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2024 Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 278 - Planning and Zoning
General Provisions Comprehensive Regional Policy Planning
Subdivision of Land: General Provisions
Findings and Declaration of Policy General Provisions
- NRS 278.010 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.0103 - "Aboveground utility" defined.
- NRS 278.0105 - "Affordable housing" defined.
- NRS 278.0107 - "Average residential density" defined.
- NRS 278.011 - "Building code" defined.
- NRS 278.0115 - "Building official" defined.
- NRS 278.012 - "Cities and counties" defined.
- NRS 278.0125 - "City surveyor" defined.
- NRS 278.013 - "Commission" and "planning commission" defined.
- NRS 278.0135 - "Common-interest community" defined.
- NRS 278.014 - "County surveyor" defined.
- NRS 278.0145 - "Final map" defined.
- NRS 278.0147 - "Gaming enterprise district" defined.
- NRS 278.015 - "Governing body" defined.
- NRS 278.0153 - "Historic neighborhood" defined.
- NRS 278.0155 - "Improvement" defined.
- NRS 278.0157 - "Infrastructure" and "public facilities" defined.
- NRS 278.016 - "Local ordinance" defined.
- NRS 278.0165 - "Lot" defined.
- NRS 278.0166 - "Military installation" defined.
- NRS 278.0167 - "Mobile home park" defined.
- NRS 278.017 - "Parcel map" defined.
- NRS 278.0172 - "Regional planning coalition" defined.
- NRS 278.0173 - "Renewable energy" defined.
- NRS 278.01735 - "Renewable energy generation project" defined.
- NRS 278.0174 - "Residential dwelling unit" defined.
- NRS 278.0175 - "Right-of-way" defined.
- NRS 278.0177 - "Rural preservation neighborhood" defined.
- NRS 278.018 - "Streets" defined.
- NRS 278.0185 - "Subdivider" defined.
- NRS 278.019 - "Tentative map" defined.
- NRS 278.01902 - "Tier one affordable housing" defined.
- NRS 278.01904 - "Tier three affordable housing" defined.
- NRS 278.01906 - "Tier two affordable housing" defined.
- NRS 278.0191 - "Undeveloped land" defined.
- NRS 278.0193 - "Used for residential purposes" defined.
- NRS 278.0195 - "Utility project" defined.
- NRS 278.020 - Regulation by governing bodies of improvement of land and location of structures for general welfare.
- NRS 278.0201 - Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Manner and contents; applicable ordinances, resolutions and regulations; restrictions on subsequent action by governing body.
- NRS 278.0203 - Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Approval by ordinance; recording.
- NRS 278.0205 - Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Amendment or cancellation; review of development by governing body; notice; approval of amendment; filing and recording of notice of cancellation or amendment.
- NRS 278.02053 - Agreements with governing body concerning development of land: Public hearing required before unilateral amendment or cancellation by governing body; notice required; waiver of complaint, protest or objection if not timely presented.
- NRS 278.0207 - Agreement with governing body concerning development of land: Recording of certified copy of ordinance adopting agreement.
- NRS 278.02073 - Building permit for residential or commercial project: Extension of period of validity when financing is not available and land is leased for renewable energy generation project.
- NRS 278.02075 - Authority to establish urban agriculture zone; conditions and limitations.
- NRS 278.02076 - Authority of governing body to designate historic neighborhood; requirements and procedure for designation of area as historic neighborhood.
- NRS 278.02077 - Prohibition against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use of system for obtaining wind energy; exceptions.
- NRS 278.0208 - Prohibition against prohibiting or unreasonably restricting use of system for obtaining solar energy.
- NRS 278.02081 - Mandatory consideration of certain standards and guidelines if governing body establishes committee or task force on sustainable energy.
- NRS 278.02083 - Prohibition against restricting right of owner to display United States flag on real property; limitations; recovery of attorney’s fees and costs in action for enforcement.
- NRS 278.02085 - Amateur radio: Limitations on restrictions on amateur service communications; limitations on regulation of station antenna structures; exception.
- NRS 278.0209 - Factory-built housing: Inclusion in definition of "single-family residence"; standards for safety and development; installation prohibited under certain circumstances.
- NRS 278.02095 - Manufactured homes: Inclusion in definition of "single-family residence"; governing body to adopt standards for placement outside mobile home park; surrender of certificate of title of certain manufactured homes to Housing Division; limitations.
- NRS 278.0211 - Standards and specifications relating to school buildings in certain counties to be consistent and developed in conjunction with school district.
- NRS 278.0213 - Obstruction of outdoor advertising structures by certain improvement projects: Required action by governing body; limitations on authorized actions; implementation and applicability of provisions.
- NRS 278.0215 - Nonconforming outdoor advertising structures: City or county to pay just compensation or authorize relocation if it requires removal or prohibits routine maintenance; exceptions; required removal of structure pursuant to amortization schedule prohibited; public hearing required in certain circumstances; appeal of amount of just compensation.
- NRS 278.0217 - Certain documents to be retained by governing body or other entity that causes notices of hearing to be provided.
- NRS 278.022 - Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Declaration of legislative intent.
- NRS 278.0221 - Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Definitions.
- NRS 278.0222 - Restriction of adult motion picture theaters and bookstores: Authority of commission and governing body.
- NRS 278.0226 - Preparation of annual plan for capital improvements; contents of plan.
- NRS 278.0228 - Governing body to develop and maintain water resource plan; contents of plan; decennial update of plan; exceptions.
- NRS 278.023 - Enactment of separate zoning and planning ordinances for specific parts of territories.
- NRS 278.0231 - Requirement to place street address or identifying number on exterior of certain buildings; notice of violation.
- NRS 278.02313 - Maintenance, reconstruction and repair of sidewalks: Circumstances under which governing body may compel action by owner of property.
- NRS 278.02315 - Inclusion of provisions for placement of recycling containers in plans for construction or major renovation of apartment complex or condominium.
- NRS 278.02317 - Governing body may not require dedication of real property as condition for issuance of building permit; exceptions.
- NRS 278.0232 - Closure or conversion of mobile home park: Report required to be filed with planning commission or governing body.
- NRS 278.02325 - Conversion of existing mobile home park into individually owned lots: Restrictions governing body, commission or board may not impose as condition of approval.
- NRS 278.02327 - Application for matter relating to land use planning required to be complete for acceptance by governing body; review for completeness; procedure for return of incomplete application; submission of corrected application; preliminary application process.
- NRS 278.02329 - List of applications relating to land use planning required to be published on Internet website by governing body; monthly updates; required information.
- NRS 278.0233 - Actions against agency: Conditions and limitations.
- NRS 278.0235 - Actions against agency: Commencement; memorandum of points and authorities; reply.
- NRS 278.0237 - Actions against agency: Defenses; attorney’s fees, court costs and interest; remedy cumulative.
- NRS 278.02373 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.02374 - "Halfway house for persons recovering from alcohol and other substance use disorders" defined.
- NRS 278.02375 - "Home for individual residential care" defined.
- NRS 278.023757 - "Recovery house for persons recovering from alcohol or other substance use disorders" defined.
- NRS 278.02376 - "Residential facility for groups" defined.
- NRS 278.02377 - Certain homes and facilities to be included in definition of "single-family residence" in city and county ordinances; exclusions.
- NRS 278.0239 - Supremacy of limits upon development established by certain special legislative acts.
- NRS 278.024 - Powers of Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.025 - Powers of regional planning agency created by interstate compact.
General Provisions Comprehensive Regional Policy Planning
- NRS 278.02521 - Legislative intent.
- NRS 278.02528 - Regional planning coalition authorized to develop comprehensive regional policy plan; contents; prerequisites to adoption and amendment of plan; designation of regional transportation commission to administer plan.
- NRS 278.02535 - Regional planning coalition: Study and development of incentives for certain types of development.
- NRS 278.02542 - Regional planning coalition: Powers; establishment of definition for term "project of regional significance."
- NRS 278.02549 - Governing bodies to submit plans to regional planning coalition for review under certain circumstances; certain public entities to ensure consistency of land use plans and decisions with any comprehensive regional policy plan.
- NRS 278.02556 - Governing body prohibited from adopting or amending certain plans under certain circumstances unless regional planning coalition afforded opportunity to make recommendations; exception.
- NRS 278.02563 - Regional planning coalition to annually prepare, adopt and submit budget to local governments in region.
- NRS 278.0257 - Regional planning coalition authorized to employ persons and contract for services to carry out certain duties.
- NRS 278.02577 - Authority of regional planning coalition relating to review of plans of public entities for conformance with comprehensive regional policy plan; grants to city or county.
- NRS 278.02584 - Regional planning coalition to consult with local air pollution control board and regional transportation commission for consistency of action and to carry out program of integrated, long-range planning; consideration of alternatives.
- NRS 278.02587 - Bus turnouts: Designation of locations for and funding of construction by regional transportation commission; construction pursuant to interlocal or cooperative agreement; technical advisory committee.
- NRS 278.02591 - Analysis by governing body of cost to construct infrastructure in undeveloped area: Establishment; contents; approval.
- NRS 278.02598 - Governing body authorized to negotiate master development agreements to carry out plan for infrastructure.
- NRS 278.026 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.0261 - Legislative findings and declaration.
- NRS 278.0262 - Regional planning commission: Creation; membership; chair; compensation; training.
- NRS 278.0263 - Regional planning commission: Request for assistance.
- NRS 278.02632 - Regional planning commission: Study and development of incentives for certain types of development.
- NRS 278.0264 - Governing board for regional planning: Creation; membership; chair; compensation; operational needs; capacity to sue and be sued; budget.
- NRS 278.0265 - Governing board for regional planning: Adoption of regulations; prescription of training for members of regional planning commission; fees for services provided; entry into cooperative agreements and interlocal agreements.
- NRS 278.0266 - Director of regional planning: Appointment; qualifications; powers and duties.
- NRS 278.0268 - Appointment of subcommittees and advisory committees.
- NRS 278.0272 - Development, review and amendment of regional plan; public hearings required.
- NRS 278.0274 - Contents of regional plan.
- NRS 278.0276 - Adoption of regional plan.
- NRS 278.0277 - Project of regional significance: Adoption of guidelines and procedures for review of proposal.
- NRS 278.0278 - Project of regional significance: Finding of conformance with adopted regional plan required before final approval and commencement of construction; appeal of determination to governing board.
- NRS 278.02784 - Joint planning area: Designation in regional plan; master plan required for area.
- NRS 278.02786 - Joint planning area: Procedure for recommendation and adoption of master plan.
- NRS 278.02788 - Adoption of master plan for sphere of influence; appeal of decision concerning use of land within sphere of influence.
- NRS 278.028 - Review and amendment of existing master plan, facilities plan or other similar plan; objection filed with regional planning commission; appeal of final determination to board.
- NRS 278.0282 - Review of proposed adoption or amendment of master plan, facilities plan or other similar plan; objection filed with regional planning commission; appeal of final determination to board.
- NRS 278.0284 - Conformity of local ordinances and regulations to master plan.
- NRS 278.0286 - Annual report by local planning commission; local government to file information relating to proposed actions concerning regional plan.
- NRS 278.0288 - Exempted region.
- NRS 278.029 - Facilities plan not required.
- NRS 278.030 - Creation by cities and counties; number of members.
- NRS 278.040 - Members: Appointment; qualifications; compensation and expenses; terms; removal; vacancies.
- NRS 278.050 - Meetings; rules; records; continuances.
- NRS 278.060 - Chair: Election; term.
- NRS 278.070 - Additional officers; employees; consultants.
- NRS 278.080 - Expenditures; operational needs.
- NRS 278.090 - Regional planning commission: Creation; selection of representatives.
- NRS 278.100 - Regional planning commission: Members; terms; membership on city or county planning commission not public office; compensation; removal; vacancies.
- NRS 278.110 - Regional planning commission: Chair; employees.
- NRS 278.120 - Regional planning commission: Appropriation of money for expenses.
- NRS 278.130 - Regional planning commission: Performance of duties and functions of city or county planning commission; regional or intergovernmental decisions.
- NRS 278.140 - Regional planning districts: Formation and functions.
- NRS 278.145 - Report of location of utility project.
- NRS 278.147 - Facilities for use, manufacture, processing, transfer or storage of explosives or certain other substances: Conditional use permit required; application for and issuance of conditional use permit.
- NRS 278.150 - Master plan: Preparation and adoption by planning commission; adoption by governing body of city or county.
- NRS 278.160 - Elements of master plan.
- NRS 278.165 - Development and adoption of aboveground utility plan.
- NRS 278.170 - Coordination of master plans; adoption of all or parts.
- NRS 278.180 - School sites: Commission to notify school boards of preparation of plans for community and public buildings.
- NRS 278.185 - Notice of plan for future construction of school.
- NRS 278.190 - Promotion of plans and regulations; consultations and advice; entry upon land; general powers.
- NRS 278.200 - Form of master plan.
- NRS 278.210 - Adoption of master plan and amendments by commission: Notice; hearing; neighborhood meeting; resolution; frequency of certain amendments; attested copies; certification by electronic means.
- NRS 278.220 - Adoption of master plan or part thereof by governing body; change to plan adopted by commission.
- NRS 278.225 - Governing body may establish by ordinance procedure for adopting minor amendments to master plan; public hearing and notice required before adoption of ordinance.
- NRS 278.230 - Governing body to put adopted master plan into effect.
- NRS 278.235 - Adoption of measures to maintain and develop affordable housing to carry out housing plan required in master plan; conditions under which governing body may reduce or subsidize certain fees; annual reports.
- NRS 278.237 - Governing body to submit annual report of housing elements required in master plan to certain state agencies and advisory committees; required information; Housing Division to compile and post annual reports on Internet website.
- NRS 278.240 - Approval required for certain dedications, closures, abandonments, construction or authorizations.
- NRS 278.243 - City or county authorized to represent own interests in certain matters if governing body has adopted master plan.
- NRS 278.246 - City or county authorized to enter into certain actions if governing body has adopted master plan.
- NRS 278.250 - Zoning districts and regulations.
- NRS 278.253 - Ordinance for zoning of tiny houses.
- NRS 278.260 - Determination, establishment, enforcement and amendment of zoning regulations, restrictions and boundaries: Procedure and prerequisites; notice and hearing; signs; additional fee for certain applications.
- NRS 278.262 - Hearing examiners: Power of governing body to appoint.
- NRS 278.263 - Hearing examiners: Compensation; qualifications; removal.
- NRS 278.264 - Hearing examiners: Rules of procedure.
- NRS 278.265 - Hearing examiners: Notice and hearing; duties and powers; final action on certain matters; appeal of final action.
- NRS 278.26503 - Establishment of procedures for issuance of permit or special use permit for construction of project.
- NRS 278.26506 - Petition for review of decision of planning commission or governing body by Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; judicial review; regulations.
- NRS 278.270 - Creation.
- NRS 278.280 - Members: Appointment; compensation; terms; removal; vacancies.
- NRS 278.290 - Meetings, rules and records.
- NRS 278.300 - Powers.
- NRS 278.310 - Appeals: Persons entitled to appeal to board of adjustment; procedure; appeals from decisions of board of adjustment; alternative procedure if board of adjustment has not been created.
- NRS 278.315 - Granting of variances, special and conditional use permits and other special exceptions by board of adjustment, planning commission or hearing examiner; appeal of decision.
- NRS 278.319 - Granting of minor deviations without hearing; appeal of decision.
Subdivision of Land: General Provisions
- NRS 278.320 - "Subdivision" defined; exemptions for certain land.
- NRS 278.325 - Mapping for industrial or commercial development; restriction on sale of parcel for residential use; requirements for creating boundary by conveyance.
- NRS 278.326 - Local ordinances governing improvements, mapping, accuracy, engineering and related subjects.
- NRS 278.327 - Approval of map does not preclude further division.
- NRS 278.328 - Final action by planning commission on tentative map and final map: Authorization; appeal.
- NRS 278.329 - Relief from requirement to dedicate certain easements.
- NRS 278.3295 - State Environmental Commission authorized to adopt regulations related to review of tentative and final maps of subdivision.
- NRS 278.330 - Preparation of tentative map; filing and distribution of copies; action by planning commission.
- NRS 278.335 - Review of tentative map by agencies of State; reviews and inspections by district board of health.
- NRS 278.3355 - Review of tentative map by supplier of water in county whose population is 700,000 or more.
- NRS 278.337 - Board of Wildlife Commissioners authorized to adopt regulations related to review of tentative map by Department of Wildlife; fees.
- NRS 278.340 - Review by city of tentative map of subdivision proposed to be located within 1 mile of boundary of city.
- NRS 278.345 - Review by county of tentative map of subdivision proposed to be located within 1 mile of boundary of unincorporated area of county.
- NRS 278.346 - Tentative map to be forwarded to school board; acquisition or disposal of school site.
- NRS 278.347 - Review of tentative map by general improvement district and supplier of water under certain circumstances.
- NRS 278.348 - Review of tentative map by irrigation district in county whose population is less than 100,000.
- NRS 278.3485 - Review of tentative map for subdivision of land containing irrigation ditch located outside irrigation district in county whose population is less than 100,000.
- NRS 278.349 - Action on tentative map by governing body; considerations in determining action on tentative map; final disposition.
- NRS 278.350 - Limitations on time for action on tentative or final map; effect of certain agreements extending time limits covering portion of approved tentative map.
- NRS 278.353 - Disclosure required when property offered for sale before final map recorded.
- NRS 278.360 - Requirements for presentation of final map or series of final maps; extensions of time.
- NRS 278.371 - Survey, setting of monuments and preparation of final map; performance bond.
- NRS 278.372 - Final map: Requirements and contents.
- NRS 278.373 - Certificates and acknowledgments to appear on final map.
- NRS 278.374 - Certificate of owner of land; report and guarantee of title company.
- NRS 278.375 - Certificate of professional land surveyor.
- NRS 278.376 - Certificate by county or city surveyor or by county or city engineer.
- NRS 278.3765 - Certificate by supplier of water.
- NRS 278.377 - Certificates of certain governmental entities required; appeal from adverse decision of Division of Environmental Protection; copies of certain certificates to be furnished to subdivider and purchaser.
- NRS 278.378 - Certificate by clerk of governing body, planning commission or other authorized person or agency; clerk to present final map to county recorder for recording.
- NRS 278.380 - Approval of final map: General requirements; acceptance of dedications; imposition and appeal of requirements for improvements and security.
- NRS 278.385 - Approval of final map: Submission of plans to install water meters.
- NRS 278.390 - Title to dedicated property passes when final map recorded; offer of dedication may remain open.
- NRS 278.450 - Fee for recording final map.
- NRS 278.460 - Requirements for recording final map; county recorder to provide copy of final map or access to digital final map to county assessor.
- NRS 278.461 - General requirements; exemptions.
- NRS 278.462 - Requirements which may be imposed by governing body.
- NRS 278.4625 - Minimum size of mobile home lot.
- NRS 278.463 - Survey required; exception.
- NRS 278.464 - Action on parcel map by planning commission, governing body or other authorized person or agency; waiver of requirement for map and survey; consideration of certain criteria authorized in determining approval of certain parcel maps; appeals; certificate of approval of parcel map.
- NRS 278.466 - Form and contents of parcel map; reference to parcel number and recording.
- NRS 278.467 - Preparation, recordation and contents of document which may be required if parcel map waived; statement indicating that property taxes have been paid; county recorder to provide copy of document or access to digital document to county assessor.
- NRS 278.468 - Duties of preparer of parcel map upon approval; duties of county recorder.
- NRS 278.469 - Map to indicate record of survey not in conflict with planning and zoning requirements.
- NRS 278.471 - Divisions of land subject to NRS 278.471 to 278.4725, inclusive; exemption.
- NRS 278.4713 - Preparation, contents and filing of tentative map; affidavit required.
- NRS 278.4715 - Waiver of requirement to file tentative map; designation of easements.
- NRS 278.472 - Final map: Filing; form and contents.
- NRS 278.4725 - Final map: Action by planning commission or governing body; appeal; procedures in event of disapproval; conditions for approval; filing; contents; fee for recording; county recorder to provide copy of final map or access to digital final map to county assessor.
- NRS 278.473 - Certificate of amendment to correct or amend recorded plat, survey or map if correction or amendment does not change location of survey monument, property line or boundary line: Request; preparation, contents and recordation.
- NRS 278.475 - Amended plat, survey or map to correct or amend recorded plat, survey or map if correction or amendment changes location of survey monument, property line or boundary line: Request; preparation and recordation.
- NRS 278.477 - Amendment of recorded plat, map or survey which changes location of survey monument, property line or boundary line: Procedures and requirements.
- NRS 278.478 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.4781 - "Landscaping" defined.
- NRS 278.4783 - "Public lighting" defined.
- NRS 278.4785 - "Security wall" defined.
- NRS 278.4787 - Assumption of maintenance by governing body.
- NRS 278.4789 - Provision through association for common-interest community; notice of failure to maintain; hearings; remedies of governing body.
- NRS 278.479 - "Contiguous" defined.
- NRS 278.480 - Vacation or abandonment of street or easement: Procedures, prerequisites and effect; appeal; reservation of certain easements; sale of vacated portion.
- NRS 278.490 - Reversion of maps and reversion of division of land to acreage: Procedure and requirements; exemption from certain requirements.
- NRS 278.4925 - Merger and resubdivision of land without reversion to acreage: Authority; procedure; delineation of remaining streets and easements; crediting of security.
- NRS 278.4955 - Requirements for submitting map of reversion.
- NRS 278.496 - Requirements for presenting map of reversion for recording.
- NRS 278.4965 - Map of reversion must include certificate of approval from appropriate person.
- NRS 278.497 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.4971 - "Apartment house" defined.
- NRS 278.4973 - "Mobile home" defined.
- NRS 278.4975 - "Mobile home lot" defined.
- NRS 278.4977 - "Residential dwelling unit" defined.
- NRS 278.4979 - Governing body may by ordinance require dedication of land for parks or playgrounds.
- NRS 278.498 - Ordinance requiring dedication: Conformity to or adoption of plan for recreation.
- NRS 278.4981 - Ordinance requiring dedication: Contents.
- NRS 278.4982 - Land dedicated for park or playground: Compensation of developer for excess; plan for development; time limited for development.
- NRS 278.4983 - Residential construction tax.
- NRS 278.4985 - Applicability to planned unit developments.
- NRS 278.4987 - Provisions for dedication and residential construction tax mutually exclusive; concurrent application prohibited.
- NRS 278.563 - "Construction committee" and "deed restriction" defined.
- NRS 278.564 - Construction committee: Establishment and operation pursuant to deed restrictions; officers of committee to file affidavit with building official on annual basis; required contents of affidavit.
- NRS 278.565 - Deed restrictions: Copy to be filed with tentative map and with building official and presented to prospective purchaser; recording of original copy.
- NRS 278.566 - Written report of construction committee required before building official may issue building permit; application for written report; exceptions.
- NRS 278.567 - Procedure when construction committee inoperative.
- NRS 278.568 - Applicability to preexisting subdivisions.
- NRS 278.569 - Reservation in map of right-of-way for existing irrigation ditch.
- NRS 278.5691 - Dedication of right to appropriate water: Prerequisites to supplier of water requiring dedication; prohibitions.
- NRS 278.5692 - Approval of adjustments to boundary lines by governing body.
- NRS 278.5693 - Requirements for adjustment of boundary line or transfer of land involving adjacent property.
- NRS 278.5695 - County recorder required to indicate on copy of plot, plat, map or survey that subsequent changes should be examined.
- NRS 278.5697 - Validity of electronic documents.
- NRS 278.570 - Building official: Purpose; appointment; compensation; certification and continuing education; employees; expenditures.
- NRS 278.573 - Statement of restrictions: Delivery to owner of residence who is issued permit for construction thereon; acknowledgment of receipt; text.
- NRS 278.575 - Program to allow independent contractors to review plans for and inspect buildings.
- NRS 278.577 - Certain cities and counties to require certification and continuing education for persons who act as building official, review plans or inspect structure or building or portion thereof; exception; application in smaller counties.
- NRS 278.580 - Building codes: Adoption; fees for permits; applicability to State and Nevada System of Higher Education; authorization of use of materials and technologies that conserve resources in construction and use of solar or wind energy; adoption of seismic provisions and standards.
- NRS 278.581 - Adoption, enforcement and application of construction and energy codes in county whose population is 100,000 or more.
- NRS 278.582 - Standards for plumbing fixtures and landscape irrigation fixtures in certain structures; certification; compliance with federal law.
- NRS 278.583 - National Electrical Code: Applicability; approval; modification.
- NRS 278.584 - Adoption of building code or ordinance requiring baby changing table in certain permanent buildings and facilities; applicability.
- NRS 278.5846 - Adoption of building code requiring certain public restrooms be made accessible to persons of any gender identity or expression; applicability.
- NRS 278.585 - Compliance with appropriate city or county building code.
- NRS 278.586 - Adoption of building code or other action by local government requiring installation of automatic fire sprinkler system in new residential dwelling units and other structures.
- NRS 278.587 - Duty of city or county building official to notify State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors concerning submission of incomplete or rejected plans.
- NRS 278.589 - Duty of city or county building official to notify State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design concerning submission of incomplete or rejected plans.
- NRS 278.590 - Unlawful sale or transfer of divided land; penalties; remedies.
- NRS 278.600 - Unlawful recording of map by recorder: Penalty.
- NRS 278.610 - Unlawful to erect, construct, reconstruct, alter or change use of structure without building permit; requirements for obtaining permit.
- NRS 278.630 - Violation of provisions concerning maps: County assessor to determine and report discrepancies and not place on tax roll or maps any land for which discrepancy exists; investigation; prosecution.
- NRS 278.640 - Applicability of NRS 278.640 to 278.675, inclusive.
- NRS 278.645 - Imposition by Governor of plans and zoning regulations in absence of local action; extension of time for local action.
- NRS 278.650 - Requirements of plans and zoning regulations; enforcement; hearings.
- NRS 278.655 - Purposes and goals of comprehensive physical planning.
- NRS 278.660 - Notice to Governor of proposed building construction.
- NRS 278.665 - Governor may contract for appropriate services.
- NRS 278.670 - Duration of plans and zoning regulations imposed by Governor.
- NRS 278.675 - Power of Governor to institute civil actions to remedy violations.
Findings and Declaration of Policy General Provisions
- NRS 278.782 - Definitions.
- NRS 278.784 - "Agency" defined.
- NRS 278.786 - "Governing body" defined.
- NRS 278.788 - "Planning commission" defined.
- NRS 278.790 - "Region" defined.
- NRS 278.791 - "Restricted gaming license" defined.
- NRS 278.792 - Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency: Creation; composition of governing body. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.] Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency: Creation; composition, appointment and interests of governing body. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.794 - Terms of office of members of governing body. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.] Terms of office of members of governing body; review of appointments. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.796 - Vacancies.
- NRS 278.798 - Expenses of members and agency.
- NRS 278.800 - Officers: Election; terms; vacancies.
- NRS 278.802 - Meetings.
- NRS 278.804 - Quorum; voting; rules of procedure.
- NRS 278.806 - Office; records; budget.
- NRS 278.808 - Advisory planning commission: Appointment; composition. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.] Advisory planning commission: Appointment; composition; terms; vacancies; quorum. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.810 - Executive Officer; staff; attorney.
- NRS 278.8111 - Regional plan: Adoption and review; contents. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8113 - Regional plan: Public hearings by planning commission in preparing plan and amendments; action by governing body. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8115 - Regional plan: Correlated elements. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8117 - Regional plan: Formulation, maintenance, realization and administration. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8119 - Maintenance and availability of data, maps and other information; assistance in exchanges of property. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.812 - Review of applications approved by local authorities. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8121 - Review and approval of public works. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8123 - Review and approval of proposals by Agency: Time limitations. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.8125 - Permitted and conforming uses.
- NRS 278.8127 - Exemption from and intendment of NRS 278.8125.
- NRS 278.813 - Ordinances, rules and regulations; general and regional standards. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.814 - Ordinances: Publication by title; copies transmitted to political subdivisions within region.
- NRS 278.816 - Enforcement of ordinances, rules, regulations and policies; jurisdiction of courts.
- NRS 278.818 - Violation of ordinance, rule or regulation: Penalty.
- NRS 278.820 - Fees for services of Agency. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.] Financial powers and duties of Agency. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.822 - Powers of local authorities subordinate to those of Agency.
- NRS 278.824 - Limitations on powers of Agency. [Effective until the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
- NRS 278.826 - Assumption of powers and duties by Agency. [Effective upon the proclamation by the Governor of this State of the withdrawal by the State of California from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact or of a finding by the Governor of this State that the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency has become unable to perform its duties or exercise its powers.]
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