2017 New Jersey Revised Statutes
Section 52:14B-23 - Administrative agency standards, statement relative to federal requirements
52:14B-23. Administrative agency standards, statement relative to federal requirements
2. On or after the effective date of this act, each administrative agency that adopts, readopts or amends any rule or regulation described in section 3 of this act shall, in addition to all the requirements imposed by existing law and regulation, include as part of the initial publication and all subsequent publications of such rule or regulation, a statement as to whether the rule or regulation in question contains any standards or requirements which exceed the standards or requirements imposed by federal law. Such statement shall include a discussion of the policy reasons and a cost-benefit analysis that supports the agency's decision to impose the standards or requirements and also supports the fact that the State standard or requirement to be imposed is achievable under current technology, notwithstanding the federal government's determination that lesser standards or requirements are appropriate.