2024 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 451 - Dead Bodies
NRS 451.587 - Nontransplant anatomical donation organizations: Certification; standards and guidelines; fee for application for issuance or renewal of certificate; duties of Division; penalty.
1. Each nontransplant anatomical donation organization that procures a human body or part in this State shall:
(a) Be certified by the Division;
(b) Follow the standards and guidelines established by the State Board of Health pursuant to subsection 2; and
(c) Report to the Division, in a manner and frequency prescribed by the State Board of Health, the number and disposition of human bodies or parts procured by the nontransplant anatomical donation organization.
2. The State Board of Health shall:
(a) Adopt regulations that establish standards and guidelines for nontransplant anatomical donation organizations which must be substantially based upon federal laws and regulations relating to the procurement of human bodies and parts, NRS 451.500 to 451.598, inclusive, and the best standards and practices in the industry; and
(b) Adopt any regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, including, without limitation, regulations that establish a fee for an application for the issuance or renewal of a certification as a nontransplant anatomical donation organization.
3. Before adopting or amending any regulation pursuant to subsection 2, the State Board of Health shall seek input from each procurement organization and nontransplant anatomical donation organization in this State.
4. The Division shall:
(a) Collect and analyze information from each nontransplant anatomical donation organization in this State on the number and disposition of human bodies and parts procured by the nontransplant anatomical donation organization and make such information available to the Governor and the Legislature upon request; and
(b) Monitor all nontransplant anatomical donation organizations in this State for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations.
5. A person who engages in the activity of a nontransplant anatomical donation organization without being certified by the Division pursuant to this section or who violates the standards and guidelines adopted by the State Board of Health pursuant to subsection 2 is guilty of a category C felony and shall be punished as provided in NRS 193.130, or by a fine of not more than $50,000, or by both fine and the punishment provided in NRS 193.130.
6. As used in this section:
(a) "Division" means the Division of Public and Behavioral Health of the Department of Health and Human Services.
(b) "Nontransplant anatomical donation organization" means a person who engages in the recovery, screening, testing, processing, storage or distribution of human bodies or parts for a purpose other than transplantation, including, without limitation, education, research or the advancement of medical, dental or mortuary science.
(Added to NRS by 2019, 2765)