clerks
- Section 18A:17-30 - Business assistants; appointments, etc.
- Section 18A:17-31 - Treasurer of school moneys.
- Section 18A:17-32 - Bond of treasurer
- Section 18A:17-33 - Compensation
- Section 18A:17-34 - Receipt and disposition of moneys.
- Section 18A:17-35 - Records of receipts and payments
- Section 18A:17-36 - Accounting; monthly and annual reports
- Section 18A:17-41 - Rules and regulations governing janitorial employees
- Section 18A:17-42 - Preamble; purpose of article
- Section 18A:17-43 - Employment of law enforcement officers
- Section 18A:17-43.1 - Training course required for service as safe schools resource officer, liaison to law enforcement.
- Section 18A:17-43.2 - New Jersey School Safety Specialist Academy, Certification programs.
- Section 18A:17-43.3 - Designation of school safety specialist.
- Section 18A:17-45 - Rules and regulations to be established by commissioner
- Section 18A:17-46 - Reporting of certain acts by school employee; report; public hearing.
- Section 18A:17-47 - Discharge of, or discrimination against, school employee who files report
- Section 18A:17-48 - Annual report to Legislature.
- Section 18A:17-49 - Definitions relative to public school facilities
- Section 18A:17-50 - Conditions of employing building and grounds supervisor
- Section 18A:17-51 - Applicant to provide certification documentation.
- Section 18A:17-52 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:17-53 - Issuance of authorization to serve as educational facilities manager.
- Section 18A:17-54 - Application for renewal of authorization.
- Section 18A:17A-1 - Districts in cities of first class over 325,000; unit control organizational structure; executive superintendent; appointment; term; compensation
- Section 18A:17A-2 - Executive superintendent; qualifications
- Section 18A:17A-3 - Executive superintendent; duties and powers
- Section 18A:17A-4 - Abolishment of certain positions; performance of duties and powers by executive superintendent
- Section 18A:17A-5 - Officers and employees, professional and nonprofessional; employment, transfer and removal
- Section 18A:17A-6 - Delegation of powers and duties
- Section 18A:17A-7 - Board of education; retention of powers and responsibilities
- Section 18A:17A-8 - Tenured person in abolished position; continuance of employment; duties
- Section 18A:17A-9 - Auditor general; appointment; duties
- Section 18A:17A-10 - Auditor general; reports; quarters; costs of office
- Section 18A:17A-11 - Comprehensive report by commissioner
- Section 18A:18A-1 - Short title; citation
- Section 18A:18A-2 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:18A-3 - Bid threshold.
- Section 18A:18A-3.1 - Private driver education schools
- Section 18A:18A-3.2 - Group legal insurance.
- Section 18A:18A-3.3 - Payment of premiums
- Section 18A:18A-3.4 - Employment payment for retirees
- Section 18A:18A-4 - Contract awarded by board of education resolution; disqualification conditions
- Section 18A:18A-4.1 - Use of competitive contracting by boards of education; purposes.
- Section 18A:18A-4.2 - Five-year contract term limit; exceptions.
- Section 18A:18A-4.3 - Competitive contracting initiated by board of education resolution; process administration.
- Section 18A:18A-4.4 - Request for proposals; documentation; provisions.
- Section 18A:18A-4.5 - Competitive contracting proposal solicitation.
- Section 18A:18A-4.6 - Implementation of energy savings improvements program by board of education; definitions.
- Section 18A:18A-5 - Exceptions to requirement for advertising.
- Section 18A:18A-6 - Standards for purchase of fresh milk; penalties; rules and regulations
- Section 18A:18A-7 - Emergency contracts.
- Section 18A:18A-8 - Contracts not to be divided.
- Section 18A:18A-8.1 - Rules.
- Section 18A:18A-9 - Periodic solicitation of bids.
- Section 18A:18A-10 - Board of education purchases through State agency; procedure.
- Section 18A:18A-10.1 - Payment of interest by board of education; definitions.
- Section 18A:18A-11 - Joint purchases by districts, municipalities, counties; authority.
- Section 18A:18A-12 - Contents of agreement.
- Section 18A:18A-13 - Purchases and contracts subject to law and rules and regulations.
- Section 18A:18A-14 - Controversies or disputes; determination; appeal.
- Section 18A:18A-14.1 - Electronic data processing defined
- Section 18A:18A-14.2 - Contract or lease for electronic data processing for another school district; combination of records and information
- Section 18A:18A-14.3 - Contract or lease; contents
- Section 18A:18A-14.4 - Party to contract as agent
- Section 18A:18A-15 - Specifications generally.
- Section 18A:18A-15.1 - Payment from bequest, legacy or gift; conditions.
- Section 18A:18A-16 - Preparation and approval of plans and specifications for public schoolhouses
- Section 18A:18A-16.1 - Regulation, policy adoption, restriction
- Section 18A:18A-17 - Facilities for persons with physical disabilities.
- Section 18A:18A-17.1 - Commissioner of Education authorized to withhold State aid.
- Section 18A:18A-18 - Preparation of separate plans, specifications for certain construction work, goods and services; bidding; awarding of contracts.
- Section 18A:18A-19 - Number of working days specified
- Section 18A:18A-20 - American goods and products to be used where possible.
- Section 18A:18A-21 - Advertisement for bids; bids; general requirements; notice of revisions.
- Section 18A:18A-22 - Rejection of bids.
- Section 18A:18A-23 - Certificate of bidder showing ability to perform contract
- Section 18A:18A-24 - Security to accompany bid; amount.
- Section 18A:18A-25 - Guarantee certificate.
- Section 18A:18A-26 - Classification of bidders as requisite to bidding
- Section 18A:18A-27 - Regulations for qualifications of prospective bidders.
- Section 18A:18A-27.1 - Prequalification of certain persons performing school construction management services.
- Section 18A:18A-28 - Application for classification; fee
- Section 18A:18A-29 - Classification by classes; notice to applicants
- Section 18A:18A-30 - Appeal from determination as to classification; hearings; change
- Section 18A:18A-31 - Change in classification as affecting bids; review and reconsideration of classification
- Section 18A:18A-32 - Bidders not submitting statements within one year ineligible to bid; affidavit of no change in status to accompany bid; reports as to performance, etc.
- Section 18A:18A-33 - Penalties for false statements
- Section 18A:18A-36 - Time for making awards, deposits returned.
- Section 18A:18A-37 - Award of purchases, contracts or agreements.
- Section 18A:18A-40 - Form and execution of contracts and bonds.
- Section 18A:18A-40.1 - Partial payments.
- Section 18A:18A-40.2 - Withholding, deposit of negotiable bearer bonds, notes
- Section 18A:18A-40.3 - Withholding of partial payments.
- Section 18A:18A-41 - Liquidated damages; void provisions as to contractor's remedies
- Section 18A:18A-42 - Multiyear contracts.
- Section 18A:18A-42.2 - Report to board on school district contracts.
- Section 18A:18A-43 - Supervision of school building repairs
- Section 18A:18A-44 - Inspection, condemnation and rejection of work and materials.
- Section 18A:18A-45 - Manner and method of sale.
- Section 18A:18A-46 - No action for damages for action by officials
- Section 18A:18A-46.1 - Limitation on withholding of State funds from school districts for certain violations of public school contracts law.
- Section 18A:18A-47 - Indemnity agreement with the United States, etc.
- Section 18A:18A-48 - Contracts, etc.; validated and confirmed
- Section 18A:18A-49 - Approval required for school building
- Section 18A:18A-49.1 - Transportation of pupils to and from schools
- Section 18A:18A-49.2 - Rules.
- Section 18A:18A-49.3 - Contract for taking yearbook pictures, use of other photographers' photos permitted.
- Section 18A:18A-49.4 - Civil action brought on behalf of board of education.
- Section 18A:18A-50 - Statutes repealed
- Section 18A:18A-51 - Definitions
- Section 18A:18A-52 - Set-aside programs
- Section 18A:18A-53 - Attainment of goals
- Section 18A:18A-54 - "Public School Contracts Law" applicable
- Section 18A:18A-55 - Designation of contracts
- Section 18A:18A-56 - Withdrawal of designation
- Section 18A:18A-57 - Annual report
- Section 18A:18A-58 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:18A-59 - False information; penalties
- Section 18A:18A-60 - Definitions relative to school district partnership with private entities.
- Section 18A:18B-1 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:18B-2 - Insurance authorized.
- Section 18A:18B-3 - School board insurance group
- Section 18A:18B-4 - Bylaws of the group; trustees; powers.
- Section 18A:18B-4.1 - Participation in joint cash management and investment program.
- Section 18A:18B-5 - Trustees; number and qualifications
- Section 18A:18B-6 - Trustees; compensation
- Section 18A:18B-7 - Review of bylaws; investigations by the Commissioner of Insurance
- Section 18A:18B-7.1 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:18B-8 - Joint insurance fund permitted
- Section 18A:18B-9 - Minimum contract terms
- Section 18A:18B-10 - Current expense item
- Section 18A:19-1 - Expenditures of funds on warrant only; requisites; exceptions.
- Section 18A:19-2 - Requirements for payment of claims; audit of; claims in general.
- Section 18A:19-3 - Verification of claims, demands.
- Section 18A:19-4 - Audit of claims; warrants for payments; exemptions.
- Section 18A:19-4.1 - Account or demand; audit; approval.
- Section 18A:19-9 - Compensation of teachers, etc., payrolls.
- Section 18A:19-10 - Payroll bank accounts; checks for compensation.
- Section 18A:19-11 - Signature of payroll checks by deputy
- Section 18A:19-12 - Interest payable on certain warrants not immediately paid.
- Section 18A:19-13 - Petty cash funds
- Section 18A:19-14 - Funds derived from pupil activities
- Section 18A:19-15 - Listing of payments
- Section 18A:20-1 - Title in board of education
- Section 18A:20-2 - Purchase and sale of property in general
- Section 18A:20-2.1 - Transfer of title of painting or work of art to municipality; public display
- Section 18A:20-2.2 - Use of school district surplus funds for joint acquisition of land for recreation, conservation purposes.
- Section 18A:20-3 - Acquisition of outstanding interest in real property
- Section 18A:20-4 - Acceptance and use of gifts
- Section 18A:20-4.1 - Type II districts; acquisition of property without authorization of voters.
- Section 18A:20-4.2 - Powers of boards concerning real property.
- Section 18A:20-4.3 - Construction, alteration or repair work upon premises to be leased to board of education; public work
- Section 18A:20-4.4 - Contract provision for payment of prevailing wage rate; necessity
- Section 18A:20-4.5 - Contractor's or subcontractor's failure to pay prevailing wage; determination and effect
- Section 18A:20-5 - Disposition of property and title of purchaser.
- Section 18A:20-6 - Public sale; advertisement; exceptions.
- Section 18A:20-7 - Sale at fixed minimum prices; rejection of bids
- Section 18A:20-8 - Exchange of lands.
- Section 18A:20-8.1 - Transfer of land for vocational school purposes.
- Section 18A:20-8.2 - Lease of school lands.
- Section 18A:20-9 - Conveyance of certain school property for public, civic purposes for nominal consideration.
- Section 18A:20-9.1 - Conveyance of certain sewer lines to a municipality
- Section 18A:20-9.2 - Sale of school property to nonprofit private school for students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:20-10 - Lands conveyed on condition
- Section 18A:20-11 - Property devised in trust
- Section 18A:20-12 - Proceedings to sell; when authorized
- Section 18A:20-13 - Sale of real estate charged with private bequest
- Section 18A:20-14 - Sale; when ordered
- Section 18A:20-15 - Conveyance; title of purchaser
- Section 18A:20-16 - Investment of proceeds under direction of superior court
- Section 18A:20-17 - Equipping and establishing playgrounds, etc., funds
- Section 18A:20-18 - Transfer by municipality to board of education
- Section 18A:20-19 - Funds for maintenance of playgrounds and recreation places
- Section 18A:20-20 - Control and regulation of playgrounds and recreation places
- Section 18A:20-21 - Supervisors and other employees
- Section 18A:20-22 - School districts joining with municipality or county in equipment and operation
- Section 18A:20-23 - Local improvement assessments; payment of
- Section 18A:20-24 - Funds; how raised
- Section 18A:20-25 - Insurance of property
- Section 18A:20-26 - Board of education of city district may insure in municipal fund
- Section 18A:20-27 - Each building and its contents insured separately
- Section 18A:20-28 - Fixing and payment of premiums
- Section 18A:20-29 - Investment of premiums
- Section 18A:20-30 - Appropriations to municipal fund
- Section 18A:20-31 - Adjustment and payment of losses
- Section 18A:20-32 - Commissioners may insure buildings and property in insurance companies
- Section 18A:20-33 - Insurance money; use for reconstruction or repair
- Section 18A:20-34 - Schoolhouse, rooms; permitted usage
- Section 18A:20-34.1 - Rules, regulations relative to child care services, programs
- Section 18A:20-36 - Commissioner may order alteration or abandonment of buildings
- Section 18A:20-37 - Purchase of certain types of securities; definitions.
- Section 18A:20-38 - Record of receipt; report; filing; transmittal of securities to depository
- Section 18A:20-39 - Securities not to be canceled; sale; resolution
- Section 18A:20-40 - Testing for radon in public school building
- Section 18A:21-1 - Capital projects; description
- Section 18A:21-2 - Authorization; establishment of accounts
- Section 18A:21-3 - Earnings credited to capital reserve accounts.
- Section 18A:21-4 - Use of capital reserve accounts
- Section 18A:21-5 - Maintenance of capital reserve accounts
- Section 18A:22-1 - Number of members; appointments; vacancies
- Section 18A:22-2 - Secretary
- Section 18A:22-3 - Application of subarticle
- Section 18A:22-4 - Membership; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:22-5 - Majority of all members
- Section 18A:22-6 - Secretary
- Section 18A:22-7 - Budgets; preparation.
- Section 18A:22-8 - Contents of budget; format.
- Section 18A:22-8a - "User-friendly" plain language budget summary forms for school districts; information; submission; availability.
- Section 18A:22-8b - Required promulgation of forms, procedures.
- Section 18A:22-8c - Rules, regulations to effectuate certain budgeting, fiscal procedures.
- Section 18A:22-8.1 - Transfer of funds, conditions.
- Section 18A:22-8.2 - Certain transfers not allowed
- Section 18A:22-9 - Categories of expenditures; fixing
- Section 18A:22-10 - Fixing date, etc. for public hearing.
- Section 18A:22-11 - Notice of public hearing
- Section 18A:22-12 - Contents of notice.
- Section 18A:22-13 - Public hearing; objections; heard, etc.
- Section 18A:22-14 - Board of school estimate of type I district to determine appropriation amount
- Section 18A:22-15 - Appropriations, how made
- Section 18A:22-16 - Resumption of school year appropriations
- Section 18A:22-17 - Tax ordinance; assessment, levy and collection of appropriations; notice of intent to appeal amount of appropriation
- Section 18A:22-18 - Capital projects; appropriations; estimation.
- Section 18A:22-19 - Determination of local share amount.
- Section 18A:22-20 - Capital projects; appropriations; how raised
- Section 18A:22-21 - Additional appropriations; purposes; estimation
- Section 18A:22-22 - Additional appropriations; fixing and certifying
- Section 18A:22-23 - Additional appropriations; raising.
- Section 18A:22-24 - Charter limitations on tax rate, etc., inapplicable
- Section 18A:22-25 - Borrowing against appropriation on notes
- Section 18A:22-26 - Board of school estimate, board of education of type II district to determine appropriation amount.
- Section 18A:22-27 - Type II districts with boards of school estimate; estimate by board of education; certification of estimate.
- Section 18A:22-28 - Public hearing by board of school estimate; notice.
- Section 18A:22-29 - Public hearing, public participation.
- Section 18A:22-30 - Determination of amount to be raised locally.
- Section 18A:22-31 - Determination of amounts by board of school estimate
- Section 18A:22-32 - Appropriation determination for certain type II districts.
- Section 18A:22-33 - Submission of budget and authorization of tax.
- Section 18A:22-34 - Appropriations; how assessed, levied and raised
- Section 18A:22-35 - Resumption of school year appropriations
- Section 18A:22-37 - Determination by municipalities.
- Section 18A:22-38 - Failure to certify; commissioner to act; amount included in tax levy.
- Section 18A:22-39 - Type II districts without board of school estimate; submission of capital projects.
- Section 18A:22-40 - Raising additional sums by taxes
- Section 18A:22-41 - Submission of question to voters.
- Section 18A:22-42 - Borrowing upon notes in anticipation of taxes
- Section 18A:22-43 - Year in which amount certified is to be raised
- Section 18A:22-44 - Payment of amounts raised to custodian; use.
- Section 18A:22-44.1 - Borrowing by Type II district for current expenses and repairs; payment
- Section 18A:22-44.2 - State school aid payments not made until following school budget year; borrowing.
- Section 18A:22-45 - Moneys transferred from municipality to district; application thereof
- Section 18A:22-46 - Amounts to be used in reduction of taxes; when required
- Section 18A:22-47 - Reduction of local taxes by sums received
- Section 18A:22-48 - Balance credited to general fund
- Section 18A:23-1 - Audit, when and how made.
- Section 18A:23-2 - Scope of audit
- Section 18A:23-2.1 - Annual audit to assure income tax compliance on reporting compensation.
- Section 18A:23-3 - Filing; summary of recommendations; publication
- Section 18A:23-4 - Preparation and distribution of synopsis or summary
- Section 18A:23-5 - Meeting of board; discussion of report
- Section 18A:23-6 - Annual audit by commissioner on failure of board to make
- Section 18A:23-7 - Report signed by auditor, not to employ nonlicensed auditors
- Section 18A:23-8 - Audit made by licensed public school accountant; fee
- Section 18A:23-9 - Declaration of accountant
- Section 18A:23-10 - Cancellation of license; review
- Section 18A:23-11 - Audit contrary to law; penalty
- Section 18A:24-1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:24-2 - Borrowing on tuition due from another district
- Section 18A:24-3 - Borrowing in anticipation of issuance of bonds
- Section 18A:24-3.1 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:24-4 - Payment of principal of temporary bonds from proceeds of permanent bonds
- Section 18A:24-4.1 - Borrowing funds for transportation of pupils to and from school saved
- Section 18A:24-5 - Purposes and maturities for which bonds may be issued
- Section 18A:24-6 - Bonds payable in installments
- Section 18A:24-7 - Change of maturities; application to local finance board
- Section 18A:24-8 - Change of maturities; approval or disapproval by local finance board
- Section 18A:24-9 - Issuance of bonds in accordance with maturities approved by local finance board
- Section 18A:24-9.1 - Inclusion of redemption provisions in temporary loan notes or bonds and school bonds
- Section 18A:24-10 - School bonds, when deemed to be authorized
- Section 18A:24-11 - Type I districts; authorization of bonds; appropriations and borrowings; procedure to be followed
- Section 18A:24-11.1 - Newark; school bonds; authorization
- Section 18A:24-11.2 - Bond authorization process continued
- Section 18A:24-12 - Type II districts; authorization of bonds
- Section 18A:24-13 - Combining issues of bonds
- Section 18A:24-13.1 - Attorneys; compensation; services on issuance of bonds
- Section 18A:24-16 - Supplemental debt statements; necessity for and contents.
- Section 18A:24-17 - Supplemental debt statement; preparation with respect to various municipalities; filing
- Section 18A:24-18 - Presumption of filing and correctness of statements
- Section 18A:24-19 - School district bonds
- Section 18A:24-20 - Authorization of bonds in excess of limits prescribed in section 18A:24-19; exception of type I districts
- Section 18A:24-21 - Manner of authorization of bonds in excess of certain limitations
- Section 18A:24-22 - Form of ordinance, proposition for confirmation of ordinance or proposal for issuance of bonds under sections 18A:24-20 and 18A:24-21
- Section 18A:24-23 - Authorization of bonds in excess of limitations prescribed by section 18A:24-19
- Section 18A:24-24 - Form of ordinance, proposition for confirmation of ordinance or proposal for issuance of bonds under section 18A:24-23
- Section 18A:24-25 - Submission to commissioner and local finance board; limiting conditions
- Section 18A:24-26 - Approval or disapproval by commissioner
- Section 18A:24-27 - Approval or disapproval by local finance board
- Section 18A:24-27.1 - Authorization to commissioner to certify required grade levels of instruction
- Section 18A:24-28 - Charter limitations on indebtedness inapplicable
- Section 18A:24-28.1 - Certain bonds, etc., issued to June 22, 1964 saved
- Section 18A:24-29 - Issuance of bonds; ordinance, submission to voters
- Section 18A:24-30 - Transmission of certified copy of bond proposal
- Section 18A:24-31 - Form; type I districts
- Section 18A:24-32 - Form and execution; type II districts
- Section 18A:24-33 - Coupon and registered bonds; conversion, etc.
- Section 18A:24-34 - Conversion or reconversion of unmatured bonds; lost, defaced or destroyed bonds; reissuance
- Section 18A:24-35 - Type I districts
- Section 18A:24-36 - Public sale of bonds.
- Section 18A:24-37 - Notice of sale of bonds.
- Section 18A:24-38 - Contents of notice when proposals are the same
- Section 18A:24-39 - Special provisions for two or more issues.
- Section 18A:24-40 - Cash premium not to exceed $1,000.00
- Section 18A:24-41 - Deposit by bidders.
- Section 18A:24-42 - Sealed bids, proposals opened publicly.
- Section 18A:24-43 - Rejection of proposals
- Section 18A:24-44 - Sale or delivery in installments
- Section 18A:24-45 - Private sale if no bids at public sale
- Section 18A:24-46 - Private sale to public agencies
- Section 18A:24-47 - Payment to custodian; application
- Section 18A:24-48 - Application of proceeds to new purpose; in districts having boards of school estimate; certification by boards of education
- Section 18A:24-49 - Application of proceeds to new purpose in type I district; determination by board of school estimate
- Section 18A:24-50 - New purpose; determination by board of school estimate in type II districts
- Section 18A:24-51 - New purpose; submission to voters in type II districts having no boards of school estimate
- Section 18A:24-52 - Approval of submission by commissioner
- Section 18A:24-53 - Approval by voters
- Section 18A:24-54 - Transfer of remaining unapplied balance
- Section 18A:24-55 - Contracts made before issuance of bonds
- Section 18A:24-56 - Lien of bonds of type II district
- Section 18A:24-57 - Payment of interest and principal from taxes
- Section 18A:24-58 - Borrowing to pay principal and interest
- Section 18A:24-59 - Disposition of funds for payment of principal and interest on obligations.
- Section 18A:24-60 - Cancellation and disposition of paid obligations
- Section 18A:24-61 - Renewal or refunding of obligations prohibited; exceptions
- Section 18A:24-61.1 - Funding or refunding bonds at or prior to maturity
- Section 18A:24-61.2 - Purposes for which refunding bonds may be authorized; exclusions from net school debt.
- Section 18A:24-61.3 - Refunding bond ordinance; manner of sale and issuance
- Section 18A:24-61.4 - Supplemental debt statement, adoption of refunding bond ordinance; provisions.
- Section 18A:24-61.5 - Certified copy of refunding bond ordinance; filing.
- Section 18A:24-61.6 - Powers and duties of local finance board
- Section 18A:24-61.7 - Consent by board; considerations; statement of reasons for refusal
- Section 18A:24-61.8 - Title; dates; interest; denomination; payment; redemption
- Section 18A:24-61.9 - Sale or exchange of refunding bonds
- Section 18A:24-61.10 - Sinking fund or reserve fund moneys; payment or retirement of refunded bonds or deposit in trust
- Section 18A:24-61.11 - Refunding bonds for refunding bonds due over five year period; investments
- Section 18A:24-61.12 - Powers under this Act and validity of refunding bonds not affected by laws or proceedings
- Section 18A:24-62 - Authorization of issuance of certain refunding bonds saved
- Section 18A:24-63 - Bonds authorized prior to change in method of government of school district
- Section 18A:24-64 - Issuance of bonds authorized prior to effective date of this title
- Section 18A:24-65 - Expiration date for contesting validity of proceeding, election
- Section 18A:24-66 - Authorization
- Section 18A:24-67 - Application for authorization; grant of authorization; certificate; publication of notice of certificate; conclusiveness of validity of bonds
- Section 18A:24-68 - Purpose of act
- Section 18A:24-69 - Contracts with financial institutions as agents; terms of advance subscription
- Section 18A:24-70 - Bond resolution; provisions
- Section 18A:24-71 - Investment of proceeds; disposition of excess borrowed over authorizations; reserve for payment of bonds
- Section 18A:24-72 - Maturity date
- Section 18A:24-73 - Annual installment to retire bonds; calculation; school budget item; sinking fund; disposition of excess
- Section 18A:24-74 - Temporary borrowings to meet redemptions
- Section 18A:24-75 - Municipal ordinance for guaranty; authorization
- Section 18A:24-76 - Modification or revocation of right or interest of bondholder
- Section 18A:24-77 - Grounds for grant of authorization
- Section 18A:24-78 - Application to issue of other bonds
- Section 18A:24-79 - Net debt of board of education; calculation; net debt of municipality
- Section 18A:24-80 - Exemption from taxation
- Section 18A:24-81 - Payroll deductions for purchase of bonds
- Section 18A:24-82 - Legal investment for fiduciaries or other representative
- Section 18A:24-83 - Bonds as gift to minor or for purchase for beneficiary
- Section 18A:24-84 - Construction of act; severability; validity of bonds
- Section 18A:24-85 - Short title
- Section 18A:24-86 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:24-87 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:24-88 - Qualified bonds; issuance; resolution by local board of education or municipality; application to commissioner; resolution of approval by state board; endorsement of proposal or ordinance
- Section 18A:24-89 - Endorsement of consent of local finance board; conditions
- Section 18A:24-90 - Revision of maturity schedule approved by local finance board; application; approval; endorsement
- Section 18A:24-91 - Recitals; method of authorization and issue; maturity; provisions for protection of bondholders
- Section 18A:24-92 - Bond anticipation notes
- Section 18A:24-93 - Certification to state treasurer of debt service and paying agent; withholding state school aid to pay bonds; guarantee to bondholders
- Section 18A:24-94 - Annual budget of school district or municipality; inclusion of debt service on qualified bonds
- Section 18A:24-95 - Application to projects commenced prior to effective date of act
- Section 18A:24-96 - Severability
- Section 18A:24-97 - Issuance in absence of compliance with provisions as to approval for qualification upon adoption of funding ordinances or resolutions; refunding bonds; standards in investigation by commissioner
- Section 18A:25-1 - Transfer of teaching staff members
- Section 18A:25-2 - Authority over pupils
- Section 18A:25-3 - Teaching, etc., on holidays not required
- Section 18A:25-4 - School register; keeping
- Section 18A:25-5 - Annual report; filing and penalty for failure to file
- Section 18A:25-6 - Suspension of assistant superintendents, principals and teachers
- Section 18A:25-7 - Meeting which could adversely affect employment; right to notice and representation
- Section 18A:26-1 - Citizenship requirement for teachers, exceptions
- Section 18A:26-1.1 - Residence requirements prohibited
- Section 18A:26-2 - Certificates required; exception
- Section 18A:26-2a - Definitions relative to employment of novice teachers; registration with DOE.
- Section 18A:26-2.1 - Certification for director of athletics
- Section 18A:26-2.2 - Current director of athletics, continuance of employment
- Section 18A:26-2.3 - Rules, regulations relative to certification of swimming teachers in public schools.
- Section 18A:26-2.4 - Certification required for appointment as school athletic trainer; exceptions
- Section 18A:26-2.5 - Rules relative to athletic trainer licensure
- Section 18A:26-2.6 - Instructional certificate; technology education endorsement; industrial arts endorsement
- Section 18A:26-2.7 - Rules
- Section 18A:26-2.8 - Instruction in autism, developmental disabilities awareness, teaching methods, required for N.J. instructional certificate.
- Section 18A:26-2.9 - Recommendations for autism, developmental disabilities awareness instruction, teaching methods.
- Section 18A:26-2.10 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.11 - Findings, declarations relative to shortages of mathematics, science teachers.
- Section 18A:26-2.12 - Program to issue subject area endorsements in certain areas.
- Section 18A:26-2.13 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.14 - Teaching certification for certain military spouses.
- Section 18A:26-2.15 - Programming to improve student career readiness.
- Section 18A:26-2.16 - Eligibility for standard educational services certificate with school counselor endorsement.
- Section 18A:26-2.17 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.18 - Teacher leader endorsement.
- Section 18A:26-2.19 - Teacher Leader Endorsement Advisory Board.
- Section 18A:26-2.20 - Application to offer program of study for the teacher leader endorsement.
- Section 18A:26-2.21 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:26-2.22 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.23 - Special education requirements for instructional certificate.
- Section 18A:26-2.24 - Credit hours in autism spectrum disorder required.
- Section 18A:26-2.25 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.26 - Computer science education endorsement to the instructional certificate.
- Section 18A:26-2.27 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:26-2.28 - Health and physical education endorsement.
- Section 18A:26-3 - City school district examiners
- Section 18A:26-4 - Qualifications of city district examiners
- Section 18A:26-5 - Certificates granted by city district examiners
- Section 18A:26-6 - Certificates required for employment of teaching staff members in districts having city district examiners
- Section 18A:26-7 - Certificate fee
- Section 18A:26-8.1 - Issuance of teacher's certificate to noncitizen
- Section 18A:26-8.2 - "School leader" defined; training as part of professional development.
- Section 18A:26-9 - Oath of allegiance and office; executed, etc., prerequisite to issuance of certificate
- Section 18A:26-10 - Suspension of certificate for wrongful cessation of performance of duties; "approved private school for the disabled" defined.
- Section 18A:26-11 - Interstate agreement on qualification of educational personnel; enactment
- Section 18A:26-12 - Declaration of policy; purpose of agreement; findings
- Section 18A:26-13 - Definitions
- Section 18A:26-14 - Contracts for acceptance of personnel; provisions; term; annual report
- Section 18A:26-15 - Educational preparation programs
- Section 18A:26-16 - Multilateral contracts; co-operation of States
- Section 18A:26-17 - Evaluation of progress; recommendations
- Section 18A:26-18 - Other arrangements or practices
- Section 18A:26-19 - Effective date; withdrawal
- Section 18A:26-20 - Liberal construction; severability of provisions
- Section 18A:26-21 - Designated state official
- Section 18A:26-22 - Copies of contracts; filing; publication
- Section 18A:26-23 - Short title
- Section 18A:26-24 - Course or training for prospective teachers relative to child abuse.
- Section 18A:27-1 - Appointment of teaching staff members; vote required
- Section 18A:27-2 - Employment without certificate prohibited
- Section 18A:27-2.1 - Employment without certification; utilization of institution not chartered as institution of higher education
- Section 18A:27-2.2 - Employment of teachers from foreign countries under certain conditions
- Section 18A:27-2.3 - Authorization for employment of teachers from foreign countries, requirements for certification
- Section 18A:27-3 - Employment for school year
- Section 18A:27-3.1 - Evaluation of nontenured teaching staff
- Section 18A:27-3.2 - Teaching staff member; notice of termination; statement of reasons; request; written answer
- Section 18A:27-3.3 - Rules
- Section 18A:27-3.4 - Inapplicability of act to teaching staff employees and administrative officers of county colleges
- Section 18A:27-4 - Power of boards of education to make rules governing employment of teacher, etc.; employment thereunder
- Section 18A:27-4a - Definitions relative to employment of novice teachers; benefits of employment.
- Section 18A:27-4.1 - Board of Education, procedure for certain personnel actions; recommendation of chief school administrator
- Section 18A:27-5 - Written contracts of employment required
- Section 18A:27-6 - Contents of contracts
- Section 18A:27-7 - Contract forms
- Section 18A:27-8 - Filing of contracts
- Section 18A:27-9 - Teaching after notice of termination of contract
- Section 18A:27-10 - Written offer or notice to nontenure teachers
- Section 18A:27-10.1 - Findings, declarations relative to teaching paraprofessionals.
- Section 18A:27-10.2 - Contract, written notice relative to employment of paraprofessional.
- Section 18A:27-10.3 - Dismissal, reduction in compensation; conditions.
- Section 18A:27-10.4 - Student teaching performed in district of employment.
- Section 18A:27-11 - Failure to give timely notice of termination as offer of employment for next succeeding year
- Section 18A:27-12 - Notice of acceptance; deadline
- Section 18A:27-13 - Inapplicability of act to teaching staff employees of county colleges
- Section 18A:28-1 - Definition of "position"
- Section 18A:28-2 - Civil service employees not affected
- Section 18A:28-3 - No tenure for noncitizens
- Section 18A:28-4 - Requirements for certain school personnel to acquire tenure, exceptions
- Section 18A:28-5 - Requirements for tenure.
- Section 18A:28-5.1 - Tenure upon transfer to an underperforming school.
- Section 18A:28-6 - Tenure upon transfer or promotion.
- Section 18A:28-6.1 - Tenure upon discontinuance of school
- Section 18A:28-7 - Certain tenure of service and tenure of service rights saved
- Section 18A:28-8 - Notice of intention to resign required
- Section 18A:28-9 - Reduction of force; power to reduce and reasons for reduction
- Section 18A:28-10 - Reasons for dismissals of persons under tenure on account of reduction
- Section 18A:28-11 - Seniority; board to determine; notice and advisory opinion
- Section 18A:28-11.1 - Credit for military service
- Section 18A:28-12 - Reemployment in order of seniority
- Section 18A:28-13 - Establishment of standards of seniority by commissioner
- Section 18A:28-14 - Teaching staff members not certified; not protected; exception
- Section 18A:28-15 - Effect of change of government of district on tenure
- Section 18A:28-16 - Operation of certain schools by State agencies; sick leave; tenure, pension rights of staff members
- Section 18A:28-17 - Operation of certain schools by local school districts; sick leave; tenure, pension rights of teaching staff members
- Section 18A:28-18 - Compliance with certain notice requirements
- Section 18A:29-1 - Uncertified teacher denied salary
- Section 18A:29-2 - Equality of compensation for male and female teachers
- Section 18A:29-3 - Summer payment plans; continuance of plan to raise funds
- Section 18A:29-4 - Withholding salary for failure to perform duties.
- Section 18A:29-4.1 - Salary policy schedules.
- Section 18A:29-4.2 - Payment of school nurse according to teachers' salary guide
- Section 18A:29-4.3 - Teaching staff members with full-time supervisory or administrative responsibilities; salary schedule
- Section 18A:29-5 - $18,500 minimum salary
- Section 18A:29-5.1 - Short title
- Section 18A:29-5.2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:29-5.3 - Mandatory minimum
- Section 18A:29-5.4 - Extracurricular activities, summer employment excluded
- Section 18A:29-5.5 - No automatic salary increases
- Section 18A:29-5.6 - Determination of teacher base salary.
- Section 18A:29-9 - Agreement as to initial salaries
- Section 18A:29-11 - Credit for military services
- Section 18A:29-13 - Increase of salaries or increments
- Section 18A:29-14 - Withholding increments; causes; notice of appeals
- Section 18A:29-15 - Salary schedules in force
- Section 18A:29-16 - Emergency certificates; day-by-day basis substitute
- Section 18A:29A-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:29A-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:29A-3 - Teacher recognition selection panel
- Section 18A:29A-4 - Selection of outstanding teachers
- Section 18A:29A-5 - Convocation; awards
- Section 18A:29A-6 - Review, recommendations
- Section 18A:29A-7 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:29B-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:29B-2 - Findings, declarations relative to recognition of educational services professionals.
- Section 18A:29B-3 - "Educational services professional" defined.
- Section 18A:29B-4 - Educational services professional recognition selection panel.
- Section 18A:29B-5 - Nominations for Governor's Annual Educational Services Professionals Recognition Award.
- Section 18A:29B-6 - Convocation on "Excellence in Educational Services."
- Section 18A:29B-7 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:30-1 - Definition of sick leave
- Section 18A:30-2 - Sick leave allowable
- Section 18A:30-2.1 - Sick leave payment for service connected disability; satisfactory service
- Section 18A:30-2.2 - Leave of absence for school employee for purpose of donating organ, bone marrow.
- Section 18A:30-3 - Accumulated sick leave
- Section 18A:30-3.1 - Accumulated sick leave rights preserved
- Section 18A:30-3.2 - Credited with unused sick leave
- Section 18A:30-3.3 - Certificate issued showing unused sick leave
- Section 18A:30-3.4 - Accumulation of sick leave credited; use; accumulation; leave irrevocable
- Section 18A:30-3.5 - Payment for accumulated sick leave by board of education.
- Section 18A:30-3.6 - Cap on compensation for unused sick leave from board of education.
- Section 18A:30-4 - Physician's certificate required for sick leave
- Section 18A:30-5 - Commissioner to enforce chapter
- Section 18A:30-6 - Prolonged absence beyond sick leave period
- Section 18A:30-7 - Power of boards of education to pay salaries
- Section 18A:30-8 - Athletic competition on world, Pan American or Olympic level; reimbursement by state
- Section 18A:30-9 - Use of accumulated vacation leave by board of education.
- Section 18A:30-9.1 - Use of accrued vacation leave by board of education employee.
- Section 18A:30-10 - Establishment of sick leave bank for employees of board of education.
- Section 18A:30-11 - Administration of sick leave bank.
- Section 18A:30-12 - Certain policies unaffected.
- Section 18A:30-13 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:31-1 - Teachers' institutes and meetings, when held, etc.
- Section 18A:31-2 - Attendance at conventions of New Jersey Education Association
- Section 18A:32-1 - Appropriation for establishment and maintenance
- Section 18A:32-2 - Committee to select books and manage library
- Section 18A:33-1 - District to furnish suitable facilities; adoption of courses of study
- Section 18A:33-1.1 - Substandard facility; approval; inspection; abandonment
- Section 18A:33-1.2 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:33-2 - Penalty for failure to provide proper facilities.
- Section 18A:33-2.1 - Closing high school; contracting with another district; referendum
- Section 18A:33-3 - Food service bidding exemption
- Section 18A:33-3.1 - Establishment of prepaid school lunch program.
- Section 18A:33-4 - School lunch; availability to all children
- Section 18A:33-5 - Exemptions
- Section 18A:33-6 - Display of poster illustrating choke prevention techniques
- Section 18A:33-7 - Posting of drinking water test reports by public schools.
- Section 18A:33-8 - Posting of drinking water test reports by nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:33-9 - Findings, declarations relative to school breakfast programs
- Section 18A:33-10 - Establishment of School Breakfast Program in certain schools
- Section 18A:33-11 - Implementation of school breakfast program by district
- Section 18A:33-11.1 - "Breakfast after the bell" program; report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:33-11.2 - Findings, declarations relative to the "breakfast after the bell" program.
- Section 18A:33-11.3 - Establishment of "breakfast after the bell" program in certain public schools.
- Section 18A:33-11.4 - Program subject to certain requirements.
- Section 18A:33-11.5 - Guidelines.
- Section 18A:33-11.6 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:33-12 - One-year waiver permitted under certain circumstances
- Section 18A:33-13 - Construction of act
- Section 18A:33-14 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:33-14.1 - Report of nonparticipation in school meal programs.
- Section 18A:33-15 - Findings, declarations relative to food, beverages sold to certain school pupils.
- Section 18A:33-16 - Regulation of items sold, served, given away on school property.
- Section 18A:33-17 - Applicability to certain nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:33-18 - Rules, regulations; compliance monitoring.
- Section 18A:33-19 - Nonpreemption of more stringent policies.
- Section 18A:33-20 - Public schools authorized to serve certain produce grown in community gardens.
- Section 18A:33-21 - School meals, notification to parent, guardian of arrears before denying to student; report.
- Section 18A:33-21.1 - State required to pay difference between federal allocation and total cost of reduced price breakfast, lunch.
- Section 18A:33-22 - "Nourishing Young Minds Initiative Fund."
- Section 18A:33-23 - Notification relative to summer meals program.
- Section 18A:33-24 - Implementation of Summer Food Service Program.
- Section 18A:33-25 - Application.
- Section 18A:33-26 - Waiver.
- Section 18A:33-27 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:33-27.1 - "School Meal Program," development of promotional materials.
- Section 18A:33-28 - Posting of information about child abuse hotline.
- Section 18A:34-1 - Textbooks; selection; furnished free with supplies; appropriations
- Section 18A:34-2 - Care and keeping of textbooks and accounting
- Section 18A:34-3 - Statewide textbook bank, creation; database
- Section 18A:34-4 - Guidelines on useful life of certain textbooks
- Section 18A:35-1 - 2-year course of study in history
- Section 18A:35-2 - Contents of course of study
- Section 18A:35-2.1 - Civics curriculum guidelines
- Section 18A:35-3 - Course in civics, geography and history of New Jersey
- Section 18A:35-4.1 - Course of study in principles of humanity
- Section 18A:35-4.2 - Career development program
- Section 18A:35-4.3 - Sexual assault prevention education program
- Section 18A:35-4.4 - Advisory Council.
- Section 18A:35-4.5 - Establishment of program; voluntary participation
- Section 18A:35-4.5a - Sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education.
- Section 18A:35-4.6 - Title of act
- Section 18A:35-4.7 - Parent's statement of conflict with conscience
- Section 18A:35-4.8 - Medical treatment or examination; objection of parent or guardian.
- Section 18A:35-4.9 - Pupil promotion, remediation policies, procedures
- Section 18A:35-4.10 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:35-4.11 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:35-4.12 - Curriculum guidelines for agricultural science education programs
- Section 18A:35-4.13 - Evaluation of agricultural science courses, programs
- Section 18A:35-4.14 - Agricultural science proficiencies included in science core courses
- Section 18A:35-4.15 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:35-4.16 - Instruction in chess; guidelines
- Section 18A:35-4.17 - Notification to students of risks of using computer services for illegal purposes; guidelines.
- Section 18A:35-4.18 - Credit for world language course not offered by public school
- Section 18A:35-4.18.1 - American Sign Language recognized as world language for meeting high school graduation requirements.
- Section 18A:35-4.19 - Short title.
- Section 18A:35-4.20 - Sex education programs to stress abstinence.
- Section 18A:35-4.21 - Abstinence from sexual activity stressed in curriculum.
- Section 18A:35-4.22 - Avoidance of IV drug use stressed.
- Section 18A:35-4.23 - Domestic violence, child abuse, instruction on those problems
- Section 18A:35-4.23a - Dating violence education incorporated into health education curriculum.
- Section 18A:35-4.24 - Definitions relative to alternative education projects.
- Section 18A:35-4.25 - Refusal to participate in certain school activities related to animal dissection, etc.
- Section 18A:35-4.26 - Instruction in gang violence prevention; required for elementary school students.
- Section 18A:35-4.27 - Instruction on responsible use of social media.
- Section 18A:35-4.28 - Instruction in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, use of automated external defibrillator for certain students.
- Section 18A:35-4.29 - Instruction provided.
- Section 18A:35-4.30 - Weighting of certain courses in calculating pupil grade point averages.
- Section 18A:35-4.31 - Recess period required; exceptions.
- Section 18A:35-4.32 - Findings, declarations relative to "sexting."
- Section 18A:35-4.33 - Information provided to students.
- Section 18A:35-4.34 - Financial literacy instruction.
- Section 18A:35-4.35 - History of disabled and LGBT persons included in middle and high school curriculum
- Section 18A:35-4.36 - Policies, procedures pertaining to inclusive instructional materials
- Section 18A:35-4.37 - Finding and declaration relative to sexual assault
- Section 18A:35-4.38 - Incorporation of age-appropriate instruction relative to consent for physical contact and sexual activity
- Section 18A:35-4.39 - Health curriculum to include instruction on mental health.
- Section 18A:35-4.40 - Information about "New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act" included in public school curriculum.
- Section 18A:35-4.41 - Age appropriate information required.
- Section 18A:35-5 - Maintenance of physical training courses; features
- Section 18A:35-5.1 - Lyme Disease curriculum guidelines.
- Section 18A:35-5.2 - Availability of guidelines
- Section 18A:35-5.3 - Guidelines for, training of teachers instructing infected students
- Section 18A:35-5.4 - Instruction on breast self-examination required
- Section 18A:35-6 - Supervision of instruction
- Section 18A:35-7 - Course required
- Section 18A:35-8 - Time devoted to course
- Section 18A:35-9 - Qualifications of teachers; instruction of college pupils
- Section 18A:35-10 - Military training course; when required; preparation
- Section 18A:35-11 - Military training; referendum
- Section 18A:35-12 - Result of election; establishment of course
- Section 18A:35-13 - Expenses of maintaining military training
- Section 18A:35-14 - Instructors in military training; qualifications; salary
- Section 18A:35-15 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:35-16 - Definitions
- Section 18A:35-17 - Identification and classification of children of limited English-speaking ability
- Section 18A:35-18 - Programs in bilingual education; establishment; number of pupils; waiver
- Section 18A:35-19 - Period of continuance of participation by pupil
- Section 18A:35-19.1 - Transfer of bilingual pupil to English-only program
- Section 18A:35-19.2 - Appeal of placement decision
- Section 18A:35-19.3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:35-20 - Participation in courses in which verbalization unessential to understanding of subject matter; location of and children in bilingual programs
- Section 18A:35-21 - Joint establishment by school districts
- Section 18A:35-22 - Notification of parents; involvement in programs
- Section 18A:35-22.1 - Removal of pupil from bilingual education program
- Section 18A:35-23 - Implementation of provisions
- Section 18A:35-24 - State Advisory Committee on Bilingual Education; establishment; membership
- Section 18A:35-25 - Financial support to institutions of higher education
- Section 18A:35-26 - Developmental activities
- Section 18A:35-26.1 - Guidance on identifying English language learners for gifted and talented programs.
- Section 18A:35-27 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:35-28 - Instruction on Holocaust, genocides required in elementary, secondary school curriculum
- Section 18A:35-29 - Short title.
- Section 18A:35-30 - Definitions relative to alternative education programs.
- Section 18A:35-31 - Operation of alternative education program permitted.
- Section 18A:35-32 - Agreement for provision of services to out-of-district student.
- Section 18A:35-33 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:35-34 - Short title.
- Section 18A:35-35 - Definitions relative to gifted and talented students.
- Section 18A:35-36 - Instructional adaptations, educational services for gifted and talented students.
- Section 18A:35-37 - Coordinator for gifted and talented services.
- Section 18A:35-38 - Complaint for noncompliance.
- Section 18A:35-39 - Information available on website.
- Section 18A:36-1 - School year
- Section 18A:36-2 - Time when schools are open; determination
- Section 18A:36-3 - Display of and salute to flag; pledge of allegiance
- Section 18A:36-4 - Period of silence
- Section 18A:36-5 - "Special Education Week" designated.
- Section 18A:36-5.1 - "School Violence Awareness Week"; designated.
- Section 18A:36-6 - Observance of flag day
- Section 18A:36-7 - Designation of Arbor Day
- Section 18A:36-10 - Designation of Commodore Barry Day
- Section 18A:36-11 - Observance of Commodore Barry Day
- Section 18A:36-12 - Exercises on Commodore Barry Day
- Section 18A:36-13 - Patriotic exercises preceding holidays.
- Section 18A:36-13.1 - Observation of certain holidays by school district.
- Section 18A:36-13.2 - Excused absence for certain pupils on Veterans Day.
- Section 18A:36-14 - Religious holidays; absence of pupils on; effect
- Section 18A:36-15 - Absence because of religious holidays as excused absence
- Section 18A:36-16 - Rules regarding religious holidays
- Section 18A:36-17 - Credit of seniors in active military and naval service, etc.
- Section 18A:36-18 - Books containing organic laws at graduation
- Section 18A:36-19 - Pupil records; creation, maintenance and retention, security and access; regulations; nonliability
- Section 18A:36-19a - Student records.
- Section 18A:36-19.1 - Military recruitment in public schools
- Section 18A:36-19.2 - School locker inspection
- Section 18A:36-20 - Discrimination; prohibition
- Section 18A:36-21 - Field trips; costs to be borne by parents or guardians, exceptions, financial hardship
- Section 18A:36-22 - "Field trip" defined
- Section 18A:36-23 - No student prohibited from attending field trip
- Section 18A:36-24 - Missing children; legislative findings and declarations
- Section 18A:36-25 - Early detection of missing and abused children; policies of school districts
- Section 18A:36-25.1 - Certified copy of birth certificate required for enrollment in school, records
- Section 18A:36-25.2 - Investigation, reporting of certain pupil absences, transfers.
- Section 18A:36-25.3 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:36-25.4 - Short title.
- Section 18A:36-25.5 - Findings, declarations relative to child abduction.
- Section 18A:36-25.6 - Report of absence.
- Section 18A:36-25.7 - Task force on the prevention of, response to sexual abuse of children.
- Section 18A:36-25.8 - Provision of staff.
- Section 18A:36-25.9 - Consultation with State agencies, departments.
- Section 18A:36-25.10 - Duties of task force.
- Section 18A:36-25.11 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:36-25.12 - Creation of educational materials.
- Section 18A:36-26 - Compliance with act
- Section 18A:36-27 - Voting information.
- Section 18A:36-28 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:36-29 - Fingerprinting of students
- Section 18A:36-30 - Assistance of school officials; authorization
- Section 18A:36-31 - Fingerprint card
- Section 18A:36-32 - Fine for permitting cigarette machines on school property
- Section 18A:36-33 - Pupils serving as district board of election members, excused absence
- Section 18A:36-34 - School surveys, certain, parental consent required before administration
- Section 18A:36-35 - Disclosure of certain student information on Internet prohibited without parental consent.
- Section 18A:36-36 - Pupil information, certain, classroom materials; rules.
- Section 18A:36-37 - "Student-athlete" defined, rules for maintenance of amateur status; violations, penalties.
- Section 18A:36-38 - Classroom placement of twins, higher multiples, selection by parent, guardian.
- Section 18A:36-39 - Notification by school to certain persons using certain electronic devices; fine.
- Section 18A:36-40 - Written policy concerning electronic communications between school employees and students.
- Section 18A:36-41 - Development, distribution of guidelines concerning transgender students.
- Section 18A:36-42 - Guidance, resources provided.
- Section 18A:36-43 - Policy requiring students to carry school identification card under certain circumstances permitted.
- Section 18A:36A-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:36A-2 - Findings, declarations relative to establishment of charter schools
- Section 18A:36A-3 - Charter school program established
- Section 18A:36A-4 - Establishment of charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-4.1 - Conversion to charter school by certain nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:36A-5 - Application for charter school
- Section 18A:36A-6 - Powers of charter school
- Section 18A:36A-7 - Student admissions to charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-8 - Enrollment preference
- Section 18A:36A-9 - Withdrawal, expulsion from charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-10 - Location of charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-11 - Operation of charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-11.1 - Requirements for member of board of trustees of a charter school.
- Section 18A:36A-12 - Per pupil payments to charter schools.
- Section 18A:36A-13 - Transportation for students
- Section 18A:36A-14 - Authority of board of trustees; employees
- Section 18A:36A-15 - Complaints to board of trustees
- Section 18A:36A-16 - Annual assessment, review of charter schools, independent study, report, recommendations.
- Section 18A:36A-17 - Granting, renewal of charter
- Section 18A:36A-17.1 - Commissioner's actions relative to possible loss, not granting of charter.
- Section 18A:36A-18 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:36B-14 - Short title.
- Section 18A:36B-15 - Definitions relative to public school choice.
- Section 18A:36B-16 - Interdistrict public school choice program.
- Section 18A:36B-17 - Application by district for choice program.
- Section 18A:36B-18 - Evaluation of district's application.
- Section 18A:36B-19 - Current choice districts unaffected.
- Section 18A:36B-20 - Applications by student to choice district.
- Section 18A:36B-21 - Enrollment restrictions.
- Section 18A:36B-22 - Provision of transportation, aid in-lieu-of transportation.
- Section 18A:36B-23 - Parent information center.
- Section 18A:36B-24 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:36C-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:36C-2 - Findings, declarations relative to the "Urban Hope Act."
- Section 18A:36C-3 - Definitions relative to the "Urban Hope Act."
- Section 18A:36C-4 - Application to create renaissance school district.
- Section 18A:36C-5 - Limitation of renaissance projects per district, review of applications.
- Section 18A:36C-6 - Contract, filing of organizational document.
- Section 18A:36C-7 - Renaissance schools considered public schools.
- Section 18A:36C-7.1 - Funding for temporary facility.
- Section 18A:36C-8 - Enrollment to renaissance school.
- Section 18A:36C-9 - Employees of renaissance school project.
- Section 18A:36C-10 - Authorization of renaissance school project, renewal.
- Section 18A:36C-11 - Conveyance of land by authority to renaissance school project.
- Section 18A:36C-12 - Conveyance of land by board of education to renaissance school project.
- Section 18A:36C-13 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:36C-14 - Compliance concerning students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:36C-15 - Local education agency designation for application for certain funds.
- Section 18A:36C-16 - Title to project to revert to board of education under certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:36C-17 - Authorization to enter into certain agreements.
- Section 18A:36C-18 - Establishment of residency.
- Section 18A:36C-19 - Exemption from certain facility efficiency standards.
- Section 18A:37-1 - Submission of pupils to authority
- Section 18A:37-2 - Causes for suspension, expulsion of pupils.
- Section 18A:37-2a - Conditions for suspension, expulsion of certain students.
- Section 18A:37-2b - Early detection and prevention program.
- Section 18A:37-2c - Meeting relative to suspension, expulsion of student.
- Section 18A:37-2.1 - Suspension, expulsion of pupil for assault, appeal; report
- Section 18A:37-2.2 - Offense by pupil involving assault, removal from school's regular education program
- Section 18A:37-2.3 - Responsibility for removal, report
- Section 18A:37-2.4 - Hearing
- Section 18A:37-2.5 - Determination of pupil's preparedness to return
- Section 18A:37-3 - Liability of parents or guardian of minor for damage to property
- Section 18A:37-4 - Suspension of pupils by teacher or principal
- Section 18A:37-5 - Continuation of suspension; reinstatement or expulsion
- Section 18A:37-6 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:37-6.1 - Strip, body cavity searches of pupil prohibited.
- Section 18A:37-7 - Short title
- Section 18A:37-8 - Offense by pupil involving firearm, removal from school's regular education program
- Section 18A:37-9 - Responsibility for removal, report
- Section 18A:37-10 - Hearing
- Section 18A:37-11 - Determination of pupil's preparedness to return
- Section 18A:37-12 - Nonapplicability of act
- Section 18A:37-13 - Findings, declarations relative to adoption of harassment and bullying prevention policies.
- Section 18A:37-13.1 - Findings, declarations relative to school bullying.
- Section 18A:37-13.2 - Short title.
- Section 18A:37-14 - Definitions relative to adoption of harassment and bullying prevention policies
- Section 18A:37-15 - Adoption of policy concerning harassment, intimidating or bullying by each school district.
- Section 18A:37-15.1 - "Electronic communication" included in school districts' harassment and bullying prevention policy.
- Section 18A:37-15.2 - Actions required relative to bullying policy.
- Section 18A:37-15.3 - Policy to include certain incidents occurring off school grounds.
- Section 18A:37-16 - Reprisal, retaliation, false accusation prohibited.
- Section 18A:37-16.1 - Immunity for reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying at certain private schools.
- Section 18A:37-17 - Establishment of bullying prevention programs or approaches.
- Section 18A:37-18 - Other remedies unaffected.
- Section 18A:37-19 - Application by school district for reimbursement.
- Section 18A:37-20 - Appointment of school anti-bullying specialists, coordinator.
- Section 18A:37-21 - School safety teams.
- Section 18A:37-22 - Program required for teaching certification.
- Section 18A:37-23 - Program required for administrative and supervisory certification.
- Section 18A:37-24 - Development of guidance document.
- Section 18A:37-25 - Establishment of formal protocol for investigating a complaint.
- Section 18A:37-26 - Inservice workshops, training programs.
- Section 18A:37-27 - Development of online tutorial, test.
- Section 18A:37-28 - "Bullying Prevention Fund."
- Section 18A:37-29 - "Week of Respect"; designated.
- Section 18A:37-30 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:37-31 - Compliance by nonpublic schools encouraged.
- Section 18A:37-32 - Inapplicability to certain situations.
- Section 18A:37-32.1 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:37-33 - Findings, declarations relative to dating violence policy and education.
- Section 18A:37-34 - Definitions relative to dating violence policy and education.
- Section 18A:37-35 - Task force to develop policy.
- Section 18A:37-36 - Educational resources, recommendation, posting on website.
- Section 18A:37-37 - Interpretation.
- Section 18A:37-38 - Definitions relative to restorative justice.
- Section 18A:37-39 - "Restorative Justice in Education Pilot Program."
- Section 18A:37-40 - Application for participation by school district.
- Section 18A:37-41 - Selection of districts.
- Section 18A:37-42 - Limitation of number, duration of student expulsions, suspensions.
- Section 18A:37-43 - Ongoing professional development for teachers, staff.
- Section 18A:37-44 - Application for grant, aid.
- Section 18A:37-45 - Report.
- Section 18A:37-46 - "Restorative Justice Education Fund."
- Section 18A:37-47 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:38-1 - Attendance at school free of charge.
- Section 18A:38-1.1 - Certain students permitted to remain enrolled in current school district.
- Section 18A:38-1.2 - Rules.
- Section 18A:38-1.3 - Verification of eligibility for enrollment in district.
- Section 18A:38-2 - Free attendance at school by nonresidents placed in district under court order
- Section 18A:38-3 - Admission for nonresident of school district; parent on active duty
- Section 18A:38-3.1 - Children of certain military members permitted to remain in prior school district.
- Section 18A:38-4 - Free attendance to persons over age
- Section 18A:38-4.1 - Issuance of notice relative to obligation to enroll resident students.
- Section 18A:38-5 - Admission of pupils under age
- Section 18A:38-5.1 - No child to be excluded from school because of race, etc.
- Section 18A:38-6 - Time of admission of pupils; first school year
- Section 18A:38-7 - Pupils receiving free education subject to provisions of chapter
- Section 18A:38-7.7 - Finding, declaration
- Section 18A:38-7.8 - Designated district.
- Section 18A:38-7.8a - Enrollment schedule, exceptions.
- Section 18A:38-7.9 - Apportionment of State aid, taxes.
- Section 18A:38-7.10 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:38-7.11 - Definition
- Section 18A:38-7.12 - Multi-district federal enclave
- Section 18A:38-7.13 - Designation of district for pupils residing in multi-district federal enclave.
- Section 18A:38-7.14 - Boundaries, eligibility unaltered
- Section 18A:38-8 - Duty to receive pupils from other districts
- Section 18A:38-8.1 - Representation of board of education of sending district; matters covered.
- Section 18A:38-8.2 - Representation from sending school district to board of receiving district
- Section 18A:38-8.3 - Nonapplicability of act
- Section 18A:38-8.4 - Board of Education representation of sixth class county school district; certain.
- Section 18A:38-9 - Attendance in adjoining district because of remoteness from school
- Section 18A:38-10 - Attendance outside of state
- Section 18A:38-11 - Designation of high school of another district for attendance by pupils
- Section 18A:38-12 - Allocation and apportionment of pupils among two or more high schools
- Section 18A:38-13 - Change in designation, allocation
- Section 18A:38-13.1 - 5-year minimum
- Section 18A:38-14 - Appeal from determination of commissioner
- Section 18A:38-15 - Attendance at special high school courses of study in another district
- Section 18A:38-16 - Attendance at evening high school in another district
- Section 18A:38-17 - Attendance outside district for instruction beyond twelfth grade
- Section 18A:38-18 - High school education in another district; tuition
- Section 18A:38-19 - Tuition of pupils attending schools in another district.
- Section 18A:38-20 - Additional school facilities; agreement as to tuition
- Section 18A:38-21 - Termination of agreement concerning tuition as to pupils
- Section 18A:38-21.1 - Termination of sending-receiving relationship.
- Section 18A:38-22 - Hearing on application for termination of agreement
- Section 18A:38-23 - Pupils not excluded for nonpayment of tuition; withdrawal of pupils
- Section 18A:38-24 - Attendance of pupils at demonstration schools
- Section 18A:38-25 - Attendance required of children between six and 16; exceptions
- Section 18A:38-25.1 - "Chronically absent" students, corrective action plan.
- Section 18A:38-25.2 - Annual review.
- Section 18A:38-26 - Days when attendance required; exceptions
- Section 18A:38-27 - Truancy and juvenile delinquency defined
- Section 18A:38-28 - Truants; return to parents or school
- Section 18A:38-29 - Warning and arrest of vagrants or habitual truants
- Section 18A:38-30 - Assistance of sheriffs, police officers, etc.
- Section 18A:38-31 - Failure to comply with provisions of article; fine
- Section 18A:38-32 - District and county vocational school attendance officers
- Section 18A:38-33 - Tenure of attendance officers in city districts
- Section 18A:38-34 - Attendance officers in counties other than counties of first class; duties; terms; salaries
- Section 18A:38-35 - Salaries and expenses of county attendance officers
- Section 18A:38-36 - Employment certificates to part-time pupils; revocation
- Section 18A:39-1 - Transportation of pupils remote from school.
- Section 18A:39-1a - Adjustment of non-public school transportation costs.
- Section 18A:39-1b - Furnishing of district information
- Section 18A:39-1c - Waiver for pupil transportation services under certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:39-1d - Definitions relative to nonpublic school pupil transportation pilot program.
- Section 18A:39-1.1 - Transportation of other pupils by board.
- Section 18A:39-1.2 - Provision of transportation for certain pupils; contracts; charges, method of collection.
- Section 18A:39-1.3 - Contract for transportation of certain pupils; costs.
- Section 18A:39-1.4 - Determination of financial hardship
- Section 18A:39-1.5 - Adoption of policy regarding transportation of students who walk along hazardous routes.
- Section 18A:39-1.6 - Transportation of nonpublic school students, remote, certain.
- Section 18A:39-1.7 - Purchase of transportation by nonpublic school pupils; conditions.
- Section 18A:39-1.8 - Payment by parents for transportation of certain pupils.
- Section 18A:39-1.9 - Payment not required based on financial hardship.
- Section 18A:39-2 - Methods of providing transportation
- Section 18A:39-2.1 - Interdistrict transportation bidding procedure
- Section 18A:39-2.2 - Determination of cost efficiencies by combining public, nonpublic school bus routes.
- Section 18A:39-3 - Pupil transportation contracts.
- Section 18A:39-3.1 - Consultation for transportation of nonpublic school pupils.
- Section 18A:39-3.2 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:39-4 - Form of bid; deposit; forfeiture or return of deposit
- Section 18A:39-5 - Opening of bids; rejection, etc.
- Section 18A:39-6 - Liability insurance, etc., to be furnished
- Section 18A:39-6.1 - Liability insurance; rates
- Section 18A:39-10 - Expenditures by contractor in compliance with law or rules, after contract made
- Section 18A:39-11 - Joint transportation authorized
- Section 18A:39-11.1 - List of agencies providing cooperative transportation services; provision of transportation for certain pupils.
- Section 18A:39-11.2 - Bidding requirements for certain pupil transportation contracts.
- Section 18A:39-11.3 - Disqualification of bidder; "prior negative experience" defined.
- Section 18A:39-11.4 - Continuation of prior agreement in violation of act.
- Section 18A:39-12 - Agreement for joint transportation
- Section 18A:39-13 - Joint transportation; laws and rules governing
- Section 18A:39-14 - Joint transportation; expenses; payment
- Section 18A:39-15 - State aid for joint transportation.
- Section 18A:39-16 - Disputes; determination; appeal
- Section 18A:39-17 - Names, certain information relative to bus drivers to be filed by secretary of board of education.
- Section 18A:39-18 - Information relative to bus drivers furnished by contractor.
- Section 18A:39-19.1 - Bus drivers required to submit certain information to commissioner; notice of pending charges.
- Section 18A:39-19.1a - Training required for school bus drivers, aides.
- Section 18A:39-19.2 - Training program for school bus drivers, bus aides relative to students with special needs.
- Section 18A:39-19.3 - Administration of training program; certification.
- Section 18A:39-19.4 - Student information card.
- Section 18A:39-19.5 - Revocation of passenger endorsement, special license.
- Section 18A:39-19.6 - Suspended, revoked school bus driver license; notification required.
- Section 18A:39-19.7 - Certification requirements of a school district transportation supervisor
- Section 18A:39-19.8 - Policy requiring list of students being transported to certain activities permitted.
- Section 18A:39-20 - Compliance required for assigning bus driver; violations; fine.
- Section 18A:39-20.1 - Transportation of students in certain vehicles.
- Section 18A:39-21 - Rules governing pupil transportation by state board
- Section 18A:39-22 - Use of school buses for recreation, other programs.
- Section 18A:39-22.1 - Use of school buses for transporting adults with disabilities, certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:39-23 - No fee registration continued
- Section 18A:39-24 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:39-25 - Board of public utility commissioners; regulation or jurisdiction of school buses used under this act
- Section 18A:39-26 - Short title
- Section 18A:39-27 - Bus driver required to be on bus when pupil present, exceptions
- Section 18A:39-28 - Inspection of school bus for pupils by driver at end of transportation route.
- Section 18A:39-29 - Violation, suspension, revocation of school bus endorsement.
- Section 18A:39-30 - Permanent revocation for gross negligence.
- Section 18A:39-31 - Contract for sale of advertising space on school buses, use of revenue.
- Section 18A:39-32 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:39-33 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:40-1 - Employment of medical inspectors, optometrists and nurses; salaries; terms; rules
- Section 18A:40-1.1 - School physician to complete Student-Athlete Cardiac Screening professional development module.
- Section 18A:40-1.2 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:40-2 - Appointment of county medical inspector
- Section 18A:40-3 - Lectures to teachers
- Section 18A:40-3.1 - Appointment and salary, school nurses, etc.
- Section 18A:40-3.2 - Findings, declarations relative to school nursing, clinical nursing services.
- Section 18A:40-3.3 - Employment of nursing, non-nursing personnel; definitions.
- Section 18A:40-3.4 - Employment of person to assist school nurse by providing secretarial, clerical duties
- Section 18A:40-3.5 - Issuance of county substitute certificate, emergency certificates
- Section 18A:40-3.6 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:40-3.7 - Requirements for school nurse endorsement.
- Section 18A:40-3.8 - Requirements for school nurse/non-instructional endorsement.
- Section 18A:40-3.9 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:40-4 - Health records; examinations for physical defects, hearing
- Section 18A:40-4.3 - Biennial examination for scoliosis.
- Section 18A:40-4.4 - Exemption
- Section 18A:40-4.5 - Immunity from action of any kind due to provisions of act
- Section 18A:40-5 - Method of examination; notice to parent or guardian.
- Section 18A:40-5.1 - Definitions relative to reading disabilities.
- Section 18A:40-5.2 - Distribution of information on screening instruments.
- Section 18A:40-5.3 - Screening for dyslexia, other reading disabilities.
- Section 18A:40-5.4 - Comprehensive assessment for the learning disorder.
- Section 18A:40-6 - In general
- Section 18A:40-7 - Exclusion of pupils who are ill
- Section 18A:40-8 - Exclusion of pupils whose presence is detrimental to health and cleanliness
- Section 18A:40-9 - Failure of parent to remove cause for exclusion; penalty
- Section 18A:40-10 - Exclusion of teachers and pupils exposed to disease
- Section 18A:40-11 - Exclusion of pupils having communicable tuberculosis
- Section 18A:40-12 - Closing schools during epidemic
- Section 18A:40-12.1 - Protective eye devices required for teachers, pupils and visitors in certain cases
- Section 18A:40-12.2 - Rules prescribing kinds, types and quality of devices
- Section 18A:40-12.3 - Self-administration of medication by pupil permitted.
- Section 18A:40-12.4 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:40-12.5 - Development of policy for emergency administration of epinephrine to students.
- Section 18A:40-12.6 - Policy for administration of epinephrine to pupil.
- Section 18A:40-12.6a - Guidelines for schools for management of food allergies, administration of epinephrine.
- Section 18A:40-12.6b - Implementation of established guidelines.
- Section 18A:40-12.6c - Training protocols for volunteer designees to administer epinephrine.
- Section 18A:40-12.6d - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-12.6e - Funds used for compliance in nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:40-12.7 - Nebulizer required in schools.
- Section 18A:40-12.8 - Regulations for use of nebulizer in schools.
- Section 18A:40-12.9 - Annual asthma education opportunities.
- Section 18A:40-12.10 - Reimbursement to school.
- Section 18A:40-12.11 - Findings, declarations relative to the care of students with diabetes.
- Section 18A:40-12.12 - Definitions relative to the care of students with diabetes.
- Section 18A:40-12.13 - Development of health care plans for students with diabetes.
- Section 18A:40-12.14 - Authorized employees for administration of glucagon.
- Section 18A:40-12.15 - Management, care of diabetes by student permitted; authorization.
- Section 18A:40-12.16 - Notification to school bus driver.
- Section 18A:40-12.17 - Posting of reference sheet.
- Section 18A:40-12.18 - Release for sharing of certain medical information.
- Section 18A:40-12.19 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-12.20 - Possession of syringes authorized.
- Section 18A:40-12.21 - School choice not restricted.
- Section 18A:40-12.22 - Policy for administration of medical cannabis to student.
- Section 18A:40-12.23 - Definitions relative to the emergency administration of opioid antidotes in schools.
- Section 18A:40-12.24 - Development of school policy for emergency administration of opioid antidotes.
- Section 18A:40-12.25 - Guidelines for development of policy.
- Section 18A:40-12.26 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-12.27 - Shared services arrangement.
- Section 18A:40-12.28 - Funds used for compliance by nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:40-12.29 - Policy for emergency administration of hydrocortisone sodium succinate.
- Section 18A:40-12.30 - School nurse to have primary responsibility.
- Section 18A:40-12.31 - Guidelines for development of policy relative to emergency administration of hydrocodone sodium succinate.
- Section 18A:40-12.32 - Training protocols.
- Section 18A:40-12.33 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-12.34 - Definitions relative to epilepsy and seizure disorders.
- Section 18A:40-12.35 - Annual submission of student's seizure action plan.
- Section 18A:40-12.36 - Information provided to bus driver.
- Section 18A:40-12.37 - Release to share medical information.
- Section 18A:40-12.38 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-16 - Tuberculosis infection; determination of presence
- Section 18A:40-17 - Equipment, materials and services for tuberculosis test
- Section 18A:40-18 - Exclusion of pupils failing to comply with rules and orders
- Section 18A:40-19 - Records and reports of tuberculosis testing; disposition; inspection
- Section 18A:40-20 - Immunization at public expense
- Section 18A:40-21.1 - Hepatitis B vaccination required for public, private school students in grades nine through twelve.
- Section 18A:40-21.2 - Distribution of fact sheet on meningitis.
- Section 18A:40-23 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:40-24 - Definitions
- Section 18A:40-25 - Provision of nursing services to pupils in nonpublic schools
- Section 18A:40-26 - Provision of additional medical services to nonpublic school pupils
- Section 18A:40-27 - Instructional services not included
- Section 18A:40-27.1 - Provision of nursing services to preschool pupil in nonpublic schools, certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:40-28 - Provision of nursing services through collaboration contracts.
- Section 18A:40-29 - Nonpublic school may decline nursing services
- Section 18A:40-30 - Pupils of nonpublic schools not compelled to receive services
- Section 18A:40-31 - Determination of support limit for school year
- Section 18A:40-32 - "Cancer Awareness Week" designated
- Section 18A:40-33 - School program development
- Section 18A:40-34 - Regulations adopted by Commissioner of Education relative to children's health care coverage.
- Section 18A:40-35 - Findings, declarations relative to comprehensive eye examinations for certain students.
- Section 18A:40-36 - "Comprehensive eye examination", defined.
- Section 18A:40-37 - Three-year comprehensive eye examination pilot program for second grade students.
- Section 18A:40-38 - Collection of data on pilot program from school districts.
- Section 18A:40-39 - "Comprehensive Eye Examination Fund," use.
- Section 18A:40-40 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:40-41 - Sudden cardiac arrest pamphlet; development, distribution.
- Section 18A:40-41a - Schools required to have automated external defibrillator.
- Section 18A:40-41b - Emergency action plan.
- Section 18A:40-41c - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:40-41d - Student-Athlete Cardiac Screening professional development module.
- Section 18A:40-41e - Short title.
- Section 18A:40-41f - Definition.
- Section 18A:40-41g - Informational meeting.
- Section 18A:40-41h - Removal of athlete showing warning signs from activity; violations, penalties.
- Section 18A:40-41i - Certification required for coaches.
- Section 18A:40-41j - Nonprofit youth-serving organizations encouraged to promulgate information protocol.
- Section 18A:40-41.1 - Findings, declarations relative to head injuries of student athletes.
- Section 18A:40-41.2 - Athletic head injury safety training program.
- Section 18A:40-41.3 - Written policy for school district concerning prevention, treatment of sports-related head injuries.
- Section 18A:40-41.4 - Removal of student-athlete from competition, practice; return.
- Section 18A:40-41.5 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:40-41.6 - Short title.
- Section 18A:40-41.7 - Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Form required for student-athletes; certification statement.
- Section 18A:40-41.8 - Findings, declarations relative to protective eyeware for children participating in sports.
- Section 18A:40-41.9 - Development of educational fact sheet providing information relative to sports-related eye injuries.
- Section 18A:40-41.10 - Educational fact sheet relative to use, misuse of opioid drugs for sports-related injuries.
- Section 18A:40-41.11 - Emergency action plan for responding to a serious or potentially life-threatening sport-related injury.
- Section 18A:40-41.12 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:40-42 - Educational fact sheet about HPV.
- Section 18A:40-43 - Information available to certain public school students about "New Jersey Safe Haven Infant Protection Act."
- Section 18A:40-44 - Information relative to child's exposure to violence on electronic devices.
- Section 18A:40-45 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:40A-1 - Instructional programs on drugs, alcohol, anabolic steroids, tobacco and controlled dangerous substances; curriculum guidelines
- Section 18A:40A-2 - Curriculum guidelines; annual review and updating; minimum requirements
- Section 18A:40A-2.1 - Substance abuse instruction, review of curriculum; report.
- Section 18A:40A-3 - Initial inservice training programs; curriculum; availability
- Section 18A:40A-4 - Preservice training
- Section 18A:40A-5 - Loaning of educational materials
- Section 18A:40A-6 - Evaluation
- Section 18A:40A-7 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:40A-7.1 - Confidentiality of certain information provided by pupil; exceptions.
- Section 18A:40A-7.2 - Violations, penalties
- Section 18A:40A-8 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:40A-9 - Definitions
- Section 18A:40A-10 - Referral program in schools
- Section 18A:40A-11 - Policies for evaluations, referral, discipline
- Section 18A:40A-12 - Reporting of pupils under influence; examination; report; return home; evaluation of possible need for treatment; referral for treatment.
- Section 18A:40A-13 - Immunity for personnel.
- Section 18A:40A-14 - Civil immunity for reporting.
- Section 18A:40A-15 - Inservice training program
- Section 18A:40A-16 - Guidelines, materials for program
- Section 18A:40A-17 - Outreach program
- Section 18A:40A-18 - Employment of student assistance coordinators in certain school districts.
- Section 18A:40A-19 - Pilot programs
- Section 18A:40A-20 - Annual report
- Section 18A:40A-21 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:40A-22 - Findings, declarations relative to substance abuse testing policies in public school districts.
- Section 18A:40A-23 - Adoption of policy for random testing of certain students.
- Section 18A:40A-24 - Public hearing prior to adoption of drug testing policy.
- Section 18A:40A-25 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:41-1 - Fire, school security drills.
- Section 18A:41-2 - Fire and smoke doors closed
- Section 18A:41-3 - Violations; misdemeanors
- Section 18A:41-4 - Posting copies of chapter
- Section 18A:41-5 - Notification
- Section 18A:41-6 - "School security drill" defined.
- Section 18A:41-7 - Provision of training on school safety, security.
- Section 18A:41-7.1 - Schools to provide blueprints, maps to local law enforcement authorities.
- Section 18A:41-8 - Establishment of school security position pilot program.
- Section 18A:41-9 - Access to school surveillance equipment by law enforcement authorities.
- Section 18A:41-9.1 - Protocol regarding retention of video footage from school surveillance systems.
- Section 18A:41-10 - Short title
- Section 18A:41-11 - Equipping public and secondary schools with panic alarms or emergency mechanisms
- Section 18A:41-12 - Funding of panic alarms or emergency mechanisms
- Section 18A:41-13 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:41-14 - Annual school safety audit for each school building.
- Section 18A:42-1 - Safety patrol by pupils
- Section 18A:42-2 - School orchestra not to compete with civilian musicians; exceptions
- Section 18A:42-3 - Collection and deposit of savings of pupils
- Section 18A:42-4 - Distribution of literature as to candidacy, bond issues, or other public question to be submitted at election; prohibited
- Section 18A:42-5 - Certain student organizations declared harmful
- Section 18A:42-6 - Organizations forbidden in high schools; rules; exceptions
- Section 18A:42-7 - Participants in certain interscholastic extracurricular activities may earn varsity letter.
- Section 18A:43-1 - Accident insurance for pupils authorized
- Section 18A:43-2 - Payment by pupils of proportionate share of premiums
- Section 18A:43-3 - No liability imposed on board of education
- Section 18A:43A-1 - Children's bureau
- Section 18A:43A-2 - Director
- Section 18A:43A-3 - Staffing and assignment of personnel
- Section 18A:43A-4 - Function
- Section 18A:43A-5 - Services that may be provided or administered.
- Section 18A:43A-6 - Cooperation by other services and civil authorities
- Section 18A:43A-7 - Cooperation by county and municipal government
- Section 18A:43A-8 - Employee to retain rights
- Section 18A:43A-9 - Extension of service to other districts; contract
- Section 18A:43A-10 - Empowers previously formed bureaus
- Section 18A:44-1 - Establishment of preschool
- Section 18A:44-2 - Establishment of kindergarten
- Section 18A:44-3 - Nursery school and kindergarten school teachers; special certificates
- Section 18A:44-4 - Expenses; how paid.
- Section 18A:44-6 - Division of Early Childhood Education.
- Section 18A:45-1 - Establishment of secondary schools and junior high schools
- Section 18A:46-1 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:46-1.1 - Burden of proof, production on school district relative to special education due process hearings.
- Section 18A:46-1.2 - Database relative to legal decisions concerning special education to be available on website.
- Section 18A:46-2 - Coordination, administration of special educational services.
- Section 18A:46-2.1 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:46-2.2 - Coordinator for persons who are deaf or have a hearing impairment.
- Section 18A:46-2.3 - Duties.
- Section 18A:46-2.4 - Office of the Special Education Ombudsman.
- Section 18A:46-2.5 - Duties.
- Section 18A:46-2.6 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:46-2.7 - Short title.
- Section 18A:46-2.8 - "Deaf Student's Bill of Rights."
- Section 18A:46-2.9 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:46-2.10 - Working Group on Deaf Education.
- Section 18A:46-2.11 - Duty of the working group.
- Section 18A:46-2.12 - Development of parent resource guide.
- Section 18A:46-2.13 - Development of guidance regarding early intervention assessments.
- Section 18A:46-2.14 - Implementation of methods, collection, reporting of data.
- Section 18A:46-3 - Establishment of department of child study.
- Section 18A:46-3.1 - Regional consultants for children who are deaf or have a hearing impairment.
- Section 18A:46-4 - Terms; salaries; supervisor's expense; state aid
- Section 18A:46-5 - Functions of child study teams.
- Section 18A:46-5.1 - Basic child study team services; provision by boards of education and state operated programs
- Section 18A:46-5.2 - Participation by parent or guardian
- Section 18A:46-6 - Identification of children with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-6.1 - Providers of services for children with disabilities aged 3 through 5.
- Section 18A:46-7 - Reports of children with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-7.1 - Copies of chapter 46 of title 18A, guidelines, distributed annually to parents of children with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-7.2 - DOE to disseminate information on adult services to parents of special education recipients.
- Section 18A:46-7.3 - Designation of disability services resource in high school for parents.
- Section 18A:46-7.4 - Posting of timeline.
- Section 18A:46-8 - Examination, classification of children residing in the district.
- Section 18A:46-9 - Classification of children having an intellectual disability.
- Section 18A:46-10 - Classification of children needing special education services.
- Section 18A:46-11 - Psychological and other examinations
- Section 18A:46-12 - Approval of clinics
- Section 18A:46-13 - Types of facilities and programs.
- Section 18A:46-13.1 - Disabled students, certain, participation in interscholastic athletic programs.
- Section 18A:46-13.2 - Findings, declarations relative to the use of service animals by certain students.
- Section 18A:46-13.3 - Permitted access for service animals.
- Section 18A:46-13.4 - Definitions relative to use of physical restraint, seclusion techniques on students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-13.5 - Use of physical restraint on students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-13.6 - Use of seclusion techniques on students with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-13.7 - Guidelines, review process.
- Section 18A:46-14 - Enumeration of facilities and programs.
- Section 18A:46-15 - Approval of special facilities and education programs.
- Section 18A:46-18.2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:46-18.3 - Notice to parents, guardians.
- Section 18A:46-18.4 - Recommendation for adult educational services.
- Section 18A:46-18.5 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:46-18.6 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:46-19 - Additional reports
- Section 18A:46-19.1 - Legislative findings and determination
- Section 18A:46-19.2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:46-19.3 - Provision of facilities and programs pursuant to chapter 46; application only to public school pupils; exception
- Section 18A:46-19.4 - Provision for speech language specialist
- Section 18A:46-19.5 - Services to students in nonpublic schools.
- Section 18A:46-19.6 - Transportation to location or maintenance of vehicular classrooms to obtain services; payment of cost
- Section 18A:46-19.7 - Contracting for examination, classification, speech correction services.
- Section 18A:46-19.8 - Estimated cost of services; inclusion in budget; State aid.
- Section 18A:46-19.9 - Severability
- Section 18A:46-19.10 - Certain state funds excluded from minimum funding requirement calculation under IDEA
- Section 18A:46-20 - Receiving pupils from outside district; establishment of facilities
- Section 18A:46-21 - Tuition for pupils with disabilities.
- Section 18A:46-22 - Withdrawal of pupils by sending districts.
- Section 18A:46-23 - Transportation of children with disabilities, State aid.
- Section 18A:46-24 - Agreements for joint facilities, etc.; approval by commissioner
- Section 18A:46-29 - County special services school district.
- Section 18A:46-30 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:46-31 - Powers, duties of special services school district board of education.
- Section 18A:46-32 - Approval of program and courses of study
- Section 18A:46-33 - Priority of types of courses of study
- Section 18A:46-34 - School year
- Section 18A:46-35 - Board of education; composition; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:46-36 - Qualifications of board members
- Section 18A:46-37 - Organization
- Section 18A:46-38 - Designation and powers of board of education
- Section 18A:46-39 - Board of school estimate
- Section 18A:46-40 - Estimate of general fund expenses
- Section 18A:46-41 - Appropriation for current expenses
- Section 18A:46-42 - Bonds, appropriation for land or buildings
- Section 18A:46-43 - Rights and privileges of teachers, principals and employees
- Section 18A:46-45 - Advisory committee
- Section 18A:46-46 - Treasurer of board of education
- Section 18A:46-47 - Establishment of one board of education for county special services, vocational school district.
- Section 18A:46-48 - Existing boards dissolved.
- Section 18A:46-49 - Annual organization.
- Section 18A:46-50 - Certain school districts remain independent.
- Section 18A:46-51 - Employees transferred to consolidated school board.
- Section 18A:46-52 - Maintenance of collective bargaining unit, representatives.
- Section 18A:46-53 - Reference to consolidated board.
- Section 18A:46-54 - Regulations requiring plan to establish stability in special education programming.
- Section 18A:46-55 - Regulations incorporating definition of dyslexia.
- Section 18A:46A-1 - Legislative findings and determination
- Section 18A:46A-2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:46A-3 - Nonpublic schools; receipt of auxiliary services by pupils in school in district
- Section 18A:46A-4 - Eligibility for auxiliary services
- Section 18A:46A-5 - Provision of auxiliary services.
- Section 18A:46A-6 - Transportation to location or maintenance of vehicular classrooms to obtain services; payment of cost
- Section 18A:46A-7 - Contract with certain agencies for provision of auxiliary services.
- Section 18A:46A-8 - Limitation on expenditures for administration of act and rental of facilities
- Section 18A:46A-9 - Apportionment of State aid; calculation.
- Section 18A:46A-10 - Annual report; contents
- Section 18A:46A-12 - Notification to districts
- Section 18A:46A-13 - Payment of state aid
- Section 18A:46A-14 - Expenditures less than state aid; refunds; additional aid; request
- Section 18A:46A-15 - Expenditures in excess of state aid
- Section 18A:46A-16 - Insufficient appropriations; apportionment of appropriations
- Section 18A:46A-17 - Severability
- Section 18A:47-1 - Establishment; purposes
- Section 18A:47-2 - Location of school outside of district
- Section 18A:47-3 - Approval by state board of establishment and location.
- Section 18A:47-4 - Pupils to be admitted; court order
- Section 18A:47-5 - Commitment to school in another district.
- Section 18A:47-6 - Character of training
- Section 18A:47-7 - Rules; courses of study
- Section 18A:47-8 - Contribution by parents toward the support of delinquents
- Section 18A:47-9 - Use of moneys available for general fund expenses
- Section 18A:47-10 - Funds for building and equipment
- Section 18A:47-11 - Annual report to state board
- Section 18A:47-12 - Reports by superintendent
- Section 18A:47-13 - Construction of chapter
- Section 18A:48-1 - Establishment; number and duration of sessions; state aid
- Section 18A:48-2 - Expenses; how paid
- Section 18A:49-1 - Establishment; courses of study
- Section 18A:49-2 - Rules; teachers
- Section 18A:49-3 - State aid.
- Section 18A:49-4 - Apportionment of appropriations
- Section 18A:49-5 - Custody of moneys.
- Section 18A:49-6 - Report to commissioner
- Section 18A:49-7 - Appointment of persons to assist state board
- Section 18A:49-8 - Payment of expenses
- Section 18A:50-1 - Maintenance of program
- Section 18A:50-2 - Tuition
- Section 18A:50-3 - Apportionment of federal funds and state moneys for adult education
- Section 18A:50-4 - Donation and tuition fees; disposition
- Section 18A:50-5 - Custodian of moneys; accounting and disbursement.
- Section 18A:50-6 - Surplus of moneys; disposition
- Section 18A:50-7 - Districts employing supervisors of adult education; apportionment of funds for
- Section 18A:50-8 - Joint adult education programs; agreement, etc.
- Section 18A:50-9 - Supervisors of adult education; designation of employer
- Section 18A:50-10 - Rules and regulations by state board
- Section 18A:50-11 - Appropriations; estimating and budgeting
- Section 18A:50-12 - High school programs of education for adults; application for funds
- Section 18A:50-13 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:50-14 - Apportionment of funds; determination of amounts; deduction for excess payment
- Section 18A:50A-1 - Provision of State-issued high school diploma.
- Section 18A:50A-2 - Rules, regulations relative to State-issued high school diploma.
- Section 18A:51-1 - County educational audiovisual aids centers authorized
- Section 18A:51-2 - County educational audiovisual aids commission
- Section 18A:51-3 - Appointed members of commission
- Section 18A:51-4 - Election of members of commission; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:51-5 - Organization of commission; officers; rules and bonds
- Section 18A:51-6 - Powers and duties of commission
- Section 18A:51-7 - Assessment for maintenance of audiovisual aids center
- Section 18A:51-8 - Budget procedure
- Section 18A:51-9 - Statement to be forwarded to commissioner; state aid to audiovisual aid centers
- Section 18A:51-10 - Unexpended funds; disposition
- Section 18A:51-11 - Single county educational audiovisual aids center in county
- Section 18A:51-12 - Withdrawal of districts from, and dissolution of, audiovisual aids center
- Section 18A:51-13 - Contracting for television educational services
- Section 18A:51-14 - Participation in noncommercial educational television stations
- Section 18A:51-15 - Calculation of resident enrollment
- Section 18A:51-16 - Approval of program or contract by commissioner requisite
- Section 18A:51-17 - Termination of participation
- Section 18A:52-1 - Furnishing by boards of education
- Section 18A:52-2 - Books and other equipment provided
- Section 18A:52-3 - Admission free; number and frequency of lectures
- Section 18A:53-1 - Maintenance of museum facilities by boards of education
- Section 18A:53-2 - Facilities maintained
- Section 18A:54-1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:54-2 - Investigation and approval of establishment by commissioner
- Section 18A:54-3 - Day, part-time and evening classes
- Section 18A:54-4 - Discontinuance of vocational schools
- Section 18A:54-5 - Establishment by district or regional boards of education
- Section 18A:54-6 - Approval of location, management and course of study
- Section 18A:54-7 - Receiving pupils from other districts
- Section 18A:54-8 - Raising of moneys by district for buildings and maintenance
- Section 18A:54-9 - State aid for schools other than day schools.
- Section 18A:54-10 - Apportionment of sums appropriated
- Section 18A:54-10.1 - Private vocational schools; contracts to provide vocational education courses; qualifications
- Section 18A:54-10.2 - Rules for qualifications for eligibility to enter contracts
- Section 18A:54-10.3 - Inspection of records
- Section 18A:54-10.4 - Contracts; terms; approval
- Section 18A:54-11 - County vocational school not to include certain cities
- Section 18A:54-11.1 - County vocational school districts, when to include cities
- Section 18A:54-11.2 - County vocational school districts, assumption, etc., of city vocational education system
- Section 18A:54-11.3 - Transfer of teaching staff members and employees to new district
- Section 18A:54-12 - Establishment by board of chosen freeholders on recommendation of state board
- Section 18A:54-12.1 - Establishment of one board of education.
- Section 18A:54-12.2 - Reference to consolidated board.
- Section 18A:54-13 - Establishment by election on request of voters
- Section 18A:54-14 - Establishment in second-class counties by board of chosen freeholders
- Section 18A:54-16 - Boards of education of county vocational schools.
- Section 18A:54-16.8 - Counties of third class of 110,000 to 125,000; board of education; members; appointment
- Section 18A:54-16.9 - Third class counties of 70,000 to 105,000; board members; term of office
- Section 18A:54-16.11 - Third class counties of 80,000 to 105,000; board members
- Section 18A:54-16.12 - Third class counties of 70,000 to 105,000; board members; successors; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:54-16.14 - Appointment of additional board members, county vocational schools, certain.
- Section 18A:54-17 - Qualifications of board members
- Section 18A:54-18 - Organization of boards of education
- Section 18A:54-19 - Board body corporate; name
- Section 18A:54-20 - Powers of board
- Section 18A:54-20.1 - Enrollment of pupils in county vocational schools, funding
- Section 18A:54-20.3 - Pupil directory information provided to county vocational school district.
- Section 18A:54-21 - Rules for organization and management of county vocational schools
- Section 18A:54-22 - Teachers, principals, superintendents, assistant superintendents; directors and assistant directors; rights and privileges
- Section 18A:54-23.1 - Receiving pupils from other counties; county vocational school districts with post secondary vocational-technical education
- Section 18A:54-23.2 - Application for issuance of certificate of residence; grant or denial; appeal; hearing; determination
- Section 18A:54-23.3 - Certificate of residence; filing; duration
- Section 18A:54-23.4 - Payments by county of residence for each student
- Section 18A:54-23.5 - List of nonresident students, courses and programs; notice to department of education
- Section 18A:54-24 - Approval of courses of study
- Section 18A:54-24.1 - "Green job" defined, certification program.
- Section 18A:54-25 - School year
- Section 18A:54-26 - Contracts; payment of bills
- Section 18A:54-27 - Boards of school estimate
- Section 18A:54-28 - Estimate by board of education of general fund expenses
- Section 18A:54-29 - Fixing, determining amounts necessary to be raised
- Section 18A:54-29.1 - Certification of amounts to be raised
- Section 18A:54-29.2 - Appropriation and raising of amounts required
- Section 18A:54-29.3 - County vocational school districts including cities, annual or special appropriations, apportionment
- Section 18A:54-29.4 - County tax levy adjusted for establishment of county vocational school
- Section 18A:54-30 - Contracts for supplies, and construction, alteration and repair of buildings; municipal permits
- Section 18A:54-31 - Raising of moneys for lands or buildings; bond issued.
- Section 18A:54-31.1 - Findings, declarations relative to certain programs of a school district.
- Section 18A:54-31.2 - Career, technical education programs exempt from certain regulations.
- Section 18A:54-33 - Establishment of emergency vocational schools; commissions; cost per pupil
- Section 18A:54-34 - Commissioners; terms; reports; vacancies; residence
- Section 18A:54-35 - Duty of commission
- Section 18A:54-36 - Appropriations for schools
- Section 18A:54-37 - Municipalities in counties of first class under 700,000; exemption from tax for county vocational school district
- Section 18A:54-38 - Establishment of New Jersey Council of County Vocational Schools
- Section 18A:54-39 - Membership of the council
- Section 18A:54-40 - Responsibilities of council
- Section 18A:54-41 - Powers, duties of council
- Section 18A:54-42 - Definitions relative to Work and Learn Consortiums.
- Section 18A:54-43 - Work and Learn Consortium.
- Section 18A:54-44 - Components of Work and Learn Consortium.
- Section 18A:54A-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:54A-2 - Liberal construction
- Section 18A:54A-3 - Legislature's findings
- Section 18A:54A-4 - Definitions
- Section 18A:54A-5 - Governor's Council on Neighborhood Education Centers created; membership; officers
- Section 18A:54A-6 - Authority of council
- Section 18A:54A-7 - Commissioner's additional powers
- Section 18A:54B-1 - Enrichment program defined
- Section 18A:54B-2 - Tuition; rules and regulations
- Section 18A:54C-1 - Counties of fifth class; marine academy of science and technology; establishment; purposes
- Section 18A:54C-2 - Powers of board of education of school district
- Section 18A:54C-2.1 - Contractual relationship between Marine Academy of Science and Technology and New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium
- Section 18A:54C-4 - Marine Academy of Science and Technology, transfer of assets, payment of costs
- Section 18A:54C-6 - Admission policies of Marine Academy of Science and Technology
- Section 18A:54C-7 - Transportation for pupils attending the Marine Academy of Science and Technology.
- Section 18A:54D-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:54D-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:54D-3 - Duties of commissioners.
- Section 18A:54D-4 - Annual reports
- Section 18A:54E-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:54E-2 - Business advisory board; creation, membership
- Section 18A:54E-3 - "Adopt a School Programs"
- Section 18A:54E-4 - Effectiveness rating, provision; curriculum changes, recommendations
- Section 18A:54E-5 - Contributions, effect on State aid
- Section 18A:54F-1 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:54F-2 - At-Risk Youth Employment Internship Program, established
- Section 18A:54F-3 - Selection of school districts for pilot program
- Section 18A:54F-4 - Student, employer remuneration; work study funds
- Section 18A:54F-5 - Plan to track effectiveness of program; recommendation
- Section 18A:54F-6 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:54G-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:54G-2 - Findings, declarations relative to arts based curriculum pilot program
- Section 18A:54G-3 - "Arts Create Excellent Schools (ACES) Pilot Program"
- Section 18A:54G-4 - Request for proposals for development of ACES schools
- Section 18A:54G-5 - Selection of schools to participate in program
- Section 18A:54G-6 - Evaluation component included within ACES program
- Section 18A:54G-7 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:55-1 - Appropriations as prerequisite to payments from treasury
- Section 18A:55-2 - Withholding of funds from district.
- Section 18A:55-2.1 - Withholding of certain funds prohibited.
- Section 18A:55-3 - School districts, conditions for receipt of State aid; efficiency standards.
- Section 18A:56-1 - "Trustees for support of public schools" ; how constituted
- Section 18A:56-2 - Secretary of board; records
- Section 18A:56-3 - Statement of fund by state treasurer to board
- Section 18A:56-4 - Account to legislature of management of fund
- Section 18A:56-5 - State lands under water and revenue from sales thereof; restriction on revenue
- Section 18A:56-6 - Leases of lands under water; principal or income
- Section 18A:56-7 - Deducting expenses of administering lands under water
- Section 18A:56-8 - Investments
- Section 18A:56-9 - Changing municipal bonds owned by trustees from coupon to registered
- Section 18A:56-10 - Stamp of ownership on coupon bonds
- Section 18A:56-11 - Investment in bonds secured by mortgages
- Section 18A:56-12 - Mortgage foreclosure proceedings
- Section 18A:56-13 - Purchase of lands by board on foreclosure
- Section 18A:56-14 - Sale of real estate held or acquired
- Section 18A:56-15 - Income of funds; use of; payment of premiums on bonds
- Section 18A:56-16 - Certification of anticipated default; purchase of bonds, payment of interest by trustees; State aid treatment.
- Section 18A:56-17 - Short title
- Section 18A:56-18 - Legislative finding and declaration
- Section 18A:56-19 - School bond reserve accounts; establishment; composition; funding of accounts.
- Section 18A:56-20 - School bond legend.
- Section 18A:56-21 - Schools facilities financing reserve
- Section 18A:57-1 - Payment of income for support of schools
- Section 18A:58-7.1 - School lunch program
- Section 18A:58-7.1a - Nonprofit nonpublic school defined
- Section 18A:58-7.2 - School lunch program; additional state aid
- Section 18A:58-11 - Emergency aid
- Section 18A:58-11.1 - Loss of tuition to district due to establishment of regional district; state aid for one year
- Section 18A:58-11.2 - Rules and regulations
- Section 18A:58-19 - Certain repealers saved
- Section 18A:58-33.2 - Application for additional state building aid; investigation
- Section 18A:58-33.3 - Additional state school building aid; maximum amount
- Section 18A:58-33.4 - Approval of additional aid and proposal authorizing bonds by state treasurer and local finance board; bonds entitled to benefits of this act
- Section 18A:58-33.5 - Inclusion in annual budget; payment of debt service on bonds
- Section 18A:58-33.6 - Short title
- Section 18A:58-33.7 - Additional aid for payment of debt service on bonds and notes; limitations
- Section 18A:58-33.8 - Resolution of need; application by board of education; investigation; report
- Section 18A:58-33.9 - Resolution by state board of education; submission of ordinance or proposal authorizing issuance of bonds; endorsement
- Section 18A:58-33.10 - Approval by local finance board; endorsement
- Section 18A:58-33.11 - Change in maturity schedule for bonds; resolution; approval; endorsement
- Section 18A:58-33.12 - Deduction of bonds from school debt and gross debt of municipality
- Section 18A:58-33.13 - Issuance of bonds; contents; limitation on maturity
- Section 18A:58-33.14 - Temporary notes or loan bonds; issuance
- Section 18A:58-33.15 - Certification of annual debt service; conclusiveness of entitlement to benefits of act
- Section 18A:58-33.16 - Entitlement of school district to aid under act; additional aid
- Section 18A:58-33.17 - Authorization for commissioner of education, state board of education and local finance board to consider application for aid; annual review
- Section 18A:58-33.18 - Payment of moneys on behalf of school districts to paying agent
- Section 18A:58-33.19 - Annual payments to school districts and municipalities; use
- Section 18A:58-33.20 - Investment or deposit of proceeds; disposition of income
- Section 18A:58-33.21 - Designation of paying agent
- Section 18A:58-33.22 - Short title
- Section 18A:58-33.23 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:58-33.24 - Additional State school building aid.
- Section 18A:58-33.25 - Resolution of need; application by board of education; investigation; report.
- Section 18A:58-33.26 - Resolution by state board of education; submission of ordinance or proposal authorizing issuance of bonds by local board; endorsement
- Section 18A:58-33.27 - Additional aid if proration or approval of less than full entitlement
- Section 18A:58-33.28 - Submission to local finance board; endorsement of consent or disapproval
- Section 18A:58-33.29 - Change in maturity schedule for bonds; resolution; approval; endorsement
- Section 18A:58-33.30 - Deduction of bonds from school debt and gross debt of county or municipality
- Section 18A:58-33.31 - Issuance of bonds; contents; limitation on maturity
- Section 18A:58-33.32 - Temporary notes or loan bonds; issuance
- Section 18A:58-33.33 - Certification of annual debt service; conclusiveness of entitlement to benefits of act
- Section 18A:58-33.34 - Entitlement of school district to aid under act; additional aid
- Section 18A:58-33.35 - Authorization for commissioner of education, state board of education and local finance board to consider application for additional aid; annual review
- Section 18A:58-33.36 - Payment on behalf of school districts to paying agent; use
- Section 18A:58-33.37 - Annual payments to school districts and municipalities; use
- Section 18A:58-33.38 - Investment or deposit of proceeds; disposition of income
- Section 18A:58-33.39 - Regulations; determination of compliance by district
- Section 18A:58-33.40 - Designation of paying agent
- Section 18A:58-33.41 - Entitlement of $25,000.00 or less; plan for expenditure
- Section 18A:58-34 - Funds appropriated, etc., for cost of state aid to local districts for vocational education; expenditure
- Section 18A:58-35 - Additional state aid to vocational education
- Section 18A:58-36 - State appropriation for construction of area vocational school facilities
- Section 18A:58-37 - Allocation and distribution of federal and state funds
- Section 18A:58-37.1 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:58-37.2 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:58-37.3 - Purchase and loan of textbooks
- Section 18A:58-37.4 - Textbooks loaned to students in nonpublic schools; free rental; length of use of designated textbook
- Section 18A:58-37.5 - Appropriation of aid
- Section 18A:58-37.6 - Expenditure of aid for textbooks.
- Section 18A:58-37.6a - Increase in amount of state aid; determination of state average budgeted textbook expenditures
- Section 18A:58-37.7 - State aid to school districts
- Section 18A:58-37.8 - Short title.
- Section 18A:58-37.9 - Definitions relative to security aid for nonpublic school students.
- Section 18A:58-37.10 - Provision of security services.
- Section 18A:58-37.11 - Annual conference.
- Section 18A:58-37.12 - Support limit.
- Section 18A:58-37.13 - Immunity from civil liability.
- Section 18A:58-37.14 - Rules.
- Section 18A:59-1 - Apportionment and distribution of federal funds; exceptions
- Section 18A:59-2 - Federal funds as trust funds; distribution
- Section 18A:59-3 - Custody of federal funds; disbursement
- Section 18A:59-4 - Act of congress accepted
- Section 18A:59-5 - State board empowered to act
- Section 18A:59-6 - Custodian of funds
- Section 18A:59-7 - State appropriation for training of teachers of vocational subjects
- Section 18A:59-8 - State appropriation for salaries of teachers of agricultural subjects
- Section 18A:60-1 - Requirements for tenure.
- Section 18A:60-1.1 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 18A:60-1.2 - Tenure after 3 years' service.
- Section 18A:60-2 - Dismissal and reduction in salary
- Section 18A:60-3 - Reduction in staff.
- Section 18A:60-5 - Indemnity of employees in certain criminal actions
- Section 18A:60-6 - Short title
- Section 18A:60-7 - Definitions
- Section 18A:60-8 - Tenure in academic rank; conditions.
- Section 18A:60-9 - Tenure by exceptional action after 2 years service
- Section 18A:60-10 - Establishment of procedure for career development
- Section 18A:60-11 - Inapplicability of act to faculty member with tenure prior to second day of 1973-74 school year
- Section 18A:60-12 - Nontenured faculty member prior to end of 1973-74 school year; election of program for tenure; notice
- Section 18A:60-13 - Faculty members beginning employment after 1973-74 school year; application of act
- Section 18A:60-14 - Professional staff without faculty rank; contracts
- Section 18A:60-15 - Application of act to full-time faculty members
- Section 18A:60-16 - Tenure for faculty members at State college.
- Section 18A:60-17 - Tenure for previously-employed faculty members.
- Section 18A:61-1 - Purpose; name; free tuition
- Section 18A:61-2 - Supervision by commissioner
- Section 18A:61-2.1 - Advisory board
- Section 18A:61-3 - Persons admitted
- Section 18A:61-4 - Application for admission
- Section 18A:61-5 - Expense of maintaining pupil
- Section 18A:61-6 - Certain students enrolled in Marie H. Katzenbach school for the deaf permitted to operate State vehicles for driver education.
- Section 18A:61A-1 - Declaration of policy
- Section 18A:61A-2 - Purpose of school
- Section 18A:61A-4 - Employment of coordinators, professional staff.
- Section 18A:61A-6 - Commissioner supervision; powers, duties.
- Section 18A:61A-7 - Contracts by commissioner.
- Section 18A:61B-1 - Transfer of state school district for institutions from department of institutions and agencies to department of education
- Section 18A:61C-1 - College-level instruction for high school students
- Section 18A:61C-3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:61C-4 - College credit
- Section 18A:61C-5 - Enrollment
- Section 18A:61C-6 - Contents of program
- Section 18A:61C-7 - Course limitations
- Section 18A:61C-8 - Course credit acceptance
- Section 18A:61C-9 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:61C-10 - Dual enrollment agreement.
- Section 18A:61C-11 - Acceptance of course credit.
- Section 18A:61C-12 - Annual joint report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:61C-13 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:61C-14 - Findings, declarations relative to college credits for certain high school students.
- Section 18A:61C-15 - Eligibility to receive college credits.
- Section 18A:61C-16 - Awarding of credits.
- Section 18A:61C-17 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:61D-1 - Immunization record
- Section 18A:61D-2 - Exemption
- Section 18A:61D-3 - Conflict with religious beliefs
- Section 18A:61D-4 - Contraindication
- Section 18A:61D-5 - Liability not imposed
- Section 18A:61D-6 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:61D-7 - Meningococcal vaccinations, dissemination of information about meningitis to college students.
- Section 18A:61D-8 - Findings, declarations relative to hepatitis B vaccinations
- Section 18A:61D-9 - Hepatitis B vaccination required for certain students at institutions of higher education
- Section 18A:61D-10 - Exemption from vaccination.
- Section 18A:61D-11 - Short title.
- Section 18A:61D-12 - Findings, declarations relative to insect and food allergies.
- Section 18A:61D-13 - Definitions relative to administering epinephrine.
- Section 18A:61D-14 - Development of policy.
- Section 18A:61D-15 - Requirements for trained designee.
- Section 18A:61D-16 - Guidelines for development of policy.
- Section 18A:61D-17 - Immunity from liability.
- Section 18A:61D-18 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:61E-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:61E-2 - "Campus Sexual Assault Victim's Bill of Rights"; development; content
- Section 18A:61E-3 - Implementation of bill of rights
- Section 18A:61E-4 - Distribution to students
- Section 18A:61E-5 - Reports of suspected offenses
- Section 18A:61E-6 - Immunity
- Section 18A:61E-7 - Campus Sexual Assault Commission.
- Section 18A:61E-8 - Organization, meetings.
- Section 18A:61E-9 - Provision of assistance.
- Section 18A:61E-10 - Responsibility of commission.
- Section 18A:62-1 - Public institutions of higher education
- Section 18A:62-1.1 - Voter registration at public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:62-2 - Disbursements to denominational schools prohibited
- Section 18A:62-3 - Enrollment of senior citizens in tuition-free courses in State institutions of higher education
- Section 18A:62-4 - Residency requirement
- Section 18A:62-4.1 - Resident tuition for military personnel
- Section 18A:62-4.1a - Short title.
- Section 18A:62-4.1b - Definitions relative to the "NJTEAM Act."
- Section 18A:62-4.2 - Options for student at public institution of higher education unable to complete course due to military service
- Section 18A:62-4.3 - Student at public institution of higher education, re-enrollment right, refund of fees if called to active duty for certain military operations.
- Section 18A:62-4.3a - Short title.
- Section 18A:62-4.3b - Definitions relative to veterans given priority course registration to attend college.
- Section 18A:62-4.4 - Certain students to qualify for in-State tuition at public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:62-4.5 - Eligibility for resident undergraduate tuition rate.
- Section 18A:62-4.6 - Certain students qualified for in-State tuition at public institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:62-5 - Violence and hazing; monitor of incidence; uniform record-keeping system
- Section 18A:62-6 - Report by employee; filing; forwarding of report and action taken to state department of higher education
- Section 18A:62-7 - Annual report
- Section 18A:62-15 - Institutions of higher education to offer health insurance coverage; rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:62-15.1 - Meningococcal disease immunizations for certain students.
- Section 18A:62-15.2 - Exemption from vaccination.
- Section 18A:62-16 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:62-17 - Establishment of literacy tutoring program
- Section 18A:62-18 - Joint sponsorship of literacy tutoring program
- Section 18A:62-19 - Substitution of elective course
- Section 18A:62-20 - Completion of required number of credit hours
- Section 18A:62-21 - Review of guidelines, procedures.
- Section 18A:62-22 - Student tuition, fees, certain; collection method, "optional fee" defined
- Section 18A:62-23 - "Initial Active Duty Training" defined.
- Section 18A:62-24 - Tuition benefits for members of New Jersey National Guard; State payment.
- Section 18A:62-24.1 - Nonresident tuition rate for NJ National Guard members prohibited.
- Section 18A:62-25 - Eligibility of child, surviving spouse of certain members of New Jersey National Guard for tuition benefits.
- Section 18A:62-25.1 - Nonresident tuition for certain survivors of members of NJ National Guard prohibited.
- Section 18A:62-26 - Notice of availability of grants, scholarships.
- Section 18A:62-27 - Other fees payable.
- Section 18A:62-28 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:62-29 - Short title.
- Section 18A:62-30 - Findings, declarations relative to higher education finance.
- Section 18A:62-31 - Definitions relative to higher education finance.
- Section 18A:62-32 - "Higher Education Incentive Endowment Fund"
- Section 18A:62-33 - State matching funds for endowment contributions to four-year public institutions
- Section 18A:62-34 - State matching funds for endowment contributions to two-year public institutions
- Section 18A:62-35 - State matching funds for endowment contributions to four-year independent institutions
- Section 18A:62-36 - "Higher Education Incentive Grant Fund"
- Section 18A:62-37 - State matching funds for donations to four-year public institutions
- Section 18A:62-38 - State matching funds for donations to two-year public institutions
- Section 18A:62-39 - State matching funds for donations to four-year independent institutions
- Section 18A:62-40 - Ineligibility for receipt of State matching funds; use of matching funds
- Section 18A:62-41 - Documents included with application for State matching funds; information required
- Section 18A:62-42 - Funds administered separately
- Section 18A:62-43 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:62-44 - Reasonable substitution of certain courses for certain disabled college students.
- Section 18A:62-45 - Provision of organ donation information at institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:62-46 - Transfer of academic credits from county colleges.
- Section 18A:62-46.1 - Collective Statewide reverse transfer agreement.
- Section 18A:62-47 - Adoption of policies, procedures regarding certain transfers.
- Section 18A:62-48 - Independent institutions may enter into agreement.
- Section 18A:62-49 - Annual report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:62-50 - Cooperation considered relative to annual appropriation.
- Section 18A:62-51 - Construction of act as to standards and procedures for admission.
- Section 18A:62-52 - Website to provide information on educational benefits for veterans.
- Section 18A:62-53 - Definitions relative to certain credit card solicitations.
- Section 18A:62-54 - Direct merchandizing of credit cards to students, certain circumstances; prohibited.
- Section 18A:62-55 - Collection of certain demographic information.
- Section 18A:62-56 - Number of credits required for baccalaureate degree; exceptions.
- Section 18A:62-57 - Associate degree, number of credits required; exceptions.
- Section 18A:62-58 - Approval of additional exceptions.
- Section 18A:62-59 - Report.
- Section 18A:62-60 - Short title.
- Section 18A:62-61 - Hunger-Free Campus Grant Program.
- Section 18A:62-62 - Conditions for designation.
- Section 18A:62-63 - Allocation of grant funding.
- Section 18A:62-64 - Award of college credit for course at county fire academy.
- Section 18A:63-1 - Establishment of summer school and extension courses; curricula
- Section 18A:63-2 - Tuition and incidental fees
- Section 18A:64-1 - Decentralization of authority
- Section 18A:64-2 - Control and management
- Section 18A:64-3 - Board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64-3.1 - Student representatives
- Section 18A:64-4 - Meeting and organization
- Section 18A:64-5 - Expenses; no compensation
- Section 18A:64-6 - Powers, duties of boards.
- Section 18A:64-6.1 - Contracts; warranty; violation
- Section 18A:64-6.2 - Payments in violation of act; misdemeanor
- Section 18A:64-6.3 - Payment or gift by person dealing with State college prohibited; misdemeanor
- Section 18A:64-7 - Additional powers and duties
- Section 18A:64-8 - President; powers and duties
- Section 18A:64-9 - Existing state colleges continued
- Section 18A:64-10 - Maintenance of demonstration schools
- Section 18A:64-11 - Conduct of extension courses, fees, etc.
- Section 18A:64-12 - Rights of counties as to number of pupils
- Section 18A:64-13 - Tuition fees
- Section 18A:64-13.1 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64-13.2 - Tuition-free job training courses
- Section 18A:64-13.3 - Eligibility for continued participation
- Section 18A:64-13.4 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:64-14 - Supplies; school fees
- Section 18A:64-17 - Work for students
- Section 18A:64-18 - Retention of revenue
- Section 18A:64-18.1 - Monthly installments
- Section 18A:64-18.2 - Investment procedure.
- Section 18A:64-18.3 - Authorized investments
- Section 18A:64-18.4 - State Treasurer as custodian
- Section 18A:64-18.5 - Bank deposits made by State colleges, security
- Section 18A:64-19 - Repairs to buildings and furniture
- Section 18A:64-20 - Employment of professors, etc., continued; tenure rights, etc., preserved
- Section 18A:64-21 - Future professors, etc., to have similar tenure rights, etc.
- Section 18A:64-21.1 - Negotiation authority unaffected
- Section 18A:64-21.2 - Professional positions
- Section 18A:64-21.3 - Jurisdiction removed
- Section 18A:64-21.4 - Employer-Employee Relations Act unaffected
- Section 18A:64-21.5 - Tenure, pension rights
- Section 18A:64-21.6 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:64-21.7 - Use of Kelsey building by Thomas A. Edison State College
- Section 18A:64-26 - Short title
- Section 18A:64-27 - Definitions
- Section 18A:64-28 - Number of organizations
- Section 18A:64-29 - Functions and operations
- Section 18A:64-30 - Powers
- Section 18A:64-31 - Board of directors; composition; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:64-32 - Board of directors; conflict of interest; expenses
- Section 18A:64-33 - Board as public body; provisions governing
- Section 18A:64-34 - Bank accounts, purchases
- Section 18A:64-35 - Legal counsel
- Section 18A:64-36 - Acceptance of gifts
- Section 18A:64-37 - Annual budget; approval
- Section 18A:64-38 - Officers and employees; civil service
- Section 18A:64-39 - Colleges; leasing or renting of facilities
- Section 18A:64-40 - Commercial services on college campuses; self support; surplus funds
- Section 18A:64-41 - Expenses; liability in tort or contract
- Section 18A:64-42 - Financial standards
- Section 18A:64-43 - Certified public accountant
- Section 18A:64-44 - College student government association; compliance with act
- Section 18A:64-45 - New Jersey Association of State Colleges and Universities.
- Section 18A:64-46 - Membership of association.
- Section 18A:64-47 - Officers; rules
- Section 18A:64-48 - Powers, responsibilities of association.
- Section 18A:64-49 - Executive director; duties, compensation.
- Section 18A:64-50 - Purposes of association.
- Section 18A:64-51 - Dues from member institutions.
- Section 18A:64-52 - Short title
- Section 18A:64-53 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64-54 - Bid threshold.
- Section 18A:64-55 - Public bidding required.
- Section 18A:64-56 - Exceptions.
- Section 18A:64-57 - Emergency procedures.
- Section 18A:64-58 - Contract subdivision prohibited
- Section 18A:64-59 - Annual solicitation
- Section 18A:64-60 - State college purchases through State agency; procedure.
- Section 18A:64-61 - Joint action authorized.
- Section 18A:64-62 - Contents of agreements
- Section 18A:64-63 - Subject to laws
- Section 18A:64-63.1 - State college, university authorized to participate in cooperative pricing system.
- Section 18A:64-64 - Specification
- Section 18A:64-65 - Advertisement for bids; notice of revisions.
- Section 18A:64-66 - Conformance to specifications
- Section 18A:64-67 - Guaranty.
- Section 18A:64-68 - Provision of surety company bond, other security.
- Section 18A:64-69 - Time limit, return of bid guaranty.
- Section 18A:64-70 - Awards to responsible bidder whose bid is most advantageous.
- Section 18A:64-73 - Liquidated damages
- Section 18A:64-74 - Building construction
- Section 18A:64-75 - Plans, specifications
- Section 18A:64-76.1 - Advertisements by contracting agent for bids; award of contracts.
- Section 18A:64-76.2 - Methods of withholding of payment.
- Section 18A:64-76.3 - Provision for partial payments.
- Section 18A:64-76.4 - Withholding by State college pending completion of contract.
- Section 18A:64-77 - Deduction for costs of completion.
- Section 18A:64-78 - Sale of surplus personal property.
- Section 18A:64-79 - Multi-year contracts.
- Section 18A:64-81 - Immunity
- Section 18A:64-82 - Indemnification agreement.
- Section 18A:64-83 - Validation
- Section 18A:64-84 - Consultation with employee representatives
- Section 18A:64-85 - State, county college may enter into certain contracts with a private entity.
- Section 18A:64-86 - Definitions relative to State college risk management groups, joint liability funds.
- Section 18A:64-87 - State college authorized to insure, contract, provide for certain insurable interests.
- Section 18A:64-88 - Formation of, membership in, State college risk management group.
- Section 18A:64-89 - Bylaws of State college risk management group.
- Section 18A:64-90 - Board of trustees of State college risk management group.
- Section 18A:64-91 - Bylaws required for functioning; annual report.
- Section 18A:64-92 - Appropriation, payment of funds for premiums.
- Section 18A:64-93 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:64-94 - Findings, declarations relative to the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
- Section 18A:64-95 - Definitions relative to the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
- Section 18A:64-96 - New Jersey Civic Information Consortium.
- Section 18A:64-97 - Board of directors.
- Section 18A:64-98 - Executive director.
- Section 18A:64-99 - Collaboration among member universities.
- Section 18A:64-100 - Eligibility for grants; project goals.
- Section 18A:64-101 - Grant agreement.
- Section 18A:64-102 - Annual report to Governor, Legislature; public hearings.
- Section 18A:64A-1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:64A-2 - Petition to establish a college
- Section 18A:64A-3 - Upon approval, establishment of college by resolution; publication; public hearing; referendum petition
- Section 18A:64A-4 - Referendum; how conducted
- Section 18A:64A-5 - Upon approval, establishment of college in several counties
- Section 18A:64A-6 - Upon unfavorable vote, limitations on resubmission
- Section 18A:64A-8 - Boards of trustees; apportionment of membership where established in more than one county.
- Section 18A:64A-9 - Qualifications of appointed members of boards, terms of office, etc.; filling vacancies; no compensation of members
- Section 18A:64A-10 - County college board officers
- Section 18A:64A-11 - Boards of trustees bodies corporate; designation, custody and responsibility for property and management and control of college; annual report
- Section 18A:64A-12 - General powers of board.
- Section 18A:64A-13 - Teaching staff, employees and administrative officers other than president; rights and privileges.
- Section 18A:64A-13.1 - County college employee permitted to waive health care coverage.
- Section 18A:64A-13.1a - Premiums paid by county college employees.
- Section 18A:64A-13.2 - County college board of trustees, notices of certain layoffs; required.
- Section 18A:64A-14 - Selling, giving or leasing property to boards
- Section 18A:64A-15 - Boards of school estimate
- Section 18A:64A-16 - Appointments to boards of school estimate; filling vacancies; secretary; powers
- Section 18A:64A-17 - Method of fixing amounts necessary for operation and capital outlay expenses of college; certification; apportionment between participating counties
- Section 18A:64A-18 - Appropriation of amounts to be raised by boards of chosen freeholders and raising by taxation
- Section 18A:64A-19 - Issuance of bonds
- Section 18A:64A-20 - Emergency appropriation for college purposes
- Section 18A:64A-21 - First year's estimates of expenses, etc.; preparation, delivery
- Section 18A:64A-22 - Annual budget requests for State support of colleges
- Section 18A:64A-22.1 - County college capital project aid.
- Section 18A:64A-22.2 - Action by State Treasurer.
- Section 18A:64A-22.3 - Issuance of bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:64A-22.4 - Deduction from gross debt.
- Section 18A:64A-22.5 - Issuance of temporary notes.
- Section 18A:64A-22.6 - Debt service certification; appropriation, payment of funds.
- Section 18A:64A-22.6a - Designation of paying agent; payments of state aid
- Section 18A:64A-22.7 - Investments of proceeds; disposition of earnings.
- Section 18A:64A-22.8 - Bonds or notes not debt or liability of state
- Section 18A:64A-23 - Acceptance of students residing in other counties; required certificates; charges to home counties
- Section 18A:64A-23.1 - Job training course
- Section 18A:64A-23.2 - County college courses
- Section 18A:64A-23.3 - Eligibility for continued participation in program
- Section 18A:64A-23.4 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:64A-24 - Joinder in operation of county colleges by other counties
- Section 18A:64A-25 - Referenda for other purposes permitted
- Section 18A:64A-25.1 - Short title; citation
- Section 18A:64A-25.2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:64A-25.3 - Purchases, contracts and agreements not requiring advertising.
- Section 18A:64A-25.4 - Contracts and agreements requiring advertising
- Section 18A:64A-25.5 - Exceptions to requirement for advertising.
- Section 18A:64A-25.6 - Emergency purchases and contracts.
- Section 18A:64A-25.7 - Contracts not to be divided
- Section 18A:64A-25.8 - Periodic solicitation of bids
- Section 18A:64A-25.9 - County college purchases through State agency; procedure.
- Section 18A:64A-25.10 - Joint purchases by county colleges, municipalities or counties; authority.
- Section 18A:64A-25.11 - Contents of agreement
- Section 18A:64A-25.11a - County college authorized to participate in cooperative pricing system.
- Section 18A:64A-25.13 - Specifications generally.
- Section 18A:64A-25.14 - Advertisements for bids; bids; general requirements; notice of revisions.
- Section 18A:64A-25.15 - Bids to conform to specifications; rejection of bids
- Section 18A:64A-25.16 - Guaranty to accompany bids; amount
- Section 18A:64A-25.17 - Performance, guaranty and certificate
- Section 18A:64A-25.18 - Time for making awards; deposits returned
- Section 18A:64A-25.19 - Award of purchases, contracts or agreements
- Section 18A:64A-25.20 - Award of contracts when bids are equal
- Section 18A:64A-25.22 - Liquidated damages
- Section 18A:64A-25.23 - Application of article and subdivision
- Section 18A:64A-25.24 - Plans and specifications, drawn or supervised by appropriate officer
- Section 18A:64A-25.25 - Cost over threshold level; separate plans and specifications; bids; advertisement; award of contract; payment to subcontractor.
- Section 18A:64A-25.26 - Specifications
- Section 18A:64A-25.27 - Authorization; resolution; method.
- Section 18A:64A-25.28 - Duration of certain contracts.
- Section 18A:64A-25.30 - No action for damages for action by officials
- Section 18A:64A-25.31 - Indemnity agreement with the United States, etc.
- Section 18A:64A-25.32 - Contracts, etc.; validated and confirmed
- Section 18A:64A-25.33 - Definitions
- Section 18A:64A-25.34 - Insurance authorized
- Section 18A:64A-25.35 - County college insurance group
- Section 18A:64A-25.36 - Bylaws of the group; trustees; powers
- Section 18A:64A-25.37 - Trustees; number and qualifications
- Section 18A:64A-25.38 - Trustees; compensation
- Section 18A:64A-25.39 - Review of bylaws; investigations by the Commissioner of Insurance
- Section 18A:64A-25.40 - Insurance fund participation authorized
- Section 18A:64A-25.41 - Contract requirements
- Section 18A:64A-25.42 - Appropriation of funds
- Section 18A:64A-25.43 - Civil action brought on behalf of county college.
- Section 18A:64A-26 - Council of County Colleges established
- Section 18A:64A-27 - Membership; alternates; compensation
- Section 18A:64A-28 - Annual organization meeting
- Section 18A:64A-28.1 - Officers; rules
- Section 18A:64A-28.2 - Perpetual succession; powers, responsibilities
- Section 18A:64A-28.2a - Council of County Colleges to act as lead agency.
- Section 18A:64A-28.3 - Executive director
- Section 18A:64A-28.4 - Improvement of county college education
- Section 18A:64A-28.5 - Expenses; assessment for dues
- Section 18A:64A-29 - Purpose of council.
- Section 18A:64A-30 - Community college agency; establishment
- Section 18A:64A-31 - Definition
- Section 18A:64A-32 - Community college commission; membership; vacancies; compensation
- Section 18A:64A-33 - Additional members; establishment by more than one county
- Section 18A:64A-34 - Body corporate; name
- Section 18A:64A-35 - Powers, duties and responsibilities
- Section 18A:64A-36 - Annual report
- Section 18A:64A-37 - Eligibility for State and federal support
- Section 18A:64A-38 - Law applicable to faculty and staff
- Section 18A:64A-50 - Referendum unnecessary
- Section 18A:64A-51 - Conduct of college
- Section 18A:64A-52 - Board of governors; powers and duties
- Section 18A:64A-53 - Board of trustees; powers and duties
- Section 18A:64A-54 - Board of governors; members; terms; reimbursement for expenses
- Section 18A:64A-55 - Membership of board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64A-56 - Governing body; allocation of powers between boards of trustees and governors
- Section 18A:64A-57 - Authority of board of trustees
- Section 18A:64A-58 - Board of governors; authority and responsibility
- Section 18A:64A-59 - Utilization of privately donated properties and funds
- Section 18A:64A-60 - Joint session of boards
- Section 18A:64A-61 - Annual report
- Section 18A:64A-62 - Board of trustees; laws conferring powers and duties
- Section 18A:64A-63 - County coordinating agencies; abolishment
- Section 18A:64A-64 - Post-secondary institute; part of county college
- Section 18A:64A-65 - Post-secondary institute; general supervision
- Section 18A:64A-66 - Assets purchased for post-secondary institute; transfer to county college
- Section 18A:64A-67 - Transfers; compliance with laws
- Section 18A:64A-68 - Debt owed to state; satisfaction upon transfer
- Section 18A:64A-69 - Initial appointment; boards of governors and trustees
- Section 18A:64A-70 - Current governing bodies; continuance
- Section 18A:64A-71 - Employees; rights; tenure
- Section 18A:64A-72 - Employee benefit programs
- Section 18A:64A-73 - Administrative officers and teaching personnel; rights and benefits
- Section 18A:64A-74 - Vested rights and privileges; effect of act
- Section 18A:64A-75 - Status of or authorization to take action by officer; effect of act
- Section 18A:64A-76 - Powers of Governor
- Section 18A:64A-77 - Vested rights inuring to benefit of college
- Section 18A:64A-78 - Adoption of act; resolution
- Section 18A:64A-79 - Findings, declarations relative to award of county college credit to certain firefighters.
- Section 18A:64A-80 - Conditions for receipt of county college credit for course at fire academy.
- Section 18A:64A-81 - County colleges to establish green job certification programs.
- Section 18A:64E-12 - Short title
- Section 18A:64E-13 - Definitions relative to New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Section 18A:64E-14 - New Jersey Institute of Technology established
- Section 18A:64E-15 - Declaration of public policy
- Section 18A:64E-16 - Board of trustees continued
- Section 18A:64E-17 - Membership of board of trustees; organization.
- Section 18A:64E-18 - Authority, responsibilities of board trustees
- Section 18A:64E-18.1 - New Jersey Institute of Technology authorized to participate in cooperative pricing system.
- Section 18A:64E-19 - Additional powers, duties of board of trustees
- Section 18A:64E-20 - Appointment of president
- Section 18A:64E-21 - Immunity of trustees, officers
- Section 18A:64E-22 - Board to advise Governor, Legislature
- Section 18A:64E-23 - University deemed employer
- Section 18A:64E-24 - Construction of act
- Section 18A:64E-25 - Official acts preserved
- Section 18A:64E-26 - Establishment of university; effect on appropriations, employees, etc.
- Section 18A:64E-27 - Actions, proceedings not affected
- Section 18A:64E-28 - References mean New Jersey Institute of Technology
- Section 18A:64E-29 - Board of trustees continued
- Section 18A:64E-30 - Credit of State not pledged
- Section 18A:64E-31 - Liberal construction
- Section 18A:64E-32 - University allocated to Department of State
- Section 18A:64E-33 - NJIT may enter into private partnerships agreements under certain circumstances.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1 - Board members of University Hospital; appointment; organization; powers.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1a - Powers of University Hospital.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1b - University Hospital Community Oversight Board.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1c - Rights of transferred employees.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1d - Approval of Superior Court required for acquisition of University Hospital.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1e - Review, approval of management contracts.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1f - Internet website for board of directors.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1g - Five-year period for review of substantive changes.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1h - Disposition of medical malpractice claims.
- Section 18A:64G-6.1i - Liberal construction relative to certain contracts, agreements.
- Section 18A:64G-7 - Additional powers
- Section 18A:64G-8 - Investment of funds; finance committee of board
- Section 18A:64G-9 - Authorized investments
- Section 18A:64G-10 - Depositories and custodians
- Section 18A:64G-11 - President of university; powers and duties
- Section 18A:64G-12 - Employee retirement rights
- Section 18A:64G-14 - Personal liability of trustees and officers
- Section 18A:64G-15 - Debts and liabilities; pledge of credit
- Section 18A:64G-16 - Acquisition of university site by municipality; sale to university; municipal bond ordinance; gross debt reduction
- Section 18A:64G-17 - Sale of municipal hospital to university
- Section 18A:64G-18 - Retirement rights of former municipal hospital employees
- Section 18A:64G-19 - Municipal hospital pension obligations; budget request; payment
- Section 18A:64G-20 - Payment of retirement, death or other benefits to former municipal hospital employees
- Section 18A:64G-21 - Continuance as university employees
- Section 18A:64G-22 - Transfer of appropriations and other moneys
- Section 18A:64G-23 - Transfer of employees
- Section 18A:64G-24 - Transfer of files, records, etc.
- Section 18A:64G-25 - Effect of former orders, rules, regulations
- Section 18A:64G-26 - Effect upon pending actions or proceedings
- Section 18A:64G-27 - Reports, certifications, etc.; filing
- Section 18A:64G-28 - Reference in law, rule, document, etc., to former college
- Section 18A:64G-29 - Rights of state in former medical school; transfer
- Section 18A:64G-30 - Acquisition of interest in Rutgers Medical School facilities; transfers to University of Medicine and Dentistry
- Section 18A:64G-31 - Repealer
- Section 18A:64G-35 - "Physician-Dentist Fellowship and Education Program to Provide Health Care to Persons with Developmental Disabilities."
- Section 18A:64G-36 - Establishment of consortium to advise director.
- Section 18A:64G-37 - Purpose of program.
- Section 18A:64G-38 - Qualifications for fellowship applicants.
- Section 18A:64G-39 - Appointment of director.
- Section 18A:64G-40 - Annual report to legislative committees.
- Section 18A:64H-1 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 18A:64H-2 - Advisory graduate medical education council; establishment; purpose and functions
- Section 18A:64H-3 - Definitions
- Section 18A:64H-4 - Council membership; appointment; terms; vacancies; advisory committees; executive director and employees; compensation.
- Section 18A:64H-5 - Powers and duties of Commission on Higher Education
- Section 18A:64H-6 - Standards for qualification for participation by private nonprofit and public hospitals
- Section 18A:64H-7 - Standards for expenditure of funds
- Section 18A:64H-8 - Rules
- Section 18A:64H-9 - "Advisory Committee on Alternatively Accredited Medical School Clinical Clerkships."
- Section 18A:64H-10 - Duties of committee
- Section 18A:64H-11 - Existing clinical clerkship programs continued
- Section 18A:64H-12 - Regulations relative to medical schools located outside the U.S.
- Section 18A:64H-13 - Review of applications, conditions for approval
- Section 18A:64H-14 - Procedures when clinical clerkship student rejected by teaching hospital
- Section 18A:64H-15 - Regulations
- Section 18A:64I-1 - Certain land used in perpetuity.
- Section 18A:64I-2 - Expenditure of funds from appropriations.
- Section 18A:64I-3 - Funds for maintenance of school
- Section 18A:64I-4 - Stokes state forest reserve; responsibility of division of parks, forestry and recreation
- Section 18A:64J-1 - Hazardous, toxic substance management center
- Section 18A:64J-2 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-3 - Advanced Technology Center in Hazardous and Toxic Substance Management.
- Section 18A:64J-4 - Director
- Section 18A:64J-5 - Procedures
- Section 18A:64J-6 - Annual budget requests
- Section 18A:64J-7 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64J-8 - Food technology center establishment
- Section 18A:64J-9 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-10 - Center at Cook College
- Section 18A:64J-11 - Appointment of director
- Section 18A:64J-12 - Duties of director
- Section 18A:64J-13 - Annual budget request
- Section 18A:64J-14 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64J-15 - Biotechnology center establishment
- Section 18A:64J-16 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-17 - Advanced Technology Center in Biotechnology.
- Section 18A:64J-18 - Appointment of director
- Section 18A:64J-19 - Duties of director
- Section 18A:64J-20 - Annual budget request
- Section 18A:64J-21 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64J-22 - Industrial ceramics center establishment
- Section 18A:64J-23 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-24 - Center at Rutgers
- Section 18A:64J-25 - Appointment of director
- Section 18A:64J-26 - Duties of director
- Section 18A:64J-27 - Annual budget request
- Section 18A:64J-28 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64J-29 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:64J-30 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-31 - Biomolecular research center
- Section 18A:64J-32 - Peer review panel
- Section 18A:64J-33 - Certification of need; designation of location
- Section 18A:64J-34 - Appointment of director
- Section 18A:64J-35 - Annual budget request
- Section 18A:64J-36 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64J-37 - Existing programs continued
- Section 18A:64J-38 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:64J-39 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:64J-40 - Polymer processing, surface modification center
- Section 18A:64J-41 - Subject to commission certification
- Section 18A:64J-42 - Appointment of director
- Section 18A:64J-43 - Duties of director
- Section 18A:64J-44 - Annual budget request
- Section 18A:64J-45 - Functions of center
- Section 18A:64K-1 - Northwest New Jersey Regional Women's Center
- Section 18A:64K-2 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:64K-3 - Report to Governor, Legislature
- Section 18A:64L-1 - Coastal Protection Technical Assistance Service established
- Section 18A:64L-2 - Appointment, compensation of director
- Section 18A:64L-3 - Powers of director
- Section 18A:64L-4 - Duties of staff of service
- Section 18A:64M-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:64M-2 - Findings, declarations relative to the public system of higher education.
- Section 18A:64M-3 - "Rowan University" defined.
- Section 18A:64M-4 - Rowan University established.
- Section 18A:64M-5 - Governance, conduct of university.
- Section 18A:64M-6 - Board of trustees continued.
- Section 18A:64M-7 - Determination of composition, size of board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64M-8 - Election of student representatives.
- Section 18A:64M-9 - Powers, duties of board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64M-9.1 - Public - private partnership agreement.
- Section 18A:64M-9.2 - Rowan University authorized to participate in cooperative pricing system.
- Section 18A:64M-10 - Certain functions, powers, duties exercised, performed by Director of Division of Investment.
- Section 18A:64M-11 - Maintenance of Internet website for board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64M-12 - Additional rights of board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64M-13 - Appointment, compensation of president of the university.
- Section 18A:64M-14 - Immunity from personal liability.
- Section 18A:64M-15 - Advice to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:64M-16 - University personnel eligible for participation in certain public retirement plans.
- Section 18A:64M-17 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:64M-18 - Officers, agents, employees unaffected.
- Section 18A:64M-19 - Certain funds, property, employees transferred to Rowan University.
- Section 18A:64M-20 - Certain actions unaffected.
- Section 18A:64M-21 - References refer to Rowan University.
- Section 18A:64M-22 - Powers of Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:64M-23 - Governor of contract claims, suits.
- Section 18A:64M-24 - Warranty by contractor.
- Section 18A:64M-25 - Violations deemed misdemeanor.
- Section 18A:64M-26 - Certain transactions prohibited.
- Section 18A:64M-27 - Terms of board members unaltered.
- Section 18A:64M-28 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:64M-29 - Liberal construction.
- Section 18A:64M-30 - Allocation to Department of State.
- Section 18A:64M-31 - Certain functions, powers, duties, rights transferred to Rowan.
- Section 18A:64M-31.1 - Intention of the Legislature to protect Rowan University; reimbursement.
- Section 18A:64M-32 - Transfer of appropriations, grants, moneys, employees, property to Rowan.
- Section 18A:64M-33 - Disposition of certain medical malpractice claims.
- Section 18A:64M-34 - Certain debts transferred to Rowan.
- Section 18A:64M-35 - Employee status unaffected.
- Section 18A:64M-36 - Certain properties transferred.
- Section 18A:64M-37 - Rowan University - Rutgers Camden Board of Governors.
- Section 18A:64M-38 - Authority, responsibilities of Rowan University - Rutgers Camden Board of Governors.
- Section 18A:64M-38.1 - Additional powers, duties.
- Section 18A:64M-39 - Layoffs of certain employees prohibited.
- Section 18A:64M-40 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:64M-41 - Pledge, covenant with bond holders.
- Section 18A:64M-42 - Transition committee.
- Section 18A:64M-43 - Transfer provisions interdependent, essential.
- Section 18A:64N-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:64N-2 - Findings, declarations relative to Montclair State University.
- Section 18A:64N-3 - Designation as public research university.
- Section 18A:64N-4 - Body corporate and politic.
- Section 18A:64N-5 - Public policy.
- Section 18A:64N-6 - Board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64N-7 - Composition, size of board; terms.
- Section 18A:64N-8 - Election of student representatives.
- Section 18A:64N-9 - Powers, duties.
- Section 18A:64N-10 - Public-private partnership agreements.
- Section 18A:64N-11 - Participating contracting unit in competitive pricing system.
- Section 18A:64N-12 - Functions, powers duties relative to investment, reinvestment of certain funds, purchase, sale.
- Section 18A:64N-13 - Internet website for board of trustees.
- Section 18A:64N-14 - Additional powers, duties.
- Section 18A:64N-15 - Appointment, compensation of president.
- Section 18A:64N-16 - Immunity from personal liability.
- Section 18A:64N-17 - Advice to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:64N-18 - University deemed employer for certain purposes.
- Section 18A:64N-19 - Construction of act.
- Section 18A:64N-20 - Current officers unaffected; exceptions.
- Section 18A:64N-21 - Effect of establishment of body corporate and politic known as Montclair State University.
- Section 18A:64N-22 - Certain actions unaffected.
- Section 18A:64N-23 - Reference to public research university.
- Section 18A:64N-24 - Powers of Secretary of Higher Education.
- Section 18A:64N-25 - Governance of contract claims and suits.
- Section 18A:64N-26 - Warranty by contractor.
- Section 18A:64N-27 - Violation, misdemeanor.
- Section 18A:64N-28 - Prohibitions relative to purchase, acquisition of property or services.
- Section 18A:64N-29 - Terms of present board members.
- Section 18A:64N-30 - Construction.
- Section 18A:64N-31 - Liberal construction.
- Section 18A:64N-32 - Allocation to Department of State.
- Section 18A:64N-33 - Rights, obligations of employers, employees unaffected.
- Section 18A:65-1 - Short Title
- Section 18A:65-2 - The term "the corporation" defined; trusts imposed
- Section 18A:65-3 - "The state university" or "the university" defined and described
- Section 18A:65-4 - Vested rights, grants, charter privileges, etc., not affected; exceptions
- Section 18A:65-5 - Officers or outstanding commitments not affected
- Section 18A:65-6 - Tenure, civil service and retirement rights
- Section 18A:65-8 - State's credit not pledged
- Section 18A:65-9 - Chapter liberally construed
- Section 18A:65-9.1 - Certain repealers saved
- Section 18A:65-10 - Name
- Section 18A:65-11 - Corporate seal
- Section 18A:65-12 - Board of governors continued, powers, etc.
- Section 18A:65-13 - Board of trustees continued, powers, etc.
- Section 18A:65-14 - Board of governors, membership, classification, terms, succession.
- Section 18A:65-14.1 - Campus advisory board for Rutgers University-Newark.
- Section 18A:65-14.2 - Duties of campus advisory board.
- Section 18A:65-14.3 - Appropriations to Rutgers University-Newark.
- Section 18A:65-14.4 - Rights of employees of Rutgers University-Newark unaffected.
- Section 18A:65-14.5 - Annual certified public reporting process of Rutgers; auditing mechanisms.
- Section 18A:65-14.6 - Campus board of directors for Rutgers University-Camden.
- Section 18A:65-14.7 - Duties of campus board of directors.
- Section 18A:65-14.8 - Maintenance of Internet website for board of directors.
- Section 18A:65-14.9 - Appropriations directly to Rutgers University-Camden.
- Section 18A:65-14.10 - Duties of board of governors.
- Section 18A:65-14.11 - Rights of employees of Rutgers University-Camden unaffected.
- Section 18A:65-14.12 - Transfer of monies, funding, personnel to Rutgers University-Camden.
- Section 18A:65-14.13 - Campus advisory board.
- Section 18A:65-14.14 - Duties of campus advisory board.
- Section 18A:65-14.15 - Appointment of chancellor.
- Section 18A:65-15 - Board of trustees, members, classification, terms, etc.
- Section 18A:65-16 - Governors and trustees, beginning and ending of terms; vacancies.
- Section 18A:65-17 - Restriction on receiving certain remuneration by members of boards
- Section 18A:65-18 - Oaths
- Section 18A:65-19 - Procedure for removal of governor or trustee
- Section 18A:65-20 - No compensation; expenses paid
- Section 18A:65-21 - No personal liability
- Section 18A:65-22 - Quorums.
- Section 18A:65-23 - Chairman of each board to be elected
- Section 18A:65-24 - Government, control, administration, etc., of corporation and the university
- Section 18A:65-25 - Authority and responsibility of board of governors
- Section 18A:65-26 - Board of trustees; control of properties, funds, trusts, investments, etc.; committee memberships
- Section 18A:65-27 - Public policy of State
- Section 18A:65-28 - Boards' powers, rights, etc., incident to their responsibilities
- Section 18A:65-29 - Joint sessions of boards
- Section 18A:65-30 - Powers of each board.
- Section 18A:65-31 - President of corporation; powers; term; filling vacancy
- Section 18A:65-32 - Annual report; contents; filing
- Section 18A:65-33 - Gifts, grants, legacies, endowments, etc.; to vest in and inure to the benefit of the corporation
- Section 18A:65-33.1 - Care, custody and control of State property
- Section 18A:65-33.2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:65-33.3 - Notice of intent
- Section 18A:65-33.4 - Public hearing
- Section 18A:65-33.5 - Subject to local requirements
- Section 18A:65-34 - Visitorial powers of supervision and control
- Section 18A:65-35 - Board of governors, Commission on Higher Education, Presidents' Council; recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature
- Section 18A:65-36 - State college for benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts continued
- Section 18A:65-37 - Payments, in lieu of interest, on proceeds of public land scrip
- Section 18A:65-38 - Moneys devoted to courses in agriculture and mechanic arts
- Section 18A:65-39 - Free scholarships; number; qualifications and terms
- Section 18A:65-40 - Annual reports of board of governors
- Section 18A:65-41 - Payment for agricultural college; application; courses of instruction
- Section 18A:65-42 - Maintenance of courses
- Section 18A:65-43 - Subjects of instruction
- Section 18A:65-44 - Buildings, apparatus and machinery
- Section 18A:65-45 - Instructors
- Section 18A:65-46 - Board of managers of agricultural experiment station; number; appointment; terms; vacancies
- Section 18A:65-47 - Appointed members in office, retained
- Section 18A:65-48 - Members, no compensation except for expenses
- Section 18A:65-49 - Board of managers, functions, powers and duties
- Section 18A:65-50 - Appropriations
- Section 18A:65-51 - Designation of the corporation to receive federal appropriations
- Section 18A:65-52 - Authority of corporation to receive federal appropriations and conduct the work
- Section 18A:65-53 - Supplemental appropriations by counties or municipalities
- Section 18A:65-54 - School of ceramics continued
- Section 18A:65-55 - Ceramic research station
- Section 18A:65-55.1 - Legislative findings
- Section 18A:65-55.2 - Establishment and maintenance
- Section 18A:65-56 - Graduate school of social work continued
- Section 18A:65-57 - Courses of instruction
- Section 18A:65-58 - Advisory committee for school of social work
- Section 18A:65-59 - Programs of research
- Section 18A:65-60 - Reciprocal use of university and state colleges buildings
- Section 18A:65-61 - Care, custody and control of buildings jointly used
- Section 18A:65-62 - Laws affecting students
- Section 18A:65-63 - Institute of management and labor relations continued
- Section 18A:65-64 - Purpose
- Section 18A:65-65 - Advisory council
- Section 18A:65-66 - Programs of research
- Section 18A:65-67 - Programs of instruction
- Section 18A:65-72.1 - Chronic drunkenness offender problems; conduct of study
- Section 18A:65-72.2 - Assistance of federal funds and private grants
- Section 18A:65-73 - Membership in public employees' retirement system of New Jersey
- Section 18A:65-86 - Fisheries Information and Development Center.
- Section 18A:65-88 - Construction of act relative to DEP.
- Section 18A:65-89 - Findings, declarations relative to New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing
- Section 18A:65-90 - New Jersey Collaborating Center for Nursing; establishment, goals.
- Section 18A:65-91 - Membership of board.
- Section 18A:65-92 - Duties of board.
- Section 18A:65-92.1 - Annual appropriation.
- Section 18A:65-93 - Interim responsibility
- Section 18A:65-94 - Rights, certain, transferred to Rutgers.
- Section 18A:65-95 - Appropriations, grants, moneys, property, certain, transferred to Rutgers.
- Section 18A:65-96 - Actions, proceedings, certain; unaffected.
- Section 18A:65-97 - Certain debts transferred to Rutgers.
- Section 18A:65-98 - Rights of officers, employees unaffected.
- Section 18A:65-99 - Disposition of medical malpractice claims.
- Section 18A:65-100 - Protection from certain undisclosed liabilities.
- Section 18A:65-101 - "School of Biomedical and Health Sciences."
- Section 18A:65-102 - Transfer of monies, personnel.
- Section 18A:65-103 - New Jersey Climate Change Resource Center.
- Section 18A:65A-1 - Implementation of energy savings improvement program by public institution of higher education; definitions.
- Section 18A:66-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:66-2 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:66-2.1 - Teachers; membership in Teachers' Pension and Annuity Fund
- Section 18A:66-2.2 - Veteran status determined for retirement allowance.
- Section 18A:66-3 - Teachers' pension and annuity fund continued
- Section 18A:66-4 - Membership.
- Section 18A:66-4.1 - Appeal for person denied membership in TPAF.
- Section 18A:66-4.2 - Inapplicability of certain statutes relative to certain transferred service credit.
- Section 18A:66-5 - Classes of members
- Section 18A:66-5.1 - Increase in TPAF retirement allowance.
- Section 18A:66-6 - New members placed in class B
- Section 18A:66-6.1 - Membership required as condition of employment; delayed filing; contribution; payment.
- Section 18A:66-7 - Cessation of membership
- Section 18A:66-8 - Continuance of membership.
- Section 18A:66-8.1 - Discontinuance from teaching service through voluntary service in Peace Corps; continuance of membership; conditions
- Section 18A:66-9 - Resumption of discontinued membership
- Section 18A:66-10 - Nonmembers may join
- Section 18A:66-11 - Teachers in military service may enroll
- Section 18A:66-13 - Prior service credit.
- Section 18A:66-14 - Credit for temporary service
- Section 18A:66-14.1 - Credit for military service
- Section 18A:66-14.2 - Retirement system credit to member on leave of absence
- Section 18A:66-15 - Service credit for retirement.
- Section 18A:66-15.1 - Transfer or purchase of credit for service in other systems.
- Section 18A:66-16 - Creation of funds.
- Section 18A:66-17 - Expenses paid by State, reimbursement.
- Section 18A:66-18 - Contingent reserve fund.
- Section 18A:66-18.1 - Payment of pension adjustment benefits.
- Section 18A:66-19 - Annuity savings fund.
- Section 18A:66-19.1 - TPAF members, eligibility based on one position.
- Section 18A:66-20 - Excess contributions returned
- Section 18A:66-21 - Retirement reserve fund
- Section 18A:66-22 - Pension fund
- Section 18A:66-24 - Interest fund
- Section 18A:66-25 - Interest allowed on funds.
- Section 18A:66-26 - Death benefit fund
- Section 18A:66-27 - Special reserve fund
- Section 18A:66-29 - Members' contribution rate.
- Section 18A:66-29.1 - Shortage in reserves or contributions; non-liability or deduction for retirement allowance
- Section 18A:66-30 - Employee's consent to deductions
- Section 18A:66-31 - System to certify contributions
- Section 18A:66-32 - Employer's duties
- Section 18A:66-32.1 - Periodic benefits payable under Workers' Compensation Law; salary deductions paid by employer; retirement benefits application
- Section 18A:66-33 - State contributions
- Section 18A:66-34 - Withdrawals
- Section 18A:66-35 - Loans, interest rates, administrative fees.
- Section 18A:66-35.1 - Repayment of loans after retirement of members of TPAF.
- Section 18A:66-36 - Vesting of TPAF members.
- Section 18A:66-37 - Early retirement.
- Section 18A:66-38 - Death benefits; contribution not required when leave is due to illness
- Section 18A:66-38.1 - Limitation on death benefits
- Section 18A:66-39 - Teachers' disability retirement.
- Section 18A:66-39.1 - Disability insurance for certain TPAF members; "Teachers Group Disability Insurance Premium Fund."
- Section 18A:66-39.2 - Inapplicability relative to certain transferred service credit.
- Section 18A:66-40 - Medical examination; reemployment; subsequent retirement
- Section 18A:66-41 - Ordinary disability allowances.
- Section 18A:66-41.1 - Increase in retirement allowance for retiree, beneficiary under N.J.S.18A:66-41 or N.J.S.18A:66-47.
- Section 18A:66-42 - Accidental disability allowances.
- Section 18A:66-42.1 - Increase in retirement allowance under N.J.S.18A:66-42 or N.J.S.18A:66-47.
- Section 18A:66-42.2 - Payment of normal contribution for increased benefits under N.J.S.18A:66-41 and N.J.S.18A:66-42 for active members.
- Section 18A:66-43 - Retirement for service age limits.
- Section 18A:66-44 - Service retirement allowances.
- Section 18A:66-45 - Thirty-five year present-entrant allowances
- Section 18A:66-46 - Accidental death benefits.
- Section 18A:66-47 - Teachers' retirement allowance options
- Section 18A:66-47.1 - Spouse's benefit elimination by teacher
- Section 18A:66-47.2 - Election of death benefit or retirement allowance
- Section 18A:66-47.3 - Applicability of N.J.S.18A:66-47
- Section 18A:66-48 - Monthly payments; payment upon death of retirant
- Section 18A:66-49 - Benefits of TRF retirants
- Section 18A:66-51 - Allowances exempt from taxes; assignment of group insurance policy rights and benefits
- Section 18A:66-52 - Veterans not covered under R.S. 43:4-1.3
- Section 18A:66-53 - Additional death benefit coverage
- Section 18A:66-53.1 - Beneficiary of member or retirant; designation; change; payments; options
- Section 18A:66-53.2 - Reemployment of retireant, reenrollment; subsequent retirement.
- Section 18A:66-53.3 - Limitation on additional death benefit coverage
- Section 18A:66-54 - Deductions from retirement allowance for TPAF members.
- Section 18A:66-55 - Powers and privileges of a public corporation
- Section 18A:66-56 - Board of trustees, committee duties, appointment or election, terms, vacancies, oaths, voting, expenses.
- Section 18A:66-56.1 - Board of trustees, terms staggered
- Section 18A:66-57 - Officers, actuary, legal adviser, secretary.
- Section 18A:66-58 - Actuary's report
- Section 18A:66-58.1 - Annuity values; determination without reference to sex
- Section 18A:66-59 - Annual reports
- Section 18A:66-60 - No interest in fund by trustees or employees
- Section 18A:66-61 - Trustees to control funds, investment council member, finance committee.
- Section 18A:66-62 - Treasurer custodian of funds
- Section 18A:66-63 - Correction of errors by trustees
- Section 18A:66-64 - False statements to defraud, misdemeanors
- Section 18A:66-65 - Agreement on social security
- Section 18A:66-66 - State, employer share of social security obligations
- Section 18A:66-68 - Effect of abolition of social security offset
- Section 18A:66-69 - Limitations on death benefits or other benefits
- Section 18A:66-70 - Veterans' free membership in fund
- Section 18A:66-70.1 - Permission for member to cancel purchase of credit
- Section 18A:66-71 - Retirement allowance for veterans.
- Section 18A:66-71.1 - Veterans' retirement allowance
- Section 18A:66-71.2 - Increase in retirement allowance under subsection a. of N.J.S.18A:66-71 and N.J.S.18A:66-47.
- Section 18A:66-71.3 - Payment of normal contribution for increased benefits under subsection a. of N.J.S.18A:66-71.
- Section 18A:66-73 - Adoption of social security act, etc., continued
- Section 18A:66-74 - Authorization to purchase group life insurance
- Section 18A:66-75 - Requirements for insurance company to qualify
- Section 18A:66-76 - Discretion in purchase of coverage
- Section 18A:66-77 - Premiums paid from special funds
- Section 18A:66-78 - Additional death benefits; contributions; adjustment
- Section 18A:66-79 - Policy to include conversion privilege; proof of insurability after conversion
- Section 18A:66-80 - Payment of benefits
- Section 18A:66-81 - Arrangements for payment of benefits
- Section 18A:66-82 - Policyholder credited in form of reduced premiums
- Section 18A:66-83 - Investment in and acquisition of real property
- Section 18A:66-84 - Limit on investment
- Section 18A:66-85 - Carried as an asset of the fund
- Section 18A:66-86 - Terms of rental or lease; transfer of land to fund
- Section 18A:66-87 - Purchase provisions during occupancy
- Section 18A:66-88 - Rental or lease arrangements; trustees to execute and deliver, etc.
- Section 18A:66-89 - Selection of site, and acquisition of land
- Section 18A:66-90 - Federal funds; state to be reimbursed; ascertainment of amount
- Section 18A:66-91 - Repealer of sections 24 through 110 of chapter 13 of Title 18 of the Revised Statutes, with amendments and supplements, but continuing the teachers' pension and annuity fund, saved
- Section 18A:66-92 - Social security offset repealer saved
- Section 18A:66-93 - Liabilities created by certain statutes, apportionment and payment saved
- Section 18A:66-94 - Existing pension funds continued
- Section 18A:66-95 - Employees may organize pension fund
- Section 18A:66-96 - Forming corporation to provide and obtain fund
- Section 18A:66-97 - Board of trustees, membership, terms, vacancies.
- Section 18A:66-98 - Trustees to elect officers; compensation, reimbursement.
- Section 18A:66-99 - Trustees and officers bonded
- Section 18A:66-100 - Annual report by trustees to boards of education
- Section 18A:66-101 - Eligibility as members of fund
- Section 18A:66-102 - Certain veterans not members of system to become members
- Section 18A:66-103 - Withdrawal of contributions by veteran members; service credits required; liquidation of certain service credits
- Section 18A:66-104 - Definition of "veteran"
- Section 18A:66-105 - Membership in fund on or subsequent to March 25, 1935; conditions
- Section 18A:66-106 - Credit purchase for employment in other governmental units in this or other states; certain leaves of absence.
- Section 18A:66-107 - Contributions to pension fund.
- Section 18A:66-108 - Salary deductions; death benefits
- Section 18A:66-109 - Disbursements; deposits and investments.
- Section 18A:66-109.1 - Loans from retirement system.
- Section 18A:66-110 - Manner of payment of pensions; options.
- Section 18A:66-110.2 - Increase in certain retirement benefits.
- Section 18A:66-111 - Option to retire after referendum; amount of pension
- Section 18A:66-113 - Deferred retirement allowance.
- Section 18A:66-113.1 - Early retirement.
- Section 18A:66-114 - Public employee veterans, retirement benefits, certain.
- Section 18A:66-114.1 - Veteran retirees, allowance increased.
- Section 18A:66-115 - Payment of pensions in semimonthly installments
- Section 18A:66-116 - Exemptions
- Section 18A:66-117 - Contributory death benefits
- Section 18A:66-118 - Purchase of group life insurance policies for death benefits
- Section 18A:66-119 - Qualifications of life insurance companies to issue group insurance policies
- Section 18A:66-120 - Payment of premiums for group life insurance
- Section 18A:66-121 - Provision of conversion privileges in group life insurance policies
- Section 18A:66-122 - Benefits under group life insurance policies; to whom paid
- Section 18A:66-123 - Options as to payment of death benefits
- Section 18A:66-124 - Leave of absence for illness deemed to be service
- Section 18A:66-125 - Perjury to obtain pension
- Section 18A:66-126 - Retention of moneys bars member
- Section 18A:66-126.1 - Definitions
- Section 18A:66-126.2 - Increase in pension
- Section 18A:66-126.3 - Ratio of increase
- Section 18A:66-126.4 - Appropriations to pay increase
- Section 18A:66-126.5 - Waiver; withdrawal
- Section 18A:66-126.6 - Adjustment of retirement allowances
- Section 18A:66-126.7 - Blanket increase in original or minimum pensions; adjustment of payments under this act
- Section 18A:66-126.8 - Director of division of pensions; rules and regulations; reports
- Section 18A:66-126.9 - Definitions
- Section 18A:66-126.10 - Social security; coverage; referendum
- Section 18A:66-126.11 - Application of L.1956, c. 169 upon extension of social security coverage to members of pension fund
- Section 18A:66-126.12 - Effect of termination of pension fund on article
- Section 18A:66-127 - Employees of board of education, agreement to reduce salary for purchase of annuity.
- Section 18A:66-128 - Reduction of salary for obtaining certain benefits.
- Section 18A:66-129 - Agreements validated, confirmed.
- Section 18A:66-167 - Repeals
- Section 18A:66-168 - Repeal subject to certain provisos.
- Section 18A:66-168.1 - Termination of portion of alternate benefit program.
- Section 18A:66-169 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:66-170 - Alternate benefit program.
- Section 18A:66-170.1 - Commissioner of education; enrollment
- Section 18A:66-170.2 - Employee subsequently deemed eligible for enrollment pursuant to L.1984, c. 200 to continue participation from date of original enrollment
- Section 18A:66-170.3 - Continuation in alternate benefit program
- Section 18A:66-170.4 - Former employee of auxiliary organization may participate in alternate benefit program.
- Section 18A:66-171 - Ineligibility for participation in alternate benefit program; enrollment in public employees' retirement system
- Section 18A:66-172 - Allocation of contributions; mobility of pension credit
- Section 18A:66-172.1 - Pension Provider Selection Board
- Section 18A:66-173 - Transfer to alternate benefit program.
- Section 18A:66-173.1 - Present or former members of police and firemen's retirement system; transfer of contributions
- Section 18A:66-174 - Reduction of payments from compensation of participants; employer contributions.
- Section 18A:66-175 - Termination of membership or participation.
- Section 18A:66-176 - Group life insurance and disability benefits; noncontributory; coverage.
- Section 18A:66-177 - Purchase of group life insurance and disability benefit coverage; alternate benefit group insurance premium fund
- Section 18A:66-178 - Life insurance companies eligible to sell life and accidental death insurance
- Section 18A:66-179 - Conversion privilege upon termination of employment or death
- Section 18A:66-180 - Designation of payee for death benefits
- Section 18A:66-181 - Payment of death benefits
- Section 18A:66-182 - Evidence of insurability
- Section 18A:66-183 - Designation of beneficiary; form; payment.
- Section 18A:66-184 - Disability benefits; payment; total disability; exceptions.
- Section 18A:66-185 - Amount of disability benefits
- Section 18A:66-186 - Credit by insurer; savings on commissions
- Section 18A:66-187 - Certain employer obligations prohibited
- Section 18A:66-188 - Cash surrender option; policy loans; conditions for annuity repurchase; affect on past and future contributions
- Section 18A:66-189 - Vesting of contributions; qualification under federal tax law
- Section 18A:66-190 - Authority to enter into agreements for annuity purchases; method of payment; limitations.
- Section 18A:66-191 - Prohibited payments; authorized payments.
- Section 18A:66-192 - Rules and regulations; operation of programs
- Section 18A:67-1 - Title or name of educational institutions; exceptions
- Section 18A:67-2 - Approval of collegiate name
- Section 18A:68-1 - Right of colleges to give diplomas and confer degrees
- Section 18A:68-1.1 - Voter registration at private colleges, universities.
- Section 18A:68-2 - Right of seminaries or schools of theology to confer degrees
- Section 18A:68-3 - Filing copy of certificate of incorporation and obtaining license, payments to consultants.
- Section 18A:68-4 - Revocation of license
- Section 18A:68-5 - Restraint of corporations operating without license
- Section 18A:68-6 - Submission and approval as prerequisite to conferring of degrees
- Section 18A:68-7 - Withdrawal of approval; record of approvals and revocations
- Section 18A:68-8 - Conferring degree during revocation
- Section 18A:68-9 - Penalties; recovery
- Section 18A:68-10 - Failure to pay penalty
- Section 18A:68-11 - Disposition of moneys recovered
- Section 18A:68-11.1 - Short title
- Section 18A:68-11.2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:68-11.3 - Educational loans from institutional funds; authorization
- Section 18A:68-11.4 - Interest; computation
- Section 18A:68-11.5 - Repayment
- Section 18A:68-11.6 - Credit life or health insurance
- Section 18A:68-11.7 - Regulations
- Section 18A:68-12 - Requirement of license
- Section 18A:68-13 - Application for license; fee
- Section 18A:68-14 - Granting license
- Section 18A:68-15 - Statement in license of system of treatment taught
- Section 18A:68-16 - Term and revocation of license
- Section 18A:68-17 - Schools for midwifery, podiatric medicine excepted.
- Section 18A:68-18 - Penalty for violation of article
- Section 18A:71-28 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71-29 - Liberal construction.
- Section 18A:71-30 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71-31 - "New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund."
- Section 18A:71-32 - Membership.
- Section 18A:71-33 - Board's additional duties.
- Section 18A:71-34 - Awarding of "opportunity grants."
- Section 18A:71-35 - Prerequisites necessary for awarding grant.
- Section 18A:71-36 - Financial resources of applicant; rules and regulations.
- Section 18A:71-37 - Period of assistance.
- Section 18A:71-38 - No discrimination; number; amount.
- Section 18A:71-39 - Remedial and supplementary education for grantees.
- Section 18A:71-40.1 - Short title
- Section 18A:71-40.2 - C. Clyde Ferguson Law Scholarships; created
- Section 18A:71-40.3 - Scholarships awarded annually
- Section 18A:71-40.4 - Requirements for scholarship recipients
- Section 18A:71-40.5 - Amount of scholarship
- Section 18A:71-40.6 - Renewal of scholarship
- Section 18A:71-40.7 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:71-78.1 - Tuition-free enrollment in postsecondary program for certain volunteers, family members.
- Section 18A:71-78.2 - Eligibility for tuition credit.
- Section 18A:71-78.3 - Verification of service; transcript records.
- Section 18A:71-78.4 - Issuance of letter of eligibility.
- Section 18A:71A-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71A-2 - Terms defined.
- Section 18A:71A-3 - Higher Education Student Assistance Authority created.
- Section 18A:71A-4 - Board of the authority.
- Section 18A:71A-5 - Executive director.
- Section 18A:71A-6 - Organization of the board.
- Section 18A:71A-7 - Limitation of liability, conflict of interest, compensation.
- Section 18A:71A-8 - General powers of the authority.
- Section 18A:71A-9 - Further powers of the authority.
- Section 18A:71A-10 - Contracts, purchases, records, travel.
- Section 18A:71A-11 - Certain pension, benefits, and employment classification provisions applicable to employees of the authority.
- Section 18A:71A-12 - Limitations on issue of bond anticipation notes and other obligations.
- Section 18A:71A-13 - Bonds, bond anticipation notes, other obligations: general provisions.
- Section 18A:71A-14 - Bond resolutions.
- Section 18A:71A-15 - Personal liability on bonds, notes and other obligations.
- Section 18A:71A-16 - Purchase by authority of bonds, notes and other obligations.
- Section 18A:71A-17 - Security for bonds.
- Section 18A:71A-18 - Liability for payment of bonds.
- Section 18A:71A-19 - Rights of bondholders.
- Section 18A:71A-20 - Refunding bonds.
- Section 18A:71A-21 - Bonds as legal investments.
- Section 18A:71A-22 - Pledge of state; exemption from taxation; taxable bond option.
- Section 18A:71A-23 - Higher Education Student Assistance Fund.
- Section 18A:71A-24 - Loan Reserve Fund.
- Section 18A:71A-25 - Capital Reserve Fund; use; investment.
- Section 18A:71A-26 - Dissolution.
- Section 18A:71A-27 - Effect of partial invalidity; severability.
- Section 18A:71A-28 - Transfer of functions, powers and duties of office of student assistance.
- Section 18A:71A-29 - Transfer of Functions, powers and duties of student assistance board.
- Section 18A:71A-30 - Transfer of functions, powers and duties of higher education assistance authority.
- Section 18A:71A-31 - Abolishment of executive director of student assistance programs.
- Section 18A:71A-32 - Construction of law.
- Section 18A:71A-33 - Higher Education Student Assistance Authority to be responsible for implementation.
- Section 18A:71A-34 - Limitation on powers of authority; bond holders protected.
- Section 18A:71A-35 - Development, distribution of student loan repayment information document.
- Section 18A:71B-1 - Eligible institution defined.
- Section 18A:71B-2 - Student eligibility.
- Section 18A:71B-2.1 - Eligibility for State student financial assistance programs.
- Section 18A:71B-2.2 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-2.3 - Criteria for determining eligibility for State student grant, scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-3 - Discrimination forbidden.
- Section 18A:71B-4 - Academic year defined.
- Section 18A:71B-5 - Notification of authority in the case of withdrawal or change in status.
- Section 18A:71B-6 - Verification of compliance with military selective service act.
- Section 18A:71B-7 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-8 - Compliance with terms and conditions of financial aid.
- Section 18A:71B-9 - False information; penalty.
- Section 18A:71B-10 - Collection of overpayments and ineligible payments of financial aid.
- Section 18A:71B-11 - Scholarships created.
- Section 18A:71B-12 - Administration by the authority.
- Section 18A:71B-13 - Criteria, methodology and guidelines; revisions.
- Section 18A:71B-14 - Award of scholarships.
- Section 18A:71B-15 - Renewal of scholarships.
- Section 18A:71B-16 - Amount of scholarship; payments.
- Section 18A:71B-17 - Limitation.
- Section 18A:71B-18 - Grants created; use.
- Section 18A:71B-19 - Administration of provisions.
- Section 18A:71B-19.1 - Provision of certain information by certain institutions.
- Section 18A:71B-20 - Eligibility, prerequisite.
- Section 18A:71B-20.1 - Tuition aid grant eligibility for children of persons transferred to a military installation in New Jersey.
- Section 18A:71B-20.2 - Certain information solicited from financial aid applicant.
- Section 18A:71B-21 - Amount of grant; reduction of award.
- Section 18A:71B-22 - Construction of article.
- Section 18A:71B-23 - Scholarships for undergraduate education; eligibility.
- Section 18A:71B-23.1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-23.2 - Definitions relative to "New Jersey World Trade Center Scholarship Program Act."
- Section 18A:71B-23.3 - New Jersey World Trade Center Scholarship Fund.
- Section 18A:71B-23.4 - Board of Trustees; membership; duties; responsibilities.
- Section 18A:71B-23.5 - Awarding of scholarships.
- Section 18A:71B-23.6 - Conditions for awarding of scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-23.7 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-24 - Appropriation of funds.
- Section 18A:71B-24.1 - Short title
- Section 18A:71B-24.2 - Law Enforcement Officer Memorial Scholarships Program
- Section 18A:71B-24.3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:71B-24.4 - Annual appropriation
- Section 18A:71B-25 - Scholarship program established.
- Section 18A:71B-26 - Scholarship eligibility.
- Section 18A:71B-27 - Scholarship conditions.
- Section 18A:71B-28 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71B-29 - Issue of bonds.
- Section 18A:71B-30 - Participation by institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:71B-31 - Dollar Amount not to be considered in determining eligibility for monetary assistance.
- Section 18A:71B-32 - Report on results of sale.
- Section 18A:71B-33 - Duties of the State Treasurer.
- Section 18A:71B-34 - Assessment of effectiveness of program.
- Section 18A:71B-35 - Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 18A:71B-36 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71B-37 - New Jersey Better Educational Savings Trust created.
- Section 18A:71B-38 - Administration of the program; powers of the authority.
- Section 18A:71B-39 - Immunity.
- Section 18A:71B-40 - Selection of investment manager.
- Section 18A:71B-41 - Operation of program; fees.
- Section 18A:71B-41.1 - Exemption from claims of creditors for NJBEST accounts.
- Section 18A:71B-42 - NJBEST scholarship; conditions.
- Section 18A:71B-43 - Determination of dollar amount of account.
- Section 18A:71B-44 - Assurance of availability of principal.
- Section 18A:71B-45 - Construction.
- Section 18A:71B-46 - Federal income tax consequences.
- Section 18A:71B-47 - Contracts with accredited schools of veterinary medicine.
- Section 18A:71B-48 - Contracts with consent of advisory committee; members.
- Section 18A:71B-49 - Organization of committee; expenses.
- Section 18A:71B-50 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71B-51 - Application for State support; form of application; certificate of accreditation by New Jersey Board of Nursing.
- Section 18A:71B-52 - Operational support by State; limitation.
- Section 18A:71B-53 - Short title
- Section 18A:71B-54 - Findings, declarations about crime victims
- Section 18A:71B-55 - Definitions regarding scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-56 - "Tony Pompelio Commemorative Scholarship Fund"
- Section 18A:71B-57 - Board duties
- Section 18A:71B-58 - Awarding scholarships
- Section 18A:71B-59 - Qualifications of applicant
- Section 18A:71B-60 - Recipients paid by State Treasurer
- Section 18A:71B-61 - Eligibility restrictions
- Section 18A:71B-62 - Nondiscrimination in awards
- Section 18A:71B-63 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:71B-81 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-82 - Findings relative to NJ STARS Program.
- Section 18A:71B-83 - Definitions relative to NJ STARS Program.
- Section 18A:71B-84 - NJ STARS Program.
- Section 18A:71B-85 - NJ STARS scholarships; eligibility.
- Section 18A:71B-85.1 - College placement test to determine eligibility for program.
- Section 18A:71B-85.2 - Option to take fewer credits; eligibility for NJ STARS scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-85.3 - Application of college credits earned in high school.
- Section 18A:71B-85.4 - Current recipients unaffected; exceptions.
- Section 18A:71B-85.5 - Provision of information to students relative to eligibility for NJ STARS.
- Section 18A:71B-85.5a - Requirements for scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-85.6 - Annual recruitment day.
- Section 18A:71B-85.7 - Current NJ STARS recipients unaffected.
- Section 18A:71B-86 - Report to Legislature, Governor on NJSTARS Program; guidelines rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-86.1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-86.2 - Definitions relative to NJ STARS II Program.
- Section 18A:71B-86.3 - NJ STARS II Program created.
- Section 18A:71B-86.4 - Eligibility for NJ STARS II; scholarship amounts.
- Section 18A:71B-86.4a - Eligibility of certain NJ STARS II recipients.
- Section 18A:71B-86.4b - Current NJ STARS II recipients unaffected.
- Section 18A:71B-86.5 - Transfer of academic credits.
- Section 18A:71B-86.6 - Report to Governor, Legislature; authority regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-86.7 - Construction of act relative to application, admissions procedures.
- Section 18A:71B-87 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-88 - Findings, declarations relative to social services student loan redemption.
- Section 18A:71B-89 - Definitions relative to social sciences student loan redemption.
- Section 18A:71B-90 - Social Services Student Loan Redemption Program.
- Section 18A:71B-91 - Eligibility for participation in program.
- Section 18A:71B-92 - Application for loan redemption.
- Section 18A:71B-93 - Nullification of redemption contract.
- Section 18A:71B-94 - Loan forgiveness awards.
- Section 18A:71B-95 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:71B-96 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-97 - Filling of direct care professional position with persons having degrees.
- Section 18A:71B-98 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71B-99 - Military Dependents Scholarship Fund.
- Section 18A:71B-100 - Board of trustees.
- Section 18A:71B-101 - Awarding of scholarships.
- Section 18A:71B-102 - Qualifications for award of scholarship.
- Section 18A:71B-103 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71B-104 - Definitions relative to engineering and science careers.
- Section 18A:71B-105 - "Accessing Careers in Engineering and Science (ACES) Program."
- Section 18A:71B-106 - Residential pre-college summer program.
- Section 18A:71B-107 - Undergraduate ACES Scholar program.
- Section 18A:71B-108 - Funding.
- Section 18A:71B-109 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:71B-110 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-1 - Administration by the authority.
- Section 18A:71C-2 - Application; grounds for approval.
- Section 18A:71C-3 - Approval and granting of federal loan.
- Section 18A:71C-4 - Federal loan evidenced by note; interest rate; method of payment; security.
- Section 18A:71C-5 - Extension and refinancing of federal loans.
- Section 18A:71C-6 - Purchase of notes.
- Section 18A:71C-7 - Falsely securing federal loan a misdemeanor; penalty.
- Section 18A:71C-8 - Repayment Compromises, modifications and other determinations made by authority.
- Section 18A:71C-9 - Contracts, promissory notes, made by minor, valid and binding.
- Section 18A:71C-10 - Deduction of overdue student loan payments from wages of employees of the state, institution of higher education and public authorities.
- Section 18A:71C-11 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-12 - Deduction of overdue student loan payments from wages of county and municipal employees.
- Section 18A:71C-13 - Guidelines for payment of arrearages.
- Section 18A:71C-14 - Deduction of overdue student loan payments from wages of certain boards or authorities.
- Section 18A:71C-15 - Guidelines for payment of arrearages.
- Section 18A:71C-16 - Deduction of overdue student loan payments from wages of employees of the private sector.
- Section 18A:71C-17 - Lien not treated as wage execution.
- Section 18A:71C-18 - Exchange of information with other State departments and agencies.
- Section 18A:71C-19 - Professional or occupational misconduct.
- Section 18A:71C-20 - Deductions of overdue payments from State lottery winnings.
- Section 18A:71C-21 - College loans to assist state students loan program.
- Section 18A:71C-21.1 - Annual report on NJCLASS Loan Program.
- Section 18A:71C-21.2 - Development of student loan comparison information document.
- Section 18A:71C-22 - College loans to assist State Students Loan Fund.
- Section 18A:71C-23 - Eligible borrower.
- Section 18A:71C-24 - Eligible institution.
- Section 18A:71C-25 - Maximum loan amounts.
- Section 18A:71C-26 - Accrual of interest; payment.
- Section 18A:71C-27 - Student eligibility.
- Section 18A:71C-28 - Limitations on program; fees.
- Section 18A:71C-29 - Certain actions prohibited concerning NJCLASS loans.
- Section 18A:71C-30 - Act not to affect higher education student assistance fund.
- Section 18A:71C-31 - Falsely securing State loan; crime.
- Section 18A:71C-31.1 - Discharge of student loan in case of death of borrower.
- Section 18A:71C-31.2 - Discharge of student loan in case of total, permanent disability of borrower.
- Section 18A:71C-31.3 - Deferment of student loan payments due to temporary total disability.
- Section 18A:71C-31.4 - Repayment Assistance Program.
- Section 18A:71C-31.5 - Household Income Affordable Repayment Plan.
- Section 18A:71C-31.6 - Funding for programs included in bond indentures.
- Section 18A:71C-31.7 - Regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-31.8 - NJCLASS loan determined to be in default; settlement agreement.
- Section 18A:71C-32 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71C-33 - Primary care practitioner loan redemption program established.
- Section 18A:71C-34 - Eligibility for participation in program.
- Section 18A:71C-35 - Ranking of State designated underserved areas.
- Section 18A:71C-36 - Entry into program; agreements.
- Section 18A:71C-36.1 - Performance standards for program participants.
- Section 18A:71C-37 - Redemption limits; service.
- Section 18A:71C-37.1 - Reimbursement payments for tax liability of participant.
- Section 18A:71C-38 - Probationary period.
- Section 18A:71C-39 - Matching of participants with areas.
- Section 18A:71C-40 - Selection of participants; priority.
- Section 18A:71C-41 - Nullification of agreement.
- Section 18A:71C-42 - Death or permanent disability of participant.
- Section 18A:71C-43 - Conviction of crime; gross negligence; breach of performance standards; failure to repay; penalties.
- Section 18A:71C-43.1 - False, misleading information, fourth degree crime.
- Section 18A:71C-44 - National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program participants ineligible.
- Section 18A:71C-46 - Recruitment.
- Section 18A:71C-46.1 - Availability of information.
- Section 18A:71C-47 - Federal funds.
- Section 18A:71C-48 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-49 - OB/GYN student loan expense reimbursement program.
- Section 18A:71C-50 - Short title.
- Section 18A:71C-51 - Findings, declarations relative to the Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program.
- Section 18A:71C-52 - Definitions relative to the Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program.
- Section 18A:71C-53 - Nursing Faculty Loan Redemption Program established.
- Section 18A:71C-54 - Eligibility for participation in program.
- Section 18A:71C-55 - Application to authority for loan redemption.
- Section 18A:71C-56 - Annual report on the program.
- Section 18A:71C-57 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-58 - Dedication of appropriated funds.
- Section 18A:71C-59 - Definitions relative to tuition reimbursement for certain psychiatrists.
- Section 18A:71C-60 - Tuition reimbursement for certain psychiatrists.
- Section 18A:71C-61 - Eligibility for program.
- Section 18A:71C-62 - Designation of underserved areas, list of available positions in State psychiatric hospitals.
- Section 18A:71C-63 - Contract for program participant.
- Section 18A:71C-64 - Performance standards.
- Section 18A:71C-65 - Ineligibility.
- Section 18A:71C-66 - Definitions relative to the STEM Loan Redemption Program.
- Section 18A:71C-67 - STEM Loan Redemption Program.
- Section 18A:71C-68 - Eligibility for participation.
- Section 18A:71C-69 - Selection of participants.
- Section 18A:71C-70 - Written contract between authority and participant; conditions for redemption of loan indebtedness.
- Section 18A:71C-71 - Conditions for nullification of agreement.
- Section 18A:71C-72 - False, misleading information supplied, fourth degree crime.
- Section 18A:71C-73 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:71C-74 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71C-75 - Loan redemption program for public school STEM teachers.
- Section 18A:71C-76 - Annual report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:71C-77 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:71C-78 - Tuition reimbursement program for certain STEM teachers in public schools.
- Section 18A:71C-79 - Eligibility for tuition reimbursement program.
- Section 18A:71C-80 - Adherence to performance standards.
- Section 18A:71C-81 - Annual report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:71C-82 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72A-1 - Preamble, purpose of chapter
- Section 18A:72A-2 - Short title
- Section 18A:72A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:72A-4 - "New Jersey educational facilities authority."
- Section 18A:72A-5 - Authority's powers.
- Section 18A:72A-5.1 - Prevailing wage rate for workers employed on projects with New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority involvement.
- Section 18A:72A-5.2 - Exercise of rights, powers or duties.
- Section 18A:72A-5.3 - Prevailing wage rules, regulations, adoption by New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority.
- Section 18A:72A-5.4 - Inapplicability of C.18A:72A-5.1 through C.18A:72A-5.3.
- Section 18A:72A-6 - Expenses of authority
- Section 18A:72A-7 - Issuance of notes authorized
- Section 18A:72A-8 - Issuance of negotiable bonds for corporate purpose.
- Section 18A:72A-9 - Bonds secured by trust agreement
- Section 18A:72A-10 - Bonds not liability of state or political subdivision
- Section 18A:72A-11 - Further powers of authority
- Section 18A:72A-11.1 - Refinancing outstanding mortgages of private lenders.
- Section 18A:72A-12 - Moneys of authority; trust funds
- Section 18A:72A-12.1 - Investment or reinvestment of funds
- Section 18A:72A-12.2 - Short title.
- Section 18A:72A-12.3 - Findings, declarations relative to county college capital projects fund.
- Section 18A:72A-12.4 - County college capital projects fund, established.
- Section 18A:72A-12.5 - Loan agreement to issue bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:72A-12.6 - "Dormitory Safety Trust Fund."
- Section 18A:72A-12.7 - Establishment of program to provide loans.
- Section 18A:72A-12.8 - Issuance of bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:72A-13 - Bondholders; enforcement of rights
- Section 18A:72A-14 - Refunding bonds; additional purposes
- Section 18A:72A-15 - Bonds as legal investments
- Section 18A:72A-16 - Chapter complete authority for issuance of bonds
- Section 18A:72A-17 - Power to mortgage
- Section 18A:72A-18 - Exemptions from taxes; bonds; property
- Section 18A:72A-19 - Restriction on alteration of powers
- Section 18A:72A-20 - Authority not subject to 18A:62-2
- Section 18A:72A-21 - Annual report and audit
- Section 18A:72A-22 - Contracts of property; conflicts of interest
- Section 18A:72A-23 - Comptroller of treasury; powers of examination
- Section 18A:72A-24 - Visitorial powers; Governor
- Section 18A:72A-25 - Services of state departments or agencies
- Section 18A:72A-26 - Powers and duties of treasurer; institutions under State jurisdiction.
- Section 18A:72A-27 - Additional powers of boards of governors, trustees.
- Section 18A:72A-27.1 - Powers and duties, revenue producing facilities.
- Section 18A:72A-27.2 - Powers of board of trustees
- Section 18A:72A-27.3 - Submission of proposed projects to the Legislature.
- Section 18A:72A-28 - Approval of plans, specifications and locations
- Section 18A:72A-29 - Lands, assets titled in name of State.
- Section 18A:72A-30 - Additional powers; private colleges
- Section 18A:72A-31 - Construction loans; terms
- Section 18A:72A-32 - Power of private colleges to mortgage
- Section 18A:72A-33 - Moneys; separate account
- Section 18A:72A-34 - Authority; construction, operation and management
- Section 18A:72A-35 - Private colleges; pledges
- Section 18A:72A-36 - Construction of chapter
- Section 18A:72A-37 - No liability or pledge of credit of state
- Section 18A:72A-38 - Powers supplemental and not derogatory
- Section 18A:72A-39 - Inconsistent laws inapplicable
- Section 18A:72A-40 - Short title
- Section 18A:72A-41 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 18A:72A-42 - Higher education equipment leasing fund; issuance of bonds.
- Section 18A:72A-43 - Allocation of moneys.
- Section 18A:72A-44 - Lease agreements to finance acquisition of higher education equipment
- Section 18A:72A-45 - Approval for lease agreements.
- Section 18A:72A-45.1 - JBOC approval required for lease agreement.
- Section 18A:72A-46 - Amount retained by State to satisfy deficiency
- Section 18A:72A-47 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:72A-48 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72A-49 - Short title
- Section 18A:72A-50 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:72A-51 - "Higher Education Facilities Trust Fund."
- Section 18A:72A-52 - Use of trust fund
- Section 18A:72A-53 - Allocation of initial grants.
- Section 18A:72A-54 - Application for grant.
- Section 18A:72A-55 - List of selection criteria.
- Section 18A:72A-56 - "Higher Education Facilities Trust Fund Board."
- Section 18A:72A-57 - Issuance of bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:72A-58 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72A-59 - Short title.
- Section 18A:72A-60 - Findings, declarations relative to higher education technology infrastructure.
- Section 18A:72A-61 - "Higher Education Technology Infrastructure Fund."
- Section 18A:72A-62 - Use of technology fund.
- Section 18A:72A-63 - Grant conditions, allocations.
- Section 18A:72A-64 - Application for grant, conditions.
- Section 18A:72A-64.1 - JBOC approval required for provision of grant funding.
- Section 18A:72A-65 - Issuance of bonds, notes.
- Section 18A:72A-66 - Agreements between authority and institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:72A-67 - Approval for entry into agreements.
- Section 18A:72A-68 - Financing of matching amounts.
- Section 18A:72A-69 - Criteria for approval, specific information in grant application.
- Section 18A:72A-70 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72A-71 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:72A-72 - Short title.
- Section 18A:72A-73 - Findings, declarations relative to facilities improvements at institutions of higher education.
- Section 18A:72A-74 - "Higher Education Capital Improvement Fund."
- Section 18A:72A-75 - Use of capital improvement fund.
- Section 18A:72A-76 - Allocation of fund.
- Section 18A:72A-77 - Application for grant.
- Section 18A:72A-78 - Issuance of bonds, notes, other obligations.
- Section 18A:72A-79 - Retention of amount to ensure repayment.
- Section 18A:72A-80 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72A-81 - Short title.
- Section 18A:72A-82 - Definitions relative to higher education partnership agreements.
- Section 18A:72A-83 - Higher education partnership agreements.
- Section 18A:72B-15 - Short title
- Section 18A:72B-16 - Legislative findings and determinations
- Section 18A:72B-17 - Definitions
- Section 18A:72B-18 - Payment to institutions; formula; distribution of funds
- Section 18A:72B-19 - Maintenance of funds; audit of records
- Section 18A:72B-20 - Suspension and recovery of funds
- Section 18A:72B-21 - Inapplicability of prohibition on disbursements to denominational schools
- Section 18A:72B-22 - Rules and policies
- Section 18A:72B-23 - Severability
- Section 18A:72B-24 - Reduction of distributions if funds insufficient
- Section 18A:72B-25 - "School" defined
- Section 18A:72B-26 - Contract for acceptance of New Jersey residents
- Section 18A:72B-27 - Eligibility
- Section 18A:72B-28 - Review of admissions procedures, records
- Section 18A:72B-29 - Financial assistance
- Section 18A:72B-30 - $11,000 per year per student
- Section 18A:72B-31 - Conditions
- Section 18A:72B-32 - Resident training program
- Section 18A:72C-1 - Creation; location
- Section 18A:72C-2 - Selection of scholars; tenure
- Section 18A:72C-3 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:72E-1 - Richard J. Hughes Chair for Constitutional and Public Law Service, creation
- Section 18A:72E-2 - Selection of scholar
- Section 18A:72E-3 - Support necessary for research conducted by holder of chair
- Section 18A:72E-4 - Inapplicability of prohibition of disbursements to denominational schools
- Section 18A:72F-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:72F-2 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 18A:72F-3 - Definitions relative to minority faculty advancement.
- Section 18A:72F-4 - Minority Faculty Advancement Program.
- Section 18A:72F-5 - Application procedure.
- Section 18A:72F-6 - Loan redemption.
- Section 18A:72F-7 - Faculty service requirements.
- Section 18A:72F-8 - Nullification of contract.
- Section 18A:72F-9 - Nullification of service obligation.
- Section 18A:72F-10 - Periodic evaluation.
- Section 18A:72F-11 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72F-13 - Funds budgeted for "Minority Faculty Advancement Program Act."
- Section 18A:72G-1 - Durant Chair
- Section 18A:72G-2 - Selection of scholar
- Section 18A:72G-3 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:72H-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:72H-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:72H-3 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:72H-4 - Higher Education Services for Visually Impaired, Auditorily and Learning Disabled Students Program
- Section 18A:72H-5 - Documentation required
- Section 18A:72H-6 - Duties of commission.
- Section 18A:72H-7 - Advisory board.
- Section 18A:72H-8 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:72H-9 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:72I-1 - Wallenberg professorship
- Section 18A:72I-2 - Selection by Rutgers
- Section 18A:72I-3 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:72J-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:72J-2 - Martin Luther King Physician-Dentist Scholarships.
- Section 18A:72J-3 - Annual scholarships
- Section 18A:72J-4 - Requirements
- Section 18A:72J-5 - Amount of scholarship
- Section 18A:72J-6 - Renewal
- Section 18A:72J-7 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:72K-1 - Chair in Women's Studies
- Section 18A:72K-2 - Selection of scholar
- Section 18A:72K-3 - Use of funds
- Section 18A:72L-1 - Millicent Fenwick Research Professorship in Education and Public Issues
- Section 18A:72L-2 - Monmouth College to select professor
- Section 18A:72M-1 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:72M-2 - Minority Undergraduate Fellowship Program.
- Section 18A:72M-3 - Procedures to select fellows in the program, advisor duties.
- Section 18A:72M-4 - Stipends.
- Section 18A:72M-5 - Evaluation of program.
- Section 18A:72M-6 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:72M-7 - Use of Minority Faculty Advancement Program funding.
- Section 18A:72N-1 - Senator Wynona Lipman Chair in Women's Political Leadership.
- Section 18A:72N-2 - Selection of scholar, practitioner to fill chair.
- Section 18A:72N-3 - Utilization of funds appropriated.
- Section 18A:72O-1 - Henry John Raimondo Chair in Urban Public Policy Research.
- Section 18A:72O-2 - Selection, responsibilities of person appointed to chair.
- Section 18A:72O-3 - Utilization of funds appropriated.
- Section 18A:72P-1 - New Jersey Advisory Council on Youth and Collegiate Affairs.
- Section 18A:72P-2 - Eligibility for public membership.
- Section 18A:72P-3 - Duties of the council.
- Section 18A:72P-4 - Report to Governor, Legislature.
- Section 18A:72P-5 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:73-20 - New Jersey State Museum under control of the Division of the State Museum.
- Section 18A:73-20.2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 18A:73-20.3 - New Jersey State Museum to collect Medals of Honor and related memorabilia
- Section 18A:73-21 - Preamble, purpose of article
- Section 18A:73-22 - Membership of New Jersey Historical Commission
- Section 18A:73-22.1 - Findings, declarations relative to support of activities in New Jersey history
- Section 18A:73-22.2 - Definitions relative to support of activities in New Jersey history
- Section 18A:73-22.3 - Establishment of programs
- Section 18A:73-22.4 - Establishment of fund, uses
- Section 18A:73-23 - Expenses of members; no compensation; vacancies
- Section 18A:73-24 - Organization
- Section 18A:73-25 - Advisory capacity to public and private agencies
- Section 18A:73-25.1 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 18A:73-25.2 - New Jersey Afro-American history program; establishment; purpose
- Section 18A:73-25.3 - Activities
- Section 18A:73-25.4 - Program director and other employees
- Section 18A:73-25.5 - Findings, declarations, determinations relative to recognition of historical, cultural sites with roadside markers.
- Section 18A:73-25.6 - Program to identify, propose sites of historical, cultural significance.
- Section 18A:73-25.7 - Application process; vendors; registry; notification program.
- Section 18A:73-25.8 - Duties, authority of commission.
- Section 18A:73-26 - Responsibility for administration of State Library.
- Section 18A:73-27 - State Library personnel.
- Section 18A:73-32 - State Librarian, qualifications.
- Section 18A:73-33 - Position of State Librarian established, duties.
- Section 18A:73-33.1 - Annual report.
- Section 18A:73-34 - Appointment of staff, compensation.
- Section 18A:73-35 - Duties of State Library.
- Section 18A:73-35a - Short title
- Section 18A:73-35b - Findings, declarations concerning a Statewide library network.
- Section 18A:73-35c - Definitions relative to the library network.
- Section 18A:73-35d - Additional duties concerning the network.
- Section 18A:73-35e - Cooperative services
- Section 18A:73-35f - State funding restriction.
- Section 18A:73-35g - Budget estimates.
- Section 18A:73-35g1 - Funding of library network.
- Section 18A:73-35h - Payments.
- Section 18A:73-35i - Rules, regulations.
- Section 18A:73-35j - Appropriations.
- Section 18A:73-35.1 - Purchases without advertisement for bids.
- Section 18A:73-36 - Publications from custodian of State House
- Section 18A:73-37 - Informative materials accessible to legislature
- Section 18A:73-38 - Hours of operation of State Library.
- Section 18A:73-38.1 - Certain buildings to remain State property, use of property.
- Section 18A:73-39 - Application, acceptance of grants, funds.
- Section 18A:73-40 - Designation of agency to carry out purpose of law.
- Section 18A:73-41 - Custody, use of federal funds.
- Section 18A:73-42.1 - Rules for administration of State Library.
- Section 18A:73-43 - Legislative joint committee; review of library and programs; recommendations
- Section 18A:73-43.1 - "Library," "library record" defined
- Section 18A:73-43.2 - Confidentiality; exceptions
- Section 18A:73-43.3 - Rules, regulations
- Section 18A:73-43.4 - Disbursement of funds appropriated for State Library to Thomas Edison State College.
- Section 18A:73-44 - Short title
- Section 18A:73-45 - Legislative findings and determinations
- Section 18A:73-46 - Encouragement of development of public and nonprofit museums
- Section 18A:73-47 - Agreements for cooperation and assistance by department and division
- Section 18A:73-48 - State museum defined
- Section 18A:74-1 - Short title
- Section 18A:74-2 - Definitions
- Section 18A:74-3 - State aid to libraries
- Section 18A:74-3.1 - Counties with libraries, apportionment of per capita aid
- Section 18A:74-3.2 - Distribution of State aid.
- Section 18A:74-3.3 - Distribution of funds for audiovisual services.
- Section 18A:74-3.4 - Services for institutionalized persons.
- Section 18A:74-4.1 - Provision of optical scanners.
- Section 18A:74-6 - Emergency aid; incentive grant.
- Section 18A:74-7 - Determination of appropriation.
- Section 18A:74-8 - Payment of State aid; date, method.
- Section 18A:74-9 - Application of benefits to library services
- Section 18A:74-10 - Compliance with regulations, standards.
- Section 18A:74-11 - Annual reports
- Section 18A:74-12 - Enforcement of law and regulations.
- Section 18A:74-13 - Appropriations, allocation.
- Section 18A:74-14 - Short title
- Section 18A:74-15 - Public policy
- Section 18A:74-16 - Definitions relative to library construction.
- Section 18A:74-17 - Administration of act.
- Section 18A:74-18 - Participation in grants.
- Section 18A:74-19 - Reimbursement for project costs.
- Section 18A:74-20 - Project costs eligible for grants.
- Section 18A:74-21 - Projects to be accessible, usable by persons with disabilities.
- Section 18A:74-22 - Credit to State for unused facilities, equipment, land.
- Section 18A:74-23 - Costs of administration and supervision of act; limitation
- Section 18A:74-24 - Definitions relative to public library project grant program
- Section 18A:74-25 - "Public Library Project Fund."
- Section 18A:74-26 - Public Library Construction Advisory Board.
- Section 18A:74-27 - Project costs eligible for grants.
- Section 18A:74-28 - Issuance of bonds, notes, other obligations; cap.
- Section 18A:75-1 - Compact; preamble
- Section 18A:75-2 - Article I. Purpose and policy
- Section 18A:75-3 - Article II. State defined
- Section 18A:75-4 - Article III. The commission
- Section 18A:75-5 - Article IV. Powers
- Section 18A:75-6 - Article V. Cooperation with federal government
- Section 18A:75-7 - Article VI. Committees
- Section 18A:75-8 - Article VII. Finance
- Section 18A:75-9 - Article VIII. Eligible parties; entry into and withdrawal
- Section 18A:75-10 - Article IX. Construction and severability
- Section 18A:75-11 - New Jersey members; appointment; compensation, etc.
- Section 18A:75-12 - Bylaws and amendments filed
- Section 18A:75A-1 - Short title.
- Section 18A:75A-2 - Purpose.
- Section 18A:75A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 18A:75A-4 - Applicability.
- Section 18A:75A-5 - Educational records and enrollment.
- Section 18A:75A-6 - Placement and attendance.
- Section 18A:75A-7 - Eligibility.
- Section 18A:75A-8 - Graduation.
- Section 18A:75A-9 - State coordination.
- Section 18A:75A-10 - Interstate Commission on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
- Section 18A:75A-11 - Powers and duties of the interstate commission.
- Section 18A:75A-12 - Organization and operation of the interstate commission.
- Section 18A:75A-13 - Rulemaking functions of the interstate commission.
- Section 18A:75A-14 - Oversight, enforcement, and dispute resolution.
- Section 18A:75A-15 - Financing of the interstate commission.
- Section 18A:75A-16 - Member states, effective date, and amendment.
- Section 18A:75A-17 - Withdrawal and dissolution.
- Section 18A:75A-18 - Severability and construction.
- Section 18A:75A-19 - Binding effect of compact and other laws.
- Section 18A:76-1 - Construction
- Section 18A:76-2 - Provisions severable
- Section 18A:76-3 - Repealers
- Section 18A:76-4 - Effective date
- Section 18A:3-5 - 1966, c. 302, article (C. 18:21A-34 to C. 18:21A-44 incl.)
- Section 18A:6-32 - 1943, c. 187 (C. 18:5-50.14 to C. 18:5-50.16 incl.)
- Section 18A:6-33 - 1944, c. 226 (C. 18:4A-1 to C. 18:4A-4 incl.)
- Section 18A:8-39 - R.S. 18:5-18
- Section 18A:8-40 - R.S. 18:5-19
- Section 18A:8-41 - 1947, c. 86, s. 29 (C. 18:5-17.29)
- Section 18A:24-4.1 - 1967, c. 75
- Section 18A:24-28.1 - 1964, c. 73, s. 8 (C. 18:5-84.2)
- Section 18A:24-62 - R.S. 18:7-84
- Section 18A:28-7 - 1957, c. 181, s. 4 (C. 18:14-64.1d)
- Section 18A:58-19 - 1954, c. 85, s. 18 (C. 18:10-29.47)
- Section 18A:65-9.1 - 1956, c. 61, s. 36 (C. 18:22-15.60)
- Section 18A:66-91 - 1955, c. 37, s. 3 (C. 18:13-112.5)
- Section 18A:66-92 - 1966, c. 66, s. 11 (C. 18:13-112.70f)
- Section 18A:66-93 - 1966, c. 66, s. 12 (C. 18:13-112.35a)
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