2024 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 388 - System of Public Instruction
NRS 388.134 - Policy by governing bodies for provision of safe and respectful learning environment and policy for ethical, safe and secure use of computers; provision of training to governing bodies and school personnel; posting of policies on Internet website; annual review and update of policies.
Each governing body shall:
1. Adopt the policy prescribed pursuant to NRS 388.133 and the policy prescribed pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 389.520. The governing body may adopt an expanded policy for one or both of the policies if each expanded policy complies with the policy prescribed pursuant to NRS 388.133 or pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 389.520, as applicable.
2. Provide for the appropriate training of members of the governing body and all administrators, teachers and all other personnel employed by the governing body in accordance with the policies prescribed pursuant to NRS 388.133 and pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 389.520. For members of the governing body who have not previously served on the governing body or for employees of the school district or school who have not previously been employed by the district or school, the training required by this subsection must be provided within 180 days after the member begins his or her service or after the employee begins his or her employment, as applicable.
3. Post the policies adopted pursuant to subsection 1 on the Internet website maintained by the school district or school.
4. Ensure that the parents and legal guardians of pupils enrolled in the school district or school have sufficient information concerning the availability of the policies, including, without limitation, information that describes how to access the policies on the Internet website maintained by the school district or school. Upon the request of a parent or legal guardian, the school district or school shall provide the parent or legal guardian with a written copy of the policies.
5. Review the policies adopted pursuant to subsection 1 on an annual basis and update the policies if necessary. If the governing body updates the policies, the governing body must submit a copy of the updated policies to the Department within 30 days after the update.
(Added to NRS by 2005, 705; A 2009, 688; 2011, 2245; 2013, 2138; 2017, 4156)