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2019 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Title 14A - Corporations, General
- Section 14A:1-1 - Short title; purposes; rules of construction; variation
- Section 14A:1-2.1 - Definitions.
- Section 14A:1-3 - Application of act
- Section 14A:1-4 - Reincorporation under this act by certain corporations organized under special acts
- Section 14A:1-5 - Reservation of power
- Section 14A:1-6 - Execution, filing and recording of documents
- Section 14A:1-7 - Repeal of prior acts
- Section 14A:1-8 - Notices.
- Section 14A:1-8.1 - Provision of certain notices by electronic transmission.
- Section 14A:1-9 - Certificates and certified copies.
- Section 14A:1-10 - Filing documents by telecopy
- Section 14A:1-11 - Preclearance of documents to be filed
- Section 14A:2-1 - Purposes
- Section 14A:2-2 - Corporate name of domestic or foreign corporations
- Section 14A:2-2c - Change of corporate name; existing corporations organized or authorized to transact business in state prior to effective date of act
- Section 14A:2-2.1 - Corporate alternate names
- Section 14A:2-2.2 - "Blind" or "handicapped" as part of corporate name
- Section 14A:2-3 - Reserved name.
- Section 14A:2-4 - Registered name
- Section 14A:2-5 - Renewal of registered name
- Section 14A:2-6 - Incorporators
- Section 14A:2-7 - Certificate of incorporation
- Section 14A:2-8 - Organization meeting of directors
- Section 14A:2-9 - By-laws; making and altering.
- Section 14A:2-10 - By-laws and other powers in emergency
- Section 14A:3-1 - General powers.
- Section 14A:3-2 - Ultra vires transactions
- Section 14A:3-3 - Guaranty not in furtherance of business interest
- Section 14A:3-4 - Contributions by corporations
- Section 14A:3-5 - Indemnification of directors, officers and employees.
- Section 14A:3-6.1 - Definitions relative to derivative proceedings and shareholder class actions.
- Section 14A:3-6.2 - Conditions for commencing, maintaining proceeding.
- Section 14A:3-6.3 - Actions taken before commencing proceeding.
- Section 14A:3-6.4 - Stay of proceeding.
- Section 14A:3-6.5 - Conditions for dismissal of proceeding.
- Section 14A:3-6.6 - Court's approval required.
- Section 14A:3-6.7 - Termination of derivative proceeding, shareholder class action.
- Section 14A:3-6.8 - Security for reasonable expenses.
- Section 14A:3-6.9 - Applicability.
- Section 14A:4-1 - Registered office and registered agent
- Section 14A:4-2 - Function of registered agent and office; service of process, notice or demand
- Section 14A:4-3 - Change of registered office or registered agent
- Section 14A:4-4 - Resignation of registered agent
- Section 14A:4-5 - Annual report to State Treasurer.
- Section 14A:4-6 - Complete address required
- Section 14A:5-1 - Place of shareholders' meetings.
- Section 14A:5-2 - Annual meeting of shareholders
- Section 14A:5-3 - Call of special meeting of shareholders
- Section 14A:5-4 - Notice of shareholders' meetings.
- Section 14A:5-5 - Waiver of notice or of lapse of time
- Section 14A:5-6 - Action by shareholders without a meeting.
- Section 14A:5-7 - Fixing record date
- Section 14A:5-8 - Voting list
- Section 14A:5-9 - Quorum of shareholders
- Section 14A:5-10 - Voting of shares
- Section 14A:5-11 - Votes required
- Section 14A:5-12 - Greater voting requirements
- Section 14A:5-13 - Shares owned or controlled by the corporation not voted or counted
- Section 14A:5-14 - Shares held by another corporation
- Section 14A:5-15 - Shares held by fiduciaries
- Section 14A:5-16 - Shares held jointly or as tenants in common
- Section 14A:5-17 - Voting of pledged stock
- Section 14A:5-18 - When redeemable shares no longer entitled to vote
- Section 14A:5-19 - Proxy voting.
- Section 14A:5-20 - Voting trust
- Section 14A:5-21 - Agreements as to voting; provision in certificate of incorporation as to control of directors
- Section 14A:5-22 - Infant shareholders and bondholders
- Section 14A:5-23 - Voting powers of bondholders; right to inspect
- Section 14A:5-24 - Elections of directors; cumulative voting.
- Section 14A:5-25 - Selection of inspectors
- Section 14A:5-26 - Duties of inspectors
- Section 14A:5-27 - Review of elections by superior court
- Section 14A:5-28 - Books and records; right of inspection.
- Section 14A:5-29 - Preemptive rights.
- Section 14A:5-30 - Liability of subscribers and shareholders
- Section 14A:5-31 - Establishment of procedures, conditions relative to certain proxy solicitation materials.
- Section 14A:6-1 - Board of Directors
- Section 14A:6-2 - Number of directors
- Section 14A:6-3 - Term of directors; resignation.
- Section 14A:6-4 - Classification of directors; restriction of right to choose directors
- Section 14A:6-5 - Vacancies and newly created directorships
- Section 14A:6-6 - Removal of directors
- Section 14A:6-7.1 - Directors' voting; quorum of board of directors and committees; action of board and committees; action of directors without a meeting.
- Section 14A:6-8 - Director conflicts of interest
- Section 14A:6-9 - Executive committee; other committees
- Section 14A:6-10 - Place and notice of directors' meetings
- Section 14A:6-11 - Loans to directors, officers or employees
- Section 14A:6-12 - Liability of directors in certain cases
- Section 14A:6-13 - Liability of directors; presumption of assent to action taken at a meeting
- Section 14A:6-14 - Liability of directors; reliance on records and reports
- Section 14A:6-15 - Officers
- Section 14A:6-16 - Removal and resignation of officers; filling of vacancies
- Section 14A:6-17 - Bonds; facsimile signatures and seals
- Section 14A:7-1 - Authorized shares
- Section 14A:7-2 - Issuance of shares in classes and series; board action
- Section 14A:7-3 - Subscription for shares.
- Section 14A:7-4 - Consideration for shares
- Section 14A:7-5 - Payment for shares; nonassessability
- Section 14A:7-6 - Redeemable shares
- Section 14A:7-7 - Share rights and options
- Section 14A:7-8.1 - Par value of shares and stated capital.
- Section 14A:7-9 - Convertible shares and bonds.
- Section 14A:7-10 - Expenses of organization, reorganization and financing
- Section 14A:7-11 - Certificates representing shares
- Section 14A:7-12 - Transfer of shares and restrictions on transfer
- Section 14A:7-13 - Issuance of fractional shares or scrip
- Section 14A:7-14.1 - Limitations on distributions to shareholders
- Section 14A:7-15 - Authority to pay dividends
- Section 14A:7-15.1 - Share dividends, share divisions and combinations
- Section 14A:7-16 - Acquisitions of a corporation's own shares
- Section 14A:7-18 - Cancellation of reacquired shares
- Section 14A:8-1 - Employee benefit plans.
- Section 14A:8-2.1 - Trust funds for employees; creation; maintenance and administration
- Section 14A:8-3.1 - Continuation of trust; law against perpetuities inapplicable
- Section 14A:9-1 - Amendment of certificate of incorporation
- Section 14A:9-2 - Procedure to amend certificate of incorporation
- Section 14A:9-3 - Class voting on amendments
- Section 14A:9-4 - Certificate of amendment
- Section 14A:9-5 - Restated certificate of incorporation
- Section 14A:9-6 - Abandonment of amendment or restated certificate
- Section 14A:10-1 - Procedure for merger
- Section 14A:10-2 - Procedure for consolidation
- Section 14A:10-3 - Approval by shareholders.
- Section 14A:10-4.1 - Certificate of merger or consolidation.
- Section 14A:10-5.1 - Merger of subsidiary corporation
- Section 14A:10-6 - Effect of merger or consolidation
- Section 14A:10-7 - Merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations
- Section 14A:10-8 - Abandonment of merger or consolidation
- Section 14A:10-9 - Acquisition of all the shares, or a class or series of shares, of a corporation
- Section 14A:10-10 - Sale or other disposition of assets in regular course of business and mortgage or pledge of assets
- Section 14A:10-11 - Sale or other disposition of assets other than in regular course of business
- Section 14A:10-12 - Shareholders' rights on other corporate acquisitions
- Section 14A:10-13 - Share exchange
- Section 14A:10-14 - Merger or consolidation of domestic corporation with other entities; manner.
- Section 14A:10A-1 - Short title
- Section 14A:10A-2 - Findings, declarations
- Section 14A:10A-3 - Definitions.
- Section 14A:10A-4 - Five-year restriction; exceptions.
- Section 14A:10A-5 - Permissible business combinations.
- Section 14A:10A-6 - Exemptions.
- Section 14A:11-1 - Right of shareholder to dissent.
- Section 14A:11-2 - Notice of dissent; demand for payment; endorsement of certificates
- Section 14A:11-3 - "Dissenting shareholder" defined; date for determination of fair value
- Section 14A:11-4 - Termination of right of shareholder to be paid the fair value of his shares
- Section 14A:11-5 - Rights of dissenting shareholder
- Section 14A:11-6 - Determination of fair value by agreement
- Section 14A:11-7 - Procedure on failure to agree upon fair value; commencement of action to determine fair value
- Section 14A:11-8 - Action to determine fair value; jurisdiction of court; appointment of appraiser
- Section 14A:11-9 - Judgment in action to determine fair value
- Section 14A:11-10 - Costs and expenses of action
- Section 14A:11-11 - Disposition of shares acquired by corporation
- Section 14A:12-1 - Methods of dissolution
- Section 14A:12-2 - Dissolution before commencing business
- Section 14A:12-3 - Dissolution without a meeting of shareholders
- Section 14A:12-4 - Dissolution pursuant to action of board and shareholders
- Section 14A:12-4.1 - Dissolution of corporations without assets
- Section 14A:12-5 - Dissolution pursuant to provision in certificate of incorporation
- Section 14A:12-5.1 - Dissolution upon expiration of period of duration
- Section 14A:12-6 - Dissolution in action brought by the Attorney General
- Section 14A:12-7 - Involuntary dissolution; other remedies
- Section 14A:12-8 - Effective time of dissolution
- Section 14A:12-9 - Effect of dissolution
- Section 14A:12-10 - Revocation of dissolution proceedings
- Section 14A:12-11 - Effect of revocation of dissolution
- Section 14A:12-12 - Notice to creditors; filing claims
- Section 14A:12-13 - Barring of claims of creditors
- Section 14A:12-13.1 - Creditors barred from suing shareholders of certain dissolved corporations
- Section 14A:12-14 - Disposition of rejected claims
- Section 14A:12-15 - Jurisdiction of the Superior Court
- Section 14A:12-16 - Distribution to shareholders
- Section 14A:12-17 - Disposition of unclaimed distributive shares
- Section 14A:12-18 - Judgment of dissolution; filing copy
- Section 14A:12-19 - Dissolution upon liquidation
- Section 14A:13-1 - Holding and conveying real estate
- Section 14A:13-2 - Application of act to foreign corporations
- Section 14A:13-3 - Admission of foreign corporation
- Section 14A:13-4 - Application for certificate of authority
- Section 14A:13-5 - Effect of certificate of authority
- Section 14A:13-6 - Amended certificate of authority
- Section 14A:13-7 - Change of name by foreign corporation
- Section 14A:13-8 - Withdrawal of foreign corporation
- Section 14A:13-9 - Termination of existence of foreign corporation
- Section 14A:13-10 - Revocation of certificate of authority; issuance of certificate of revocation
- Section 14A:13-11 - Transacting business without certificate of authority
- Section 14A:13-12 - Injunction against foreign corporation
- Section 14A:13-13 - Vesting of title to real property upon merger or consolidation of foreign corporations
- Section 14A:13-14 - Short title
- Section 14A:13-15 - Notice of business activities report; necessity; filing; activities or property maintenance covered
- Section 14A:13-16 - Exemptions
- Section 14A:13-17 - Definitions
- Section 14A:13-18 - Annual filing; due date
- Section 14A:13-19 - Forms; certification
- Section 14A:13-20 - Failure to file timely report
- Section 14A:13-21 - Application of state tax uniform procedure law to this act
- Section 14A:13-22 - Administration of act by director of division of taxation
- Section 14A:13-23 - Severability
- Section 14A:14-1 - Definitions
- Section 14A:14-2 - Jurisdiction of the superior court; appointment of receiver
- Section 14A:14-3 - Multiple receivers
- Section 14A:14-4 - Title to corporate property and franchises
- Section 14A:14-5 - Powers of receivers; general
- Section 14A:14-6 - Powers of receiver; contempt of court
- Section 14A:14-7 - Powers of receiver; sale of property free of encumbrances
- Section 14A:14-8 - Rights of debtors; setoff; counterclaim
- Section 14A:14-9 - Payment or delivery to corporation
- Section 14A:14-13 - Liens by legal process
- Section 14A:14-14 - Preferences
- Section 14A:14-15 - Notice to creditors
- Section 14A:14-16 - Claims; presentation; approval or rejection
- Section 14A:14-17 - Claims; jury trial
- Section 14A:14-18 - Review of receiver's actions
- Section 14A:14-19 - Discontinuance of receivership action
- Section 14A:14-20 - Allowances to receiver and others; costs and expenses
- Section 14A:14-21 - Distribution of assets; priorities
- Section 14A:14-22 - Judgment of dissolution
- Section 14A:14-23 - Reorganization under act of Congress; "plan of reorganization" defined
- Section 14A:14-24 - Reorganization under act of Congress; implementation of plan of reorganization
- Section 14A:14-25 - Reorganization under act of Congress; rights of certain shareholders
- Section 14A:14-26 - Reorganization under act of Congress; certificates
- Section 14A:14-27 - Reorganization under act of Congress; powers and duties of state instrumentalities
- Section 14A:15-2 - Filing fees of the State Treasurer.
- Section 14A:15-3 - Additional corporate filing fees
- Section 14A:16-1 - Construction
- Section 14A:16-2 - Acts saved from repeal
- Section 14A:16-3 - Acts repealed
- Section 14A:16-4 - Effective date
- Section 14A:17-1 - Legislative intent
- Section 14A:17-2 - Short title
- Section 14A:17-3 - Terms defined.
- Section 14A:17-4 - Application of act
- Section 14A:17-5 - Professional corporation and foreign professional legal corporation
- Section 14A:17-6 - Directors and officers
- Section 14A:17-7 - Rendering of professional service limited to licensed personnel; charges authorized
- Section 14A:17-8 - Professional relationship; personal liability; corporate liability
- Section 14A:17-9 - Limitations on corporate business activity
- Section 14A:17-10 - Who may own shares; voting trust; estate ownership
- Section 14A:17-11 - Disqualification to render service
- Section 14A:17-12 - Transfer of shares
- Section 14A:17-13 - Corporate existence; corporation to convert to business corporation; acquisition of shares of disqualified or deceased shareholder
- Section 14A:17-14 - Corporate name.
- Section 14A:17-15 - Applicable law; consolidation, merger; report, contents
- Section 14A:17-16 - Provisions severable; repealer
- Section 14A:17-17 - Construction
- Section 14A:17-18 - Repeal
- Section 14A:18-1 - Definitions relative to benefit corporations.
- Section 14A:18-2 - Formation of benefit corporation.
- Section 14A:18-3 - Certain corporations may become benefit corporations.
- Section 14A:18-4 - Termination of status as benefit corporation.
- Section 14A:18-5 - Purpose of benefit corporation.
- Section 14A:18-6 - Consideration of effects of action.
- Section 14A:18-7 - "Benefit director."
- Section 14A:18-8 - Actions of officers.
- Section 14A:18-9 - "Benefit officer."
- Section 14A:18-10 - Enforcement of duties of directors and officers.
- Section 14A:18-11 - Annual benefit report.
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