2018 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Chapter 8 - Date of accrual of cause of action
Section 59:8-6 - Claim forms; additional evidence and information; examinations
Section: 59:8-6: Claim forms; additional evidence and information; examinations
59:8-6. Claim forms; additional evidence and information; examinations. A public entity may by rule or regulation adopt forms specifying information to be contained in claims filed against it or its employee under this act. Such forms shall include the requirements of 59:8-4 of this act and may include such additional information or evidence as (1) written reports of a claimant's attending physicians or dentists setting forth the nature and extent of injury and treatment, any degree of temporary or permanent disability, the prognosis, period of hospitalization, and any diminished earning capacity; (2) a list of claimant's expert witnesses and any of their reports or statements relating to the claim; (3) itemized bills for medical, dental, and hospital expenses incurred, or itemized receipts of payment for such expenses; (4) documentary evidence showing amounts of income lost; (5) if future treatment is necessary, a statement of anticipated expenses for each treatment.
In addition, the claimant may be required to submit to a physical or mental examination by a physician employed by the public entity and a claimant may be required to permit a public entity to inspect all appropriate records relating to his claim for liability and damages including, but not limited to, income tax returns, hospital records, medical records and employment records.
The Attorney General is hereby authorized to issue rules and regulations on behalf of the State for the purpose of eliciting the types of information referred to in this section and for specifying any additional information which may be reasonably necessary for the administrative disposition of claims under this act.
L.1972, c.45, s.59:8-6; amended 1994,c.49,s.3.