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2017 New Jersey Revised Statutes
- Section 9:1-1 - Equal rights of parents to services and earnings of minor child; action for injuries to child
- Section 9:2-1 - Custody of children of parents divorced in another state or country; action in Superior Court; notice to persons interested; judgment; exclusion from hearing; records not open to public inspection
- Section 9:2-2 - Custody of children of divorced or separated parents within jurisdiction of Superior Court; removal from jurisdiction; consent; security
- Section 9:2-3 - Custody of children of parents living separately; powers of court
- Section 9:2-4 - Custody of child; rights of both parents considered.
- Section 9:2-4a - Best interest of child primary consideration.
- Section 9:2-4.1 - Person convicted of sexual assault, custody of, visitation to minor child; denied, exceptions.
- Section 9:2-4.2 - Parental access to children's records.
- Section 9:2-5 - Death of parent having custody; reversion of custody to surviving parent; appointment of guardian by superior court; removal
- Section 9:2-7 - Habeas corpus to determine custody of child; access to child
- Section 9:2-7.1 - Visitation rights for grandparents, siblings
- Section 9:2-7.2 - Concealment of child; preliminary hearing as to custody
- Section 9:2-9 - Unfit parents and custodians, court action to grant relief
- Section 9:2-10 - Order for proper care of child
- Section 9:2-11 - Commitment of child to child caring society; cost of proceedings; consent to adoption of child; support by relative
- Section 9:2-12.1 - Definitions relative to child custody, parenting time arrangements related to certain military service absences.
- Section 9:2-13 - Definitions.
- Section 9:2-14 - Surrender of child custody; validity
- Section 9:2-15 - Surrender or termination of rights of one parent; rights of other parent
- Section 9:2-16 - Voluntary surrender to approved agency
- Section 9:2-17 - Form of surrender
- Section 9:2-18 - Procedure to terminate parental rights
- Section 9:2-19 - Grounds for terminating custody.
- Section 9:2-20 - Judgment terminating rights; effect of judgment
- Section 9:2-21 - Effective date
- Section 9:3-37 - Liberal construction; rights of affected persons.
- Section 9:3-38 - Definitions.
- Section 9:3-39.1 - Offering, assisting in the placement of child for adoption, conditions.
- Section 9:3-39.2 - Provision of certain information.
- Section 9:3-39.3 - Request for certain information.
- Section 9:3-40 - Qualification of agencies for approval.
- Section 9:3-40.1 - Denial, suspension, revocation, refusal to renew agency's certificate on character requisites.
- Section 9:3-40.2 - Definitions relative to adoption agencies.
- Section 9:3-40.3 - Criminal history record background check for staff members of adoption agency.
- Section 9:3-40.4 - Request for criminal history record background check by agency.
- Section 9:3-40.5 - Disqualification of staff member for employment.
- Section 9:3-40.6 - Convincing evidence of rehabilitation.
- Section 9:3-40.7 - Immunity from liability relative to disclosure of information by agency.
- Section 9:3-40.8 - Child abuse record information check by agency.
- Section 9:3-40.9 - Agency established after effective date, request for child abuse record information check for all staff members.
- Section 9:3-40.10 - Adoption agencies located out-of-State.
- Section 9:3-40.11 - Regulations unaffected.
- Section 9:3-41 - Surrender of child
- Section 9:3-41.1 - Provision of available information on child's development to prospective parent.
- Section 9:3-42 - Jurisdiction in Chancery, venue
- Section 9:3-43 - Instituting adoption actions; qualifications
- Section 9:3-43.1 - Conditions for recognizing foreign adoptions, certain circumstances.
- Section 9:3-43.2 - Force of final judgment of adoption in a foreign jurisdiction, certain circumstances.
- Section 9:3-44 - Filing of complaint.
- Section 9:3-45 - Notice of complaint to parents.
- Section 9:3-45.1 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:3-45.2 - Resource family relative, parent, notice, right to be heard.
- Section 9:3-46 - Objection to adoption.
- Section 9:3-47 - Action on complaint for adoption of child received from approved agency.
- Section 9:3-48 - Action on complaint for adoption of child not received from approved agency.
- Section 9:3-49 - Age 10 or older, hearing appearance, child's wishes
- Section 9:3-50 - Entry of judgment of adoption, effect; inheritance rights
- Section 9:3-51 - Judgments of adoption; records.
- Section 9:3-52 - Court records of proceedings.
- Section 9:3-53 - Costs of proceedings
- Section 9:3-54.1 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:3-54.2 - Home study, fingerprint and criminal data.
- Section 9:3-55 - Report of prospective parents.
- Section 9:3-56 - Severability
- Section 9:3A-1 - Short title.
- Section 9:3A-2 - Findings, declarations relative to establishing Department of Children and Families.
- Section 9:3A-3 - Department of Children and Families established.
- Section 9:3A-4 - Definitions relative to Department of Children and Families.
- Section 9:3A-5 - Commissioner of Children and Families.
- Section 9:3A-6 - Designation of final decision maker for contested cases.
- Section 9-3A-7 - Responsibilities, duties of commissioner.
- Section 9:3A-7.1 - Regulations for implementing provisions of act establishing the department.
- Section 9:3A-7.2 - List of State-owned properties available for use as residential treatment facility for certain juveniles.
- Section 9:3A-7.3 - Rules, regulations prescribed by Commissioner of Children and Families concerning out-of-State placement for children.
- Section 9:3A-7.4 - Standardized admission protocols for transfer of child to psychiatric facility.
- Section 9:3A-7.5 - DCF rules, regulations.
- Section 9:3A-8 - Necessary investigations; powers.
- Section 9:3A-9 - Functions, powers, duties of Office of Children's Services transferred to department.
- Section 9:3A-10 - "Office of Children's Services" refers to Department of Children and Families.
- Section 9:3A-11 - Transfer of certain DHS staff to department.
- Section 9:3A-12 - Act subject to C.52:14D-1 et seq.
- Section 9:3A-13 - Inapplicability of act.
- Section 9:3A-14 - Criminal history record information check for certain employees.
- Section 9:3A-15 - "Mom2Mom Peer Support Program" helpline.
- Section 9:3A-16 - List of credentialed resources, behavioral health care providers.
- Section 9:3A-17 - Annual consultation.
- Section 9:6-1 - Abuse, abandonment, cruelty and neglect of child; what constitutes
- Section 9:6-1.1 - Treatment of ill children according to religious tenets of church
- Section 9:6-2 - "Parent" and "custodian" defined.
- Section 9:6-3 - Cruelty and neglect of children; crime of fourth degree; remedies
- Section 9:6-3.1 - Suspension; due process rights; remedial plan.
- Section 9:6-4 - Jurisdiction of complaints
- Section 9:6-5 - Complaints, who may prefer
- Section 9:6-6 - Disposition of fines, penalties and forfeitures
- Section 9:6-7 - Agents of societies commissioned as police officers and constables
- Section 9:6-8 - Warrants to enter place of supposed violation, arrest
- Section 9:6-8.8 - Health, safety, best interest of child paramount concern.
- Section 9:6-8.9 - "Abused child" defined
- Section 9:6-8.10 - Report of abuse.
- Section 9:6-8.10a - Records of child abuse reports; confidentiality; disclosure.
- Section 9:6-8.10b - Permitting or encouraging release of record or report; penalty
- Section 9:6-8.10c - Child abuse record information check on designated caretaker.
- Section 9:6-8.10d - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:6-8.10e - Check of child abuse registry for guardians.
- Section 9:6-8.10f - Check of abuse registry relative to individuals seeking employment.
- Section 9:6-8.11 - Actions to ensure safety of child; investigation; report.
- Section 9:6-8.12 - Emergency telephone services for child abuse and neglect calls.
- Section 9:6-8.13 - Immunity
- Section 9:6-8.14 - Violations including failure to make report; disorderly person
- Section 9:6-8.15 - Rules and regulations.
- Section 9:6-8.16 - Child taken to physician or hospital for treatment of serious physical injury; protective custody
- Section 9:6-8.17 - Report of action of taking protective custody of child.
- Section 9:6-8.18 - Division of Child Protection and Permanency, actions upon receipt of report.
- Section 9:6-8.19 - Notice to parents or guardian; visitation rights; limitation on period.
- Section 9:6-8.19a - Resource family parent, notice, opportunity to be heard.
- Section 9:6-8.20 - Physicians or directors of hospitals acting under this law; immunity from liability
- Section 9:6-8.21 - Definitions.
- Section 9:6-8.22 - Jurisdiction of Superior Court, Chancery Division, Family Part.
- Section 9:6-8.23 - Law guardian; appointment
- Section 9:6-8.24 - Jurisdiction.
- Section 9:6-8.25 - Transfer to and from the Superior Court
- Section 9:6-8.26 - Venue
- Section 9:6-8.27 - Temporary removal with consent.
- Section 9:6-8.28 - Preliminary order of court before preliminary hearing held.
- Section 9:6-8.29 - Removal of child without court order.
- Section 9:6-8.30 - Action by the division upon emergency removal.
- Section 9:6-8.31 - Preliminary orders after filing of complaint.
- Section 9:6-8.32 - Hearing to determine if child to be returned.
- Section 9:6-8.33 - Originating proceeding to determine abuse or neglect
- Section 9:6-8.34 - Persons who may originate proceedings
- Section 9:6-8.35 - Preliminary procedure.
- Section 9:6-8.36 - Admissibility of statements made during a preliminary conference
- Section 9:6-8.36a - Report to prosecutor of all instances of suspected child abuse, neglect.
- Section 9:6-8.37 - Issuance of summons
- Section 9:6-8.38 - Service of summons
- Section 9:6-8.39 - Issuance of warrant and reports
- Section 9:6-8.40 - Records involving abuse or neglect.
- Section 9:6-8.40a - Expungement of unfounded allegations.
- Section 9:6-8.41 - Required findings concerning notice
- Section 9:6-8.42 - Effect of absence of parent or guardian
- Section 9:6-8.43 - Notice of rights.
- Section 9:6-8.44 - Definition of "fact-finding hearing"
- Section 9:6-8.45 - Definition of "dispositional hearing"
- Section 9:6-8.46 - Evidence.
- Section 9:6-8.47 - Sequence of hearings
- Section 9:6-8.48 - Adjournments
- Section 9:6-8.49 - Priority to certain proceedings.
- Section 9:6-8.50 - Sustaining or dismissing complaint
- Section 9:6-8.51 - Disposition of adjudication
- Section 9:6-8.52 - Suspended judgment
- Section 9:6-8.53 - Release to custody of parent or guardian
- Section 9:6-8.54 - Placement of child
- Section 9:6-8.55 - Order of protection
- Section 9:6-8.56 - Probation supervision
- Section 9:6-8.57 - Abandoned child
- Section 9:6-8.58 - Provision for therapeutic services
- Section 9:6-8.58a - Substance abuse assessment of parent of placed child.
- Section 9:6-8.58b - Regulations.
- Section 9:6-8.59 - Staying, modifying, setting aside or vacating orders
- Section 9:6-8.60 - Petition to terminate placement
- Section 9:6-8.61 - Service of petition; answer
- Section 9:6-8.62 - Examination of petition and answer; hearing
- Section 9:6-8.63 - Orders on hearing
- Section 9:6-8.64 - Successive petitions
- Section 9:6-8.65 - Substitution for original placement
- Section 9:6-8.66 - Failure to comply with terms and conditions of suspended judgment
- Section 9:6-8.67 - Failure to comply with terms and conditions of probation
- Section 9:6-8.68 - Effect of running away from place of placement
- Section 9:6-8.69 - Release from responsibility under order of placement
- Section 9:6-8.70 - Appealable orders
- Section 9:6-8.71 - Appropriations
- Section 9:6-8.72 - Rules and regulations
- Section 9:6-8.72a - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:6-8.73 - Severability
- Section 9:6-8.74 - Short title
- Section 9:6-8.75 - "New Jersey Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect."
- Section 9:6-8.76 - Task force membership.
- Section 9:6-8.77 - Vacancies; compensation
- Section 9:6-8.78 - Providing staff.
- Section 9:6-8.79 - Task force's use of services and consultants
- Section 9:6-8.80 - Meetings; hearings
- Section 9:6-8.81 - Funds, solicitation, use
- Section 9:6-8.82 - Report
- Section 9:6-8.83 - Short title.
- Section 9:6-8.84 - Definitions relative to child abuse, neglect.
- Section 9:6-8.85 - Procedures for responding to reports of medical neglect.
- Section 9:6-8.86 - Pursuit of legal remedies for medical care.
- Section 9:6-8.87 - Exception to requirement to provide reasonable efforts to reunify child with parent.
- Section 9:6-8.88 - Child Fatality and Near Fatality Review Board.
- Section 9:6-8.89 - Membership, terms of board members.
- Section 9:6-8.90 - Duties of board.
- Section 9:6-8.91 - Determinations of board; composition of team; report.
- Section 9:6-8.92 - Confidential master file.
- Section 9:6-8.93 - Subpoena, review of records.
- Section 9:6-8.94 - Immunity from liability for civil damages.
- Section 9:6-8.95 - Solicitation of grants, other funds.
- Section 9:6-8.96 - Regulations by board.
- Section 9:6-8.97 - Citizen review panels.
- Section 9:6-8.98 - Rules, regulations by department.
- Section 9:6-8.99 - Regional diagnostic and treatment centers for child abuse and neglect established.
- Section 9:6-8.100 - Function of center, staffing.
- Section 9:6-8.101 - Purpose of center
- Section 9:6-8.102 - Services provided by staff of center.
- Section 9:6-8.103 - Safety of child undergoing treatment assured
- Section 9:6-8.104 - Establishment, maintenance of county-based multidisciplinary teams; "child advocacy center" defined.
- Section 9:6-8.106 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:6A-1 - Short title.
- Section 9:6-8.107 - Findings, declarations relative to child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams.
- Section 9:6-8.108 - Definitions relative to child advocacy centers and multidisciplinary teams.
- Section 9:6-8.109 - Child Advocacy Center-Multidisciplinary Team Advisory Board.
- Section 9:6-8.110 - Duties of board.
- Section 9:6-8.111 - Certification program; goal.
- Section 9:6-8.112 - "Child Advocacy Center-Multidisciplinary Team Fund."
- Section 9:6-8.113 - Distribution of grants.
- Section 9:6-8.114 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:6A-5 - Additional moneys.
- Section 9:6A-6 - Deduction of costs.
- Section 9:6A-10 - Definitions
- Section 9:6A-11 - County commissions encouraged.
- Section 9:6A-12 - $2,500 grants
- Section 9:6A-13 - Rules, regulations
- Section 9:6B-1 - Short title
- Section 9:6B-2 - Findings, declarations.
- Section 9:6B-3 - Definitions.
- Section 9:6B-4 - Child's rights
- Section 9:6B-5 - Public information.
- Section 9:6B-6 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:7-1 - Consent of Commissioner of Institutions and Agencies
- Section 9:7-2 - Indemnity bond; conditions
- Section 9:7-3 - Violation of s.s. 9:7-1 and 9:7-2; responsibility for care and maintenance of child
- Section 9:7-4 - Relative may bring child into state; immunity does not pass to others
- Section 9:7-5 - Recovery of penalty in bond
- Section 9:7-6 - Blanket consents and approvals; agreements; assignment of powers and duties
- Section 9:7-7 - Effective date
- Section 9:10-1 - Establishment and management
- Section 9:10-2 - Incorrigible, insubordinate and disorderly children and habitual truants
- Section 9:10-3 - Scope and purpose of school; personnel
- Section 9:10-4 - Superintendents of detention house or school in certain counties
- Section 9:10-5 - Records and reports
- Section 9:10-6 - Bonds
- Section 9:11-1 - Appointment of trustees; number; term; other offices; vacancies
- Section 9:11-2 - Organization and powers of trustees; contracts
- Section 9:11-3 - Acquisition of site; erection of building
- Section 9:11-4 - Master, matron, teachers and employees; rules
- Section 9:11-5 - Places of detention
- Section 9:11-6 - Payment for maintenance
- Section 9:11-7 - Moneys for county youth house; bonds
- Section 9:11-8 - Money provided annually
- Section 9:11-9 - Use of facilities by other counties and agencies by agreement
- Section 9:11-10 - Sale of real estate not needed for public use
- Section 9:12-1 - Commitment authorized; powers of board
- Section 9:12-2 - Temporary relief of needy child
- Section 9:12A-1 - Establishment of children's shelter; management; funds
- Section 9:12A-2 - Short title.
- Section 9:12A-3 - Findings, declarations relative to homeless youth.
- Section 9:12A-4 - Definitions relative to homeless youth.
- Section 9:12A-5 - Establishment, support of comprehensive program for homeless youth.
- Section 9:12A-6 - Street outreach program.
- Section 9:12A-7 - Basic center shelter program.
- Section 9:12A-8 - Transitional living program.
- Section 9:12A-9 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:13-7 - Expenditures for crippled children and children with cerebral palsy
- Section 9:13-8 - Funds; how raised
- Section 9:14A-1 - Report of deaf children under six years; care and treatment; notice to commissioner of education
- Section 9:14B-1 - County assistance
- Section 9:17-4 - Warrants directed to whom
- Section 9:17-5 - Reputed father out of county; serving warrant upon
- Section 9:17-6 - Bond to be taken; discharge thereon; proceedings when no bond is taken
- Section 9:17-38 - Short title
- Section 9:17-39 - Parent and child relationship defined
- Section 9:17-40 - Extent of parent and child relationship
- Section 9:17-41 - Establishment of parent-child relationship; termination of natural parental rights; action.
- Section 9:17-42 - Closed court; confidentiality of records
- Section 9:17-43 - Presumptions.
- Section 9:17-44 - Artificial insemination
- Section 9:17-45 - Action to determine existence of parent-child relationship.
- Section 9:17-46 - Jurisdiction
- Section 9:17-47 - Parties; guardian ad litem
- Section 9:17-48 - Consent conference; settlement; contested cases, testing; presumptions.
- Section 9:17-49 - Civil action under act; trial by court.
- Section 9:17-50 - Witnesses; compelling to testify; immunity; contempt; physician's testimony; admissibility of evidence
- Section 9:17-52 - Evidence relating to paternity
- Section 9:17-52.1 - Default order, effect
- Section 9:17-53 - Judgment, order of court, certificate of parentage, amendment of birth record; amount of support.
- Section 9:17-54 - Costs and fees
- Section 9:17-55 - Enforcing parties
- Section 9:17-56 - Continuing jurisdiction
- Section 9:17-57 - Parties
- Section 9:17-58 - Support agreement
- Section 9:17-59 - Amended birth record
- Section 9:17A-1 - Consent by minor to medical, surgical care
- Section 9:17A-1.1 - Short title
- Section 9:17A-1.2 - Findings relative to parental notification for abortion
- Section 9:17A-1.3 - Definitions relative to parental notification for abortion
- Section 9:17A-1.4 - Written notice of pending operation
- Section 9:17A-1.5 - Notice not required if parent already notified
- Section 9:17A-1.6 - Notice not required if abortion due to medical emergency
- Section 9:17A-1.7 - Waiver of parental notification by court proceedings
- Section 9:17A-1.8 - Fact sheet for distribution to unemancipated pregnant minors.
- Section 9:17A-1.9 - Entitlement to benefits unaffected
- Section 9:17A-1.10 - Violation; penalty
- Section 9:17A-1.11 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:17A-1.12 - Provisions of act severable
- Section 9:17A-2 - Written obligations by minor to repay loan received for higher education; enforcement
- Section 9:17A-3 - Institution of higher education defined
- Section 9:17A-4 - Consent by minor to treatment.
- Section 9:17A-4.1 - Admission to treatment programs not affected
- Section 9:17A-4.2 - Information provided relative to certain behavioral health provisions.
- Section 9:17A-4.3 - Construction.
- Section 9:17A-4.4 - Rules, regulations.
- Section 9:17A-5 - Informing spouse, parent, custodian or guardian of minor's treatment
- Section 9:17A-6 - Consent by person age 17 to donate blood, age 16 with parental consent.
- Section 9:17B-1 - Legislative findings
- Section 9:17B-2 - Status of 18 to 21-year-olds
- Section 9:17B-3 - Majority at 18.
- Section 9:17B-4 - Period of minority and age of majority; definition in testamentary disposition, will, deed, conveyance, trust or similar instrument
- Section 9:21-1 - Report on municipal conditions
- Section 9:21-2 - Municipal youth guidance commission
- Section 9:22-1 - Municipal youth guidance council
- Section 9:22-2 - Joint municipal youth guidance commission in contiguous municipalities
- Section 9:22-3 - Terms of members
- Section 9:22-4 - Annual organization; meetings
- Section 9:22-5 - Duties of guidance council
- Section 9:22-6 - Powers of guidance council
- Section 9:22-7 - Division of Community Services for Delinquency Prevention to advise guidance councils
- Section 9:22-8 - Adjustment committee of guidance council; plan of operation; records; reports
- Section 9:22-9 - Hearings
- Section 9:22-11 - Appropriations to municipal youth guidance council
- Section 9:22-12 - Effective date
- Section 9:23-1 - Interstate Compact on juveniles
- Section 9:23-1.1 - Authorization to execute amendment
- Section 9:23-1.2 - Return of nonresident juveniles charged with crime
- Section 9:23-2 - Appointment of compact administrator
- Section 9:23-3 - Supplementary agreements with other states
- Section 9:23-4 - Payment of financial obligations
- Section 9:23-5 - Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
- Section 9:23-6 - Designation of appropriate public authorities.
- Section 9:23-7 - Violation of compact, crime of the fourth degree
- Section 9:23-8 - State officers, agencies, entering into agreements with party states; permitted
- Section 9:23-9 - Governor designated executive head
- Section 9:23-10 - Provisions not applicable
- Section 9:23-11 - Financial responsibility for child placed in State
- Section 9:23-12 - Court to notify Compact Administrator of child brought into State
- Section 9:23-13 - Placement of children in foster homes, facilities in adjoining states; permitted
- Section 9:23-14 - Agreements between party states for visitation, inspection, supervision
- Section 9:23-15 - Temporary removal of child from a detrimental placement; permitted
- Section 9:23-16 - Adoption of regulations.
- Section 9:23-17 - Jurisdiction of courts not conferred by this act
- Section 9:23-18 - Authorization to enter into interstate compacts to enhance protection, permanency for children.
- Section 9:23B-1 - Interstate Compact for Juveniles.
- Section 9:23B-2 - Definitions.
- Section 9:23B-3 - Interstate Commission for Juveniles.
- Section 9:23B-4 - Powers and duties of the interstate commission.
- Section 9:23B-5 - Organization and operation of the interstate commission.
- Section 9:23B-6 - Rulemaking functions of the interstate commission.
- Section 9:23B-7 - Oversight, enforcement and dispute resolution by the interstate commission.
- Section 9:23B-8 - Finance.
- Section 9:23B-9 - The state council.
- Section 9:23B-10 - Compacting states, effective date and amendment.
- Section 9:23B-11 - Withdrawal, default, termination and judicial enforcement.
- Section 9:23B-12 - Severability and construction.
- Section 9:23B-13 - Binding effect of compact and other laws.
- Section 9:24-1 - Short title
- Section 9:24-2 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 9:24-3 - Liberal construction
- Section 9:24-4 - Definitions
- Section 9:24-5 - Grants for establishing and maintaining youth in community service corps; application; report and audit
- Section 9:24-6 - Rules and regulations
- Section 9:24-7 - Authority of commissioner
- Section 9:25-1 - Short title
- Section 9:25-2 - Legislative findings and declarations
- Section 9:25-3 - Definitions
- Section 9:25-4 - Creation; function; administrator; agreements
- Section 9:25-4.1 - Youth Corps supervisor, assistant
- Section 9:25-5 - Community service projects; agreements with sponsors; employment of corps; contents; duration of employment or assignment of disadvantaged youth; report; appropriations from municipality
- Section 9:25-6 - Eligibility for enrollment and continuance of membership in corps
- Section 9:25-7 - Reasonably remunerative stipends to members of corps on community service projects
- Section 9:25-9 - Rules and regulations
- Section 9:25-10 - Expenditure of existing funds by commissioner
- Section 9:25-11 - Receipt and expenditure of appropriations and other funds
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